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In this study I have examined the patterns of morphological and genetic differentiation between two species of the Andean genus Schizanthus that differ in their pollination and mating systems. Schizanthus hookeri has a bee pollination syndrome and is strongly dependent on pollinators for seed set. In contrast, S.?grahamii has a hummingbird pollination syndrome and exhibits late autonomous selfing. Southern populations of the latter species have red flowers (reddish morph), while northern populations have yellow (yellowish morph) or pink flowers (pinkish morph). I used two noncoding chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions to investigate the genetic affinities between S.?hookeri and the three morphs of S.?grahamii. I also performed intra- and interspecific crosses to assess whether gene flow between species was possible. Phylogenetic analyses supported the existence of two differentiated clades that did not match currently accepted taxonomic classification. Accordingly, genetic distance did not correlate significantly with morphological distance. No fruits were produced from interspecific crosses, and there were no individuals with intermediate morphology that could indicate current and frequent hybridization events between species.?I propose that the discordance between cpDNA data and conventional taxonomy could be explained by parallel evolution, or alternatively, by a very sporadic hybridization.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for the maintenance of genetic variation among natural populations remain a mystery. Recent models of host-parasite co-evolution assume that parasites exert frequency-dependent selection on their hosts by favouring rare alleles that may confer resistance against infection. We tested this prediction in a comparative analysis that sought relationships between levels of genetic variation and the number of metazoan parasite species exploiting each host species. We used data on 40 species of North American freshwater fishes. After controlling for sampling effort and phylogenetic influences, we found no relationship between genetic polymorphism and parasite species richness among fish species. However, we found a marginal negative correlation between parasite species richness and heterozygosity. This result goes against the prediction that increased selective pressure by parasites should be associated with higher levels of genetic variation. Instead, it suggests that parasites may be colonising host species showing low levels of genetic variation with greater success than genetically more variable host species.  相似文献   

Abstract The traditional explanation for interspecific plumage colour variation in birds is that colour differences between species are adaptations to minimize the risk of hybridization. Under this explanation, colour differences between closely related species of birds represent reproductive character displacement. An alternative explanation is that interspecific variation in plumage colour is an adaptive response to variation in light environments across habitats. Under this explanation, differences in colour between closely related species are a product of selection on signal efficiency. We use a comparative approach to examine these two hypotheses, testing the effects of sympatry and habitat use, respectively, on divergence in male plumage colour. Contrary to the prediction of the Species Isolation Hypothesis, we find no evidence that sympatric pairs of species are consistently more divergent in coloration than are allopatric pairs of species. However, in agreement with the Light Environment Hypothesis, we find significant associations between plumage coloration and habitat use. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the statistical methodology used to compare reflectance spectra, the body regions used in the analyses, or the exclusion of areas of plumage not used in sexual displays. Our results suggest that, in general, interspecific variation in plumage colour among birds is more strongly influenced by the signalling environment than by the risk of hybridization.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga  A. Skalski 《Hydrobiologia》1973,42(2-3):355-362
The presence of carotenoids in the Niphargus tatrensis Wrzesniowski and Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi Karaban has been investigated. In extracts separated by means of column and thin-layer chromatography, the following carotenoids were identified:
  1. in Niphargus tatrensis: β-carotene, astaxanthin ester, rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
  2. in Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi: cantha-xanthin, astaxanthin ester, isozeaxanthin (only from Jeker), 4-keto-4′-hydroxy-β-carotene (only from Terzietebronbos), rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
It was not possible to identifity the sexth fractions.  相似文献   



Interspecific coevolution is well described, but we know significantly less about how multiple traits coevolve within a species, particularly between behavioral traits and biomechanical properties of animals'' “extended phenotypes”. In orb weaving spiders, coevolution of spider behavior with ecological and physical traits of their webs is expected. Darwin''s bark spider (Caerostris darwini) bridges large water bodies, building the largest known orb webs utilizing the toughest known silk. Here, we examine C. darwini web building behaviors to establish how bridge lines are formed over water. We also test the prediction that this spider''s unique web ecology and architecture coevolved with new web building behaviors.


We observed C. darwini in its natural habitat and filmed web building. We observed 90 web building events, and compared web building behaviors to other species of orb web spiders.


