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Ma J  SanMiguel P  Lai J  Messing J  Bennetzen JL 《Genetics》2005,170(3):1209-1220
The homeologous Orp1 and Orp2 regions of maize and the orthologous regions in sorghum and rice were compared by generating sequence data for >486 kb of genomic DNA. At least three genic rearrangements differentiate the maize Orp1 and Orp2 segments, including an insertion of a single gene and two deletions that removed one gene each, while no genic rearrangements were detected in the maize Orp2 region relative to sorghum. Extended comparison of the orthologous Orp regions of sorghum and japonica rice uncovered numerous genic rearrangements and the presence of a transposon-rich region in rice. Only 11 of 27 genes (40%) are arranged in the same order and orientation between sorghum and rice. Of the 8 genes that are uniquely present in the sorghum region, 4 were found to have single-copy homologs in both rice and Arabidopsis, but none of these genes are located near each other, indicating frequent gene movement. Further comparison of the Orp segments from two rice subspecies, japonica and indica, revealed that the transposon-rich region is both an ancient and current hotspot for retrotransposon accumulation and genic rearrangement. We also identify unequal gene conversion as a mechanism for maize retrotransposon rearrangement.  相似文献   

A "gene-island" sequencing strategy has been developed that expedites the targeted acquisition of orthologous gene sequences from related species for comparative genome analysis. A 152-kb bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) encoding phytochrome A (PHYA) was fully sequenced, revealing 16 open reading frames with a gene density similar to many regions of the rice (Oryza sativa) genome. The sequences of genes in the orthologous region of the maize (Zea mays) and rice genomes were obtained using the gene-island sequencing method. BAC clones containing the orthologous maize and rice PHYA genes were identified, sheared, subcloned, and probed with the sorghum PHYA-containing BAC DNA. Sequence analysis revealed that approximately 75% of the cross-hybridizing subclones contained sequences orthologous to those within the sorghum PHYA BAC and less than 25% contained repetitive and/or BAC vector DNA sequences. The complete sequence of four genes, including up to 1 kb of their promoter regions, was identified in the maize PHYA BAC. Nine orthologous gene sequences were identified in the rice PHYA BAC. Sequence comparison of the orthologous sorghum and maize genes aided in the identification of exons and conserved regulatory sequences flanking each open reading frame. Within genomic regions where micro-colinearity of genes is absolutely conserved, gene-island sequencing is a particularly useful tool for comparative analysis of genomes between related species.  相似文献   



Horizontal transfers (HTs) refer to the transmission of genetic material between phylogenetically distant species. Although most of the cases of HTs described so far concern genes, there is increasing evidence that some involve transposable elements (TEs) in Eukaryotes. The availability of the full genome sequence of two cereal species, (i.e. rice and Sorghum), as well as the partial genome sequence of maize, provides the opportunity to carry out genome-wide searches for TE-HTs in Poaceae.  相似文献   

The r1 and b1 genes of maize, each derived from the chromosomes of two progenitors that hybridized >4.8 million years ago (MYA), have been a rich source for studying transposition, recombination, genomic imprinting, and paramutation. To provide a phylogenetic context to the genetic studies, we sequenced orthologous regions from maize and sorghum (>600 kb) surrounding these genes and compared them with the rice genome. This comparison showed that the homologous regions underwent complete or partial gene deletions, selective retention of orthologous genes, and insertion of nonorthologous genes. Phylogenetic analyses of the r/b genes revealed that the ancestral gene was amplified independently in different grass lineages, that rice experienced an intragenomic gene movement and parallel duplication, that the maize r1 and b1 genes are descendants of two divergent progenitors, and that the two paralogous r genes of sorghum are almost as old as the sorghum lineage. Such sequence mobility also extends to linked genes. The cisZOG genes are characterized by gene amplification in an ancestral grass, parallel duplications and deletions in different grass lineages, and movement to a nonorthologous position in maize. In addition to gene mobility, both maize and rice regions experienced recent transposition (<3 MYA).  相似文献   

Zhang X  Zong J  Liu J  Yin J  Zhang D 《植物学报(英文版)》2010,52(11):1016-1026
WUSCHEL-related homeobox(WOX)genes form a large gene family specifically expressed in plants.They are known to play important roles in regulating the development of plant tissues and organs by determining cell fate.Recent available whole genome sequences allow us to do more comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the WOX genes in plants.In the present study,we identified 11 and 21 WOXs from sorghum(Sorghum bicolor)and maize(Zea mays),respectively.The 72 WOX genes from rice(Oryza sativa),sorghum,maize,Arabidopsis(Arabidopsis thaliana)and poplar(Populus trichocarpa)were grouped into three well supported clades with nine subgroups according to the amino acid sequences of their homodomains.Their phylogenetic relationship was also supported by the observation of the motifs outside the homodomain.We observed the variation of duplication events among the nine sub-groups between monocots and eudicots,for instance,more gene duplication events of WOXs within subgroup A for monocots,while,less for dicots in this subgroup.Furthermore,we observed the conserved intron/exon structural patterns of WOX genes in rice,sorghum and Arabidopsis.In addition,WUS(Wuschel)-box and EAR(the ERF-associated amphiphilic repression)-like motif were observed to be conserved among several WOX subgroups in these five plants.Comparative analysis of expression patterns of WOX genes in rice and Arabidopsis suggest that the WOX genes play conserved and various roles in plants.This work provides insights into the evolution of the WOX gene family and is useful for future research.  相似文献   

