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Although Bornean tropical rainforests are among the moistest biomes in the world, they sporadically experience periods of water stress. The observations indicate that these ecosystems tend to have little regulation of water use, despite episodes of relatively severe drought. This water-use behaviour is often referred to as anisohydric behaviour, as opposed to isohydric plants that regulate stomatal movement to prevent hydraulic failure. Although it is generally thought that anisohydric behaviour is an adaptation to more drought-prone habitats, we show that anisohydric plants may also be more favoured than isohydric plants under very moist environments where there is little risk of hydraulic failure. To explore this subject, we examined the advantages of isohydric and anisohydric species as a function of the hydroclimatic environment using a stochastic model of soil moisture and carbon assimilation dynamics parameterized by field observations. The results showed that under very moist conditions, anisohydric species tend to have higher productivity than isohydric plants, despite the fact that the two plant types show almost the same drought-induced mortality. As precipitation decreases, the mortality of anisohydric plants drastically increases whereas that of isohydric plants remains relatively constant and low; in these conditions, isohydric plants surpass anisohydric plants in their productivity.  相似文献   

The diversity of soil communities, the ‘poor man's tropical rainforest’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the various factors that facilitate the high biodiversity of soil communities, concentrating on soil animals. It considers the problems facing soil ecologists in the study of soil communities and identifies the important role such communities play in terrestrial ecosystems. The review also considers diversity and abundance patterns. A range of factors are identified that may contribute to the biodiversity of soil and their role is reviewed. These include diversity of food resources and trophic specialization, habitat favourableness, habitat heterogeneity in space and time, scale and spatial extent of the habitat, niche dynamics and resource partitioning, productivity, disturbance and aggregation.Biodiversity of soil organisms appears high, largely attributable to the nested set of ecological worlds in the soil — the relationship between the range of size groupings of soil organisms relative to the spatial heterogeneity perceived by these various groups — that provide a large area for life for the micro- and mesofauna. The role of aggregation and how it relates to the spatial scale under consideration and to species interactions amongst soil animals is largely unknown at present. The role of disturbance is equivocal and man's activities more often than not seem to lead to a reduced biodiversity of soil communities. This paper also identifies areas where further work is desirable to improve our understanding of the structure and functioning of soil communities.  相似文献   

Functional aspects of biodiversity were investigated in a lowland tropical rainforest in French Guyana (5°2′N, annual precipitation 2200 mm). We assessed leaf δ15N as a presumptive indicator of symbiotic N2 fixation, and leaf and wood cellulose δ13C as an indicator of leaf intrinsic water-use efficiency (CO2 assimilation rate/leaf conductance for water vapour) in dominant trees of 21 species selected for their representativeness in the forest cover, their ecological strategy (pioneers or late successional stage species, shade tolerance) or their potential ability for N2 fixation. Similar measurements were made in trees of native species growing in a nearby plantation after severe perturbation (clear cutting, mechanical soil disturbance). Bulk soil δ15N was spatially quite uniform in the forest (range 3–5‰), whereas average leaf δ15N ranged from −0.3‰ to 3.5‰ in the different species. Three species only, Diplotropis purpurea, Recordoxylon speciosum (Fabaceae), and Sclerolobium melinonii (Caesalpiniaceae), had root bacterial nodules, which was also associated with leaf N concentrations higher than 20 mg g−1. Although nodulated trees displayed significantly lower leaf δ15N values than non-nodulated trees, leaf δ15N did not prove a straightforward indicator of symbiotic fixation, since there was a clear overlap of δ15N values for nodulated and non-nodulated species at the lower end of the δ15N range. Perturbation did not markedly affect the difference δ15Nsoil δ15Nleaf, and thus the isotopic data provide no evidence of an alteration in the different N acquisition patterns. Extremely large interspecific differences in sunlit leaf δ13C were observed in the forest (average values from −31.4 to −26.7‰), corresponding to intrinsic water-use efficiencies (ratio CO2 assimilation rate/leaf conductance for water vapour) varying over a threefold range. Wood cellulose δ13C was positively related to total leaf δ13C, the former values being 2–3‰ higher than the latter ones. Leaf δ13C was not related to leaf δ15N at either intraspecific or interspecific levels. δ13C of sunlit leaves was highest in shade hemitolerant emergent species and was lower in heliophilic, but also in shade-tolerant species. For a given species, leaf δ13C did not differ between the pristine forest and the disturbed plantation conditions. Our results are not in accord with the concept of existence of functional types of species characterized by common suites of traits underlying niche differentiation; rather, they support the hypothesis that each trait leads to a separate grouping of species. Received: 18 August 1997 / Accepted: 14 April 1998  相似文献   