Caerostris darwini uses a unique set of behaviors, some unknown in other spiders, to construct its enormous webs. First, the spiders release unusually large amounts of bridging silk into the air, which is then carried downwind, across the water body, establishing bridge lines. Second, the spiders perform almost no web site exploration. Third, they construct the orb capture area below the initial bridge line. In contrast to all known orb-weavers, the web hub is therefore not part of the initial bridge line but is instead built de novo. Fourth, the orb contains two types of radial threads, with those in the upper half of the web doubled. These unique behaviors result in a giant, yet rather simplified web. Our results continue to build evidence for the coevolution of behavioral (web building), ecological (web microhabitat) and biomaterial (silk biomechanics) traits that combined allow C. darwini to occupy a unique niche among spiders.  相似文献   

Captive populations of endangered species are typically maintained effectively as single random-mating populations by translocating individuals between institutions. Genetic, disease, and cost considerations, however, suggest that this may not be the optimal management strategy. Genetic theory predicts that a pooled population derived from several small isolated populations will have greater genetic diversity, less inbreeding, and less genetic adaptation to captivity than a single large population of equivalent total size, provided there are no population extinctions. These predictions were tested using populations of Drosophila with effective size comparisons of 50 vs. 2 × 25; 100 vs. 2 × 50 vs. 4 × 25, and 500 vs. 2 × 250 vs. 4 × 100 + 2 × 50 vs. 8 × 25 + 6 × 50. Populations were maintained at the indicated sizes as separate pedigreed populations for 50 generations. The several small treatments were subsequently pooled and maintained for eight to 10 generations prior to determination of fitness and evolutionary potential. Several small populations (pooled), when compared to single large populations of equivalent total size, were found to have lower average inbreeding coefficients, significantly higher reproductive fitness under competitive conditions, similar fitness under benign captive conditions, higher genetic diversity, and equivalent evolutionary potential. Trends favored the several small (pooled) populations in all comparisons at population sizes of 50 and 100. We recommend that endangered species in captivity be maintained as several small populations, with occasional exchange of genetic material. This has genetic benefits over current management both in captivity and especially for reintroductions, as well as reducing translocation costs and risks of disease transfer. Zoo Biol 17:467–480, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Even for small animals such as spiders, behavioral decisions are sometimes influenced by multiple cues. Orb webs constitute exquisitely precise records of the stimuli the spider experienced and the decisions that it made while building its web. In addition, because spiders appear to sense their webs largely by touch, direct behavioral observations can determine which stimuli they probably sense. Previous studies have shown that when an orb‐weaving spider decides how far apart to space successive sticky lines during orb construction, it responds to at least five different kinds of stimuli, all of which apparently use a cue from the web, the location of the previous, inner loop of sticky spiral (IL location), as a point of reference. Here we show that two additional cues from the web, which are related to the position of the temporary spiral (TS), also influence sticky spiral spacing. A combination of direct observations of spider movements, analyses of complete and partially complete webs, and responses to experimental modifications of the web of two species in different families, Micrathena duodecimspinosa (Araneidae) and Leucauge mariana (Tetragnathidae), indicate that both the TS‐IL distance itself and the short‐term memory of the change in TS‐IL distance compared with that on other recently encountered radii correlate with sticky spiral spacing. When the TS‐IL distance was large, the spiders apparently ceased to attend to other cues. Thus, even the relatively stereotyped behavior of orb construction includes variation that stems from attention‐like mental processes.  相似文献   

