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The role of the Conocarpus lancifolius tree in remediaitng oil-contaminated soil, which was bioremediated using conventional methods, was investigated. The selected tree was used to phytoremediate bioremediated oil-contaminated soil for three successive growing seasons. At the end of the phytoremediation experiment, 85.7% of measurable total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) was degraded in Conocarpus lancifolius rhizosphere, and the detectable concentrations of some poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were less than 0.02 ppm. A number of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms (HDMs) were isolated at 35°C under aerobic conditions, and were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. The efficiency of the isolated HDMs in degrading a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds (HC) was assessed. Among the bacterial isolates, Rhodococcus equi was distinguished from the other isolates because of its efficient degradation of some compounds in the HC mixture.

Samples were also collected from Conocarpus lancifolius vegetative parts and were analyzed for heavy metal and mineral accumulation. The results demonstrated that the Conocarpus lancifolius tree was able to uptake high levels of chromium (Cr), vanadium (V), and nickel (Ni) and accumulate them in the tree's roots. Additionally, Conocarpus trees tolerated high concentration and accumulated several metals in all plant tissues. These metals included aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe).  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to use a counter-current leaching process (CCLP) with leachate treatment to develop a remediation process for contaminated soils at a small-arms shooting range (SASR). The soil contaminant concentrations were 245 mg Cu kg?1, 3,368 mg Pb kg?1, 73 mg Sb kg?1, and 177 mg Zn kg?1. The CCLP includes three acid leaching steps (1M H2SO4 + 4M NaCl, t = 1 h, T = 20°C, soil suspension = 100 g L?1), followed by one water rinsing step (1 h). Seven counter-current remediation cycles were completed, and the average resulting metal removals were 93.2 ± 3.5% of Cu, 91.5 ± 5.7% of Pb, 82.2 ± 10.9% of Sb, and 30.0 ± 11.4% of Zn. The metal leaching performances decreased with the number of completed cycles. Soil treated with the CCLP with leachate treatment process met the USEPA threshold criteria of 5 mg Pb L?1 in the TCLP leachate. The CCLP allows a decrease of the water use by 32.9 m3 t?1 and the chemicals’ consumption by approximately 2,650 kg H2SO4, 6,014 kg NaCl, and 1,150 kg NaOH per ton of treated soil, in comparison to standard leaching processes. This corresponds to 78%, 69%, 83%, and 67% of reduction, respectively.  相似文献   

Synthesis and use of 1-(t-butyldimethylsilyloxy)benzotriazole (TBDMS-OBt) in the coupling of Fmoc-amino acid chlorides to amino free amino acid esters in homogeneous solution phase is described. The coupling required no addition of base and was fast and racemization free. Work up and isolation of products were easy. Yield, purity and 1H NMR analysis of peptides, synthesised by this method, were satisfactory.  相似文献   

Summary Synthesis and use of 1-(t-butyldimethylsilyloxy)benzotriazole (TBDMS-OBt) in the coupling of Fmoc-amino acid chlorides to amino free amino acid esters in homogeneous solution phase is described. The coupling required no addition of base and was fast and racemization free. Work up and isolation of products were easy. Yield, purity and1H NMR analysis of peptides, synthesised by this method, were satisfactory.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the Lower Laurentians of southern Quebec to test the hypothesis that base cation fertilization would improve the nutrient status of declining sugar maples (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and alter the partitioning of leaf C and N. Six 40×40 m plots were delineated in an 80 year old stand of sugar maple. Three plots received a mixture of fertilizer and liming materials (500 kg ha–1 of K2SO4, 250 kg ha–1 of CaCO3 and 250 kg ha–1 of CaMg(CO2)2) in the spring of 1989. Leaves from mid crown of dominant or co-dominant maples were sampled monthly during the 1990 growing season. Trees were cored in 1992 to measure their response in diameter growth. Fertilization increased diameter growth and foliar K concentration of trees but reduced foliar Ca concentration. Fertilization resulted in lower starch concentrations and higher ratios of soluble sugars to starch in June and September, and in higher free amino acid concentrations but lower ratio of total non-structural carbohydrates to free amino acids in September. Leaf proline concentration was correlated with leaf starch concentration (r=0.39). The results suggest that amelioration of K deficiencies in sugar maple through fertilization with a mixture of base cations can increase tree growth and affect the seasonal dynamics of foliar C and N pools.Abbreviations FAA free amino acids - TNC total non-structural carbohydrates  相似文献   

Amino acid loss from the roots of 25-day-old, sterile and non-sterile sand-grown forage rape plants, was determined over periods of up to 3.5 hours. Amino acid accumulation in the root-zone of sterile plants was concentration-dependent giving a convex accumulation profile. Amino acid levels in the root zone of non-sterile plants rapidly attained steady state values. Microbial assimilation of amino acids within the root zone appeared to lower amino acid concentrations, resulting in an underestimation of rates of amino acid loss from roots. The concentrations of most amino acids were higher after selected amino acids were supplied to the root zone. The response to exogenous acids was dependent on the concentration and composition of the acids added. Addition of a mixture containing ASN, GLN and GABA, each at 0.25 mM resulted in a greater increase in individual and total acid levels compared with a mixture containing ALA, SER, GLY and THR at the same concentration. Apparently, amino acids supplied exogenously competed with acids lost from the plant, by providing an alternative nutrient source for root zone micro-organisms. Addition of glucose and citric acid had a similar effect to addition of ALA, SER, GLY and THR, but were less effective than ASN, GLN and GABA at all concentrations tested. The nitrogen-rich amino acids ASN and GLN, and the -amino acid, GABA, appeared to compete more effectively with plant-derived acids than did ALA, SER, GLY and THR, the most abundent constituents of the plant-derived acids, which had the highest calculated rates of microbial consumption. Therefore, although bacterial consumption showed a dependence on amino acid concentration, a degree of selectivity for nitrogen-rich acids and gaba was also apparent.  相似文献   

