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1. A floodplain segment of the Danube River downstream of Vienna was studied during the hydrologically most dynamic phase (spring–summer) to evaluate the significance of connection between the main channel and the floodplain segment for particle abundance and quality as well as for bacterial and viral parameters, both free‐living and attached to particles. 2. Hydrological connectivity between the main channel and its floodplain segment (expressed as water age) influenced particle abundance and quality. Polysaccharide‐containing particles [Alcian positive‐stained particles (ASP)] and protein‐containing particles [Coomassie positive‐stained particles (CSP)] each contributed a substantial fraction to total suspended solids and were both positively related to water age. ASP were about twice as abundant as CSP. 3. Water age influenced bacterial and viral abundance and the bacterioplankton productivity in the surrounding water. Free‐living bacterial abundance and their bacterial secondary production (BSP) increased continuously with water age, best described by a linear regression. Water age also significantly impacted BSP and per cell BSP of bacteria attached to particles. The abundance of attached bacteria and viruses was not influenced by water age. 4. Bacteria and viruses on particles were influenced by particle quality. Their abundance on particles was closely related to particle size. Particle‐attached bacteria accounted on average for 30.34% (± 3.09) of the total bacterial abundance. A variable and occasionally significant proportion of viruses, between 0.43% and 35.06%, were associated with particulate material. 5. Bacteria attached to particles were significantly more productive than their free‐living counterparts. Their per‐cell activity was on average 8.6 times higher than that of the free‐living fraction. 6. Hydrological connectivity between the Danube River and its floodplain is crucial not only for the exchange of water, sediment and nutrients, but also for microbiota, thus influencing microbial life, distribution and activity.  相似文献   

Mihuc  Timothy B.  Battle  Juliann M.  Mihuc  Janet R.  Bryan  C. Fred 《Hydrobiologia》1999,392(2):121-128
Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) seasonal colonization patterns, growth and habitat preferences were determined in a sub-tropical floodplain river at the southern edge of its distribution in North America during 1995–96 (Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana). Zebra mussel movement into subtropical areas represents a major frontier for this species worldwide. The onset of adult zebra mussel colonies occurred when the minimum daily temperature dropped below 31 °C and dissolved oxygen levels rose above 6.5 mg l-1 in the fall. By mid-winter, mussel populations were established at lateral distances >10 km from the main river channel. Mussel growth occurred throughout the winter with an increase in growth in April and May. Adult mortality occurred during May–August as dissolved oxygen levels declined and minimum daily temperature warmed above 29 °C in the floodplain and 32.5 °C in riverine sites. Limiting factors responsible for the seasonal pattern include temperature and dissolved oxygen tolerances experienced during summer months in the ARB. Summer water conditions apparently preclude establishment of resident zebra mussel populations in the Atchafalaya floodplain. Naturally occurring seasonal patterns in temperature and dissolved oxygen in floodplain rivers may have implications for the expansion of this exotic mollusk in warmwater systems with source colonies restricted to mainstem rivers and seasonal sinks in floodplain regions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigated if fish assemblages in neotropical floodplain lakes (cienagas) exhibit nestedness, and thus offer support to the managers of natural resources of the area for their decision making. The location was floodplain lakes of the middle section of the Magdalena river, Colombia. We applied the nested subset analysis for the series of 30 cienagas (27 connected to the main river and three isolated). All fish were identified taxonomically in the field and the matrix for presence-absence in all the lakes was used for the study of the pattern of nestedness. The most diverse order was Characiformes (20 species), followed by Siluriformes (19 species). Characidae and Loricaridae were the richest families. The species found in all the lakes studied were migratory species (17), and sedentary species (33). Two species (Caquetaia kraussii and Cyphocharax magdalenae) were widespread across the cienagas archipelago (100% of incidence). Nestedness analysis showed that the distribution of species over the spatial gradient studied (840 km) is significantly nested. The cienagas deemed the most hospitable were Simiti, El Llanito, and Canaletal. Roughly, 13 out of the 50 species caught show markedly idiosyncratic distributions. The resulting dataset showed a strong pattern of nestedness in the distribution of Magdalenese fishes, and differed significantly from random species assemblages. Out of all the measurements taken in the cienagas, only the size (area) and local richness are significantly related to the range of order of nested subset patterns (r=-0.59 and -0.90, respectively, at p < 0.01). Differential species extinction is suggested as the cause of a nested species assemblage, when the reorganized matrix of species occurring in habitat islands is correlated with the island area. Our results are consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Horst Tremp 《Hydrobiologia》2007,584(1):167-177
The occurrence of exclusively submerged macrophytes (hydrophytes) was analyzed on a data set of 608 mapped stream segments with a total length of 106 km from the Upper Rhine floodplain. There were three objectives. The first was to test the evidence of plot-sized bias which occurs when structural homogenous river sections are mapped. In the dataset, with a broad range of areas sampled, this bias was small but the mapping procedure nevertheless had some disadvantages for ecological interpretation of hydrophyte data. The second objective was to test for spatial autocorrelation of species composition among consecutive stream sections. Results showed that spatial autocorrelation is an intrinsic and not easily interpretable feature, which might weaken the interpretative strength of pure species–environment relationships in streams. The third objective was to analyse species–environment relationships, by redundancy analysis. The analyses gave satisfying distribution patterns of the 25 most frequent hydrophytes, using a small group of environmental parameters—current, shading, turbidity and maximum depth. They could be assigned into three groups—rheophilic, potamale and related to groundwater influence. The high amount of unexplained variability in species data is due to the large data set where the high plasticity of most hydrophytes becomes apparent and thus resulting in a broad niche overlap. The study gives a representative overview over one of the richest regions in Germany for hydrophytes. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Our aim was to determine how beavers affect habitats and food resources for juvenile salmon in the Kwethluk River in western Alaska.