Abstract The search for pattern in the ecology and evolutionary biology of insect–plant associations has fascinated biologists for centuries. High levels of tropical (low-latitude) plant and insect diversity relative to poleward latitudes and the disproportionate abundance of host-specialized insect herbivores have been noted. This review addresses several aspects of local insect specialization, host use abilities (and loss of these abilities with specialization), host-associated evolutionary divergence, and ecological (including “hybrid”) speciation, with special reference to the generation of biodiversity and the geographic and taxonomic identification of “species borders” for swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). From ancient phytochemically defined angiosperm affiliations that trace back millions of years to recent and very local specialized populations, the Papilionidae (swallowtail butterflies) have provided a model for enhanced understanding of localized ecological patterns and genetically based evolutionary processes. They have served as a useful group for evaluating the feeding specialization/physiological efficiency hypothesis. They have shown how the abiotic (thermal) environment interacts with host nutrirional suitability to generate “voltinism/suitability” gradients in specialization or preference latitudinally, and geographical mosaics locally. Several studies reviewed here suggest strongly that the oscillation hypothesis for speciation does have considerable merit, but at the same time, some species-level host specializations may lead to evolutionary dead-ends, especially with rapid environmental/habitat changes involving their host plants. Latitudinal gradients in species richness and degree of herbivore feeding specialization have been impacted by recent developments in ecological genetics and evolutionary ecology. Localized insect–plant associations that span the biospectrum from polyphenisms, polymorphisms, biotypes, demes, host races, to cryptic species, remain academically contentious, with simple definitions still debated. However, molecular analyses combined with ecological, ethological and physiological studies, have already begun to unveil some answers for many important ecological/evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

Plants are subjected to natural selection during expansion of their geographic range or when facing changes in environmental conditions, which in turn may affect phenotypic diversity. Studies on geographic phenotypic variation provide insight into the evolutionary processes and have long contributed to better understanding of diversification within and among species. Petunia axillaris is widely distributed in temperate South America, occurring throughout the Pampas region. The current taxonomy of this species recognizes three allopatric subspecies, which occupy nearly adjacent territories, according to floral morphology: P. axillaris subsp. axillaris, P. axillaris subsp. parodii, and P. axillaris subsp. subandina. In this study, we sampled the three P. axillaris subspecies and used both molecular markers (from the plastid and nuclear genomes) and morphological measurements to investigate how genetic diversity and morphological variation correlate to ecological variables and the geographic context. We used different forms of Mantel tests (partial and correlograms) to investigate the geographic distribution patterns in distinct types of similarity/dissimilarity among the populations and their relationships. We also modeled the morphological variation in P. axillaris as a function of the genetic marker frequencies in the populations. We found that the morphological differences leading to the recognition of different subspecies of P. axillaris reflect historical processes of isolation and that adaptation to different ecological conditions faced by each lineage is perhaps not merely a consequence of phenotypic plasticity. These findings suggest that differences between subspecies could represent an incipient speciation stage.  相似文献   

Morphological and karyotypical features of a new blackfly species Cnetha akopi sp. n. from Armenia are described. Comparative analysis of the new species and four closely related endemic species from Caucasus is performed. Photographic maps of polythene chromosomes are provided.  相似文献   

A barrier web created by some orb-web spiders has a three-dimensional web structure made of nonsticky threads, which is believed to provide a defensive function against predators. To test for a possible antipredatory function, we investigated relationships between the presence of a barrier web and an individuals internal state in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichii, which builds orb-webs with and without a barrier web. Hunger level and molting as measures of internal state were represented by relative abdominal width and relative web size, respectively. Field survey showed that individuals with a wider abdomen and a smaller web tended to construct a barrier web. The positive relationship between body width and the presence of a barrier web supports the hypothesis of an antipredatory function as well-fed individuals are likely to expend more effort for defense. The small web size, however, may not be representative of molting because a correlation existed between web size and potential web substrates; therefore, the effect of molting on the presence of barrier web remains unclear.  相似文献   

In many groups of organisms, especially in the older literature, it has been common practice to recognize sympatrically occurring phenotypic variants of a species as “forms”. However, what these forms really represent often remains unclear, especially in poorly studied groups. With new algorithms for DNA‐based species delimitation, the status of forms can be explicitly tested with molecular data. In this study, we test a number of what is now recognized as valid species of water mites (Hydrachnidia), but have in the past been treated as forms sympatrically occurring with their nominate species. We also test a form without prior taxonomical status, using DNA and morphometrics. The barcoding fragment of COI, nuclear 28S and quantitative analyses of morphological data were used to test whether these taxa merit species status, as suggested by several taxonomists. Our results confirm valid species. Genetic distances between the form and nominate species (Piona dispersa and Piona variabilis, COI 11%), as well as likelihood ratio tests under the general mixed‐Yule coalescent model, supported that these are separately evolving lineages as defined by the unified species concept. In addition, they can be diagnosed with morphological characters. The study also reveals that some taxa genetically represent more than one species. We propose that P. dispersa are recognized as valid taxa at the species level. Unionicola minor (which may consist of several species), Piona stjordalensis, P. imminuta s. lat., and P. rotundoides are confirmed as species using this model. The results also imply that future studies of other water mite species complexes are likely to reveal many more genetically and morphologically distinct species.  相似文献   

