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Summary Mutants with Tn5 insertions in the vir region of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens TiC58 plasmid are unable to form crown-gall tumors. Complementation tests of these vir region mutants were carried out by constructing merodiploids in a recombination-deficient strain. Each merodiploid possessed a mutant TiC58 plasmid and a recombinant plasmid containing either the homologous wild-type DNA region or the homologous region containing a second Tn5 insertion. The analysis identified six complementation groups. Mutations in one of these complementation groups were not complemented in trans and represent a cis-dominant locus. The mutation in one complementation group showed variation in host range.  相似文献   

Dual control of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid virulence genes.   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The virulence genes of nopaline (pTiC58) and octopine (pTiA6NC) Ti plasmids are similarly affected by the Agrobacterium tumefaciens ros mutation. Of six vir region complementation groups (virA, virB, virG, virC, virD, and virE) examined by using fusions to reporter genes, the promoters of only two (virC and virD) responded to the ros mutation. For each promoter that was affected by ros, the level of expression of its associated genes was substantially elevated in the mutant. This increase was not influenced by Ti plasmid-encoded factors, and the mutation did not interfere with the induction of pTiC58 vir genes by phenolic compounds via the VirA/VirG regulatory control mechanism. The effects of the ros mutation and acetosyringone were cumulative for all vir promoters examined. The pleiotropic characteristics of the ros mutant include the complete absence of the major acidic capsular polysaccharide.  相似文献   

All Ti plasmid-encoded virulence functions that were studied act in trans. An octopine Ti plasmid-specific vir operon, called vir-O, located on an EcoRI restriction fragment has been characterized. Sequences with promoter activity in Escherichia coli were identified for a second vir operon, called vir-C, which was located close to the position of vir-O.  相似文献   

The virulence loci play an essential role in tumor formation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Induction of vir gene expression by plant signal molecules is solely dependent on the virulence loci virA and virG. This study focused on the virA locus of the octopine type Ti plasmid pTi15955. The nucleic acid sequence of a 5.7-kilobase fragment encompassing virA was determined. Genetic analysis of this region revealed that virA contains one open reading frame coding for a protein of 91 639 daltons. Immunodetection with antibodies raised against a 35-kDa VirA fusion protein produced in E. coli identified by the VirA product in wild-type Agrobacterium cells. Moreover, it is shown that the VirA protein is located in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction of Agrobacterium. These data confirm the proposed regulatory function of VirA whereby VirA acts as a membrane sensor protein to identify plant signal molecules in the environment. The proposed sensory function of VirA strikingly resembles the function of the chemotaxis receptor proteins of E. coli.  相似文献   

The virulence loci play an essential role in tumor formation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Induction of vir gene expression by plant signal molecules is solely dependent on the virulence loci virA and virG. This study focused on the virA locus of the octopine type Ti plasmid pTi15955. The nucleic acid sequence of a 5.7-kilobase fragment encompassing virA was determined. Genetic analysis of this region revealed that virA contains one open reading frame coding for a protein of 91 639 daltons. Immunodetection with antibodies raised against a 35-kDa VirA fusion protein produced in E. coli identified the VirA product in wild-type Agrobacterium cells. Moreover, it is shown that the VirA protein is located in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction of Agrobacterium. These data confirm the proposed regulatory function of VirA whereby VirA acts as a membrane sensor protein to identify plant signal molecules in the environment. The proposed sensory function of VirA strikingly resembles the function of the chemotaxis receptor proteins of E. coli.  相似文献   

A wide host range cosmid vector has been constructed by insertion of the lambda cos site into the plasmid pRK2501. This cosmid, which is maintained in Agrobacterium tumefaciens and is compatible with the Ti plasmid, has been used to make a clone bank of the A. tumefaciens pTiA6 plasmid. Several pTiA6 cosmids have been used to complement Tn5-induced Ti plasmid mutations. Five avirulent mutations which map outside of the region of the plasmid maintained in plant tumours (T-DNA) could be complemented in a trans orientation. Two mutations which are located on a single HpaI restriction fragment outside of the T-DNA, as well as three mutations which map within the T-DNA region, could not be complemented in a trans orientation in a REC- host.  相似文献   

