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Rooting in terminal shoot and lateral shoot cuttings from 10-year-old elite trees of Casuarina equisetifolia L. in different sex groups was achieved after 20 days when the basal ends of the cuttings were dipped for 3 h in 20 ppm indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Shoots derived from male plants rooted better than their female and monoecious counterparts, and the lateral shoots were more responsive to rooting than the terminal shoots. During rooting, the metabolic activities varied in both lateral shoot and terminal shoot cuttings derived from plants under different sex groups. Peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase activities were high during root initiation and showed a sharp decline thereafter. The polyphenoloxidase activity was higher in the lateral shoot than the terminal shoot cuttings. The rooted plantlets survived and established well in the field.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   

微域环境因子对落基山圆柏插穗生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以8年生落基山圆柏(Juniperus scopulorum)的嫩枝为试验材料, 采用不同扦插密度和基质等处理措施, 研究了微域环境因子对插穗生根的影响。结果表明, 两种不同扦插密度的生根部位、愈伤率、生根率、炼存率、生根效果指数(root effect index, REI)、离散度指数(rooting dispersion index, RDI)和分形特征均存在显著差异。综合分析生根率、炼存率、REIRDI等发现, 密插处理的效果好于稀插, 稀插处理的插穗生根能力较差, 生根性状离散度较大。密插处理的插穗的根系平均分形维数是稀插处理的1.24倍, 两者差异极显著(p < 0.01)。不同扦插密度下插穗的生根部位和生根机制不同: 插穗在密插处理下形成诱生根, 在稀插处理下形成原基根。不同的扦插密度造成了落基山圆柏微域环境的显著差异, 但同一密度下不同基质种类对微域环境因子的调控作用有限。密插处理下插穗的微域环境相对湿度较高(最高可达83.5%), 温度较低, 光合有效辐射较小。这些环境因子的差异导致密插处理下插穗的净光合速率(Pn)较高, 蒸腾速率(Tr)较低。在0-60天内, 密插和稀插处理的插穗的Pn均呈上升趋势, 并且二者相差的幅度随着试验时间的延长而迅速增大; 在60天以后, 二者均呈下降趋势, 相差幅度基本保持不变。密插处理下的Tr值在0-30天内基本保持不变, 而此时稀插处理下的Tr迅速增加。在30-60天内密插处理下的Tr快速增加, 60天时达到最大值, 但仍低于稀插处理。这些结果表明, 外部微域环境因子对插穗生根的影响是通过影响其内在生理指标来实现的, 插穗营养状况的差异是造成生根机制不同的主要原因。  相似文献   

Large scale propagation of three mangrove species, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomesand Intsia bijugausing cuttings and air layering was attempted. The effect of auxins and season on rooting potential of these mangrove species was recorded. Maximum rooting was recorded when the cuttings and air layers were treated with IBA alone up to 2500ppm in all the three species. October was found to be best followed by January for the plantation of cuttings and initiation of air layers. All the plants were hardened and field transferred into the mangrove forests of Pichavaram, Tamilnadu, India.  相似文献   

红树植物自然条件下生长于河口、海岸潮间带。受潮汐作用影响,红树植物在生理、形态、结构上对渍水环境产生了相应的适应机制。其中红树植物通气组织的发达程度与其耐淹水的能力具有很高的相关性,是衡量红树植物耐淹浸能力的重要依据。利用测定孔隙率和石蜡切片面积比两种方法揭示了华南地区5种红树植物优势种:白骨壤 (Avicennia marina)、红海榄 (Rhizophora stylosa)、木榄 (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、秋茄 (Kandelia candel)和桐花树 (Aegiceras corniculatum)在自然条件和人工生境下根通气组织的发育规律,并用石蜡切片研究了茎和叶的通气组织发育状况。结果表明:两种方法测得根的通气组织发育程度的结果相关性显著(P<0.05)。5种红树植物通气组织主要产生于根部,茎和叶发育较少,除了潮汐生境中白骨壤根的通气组织为根、茎、叶总和的48.16%、非潮汐生境中桐花树根为43.81%,其余树种根部通气组织占总体的50%以上。自然潮间带生境中,桐花树、木榄、白骨壤、秋茄、红海榄,通气组织分别为(14.98±3.34)%、(27.83±2.3)%、(29.64±3.17)%、(3009±4.12)%、(42.12±3.14)%,通气组织比例与其在潮间带上的分带性和演替序列较为吻合。非潮汐人工生境下,红海榄、木榄、秋茄、桐花树和白骨壤根部通气组织较自然生境下均有所增加,说明各树种对非潮汐淹浸条件具备一定的适应力。根据非潮汐生境下通气组织的比例可判定它们对恒定水位的适应能力依次为:桐花树>白骨壤>秋茄>木榄>红海榄。红树植物对非潮汐淹浸条件的适应有利于在沿海地区开展人工生境下红树林的栽培与推广应用,研究结果对提高栽培成活率,更大限度地发挥红树林的生态服务价值,具有重大的实践意义。  相似文献   

