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The tryptophyl fluorescence emission of yeast 3-phosphoglycerate kinase decreases from pH 3.9 to pH 7.2 following a normal titration curve with an apparent pK of 4.7. The fluorescence decays have been determined at both extreme pH by photocounting pulse fluorimetry and have been found to vary with the emission wavelength. A quantitative analysis of these results according to a previously described method allows to determine the emission characteristics of the two tryptophan residues present in the protein molecule. At pH 3.9, one of the tryptophan residues is responsible for only 13% of the total fluorescence emission. This first residue has a lifetime τ1= 0.6 ns and a maximum fluorescence wavelength λ2max = 332 nm. The second tryptophan residue exhibits two lifetimes τ21= 3.1 ns and τ22= 7.0 ns (λ2max= 338 nm). In agreement with the attribution of τ21and τ32 to the same tryptophan residue, the ratio β = C21/C22 of the normalized amplitudes is constant along the fluorescence emission spectrum. At pH 7.2, the two tryptophan residues contribute almost equally tc the protein fluorescence. The decay time of tryptophan 1 is 0.4 ns. The other emission parameters are the same as those determined at pH 3.9. We conclude that the fluorescence quenching in the range pH 3.9 to pH 8.0 comes essentially from the formation of a non emitting internal ground state complex between the tryptophan having the longest decay times and a neighbouring protein chemical group. The intrinsic pK of this group and the equilibrium constant of the irternal complex can be estimated. The quenching group is thought to be a carboxylate anion. Excitation transfers between the two tryptophyl residues of the protein molecule appear to have a small efficiency.  相似文献   

Intrinsic fluorescence of actin   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
S S Lehrer  G Kerwar 《Biochemistry》1972,11(7):1211-1217

Tryptophan fluorescence lifetimes at pH 2 and pH 8 have been obtained for lysozyme and for lysozyme derivatives in which tryptophan-62 or tryptophan-108 or both are nonfluorescent. The lifetimes range from about 0.5 ns to 2.8 ns for the various emitting tryptophans. The tryptophan lifetimes appear to increase with exposure of tryptophan to solvent, but intramolecular contacts, probably with cystine residues, can considerably shorten the lifetime. Intertryptophanyl interactions can also affect fluorescence lifetimes. The trytophan-108 lifetime in lysozyme is shorter than in the derivative in which tryptophan-62 is oxidized; this is ascribed to energy transfer from tryptophan-108 to tryptophan-62. From the lifetime results the relative intensities emitted by specific tryptophans can be estimated, and these values also support the existence of intertryptophanyl energy transfer. The emission intensity from tryptophan-62 is greater in the presence of tryptophan-108, and the emission intensity of tryptophan-108 appears to be greater in the absence of tryptophan-62. Conformational effects accompanying chemical modification of tryptophan cannot be completely ruled out, however. The tryptophan-62 lifetime at pH 8 in lysozyme is shorter than in the derivatives, which might indicate a subtle conformational effect. Studies with tri-(N-acetyl-glucosamine)-protein complexes indicate that both the tryptophan lifetimes and the number of emitting tryptophans may be changing upon complexation. The results illustrate the usefulness and the limitations of lifetime measurements in understanding protein fluorescence.  相似文献   

The calcium-dependent change in the tryptophan fluorescence intensity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATPase was investigated using different quenching reagents. It is demonstrated that only those compounds which are bound to the enzyme (i.e., 1-(9,10-dibromomyristoyl)-sn-2-glycerophosphorylcholine and 1-(9,10-dibromostearoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine) are able to decrease the amplitude of the fluorescence decrement observed after removal of calcium ions. From the position of the bromine atom within the lysophosphatidylcholines, it is concluded that the tryptophan residues involved are located in the hydrophobic part of the ATPase molecule and are in contact with the hydrocarbon chains of the phospholipids.  相似文献   

