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Peripheral blood from 120 healthy subjects, of whom 59 were young (35.5 +/- 9.6 years) and 61 aging (69.2 +/- 4.2 years), was examined for the proportions and numbers of lymphocyte populations, with a battery of surface markers. Absolute lymphocyte count and T,B and third population cells were comparable in both groups. Tgamma cell proportions were significantly (p less than 0.001) increased in aging subjects when compared with the young subjects. However, this difference was more significant (p less than 0.001) when aged females were compared with the young females as compared to aged males vs young males (p less than 0.05). When data were anlayzed for absolute numbers of Tmu and Tgamma cells, a similar significant decrease in Tmu, and increase in Tgamma cells were observed. Interestingly, when these data were anlayzed according to gender, significant differences in Tmu and Tgamma cell number were observed between young and old females but not between young and old men. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to proteolysis and the mode of re-expression of receptors for IgM or IgG present on two different subpopulations of human T lymphocytes (T.M and T.G cells, respectively) have been investigated. The IgM receptor was highly susceptible to both trypsin and pronase, whereas the IgG receptor was resistant to trypsin and sensitive only to high concentrations of pronase. The receptors have been removed by treating purified human T cells with pronase and their reappearance on the cell surface has been followed in vitro. The IgM receptors on the cell surface were detectable within 2 hr and the resynthesis was completed in 6 hr. IgG receptors were detectable in 4 to 6 hr and the resynthesis completed within 12 hr. When protein synthesis was inhibited by culturing the cells in the presence of cycloheximide for up to 12 hr, only the IgM receptor (which had a higher turnover rate) failed to be expressed. Whereas interaction of IgG immune complex with the IgG receptors was previously shown to induce a modulation of the receptors, contact with antigen-IgM antibody complexes did not alter the mode of expression of IgM receptors.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes were separated from whole blood on a Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. They were then depleted of monocytes, separated into T and non-T fractions, and assayed for locomotor responses toward casein and endotoxin-activated serum in Boyden chambers. Non-T cells showed higher random motility than did T cells. Culture prior to assay was necessary in order to demonstrate locomotor activity of T cells, but this requirement, although desirable, was not essential for non-T lymphocytes. It was not necessary for Con A to be present in the culture medium or for either T or non-T lymphocytes to be in blast form to show locomotion.  相似文献   

The regulation of antibody response of mice to polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) was investigated using three preparations of PVP (K90, K30, and K15) differing from each other in molecular weight. The immunogenicity of PVP was higher as the molecular weight increased. The depletion of thymus-derived cells resulted in the augmentation of anti-PVP response. On the other hand, the response of intact mice to the most immunogenic PVP (K90) was suppressed more or less by the injection of any preparation of PVP 4 days prior to K90. This was most pronounced when the smallest PVP (K15) was preinjected. The suppression, however, was not observed in thymectomized-irradiated-bone marrow reconstituted mice.These results indicated that anti-PVP response was regulated by two different categories of thymus-derived cells, that is, “intrinsic” and “induced” suppressor cells. The activity of the latter was transferrable, PVP-specific, and eliminated by anti-Thy 1 serum and complement. In addition, the mean affinity of anti-PVP plaque-forming antibodies was found to be reduced by the action of “induced” suppressor cells.  相似文献   

Subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes were prepared by rosetting techniques employing neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes (SRBCn), sheep erythrocytes coated with IgM and murine complement (EAC′), and bovine erythrocytes coated with IgG and IgM. The isolated subpopulations were tested in assays of natural cytotoxicity (NC), antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and mitogen-induced cellular cytotoxicity (MICC). B cells (SRBCn?, EAC′+) did not mediate cytotoxicity. L cells (SRBCn?, EAC′?) mediated NC and ADCC but not MICC. T cells (SRBCn+) mediated NC, ADCC, and MICC. Separation of T cells into Fc-IgG (Tγ) and Fc-IgM (Tμ) subsets revealed that Tγ cells mediated NC, ADCC, and MICC while Tμ cells mediated only MICC. Thus MICC but not NC or ADCC was solely T-cell mediated. Tγ and L cells were functionally distinguishable in that Tγ cells but not L cells mediated MICC. Tγ cells and Tμ cells differed with regard to NC and ADCC effector function while both subsets mediated MICC.  相似文献   

