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The effects of soil-water availability on leaf light acclimation and whole-plant carbon gain were examined in Arisaema heterophyllum Blume, a riparian deciduous forest understorey plant. Photosynthesis, above-ground morphology and ramet biomass accumulation (relative growth rate: RGR of a corm for a full leaf life-span) were measured on plants raised under three light treatments combined with two soil water conditions. The two higher light treatments during growth (high: max. 550 μmol photons m–2 s–1; medium: 150 μmol photons m–2 s–1) resulted in a twofold increase in RGRs, 30% higher photosynthetic capacities and 20% less photosynthetic low-light use efficiency than those under a low light condition (50 μmol photons m–2 s–1). Leaf area was the smallest and leaf mass area ratio was the largest under the high light treatment. Water stress decreased both photosynthetic rate and leaf area and, hence, RGR in all the light regimes. However, water stress did not alter the general patterns of physiological and morphological responses to different light regimes. We estimated that higher photosynthetic low-light use efficiency and larger leaf area in the low light leaf would lead to a threefold carbon gain as compared with the high light leaf under simulated low light conditions. Both experimental and simulation results suggest that the physiological and morphological acclimations tend to be beneficial to carbon gain when light availability is low, whereas they favor increased water use efficiency when light availability is sufficiently high. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

叶角、光呼吸和热耗散协同作用减轻大豆幼叶光抑制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了大豆叶片逐步展开过程中的色素组成、气体交换、荧光动力学以及叶片角度等特性。随着叶片展开程度的增加 ,叶绿素含量和叶绿素 a/ b比值增加 ;光合速率 (Pn)也增加 ,揭示叶片展开过程中光合机构是逐步完善的。自然状态下 ,不同展开程度的叶片均未发生明显的光抑制 ;但将叶片平展并暴露在 12 0 0μmol/ (m2 · s)光下时幼叶发生严重的光抑制 ,伴随叶面积的增加光抑制程度减轻。强光下 ,尽管幼叶光呼吸 (Pr)的测定值较低 ,但幼叶光呼吸与总光合之比 (Pr/ Pm)较高。将叶片平展置于强光下时 ,幼叶的实际光化学效率 (ΦPSII)明显下调 ,非光化学猝灭 (NPQ)大幅增加 ;幼叶叶黄素库较大 ,光下积累较多的脱环氧化组分 ,揭示幼叶依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散增强。自然条件下测量叶片角度 ,观察到在叶片展开过程中叶柄夹角逐渐增加 ;日动态过程中幼叶的悬挂角随光强增加而明显减小 ,完全展开叶的悬挂角变化幅度很小。叶片角度的变化使实际照射到幼叶叶表的光强减少。推测较强的光呼吸、依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散以及较大的叶角变化可能是自然状态下幼叶未发生严重光抑制的原因  相似文献   

环境强光诱导玉簪叶片光抑制的机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为进一步阐述光抑制的强光诱导和发生机制, 该文以喜阴植物玉簪(Hosta spp.)为材料研究其光抑制发生规律及其与环境光强的关系。结果表明, 全日照和遮阴条件下玉簪叶片发育分别形成适应强光和弱光的形态特征; 与遮阴处理相比, 强光下生长的玉簪光合速率和叶绿素含量较低, 但两种处理叶片最大光化学效率差异很小, 证明强光下植株可以正常生长且光合机构未发生严重的光抑制。将遮阴处生长的植株转移到全日照下, 光合速率和最大光化学效率急剧下降; 荧光诱导动力学曲线发生明显改变, 而且光系统II供体侧和受体侧荧光产量的变化幅度分别达到24.3%和34.2%, 表明玉簪由弱光转入强光后光系统II发生不可逆失活, 且受体侧受到的伤害较供体侧更严重。因此, 作者认为环境光强骤然提高并超过玉簪生长光强时很容易诱导其光合机构发生严重的光抑制。该研究对于理解植物适应光环境的策略以及喜阴植物的优质栽培有重要意义。  相似文献   

