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Hepatic heme metabolism was examined in selenium (Se)-deficient and Se-adequate (control) rats. Administration of phenobarbital stimulated heme synthesis in the liver in both Se-deficient and Se-adequate rats. In contrast to these results, phenobarbital increased microsomal heme oxygenase (MHO) activity six- to eightfold in Se-deficient but not control rats. These data suggest that the previously reported abnormalities of cytochrome P-450 induction in Se-deficient rats are related to increased degradation of hepatic heme.  相似文献   

A single-column technique is described for separating the naturally occurring nicotinic acid- and nicotinamide-containing nucleosides and nucleotides. A unique feature of the system is the use of conductivity measurements as a reproducible means of peak identification. The chromatographic system has been used to isolate a number of NADP+ analogs and to characterize their enzymatic hydrolysis products. These analogs include the α-anomer of NADP+, the nicotinic acid analog of NADP+, and a series of NADP+ derivatives that contain phosphate in the 3′-position.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin, a copper ferroxidase, promotes the incorporation of Fe(III) into the iron storage protein, apoferritin. The product formed is identical to ferritin as judged by polyacrylamide electrophoresis and iron/protein measurements. Of several proteins examined, only apoferritin accumulates the Fe(III) produced by ceruloplasmin. When ceruloplasmin was replaced by tyrosinase, which we have shown to have ferroxidase activity, no iron incorporation into apoferritin was observed. It is proposed that Fe(III) is transferred directly and specifically to apoferritin. These data support a more specific role for ceruloplasmin in iron metabolism than has previously been proposed.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation of isolated rat islets of Langerhans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rapid and reproducible radioimmunoassay method was developed for rat atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-IV. The method is also applicable to human atrial peptide. ANF was detected in rat hypothalamus (5.03 pmoles/g tissue), right (86.8 pmoles/mg tissue) and left atria (52.5 pmoles/mg tissue), and plasma (156 fmoles/ml). After high salt intake immunoreactive ANF in atria and plasma increased significantly, while a significant decrease was observed in hypothalamus. Gel chromatography revealed high and low molecular weight ANF in atria and hypothalamus while only a low molecular weight form was found in plasma.  相似文献   

Apo-horseradish peroxidase was affinity-labeled with the monosulfuric anhydride derivative of mesoheme. The stoichiometry of heme anhydride binding was 1.1 moles of the anhydride per mole of apo-peroxidase.Tryptic digestion of the affinity-labeled peroxidase yielded a major lysine peptide which corresponded in composition to peptides T8 and T9a in the sequence of horseradish peroxidase (Welinder, K. G., Eur. J. Biochem. 96: 483–502, 1979) which contained one mole of histidine (histidine 170) per mole of peptide.  相似文献   

Kinetics of dark recoveries of Component X, Center A, and Center B at 20 and 0 °C after a 30-s illumination were studied in membrane fragments from a blue-green alga by using low temperature electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in combination with a quick-freeze method. These kinetics were compared with those obtained by spectrophotometry under the same conditions. Contrary to the currently popular view, the result strongly suggests that Component X, rather than Center A or Center B, is P430.  相似文献   

Chemical activation of agarose with cyanogen bromide is a routine method when preparing gels for affinity chromatography and for immobilization of macromolecules. Two activation methods are in common use; the titration (1) and the buffer (2) methods.Manipulation of the gels during CNBr activation is complicated due to many steps, some of which have to be carried out as quickly as possible (1,2). In addition, handling the gel is harmful due to the poisonous vapors. In spite of these facts, little effort has been paid to facilitate the practical performance of the activation. We describe here a useful device to eliminate some of the practical troubles in the activation. The main advantages of the device are straight-forward working, speed, and the avoidance of CNBr vapors to a considerable extent. The device is also suitable for handling quantitative gel batches since the loss of gel is minimal.  相似文献   

The acylation of sn-glycerol 3-phosphate with palmityl-CoA was compared in mitochondria and microsomes isolated from rat liver. Polymyxin B, an antibiotic known to alter bacterial membrane structure, stimulated the mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase but inhibited the microsomal enzyme. When mitochondrial and microsomal fractions were incubated at 4–6 °C for up to 4 h, the mitochondrial enzyme remained virtually unchanged while the microsomal enzyme lost about one-half of its activity. Incubations at higher temperatures also revealed that the mitochondrial enzyme was comparatively more stable under the conditions employed. The mitochondrial acyltransferase showed no sensitivity to bromelain, papain, Pronase, and trypsin, all of which strongly inhibited the microsomal enzyme. The differential sensitivity to trypsin was observed in mitochondria and microsomes isolated from other rat organs. However, the liver mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase was inhibited by trypsin in the presence of either 0.05% deoxycholate or 0.1% Triton X-100. The trypsin sensitivity of the mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase in the presence of detergent was not due to the presence, in the mitochondrial fraction, of a trypsin inhibitor which became inactivated by Triton X-100 or deoxycholate. The results suggest that the catalytic site of mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase is not exposed to the cytosolic side and it is located in the inner aspect of the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Measurement of the specific activity of cellular pools of long-chain acylcarnitines is complicated by interference of other labeled cellular lipids, especially phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. To overcome these problems the lipid extract from rabbit aorta labeled with [1-14C]palmitate was treated with phospholipase C. Upon two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography, the long-chain acylcarnitines could be isolated in an area free of interfering radioactivity. Mobility of long-chain carnitines was inversely proportional to the fatty acid chain length. The amount of long-chain acylcarnitine was quantified from their carnitine content after alkaline hydrolysis using carnitine acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