To ensure food security in Africa and Asia, developing sorghum varieties with grain quality that matches consumer demand is a major breeding objective that requires a better understanding of the genetic control of grain quality traits. The objective of this targeted association study was to assess whether the polymorphism detected in six genes involved in synthesis pathways of starch (Sh2, Bt2, SssI, Ae1, and Wx) or grain storage proteins (O2) could explain the phenotypic variability of six grain quality traits [amylose content (AM), protein content (PR), lipid content (LI), hardness (HD), endosperm texture (ET), peak gelatinization temperature (PGT)], two yield component traits [thousand grain weight (TGW) and number of grains per panicle (NBG)], and yield itself (YLD). We used a core collection of 195 accessions which had been previously phenotyped and for which polymorphic sites had been identified in sequenced segments of the six genes. The associations between gene polymorphism and phenotypic traits were analyzed with Tassel. The percentages of admixture of each accession, estimated using 60 RFLP probes, were used as cofactors in the analyses, decreasing the proportion of false-positive tests (70%) due to population structure. The significant associations observed matched generally well the role of the enzymes encoded by the genes known to determine starch amount or type. Sh2, Bt2, Ae1, and Wx were associated with TGW. SssI and Ae1 were associated with PGT, a trait influenced by amylopectin amount. Sh2 was associated with AM while Wx was not, possibly because of the absence of waxy accessions in our collection. O2 and Wx were associated with HD and ET. No association was found between O2 and PR. These results were consistent with QTL or association data in sorghum and in orthologous zones of maize. This study represents the first targeted association mapping study for grain quality in sorghum and paves the way for marker-aided selection.  相似文献   

A 268-kb chromosomal segment containing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genes that are orthologous to the maize (Zea mays) Rp1 disease resistance (R) gene complex was sequenced. A region of approximately 27 kb in sorghum was found to contain five Rp1 homologs, but most have structures indicating that they are not functional. In contrast, maize inbred B73 has 15 Rp1 homologs in two nearby clusters of 250 and 300 kb. As at maize Rp1, the cluster of R gene homologs is interrupted by the presence of several genes that appear to have no resistance role, but these genes were different from the ones found within the maize Rp1 complex. More than 200 kb of DNA downstream from the sorghum Rp1-orthologous R gene cluster was sequenced and found to contain many duplicated and/or truncated genes. None of the duplications currently exist as simple tandem events, suggesting that numerous rearrangements were required to generate the current genomic structure. Four truncated genes were observed, including one gene that appears to have both 5' and 3' deletions. The maize Rp1 region is also unusually enriched in truncated genes. Hence, the orthologous maize and sorghum regions share numerous structural features, but all involve events that occurred independently in each species. The data suggest that complex R gene clusters are unusually prone to frequent internal and adjacent chromosomal rearrangements of several types.  相似文献   

Hong JP  Byun MY  Koo DH  An K  Bang JW  Chung IK  An G  Kim WT 《The Plant cell》2007,19(6):1770-1781
Although several potential telomere binding proteins have been identified in higher plants, their in vivo functions are still unknown at the plant level. Both knockout and antisense mutants of RICE TELOMERE BINDING PROTEIN1 (RTBP1) exhibited markedly longer telomeres relative to those of the wild type, indicating that the amount of functional RTBP1 is inversely correlated with telomere length. rtbp1 plants displayed progressive and severe developmental abnormalities in both germination and postgermination growth of vegetative organs over four generations (G1 to G4). Reproductive organ formation, including panicles, stamens, and spikelets, was also gradually and severely impaired in G1 to G4 mutants. Up to 11.4, 17.2, and 26.7% of anaphases in G2, G3, and G4 mutant pollen mother cells, respectively, exhibited one or more chromosomal fusions, and this progressively increasing aberrant morphology was correlated with an increased frequency of anaphase bridges containing telomeric repeat DNA. Furthermore, 35S:anti-RTBP1 plants expressing lower levels of RTBP1 mRNA exhibited developmental phenotypes intermediate between the wild type and mutants in all aspects examined, including telomere length, vegetative and reproductive growth, and degree of genomic anomaly. These results suggest that RTBP1 plays dual roles in rice (Oryza sativa), as both a negative regulator of telomere length and one of positive and functional components for proper architecture of telomeres.  相似文献   

