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A simple method for rapidly screening and evaluating many areas of central nervous system tissue before and after flat embedding in Beem capsules is described. This method uses light microscopy to select regions surrounding needle track injuries of brain tissue for subsequent fine structural and enzyme cytochemical analysis of the blood-brain barrier. The mouse cerebral cortex was sectioned with a tissue chopper at 40-50 μm and reacted with diaminobenzidine to demonstrate the presence of exogenous horseradish peroxidase near an injured central nervous system site. Following the enzyme reaction, both osmicated and unosmicated tissue slices were processed for routine electron microscopy, infiltrated with unpolymerized resin, and evaluated on glass slides by light microscopy prior to flat embedding and polymerization. Numerous tissue specimens can be screened in this way for maximum information per tissue slice, and extra tissue samples can be polymerized on the glass slides and conveniently stored for future sectioning.  相似文献   

A method which gives good quality 1-2 μm thick sections of undecaldfied cancellous and thin cortical bones for light miuoscopy is described. Formalin fixed material is dehydrated in graded acetones and embedded in a modiEed formula of Spurr's low viscosity embedding medium. After a 16 hour polymerisation period at 60 C, sections are cut at 1-2 μm thickness on a Porter-Blum JB4A rotary microtome Using glass knives. Sections are attached to clean glass slides with heat, the resin degraded in bromine vapour and removed in acetone. This allows comparative ease of staining. The technique is rapid, does not interfere with tetracycline fluorescence and the same specimens can be used to prepare thick sections for microradiography.  相似文献   

A technic is described for obtaining thin sections of animal tissue suitable for electron microscopy. Fixation is accomplished by perfusion of the whole animal with neutral formalin or alcohol formalin followed by immersion of pieces to be examined in neutralized osmium tetroxide. The embedding medium is a mixture of equal parts of n-butyl and ethyl methacrylate polymerized by ultra-violet light. Sectioning is done by means of a glass knife on an International ultra-thin sectioning microtome set at 0.1 μ. The sections are floated on warm water to spread, then placed on Formvar-coated grids, dried, and put into toluene to dissolve the plastic. The technic produces routinely usable, thin sections that show a minimum of damage owing to fixation, embedding, and sectioning.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented in which some of the processing difficulties with fixation, embedding and cutting whole mouse bones and large bone pieces from other species are considered. The bone specimens are fixed in acetone or by a Karnovsky-formol-saline process which preserves intact endosteal surface-to-cortex layers. After fixation the bones are embedded in a hard mixture of epoxy resin to provide blocks with face sizes up to 3.5 × 3.0 cm. Mineralized sections are cut at 4 μm; demineralized at 3 μm. Sections are fastened to gelatin-subbed slides with pressure plates which produce flat, secure sections. After removal of the plastic, an unmodified Mayer's hematoxylin and a polychromatic eosin staining method is applied to demineralized sections, and a slightly modified method to mineralized sections.  相似文献   

Paraffin section thickness may be directly measured by re-embedding the sections wider consideration, cutting them again at right angles to the original plane of sectioning, and taking direct measurements with a filar micrometer after staining and mounting. Conditions and materials with which relatively un-distorted 3 and 5 μ sections were secured include (a) a hand-honed knife with a 23° facet bevel, set at a clearance angle of 7°, and (b) a hard paraffin (56-58°) embedding medium, preferably with 5% beeswax and 5% bayberry wax added. By taking direct measurements, it was found that bull testis tissue cut at a microtome setting of 10μ averaged 10.82 μ in thickness. Settings of 5 μ and 3 m resulted in sections averaging 5.25 and 3.31 μ in thickness respectively. Stages in sporogenesis of Onoclea sensibilis, Lewitsky fixed, were examined after sectioning at settings of 10, 5, and 3 μ to determine necessity for thin sections. For this material, it was indicated that mitochondrial preparations as thick as 10 μ were worthless, regardless of good fixation and proper staining. Three-micron sections give the best results.  相似文献   

An embedding technique has been developed to overcome difficulties that confront light and electron microscopists working with so-called “hard-to-embed” plant tissue. The method was originally described for freeze-dried material. It uses a modified Quickfit Rotaflo Valve and low heat to generate high pressure to aid in the infiltration and embedding of tissue with propylene oxide and plastic. The technique is not too cumbersome and requires 6 days from the dehydration step to the end of the polymerization process. Thick sections (1-2 μm) obtained from material prepared by this method stain readily with toluidine blue, and thin sections for the electron microscope stain satisfactorily following standard treatment with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The thin sections are stable under the beam of the electron microscope. Results indicate that the quality of tissue preservation with this high pressure embedding technique is as good as that observed using standard embedding methods for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

An improved method is described in which tissue areas can be initially identified in thick sections by light microscopy and isolated for subsequent ultrathin sections and observation by electron microscopy. This is achieved by embedding in hard Epon which can be sectioned at 25-150 μm on a sliding microtome after softening the blockface by applying a 60-70 C tacking iron to its surface immediately before each section is taken. The thick sections are then mounted on plastic slides to enable light microscopic selection of areas to be observed by electron microscopy. The selected areas are remounted on faced Epon blanks and resectioned at less than 50 nm. This technique makes it possible to obtain thick sections while maintaining an Epon hard enough for good serial ultrathin sections.  相似文献   

