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Recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) secreted by insect cells was purified by ion-exchange and reversed-phase chromatography to near homogeneity. The N-terminus of the secreted molecule was analogous to that of mouse salivary gland NGF. In its native conformation, the insect cell produced rhNGF molecules were homodimers consisting of 120 amino acid polypeptide chains. Mature rhNGF was found not to be significantly glycosylated (less than 0.08 mol of N-acetylglucosamine/mol of protein). The rhNGF was homogeneous with regard to molecular weight and amino acid sequence. Isoelectric focusing resolved the rhNGF into one major and one minor component. Because rhNGF from insect cells can be obtained in large quantities, purified to near homogeneity, and is similar to natural NGF with regard to physicochemical properties and biological activity, it is suitable for further evaluation in animal models as a therapeutic molecule for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Nerve Growth Factor Receptors in Human Neuroblastoma Cells   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Receptors for the nerve growth factor protein (NGFR) present in the human neuroblastoma cell line LAN-1 were characterized. LAN-1 cells display high-affinity (type I, with KD value of 5.9 X 10(-11) M) and low-affinity (type II, with KD value of 9.2 X 10(-9) M) binding to NGF. NGFR were fractionated by preparative isoelectric focusing in a granulated gel (PEGG). High-affinity binding was found in the 5.9-6.2 pH region of the PEGG, and low-affinity binding in the 4.6-4.8 and 8.8-9.3 pH ranges. After further analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) we observed both 92.5- and 200-kDa molecular species associated with NGF binding activity. The 200-kDa protein was found in fractions displaying high-affinity NGF binding and the 92.5-kDa protein in fractions displaying low-affinity NGF binding. Equilibrium binding analysis of NGF in PEGG fractions confirmed the presence of two specific saturable binding sites with KD values similar to those observed for whole dissociated cells. When NGFR II activity from the acidic region of the PEGG chromatogram was incubated with NGFR II from the basic region of the PEGG chromatogram, there was no change in NGF binding or in the number of apparent NGF receptors. However, incubation of these same fractions with a fraction having only NGFR I showed an apparent increase in high-affinity NGF binding and a decrease in low-affinity NGF binding. Immunoprecipitation of this "mixed" fraction and analysis on SDS-PAGE under reduced and nonreduced conditions showed 200-kDa and 92.5-kDa proteins under nonreduced conditions and a 92.5-kDa protein under reduced conditions. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that there are two distinct NGF receptors in NGF-responsive cells. The interconvertibility of low- and high-affinity receptors and the possible existence of a modulator type protein or of "silent" type receptors are also in agreement with our findings.  相似文献   

Abstract: The nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor, solubilized with Triton X-100 detergent, has been purified from human melanoma cell line A875. Purification to near-homogeneity was achieved by chromatography on wheat germ agglutinin-agarose, followed by immunoaffinity chromatography on Sepharose columns coupled with anti-NGF receptor monoclonal antibody (MAb). The purified receptor, a 75, 000-dalton protein, retains the capacity to bind NGF as well as anti-receptor MAbs. Final purification was achieved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryiamide gel electrophoresis. The sequence of amino acid residues at the amino terminus has been determined. Possible sequence homology between the NGF receptor and several other proteins is discussed. Using the purified receptor as immunogen, new MAbs to the NGF receptor have been produced. The NGF receptor was visualized by immunoperoxidase staining in tissue sections of dorsal root ganglia from monkeys.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) mRNAs were detected and quantified in a variety of normal and neoplastic human tissues by northern blot hybridization. Human heart contained the highest NGF mRNA levels, whereas lower but comparable levels were found in the placenta, prostate, and kidney. All tissues examined coexpressed the low-affinity NGF receptor (LNGFR), whereas none of these tissues expressed the high-affinity NGF receptor encoded by the trk protooncogene. The widespread distribution of the LNGFR suggests that it plays a role in the regulation of normal cell growth. No overexpression of NGF or LNGFR mRNA was detected in neoplastic tissues, whereas LNGFR-like immunoreactivity was localized outside of tumor cells. Transforming growth factor-alpha and protooncogene c-fos expression in these tissues did not show a systematic correlation with NGF/LNGFR expression. Furthermore, regulation of the human NGF gene was studied in DU145 cells, a prostatic adenocarcinoma cell line that synthesizes significant NGF mRNA levels. Serum induced, whereas dexamethasone inhibited, NGF mRNA synthesis in these cells. Serum induction was preceded by a rapid and transient activation of the c-fos protooncogene.  相似文献   