Two loci FRI (FRIGIDA) and KRY (KRYOPHILA) have previously been identified as having major influences on the flowering time of the late-flowering, vernalization-responsive Arabidopsis ecotype, Stockholm. We report here on the mapping and subsequent analysis of these two loci. FRI was mapped to the top of chromosome 4 between markers w122 and m506, using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Due to lack of segregation in of the late-flowering phenotype under the environmental conditions used, KRY could only be localized, by subtractive genotyping, to chromosome 5 or part of chromosome 3. The map position of FRI indicates that it is not allelic to any of the late-flowering loci identified by mutagenesis of the early-flowering ecotype Landsberg erecta. The late-flowering phenotype conferred by the Stockholm allele of FRI is modified (towards earlier flowering) by Landsberg erecta alleles at an unknown number of loci, perhaps accounting for the absence of fri mutations among mutant lines recovered in Landsberg erecta.  相似文献   

Two loci FRI (FRIGIDA) and KRY (KRYOPHILA) have previously been identified as having major influences on the flowering time of the late-flowering, vernalization-responsive Arabidopsis ecotype, Stockholm. We report here on the mapping and subsequent analysis of these two loci. FRI was mapped to the top of chromosome 4 between markers w122 and m506, using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Due to lack of segregation in of the late-flowering phenotype under the environmental conditions used, KRY could only be localized, by “subtractive genotyping”, to chromosome 5 or part of chromosome 3. The map position of FRI indicates that it is not allelic to any of the late-flowering loci identified by mutagenesis of the early-flowering ecotype Landsberg erecta. The late-flowering phenotype conferred by the Stockholm allele of FRI is modified (towards earlier flowering) by Landsberg erecta alleles at an unknown number of loci, perhaps accounting for the absence of fri mutations among mutant lines recovered in Landsberg erecta.  相似文献   

Corn and rice genetic linkage map alignments were extended and refined by the addition of 262 new, reciprocally mapped maize cDNA loci. Twenty chromosomal rearrangements were identified in maize relative to rice and these included telomeric fusions between rice linkage groups, nested insertion of rice linkage groups, intrachromosomal inversions, and a nonreciprocal translocation. Maize genome evolution was inferred relative to other species within the Panicoideae and a progenitor maize genome with eight linkage groups was proposed. Conservation of composite linkage groups indicates that the tetrasomic state arose during maize evolution either from duplication of one progenitor corn genome (autoploidy) or from a cross between species that shared the composite linkages observed in modern maize (alloploidy). New evidence of a quadruplicated homeologous segment on maize chromosomes 2 and 10, and 3 and 4, corresponded to the internally duplicated region on rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and suggested that this duplication in the rice genome predated the divergence of the Panicoideae and Oryzoideae subfamilies. Charting of the macroevolutionary steps leading to the modern maize genome clarifies the interpretation of intercladal comparative maps and facilitates alignments and genomic cross-referencing of genes and phenotypes among grass family members.  相似文献   

The Cellulose Synthase-Like D (CslD) genes have important, although still poorly defined, roles in cell wall formation. Here, we show an unexpected involvement of CslD1 from maize (Zea mays) in cell division. Both division and expansion were altered in the narrow-organ and warty phenotypes of the csld1 mutants. Leaf width was reduced by 35%, due mainly to a 47% drop in the number of cell files across the blade. Width of other organs was also proportionally reduced. In leaf epidermis, the deficiency in lateral divisions was only partially compensated by a modest, uniform increase in cell width. Localized clusters of misdivided epidermal cells also led to the formation of warty lesions, with cell clusters bulging from the epidermal layer, and some cells expanding to volumes 75-fold greater than normal. The decreased cell divisions and localized epidermal expansions were not associated with detectable changes in the cell wall composition of csld1 leaf blades or epidermal peels, yet a greater abundance of thin, dense walls was indicated by high-resolution x-ray tomography of stems. Cell-level defects leading to wart formation were traced to sites of active cell division and expansion at the bases of leaf blades, where cytokinesis and cross-wall formation were disrupted. Flow cytometry confirmed a greater frequency of polyploid cells in basal zones of leaf blades, consistent with the disruption of cytokinesis and/or the cell cycle in csld1 mutants. Collectively, these data indicate a previously unrecognized role for CSLD activity in plant cell division, especially during early phases of cross-wall formation.  相似文献   

A promoter fusion (Sh35) combining upstream regulatory regions from the maize Sh1 promoter with a truncated 35S promoter, Δ9035 (–90 to +8) has been compared with the original Sh1 promoter for its capacity to promote expression of the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene in stably transformed tomato plants. For both promoters, very faint GUS expression was detected in the vegetative tissues, and no expression was detected in the fruit pericarp tissues. However, in the seed, Sh1 promoted low GUS expression but Sh35 directed 25-fold higher GUS expression. For both constructs, the profile of GUS expression was similar to that of endogenous sucrose synthase activity, but maximal GUS activity was reached 15 days after the peak of sucrose synthase activity. Received: 20 October 1998 / Revision received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   

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