基质温度对三角梅插穗生根及其叶片光合作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了智能调控下18、20、25、30、33℃的5个基质温度处理对三角梅叶片光合作用及插穗生根的影响.结果表明:随着基质温度上升,三角梅插穗叶片净光合速率增加,18、20℃处理的净光合速率较低,两处理间未见显著性差异,但均显著地低于处理间未见明显差异的25、30、33℃处理.随着基质温度上升,叶片蒸腾速率、气孔导度及胞...  相似文献   

木质化程度对兔眼蓝浆果不同品种插条扦插生根的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在常规扦插条件下,兔眼蓝浆果(Vaccinium ashei Reade)的‘园蓝'('Gardenblue')、‘梯芙蓝'('Tifblue')、‘顶峰'(‘Climax')和‘杰兔'(‘Premier')等4个品种的硬枝插条均不能生根;而春季3月份开始在全光照间歇弥雾条件下扦插6个月后,上述各品种的硬枝插条的生根率分别达到84%、52%、62%和79%. 在全光照间歇弥雾条件下,未木质化的绿枝插条也未能生根;木质化程度不同的绿枝插条均能生根,品种间生根率差异显著,‘园蓝'和‘杰兔' 的生根率显著高于‘梯芙蓝'和‘顶峰';各品种内木质化程度不同的绿枝插条之间的生根率差异显著,木质化程度越低,生根率越高.木质化程度不同的插条还在生根部位、生根数量、插条萌芽和插条基部腐烂等方面存在差异.  相似文献   

A time course study of changes in the pattern of peroxidase isoenzymes shows that two new isoenzymes a and b appeared in hypocotyl cuttings in  相似文献   

Extracts of cold stored chestnut cuttings ( Castanea sativa Mill.) were examined for the inhibitory effect on the stimulation of rooting by 1AA which has been detected previously in extracts from freshly collected cuttings. The extracts were fractionated by paper chromatography and the different zones of the chromatograms were bioassayed together with 1AA by the bean rooting test. The bean rooting test showed that the inhibitory effect decreased with the length of cold storage period, so that after 5 months of storage, the inhibitory effect had disappeared, and a root promoting zone was found on the chromatograms. A comparative study of phenolics in this zone, before and after cold storage, revealed the formation of vanillyl and salicyl alcohols in the chilled material. Vanillyl and salicyl alcohols are rooting stimulators and increase the effect of 1AA on rooting in bean cuttings.  相似文献   

湖南会同5个亚热带树种的细根构型及功能特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
细根(直径2mm)具有复杂的分枝系统,不同树种间的细根在空间分布、形态和大小上有较大差异,研究不同树种的细根构型及不同根序的养分特征,对认识不同树种的细根形态和化学成分的变异格局,及其对树种地下生态位分离(niche segregation)、共存和森林生态系统功能过程的影响有着重要意义。在湖南会同林区选择青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)、枫香(Liquidanbar formosana)、拟赤杨(Alniphyllum fortunei)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)等5个亚热带树种,用挖掘法采集完整的细根根系,按照Pregitzer细根分级方法对细根分级,用Win-RHIZO根系测定系统对细根构型的参数进行测定,同时测定各级根系的C、N含量,以探讨各树种各级细根的功能特征,揭示不同树种细根构型与养分策略之间的关系。结果表明:5个亚热带树种细根1级根比根长、比表面积最高,直径最细;3级根比根长、比表面积最低,直径最粗。不同树种之间细根形态特征和构型也表现出差异性:枫香的1级根序比根长最大,为31.45m·g-1,杉木的最小,为16.34m·g-1,枫香和杉木之间差异显著。马尾松的1、2级根序的比表面积最大,杉木的1级根序的比表面积最小,青冈2级根序的比表面积最小,3级根序比表面积杉木最大,青冈最小。不同树种之间的细根直径差异达到极显著水平,各根序的平均直径以杉木的最大,拟赤杨的最小。5个树种细根根尖密度大小顺序为马尾松青冈枫香杉木拟赤杨,各树种细根分叉数以拟赤杨和马尾松的较高,杉木最低。除杉木和枫香外,5个树种细根C含量均呈现出随着根序上升而增加的趋势,C/N比也随根序的上升而增加,而细根N含量呈现出随着根序上升而明显下降的趋势。细根平均C含量以杉木的最高,拟赤杨的最低,马尾松、青冈与枫香之间的差异不显著。细根平均N含量以拟赤杨的最高,马尾松的最低。C/N比以马尾松的最高,拟赤杨的最低。5个树种中,马尾松的外生菌根有很强的拓展能力,因此能显著地增强植物根系的养分、水分吸收能力,即使在贫瘠和干旱的土壤环境中,也能有效地利用有限的养分和水分,促进个体生长。而杉木细根吸收养分和水分的效率及能力最小。  相似文献   

