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Dramatic population declines among species of pelagic shark as a result of overfishing have been reported, with some species now at a fraction of their historical biomass. Advanced telemetry techniques enable tracking of spatial dynamics and behaviour, providing fundamental information on habitat preferences of threatened species to aid conservation. We tracked movements of the highest pelagic fisheries by-catch species, the blue shark Prionace glauca, in the North-east Atlantic using pop-off satellite-linked archival tags to determine the degree of space use linked to habitat and to examine vertical niche. Overall, blue sharks moved south-west of tagging sites (English Channel; southern Portugal), exhibiting pronounced site fidelity correlated with localized productive frontal areas, with estimated space-use patterns being significantly different from that of random walks. Tracked female sharks displayed behavioural variability in diel depth preferences, both within and between individuals. Diel depth use ranged from normal DVM (nDVM; dawn descent, dusk ascent), to reverse DVM (rDVM; dawn ascent, dusk descent), to behavioural patterns where no diel differences were apparent. Results showed that blue sharks occupy some of the most productive marine zones for extended periods and structure diel activity patterns across multiple spatio-temporal scales in response to particular habitat types. In so doing, sharks occupied an extraordinarily broad vertical depth range for their size (1.0-2.0 m fork length), from the surface into the bathypelagic realm (max. dive depth, 1160 m). The space-use patterns of blue sharks indicated they spend much of the time in areas where pelagic longlining activities are often highest, and in depth zones where these fisheries particularly target other species, which could account for the rapid declines recently reported for blue sharks in many parts of the world's oceans. Our results provide habitat targets for blue shark conservation that may also be relevant to other pelagic species.  相似文献   

【目的】为了解洪潮江水库浮游细菌群落组成、空间分布及其与环境因子的相互作用关系。【方法】基于16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术,对洪潮江水库浮游细菌群落结构与多样性进行了分析,同步对水体的理化指标进行检测。【结果】洪潮江水库共注释浮游细菌28门79纲168目243科325属85种。优势门为变形菌门、放线菌门、蓝细菌门、疣微菌门、拟杆菌门、浮霉菌门,分别占比21.95%、21.30%、17.98%、12.27%、11.72%、9.51%。基于Bray-Curtis距离的PCoA分析表明,洪潮江水库9个采样点可以被分为3组,细菌群落呈现沿上下游梯度变化的趋势。perMANOVA检验显示,各组差异显著,但是各组的多样性指数没有显著性差异。Mantel分析表明,透明度、浊度、总磷、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮、叶绿素a、pH、溶解氧、氧化还原电位、比电导、总溶解固体以及营养状态会显著影响浮游细菌群落结构。【结论】洪潮江水库浮游细菌空间分布特征是自然环境理化因子和农业活动综合作用的结果。研究结果对了解浮游细菌群落空间格局及其对人类活动的响应,以及水库管理具有科学参考价值。  相似文献   

原产于北美的加拿大一枝黄花目前正在我国境内尤其是东部地区迅速扩散,对当地的社会经济、自然生态系统和生物多样性构成了严重威胁.应用GIS技术揭示了2005年浙江省加拿大一枝黄花发生面积和发生面积比例的空间分布格局,并结合回归统计方法,分析了该空间分布格局与人类活动的关系.结果表明:加拿大一枝黄花在浙江省的分布存在明显的空间异质性;进口货物总额与农业活动强度是解释加拿大一枝黄花发生面积变异的主要因子;境内公路里程是解释加拿大一枝黄花发生面积比例变异的主要因子.在大力发展经济的同时,不能忽视经济发展对生态环境产生的负面影响,如物种入侵.对于加拿大一枝黄花的防控,应加大对抛荒地和闲置地的复垦力度,从源头上控制其发生面积.  相似文献   

The results of the investigations of spatial and vertical distribution of Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus in the North Pacific Ocean conducted for many years are presented. In addition, the size distribution and features of biology of the species are studied. The largest abundance of the species is registered in the Bering Sea, western Gulf of Alaska, eastern Aleutian Islands, and Pacific waters of northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. The species is the most abundant near the bottom at the depth from 200 to 700 m and in the pelagic waters at a depth of 100–200 m. The average depths of the catches of Pacific sleeper shark substantially change over the year reaching minimum values in June and maximum values in December. Vertical daily migrations (to the water column at night and to the bottom during the day) are registered. The catches are represented by fish 26–352 cm in length, and sharks 100–200 cm in length prevail. The males are noticeably smaller than the females. In general, condition of the fishes decreases and feeding intensity increases with growth. Food composition substantially changes with the increase of body length: consumption of squids decreases and consumption of crustaceans, fishes, and fishery wastes increases. The food composition is slightly different in the females and males.  相似文献   