The genus Sellaphora has become a model system for studies of the species concept, speciation and automated identification in diatoms. Three species, S. pupula, S. bacillum and S. laevissima, have proved to be complexes containing several or many species, which are difficult to distinguish morphologically but which are genetically differentiated and (where tested) reproductively isolated. Until now, however, there has been little information about the ecology of the species within this complex, except in relation to parasite sensitivity. In order to test whether semi- and pseudo-cryptic Sellaphora species are ecologically differentiated with respect to trophic status, we used tools recently developed in the UK in response to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Diatom samples from three substrata (plants, rocks, sediment) were taken from 22 lakes in Scotland and England, covering a gradient from oligotrophic mountain lakes to eutrophic lowland ponds. The epilithic and epiphytic diatom assemblages were used to evaluate lake trophic status according to the UK WFD assessment system and showed that there was a strong environmental gradient in the dataset. Sellaphora species occurred in the sediment-derived epipelon and their distributions were analysed in relation to the trophic gradient. A total of 28 Sellaphora phenodemes (putative species) were found, and some of them differed in their environmental demands. Two groups were distinguished: (1) a group indicating rather oligotrophic conditions and containing several demes with linear valves and subcapitate or capitate poles (referred to here as S. [pupula] cap-A, cap-B and cap-C and (2) a group occurring in eutrophic lakes and containing the recently described species S. blackfordensis, S. capitata and S. obesa, as well as S. [pupula] Φ ‘small lanceolate’. The data obtained are also discussed with respect to Finlay’s hypothesis on microalgal cosmopolitanism. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

In retrospect, mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) in the 20th century followed an epidemic pattern: mortality rates increased dramatically from 1920 until about 1960, remained roughly constant for almost a decade, and have been decreasing since the late 1960s. CHD has traditionally been conceived of as a single disease with multifactorial causality. We suggest instead that CHD cases may comprise at least two distinct populations: those associated with hypercholesterolemia, and those associated with insulin resistance. The epidemic of CHD was due primarily to changes in the incidence of the hypercholesterolemia subgroup. We propose that young adults who survived the 1918 influenza pandemic were rendered vulnerable to lipid-associated CHD and coronary thrombosis upon reinfection with influenza later in life. This vulnerability may be due to autoimmune disruption of low-density lipoprotein-receptor interactions. Historical events may affect the health of populations by affecting the susceptibility of populations to chronic diseases such as CHD. The life experiences of individuals are known to influence their susceptibility to infectious diseases; we suggest that life experiences may also influence individual susceptibility to chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Butterflies in the large Palearctic genus Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) are extremely uniform and exhibit few distinguishing morphological characters. However, these insects are distinctive in one respect: as a group they possess among the greatest interspecific karyotype diversity in the animal kingdom, with chromosome numbers (n) ranging from 10 to 125. The monophyly of Agrodiaetus and its systematic position relative to other groups within the section Polyommatus have been controversial. Characters from the mitochondrial genes for cytochrome oxidases I and II and from the nuclear gene for elongation factor 1 alpha were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of Agrodiaetus using maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic methods. Ninety-one individuals, encompassing most of the taxonomic diversity of Agrodiaetus, and representatives of 14 related genera were included in this analysis. Our data indicate that Agrodiaetus is monophyletic. Representatives of the genus Polyommatus (sensu stricto) are the closest relatives. The sequences of the Agrodiaetus taxa in this analysis are tentatively arranged into 12 clades, only 1 of which corresponds to a species group traditionally recognized in Agrodiaetus. Heterogeneous substitution rates across a recovered topology were homogenized with a nonparametric rate-smoothing algorithm before the application of a molecular clock. Two published estimates of substitution rates dated the origin of Agrodiaetus between 2.51 and 3.85 million years ago. During this time, there was heterogeneity in the rate and direction of karyotype evolution among lineages within the genus. Karyotype instability has evolved independently three times in the section Polyommatus, within the lineages Agrodiaetus, Lysandra, and Plebicula. Rapid karyotype diversification may have played a significant role in the radiation of the genus Agrodiaetus.  相似文献   