Natural regeneration of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) establishes under shade, but sudden exposure to high irradiance may occur due to openings in the canopy. To elucidate ecophysiological mechanisms associated with survival of European beech seedlings, the gas exchange, chlorophyll concentrations, and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of two different beech populations were studied under changing light conditions. Plants were grown both in a growth chamber and at a natural site (one population) where the seedlings were raised in containers placed in understory and in simulated canopy gaps. Upon exposure to high light in the growth chamber, photosynthetic rates of shade-acclimated leaves of seedlings from both populations increased severalfold and then decreased over several days to the rates of the low-light control seedlings. High-light seedlings always had the highest photosynthetic rates. Initial fluorescence displayed a trend opposite that of photosynthesis; it increased over time, and relative fluorescence and half-time rise declined continuously until the end of experiment to very low values. Exposure to high light of shade-acclimated seedlings resulted in a shift in chlorophyll concentrations to levels intermediate between high-light and low-light seedlings. The light treatment effects were statistically greater than population effects; however, seedlings from the Abetone population were found to be more susceptible to changing light conditions than seedlings from Sicily. Reciprocal light treatments on plants growing at the natural site confirmed the results obtained in the growth chamber experiment. Overall, beech seedlings grown in the field appeared to have a fairly large acclimation potential achieved by plasticity in the photosynthetic apparatus. The lack of pronounced acclimation to high light in seedlings grown in the growth chamber was ascribed to a threshold-type relationship between the acclimation capacity and the level of damage. These observations on the limited potential for acclimation to high light in leaves of European beech seedlings which show a clear capability to exploit sunflecks, are discussed in relation to regeneration following canopy gap formation and reinforce the view of the central role of gap formation in forest dynamics. We conclude that small forest gaps (in which sunflecks play a major role) may present a favorable environment for survival and growth of beech because of their limited ability to acclimate to a sudden increase in irradiance and because of the moderate levels of light stress found in small gaps.  相似文献   

Complementary techniques of chlorophyll a fluorescence, steady state CO2 exchange, and O2 release during a multiple turnover flash were applied to compare responses to irradiance for leaves of wild type and psbS mutants. The latter included variants in which the psbS gene was deleted (npq4-1) or possessed a single point mutation (npq4-9). Nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) was reduced by up to 80 and 50%, respectively, in these lines at high irradiance. Analysis of changes in steady-state fluorescence yields and quantum yield of linear electron transport in the context of the reversible radical pair model of Photosystem II (PS II) indicated that NPQ occurs by nonradiative deactivation of chlorophyll singlet states in normal leaves. In contrast, application of the same criteria together with the observed irreversibility of NPQ and decline in density of functional PS II reaction centers following excessive illumination indicated a change in reaction center properties for the psbS deletion phenotype (Npq4-1). Specifically, PS II reaction centers in Npq4-1 convert to a photochemically inactive, yet strongly quenching, form in intense light. The possibility of formation of a carotenoid or chlorophyll cation quencher in the reaction center is discussed. Results for the point mutant phenotype (Npq4-9) were intermediate to those of wild-type and Npq4-1. Furthermore, wild-type leaves exhibited a significant reversible increase in the PS II in vivo rate constant for photochemistry (kP0) in saturating compared to limiting light. Changes in kP0 could not be accounted for in terms of a classic phosphorylation-dependent (state transition) mechanism. Changes in kP0 may arise from alternate pigment—protein conformations that alter the way excitons equilibrate among PS II chromophores. The lack of similar irradiance-dependent changes in kP0 for the psbS mutants suggests a role for the PS II-S protein in the regulation of exciton distribution.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Protea acaulos, a prostrate fynbos shrub, often experiences very low air humidity at leaf temperatures over 10°C higher than mean air temperature. We determined to what degree this particular microclimate influenced photosynthetic performance, leaf conductance and water relations of non-irrigated and trickle-irrigated plants. Measurements were made at the end of the dry summer season in the sand plain lowland fynbos on the west coast of South Africa. Independent of water supply, plants showed a pronounced midday depression of gas exchange. While in non-irrigated plants leaf water potential dropped to ? 2.0 MPa around noon, it never fell below ?1.0 MPa in irrigated plants. On the other hand minimum pressure potential was similar in irrigated and non-irrigated plants. The latter showed higher turgor after rain, due to osmotic acclimation, which resulted from a reduction in maximum water volume. The main osmoticum was 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol. Leaf temperature, directly or via the vapour pressure deficit between leaf and air (Δw), rather than plant water status, was the determinant of the midday depression of gas exchange. High Δw caused stomatal closure during times of saturating light, thus limiting photosynthetic CO2 uptake and availability and enhancing the susceptibility for photoinhibition. This, as well as high leaf temperature per se, decreased the efficiency of photochemistry of photosystem II. Initial fluorescence remained constant until temperatures exceeded 35 °C, above which changes in fluorescence indicated both photoinhibition and heat stress. Unlike other fynbos plants, Protea acaulos could not use the improved soil water supply to increase carbon gain under hot summer condition.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the effects of CO(2) availability on photosynthesis, photoinhibition and pigmentation in two species of amphibious plants, Lobelia cardinalis and Nesaea crassicaulis. The plants were grown emergent under atmospheric conditions and submerged under low and high CO(2) availability. Compared with Lobelia, Nesaea had thin leaves and few stomata in all CO(2) treatments. While Lobelia expressed no variation in anthocyanin content among treatments, Nesaea produced high concentrations of anthocyanin when submerged. Lobelia photosynthesis increased in response to increasing CO(2) availability, and photoinhibition was negatively related to xanthophyll content. By contrast, Nesaea photosynthesis was highest under submerged conditions, and there was no relationship between photoinhibition and the xanthophyll content. We conclude that the response of Lobelia to varying CO(2) availability is similar to that of terrestrial plants and that this species relies on the xanthophyll cycle for nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) and protection against photoinhibition. By contrast, the thin leaves, few stomata and low levels of chlorophylls and accessory pigments in Nesaea, relative to Lobelia, suggest adaptation to a submerged habitat. While Nesaea does not seem to rely on the xanthophyll cycle or other xanthophylls for NPQ, some role of anthocyanins in the protection against photoinhibition cannot be ruled out, owing to its effect as a sunscreen and as an efficient quencher of free radicals.  相似文献   