近17年新疆干旱时空分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静  张运  汪明秀  王芳  汤志  何好 《生态学报》2020,40(3):1077-1088
新疆是我国西北区重要的粮食和商品棉生产基地,受地理环境的影响,干旱频发,给社会经济及农业生产造成了巨大的损失。基于MODIS遥感数据和气象数据,估算温度植被干旱指数(Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index, TVDI),分析新疆2000—2016年干旱的年际、年内时空变化特征及其与气象因子的关系,结果表明:1)TVDI可以有效地描述新疆的干旱状况,适用于对该地区进行干旱监测;2)2000—2016年间新疆TVDI空间分布具有较强的地域分异性,呈现为天山山脉以北及昆仑山脉地区较湿润,塔里木盆地地区较干旱,新疆TVDI多年均值为0.751,整体上处于中旱状态。年内TVDI季节空间分布差异显著,不同季节的干旱程度大小为:夏季>春季>秋季>冬季;3)新疆各地州TVDI年内月变化整体上呈现为先增加后降低的趋势,最小值在1月(0.267),最大值在6月(0.930),在14个地州中,伊犁哈萨克、阿勒泰和博尔塔拉多年间基本处于无旱状态;4)17年间不同土地利用类型干旱程度表现为林地<草地<建筑用地<耕地,干旱类型转移的主要特点为无...  相似文献   

闫东锋  贺文  杨喜田 《应用生态学报》2020,31(11):3605-3613
采用地统计学方法,对栓皮栎纯林和栓皮栎-侧柏混交林2种林分类型灌木层植物物种多样性空间异质性及其与光环境的关系进行研究。结果表明:栓皮栎纯林灌木层植物Shannon(H)、Simpson(Ds)、Margalef(Ma)物种多样性指数均显著小于栓皮栎-侧柏混交林。栓皮栎纯林灌木层植物物种多样性指数的变程和空间自相关距离均大于栓皮栎-侧柏混交林,其空间均一性较差,空间依赖性较强。栓皮栎纯林灌木层植物H、Ds、Ma结构比为44.2%~49.7%,具有中等强度的空间自相关性;栓皮栎-侧柏混交林中H、Ds、Ma结构比为1.5%~3.3%,具有强烈的空间自相关性。栓皮栎纯林灌木层植物物种多样性指数的空间分布主要呈明显的条带状梯度变化,而栓皮栎-侧柏混交林则呈明显的斑块状梯度变化,说明栓皮栎混交林灌木层植物较栓皮栎纯林空间连续性差,空间变异更为显著。相关与逐步回归分析表明,对栓皮栎纯林和栓皮栎-侧柏混交林灌木层植物多样性影响最为显著的光环境指标分别是林下总光照和冠层开...  相似文献   

Lake Poyang, a Yangtze-connected lake that is the largest freshwater lake in China, was studied in summer from 2009 to 2012. The primary objective was to investigate the spatial variability of chlorophyll a (chl a) on a whole-lake scale and to identify the key factors affecting phytoplankton growth. Stepwise multiple linear regression and Spearman’s rank correlation analyses showed that the shade index is the major factor determining the spatial distribution of chl a; nutrients don’t explain much variation in chl a, except in the east. The relationships between shade index and chl a varied regionally. Chl a varied inversely with the variation of the shade index, especially in the north and south, reflecting light limitation. However, the correlation was positive in the east due to high chl a concentration negatively affecting light availability, which was promoted by sufficient nutrients. In the center, no factor was found to have an obvious effect on phytoplankton growth, most likely because of human activities and high heterogeneity. These new data on the spatial variability of chl a and its relationship with light availability in Lake Poyang will be crucial to understand chl a regulation and contribute to the knowledge regarding phytoplankton in the Yangtze Basin.  相似文献   

黄海中南部越冬鳀鱼空间分布及其与水温年际变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1986-2010年的底拖网调查数据和遥感海表温度,基于GIS技术,通过空间分析和相关性分析等方法,研究黄海中南部水域越冬鳀鱼空间分布的年际变化,并探讨其与水温变化的关系.结果表明:1986-2010年鳀鱼空间分布的年际变化明显,2004年其资源丰度下降至最低且向岸分布,2010年资源丰度有所回升并在东部水域集中分布,鳀鱼捕获站位、资源密度在经纬度方向上的分布集中区域年际变化明显;鳀鱼资源密度重心纬度与代表性等温线平均纬度的变化趋势相一致,表明水温变化影响越冬鳀鱼纬度方向上的分布,但其向岸分布趋势则由黄海暖流的年际变动决定;在影响鳀鱼分布的众多因子中,资源丰度变化主要受捕捞压力的影响,而空间上的变化主要由海水温度决定.  相似文献   