Eight species of Haplodrassus are recorded from Crimea: Haplodrassus bohemicus Miller & Buchar, 1977; Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866); Haplodrassus isaevi Ponomarev & Tsvetkov, 2006; Haplodrassus minor (O. P.-Cambridge, 1879); Haplodrassus kulczynskii Lohmander, 1942; Haplodrassus pseudosignifer Marusik, Hippa & Koponen, 1996; Haplodrassus signifer (C.L. Koch, 1839) and Haplodrassus umbratilis (L. Koch, 1866). The occurrence of Haplodrassus cognatus (Westring, 1861) in Crimea has not been confirmed. Haplodrassus bohemicus is a new species record for the Crimean fauna. Haplodrassus pseudosignifer is a new species record for Crimea and Ukraine as a whole, with Crimea as the westernmost point of its distribution range. Haplodrassus invalidus is recorded for the first time for the fauna of Azerbaijan, Caucasus and the former Soviet Union. Azerbaijan is the easternmost point of its known distribution range. All Crimean Haplodrassus species have only one peak of activity of adult specimens during the year. In Crimea we found syntopically two closely related species Haplodrassus dalmatensis and Haplodrassus isaevi in two localities (Sudak Distr., 10 km W Sudak, Mezhdurechie Vill., steppe; and Feodosiya Distr., Karadag Nature Reserve, steppes). These species differ in their phenology. The reproductive period of Haplodrassus dalmatensis isin May-July, and that of Haplodrassus isaevi occurs is in October-December. These phenological differences probably represent an additional mechanism of reproductive isolation between the two species. Diagnostic drawings are provided for all mentioned species as well as for Haplodrassus deserticola Schmidt & Krause, 1996 and Haplodrassus pugnans (Simon, 1880).  相似文献   

Question: Are soil properties and topographic variation related with palm (Arecaceae) species composition and distribution patterns? If so, are species distribution patterns consistent across sites? Location: 100–200 m a.s.l, non‐inundated Amazonian rainforest, NE Peru. Methods: One 0.65‐ha line transect divided into 5 m by 5 m subunits was inventoried for all palm individuals at each site. Soil samples were collected, and topography was measured. Results: A total of 56 palm taxa were recorded. Floristic similarity among transects clearly corresponded with similarity in soil cation content when species abundances were taken into account, but less so when only presence‐absence data were used. Taxon‐wise distribution analyses were done for the 37 most abundant palm taxa. Quite a few of these taxa proved not to be randomly distributed along the transects, but instead were clearly more abundant in some topographic positions than in others. However, the consistency of the distribution patterns across study sites proved to be rather low, and many of the palm taxa showed different distribution patterns at different sites. Conclusions: The ambiguity in distribution patterns across study sites may partly be due to the complexity of topography as a measure of ecological conditions, and the probability that it is related to the variation in different environmental variables at different sites.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of populations occupying different environments can provide insights into the ecological conditions affecting differences in parental strategies, including the relative contributions of males and females. Male and female parental strategies reflect the interplay between ecological conditions, the contributions of the social mate, and the needs of offspring. Climate is expected to underlie geographic variation in incubation and brooding behavior, and can thereby affect both the absolute and relative contributions of each sex to other aspects of parental care such as offspring provisioning. However, geographic variation in brooding behavior has received much less attention than variation in incubation attentiveness or provisioning rates. We compared parental behavior during the nestling period in populations of orange‐crowned warblers Oreothlypis celata near the northern (64°N) and southern (33°N) boundaries of the breeding range. In Alaska, we found that males were responsible for the majority of food delivery whereas the sexes contributed equally to provisioning in California. Higher male provisioning in Alaska appeared to facilitate a higher proportion of time females spent brooding the nestlings. Surprisingly, differences in brooding between populations could not be explained by variation in ambient temperature, which was similar between populations during the nestling period. While these results represent a single population contrast, they suggest additional hypotheses for the ecological correlates and evolutionary drivers of geographic variation in brooding behavior, and the factors that shape the contributions of each sex.  相似文献   

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