The response of photosynthesis to absorbed light by intact leaves of wild-type ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Gunilla) and chlorophyll b -less barley ( H. vulgare L. cv. Dornaria, chlorina-f22800) was measured in a light integrating sphere. Up to the section where the light response curve bends most sharply the responses of the b -less and wild-type barley were similar but not identical. Average quantum yield and convexity for the mutant light response curves were 0.89 and 0.90, respectively, times those of the wild-type barley. The maximum quantum yield for PSII photochemistry was also 10% lower as indicated by fluorescence induction kinetics (Fv/Fm). Just above the region where the light curve bends most sharply, photosynthesis decreased with time in the mutant but not in the wild-type barley. This decrease was associated with a decrease in Fv/Fm indicating photoinhibition of PSII. This photoinhibition occurred in the same region of the light response curve where zeaxanthin formation occurs. Zeaxanthin formation occurred in both the chlorophyll b -less and wild-type leaves. However, the epoxidation state was lower in the mutant than in the wild-type barley. The results indicate that chlorophyll b -less mutants will have reduced photosynthetic production as a result of an increased sensitivity to photoinhibition and possibly a lowered quantum yield and convexity in the absence of photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Fremont cottonwood seedlings are vulnerable to water stress from rapid water‐table decline during river recession in spring. Water stress is usually cited as the reason for reduced establishment, but interactions of water stress with microclimate extremes are more likely the causes of mortality. We assessed photosynthetic responses of Fremont cottonwood seedlings to water, light and heat stresses, which commonly co‐occur in habitats where seedlings establish. Under moderate temperature and light conditions, water stress did not affect photosynthetic function. However, stomatal closure during water stress predisposed Fremont cottonwood leaves to light and heat stress, resulting in greatly reduced photosynthesis beginning at 31 °C versus at 41 °C for well‐watered plants. Ontogenetic shifts in leaf orientation from horizontal to vertical, which occur as seedlings mature, reduce heat and light stress, especially during water stress. When compared with naturally occurring microclimate extremes, seedling stress responses suggest that reduced assimilation and photoprotection are common for Fremont cottonwood seedlings on exposed point bars where they establish. These reductions in photosynthesis likely have negative impacts on growth and may predispose young (<90‐day‐old) seedlings to early mortality during rapid water‐table declines. Interactions with heat and light stress are more important in these effects than water stress alone.  相似文献   