在3月5日至9月5日期间,以蝟实( Kolkwitzia amabilis Graebn.)顶端枝条作为插穗,每隔10 d扦插1次,对扦插10 d后插穗的生根率,内源吲哚乙酸( IAA)、脱落酸( ABA)和赤霉素( GA3)含量,超氧化物歧化酶( SOD)、过氧化物酶( POD)和过氧化氢酶( CAT)活性以及可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量进行比较,对生根率与上述8项指标进行相关性分析和回归分析,并对这8项指标进行主成分分析;在此基础上,对不同扦插时间插穗的生根效应进行隶属函数值分析和综合评价。结果显示:随扦插时间推移,蝟实插穗的生根率总体上呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,5月下旬至7月中旬期间扦插的插穗生根率相对较高,并以6月中旬至7月中旬期间扦插的插穗为最高,总体在70%以上。随扦插时间推移,插穗中IAA和可溶性糖含量均呈波动变化趋势;而插穗中的ABA含量、POD活性和可溶性蛋白质含量总体呈先逐渐升高后逐渐降低的趋势,GA3含量和CAT活性变化不明显,SOD活性总体上呈缓慢升高的趋势。相关性分析结果表明:蝟实插穗的生根率与IAA含量、POD活性和可溶性蛋白质含量呈极显著(P<0.01)正相关,与CAT活性呈极显著负相关。主成分分析结果显示:前2个主成分的累计贡献率为84.383%,说明前2个主成分能够基本反映蝟实扦插生根的主要影响因子,其中第1主成分中可溶性蛋白质和IAA含量为主要因子,第2主成分中CAT活性为主要因子。综合评价结果显示:5月下旬至7月中旬期间扦插的蝟实插穗的综合评价指数(D)较高,为0.747~0.983,与插穗生根率的实测值基本吻合。研究结果表明:在中国西北地区,蝟实插穗的适宜扦插时间为5月下旬至7月中旬,并以6月中旬至7月中旬为最佳;扦插过程中喷施适当浓度IAA溶液可以提高插穗的生根率。  相似文献   