This article concerns the photographic collection of Paka anak Otor, the Bidayuh owner of a ‘mini-museum’ in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, and how it became entangled in his claims to status within and beyond his village. Superficially, the situation is easily apprehended via two analogous approaches within photographic theory and Southeast Asianist ethnography, which treat objects and images as representations or bearers of power and meaning. Here I suggest that such approaches end up eliding the action-centred nature of Paka's ‘big name’-making ambitions. In response, I approach his photographic collection through an analytical framework deriving from Alfred Gell's seminal theory, Art and Agency (1998), which has hitherto remained marginal to Southeast Asianist anthropology. I argue that, more than merely symbolising or bearing his ‘big name’, Paka's photographs were agentive image-objects that actively instantiated it. I conclude by asking how such an analytical shift might encourage a reconceptualisation of ‘power’ and ‘objecthood’ in Southeast Asianist anthropology.  相似文献   

The diversity, composition and structure of vegetation in a cattle landscape in Matiguás, Nicaragua was characterized, and the floristic and structural differences of six types of habitats (secondary forests, riparian forests, charrales, live fences and pastures with high and low tree cover) were compared. A total of 3 949 trees of 180 species and 52 families were recorded. Forty six percent of the total trees reported for the landscape were represented by Guazuma ulmifolia (18.5%), Bursera simaruha (13.2%), Tabebuia rosea (6.3%), Enterolobium cyclocarpum (4.2%) and Albizia saman (3.4%). Many of the dominant species in the landscape were typical of open and disturbed areas. There were significant differences between the different habitats in the patterns of tree species richness, abundance, diversity, structure and floristic composition. The riparian forests had greater tree richness (p=0.0001) and diversity (p=0.0009) than other habitats. The floristic composition varied across habitats. with pairs of habitats sharing between 18.4 and 51.6% of the same tree species, and with clear differences in composition between the forested (riparian and secondary forests) and agricultural habitats. Of the habitats studied, the riparian forests and secondary forests seem to have greatest value for the conservation of the flora in the agropaisaje because they have the greatest species richness, and maintain small populations of endangered species. On the basis of the study, we recommend including agricultural landscapes in strategies to conserve tree diversity and suggest measures to ensure the maintenance of tree diversity in the Matiguas landscape.  相似文献   

? Linking tree diversity to carbon storage can provide further motivation to conserve tropical forests and to design carbon-enriched plantations. Here, we examine the role of tree diversity and functional traits in determining carbon storage in a mixed-species plantation and in a natural tropical forest in Panama. ? We used species richness, functional trait diversity, species dominance and functional trait dominance to predict tree carbon storage across these two forests. Then we compared the species ranking based on wood density, maximum diameter, maximum height, and leaf mass per area (LMA) between sites to reveal how these values changed between different forests. ? Increased species richness, a higher proportion of nitrogen fixers and species with low LMA increased carbon storage in the mixed-species plantation, while a higher proportion of large trees and species with high LMA increased tree carbon storage in the natural forest. Furthermore, we found that tree species varied greatly in their absolute and relative values between study sites. ? Different results in different forests mean that we cannot easily predict carbon storage capacity in natural forests using data from experimental plantations. Managers should be cautious when applying functional traits measured in natural populations in the design of carbon-enriched plantations.  相似文献   