A method is described for obtaining thin (1 μm) sections for light microscopy from large area thick (100 μm) sections of low viscosity nitrocellulose embedded specimens of human spinal osteoligamentous material.  相似文献   

This study compares microwave fixation of whole fetal specimens with conventional techniques performed at room temperature. All fetuses were obtained from the same pregnant rat; half of them were placed in neutral formalin for 15 min at room temperature, then irradiated for 2.5 min in a domestic microwave oven. The remaining fetuses were placed in neutral formalin at room temperature for 48 hr as a control. Both experimental and control groups were exposed to routine tissue processing for light microscopy and embedded in paraffin wax. Sections 5 μm thick were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Our results showed that the microwave technique reduced the fixation time while providing thin sections that were equal to or better in quality than those in the control group.  相似文献   

Osteoporotic fractures occur frequently in aging populations. Established methods for analyzing microarchitecture indicate that cancellous bone loss in the elderly is associated with progressive reduction in the connectivity of the trabecular network. This disconnection may explain the increased skeletal fragility that is sometimes out of proportion to the amount of bone lost. Connectivity, however, is difficult to measure and usually requires indirect methods. We describe development of a simple, inexpensive and direct procedure for counting sites of trabecular disconnection. The method is based upon preparation of 300-500 fjim thick slices of methylmethacrylate embedded material rather than the more usual thin 8 μm. histological sections. The marrow tissue is retained within the thick slice; this is essential for conservation of any detached bone fragments. In such preparations differential superficial staining of the upper and lower surfaces with alizarin red and light green, respectively, allows the two-dimensional image to be viewed at the same time as its three-dimensional counterpart. In this way, “real” (i. e., unstained) trabecular termini can be distinguished from “apparent” (i. e., stained red or green) termini that are artifacts of the plane of section. Partly polarized light enhances the microscope image. The method does not destroy the material for subsequent bone histomorphom-etry and, therefore, may be a useful adjunct to iliac bone biopsy analysis in studies of metabolic bone disease.  相似文献   

Two standard cytological techniques have heen modified to stain specifically the interstitial cells of the testis. In Method 1, the tissue is fixed in Zenker-formol or Regaud's fluid for several hours or overnight and subsequently postchromed in 3% K2Cr2O7 for 72 hr at 37°C. After paraffin embedding, sections are cut at 5μ, dewaxed, brought down to 70% alcohol and stained in an unfiltered saturated solution of Sudan black in 70% alcohol for 10-30 min. Sections are washed briefly in 70% alcohol to remove all excess dye, differentiated, if necessary, in 50% alcohol, downgraded to water and mounted in Farrants' medium or glycerol jelly. Interstitial cells: deep blue black; remainder of testicular tissue: light blue. Method 2 is essentially the Champy-Kull technique but specific staining for mitochondria is omitted and the sections are downgraded to water; then they are mounted in Farrants' medium or glycerol jelly without further treatment. In this way osmicated lipoids are preserved. Interstitial cells: conspicuous due to the variable number of black granules in their cytoplasm; the remainder of the tissue: yellow.  相似文献   

Glycol methacrylate (GMA), a water and ethanol miscible plastic, was introduced to histology as an embedding medium for electron microscopy. This medium may be made soft enough for cutting thick sections for routine light microscopy by altering its composition. A procedure for the infiltration, polymerization, and sectioning of animal tissues in GMA for light microscopy is presented which is no more complex than paraffin techniques and which has a number of advantages: (I) The GMA medium is compatible with both aqueous fixatives (formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, Bouin's, and Zenker's) and non-aqueous fixatixes (Carnoy's, Newcomer's, ethanol, and acetone). (2) Undue solvent extraction of the tissue is avoided because adequate dehydration occurs during infiltration of the embedding medium. Separate dehydration and clearing of the tissue prior to embedding is eliminated. (3) When polymerized, the supporting matrix is firm enough that hard and soft tissues adjacent to one another may be sectioned without distortion. (4) Thermal artifact is reduced to a minimum during polymerization because the temperature of the tissue may be maintained at 0-4 C from fixation through ultraviolet light polymerization of the embedding medium. (5) Shrinkage during polymerization of the embedding medium is minimized by prepolymerization of the medium before use. (6) Sections may be easily cut using conventional steel knives and rotary microtomes at a thickness of 0.5 to 3.0 microns, thus improving resolution compared with routinely thicker paraffin sections. (7) The polymerized GMA medium is porous enough so that staining, auto radiography, and other histological procedure are done without removal of the embedding medium from the sections. A list of these stains and related procedures are included. (8) Enzyme digestion of ultra thin sections of tissue embedded in GMA is common in electron microscopic cyto chemistry. me same digestion techniques appear compatible with the thicker seaions used in light microscopy.  相似文献   