任辉  田恬  杨宇峰  王庆 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7729-7740
随着城市生态健康理念的提出,城市河涌生态健康也受到了前所未有的关注。为更好的了解河涌的水环境和浮游植物现状,于2015年3月至2016年2月对珠江口南沙河涌8个站位水环境和浮游植物群落结构进行调查。结果显示:共发现浮游植物164种(属),隶属7门73属,其中以绿藻种类最多,达33属79种,占48.17%;硅藻次之,17属41种,占25%。优势种为梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、假鱼腥藻属(Pseudanabaena sp.)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)。浮游植物细胞密度在0.19×10~6—101.34×10~6个/L内变动,呈现单峰型,在4月发生拟菱形弓形藻(Schroederia nitzschioides)水华,14涌密度高达87.38×10~6个/L,随后因强降雨细胞密度骤降。浮游植物群落的季节演替基本符合PEG(Plankton Ecology Group)模型,从冬季的硅藻,到春夏季的绿藻,再到秋季的蓝藻。One-way ANOVA分析显示,各月份浮游植物细胞密度差异显著(P0.01)。Pearson相关性分析表明绿藻细胞丰度变化主导着浮游植物总丰度的变化(r=0.454,P0.01)。运用Margalef物种丰富度指数、Shannon物种多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数对水体进行评价表明,调查水体呈中度污染。相关加权营养状态指数表明,河涌全年处于富营养化状态。浮游植物聚类分析表明,时间异质性较高,总体相似性较低;空间上相似性较高,人为活动可能是导致空间差异的关键因子。冗余分析显示,叶绿素a、溶解氧、盐度、水温、总氮和p H与浮游植物群落结构关系最为密切。p H对硅藻门浮游植物影响较大,碱性条件适宜直链藻生长,春季水华形成的驱动因子是盐度、温度和总氮。  相似文献   

东太湖鱼类群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于2019年4月、7月和10月的调查数据,用多元分析方法研究了围网拆除后东太湖鱼类群落结构的变化,及其与主要环境因子的关系。共调查到鱼类4目10科31属39种,其中鲤形目鱼类占69.23%。按不同生态类型东太湖鱼类主要为定居性鱼类、中上层鱼类以及肉食性和杂食性鱼类。优势种为鲫(Carassius auratus)、大鳍鱊(Acheilognathus macropterus)和(Hemiculter leucisculus)等。鱼类的种类数、渔获量、丰富度指数和多样性指数在监测月份间均差异显著(P<0.05),均为4月 > 7月 > 10月。鱼类个体呈现小型化,鱼类物种多样性处在一般水平。等级聚类分析(Cluster)结果表明,除10月份的1号点和3号点外,各样方间的相似度在46.75%以上。单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)和相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)也表明,4月和10月的鱼类群落物种组成差异显著,平均相异性为59.41%。丰度/生物量曲线(ABC)分析表明,东太湖鱼类群落结构处于中度干扰状态。冗余分析(RDA)表明,总磷对主要鱼类变化的解释量为21.0%,是重要的解释因子(蒙特卡罗检验P=0.036)。而总磷、pH、溶解氧等是目前影响东太湖鱼类群落的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

