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Summary In view of the importance of the lily pollen tube as an experimental model and the improvements in ultrastructural detail that can now be attained by the use of rapid freeze fixation and freeze substitution (RF-FS), we have reexamined the ultrastructure of these cells in material prepared by RF-FS. Several previously unreported details have been revealed: (1) the cytoplasm is organized into axial slow and fast lanes, each with a distinct structure; (2) long, straight microtubule (MT) and microfilament (MF) bundles occur in the cytoplasm of the fast lanes and are coaligned with every organelle present; (3) the cortical cytoplasm contains complexes of coaligned MTs, MFs, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER); (4) the cortical ER is arranged in a tight hexagonal pattern and individual elements are closely appressed to the plasma membrane with no space between; (5) mitochondria and ER extend into the extreme apex along the flanks of the pollen tube, and vesicles and ER are packed into an inverted cone-shaped area at the center of the apex; (6) MF bundles in the tip region are fewer, finer, and in random orientation in comparison to those of the fast lanes; (7) the generative cell (GC) cell wall complex contains patches of plasmodesmata; (8) The GC cytoplasm contains groups of spiny vesicles that are closely associated with and seem to be fusing with or pinching off from mitochondria, and (9) the vegetative nucleus (VN) contains internal MT-like structures as well as numerous cytoplasmic MTs associated with its membrane and also located between the VN and GC.Abbrevations CF chemical fixation - ER endoplasmic reticulum - GC generative cell - MF microfilament - MT microtubule - PD plasmodesmata - PM plasma membrane - RF-FS rapid freeze fixation-freeze substitution - VN vegetative nucleus  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural organization of the cortical cytoplasm has been examined in caulonemata, branches and buds of the mossFunaria hygrometrica, which were prepared by rapid freeze-fixation and freeze-substitution (FS). The same structural components occur in the cortex of all three cell types: microtubules (MTs), endoplasmic reticulum (ER), coated and uncoated vesicles, coated pits, and dictyosomes. However, the configuration and density of the cortical ER varies between the three. Caulonemata have an open, polygonal network of ER associated with long MTs oriented mostly parallel to the length of the cell. Lamellar ER, covered with polysomes, is interspersed in the network. Branches have a more tightly arranged ER network, at places occurring in a thick layer, and occasional polysome-decorated lamellae. MTs, which extend to the tip of the branch, are oriented mainly parallel to the cell's long axis and are associated with the cortical ER. Buds have the tightest ER network, which is frequently arranged in a thick layer. Tubules in the polygonal ER of buds are densely covered with ribosomes, whereas tubules in the ER network of caulonemata and branches range from nearly smooth to moderately rough. Closely-spaced ER lamellae, with many polysomes, occur in some buds. The MTs of buds extend into the apical dome and are associated with the cortical ER, but are more randomly oriented than in caulonemata or branches. Close appositions between the ER and PM are observed in all three cells, but are more frequent in buds.Abbreviations DiOC6(3) 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide - ER endoplasmic reticulum - FS freeze-substitution - MT microtubule - MF microfilament - PM plasma membrane  相似文献   

Summary Frankia strain HFPCcI 3 is an actinomycete isolated from root nodules ofCasuarina cunninghamiana. In culture it exhibits typicalFrankia morphology and may produce three distinct morphological forms: branching septate hyphae, terminal or intercalary sporangia, and specialized structures termed vesicles which are the purported site of nitrogenase activity. An examination of the ultrastructure of all three morphological forms using both conventional chemical fixation (CF) and quick-freezing followed by freeze-substitution (FS) reveals some interesting differences between the two fixation methods. Unique to FS material are: 1. smooth membrane profiles; 2. lack of mesosomes; 3. lack of discernible nucleoid regions with condensed chromatin; 4. clarity of cytoplasmic elements such as ribosomes and granular bodies; 5. large cytoplasmic tubules in hyphae and young sporangia; 6. outer wall layer not widely separated from the spherical portion of the vesicle, and 7. bundles of microfilaments in vesicles. The quality of preservation after FS appears to be far superior to that obtained with CF. Accordingly the structures observed after FS are thought to represent more faithfully the structure of the living cell.  相似文献   