The two most important components of biodiversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, have generally been treated as separate topics, although a coordination between both components is believed to be critical for ecosystem stability and resilience. Based on a new trait concept that allows for the assessment of genetic diversity across species, the relationship between species diversity and genetic diversity was examined in eight forest tree communities composed of different tree genera including both climax and pioneer species. It was intended to check whether a trade-off exists between the two diversity components as was found in a few studies on animal species.Using several isozyme-gene systems as genetic markers, the genetic diversity across species within each of the tree communities was determined by two measures, the commonly used intraspecific genetic diversity averaged over species and the recently developed transspecific genetic diversity per species. Both data sets were compared with the corresponding community-specific species diversity resulting in a positive relationship between the two diversity components. A statistically significant positive correlation was established between the transspecific genetic diversity per species and the species diversity for three isozyme-gene systems. Beyond that, consistent results were obtained using different parameters of the diversity measure which characterize the total, the effective and the number of prevalent variants. The number of prevalent variants reflected most significantly the non-randomness of the observed diversity patterns.These findings can be explained by the observation that the pioneer tree species reveal a by far higher genetic diversity than the climax tree species, which means that an increase in species diversity, due to the addition of several pioneer species at the expense of one or two climax species, goes along with an increase in the level of genetic diversity. Forest tree communities with the highest degree of species diversity exhibit therefore the highest transspecific genetic diversity per species. This result was discussed with regard to the particular composition and stability of forest tree communities.  相似文献   

Ardón M  Pringle CM 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):311-323
We examined the hypothesis that high concentrations of secondary compounds in leaf litter of some tropical riparian tree species decrease leaf breakdown by inhibiting microbial and insect colonization. We measured leaf breakdown rates, chemical changes, bacterial, fungal, and insect biomass on litterbags of eight species of common riparian trees incubated in a lowland stream in Costa Rica. The eight species spanned a wide range of litter quality due to varying concentrations of nutrients, structural and secondary compounds. Leaf breakdown rates were fast, ranging from 0.198 d−1 (Trema integerrima) to 0.011 d−1 (Zygia longifolia). Processing of individual chemical constituents was also rapid: cellulose was processed threefold faster and hemicellulose was processed fourfold faster compared to similar studies in temperate streams. Leaf toughness (r = −0.86, P = 0.01) and cellulose (r = −0.78, P = 0.02) were the physicochemical parameters most strongly correlated with breakdown rate. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, secondary compounds were rapidly leached (threefold faster than in temperate studies), with all species losing all secondary compounds within the first week of incubation. Cellulose was more important than secondary compounds in inhibiting breakdown. Levels of fungal and bacterial biomass were strongly correlated with breakdown rate (fungi r = 0.64, P = 0.05; bacteria r = 0.93, P < 0.001) and changes in structural compounds (lignin r = −0.55, P = 0.01). Collector−gatherers were the dominant functional group of insects colonizing litterbags, in contrast to temperate studies where insect shredders dominate. Insect biomass was negatively correlated with breakdown rate (r = −0.70, P = 0.02), suggesting that insects did not play an important role in breakdown. Despite a wide range of initial concentrations of secondary compounds among the eight species used, we found that secondary compounds were rapidly leached and were less important than structural compounds in determining breakdown rates. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Resource availability and disturbance are important factors that shape the composition, structure, and functioning of ecosystems. We investigated the effects of soil fertility and disturbance on plant–soil interactions and nutrient cycling in a diverse tropical rainforest. Our goal was to determine how common soil specialisation is among species and how plant–soil interactions affect ecosystem functioning in the presence of disturbance. Most species (59%) showed significant fidelity to either fertile (basalt) or infertile (schist) soils. Obligate schist specialists (six species) contributed 39 and 37% to total stand-level basal area and aboveground net primary productivity, respectively. High nutrient use efficiency of schist specialists reduced the rates of within-stand nutrient cycling through the production of nutrient-poor plant tissues and litter. Although forests on schist soils had higher basal area and similar rates of productivity to forests on basalt, uptake of Mg, K, P, and N were markedly less on schist than on basalt, particularly after a cyclone disturbance. Stands on schist soils were also less affected by the cyclone and, as a result, contributed less (ca. 50%) Mg, K, P, and N inputs to the forest floor (via litterfall) than stands on basalt soils. System “openness” (i.e. the risk of nutrient loss) from cyclone-affected basalt forests was minimised by high rates of uptake following disturbance and large effective cation exchange capacities of soils. Soil–plant-disturbance interactions are likely to engender different fitness-enhancing strategies on fertile and infertile soils, possibly leading to the development and/or maintenance of diversity in rainforests.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(8):1383-1392
It is known that the sugar chain linked to steroidal frame plays an important role in physiological and pharmacological activities. In the previous research, we found and confirmed that the terminal C3-O-α-1,2-rhamnosyl moiety linked to the C-3 of steroidal saponin is the key group of platelet aggregation and cytotoxicity. In order to make a complete approach for the structure–activity relationship, we have tried to find the specific enzymes modifying the structure of C3-sugar chain. In the present paper, we describe a novel enzyme from, Klerzyme-150 (K-150), which is specifically capable of hydrolyzing the α-1,4-glycosyl residues at C-3 postion of steroidal saponins. 15 steroidal saponins with different monosaccharides at C3-sugar chains were chosen as substrates to investigate the substrate specificity of K-150. The results showed, based on TLC, HPLC and spectra data analyses, that all products were determined as secondary saponins with the α-1, 4-glycosyl residues removed, which indicated that the enzyme exhibited strict regioselectivity and stereoselectivity. The novel enzyme was purified from K-150 to apparent homogeneity and its structure was identified as rhamnogalacturonan lyase A (Rgl A). The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was 52.08 kDa.  相似文献   