为了降低由人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(hbFGF)的广谱促分裂活性引起的潜在副作用,用中性氨基酸丙氨酸取代了hbFGF第108位的丝氨酸,构建了促分裂活性降低的hbFGF突变体(mhbFGF)。IPTG诱导突变体在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中高效表达。mhbFGF的表达量约为全菌体蛋白的30%。通过离子交换和肝素亲和层析从菌体上清中纯化目标蛋白。MTT法检测促分裂活性表明,mhbFGF的促分裂活性显著低于野生型hbFGF。纯化的:mhbFGF可用于进一步的药效和安全性研究。  相似文献   

用一株基因工程菌E.coli2426/pMN表达了麦芽糖结合蛋白-人神经生长因子融合蛋白.菌体超声破碎后,上清液经直链淀粉亲和柱一步即可获SDS-PAGE纯融合蛋白(55kD),为麦芽糖结合蛋白(42kD)与人神经生长因子(13kD)的络合物,产率约10%.产物用鸡胚背根神经节检测生物活性,1BU不大于10ng,与小鼠颌下腺β神经生长因子具有类似生物活性  相似文献   

神经生长因子与冻干异体神经桥接大鼠神经缺损的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验采用冻干处理的异体神经与外源性神经生长因子(NGF)结合来桥接大鼠的坐骨神经1.0cm的缺损。用雄性Wistar大鼠进行的四组实验结果表明:冻干处理的异体神经可降低其抗原性,但处理后并不损害雪旺氏细胞(SC)基底膜的完整性,在移植后可能成为轴突再生的通道和支架;外源性NGF与冻干神经结合形成的复合体,可为神经的再生提供一个较好的微环境,具有成为理想桥接材料的可能性  相似文献   

神经生长因子启动哮喘神经-内分泌-免疫网络功能失衡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
神经生长因子是一种对神经生长、分化起到营养作用的肽类,其在哮喘发病过程中被认为是连接神经-内分泌-免疫网络的桥梁,作用机制可能如下:a.神经生长因子引起气道神经解剖结构和功能变化,促进气道神经末梢合成和释放递质,有助于气道重构的形成;b.神经生长因子能够增强变应原特异性IgE抗体的表达,促进肥大细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、淋巴细胞等在气道聚集,诱导其释放炎症介质,改变免疫应答平衡状态;c.神经生长因子可能启动肾上腺髓质细胞冗余性,使其向神经细胞转变,导致髓质细胞内分泌功能削弱,使肾上腺素合成、释放和再摄取功能障碍,最终导致循环中肾上腺素达不到维持气道舒张状态所需水平.  相似文献   

Recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) was expressed and secreted by Chinese hamster ovary cells and purified to homogeneity using ion-exchange and reversed-phase (RP) chromatography. The isolated product was shown to be consistent with a 120-amino-acid residue polypeptide chain by amino acid composition, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), RP-HPLC, and mass spectrometry and with an N-terminal sequence consistent with that expected from the cDNA for human nerve growth factor. By size-exclusion chromatography, rhNGF behaves like a noncovalent dimer. Limited enzymatic digests of the 120-residue monomer produced additional species of 118 (trypsin, removal of the C-terminal Arg119-Ala120 sequence) and 117 (trypsin plus carboxypeptidase B, removal of the C-terminal Arg118-Arg119-Ala120 sequence) residues. Each of these species was isolated by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography and characterized by amino acid and N-terminal sequence analyses, SDS-PAGE, RP-HPLC, and mass spectrometry. All three species were present in the digests as both homodimeric and heterodimeric combinations and found to be equipotent in both the chick dorsal root ganglion cell survival and rat pheochromocytoma neurite extension assays.  相似文献   

Abstract: Receptors for insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) were studied on PC12EY cells, a subclone of PC12. Differentiation of PC12EY cells with nerve growth factor (NGF) did not alter either the number of IGF-I receptors nor their affinity for IGF-I. IGF-I receptors remained fully functional during differentiation, promoting increases in thymidine incorporation, glucose uptake, amino acid uptake, and the phosphorylation of the S6 protein of the ribosomes. IGF-I also increased the proportion of differentiated cells found in S-phase. But although the addition of IGF-I to naive cells caused an increase in cell number, there was no comparable increase when IGF-I was added to differentiated cells. Thus, although the receptor for IGF-I continues to be present and functional, IGF-I fails to induce cell proliferation in differentiated PC12 cells.  相似文献   