两种相手蟹对不同红树植物叶片取食的偏好性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李旭林  彭逸生  万如  伍卡兰  陈桂珠 《生态学报》2010,30(14):3752-3759
大型底栖动物是红树林生态系统中重要的消费者,在红树林的营养物质转化和能量传递过程中具有重要作用。通过设置室内模拟饲喂实验,研究了华南沿海红树林大型底栖动物的常见种--无齿相手蟹(Sesarma dehaani)和双齿相手蟹(S.bidens)对外来红树植物无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和乡土红树植物秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)凋落叶片的取食特性。结果表明,随着淋溶作用的进行,各树种叶片中单宁含量和C/N均逐渐降低,两个数值的变化幅度以秋茄叶片最大,分别达(45.85±7.74)g·kg-1和11.24%,无瓣海桑为(45.15±11.14)g·kg-1和2.43%,桐花树则为(18.75±15.15)g·kg-1和-1.36%。随着叶片中单宁含量和C/N的降低,两种相手蟹的取食量相应地呈逐渐上升的趋势,双齿相手蟹从3.097g到10.079g和无齿相手蟹则从2.480g到8.723g。两种相手蟹种间的取食特性差异不显著(P0.05),但对不同树种的取食上却存在显著差异,其中对桐花树的取食偏好性显著差于无瓣海桑和秋茄(P0.01),这主要与桐花树叶片的高单宁含量和低营养价值有关。研究结论说明大面积引种外来物种无瓣海桑将可能对华南沿海红树林生态系统的食物链结构产生潜在影响,并为红树林的生态恢复和科学造林提供了参考。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of different leaf areas on the rooting of Terminalia spinosa Engl. cuttings in an non-mist propagation system in glasshouses at Edinburgh was investigated by trimming the leaves to 0, 7.5, 15 and 30 cm2 before cuttings were severed from stockplants. Cuttings were taken to a standard length of 5 cm from the lateral shoots of previously pruned stockplants grown in a tropicalised glasshouse. During the rooting period, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, water potential and relative water content of the cuttings were assessed at regular intervals. It was found that (i) removal of the entire leaf area prevented rooting; (ii) cuttings with a 7.5 cm2, 15 cm2 and 30 cm2 leaf all achieved 80% rooting after 3 weeks; (iii) an increase in leaf area from 7.5 cm2 to 30 cm2 increased the rate of rooting and the length of the longest root after 2 weeks, but also increased the number of original leaves abscised after 6 weeks; and (iv) the greatest number of new leaves were produced by cuttings with 7.5 cm2 and 15 cm2 leaf area per cutting. All leafy cuttings actively photosynthesized during the propagation period, with a mean rate of 2 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 with an irradiance of 100 mol m-2 s-1. Cuttings with 30 cm2 leaf area had lower relative water contents, lower stomatal conductances and lower photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area than those with a 7.5 cm2 and 15 cm2 leaf. It was concluded that T. spinosa cuttings are easy to root, provided the cuttings have leaves to produce current assimilates.A member of the Edinburgh Centre for Tropical Forests  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) from Cu-deficient pea plants ( Pisum sativum L., cv. Lincoln) has been investigated for electron transport activity, Cu content, and changes in some lipid components. Total fatty acid content was lower that in control plants, with an additional shift in the C18 fatty acid patterns. Less α-linolenic and more linoleic and oleic acids were found. PSII preparations from Cu-depleted plants showed a decreased carotenoid content in light harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex of photosystem II (LHCII) and additional variations in pigment composition of pigment-protein complexes. In the green alga Dunaliella the effect of Cu deficiency on fatty acid composition was similar to that in pea plants, but the influence on the carotenoid pattern was much less pronounced.  相似文献   

Free and ester-bound IAA were determined in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. 'Yellow Galaxy' by means of a solid phase enzyme immunoassay. In shoots, free auxin decreases basipetally whereas ester IAA reaches a maximum in the middle part. After making the cuttings, a strong increase in both free and ester IAA (or total IAA, respectively) is found up to the time when the first adventitious roots become visible. Only prolonged irradiance of stock plants at high light intensities (40 W m−2) delays this increase in the cuttings, concomitantly with a lower number of roots compared to the controls (4.5 W m−2), although root growth as determined by measuring root length or fresh weight is not affected. A distinct relation is found between IAA content of stock plants at the time when cuttings are taken and the number of adventitious roots formed by the cuttings 20 days later.  相似文献   

The meiobenthos of five mangrove vegetation types in Gazi Bay,Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vertical distribution of meiofauna in the sediments ofAvicennia marina,Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,Ceriops tagal,Rhizophora mucronata andSonneratia alba at Gazi Bay (Kenya), is described. Seventeen taxa were observed, with highest densities in the sediments ofBruguiera (6707 ind. 10 cm–2), followed byRhizophora (3998 ind. 10 cm–2),Avicennia (3442 ind. 10 cm–2),Sonneratia (2889 ind. 10 cm–2) andCeriops (1976 ind. 10 cm–2). Nematodes accounted for up to 95% of total densities; other common taxa were copepods, turbellarians, oligochaetes, polychaetes, ostracods and rotifers. High densities occurred to about 20 cm depth in the sediment. EspeciallyCeriops sediments show still high densities of nematodes (342 ind. 10 cm–2) and copepods (11 ind. 10 cm–2) in the deepest layer (15–22 cm). Particle size and oxygen conditions were major factors influencing meiobenthic distribution;Uca burrows had a major impact on distribution and abundance of meiofauna.  相似文献   