Effects of Con A-induced human mononuclear cells on the proliferative response of peripheral T cells were examined by using TNP-modified autologous lymphocytes as stimulator cells. Cells induced by incubation with Con A contained both suppressor cells and amplifier cells. The former were induced from nylon wool-nonadherent T cells and these precursor cells were sensitive to mitomycin treatment. On the other hand, amplifier precursor cells were nylon wool-nonadherent T cells and were resistant to mitomycin treatment. Cell proliferation was required for the induction of suppressor cells but not for the induction of amplifier cells. Con A-induced suppressor effector cells were both nylon wool-adherent and nonadherent cells, on the contrary, Con A-induced amplifier effector cells were nonadherent cells. A small number of macrophages enhanced the suppressive activity of nonadherent T cells when added at the induction phase of suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

To determine the relative ability of allogeneic endothelial cells to stimulate helper T lymphocytes (HTL), human PBMC or purified T cells were incubated in conventional lymphocyte microcultures or in limiting dilution microcultures with allogeneic human umbilical vein endothelia (HUVE), with cytokine-treated allogeneic HUVE, or with allogeneic peripheral blood monocytes. These cultures were tested for IL-2 production as an index of HTL stimulation. Dose-response studies in conventional lymphocyte cultures indicated that allogeneic monocytes were better than allogeneic HUVE at stimulating IL-2 production. Limiting dilution analyses revealed that untreated HUVE and TNF-treated HUVE stimulated small numbers of HTL (approximately 1 HTL/30,000 PBMC), whereas 5 to 10 times more HTL were stimulated by IFN-gamma-treated HUVE and 10 to 20 times more HTL were stimulated by allogeneic monocytes. Serologic deletion studies revealed that most of the high frequency HTL responding to IFN-gamma-treated HUVE were CD4+, whereas most of the low frequency HTL responding to nontreated HUVE or to TNF-treated HUVE were CD8+. Interestingly, mAb to MHC class I and class II molecules, which significantly impaired HUVE-induced proliferation, caused little interference with HUVE-induced IL-2 production. Finally, polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated that untreated allogeneic HUVE cells could stimulate PBMC to produce mRNA for IFN-gamma, as well as for IL-2. These data demonstrate the following hierarchy of allogeneic stimulatory capacity for human HTL: monocytes greater than IFN-gamma-treated HUVE much greater than TNF-treated HUVE = nontreated HUVE. Further, these data suggest that non-activated allogeneic endothelial cells can initiate immune responses by inducing IL-2 and IFN-gamma. Because IFN-gamma can induce MHC class II expression by the endothelial cells, this could recruit large numbers of CD4+ T cells for IL-2 production.  相似文献   

The major subset of human blood gammadelta T lymphocytes expresses the variable-region genes Vgamma9 and Vdelta2. These cells recognize non-peptidic phosphoantigens that are present in some microbial extracts, as well as the beta(2)-microglobulin-deficient Burkitt's lymphoma Daudi. Most cytotoxic human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells express inhibitory natural killer cell receptors for HLA class I that downmodulate the responses of the gammadelta T lymphocytes against HLA class I expressing cells. In this study we show that transfection of the human beta(2)-microglobulin cDNA into Daudi cells markedly inhibits the cytotoxic and proliferative responses of human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells. This provides direct evidence that the "innate" specificity of human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T-lymphocytes for Daudi cells is uncovered by the loss of beta(2)m by Daudi. However, Daudi cells that express HLA class I in association with mouse beta(2)m at the cell surface are recognized by human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells close to the same degree as the parental HLA class I deficient Daudi cell line. Thus, proper conformation of the HLA class I molecules is required for binding to natural killer cell receptors. Cloning of the HLA class I A, B, and C molecules of Daudi cells and transfer of the individual HLA class I molecules of Daudi cells into the HLA class I deficient recipient cell lines.221 and C1R demonstrate that for some human gammadelta T-cell clones cytolysis can be entirely inhibited by single HLA class I alleles while for other clones single HLA class I alleles only partially inhibit cytotoxicity. Thus, most human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells represent a population of killer cells that evolved like NK cells to destroy target cells that have lost expression of individual HLA class I molecules but with a specificity that is determined by the Vgamma9/Vdelta2 TCR.  相似文献   

A B lymphoblastoid cell line can provide a comitogenic, accessory signal for mitogen-treated T cells. In a study evaluating the antigenic determinant of such cells that mediate this effect, a monoclonal antibody (I57) was raised against the Daudi cell line. This antibody was found to interact with a 30-kDa protein on these cells and had agonistic properties. It enhanced the B lymphoblastoid accessory cell and interleukin 1 (IL-1)-dependent stimulation of PHA-treated murine thymocytes. The stimulatory effect of I57 on PHA-treated thymocytes was more pronounced at high, supraoptimal concentrations of the lectin. This was in contrast with the effect of IL-1 that failed to stimulate these cells treated with PHA at high concentrations. I57 also enhanced stimulation of thymocytes treated with IL-2 alone or with both PHA and IL-2. I57 exhibited by itself mitogenic activity for human T cells. These cells, treated with IL-2, were further stimulated by I57. I57 seems to be different from other agonistic antibodies that have been described so far.  相似文献   