We isolated a mutant strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, designated Ros, that has a pleiotropic phenotype which includes elevated levels of expression of certain genes in the virulence (Vir) region of tumor-inducing plasmid pTiC58. This mutant and others were isolated by fusing the promoter of the Vir bak gene to a promoterless gene (cat) that encodes chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and then selecting for increased expression of cat in A. tumefaciens. The ros mutation is chromosomal in nature and is characterized by a more-than-300-fold increase in the level of expression of bak and a 12-fold increase in the level of expression of an adjacent divergent operon containing the hdv genes, which are involved in some aspect of host specificity. The Ros mutant is fully virulent and is typified by its unusual colony morphology; the colonies have rough surfaces, uneven edges, and a pit in the center at 24 degrees C and vary markedly in appearance from one growth temperature to another. The Ros mutant is not able to form colonies at 12 degrees C, a temperature at which the wild-type strain forms colonies in 14 days. The ros mutation occurs spontaneously with a frequency of 5 X 10(-8). Genetic and biochemical evidence indicates that the product of the ros locus is a negative regulator of Ti plasmid genes and is related to undefined chromosomally encoded functions that are involved in the mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

Ti质粒是农杆菌介导基因转化的重要部件,它是农杆菌染色体外的遗传物质。野生型Ti 质粒虽然是植物基因工程的一种天然载体,但把它用作常规的克隆载体却存在4点缺陷,为了使Ti质粒适于基因工程的需要,必须对其进行改造。改造Ti质粒方法目前有:共整合载体和双元载体。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of 42 775 bp of the vir-region from the Agrobacterium tumefaciens octopine Ti plasmid pTi15955 is reported here. Although the nucleotide sequences of several parts of this region from this or closely related plasmids have been published previously, the present work establishes for the first time the complete arrangement of all the essential virulence genes and their intergenic regions of an octopine Ti plasmid. The disruption of some of the intergenic areas by insertion (IS) elements is typical for the octopine Ti plasmids. Several new ORFs were identified, including ORFs immediately downstream of virD4 and virE2, which probably represent new genes involved in virulence.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens can transfer the T-DNA region of a Ti plasmid to a recipient plant cell. An accepted model that describes the T-DNA transfer mechanism proposes that single-stranded T-complexes are transferred to a recipient plant via a conjugation-like mechanism. This model has been based on examination of a limited number of Ti plasmids. In this study, the type of processed T-DNA molecule created from multiple Ti plasmids was determined. The form of the processed T-DNA was found to vary and was correlated with whether the T-DNA region was organized as a single continuous region or two adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Abstract Efficient transformation of strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes by electroporation with binary Ti plasmid vector is reported. This procedure yields rates of transformation of 106-103 per μg DNA, which is several orders of magnitude greater than previously published procedures for this genus, the efficiency of transformation varies with the bacterial strain used. This procedure will be useful for the construction of plant DNA libraries directly in Agrobacterium .  相似文献   

The virulence regulon of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens TiC58 plasmid is composed of six operons, virA, virB, virG, virC, virD and virE, which direct the transfer of T-DNA into plant cells. The 9.5 kbp virB operon is the largest of these operons and its entire nucleotide sequence was determined and found to contain eleven open reading frames (ORFs). Gene fusions of each VirB ORF to T7 phi 10 were made and overexpressed in Escherichia coli to confirm that they encode proteins of predicted size. Hydrophobic analysis of these peptide sequences revealed nine proteins that contain hydrophobic spanning regions including signal-peptide-like sequences. These data suggest that the majority of VirB proteins may associate with bacterial cell membranes, while the two additional proteins possess a potential ATP-binding site. Strong homologies in amino acid sequences were observed between nopaline- and octopine-type plasmids. Specific differences in amino acid sequence encoded by VirB ORFs of nopaline and octopine Ti plasmid and a functional role of the gene products are discussed.  相似文献   