重组人KGF制备工艺和活性检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:在毕赤酵母中实现了KGF的高效表达,并初步建立了生物学活性检测方法.方法:合成5'端缺失69个核苷酸的KGF基因序列,克隆入pPIC9并转化毕赤酵母菌株GS115中,经诱导表达.发酵液上清采用脱盐层析和阳离子交换层析进行分离纯化.利用貂肺上皮细胞(Mv-1-Lu)检测其生物学活性.结果:表达水平达到了110mg/L发酵液;表达产物经一步离子交换层析就能得到有效分离,总收率在50mg/L发酵液以上;纯化的rhKGF生物学活性与KepivanceTM相当.结论:rhKGF制备工艺和检测方法的建立将为该因子的规模化生产和进一步的临床应用提供良好基础.  相似文献   

Purified recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) and submaxillary gland-derived murine NGF (muNGF) were characterized by amino acid composition, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC), and high-performance ion-exchange chromatography (HPIEC). Limited tryptic digest of the N and C termini of the 120-residue form of rhNGF produced a species of 109 residues (10-118). The previously observed natural murine analogue of this variant, muNGF lacking the first eight N-terminal amino acids, was also isolated as a homodimer. Both species were purified using HPIEC and characterized by amino acid analysis, N-terminal sequence, PAGE, and RP-HPLC analysis. Each of the four homodimeric species was evaluated in some or all of the following biological assays for NGF: chick dorsal root and sympathetic ganglion assays and rat pheochromocytoma-12 cell line neurite extension assay. The 118-residue homodimeric versions of both rhNGF and muNGF displayed equivalent bioactivity, whereas the N terminal-modified molecules presented activity reduced by 50- to 100-fold. Utilizing HPIEC, we have examined the ability of the monomeric forms of any two of the homogeneous dimeric species of rhNGF to recombine. We have shown that not only can all of the previously described species form dimers by recombination, but an interspecies dimer can be created between muNGF and rhNGF.  相似文献   

为了合理评价化合物的促神经再生活性.用溴化四唑蓝(MTT)、分化计数、图象处理等方法,借助FK506、GPI1046阳性化合物,建立了一个基于PC12细胞存活和分化的化合物筛选系统.结果表明,无论在细胞存活实验还是在分化实验中,FK506、GPI1046都可以明显增强神经生长因子(NGF)的效应,即有促神经再生的作用.也就是说,这一系统将有助于从组合化学方法合成的化合物文库中,筛选出具有促神经再生活性的化合物.  相似文献   

Recent studies with sympathetic neurons using radiolabeled nerve growth factor have indicated that a high-molecular-weight covalent complex is formed. This complex is between the nerve growth factor and the high-affinity (type I) receptor and occurs through the formation of a disulfide bond. Studies presented in the present article demonstrate a similar complex is formed on chicken embryonic sensory neurons. The formation of this complex is inhibited by the addition of unlabeled nerve growth factor, metabolic energy inhibitors (dinitrophenol and NaF), and of sulfhydryl reagents. On the other hand, formation of this complex is not inhibited by temperature, or by the addition of insulin or epidermal growth factor. The receptor involved in the covalent complex formation is the high-affinity (type I) receptor. The molecular weight of this complex is approximately 232,000 daltons. Evidence indicates that this covalent complex may be required for the biological activity of the nerve growth factor.  相似文献   

目的:建立检测鼠神经生长因子(mNGF)纯度的分子排阻高效液相色谱法(SEC-HPLC)。方法:利用TSK G3000 SWXL分析柱和Waters 2695/2487高效液相色谱系统检测mNGF标准品纯度,并对方法的专属性、线性、重复性、中间精密度、检测限及耐用性等指标进行评估。结果:空白溶剂在mNGF积分范围内无特异峰出现;样品浓度与吸收峰之间线性回归系数R2=0.9998;6次进样峰面积相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.18%;中间精密度分析RSD为0.45%;检测限为0.2μg;耐用性实验表明磷酸盐浓度在0.2~0.3 mol/L之间变动对检测结果无影响。结论:各项指标符合规定,SEC-HPLC法可用于检测mNGF的纯度。  相似文献   

目的:通过野生型bFGF和改构型bFGF蛋白溶液中的聚集过程的比较,初步探讨bFGF在水溶液中发生聚集的机理。方法:在选择合适溶液体系后,采用蛋白溶解度和促有丝分裂活性能力为指标,表征野生型bFGF和突变型bFGF聚合程度,分析共价聚合和非共价聚合所起的作用。结果:在相同的溶液体系中,野生型bFGF的聚集程度高于突变型bFGF。bFGF聚合程度与浓度有依赖性。沉淀结果分析非共价聚合占主要作用。结论:野生型bFGF在溶液中共价聚和和非共价聚合同时发生,两种bFGF聚合过程中非共价聚合占较大比例。突变半胱氨酸可以减少聚合发生。  相似文献   