Mice infected with herpes simplex virus develop little or no cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. However, in lymph nodes (LN's) draining a local site infected with HSV, antigen-specific CTL precursors are sensitized, which upon transfer to in vitro culture conditions develop within 72 hr into effective CTL. The in vivo blockade of CTL differentiation can be overcome by cyclophosphamide, suggesting that a cyclophosphamide-sensitive mechanism blocks the in vivo generation of HSV-immune CTL. The cytolytic activity of HSV-immune CTL is H-2 restricted and antigen specific. Thus CTL sensitized toward HSV type 1 discriminate between syngeneic targets infected with either the immunologic HSV variant type 1 or type 2 (and vice versa). H-2-matched target cells exposed for 30 min to infectious HSV are lysed within 60 min of contact with CTL. Since HSV replication is believed to require more than 4 to 5 hr, the data suggest that either the expression of HSV-dependent "early proteins" takes place within 30 to 90 min or cell membrane-integrated HSV virion represents the target antigen of CTL.  相似文献   

Peritoneal exudate lymphocytes obtained from immune guinea pigs and cultured for 1 week on antigen-pulsed autologous macrophages were tested for their ability to bind to fresh antigen-pulsed autologous macrophages or to macrophages pulsed with an irrelevant antigen. Up to 30% of the lymphocytes bound to macrophages bearing the relevant antigen whereas only 2 to 5% remained nonspecifically bound to macrophages after vigorous washing. Specific binding was observed in cultures as early as 1 hr. Analysis of the kinetics of binding suggests that the observed nonspecific binding is not a step in specific binding. The possibility that weaker antigen-independent association between lymphocytes and macrophages precedes specific binding cannot be excluded. No evidence was obtained that serum antibody adsorbed to the macrophage or T cell plays a role in this cell interaction or that the T cell can bind antigen directly. We suggest that the observed specific binding represents the initial event in stimulation of T lymphocytes by antigen.  相似文献   

A receptor for IgA on human T lymphocytes.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Receptors for IgA antibody-antigen complexes were demonstrated on 2 to 18% (mean 6.7%) of human peripheral blood T cells. The proportion of cells bearing detectable IgA receptors was low in freshly prepared T cells and increased in number after 18 to 24 hr of culture similar to the time course of appearance of the Tmu receptor. These T receptors were shown to be distinctly different from Fc-IgM and Fc-IgG receptors on T cells by blocking studies with purified IgA, IgG, and IgM.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship bewteen PPD-reactive helper T cells and PWM-reactive helper T cells in polyclonal Ig production of human PBL. Elimination of PPD-reactive T cells by BUdR + light treatment resulted in a loss of helper function in PPD-induced Ig production, but had no effect on helper function in PWM-induced Ig production. On the other hand, elimination of PWM-reactive T cells resulted in a loss of helper function in both PPD-induced Ig production and PWM-induced Ig production. A blast cell-enriched fraction that was generated by PPD and separated by the velocity sedimentation method contained helper function in both responses. On the other hand, blast cell-depleted fractions did not contain PPD-reactive helper function, although the PWM-reactive helper function was evident. These results strongly suggest that PPD-reactive helper T cells are included in PWM-reactive helper T cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for MOPC-104E myeloma cells of BALB/c origin could be induced in BALB/c, (BALB/c X BALB.B)F1, and (BALB/c X BALB.K)F1 mice. (BALB/c X BALB.B)F1 CTL activity specific for MOPC-104E was effectively inhibited by anti-H-2d but not by anti-H-2b alloantiserum. However, the activity was hardly blocked by specific anti-idiotypic antibodies to MOPC-104E. For further analysis of the recognition of idiotype on target cells by CTL, the effect of those lymphocytes on anti-dextran B1355S antibody-producing B lymphocytes, which have a cross-reactive idiotype to MOPC-104E, was investigated. Lymphocytes from the CTL population did inhibit antibody production by dextran-immune spleen cells, but those from the CTL population specific for irrelevant myeloma cells (MOPC-167) did not. The (BALB/c X BALB.K)F1 CTL population suppressed the antibody production of BALB/c but not of BALB.K. This indicates that F1 cells can preferentially see H-2 antigens of immunizing myeloma cells on target B lymphocytes. The inhibition of antibody production was antigen specific and was only restricted to the PFC that were inhibitable by anti-idiotypic antibodies. The surface phenotypes of the cells that inhibited the antibody production were Thy-1+, Lyt-1-, Lyt-2+, and I-J-. These results strongly suggest that CTL specific for MOPC-104E recognize self H-2 antigens simultaneously with idiotypic determinants on B lymphocytes. Possible immunoregulatory roles of idiotype-specific CTL on antibody production systems are also suggested.  相似文献   