Sigrun Hippe 《Protoplasma》1985,129(1):52-61
Summary The ultrastructure of freeze-substituted haustoria ofErysiphe graminis DC f. sp.hordei Marchal onHordeum vulgare L. cv. Villa is described. Freeze-substitution allows an improved visualization of thein vivo fine structure of haustoria of powdery mildews. The sheath membrane, as well as the profiles of the plasmalemma, nucleus, mitochondria, and vacuoles appear sharp and smoothly contoured. Invaginations are considered real features of the sheath membrane. Large vacuoles extending into the haustorial body and the haustorial lobes characterize older fungal structures. In the cytoplasm polyribosomes are homogeneously distributed whereas electron-dense glycogen-like inclusions are observed in the periphery of the cytoplasm. The rough endoplasmatic reticulum and the microtubules, primarily orientated with the longitudinal axis of the haustorium, are well resolved by means of the freeze-substitution technique. The method presented provides more detailed insight into the host-parasite interface under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the cytoskeleton inNicotiana alata pollen tubes grownin vitro has been examined after rapid freeze fixation and freeze substitution (RF-FS). Whereas cytoplasmic microtubules (MTs) and especially microfilaments (MFs) are infrequently observed after conventional chemical fixation, they occur in all samples prepared by RF-FS. Cortical MTs are oriented parallel to the long axis of the pollen tube and usually appear evenly spaced around the circumference of the cell. They are always observed with other components in a structural complex that includes the following: 1. a system of MFs, in which individual elements are aligned along the sides of the MTs and crossbridged to them; 2. a system of cooriented tubular endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lying beneath the MTs, and 3. the plasma membrane (PM) to which the MTs appear to be extensively linked. The cortical cytoskeleton is thus structurally complex, and contains elements such as MFs and ER that must be considered together with the MTs in any attempt to elucidate cytoskeletal function. MTs are also observed within the vegetative cytoplasm either singly or in small groups. Observations reveal that some of these may be closely associated with the envelope of the vegetative nucleus. MTs of the generative cell, in contrast to those of the vegetative cytoplasm, occur tightly clustered in bundles and show extensive cross-bridging. These bundles, especially in the distal tail of the generative cell, are markedly undulated. MFs are observed commonly in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell. They occur in bundles oriented predominantly parallel to the pollen tube axis. Although proof is not provided, we suggest that they are composed of actin and are responsible for generating the vigorous cytoplasmic streaming characteristic of living pollen tubes.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol bis-(-aminoethyl ether), N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - ER endoplasmic reticulum - MF microfilament - MT microtubule - PEG polyethylene glycol - PM plasma membrane - RF-FS rapid freeze fixation-freeze substitution  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of microtriches of the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, was examined with a number of electron-microscopic techniques. Fixatives containing different buffers, non-ionic detergents, chelators, tannic acid and various concentrations of aldehydes were tested for ability to stabilize cytoskeletal components while extracting background material. These methods revealed features unique to these specialized microvilli, and permitted construction of a detailed model of microthrix architecture. The microtriches of H. diminuta are comprised of a microfilament-containing base, a dense cap and a complex junctional region between the base and cap. The microfilaments of the base are contiguous distally with a tubular structure (the junctional tubule) within the junctional region; proximally, the microfilaments end abruptly: a terminal web appears to be absent. A beveled bilayered cylinder of dense material (the core tunic) encircles the microfilamentous core. The core tunics and junctional tubules of the microtriches are specifically and uniformly aligned along the strobila. Microtriches therefore can be distinguished from other microvilli (e.g., those of enterocyte brush borders) by their complex ultrastructure and precise orientation upon the cytoplasmic surface.  相似文献   