Small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) fusion system has been shown to be efficient for enhancing expression and preventing degradation of the target protein. We showed herein that SUMO fusion to human keratinocyte growth factor 2 (hKGF-2) gene was feasible and it significantly enhanced protein expression and its efficiency. The fusion DNA fragment composed of SUMO gene, which was fused to hexahistidine tag, and hKGF-2 gene was amplified by PCR and inserted into the expression vector pET28a to construct the recombinant plasmid, pET28a-SUMO-hKGF-2. The plasmid was then transformed into Escherichia coli RosettaTM2(DE3), and the recombinant fusion protein SUMO-hKGF-2 was expressed at 30°C for 6 h, with the induction of IPTG at the final concentration of 0.4 mM. The expression level of the fusion protein was up to 30% of the total cellular protein. The fusion protein was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. After desalting by Sephadex G-25 size exclusion chromatography, the hexahistidine-SUMO-hKGF-2 was digested by SUMO proteases. The recombinant hKGF-2 was purified again with Ni-NTA column and the purity was about 95% with a total yield of 13.9 mg/l culture. The result of mitogenicity assay suggests that the recombinant hKGF-2 can significantly promote the proliferation of normal rat kidney epithelial (NRK-52E) cells. Xiaoping Wu, and Changjun Nie contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

PC12 cells possess specific receptors for both nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor, and by an unknown mechanism, nerve growth factor is able to attenuate the propagation of a mitogenic response to epidermal growth factor. The differentiation response of PC12 cells to nerve growth factor, therefore, predominates over the proliferative response to epidermal growth factor. We have observed that the addition of nerve growth factor to PC12 cells rapidly produces a decrease in surface 125I-epidermal growth factor binding capacity. Unlike previously described nerve growth factor effects on 125I-epidermal growth factor binding capacity, which required several days of nerve growth factor exposure, the decreases we report occur within minutes of nerve growth factor addition: A 50% decrease in 125I-epidermal growth factor binding capacity is evident at 10 min. This rapid nerve growth factor response is concentration dependent; inhibition of 125I-epidermal growth factor binding is detectable at nerve growth factor levels as low as 0.2 ng/ml and is maximal at approximately 50 ng/ml, consistent with known ranges of biological activity. No demonstrable differences in the rate of epidermal growth factor receptor synthesis or degradation were observed in cells acutely exposed to nerve growth factor. Scatchard analysis revealed that acute nerve growth factor treatment decreased the number of both high- and low-affinity 125I-epidermal growth factor binding sites, while the receptor affinity remained unchanged. We have also investigated the involvement of various potential intracellular mediators of nerve growth factor action and of known intracellular modulatory systems of the epidermal growth factor receptor for their capacity to participate in this nerve growth factor activity.  相似文献   

We have used biologically active derivatives of beta-nerve growth factor (NGF), modified by biotinylation via carboxyl groups, to target the specific binding of liposomes to cultured rat and human tumor cells bearing NGF receptors. Liposomes, to be used for targeting, were prepared by conjugating streptavidin to phospholipid amino groups on liposomes prepared by reverse-phase evaporation. Approximately 2,000 streptavidin molecules were incorporated per liposome. Addition of biotinylated NGF, but not of unmodified NGF, could mediate the subsequent binding of radiolabeled streptavidin-liposomes to rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells in suspension at 4 degrees C. In contrast, incubation with biotinylated NGF did not mediate the binding of hemoglobin-conjugated liposomes. Under optimal incubation conditions, approximately 570 streptavidin-liposomes were specifically bound per cell. Biotinylated NGF was also used to obtain specific binding of streptavidin-liposomes containing encapsulated fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran to PC12 cells or human melanoma HS294 cells. When HS294 cells were incubated at 37 degrees C following targeted liposome binding at 4 degrees C, the cell-associated fluorescence appeared to become internalized, displaying a perinuclear pattern of fluorescence similar to that observed when lysosomes were stained with acridine orange. Trypsin treatment abolished cell-associated fluorescence when cells were held at 4 degrees C but did not alter the fluorescence pattern in cells following incubation at 37 degrees C. When liposomes containing carboxyfluorescein, a dye capable of diffusing out of acidic compartments, were targeted to HS294 cells, subsequent incubation at 37 degrees C resulted in diffuse cytoplasmic fluorescence, suggesting that internalized liposomes encounter lysosomal or prelysosomal organelles.  相似文献   

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