The present checklist of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Ambon is the first comprehensive overview of ant species recorded on the island during the last 150 years. The species list is based on literature and museum collections’ records combined with data from our field survey in 2010. In total, there are 74 ant species and subspecies representing 34 genera and six subfamilies known from Ambon. Five of the species found in undisturbed forest were exotic and indicate the overall habitat degradation on the island. The largest proportion of Ambon ant fauna are species with affinities to the Oriental region and species of Oriental-Austro-Melanesian origin. At least 20% of the species are regional endemics. In comparison to other islands in the region, the Ambon fauna seems more diverse and better sampled; however it is clear that a large part of it still remains to be described.  相似文献   

Okuda  Toshinori  Kachi  Naoki  Kheong Yap  Son  Manokaran  N. 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(2):155-171
Three analyses of species diversity in a lowland dipterocarp forest were conducted to examine whether the nature of forest community dynamics are determined by density-dependent recruitment and mortality of saplings with a data set obtained in a 50 ha plot in Pasoh Forest Reserve. The first analysis examined whether sapling density varied as a function of distance from the nearest conspecific adult. The second analysis assessed the relationship between the spatial distribution patterns of saplings and adult trees. A third analysis examined sapling recruitment and mortality based on data from 2 censuses, taken in 1985 and 1990. Four hundred forty-four species (each with more than 100 individuals) out of the total of 814 species recorded in the plot, were chosen for the analyses. Of these selected species, 56 species showed significant reduction in sapling densities close to the conspecific adults. Within this group, 11 species were in the emergent layer (29.0% of the total species in this layer), 17 were in the canopy layer (10.5%), 18 were in the understory layer (11.3%), and 10 were in treelet and shrub layer (11.8%). In contrast, the sapling densities of 53 species decreased with increasing distance from conspecific adults; 2 of these species were in the emergent layer (5.2% of the total species in this layer), 14 were in the canopy layer (8.6%), 21 were in the understory layer (13.2%), and 16 were in the treelet and shrub layer (18.8%). The saplings of 35 of the 444 total selected species were clumped, while adults were regularly or randomly distributed. Of the remaining species, in 183 species (41.2%), the distributions of both adults and saplings were clumped. Thus, these 2 analyses do not support the prediction that most of the species of lowland tropical forests fail to produce new adults in their vicinity and as a result of this, adult trees are more regularly distributed than their conspecific juveniles (Janzen 1970). In the third analysis, the recruitment of saplings of species in the emergent and canopy layers increased significantly and in proportion with mortality, suggesting that the dominant species suffer higher mortality than do less common species. This trend is not so apparent in the understory, and the treelet and shrub layers. The results imply that a dynamic equilibrium process, which prevents competitive exclusion and maintains space for minor species, may be active among the species in the upper layers (particularly the emergent layer); however, such a dynamic equilibrium condition is not due exclusively to the reduced recruitment of saplings near conspecific adults, and the dynamic equilibrium condition is not prevalent among the lower story species.  相似文献   