To understand the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cell physiology, and how actin-binding proteins regulate the actin cytoskeleton in vivo, we and others previously identified actin-binding proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and studied the effect of null mutations in the genes for these proteins. A null mutation of the actin gene (ACT1) is lethal, but null mutations in the tropomyosin (TPM1), fimbrin (SAC6), Abp1p (ABP1), and capping protein (CAP1 and CAP2) genes have relatively mild or no effects. We have now constructed double and triple mutants lacking 2 or 3 of these actin-binding proteins, and studied the effect of the combined mutations on cell growth, morphology, and organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Double mutants lacking fimbrin and either Abp1p or capping protein show negative synthetic effects on growth, in the most extreme case resulting in lethality. All other combinations of double mutations and the triple mutant lacking tropomyosin, Abp1p, and capping protein, are viable and their phenotypes are similar to or only slightly more severe than those of the single mutants. Therefore, the synthetic phenotypes are highly specific. We confirmed this specificity by overexpression of capping protein and Abp1p in strains lacking fimbrin. Thus, while overexpression of these proteins has deleterious effects on actin organization in wild-type strains, no synthetic phenotype was observed in the absence of fimbrin. We draw two important conclusions from these results. First, since mutations in pairs of actin-binding protein genes cause inviability, the actin cytoskeleton of yeast does not contain a high degree of redundancy. Second, the lack of structural and functional homology among these genetically redundant proteins (fimbrin and capping protein or Abp1p) indicates that they regulate the actin cytoskeleton by different mechanisms. Determination of the molecular basis for this surprising conclusion will provide unique insights into the essential mechanisms that regulate the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

During early stages of meiosis I, yeast mitochondria fuse to form a single continuous thread. Thereafter, portions of the mitochondrial thread are equally distributed to daughter cells. Using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy and a membrane potential sensing dye, mitochondria are resolved as small particles at the cell periphery in pre-meiotic, living yeast. These organelles display low levels of movement. During meiosis I, we observed a threefold increase in mitochondrial motility. Mitochondrial movements were linear, occurred at a maximum velocity of 25 +/- 6.7 nm/s, and resulted in organelle collision and fusion to form elongated tubular structures. Mitochondria do not co-localize with microtubules. Destabilization of microtubules by nocodazole treatment has no significant effect on the rate and extent of thread formation. In contrast, yeast bearing temperature-sensitive mutations in the actin-encoding ACT1 gene (act1-3 and act1-133) exhibit abnormal mitochondrial aggregation, fragmentation, and enlargement as well as loss of mitochondrial motility. In act1-3 cells, mitochondrial defects and actin delocalization occur only at restrictive temperatures. The act1-133 mutation, which perturbs the myosin-binding site of actin without significantly affecting actin cytoskeletal structure in meiotic yeast, results in mitochondrial morphology and motility defects at restrictive and permissive temperatures. These studies support a role for the actin cytoskeleton in the control of mitochondrial position and movements in meiotic yeast.  相似文献   

Tryptophan residues of creatine kinase: a fluorescence study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C H Messmer  J H K?gi 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7172-7178
Spectroscopic studies of rabbit skeletal muscle creatine kinase (CPK) and its complexes with adenosine phosphates have long suggested the occurrence of a tryptophan residue at or near the coenzyme binding sites [K?gi, J. H. R., Li, T.-K., & Vallee, B. L. (1971) Biochemistry 10, 1007-1015; Price, N. C. (1972) FEBS Lett. 24, 21-23]. This conjecture was further supported by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) 1H NMR studies indicating through-space interactions between protons of the adenine ring of bound ADP and one or more aromatic side chains of the proteins [Vasák, M., Nagayama, K., Wüthrich, K., Mertens, M. L., & K?gi, J. H. R. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 5050-5055]. Further evidence for a tryptophan residue in the environment of the active site has now been obtained by fluorescence-quenching studies using iodide and acrylamide as external quenchers. Thus, while by the addition of iodide the tryptophan fluorescence of unliganded CPK is reduced to about 75% of the unquenched control, no such effect is manifested upon addition of this quencher to the CPK.ADP and CPK.ATP complexes. Similarly, the relative effectiveness of quenching of the CPK-coenzyme complexes by acrylamide is only about 60% of that measured in the unliganded enzyme. Both these data and the spectral characteristics of the quenched fluorescence suggest that coenzyme binding perturbs a tryptophan residue that is close to the active site and that is partially exposed to the solvent. The differential effectiveness of external quenchers on unliganded and liganded CPK allows the determination of the ligand binding equilibria by fluorescence-quenchability titration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Phenotypic analysis of temperature-sensitive yeast actin mutants   总被引:128,自引:0,他引:128  
P Novick  D Botstein 《Cell》1985,40(2):405-416
The consequences of two different mutations in the single essential actin structural gene of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were studied. Both conditional-lethal actin mutants exhibit six phenotypes at the restrictive temperature: disruption of the asymmetric staining pattern of actin assembly; delocalized deposition of chitin on the cell surface; partial inhibition of secretion of the periplasmic protein, invertase; an intracellular accumulation of secretory vesicles; death of cells in the budded portion of the cell cycle upon prolonged incubation at the restrictive condition; and osmotic sensitivity. These results implicate actin in the organization and polarized growth of the yeast cell surface.  相似文献   