黄土区不同类型土壤可溶性有机氮的含量及特性   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
测定了黄土高原地区不同生态系统土壤中可溶性有机氮(SON)和游离氨基酸的含量,并分析了其与土壤其他性质之间的关系。结果表明,黑垆土、红油土和淋溶褐土中SON的平均含量分别为24.75、39.10mg/kg和41.80mg/kg,占可溶性总氮(TSN)的51.25%、68.28%和68.57%,分别为土壤全氮的2.54%、3.75%和4.00%;土壤游离氨基酸的含量分别为7.18、7.42mg/kg和7.41mg/kg,分别占SON的30.53%、19.23%和17.50%,占全氮的0.74%、0.71%和0.71%.方差分析结果表明,土壤类型对土壤SON含量及其在TSN和全氮中所占的比例、游离氨基酸在SON中所占的比例有显著影响,而对游离氨基酸的含量及其占土壤全氮比例的影响未达显著水平。枯枝落叶层中SON含量(248.26mg/kg)为农田土壤(24.75mg/kg)的10倍左右,且林地土壤0~20cm土层SON含量(31.03mg/kg)显著的高于当地农田,两种生态系统0~20cm土层土壤中游离氨基酸含量(7.18~7.32mg/kg)相当,但均极显著低于枯枝落叶层中游离氨基酸平均含量(18.57mg/kg)。相关分析结果表明,TSN、SON以及游离氨基酸与全氮、硝态氮、铵态氮、有机质等各养分之间均有极显著的相关性。  相似文献   

Abstract. Presence of 2.4-diaminobutyric acid (A2bu), a neurotoxin, in tissues of flatpea ( Lathyrus sylvestris L.) necessitates a thorough understanding of the regulation of this nonprotein amino acid before the species can be recommended to livestock producers for forage applications. To determine how different concentrations and ratios of NO3 and NH+4 in growth media influence the levels of A2bu and other free amino acids in the 'Lathco'flatpea cultivar, plants were grown hydroponically in controlled environments. The concentration of A2bu was highest in tissues when the NO3 to NH+4 ratio in the nutrient solution was low. Responses of amides and other nonprotein amino acids, especially in the roots, followed a similar trend. Free protein amino acids in leaves and stems were generally unaffected by changes in NO3 to NH+4 ratios. In roots, protein amino acids increased as the NO3 to NH+4 ratio in the growth medium increased. Ammonium inhibited shoot and root growth; NO3 alleviated the toxic effects of NH+4. Soluble protein concentrations were higher in the shoots of NO3-fed plants and in the roots of plants supplied with NH+4. These results suggest that accumulation of A2bu and other nonprotein amino acids, as well as asparagine and glutamine, plays a role in detoxification of NH+4 and storage of N.  相似文献   

The free radical scavenging activity of the Japanese herbal medicine, Toki-Shakuyaku-San (TJ-23; TSUMURA & Co., Tokyo, Japan), was examined using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry. TJ-23 scavenged 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals (DPPH), superoxide (O2 ), and hydroxyl radicals (·OH) dose-dependently. It also diminished carbon centered radicals (·C) generated by oxidative stress and inhibited thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) formation in mouse cortex homogenate. In addition, the effect of TJ-23 on the concentration of neurotransmitters and TBARS formation, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the cortex, hippocampus and striatum of the aged rat brain was studied. The concentrations of the metabolites of monoamines, glutamate and glutamine were decreased by 4 weeks of oral administration of TJ-23. The SOD activity of mitochondrial fraction was increased and TBARS formation was significantly suppressed. These results suggest that TJ-23 has an antioxidant action and would have a prophylactic effect against free radical-mediated neurological diseases associated with aging.  相似文献   

The study determined heavy metal concentrations and MT1 nucleotide sequence [phylogeny] in liver of the Kafue lechwe. Applicability of MT1 as a biomarker of pollution was assessed. cDNA-encoding sequences for lechwe MT1 were amplified by RT-PCR to characterize the sequence of MT1 which was subjected to BLAST searching at NCBI. Phylogenetic relationships were based on pairwise matrix of sequence divergences calculated by Clustal W. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by NJ method using PHILLIP program. Metals were extracted by acid digestion and concentrations of Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Ni were determined using an AAS. MT1 mRNA expression levels were measured by quantitative comparative real-time RT-PCR. Lechwe MT1 has a length of 183bp, which encode for MT1 proteins of 61AA, which include 20 cysteines. Nucleotide sequence of lechwe MT1 showed identity with sheep MT (97%) and cattle MT1E (97%). Phylogenetic tree revealed that lechwe MT1 was clustered with sheep MT and cattle MT1E. Cu and Ni concentrations and MT1 mRNA expression levels of lechwe from Blue Lagoon were significantly higher than those from Lochinvar (p<0.05). Concentrations of Cd and Cu, Co and Cu, Co and Pb, Ni and Cu, and Ni and Cr were positively correlated. Spearman's rank correlations also showed positive correlations between Cu and Co concentrations and MT mRNA expression. PCA further suggested that MT mRNA expression was related to Zn and Cd concentrations. Hepatic MT1 mRNA expression in lechwe can be used as biomarker of heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   

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