Summary Chitin microfibrils exposed by chemical extraction of hyphal walls ofCandida albicans, Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis, Coprinus cinereus andMucor mucedo were of variable morphology but gave identical infrared spectra and behaved as pure chitin in chromatographic analyses. The microfibrils of the four dimorphic fungi studied were shorter than those in the mouldsC. cinereus andM. mucedo but were similar to those reported for the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae. InC. albicans the microfibrils in the septal plates of hyphae were predominantly tangentially orientated and were longer than those in the lateral walls. Microfibrils produced by chitin synthasein vitro were very much longer than any observed from hyphal preparations.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of zoospores of several zoosporic fungi was examined using a modified cryofixation technique. An atomizer was used to spray a zoospore suspension into the cold propane reservoir of a conventional plunge freeze-substitution apparatus. Spray-freeze fixation and freeze-substitution of zoospores porvided better fixation of vacuolar structures, membranes and the extracellular coat than that obtained with chemical fixation. The overall shape of cryofixed spores was closer to that seen in living zoospores. Two types of vacuoles were seen in cryofixed zoospores ofMonoblepharella andChytridium. One type of vacuole contained electron-opaque material within the lumen while the other type had no visible internal material in the lumen and appeared to be part of the water expulsion vacuole complex. Coated pits and coated vesicles were observed associated with both the water expulsion vacuoles and the plasma membrane inMonoblepharella andPhytophthora, suggesting that endocytosis of the plasma membrane and expulsion vacuoles is part of membrane recycling during osmoregulatory events. An extracellular coat was seen on the outer surface of cryofixed zoospores ofMonoblepharella sp.,Chytridium confervae andPhytophthora palmivora without the use of carbohydrate-specific stains. The spray-freeze method gave good and reproducible fixation of the wall-less spores in quantities greater than those obtained in previously described zoospore cryofixation studies. The technique is potentially useful for cell suspensions in that freeze damage from excess water is limited.Abbreviations ddH2O deionized distilled water - PME Pipes/MgCl2/EGTA buffer - WEV water expulsion vacuole  相似文献   

The meiotic spindles of Phallus impudicus had a similar ultrastructure to those seen in other basidiomycetes. After meiosis the basidal apex differentiated to form a number of broadly based protuberances which subsequently developed into basidiospores (up to 9 per basidium). The nuclei then underwent a post-meiotic mitosis within the cytoplasm of each basidiospore. After this mitosis one nucleus remained in the basidiospore and a complete septum developed at the base. The significance of this arrangement of meiosis, spore production and post-meiotic mitosis is discussed with respect to the taxonomy and life cycle of this unusual basidiomycete.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the thermophilic cyanobacteriumMastigocladus laminosus were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Mature cultures consisted of relatively old, wide filaments that branched frequently to form younger, thinner filaments. The cells of the younger filaments had a consistently cylindrical morphology, while those of older filaments were rounded and pleomorphic. The internal ultrastructure of the cells depended somewhat on their age. As young cells became larger and wider, their thylakoids underwent slight rearrangement and spread out toward the center of the cytoplasm. Polyphosphate bodies, carboxysomes (polyhedral bodies), and lipid-body-like structures increased in number as the cells aged, but ribosomes and cyanophycin granules were depleted. Cell division involved septum formation followed by ingrowth of the outer membrane and sheath. Cells in older filaments were separated from each other by a complete layer of sheath material. Septum formation in older cells was also seen to occur parallel to the long axis of the filament, thereby confirming that true branching took place.  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  A. Beckett 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):72-83
Summary An account of mitosis in the aphid-pathogenic, entomophthoraceous fungusErynia neoaphidis is presented. The mitotic apparatus is characterized by a closed, intranuclear, polarized spindle. Chromosomes are permanently attached by kinetochore microtubules (kcMTs) to the poles during mitosis. The spindle develops as the spindle pole bodies migrate and separate. At metaphase the eccentric spindle contains only kcMTs and is located in a relatively chromatinfree zone. Paired sister kinetochores are arranged in a broad metaphase plate. During anaphase kcMTs shorten, astral and nonchromosomal microtubules develop and elongate and the interpolar distance increases.  相似文献   