The loss of natural wetlands throughout the World has made created habitats such as gravel pits, reservoirs or rice fields potentially important for waterbird conservation. In southwest France, the increasing abundance of gravel pits has allowed several bird species to colonize the region. The avian community was studied from 1996 to 1998 in six gravel pits in the Garonne floodplain. A total of 39 species of waterbirds were recorded, with higher abundance during the winter and post-breeding periods. We analyzed habitat use to identify key environmental factors determining the temporal and spatial distribution of the avian community. The presence of submerged macrophytes was found to be the most important factor influencing the distribution of waterbirds. The presence of paths in the vicinity of the areas reduced both the total number of birds and species richness owing to human disturbance. Gravel pits have an increasingly important role in the conservation of bird biodiversity. By controlling disturbance and management of vegetation, managers can enhance this role.  相似文献   

冯君明  冯一凡  李翅  吕硕  马俊杰 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6798-6809
在黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展战略背景下,加强对黄河滩区生境质量及其驱动机制研究对区域生物多样性保护和生态韧性提升具有重要意义。以黄河滩区沿河城镇为研究区,依据河势特征将其划分为4个河段和14个子研究区,并基于InVEST模型与3类景观格局指数分析论证不同河势特征分界下生境质量与景观格局的时空演变规律。结果表明:(1)生境质量方面,2000-2020年研究区生境质量整体呈下降趋势,各河段生境质量平均值由大到小依次为河口段、弯曲段、游荡段、过渡段;(2)景观格局方面,各河段之间景观破碎度指数波动最小,并随城镇化发展破碎化程度逐渐减弱,连接度与复杂度波动明显,且因河势特征存在差异性变化;(3)生境质量与景观格局相关性方面,多数土地景观格局指数与生境质量显著相关,但关联程度有所下降。相同地类景观格局指数在不同河段内表现出不同甚至反向的互动关系。研究表明,河势特征是黄河滩区生境质量的全局性支撑或限制因素,其作用主要体现为对黄河滩区周边城镇土地空间发展的差异化影响,该影响直接作用于紧邻黄河地带的城镇组团,并间接影响其他区域,在一定程度上左右了城镇发展主向以及土地转化、空间格局的演变规律,最终影响区域生境质量的分布格局。研究结果对黄河滩区重要生态功能区的生境保护与生态系统功能调控具有一定的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