Treatment of the holoenzyme form of prostaglandin H synthase with oxygen gas in the presence of excess dithionite has been found to selectively oxidize the enzyme's heme cofactor. Both the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities of the PGH synthase were restored upon addition of hematin. A convenient procedure has been developed to prepare milligram amounts of apo-PGH synthase from the holoenzyme. This procedure appears to involve a reactive species generated during cooxidation of dithionite and heme. The reactive species differs from that generated during the cyclooxgenase catalytic reactions which inactivates the enzyme. The heme in hemoglobin and hematin is destroyed by the same treatment. Direct addition of hydrogen peroxide converted holo-PGH synthase to the apoenzyme, but with extensive loss of enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

To minimize the contribution by the appreciable rates of extraferritin Fe(II) autoxidation/polymerization which proceed concomitant with the accumulation of iron by ferritin, a simple discontinuous, spectrophotometric kinetic assay was developed. This assay procedure utilizes a commercial metal chelator to complex the substrate and thus quench the reaction. Because operation is between 0 and 20°C and below 1.5 mm Fe(II), interference by autoxidation is negligible. Rates are observed to be first order with respect to apoferritin concentration and first order with respect to Fe(II) concentration at substrate-to-protein ratios as great as 2 × 104. Between 0 and 20°C, the temperature dependence of the rate yielded a linear Arrhenius plot with an activation energy of + 15.2 kcal mol?1. The advantages offered by this assay procedure over existing assays are (i) the assay can be up to an order of magnitude more sensitive, and (ii) the interference by extraferritin Fe(II) autoxidation is insignificant.  相似文献   

Rat kidney cortex slices were tested for their gluconeogenic capacity after the kidney has been either subjected to warm ischemia or flushed with and stored in cold hyperosmotic media. Kidneys damaged by warm ischemia for up to 60 min did not lose their ability to convert pyruvate to glucose. However, they then rapidly lost this capacity so that after 2 hr of ischemia they were devoid of activity. This observation closely corresponded to survival of partially nephrectomized rats whose remaining kidney had been treated in a similar manner. Cortex slices obtained from kidneys flushed and stored in cold hyperosmotic media were found to lose most of their gluconeogenic capacity after 3 days of storage.  相似文献   

Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase) and orotidylate decarboxylase (ODCase) have been found to be particulate in the kinetoplastid protozoan, Crithidia luciliae. Sucrose density centrifugation indicated that these two enzymes are associated with the glycosome, a microbody which appears to be unique to the Kinetoplastida and which contains many of the glycolytic enzymes. The particulate location of OPRTase and ODCase was considered to be favorable for channeling of orotidine-5'-monophosphate (OMP), the product of the first enzyme and substrate for the second. The degree of channeling was determined by double radioactively labeled experiments designed to determine the relative efficiency of endogenous and exogenous OMP as substrates of ODCase. The efficiency of channeling was high, with an approximate 50-fold preference for endogenous OMP. By comparison, the degree of channeling for the yeast enzymes, which are soluble and unassociated, was less than 2-fold. The OPRTase-ODCase enzyme complex was solubilized using Triton X-100 in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide, glycerol, and phosphoribosyldiphosphate. The percentage recovery of the overall enzyme activity was approximately 20%. The degree of channeling was reduced by approximately 10-fold for the solubilized complex. The Km for OMP changed from 7.5 (+/- 1.8) to 1.6 (+/- 0.3) microM in the ODCase reaction. There was no alteration in the Km for orotate in the OPRTase reaction.  相似文献   