A method was developed which allowed the ultrastructural study of septal formation in the basidiomycete Polyporus biennis. The method involved fixing and embedding single clamp connections. Clamp connections with septa at desired developmental stages were located by light microscopy. The septum grew by the incorporation of vesicles of wall material precursors. The rim of the developing septum was drawn centripetally inwards by a contracting collar of microfilaments within a darkly staining matrix. The inflation of the central pore swelling was governed by realigned microfilaments. The parenthesomes were formed, starting at the apex, by the utilization of the microfilament/matrix material lying along the septum. On completion of the parenthesomes a transient striated structure, governed by microfilaments, was formed in the pore channel and the areas enclosed by the parenthesomes. The maturation of the septum involved the laying down of ER along the septum and the occlusion of each end of the pore channel.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus of aPleurochrysis, a coccolithophorid was studied in detail. Three major fibrous connecting bands and several accessory fibrous bands link the basal bodies, haptonema and microtubular flagellar roots. The asymmetrical flagellar root system is composed of three different microtubular roots (referred to here as roots 1,2, and 3) and a fibrous root. Root 1, associated with one of the basal bodies, is of the compound type, constructed of two sets of microtubules,viz. a broad sheet consisting of up to twenty closely aligned microtubules, and a secondary bundle made up of 100–200 microtubules which arises at right angles to the former. A thin electron-dense plate occurs on the surface of the microtubular sheet opposite the secondary bundle. The fibrous root arises from the same basal body and passes along the plasmalemma together with the microtubular sheet of root 1. Root 2 is also of the compound type and arises from one of the major connecting bands (called a distal band) as a four-stranded microtubular root and extends in the opposite direction to the haptonema. From this stranded root a secondary bundle of microtubules arises at approximately right angle. Root 3 is a more simple type, composed of at least six microtubules which are associated with the basal body. The flagellar transition region was found to be unusual for the classPrymnesiophyceae. The phylogenetic significance of the flagellar apparatus in thePrymnesiophyceae is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural appearances of the cell types are described in the pars distalis of common (Pacific) dolphins, Delphinus delphis. Tentative functions are assigned to these cells and discussed in relation to some of the known adaptations of these mammals to a marine environment.  相似文献   

Summary As part of an investigation on the developmental biology ofCoelomomyces dodgei Couch (Blastocladiales, Chytridiomycetes), the ultrastructure of the male and female gametes was studied. The nucleus is central and conical in shape except for a basal spur that curves back towards the large plate-like mitochondrion. A nuclear cap of ribosomes sits on the flat anterior end of the nucleus. Approximately seven lipid globules are partially embedded in the mitochondrion and are interconnected by membrane cisternae. The lipid globules are covered by a single fenestrated microbody and a backing membrane lies between the microbody and the gamete plasma membrane. The kinetosome is at the base of the nucleus and is connected to a single, posterior, whiplash flagellum. A nonkinetosomal centriole is absent. In the peripheral cytoplasm of both mating types there is a paracrystalline body of unknown composition and function. No significant ultrastructural differences were found between the male and female gametes.  相似文献   

Cultural investigations revealed that Naemacyclus minor, Lophodermium seditiosum and Cenangium ferruginosum were the most frequent colonizers of asymptomatic and symptomatic Pinus sylvestris needles. Since ultrastructural observations showed that morphological features were not suitable to differentiate hyphae of N. minor from hyphae of other isolates, the on-section immunogold labelling technique was applied in combination with an anti-N. minor specific immunoserum. The specificity of this serum was tested against culture hyphae of all isolates. Anti-N. minor specific immunoserum was then used to identify N. minor hyphae in thin sections of green P. sylvestris needles. The infection loci identified were restricted to small tissue areas located in the vicinity of stomata. In the hypodermis, hyphae and endocell-containing hyphae were located within the lumina of host cells but outside the protoplast. The growth of hyphae from cell to cell occurred through pits. The hyphae spreat into the mesophyll intercellularly and continued with the intracellular colonization of moribund and dead mesophyll cells in a later stage of infection. The observed host-parasite interactions at cellular and ultrastructural level are discussed in connection with the still controversial interpretation of the pathogenicity of N. minor.  相似文献   