As a first step in the epidemiological study for CHD prevention among the Spanish population, the authors have analyzed two of the instruments for the assessment of the behavior pattern A (JAS and Bortner questionnaires). From a student sample (n = 302), a factor analysis of items and scales was made, relating pattern A scores to Eysenck's personality variables (EPQ). The importance of an accurate psychometric study of pattern A was emphasized, in order to select A subjects as specifically as possible.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal mats in forest soils have a wide global distribution and have been noted as potentially important elements in forest soil nutrient cycling. To elucidate the relationship between ectomycorrhizal mats and their environment, we undertook field studies and spatial analyses of mat distributions at different spatial scales.We used two experimental approaches to study mat-forming ectomycorrhizal fungi in coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest in the United States. In the first approach, ectomycorrhizal mats and other forest floor features were mapped in 2 × 10 m plots and digitized into a geographical information system (GIS) for spatial pattern analysis. In order to examine larger-scale phenomena, a second approach involving other sites was taken; soil cores were taken along 30-m transects, and distance to the closest living potential host tree was calculated for each core.Mat patterns were studied at two scales: (1) within-stand level (i.e. variability attributed to distribution of other mat species, forest floor attributes, and understory vegetation); and (2) stand level (i.e. variability expressed along a successional gradient). Mat distribution was influenced by: (1) the proximity of one mat to another; (2) the distance from the mat to the closest living tree; (3) the density of living trees in a stand; and (4) the successional stage of the stand.Although GIS analysis indicated that mats of different morphologies did not physically overlap, there was a tendency for clustering of mats. No apparent correlations were observed between forest floor features and mats located within the 2 × 10 m grids. On the scale of tens of meters, mats decreased with distance from the closest potential host tree. Spatial patterns of mat distributions in harvested sites suggest that these mats may persist at least 2 years after their host trees have been cut. For Gautieria mats, total mat area, size, and frequency differed with stand age.This study has demonstrated the importance of both spatial scaling and forest stand age when the natural distribution of mycorrhizal fungi is examined. Results suggest the need for mat research directed at higher-order scales (e.g. stand and watershed) that will provide accurate information for managing forests to ensure their survival and normal function. ei]J H Graham  相似文献   

杨林林  姜亚洲  程家骅 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1825-1833
依据1997-2000年在东海(26°00′-33°00′N、120°30′-128°00′E)进行的4个季节的底拖网调查资料,分析了该海区太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的时空分布特征,同时结合广义相加模型(GAM),量化分析了各环境因子对于其种群成熟度指数(PMI)空间分布的影响机制。结果表明:太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体春、夏、秋、冬4个季节在东海均有分布;秋季PMI值最高,春季最低;4个季节太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的分布范围均较广,主要集中在东海外海受台湾暖流和黑潮控制的水域。太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的环境适应性存在明显的季节差异:其分布的底温范围为:春季14.70-18.30℃、夏季13.18-20.91℃、秋季13.96-24.67℃、冬季14.33-19.75℃。底盐范围为:春季29.52-34.63、夏季31.57-34.27、秋季32.26-34.72、冬季34.25-34.70。水深范围为:春季55-179m,夏季43-176m、秋季40-184m、冬季79-152m。综上所述,东海太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的时空分布具有广范围、多季度的特点,这种分布特征可有效降低其幼体间的种间竞争,为确保其种群繁衍提供有利保障。  相似文献   

One hundred samples of tomato seeds were collected in 2011 and 2012 from tomato-cultivated fields in Saudi Arabia and screened for their seed-borne mycoflora. A total of 30 genera and 57 species of fungi were recovered from the collected seed samples using agar plate and deep-freezing blotter methods. The two methods differed as regards the frequency of recovered seed-borne fungi. Seven fungi among those recovered from tomato seeds, which are known as plant pathogens, were tested for their pathogenicity and transmission on tomato seedlings. The recovery rate of these pathogens gradually decreased from root up to the upper stem, and did not reach to the stem apex. The distribution of tomato seed-borne fungi was also investigated throughout Saudi Arabia. In this concern, Al-Madena governorate recorded the highest incidence of fungal flora associated with tomato seeds. The impact of meteorological variables on the distribution of tomato seed-borne mycoflora was explored using the ordination technique (canonical correspondence analysis). Among all climatic factors, relative humidity was the most influential variable in this regard. Our findings may provide a valuable contribution to our understanding of future global disease change and may be used also to predict disease occurrence and fungal transfer to new uninfected areas.  相似文献   

刘必林  陈新军  贾涛  李纲 《生态学报》2012,32(5):1654-1662
根据2009年7—8月在东热带太平洋哥斯达黎加外海(4°30’—10°24’N、91°20’—100°00’W)进行茎柔鱼探捕调查期间采集的表层浮游动物资料,对其种类组成、生物量及其分布进行了分析。结果表明,调查海域,鉴定出腔肠动物8目10科17属23种;甲壳动物8目30科43属74种;毛颚动物1目1科1属4种;尾索动物3目3科5属5种;环节动物为1目3科5属6种;软体动物1目1科3属3种;其他浮游动物有头足类的幼体、鱼卵和仔稚鱼以及浮游幼虫。调查海域总生物量和丰度的平均值分别为(124.78±176.83)mg/m3和(848±1219)个/m3,生物量较大的类群主要是甲壳动物的桡足类和毛颚动物的箭虫类其中桡足类的丰度(727个/m3)为最高,其次为箭虫类(373个/m3);出现频率较高的为桡足类、箭虫类、长尾类、头足类和鱼类仔稚鱼。  相似文献   

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