Mature bream (>30 cm LF) dominated the fish communities in floodplain lakes along the lower River Rhine in The Netherlands, in terms of biomass, in all lakes at all times. In some lakes bream made up 99% of the total fish biomass. While immature, medium–sized bream (10-30 cm) and white bream and roach were abundant in the main channel of the river, these species were almost absent from the floodplain lakes. Inundation of the floodplains did not lead to spatial homogenization of species and length distributions. Small bream (<10 cm) left the floodplains to become resident in the main channel until maturity. Once mature (c. 30 cm), they returned to the lakes during the next inundation and stayed there. Mature bream that moved into the lakes were significantly smaller and had a lower condition than the resident bream. Turbid clay-pits were probably important sources of bream for the lower Rhine and the recruitment of the 0+ year group of bream to the riverine population was influenced by their discharge pattern.  相似文献   

The present-day Rhine alluvial hardwood forest (Querco-Ulmetum minoris, Issler 24) in the upper Rhine valley (France/Germany) is comprised of three vegetation units, one still flooded by calm waters (F) and the two others unflooded, one for 30 years (UF30) (after the river canalisation) and the other for about 130 years (UF130) (after river straightening and embankment work in the middle nineteenth century). In the three stands, species composition, structure and diversity of vegetation and nutrient content of mature leaf, leaf litter and soil have been studied. Fungi (Macromycetae) were only studied in two stands (F and UF130). The intensity of nutrient recycling was exemplified by comparing the chemical composition of rainwater, flood, throughfall, mature leaf, leaf litter, soil and groundwater in two of these stands (F and UF30).The elimination of floods has caused a change in floristic composition, tree density and plant diversity. Tree density was higher in the two unflooded stands and was related to a large increase in sapling (< 6 cm dbh) density more than to a change of stem (> 6 cm dbh) density. Sapling density increased 2 times and three times in the UF30 and the UF130 respectively, whereas the stem density increased only 12% in the first stand and decreased 29% in the second one. The saprophytic macromycete communities have been supplemented with mycorrhizal species. Leaf litter production was slightly greater in the flooded (4.44 T ha-1 yr-1) than in the two unflooded stands ( 3.72 T ha-1 yr-1). Foliar N level is twice as high in the flooded stands in spite of an opposite soil status. P level decreased in soil and leaves with the duration of isolation and was at the same level in the groundwater in two stands (F and UF30). K, Mg and Ca contents of green leaf and leaf litter were high due to the geochemistry of the Rhine substrate (calcareous gravels and pebbles) and similar in all the stands studied, even though there are large inputs of these three elements by floods. Moreover we showed that the groundwater chemistry reflected the variations of nutrient inputs and thus could be a good indicator of the functioning of an alluvial ecosystem and of its change as a result of human activities. The restoration of floods in hardwood forest contributes to the preservation of alluvial vegetational structure and composition, the stimulation of biological processes and a better plant mineral nutrition and water supply.  相似文献   

1. Studies of mesic temperate and tropical rivers suggest an important role for floodplain habitats as nursery areas for larval and juvenile fishes. In arid‐land rivers the extent and duration of flooding is diminished and habitats and resources used by larval fishes are poorly known. Our study documented habitat and resource use of larval fishes in the Rio Grande, New Mexico, an arid‐land river. 2. Spatial and temporal distribution of larval and juvenile fishes and their inferred microhabitat preferences were studied during spring, summer and autumn, 2003. Stable carbon (13C : 12C) and nitrogen (15N : 14N) isotope ratios were measured to identify nutrient sources and characterise trophic positions of young‐of‐year fishes in this system. 3. Some fishes recruited during high flows (in spring), whereas others recruited during low‐flow periods in late summer. Regardless of the timing of reproduction, microhabitats with lower current velocity and higher temperature appeared to serve as vital nursery grounds for Rio Grande fishes. Ephemeral backwaters and disconnected side channels held the highest abundance and diversity of larvae and juveniles. 4. Stable isotope analyses revealed that fish larvae obtained carbon predominately from algal production in early summer, but used organic carbon derived from emergent macrophytes as river discharge decreased in mid‐summer. This shift may have been facilitated by microinvertebrate prey that grazed down edible algae and then switched to macrophytes in mid‐summer. Nitrogen isotope ratios did not differ among species or early life stages, suggesting that larval and juvenile fishes use similar food resources, especially when restricted to isolated pools in summer.  相似文献   