Summary Mitosis in the marine red algaLomentaria baileyana (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta) was studied with the electron microscope. Nucleus associated organelles known as polar rings (PRs) migrate to establish the division poles at prophase. At prometaphase, shallow invaginations in the nuclear envelope (NE) form on two sides of each PR and soon rupture. The gaps that are consequently formed contain several small fragments of NE. A larger region of NE remains intact between the two gaps. By metaphase several cisternae of perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (PER) have enclosed most of the nucleus but remain absent from the polar regions. The nucleolus disperses partially and a typical metaphase plate of chromosomes is formed. Each PR has disjoined into separate proximal and distal portions. MTs converge widely on all regions of the polar area, but do not extend into the cytoplasm. Some MTs end near or at the chromosomes while others extend slightly farther past the chromosomes or diagonally to the NE. As chromosomes move to opposite poles at anaphase, they are accompanied by nucleolar material. An interzonal midpiece (IZM) is created as the pole to pole distance increases and the NE remains intact except for the polar gaps. Following detachment from the IZM, the daughter nuclei are separated by a large central vacuole as a cleavage furrow develops and eventually constricts to form two cells following pit connection formation. It is suggested that mitosis inLomentaria represents an evolutionary intermediate between that seen in the higher and lower groups of red algae. This conclusion is in agreement with conventional morphological and light microscopic criteria used to placeLomentaria in theRhodymeniales, which is considered to be the next to most advanced order in theRhodophyta.  相似文献   

Summary In the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna, seven morphological endocrine celltypes could be distinguished with the electron microscope. Each of these was identified with one of the seven cell-types distinguished with the light microscope, to most of which endocrine functions have previously been allocated. Corticotrophs and prolactin cells form the rostral pars distalis, and the proximal pars distalis consists of an outer layer of gonadotrophs and an inner zone containing growth hormone cells and thyrotrophs. The pars intermedia contains two cell-types, of uncertain function. Stellate cells (interstitial cells) occur throughout the adenohypophysis, but are most numerous and prominent in the rostral pars distalis. The inner proximal pars distalis contains a cell-type not previously distinguished in this species with the light microscope, the Z-cell, which could be aminergic.The ultrastructural features of each cell-type are described in detail, and discussed in comparisons with the homologous cells described in other teleosts. There is good agreement for different teleosts in the ultrastructural details of each cell type.We thank Mr. L. Ethridge, Mr. M. P. Hancock, Mr. D. Hollingworth and Mr. W. Thomson for technical assistance, and Mr. D. Taylor of the Nuffield Institute of the Zoological Society of London for permission to use the Nuffield Institute electron microscope. We are grateful to Dr. Harry Grier, who collected and embedded glands from P. latipinna in its natural fresh-water habitat in Florida, U.S.A. T. Batten is in receipt of an S.R.C. Research Studentship.  相似文献   

T. Kanbe  K. Tanaka 《Protoplasma》1985,129(2-3):198-213
Summary Mitosis in the dermatophyteMicrosporum canis was studied by freeze substitution and electron microscopy, and analyzed by three dimensional reconstruction from serial sections of the mitotic nuclei. The interphase nucleus has associated nucleus-associated organelle (NAO) on a portion of the outer surface of the nuclear envelope, subjacent to which there was dense intranuclear material. The NAO divided and separated on the envelope, and a spindle was formed. The spindle was composed mostly of microtubules extended between opposite NAOs. Pairing of kinetochores was observed in the spindle from an early stage of development, when chromosomes were not so condensed, and remained unchanged while chromosome condensation proceeded until metaphase. Before the completion of nuclear division, daughter nuclei were connected by a narrow spindle channel, and then the nucleolus, whose structure underwent minimal change during mitosis, was eliminated into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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