Leu-enkephalin binding to cultured human T lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence is given for the existence of leu-enkephalin binding activity on the cell surface of a human lymphoid T line. Our data suggest that binding is due to receptor structures which in all likelyhood are lipoproteic, as is already known to be the case with the receptors present in the mammalian brain. In spite of these similarities, however, lymphocytes exhibit anomalous specificity as far as the binding toward opioid alkaloids and their inhibitors is concerned.  相似文献   

Potent costimulation of effector T lymphocytes by human collagen type I   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Purified, resting peripheral blood T lymphocytes were previously reported to undergo beta(1) integrin-dependent activation when cultured with anti-CD3 mAb coimmobilized with fibronectin, but not type I collagen. However, the extravascular T cells that encounter immobilized extracellular matrix proteins and are involved in disease pathogenesis have different properties from resting peripheral blood cells. In this study, we confirm that resting CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from peripheral blood are costimulated by immobilized fibronectin, but not type I collagen. In contrast, Ag- or mitogen-stimulated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell lines, used as models of the effector cells involved in disease, are more potently costimulated by type I collagen than fibronectin. The collagen-induced effects are similar in assays with serum-free medium and in more physiological assays in which anti-CD3 mAb is replaced by a threshold concentration of Ag and irradiated autologous PBMC as APC. The responses are beta(1) integrin dependent and mediated largely by very late Ag (VLA) 1 and 2, as shown by their up-regulation on the T cell lines as compared with freshly purified resting PBL, and by the effects of blocking mAb. Reversed phase HPLC located the major costimulatory sequence(s) in the alpha1 chain of type I collagen, the structure of which was confirmed by amino acid sequencing. The results demonstrate the potential importance of type I collagen, an abundant extracellular matrix protein, in enhancing the activation of extravascular effector T cells in inflammatory disease, and point to a new immunotherapeutic target.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes sensitized to allogeneic determinants in vitro were continuously cultured on medium prepared from phytohemagglutinin-(PHA-P) stimulated human mixed lymphocyte cultures. With such human-conditioned medium (HCM), human peripheral lymphoid cells could be grown in culture for over 90 days with a doulbing time of about 54 hr. Cytotoxic lymphocytes could be grown in culture for this time with no loss of cytotoxicity or change in cytotoxic specificity.  相似文献   

Target cell lysis by sensitized cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) may be conveniently quantitated by 51Cr release. By fitting to the formula, P (% specfic release) = 100 (1-e-Nat) one obtains alpha, the relative frequency of CTL in N lymphoid cells. Using a microassay and murine sarcoma target cells, we observed an unexpected decrease in lysis whenever effectors obtained from a graft-vs-host reaction were tested at high concentrations. This inhibition was not observed with CTL generated by an MLC reaction. Inhibition could not be explained by nonspecific mechanical 'crowding', reutilization of released isotope, suppression of release from dead target cells, or the particular strain combination and target used. By modifying the formula to allow suppression of CTL by a stochastic cell-cell interaction with suppessor cell, we found that P = 100 (1-e-Nate-Ngamma) adequately fitted the data, where Ngamma is proportional to inhibitor content. An 18- to 24-hr incubation at 37 degrees C but not 4 degrees C allowed selective depletion or enrichment of inhibitors; in mixing experiments, both parameters Nalpha t and Ngamma behaved stoichiometrically as independent cellular properties. The inhibitor was resistant to concentrations of anti-T cell (RAMG) serum + complement which killed -TL. A similar inhibitor arose in vivo during an anti-tumour allograft response. The ability to quantitate CTL and inhibitor activities from titration curves provides a technique for studying the identity and mechanism of suppressor cells acting at the effector stage of cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Evidence is given for the existence of leu-enkephalin binding activity on the cell surface of a human lymphoid T line, our data suggest that binding is due to receptor structures which in all likelyhood are lipoproteic, as is already known to be the case with the receptors present in the mammalian brain. In spite of these similarities, however, lymphocytes exhibit anomalous specificity as far as the binding toward opioid alkaloids and their inhibitors is concerned.  相似文献   

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