A canopy photosynthesis model was modified to assess the effect of photoinhibition on whole‐plant carbon gain. Photoinhibitory changes in maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) could be explained solely from a parameter (Lflux) calculated from the light micro‐environment of the leaves. This relationship between Fv/Fm and the intercepted cumulative light dose, integrated and equally weighted over several hours was incorporated into the model. The effect of photoinhibition on net photosynthesis was described through relationships between photoinhibition and the shaping parameters of the photosynthetic light‐response curve (quantum use efficiency, convexity, and maximum capacity). This new aspect of the model was then validated by comparing measured field data (diurnal courses of Fv/Fm) with simulation results. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the extent of photoinhibitory reduction of whole‐plant photosynthesis was strongly dependent on the structural parameters (LAI and leaf angle). Simulations for a Mediterranean evergreen oak, Quercus coccifera, under climatic conditions which cause mild photoinhibition revealed a daily loss of 7·5–8·5% of potential carbon gain in the upper sunlit canopy layers, a 3% loss in the bottom canopy, and an overall loss of 6·1%. Thus, this canopy photoinhibition model (CANO‐PI) allows the quantitative evaluation of photoinhibition effects on primary production.  相似文献   

Recovery from 60 min of photoinhibitory treatment at photosynthetic photon flux densities of 500, 1400 and 2200 μMmol m?2 s? was followed in cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown at 125 μMmol m?2 s?1. These light treatments represent photoregulation, moderate photoinhibition and strong photoinhibition, respectively. Treatment in photoregulatory light resulted in an increased maximal rate of oxygen evolution (Pmax) and an increased quantum yield (Φ), but a 15% decrease in Fv/FM. Treatment at moderately photoinhibitory light resulted in a 30% decrease in Fv/FM and an approximately equal decrease in Φ. Recovery in dim light restored Fv/FM within 15 and 45 min after high light treatment at 500 and 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, respectively. Convexity (Θ), a measure of the extent of co-limitation between PS II turnover and whole-chain electron transport, and Φ approached, but did not reach the control level during recovery after exposure to 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, whereas Pmax increased above the control. Treatment at 2200 μMmol m?2 s?1 resulted in a strong reduction of the modeled parameters Φ, Θ and Pmax. Subsequent recovery was initially rapid but the rate decreased, and a complete recovery was not reached within 120 min. Based on the results, it is hypothesized that exposure to high light results in two phenomena. The first, expressed at all three light intensities, involves redistribution within the different aspects of PS II heterogeneity rather than a photoinhibitory destruction of PS II reaction centers. The second, most strongly expressed at 2200 μmol m?2 s?1, is a physical damage to PS II shown as an almost total loss of PS IIα and PS II QB-reducing centers. Thus recovery displayed two phase, the first was rapid and the only visible phase in algae exposed to 500 and 1400 μmol m?2 s?1. The second phase was slow and visible only in the later part of recovery in cells exposed to 2200 μmol m?2 s?1.  相似文献   