Terbium ion (Tb3+), like other rare earth lanthanides, has traditionally been viewed as binding nucleic acids at or near their ionized phosphate groups only. Here evidence is presented from 1H NMR studies that confirms this mode of binding in Tb3+-mono-nucleotide complexes. However, in polynucleotides, we find that Tb3+ coordinately binds at two distinct sites, the phosphate moiety and electron donor groups on purine and pyrimidine bases. This two-site binding is best illustrated by complexes of Tb3+-polyuridylic acid, where the relative sensitivities of the uracil protons H5 and H6 to induced chemical shift and nuclear spin relaxation are the inverse of that seen in Tb3+-uridine monophosphate complexes. These data substantiate recently reported results derived from ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy (D. S. Gross and H. Simpkins, 1981, J. Biol. Chem.256, 9593–9598) that two-site binding is characteristic of the terbium(III)-polynucleotide interaction.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate metabolism of hepatocytes from starved Japanese quail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hepatocytes were isolated from livers of mature male and female starved Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The hepatocytes take up lactate and dihydroxyacetone extensively, and have a very high rate of glucose synthesis from these substrates. Fructose uptake and incorporation into glucose is much less. Pyruvate and alanine are taken up extensively, but form little glucose. There is negligible lipogenesis in cells of starved quail. Alanine increases up to 10-fold incorporation of 3HOH and 14C from several substrates into fatty acids, but it remains insignificant as compared to lipogenesis by cells of fed quail. There is little utilization of glucose, even in the presence of alanine, in marked contrast to hepatocytes from fed quail. However, glucose is phosphorylated at high rates, but most of the glucose 6-phosphate is recycled to glucose. There is a marked difference in the metabolism of polyols between the sexes. Glycerol, xylitol, and sorbitol are converted nearly quantitatively into glucose by hepatocytes of starved female quail. In cells of starved males, the uptake of polyols is higher, but conversion to glucose less efficient. In cells of starved male quail, alanine markedly stimulates the uptake of glycerol and xylitol and their conversion to glucose, but has no effect on sorbitol metabolism. In cells of female quail, alanine is without a significant effect on polyol metabolism.  相似文献   

"Helical wheel" projections of transmembrane helical segments of membrane proteins involved in proton translocation were constructed. The particular proteins studied were the uncF protein subunit of the Escherichia coli proton-ATPase, the uncE protein subunit of the E. coli proton-ATPase, and cytochrome oxidase subunit III. Clear demarcation of polar and nonpolar regions on surfaces of transmembrane helical segments was seen in the uncF protein and in uncE protein helical segment two, but not in uncE protein helical segment one. The transmembrane segment of cytochrome oxidase subunit III which includes the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)-reactive residue was very similar to E. coli uncE protein helical segment two. The DCCD-reactive residue in both was clearly located on a nonpolar surface.  相似文献   

To further elucidate the mechanisms by which ACTH (adrenocorticotropin) exerts its long-term action to maintain normal levels of adrenocortical cytochromes P-450 and related enzymes, the abilities of cholera toxin and prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha to induce the synthesis of cytochromes P-450scc, P-45011 beta, and P-450C21 and adrenodoxin have been examined. These effectors stimulate the production of cyclic AMP and thus steroidogenesis in the adrenal cortex. Using bovine adrenocortical cells in primary monolayer culture, we have shown that treatment with cholera toxin results in increased synthesis of cytochromes P-450scc and P-45011 beta and adrenodoxin, similar to the effect observed upon ACTH treatment. Prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha are less effective at inducing the synthesis of the mitochondrial cytochromes P-450, and do not seem to induce the synthesis of adrenodoxin. Furthermore, cholera toxin was found to be less effective at inducing the synthesis of microsomal cytochrome P-450C21 than ACTH, and no more effective than the prostaglandins. Thus, while it appears that elevation of cyclic AMP levels is a necessary step leading to increased synthesis of adrenocortical forms of cytochrome P-450, the detailed mechanism of this induction will be found to be different for each of the different enzymes.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on [14C]pantothenate incorporation into CoA and on total CoA levels was measured in 3-day-old primary cultures of adult rat liver parenchymal cells. Ethanol decreased the incorporation of radioactivity into CoA a maximum of 67%, 5 mm ethanol was saturating for the inhibitory effect and 0.2 mm ethanol was sufficient for half-saturation. This inhibitory effect did not result from a loss of CoA precursors or from cell death. Ethanol concentrations up to 10 mm did not decrease the ATP content of cells or the total protein content of cells which adhered to the incubation flask. Ethanol (5 mm) had no effect on the cyteine + cystine content of the cells. Intracellular pantothenate concentrations were not affected by 5 mm ethanol, and increasing the pantothenate concentration did not affect ethanol inhibition. Ethanol inhibition of [14C]pantothenate conversion to CoA could be fully reversed by rinsing the cells free of ethanol. The ethanol inhibition could also be fully reversed by addition of 4-methylpyrazole, indicating that ethanol must be oxidized via alcohol dehydrogenase to exert its inhibitory effect. Acetaldehyde, the immediate product of alcohol dehydrogenase, was also an inhibitor of the incorporation of [14C]pantothenate into CoA; the maximum inhibition was 63%. Acetaldehyde concentrations maintained between 18 and 103 μm inhibited incorporation by 57%. The inhibition by acetaldehyde did not correlate well with changes in the NADH and NAD+ ratio of the cells (as determined by measuring changes in the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio). The ability of glucagon, dibutyryl cAMP + theophylline, or dexamethasone to stimulate [14C]pantothenate conversion to CoA was not decreased by the addition of ethanol or acetaldehyde, indicating that ethanol inhibition does not occur by reversal of the cAMP-mediated regulatory mechanism for CoA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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