Pappas KM 《Plasmid》2008,60(2):89-107
The Agrobacterium tumefaciens oncogenic Ti plasmids replicate and segregate to daughter cells via repABC cassettes, in which repA and repB are plasmid partitioning genes and repC encodes the replication initiator protein. repABC cassettes are encountered in a growing number of plasmids and chromosomes of the alpha-proteobacteria, and findings from particular representatives of agrobacteria, rhizobia and Paracoccus have began to shed light on their structure and functions. Amongst repABC replicons, Ti plasmids and particularly the octopine-type Ti have recently stood as model in regulation of repABC basal expression, which acts in plasmid copy number control, but also appear to undergo pronounced up-regulation of repABC, upon interbacterial and host-bacterial signaling. The last results in considerable Ti copy number increase and collective elevation of Ti gene expression. Inhibition of the Ti repABC is in turn conferred by a plant defense compound, which primarily affects Agrobacterium virulence and interferes with cell-density perception. Altogether, the above suggest that the entire Ti gene pool is subjected to the bacterium-eukaryote signaling network, a phenomenon quite unprecedented for replicons thought of as stringently controlled. It remains to be seen whether similar copy number variations characterize related replicons or if they are of even broader significance in plasmid biology.  相似文献   

We have screened strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens for spontaneous mutants showing constitutive transfer of the nopaline Ti plasmid pTiC58 during conjugation. The Ti plasmid derivatives obtained could be transferred not only to A. tumefaciens but also to E. coli cells. The Ti plasmid cannot survive as a freely replicating plasmid in E. coli, but it can occasionally integrate into the E. coli chromosome. However, insertion in tandem of plasmids carrying fd replication origins (pfd plasmids) into the T-DNA provides an indicator for all transfer events into E. coli cells, providing fd gene 2 protein is present in these cells. This viral protein causes the excision of one copy of the pfd plasmid and allows its propagation in the host cell. By using this specially designed Ti plasmid, which was also made constitutive in transfer functions, we found plasmid exchange among A. tumefaciens strains and between A. tumefaciens and E. coli cells to be equally efficient. A Ti plasmid with repressed transfer functions was transferred to E. coli with a rate similar to the low frequency at which it was transferred to A. tumefaciens. The expression of transfer functions of plasmid RP4 either in A. tumefaciens or in E. coli did not increase the transfer of the Ti plasmid into E. coli cells, nor did the addition of acetosyringone, an inducer of T-DNA transfer to plant cells. The results show that A. tumefaciens can transfer the Ti plasmid to E. coli with the same efficiency as within its own species. Conjugational transmission of extrachromosomal DNA like the narrow-host-range Ti plasmid may often not only occur among partners allowing propagation of the plasmid, but also on a 'try-all' basis including hosts which do not replicate the transferred DNA.  相似文献   

To know whether the tumor-inducing plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens carries genetic information of the biosynthesis of cytokinins, the levels of 6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl-amino)purine (iPAde) and its 4-hydroxy derivative trans-zeatin (trans-Z) and its p-beta-D-ribofuranoside (trans-ZR) produced in media by wild-type virulent strain, plasmid-cured avirulent strain and the deletion mutant were compared. The highest levels of iPAde and trans-Z were found in the culture filtrate of late-log phase growth of plasmid-containing virulent strain, then the levels of iPAde and trans-Z were reduced rapidly at stationary phase. The plasmid-cured avirulent strain and deletion mutant had low levels of iPAde and trans-Z throughout the growth. Results obtained here showed Ti plasmid plays an important role in cytokinin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Although the majority of genes required for the transfer of T-DNA from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant nuclei are located on the Ti plasmid, some chromosomal genes, including the recently described acvB gene, are also required. We show that AcvB shows 50% identity with the product of an open reading frame, designated virJ, that is found between the virA and virB genes in the octopine-type Ti plasmid pTiA6. This reading frame is not found in the nopaline-type Ti plasmid pTiC58. acvB is required for tumorigenesis by a strain carrying a nopaline-type Ti plasmid, and virJ complements this nontumorigenic phenotype, indicating that the products of these genes have similar functions. A virJ-phoA fusion expressed enzymatically active alkaline phosphatase, indicating that VirJ is at least partially exported. virJ is induced in a VirA/VirG-dependent fashion by the vir gene inducer acetosyringone. Primer extension analysis and subcloning of the virJ-phoA fusion indicate that the acetosyringone-inducible promoter lies directly upstream of the virJ structural gene. Although the roles of the two homologous genes in tumorigenesis remain to be elucidated, strains lacking acvB and virJ (i) are proficient for induction of the vir regulon, (ii) are able to transfer their Ti plasmids by conjugation, and (iii) are resistant to plant wound extracts. Finally, mutations in these genes cannot be complemented extracellularly.  相似文献   

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