Movement of cortical actin patches in yeast   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
In yeast, actin forms patches associated with the plasma membrane. Patch distribution correlates with polarized growth during the cell cycle and in response to external stimuli. Using green fluorescent protein fused to capping protein to image actin patches in living cells, we find that patches move rapidly and over long distances. Even patches in clusters, such as at the incipient bud site, show movement. Patches move independently of one another and generally over small distances in a local area, but they can also move larger distances, including through the mother-bud neck. Changes in patch polarization occur quickly through the cell cycle. These observations provide important new parameters for a molecular analysis of the regulation and function of actin.  相似文献   

Millisecond internal dynamics of native and inactivated actin from rabbit skeletal muscle was examined using room temperature phosphorescence. Inactivated actin was prepared by incubation of G-actin at 70 degrees C, by treatment with 4 M urea or 1.5 M guanidinium hydrochloride, renaturation from fully unfolded state or by Ca2+ ion removal. It was shown that inactivation of actin, irrespective of the denaturation procedure applied, leads to a sharp decrease of millisecond fluctuations of the protein structure. Restriction of the slow intramolecular mobility in inactivated actin can result from changes of the protein conformation and/or specific association of macromolecules.  相似文献   

CAP1, the gene encoding the alpha subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae capping protein, was cloned using a probe prepared by PCR with primers based on the amino acid sequence of purified alpha subunit peptides. The sequence is similar to that of capping protein alpha subunits of other species but not to that of the S. cerevisiae capping protein beta subunit or any other protein. Null mutants of capping protein, prepared by deletion of the coding region of CAP1 and CAP2 separately or together, are viable and have a similar phenotype. Deletion of the gene for one subunit leads to a loss of protein for the other subunit. The null mutant has a severe deficit of actin cables and an increased number of actin spots in the mother. Cells are round and relatively large. These features are heterogeneous within a population of cells and vary with genetic background. Overexpression of CAP1 and CAP2 also causes loss of actin cables and cell enlargement, as well as the additional traits of aberrant morphogenesis and cell wall thickening. Capping protein null strains and overexpression strains exhibited normal polarized secretion during bud growth as demonstrated by labeling with fluoresceinated Con A. Projection formation and chitin deposition in response to mating pheromone, mating efficiency, and bud site selection were also normal in capping protein null strains. In addition, bulk secretion of invertase was unimpaired. These data indicate that actin cables are not required for polarized secretion in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The tryptophan intrinsic fluorescence of mitochondrial complex III reconstituted in phosphatidylcholine bilayers was examined at different temperatures. Absorption and emission maxima occur at 277 and 332 nm, irrespective of temperature or lipid:protein ratio even if there are indications (from fluorescence quenching) of protein conformational changes as a function of lipid:protein ratio. Low values of Trp fluorescence quantum yield in complex III (0.008-0.010) are probably due to the neighborhood of the heme groups. The temperature-dependent decrease of fluorescence intensity is nonlinear; the corresponding Arrhenius plots show "breaks" or discontinuities that could be interpreted as thermally dependent changes in protein conformation. However, no temperature-dependent changes in fluorescence quenching have been observed that may be related to protein conformational changes. In addition, Arrhenius plots of the fluorescence intensity of simple molecules, such as Trp or 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate in the presence of aqueous phospholipid dispersions, also show breaks in the same temperature range. Stern-Volmer plots of acrylamide and iodide quenching were also nonlinear, indicating large differences in quenching constants for the various tryptophanyl residues. The quenching results also suggest that, at high lipid:protein ratios, the microviscosity of the protein matrix is higher than that in lipid-poor systems. Comparison of quenching efficiencies of iodide and acrylamide suggest that no significant fraction of the fluorophores occurs in the neighborhood of charged residues.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of cortical actin patch movement in yeast, we implement a method for computer tracking the motion of the patches. Digital images from fluorescence microscope movies of living cells are fed into an image-processing program, which generates two-dimensional patch coordinates in the plane of focus for each movie frame via an algorithm based on detection of rapid intensity variations. The patch coordinates in neighboring frames are connected by a minimum-distance algorithm. The method is used to analyze control cells and cells treated with the actin-depolymerizing agent latrunculin. The motion of the patches in both cases, as analyzed by mean-square patch displacements, is found to be a random walk on average, with a much lower diffusion coefficient for the latrunculin-treated cells. The mean-squared patch travel distances for all of the latrunculin-treated cells are lower than those for all of the control cells. The patches move independently of one another. We develop a quantitative criterion for the presence of directed motion, and show that numerous patches in the control cells display directed motion to a very high degree of certainty. A small number of patches in the latrunculin-treated cells display directed motion.  相似文献   

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