Comparisons of litter standing-stocks in low-lying and higher areas of the floodplain and the effects of controlled flooding events on leaf litter decomposition and leaf litter nutrients were examined during autumn and winter in a southeastern Australian river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) floodplain forest. The mean mass of total litter and some litter components was significantly greater in autumn than in winter but there were few differences in litter mass between low-lying flood runners and higher sites (1.5 m) on the floodplain, regardless of season. Leaf decomposition was more rapid in flooded areas than in non-flooded areas and was significantly faster in autumn than in winter. In flooded leaves, concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen dropped rapidly during the first 3 days of each experiment, increased to near original after 7–10 weeks and then decreased again. After 112 days of decomposition the C:N:P ratios of leaf litter increased, but this effect was most marked for flooded leaves. Simple models of leaf litter dynamics indicated that leaf litter standing-stocks in low-lying flood runners would be reduced by flooding, particularly during autumn. In contrast, models predicted a net gain in standing-stocks of leaf litter to be higher on the floodplain, particularly in autumn. Alteration to the seasonal timing of floods by river regulation has probably decreased litter standing-stocks and nutrients available in low-lying areas of the floodplain to support the production of macrophytes and biofilms during winter and spring floods.  相似文献   

Herbivory through gastropods has among others been proposed as a potential factor responsible for the river corridor distribution of plant species, which is a well known but poorly understood ecological pattern. Since floodplains are characterised by seasonally changing abiotic conditions, viz. floods during winter and spring and severe summer drought that are unsuitable for gastropods they may present safe habitats for highly palatable plant species.In the present study we compared species composition of gastropods and vegetation of twelve grassland sites situated within three floodplain compartments along the Upper Rhine. Additionally, we studied the palatability of 7 days and 25 days old seedlings of five typical floodplain plant species and five mesic grassland species to the slug Deroceras reticulatum in laboratory experiments.Our results showed that both vegetation and gastropod community composition but not gastropod diversity and abundance differed between floodplain compartments. Owing to omnivory of most gastropods the similarity structure of sites based on plants and gastropods was not significantly correlated. In general, slug herbivory significantly reduced survival and biomass of 7 days old seedlings, but responses were species-specific. In contrast, with the exception of Arabis nemorensis, Viola pumila and Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia biomass of 25 days old seedlings was not significantly affected by slug herbivory. Although the response of floodplain plant species as a group to slug herbivory did not differ from common grassland species, our results suggest that gastropods may potentially influence the distribution pattern of the highly palatable river corridor species Arabis nemorensis and Viola pumila. However, further research is needed to estimate the damage to river corridor plants through gastropod herbivory and its effect on competitive relationships under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Sharma  B. K.  Sharma  Sumita 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):305-313
One hundred and sixteen species of Rotifera are recorded from seven floodplain lakes of the Brahmaputra basin (northeastern India), the highest rotifer biodiversity recorded from these biotopes in the Indian subcontinent to date. The Australasian Brachionus dichotomus reductus and Lecane batillifer; the Oriental Keratella edmondsoni, Lecane blachei and L. acanthinula; the Palaeotropical Lecane braumi, L. lateralis, L. unguitata, Trichocerca tropis, Testudinella greeni and T. brevicaudata; the Pantropical Brachionus donneri and a rather widely distributed Horaella brehmi represent taxa of biogeographical interest. Three species are new additions to the Indian rotifer fauna and eight are new to the N.E. region. Lecanidae > Brachionidae = Colurellidae > Trichocercidae > Testudinellidae comprise the largest fraction (68.0%) of the examined fauna. Comments are made on the general nature and composition of the rotifer taxocoenosis as well as on acidophilic elements, ecology of various taxa and on the species richness of different lakes.  相似文献   