Many alternative methods for immunopathological evaluation of kidney tissue are now available. Immunofluorescent or immunoperoxidase staining of kidney can be performed after formalin fixation and paraffin embedding. This is also possible after fixation with formol-sublimate (Stieve's fluid) using the immunoperoxidase technique or by immunofluorescence after removal of mercury. Reduction of strong nonspecific fluorescence caused by the mercury fixative parallels the elimination of mercury as verified by X-ray microanalysis of the sections. Using a mouse model with injection of graded dilutions of antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies, immunofluorescent staining after Stieve fixation and embedding in Paraplast was about 60% of that in cryostat sections. Immunofluorescent staining after mercury removal can be followed by silver staining for detailed morphologic study of the same 1 μm Paraplast sections. A case of antiglomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis is illustrated in more detail to show the necessity of alternative methods, including the technique presented, pre-embedding immunofluorescent staining of Epon sections, and electron microscopy, to make a reliable diagnosis of this disease.  相似文献   

A diaminobenzidine (DAB) stain for myelin in glutaraldehyde fixed, osmicated, semithin epoxy sections is described. One or 1.5 μm sections, dried onto slides, are first etched with a 1:2 dilution of saturated sodium ethox-ide:absolute ethanol, then incubated in 0.05% aqueous DAB with 0.01% hydrogen peroxide. DAB specifically stains osmium fixed myelinated nerve fibers. This permits high resolution light microscopic study of myelinated nerve fibers in semithin sections of tissues that also can be studied by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A method is described for the histochemical detection of horseradish peroxidase in Paraplast Plus embedded brain sections. The procedure uses 150-micron-thick Vibratome-cut slices of glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde-fixed brain tissue. Tetramethylbenzidine stabilized by diaminobenzidine/cobalt/H2O2 is used as chromogen. The Vibratome-cut slices are dehydrated through a graded series of acetone, cleared in toluol and flat-embedded in Paraplast Plus embedding medium. Serial sections can be cut as thin as 5-7 micron. The method is universal in its application and permits optimal visualization of labeled neurons with great morphological detail at the light-microscopic level.  相似文献   

An improved method for preparing and staining ground tissue-implant sections for light microscopy is presented. Undecalcified tissue blocks with titanium implants were dehydrated in an ascending series of ethanol and stained in toto with basic fuchsin. Specimens were infiltrated and embedded in methyl methacrylate and sections were prepared using a cutting-grinding-system. The polished surface was counterstained with light green or anilin blue. Light polymerizing resin was used as slide mounting medium and for mounting the coverglass. The sections obtained were 10-15 μm thick with tissue architecture which clearly differentiated structures at the tissue-implant interface. The method was very useful for computer assisted morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

A staining procedure for the anterior hypophysis of the rat, differentiating between eosinophilic granules, basophilic granules and mitochondria, has been divised. Small pieces of hypophyseal tissue are fixed in Champy's fluid. Following fixation the tissue is either chromated or osmicated. After being embedded in 60-62° paraffin, the tissue is cut serially at 2 and 3 μ. The sections are stained with 7% Altmann's acid fuchsin by heating on a laboratory hot plate, followed by 30 seconds in a 2% solution of Orange G made up in 1% phosphomolybdic acid. They are then treated for 10 seconds in a .01% solution of potassium carbonate, and stained for 10-30 minutes in Goodpasture's acid polychrome methylene blue. The mitochondria stain brilliant fuchsia, the eosinophilic granules orange-red, and the basophilic granules deep blue.  相似文献   

Aldehyde fixation and glycol methacrylate embedding were applied to herbarium specimens of fruits of the Compositae. Sections 1-2 μm thick were cut with glass knives. Softening was unnecessary and the hydrophilic properties of the resin permitted staining with a number of dyes. Specimens were examined with bright field and polarized light microscopy. The technique gives good structural preservation and resolution even with 81-year-old herbarium material.  相似文献   

Enzymes and tissue antigens were localized on plastic embedded undecalcified bones and teeth using Technovit 7200 VLC (Kulzer, Germany). This resin is hard enough for cutting and grinding procedures on rotating plates with diamond layers. The pores between the diamond grains are not obstructed with this resin. The procedure described here permits localization of antigens in the soft tissues adjacent to, or in the biological hard tissues themselves and in dental implants (ceramic or metallic) on the light microscopic level. The undecalcified bone is fixed and embedded in plastic and cut at 100-150 μm. The slices are ground automatically by a grinding machine to a thickness of 5-10 μm. After application of the substrates for alkaline and acid phosphatases and the required dyes, the distribution of these enzymes can be demonstrated. Tissue antigens also can be detected with slightly modified standard techniques of immunohistochemistry and lectin histochemistry using the peroxidase technique or fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Serial sectioning epoxy embedments by steel knife permits rapid light microscope survey of large tissue volumes, and preselection of areas of interest for electron microscopy. Acetate film (Hollander 1970) and Turtox plastic slides (West 1972) have been suggested as substrates upon which the sections may be “cleared” with an added layer of cured epoxy. In our experience, these substrates are excessively adherent to Epon, and “cleared” sections thinner than 40-50 μm cannot be released from them reliably. The following method is suitable for processing Epon sections 10 or more microns thick.  相似文献   

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