Changes in the rooting capativity and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-oxidase activity of bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender) cuttings treated with 2-, 3-, or 4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde (2-, 3- and 4-OH-Bal) were monitored in parallel with the chemical changes undergone by these aldehydes in the cuttings. All three compounds enhanced rooting. 2-OH-Bal was the most effective and acted synergistically with 10μ M IAA at 0.4 m M . 3- and 4-OH-Bal also stimulated rooting and acted additively with IAA. The position of the hydroxyl group, thus, clearly influences the rooting activity of hydroxy-benzaldehydes. The action of 2-OH-Bal appeared to be due to its inhibition of the IAA-oxidase activity. All the aldehydes were metabolized chiefly by reduction: after 4 h of treatment, HPLC showed almost all to have been converted to the corresponding alcohol or acid, with an alcohol/acid ratio of 10 for 3- and 4-OH-Bal and 20 for 2-OH-Bal. It is possible that the oxidative effect of the aldehydes may benefit the early stages of root formation.  相似文献   

楸树嫩枝扦插生根的主要影响因子分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了插条的不同取材部位、不同激素组合以及不同扦插时间对4个类型(品种)楸树(Catalpa bungei C.A.Mey.)嫩枝插条生根的影响。结果显示,取楸树嫩枝的梢部与中部作为插条,扦插生根效果较好;用1.0g·L^-1 IBA和0.5g·L^-1 NAA混合溶液处理的插条生根效果最好,生根率可达45.43%;6月中旬是楸树嫩枝扦插的最适时期。4个楸树类型(品种)中,‘圆基长果楸’和‘豫楸1号’插条的生根能力较高,而‘金丝楸’的生根能力较差。  相似文献   

Hypocotyl cuttings (from 20- and 50-day-old Pinus taeda L. seedlings) rooted readily within 30 days in response to exogenous auxin, while epicotyl cuttings (from 50-day-old seedlings) rarely formed roots within 60 days. Responses to auxin during adventitious rooting included the induction of cell reorganization and cell division, followed by the organization of the root meristem. Explants from the bases of both epicotyl and hypocotyl cuttings readily formed callus tissue in response to a variety of auxins, but did not organize root meristems. Auxin-induced cell division was observed in the cambial region within 4 days, and later spread to the outer cortex at the same rate in both tissues. Cells at locations that would normally form roots in foliated hypocotyl cuttings did not produce callus any differently than those in other parts of the cortex. Therefore, auxin-induced root meristem organization appeared to occur independently of auxin-induced cell reorganization/division. The observation that N-(1-naphthyl)phthalamic acid (NPA) promoted cellular reorganization and callus formation but delayed rooting implies the existence of an auxin signal transduction pathway that is specific to root meristem organization. Attempts to induce root formation in callus or explants without foliage were unsuccessful. Both the cotyledon and epicotyl foliage provided a light-dependent product other than auxin that promoted root meristem formation in hypocotyl cuttings.  相似文献   

The number of roots formed in cuttings of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) was regulated both by the temperature and by IAA, whereas the time to the appearance of the first roots was regulated only by the temperature. Cuttings treated with 10-3 M IAA had a smaller content of extractable carbohydrates than the control ones irrespective of the temperature. In the bases of cuttings rooted at 25°C the content of extractable carbohydrates was lower than in those rooted at 15°C. Cuttings treated with IAA showed up to elevenfold increase of extractable carbohydrates in the bases at day 3. This increase of soluble sugars was not correlated with the number of roots formed or the speed of rooting. It is concluded that IAA affects the accumulation of carbohydrates, and this is not connected with the rooting ability of the cuttings.  相似文献   

Rooting ability was studied for cuttings derived from pea plants ( Pisum sativum , L. cv. Alaska) grown in controlled environment rooms. When the cuttings were rooted at 70 μmol m−2 s, 1 (photosynthetic photon flux density) or more, a stock plant irradiance at 100 μmol m−2 s−1 decreased rooting ability in cuttings compared to 5 μmol m−2, s−1, However, cuttings rooted at 160 μmol m−2 s−1 formed more roots compared to 5 (μmol m−2 s−1. Although a high irradiance increased the number of roots formed, it could not overcome a decreased potential for root formation in stock plants grown at high irradiance. Light compensation point and dark respiration of cuttings decreased by 70% during the rooting period, and the final levels were strongly influenced by the irradiance to the cuttings. Respiratory O2 uptake decreased in the apex and the base of the cutting from day 2 onwards, whereas a constant level was found in the leaves. Only the content of extractable fructose, glucose, sucrose and starch varied during the early part of the rooting period. We conclude that the observed changes in the cuttings are initiated by excision of the root system, and are not involved in the initiation of adventitious roots.  相似文献   

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