Succession and Rejuvenation in Floodplains along the River Allier (France)   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
The spatio-temporal heterogeneity of a meandering part of the Allier river was studied by analysing ecotope composition and dynamics using a series of aerial images covering a period of 46 years (1954–2000). The ecotope dynamics was exemplified by two time series showing rejuvenating hydro-geomorphological processes, i.e., meander progression, meander cut-off and channel shift. The mean rejuvenation rate was 33.8 ha per 5 years for the 5.5 km long study area. The ecotope transition rates varied from 18% surface area change per 5 years to 58.7% surface area change per 5 years for pioneer vegetation. The combination of hydro-geomorphological processes and ecological succession resulted in a temporal diversity of the riparian area. In the year 2000 half of the total riparian landscape was 14 years or younger and 23% was not rejuvenated in 46 years. Eighty percent of the pioneer vegetation was found on young soils (<14 years) while more than 50% of the surface area of low dynamic ecotopes like bush and side channels was located on parts, which were stable for more than 46 years. Examining the relation between river stretch size and ecotope diversity showed that the ecotope diversity remained stable above a stretch size of 1.5 meander lengths for the years 1978, 1985 and 2000. The spatial and temporal analysis of the study area showed evidence supporting the steady state or meta-climax hypotheses, but influences of long-term processes on landscape composition were also found. Some implications for floodplain management are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluate the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the community structure of rotifers across a regional hydrological cycle in lotic and lentic environments of the upper River Paraná. Depth, transparency, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and densities of rotifers were measured at two stations in Lake Guaraná (littoral and open water regions) and at one station in the River Baía (open water region). Highest densities of rotifers were found at the lake littoral. Canonical correlation analysis related environmental variables with the densities of the most abundant rotifers. The strongest relationship was with chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, hydrological level and water temperature. Diversity of rotifers at each station was mainly explained by fluctuations in hydrological level. Results of grouping analysis suggested the formation of groups according to phases of the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Litterfall and leaf decomposition rates were measured in Choui Island, 45 km downstream from the confluence of the Paraná and Paraguay rivers. The material was collected biweekly from April 1985 through September 1986. Decomposition was measured in situ by the litter bag technique.Annual litterfall of Tessaria integrifolia gallery forest measured in the period April 1985 to March 1986 was 8.15 t ha-1. Leaf litterfall was seasonal, i.e. significantly less leaf litter was shed during the high water phase than during the low water phase. The half life of the T. integrifolia litter over 38 days of decomposition was 20 days. At the beginning of the experiment, 15 and 38 days subsamples of remaining detritus were analyzed in order to determine changes in the nutrient content. After 38 days of incubation, the order of nutrient disappearance was Ca > K > N > Mg > Na > P.The number of invertebrates per g remaining litter of Tessaria integrifolia increased between incubations days 7 and 31. Collector-gatherers were more abundant after 38 days incubation; there were no shredders colonizing the leaf litter bags.  相似文献   

The oligochaete fauna of different side arms and other water bodies in the Slovak–Hungarian stretch of the River Danube below Bratislava (r.km 1840 – r.km 1807) was investigated. The structure of the oligochaete assemblages is correlated with the bottom substratum of the river. From data on the composition of the oligochaete fauna, the clustering and ordination analysis divided the inland delta water bodies into three groups supporting the river classification of Roux et al. (1982), i.e. eupotamon, parapotamon and plesiopotamon, but parapotamon and plesiopotamon divided furthermore into two subgroups, which better reflects hydrological conditions, type of substratum, depth of water bodies and presence of macrophytes. Oligochaete assemblages differ in individual type of group and subgroups, not only species composition, but mainly quantitative (average abundance). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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