Understanding how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning respond to changes in the environment is fundamental to the maintenance of ecosystem function. In realistic scenarios, the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning path may account for only a small share of all factors determining ecosystem function. Here, we investigated the strength to which variations in environmental characteristics in a Neotropical savanna affected functional diversity and decomposition. We sought an integrative approach, testing a number of pairwise hypotheses about how the environment, biodiversity, and functioning were linked. We used structural equation modelling to connect fire frequency, soil fertility, exchangeable Al, water availability, functional diversity of woody plants, tree density, tree height, and litter decomposition rates in a causal chain. We found significant effects of soil nutrients, water availability, and Al on functional diversity and litter decomposition. Fire did not have a significant direct effect on functional diversity or litter decomposition. However, fire was connected to both variables through soil fertility. Functional diversity did not influence rates of litter decomposition. The mediated effects that emerged from pairwise interactions are encouraging not only for predicting the functional consequences of changes in environmental variables and biodiversity, but also to caution against predictions based on only environmental or only biodiversity change.  相似文献   

A 9-month old, female, stray dog was rescued and conducted to a university veterinary hospital. Moderate anemia was observed and abdominal ultrasound revealed pancreatitis. Right kidney was not visualized due to intestinal gas. Urinalysis was normal. Castration was performed three weeks later. Before discharge, abdominal ultrasound was performed for internal sutures examination. A cyst-like structure was present in the right retroperitoneal space with what appeared to be tubular worms inside it, not observed in previous evaluation. An ectopic dioctophymosis diagnosis was made. Two female Dioctophyme renale were surgically removed from the structure. Right kidney was hyperemic but not removed. No sign of peritonitis was observed. The dog recovered well. Laboratory follow-up showed no abnormalities a year after the episode and Doppler ultrasound revealed a mild right nephropathy. This is the first canine ectopic dioctophymosis case with only an abdominal cyst-like structure containing viable nematodes, successfully treated. It represents the rarity and difficulties in diagnosing ectopic dioctophymosis even in enzootic locations, highlighting the importance of ultrasonographic screening for such silent, potentially zoonotic disease.  相似文献   

The stele concept is one of the oldest enduring concepts in plant biology. Here, I review the history of the concept and build an argument for an updated view of steles and their evolution. Studies of stelar organization have generated a widely ranging array of definitions that determine the way we classify steles and construct scenarios about the evolution of stelar architecture. Because at the organismal level biological evolution proceeds by changes in development, concepts of structure need to be grounded in development to be relevant in an evolutionary perspective. For the stele, most traditional definitions that incorporate development have viewed it as the totality of tissues that either originate from procambium – currently the prevailing view – or are bordered by a boundary layer (e.g. endodermis). Consensus between these two perspectives can be reached by recasting the stele as a structural entity of dual nature. Following a brief review of the history of the stele concept, basic terminology related to stelar organization, and traditional classifications of the steles, I revisit boundary layers from the perspective of histogenesis as a dynamic mosaic of developmental domains. I review anatomical and molecular data to explore and reaffirm the importance of boundary layers for stelar organization. Drawing on information from comparative anatomy, developmental regulation, and the fossil record, I propose a stele concept that integrates both the boundary layer and the procambial perspectives, consistent with a dual nature of the stele. This dual stele model posits that stelar architecture is determined at the apical meristem by two major cell fate specification events: a first one that specifies a provascular domain and its boundaries, and a second event that specifies a procambial domain (which will mature into conducting tissues) from cell subpopulations of the provascular domain. If the position and extent of the developmental domains defined by the two events are determined by different concentrations of the same morphogen (most likely auxin), then the distribution of this organizer factor in the shoot apical meristem, as modulated by changes in axis size and the effect of lateral organs, can explain the different stelar configurations documented among tracheophytes. This model provides working hypotheses that incorporate assumptions and generate implications that can be tested empirically. The model also offers criteria for an updated classification of steles in line with current understanding of plant development. In this classification, steles fall into two major categories determined by the configuration of boundary layers: boundary protosteles and boundary siphonosteles, each with subtypes defined by the architecture of the vascular tissues. Validation of the dual stele model and, more generally, in-depth understanding of the regulation of stelar architecture, will necessitate targeted efforts in two areas: (i) the regulation of procambium, vascular tissue, and boundary layer specification in all extant vascular plants, considering that most of the diversity in stelar architecture is hosted by seed-free plants, which are the least explored in terms of developmental regulation; (ii) the configuration of vascular tissues and, especially, boundary layers, in as many extinct lineages as possible.  相似文献   

Stable forested environments can be converted to savanna in response to changes in environmental disturbances. New Caledonia is a biodiversity hotspot; significant ecological and economic resources would be lost if forests were turned into savanna by anthropogenic environmental changes. On the landscape scale, systems that have undergone shifts of this kind are characterized by sharp forest–savanna boundaries and mosaic‐like distributions of savanna and forest. Understanding the locations and the dynamics of such boundaries is a challenge for ecologists and is critical for landscape management and biodiversity conservation. Using a time series of aerial photographs (1955–2000) and a forest habitat suitability map, we tested the hypothesis that topography and spatial processes, especially those relating to fire spread and seed dispersal, are the main determinants of the spatial distribution of rainforest and savanna in a New Caledonian landscape covering 24 km2. Within the studied landscape, the overall forest coverage decreased by 24% between 1976 and 2000. This was primarily due to the contraction of forests on west‐facing slopes, which accounted for about 90% of the total loss. Conversely, the east‐facing forests seemed to have contracted extensively prior to the studied period, and were confined to refuges. A habitat suitability index calculated from the landscape's topographical features using generalized additive models accurately predicted both the presence of forests and the probability of forest expansion/contraction. We also provide evidence that spatial processes such as fire spread and seed dispersal limit the expansion and contraction of forests. Our results suggest that rainforests on west‐facing slopes in New Caledonia will be progressively destroyed by fire until they are restricted to refuges along thalwegs and creeks, as appears to have already happened for their east‐facing counterparts.  相似文献   

Across broad taxonomic groups, life history models predict that increased ecological predictability will lead to conservative investment in reproductive effort. Within species, however, organisms are predicted to have increased reproductive rates under improved environmental conditions. It is not clear how these models apply to closely-related species. In this paper, we examine predictions from these models as applied to variability in reproductive rates between the two species of orangutans, Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean) and Pongo abelii (Sumatran). Orangutans exhibit characteristics of a "slow" life history strategy with large bodies, late age at maturity, low reproductive rates, and long lifespan. Recently, researchers proposed that Sumatran orangutans may have an even slower life history than Bornean orangutans as a result of ecological and genetic differences (Wich et al., 2004). We examined this hypothesis by studying important aspects of life history of both species under conditions of relative ecological stability, in captivity. In this large dataset, there were no significant species differences in age of first or last reproduction, completed fertility, perinatal and postnatal mortality, or female longevity. Bornean orangutans in captivity did have significantly longer interbirth intervals, and male Bornean orangutans had higher survival past maturity. Our results do not support the hypothesis that selection has led to decreased reproductive effort under conditions of increased habitat quality in Sumatra (Wich et al., 2004), and instead suggest that phenotypic flexibility may be particularly important in explaining differences between closely related species.  相似文献   

Interactions between species of different trophic levels have long been recognized as fundamental processes in ecology. Although mounting evidence indicates that plant species diversity (PSD) or plant genetic diversity (PGD) can influence the plant-associated arthropod community, these two fundamental levels of biodiversity are not often manipulated simultaneously to assess their effects on species interactions. We used a large tree diversity experiment (BEF-China), which manipulates PSD and PGD in a crossed design to test individual and combined effects of PSD and PGD on multitrophic interaction networks and interaction partner species richness and occurrence. We focused on two tree species, on which sap-sucking Hemiptera and interacting ant species commonly occur. This tri-trophic interaction can be divided into the antagonistic plant–Hemiptera interaction and the mutualistic Hemiptera–ant interaction, known as trophobioses. Qualitative evaluation of tri-trophic interaction networks at different PSD and PGD combinations showed increased interaction partner redundancy at high PSD and PGD. This was supported by increased Hemiptera species richness at high PSD and PGD. Furthermore, the data indicate higher occurrence of Hemiptera and trophobioses and higher trophobiotic ant species richness with increasing PSD and PGD. As no plant diversity component alone caused an effect we conclude that the combined effect of high PGD and high PSD might be additive. In summary, as plant genetic diversity, especially at low species richness, seems to increase the interaction partner redundancy in interaction networks and the diversity of interacting communities, we suggest that genetic diversity should be considered in forest conservation and restoration programs.  相似文献   

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