K. Raschke  A. Resemann 《Planta》1986,168(4):546-558
Parts of attached leaves of the sclerophyllous shrub Arbutus unedo were subjected to simulated mediterranean days. Gas exchange was recorded in order to recognize the causes of the midday depression in CO2 assimilation. Depressions could be induced in part of a leaf: they were local responses. The CO2-saturation curves of photosynthesis, determined during the morning and afternoon maxima of CO2 assimilation and during the minimum at midday, established that depressions in CO2 assimilation were in one-half of the investigated cases totally caused by reversible reductions in the photosynthetic capacity of the leaves, and in the other half almost totally caused by such reductions. An analysis of 37 daily courses showed that morning reductions and afternoon recoveries of stomatal conductance and rate of photosynthesis occurred simultaneously and in proportion to each other, with the result that the partial pressure of CO2 in the intercellular spaces remained more or less constant. Midday depressions occurred also in detached leaves standing in water. The initiation of a midday depression was not caused by a circadian rhythm, nor was high quantum flux or high temperature a requirement. There was no correlation between the rate of water loss from the leaves, or the amount of water lost, with the degree of reduction of the photosynthetic capacity. However, depressions occurred if an apparent threshold in the water-vapor pressure difference between leaf and air was exceeded. This critical value varied between about 20 and 30 mbar, depending on the leaf investigated. The dominating role of humidity in the induction of the midday depression was further demonstrated when leaf temperature was held constant and the vapor-pressure difference was made to follow the pattern of the mediterranean day: depressions occurred. Depressions however were hardly noticeable when the water-vapor pressure difference was held constant and leaf temperature was allowed to vary. In another set of experiments, leaves were subjected to variations in temperature and humidity independent of the time of the day, under otherwise constant conditions. Photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance proved to be almost insensitive to changes in temperature (in a range extending from 20 to 37° C) as long as the water vapor-pressure difference was held constant. If it was not, the rate of photosynthesis began to decline with increasing temperature after a threshold water-vapor pressure difference was exceeded. The position of the resulting apparent temperature optimum of photosynthesis depended on the humidity of the air. We suggest that the ability of A. unedo to respond to a dry atmosphere with a reversible reduction of its photosynthetic capacity (by a still unknown mechanism) is the result of a co-evolution with the development of a strong stomatal sensitivity to changes in humidity.  相似文献   

K.-J. Dietz 《Planta》1986,167(2):260-263
Numerical values which define the relative limitation of photosynthesis by light and CO2 were computed from the slopes of light-and CO2-response curves of photosynthesis. This method offers an easy approach for the characterization of photosynthesis of leaves.  相似文献   

The hypothesis we propose is that during photosynthesis the balance between potentially detrimental and beneficial photochemically induced events can be tipped beneficially toward increased photosynthesis and toward increased crop yield. To test this hypothesis a procedure has been devised with the rice plant, Oryza sativa, that has resulted in increasing both canopy photosynthesis and rice grain yield. Two elite rice varieties selected independently in the contrasting environments of either South China or Texas, each with distinct photosynthetic traits, were crossed to produce a hybrid with an increased canopy photosynthesis and grain yield that is regularly 20 to 22% higher than the mid-yields of the parents. The photosynthetic and mechanisms which may contribute to these beneficial results in the hybrid rice are: a reduction of the midday depression of photosynthesis; a rapid development of the canopy for photosynthetic light interception and an increased canopy photosynthesis; increased amounts of carotenoids for the xanthophyll cycle; an increased protection against free radicals induced by paraquat treatment; a 6 to 12 day shorter plant reproductive life cycle; and a 8 to 10 day increase in the longevity of the flag leaf over the parents. While the hybrid rice has successfully integrated these and likely other unknown characteristics to increase both crop photosynthesis and grain yield, we propose that understanding the underlying beneficial photosynthetic mechanisms supporting these crop plant traits is worthy of thorough investigation and application in crop production.Dedicated to the memory of Professor D.I. Arnon who enriched and challenged the study of photosynthesis through a series of discoveries over 4 decades and via his force of personality.  相似文献   

The role of Rubisco activase in steady-state and non-steady-state photosynthesis was analyzed in wild-type (Oryza sativa) and transgenic rice that expressed different amounts of Rubisco activase. Below 25°C, the Rubisco activation state and steady-state photosynthesis were only affected when Rubisco activase was reduced by more than 70%. However, at 40°C, smaller reductions in Rubisco activase content were linked to a reduced Rubisco activation state and steady-state photosynthesis. As a result, overexpression of maize Rubisco activase in rice did not lead to an increase of the Rubisco activation state, nor to an increase in photosynthetic rate below 25°C, but had a small stimulatory effect at 40°C. On the other hand, the rate at which photosynthesis approached the steady state following an increase in light intensity was rapid in Rubisco activase-overexpressing plants, intermediate in the wild-type, and slowest in antisense plants at any leaf temperature. In Rubisco activase-overexpressing plants, Rubisco activation state at low light was maintained at higher levels than in the wild-type. Thus, rapid regulation by Rubisco activase following an increase in light intensity and/or maintenance of a high Rubisco activation state at low light would result in a rapid increase in Rubisco activation state and photosynthetic rate following an increase in light intensity. It is concluded that Rubisco activase plays an important role in the regulation of non-steady-state photosynthesis at any leaf temperature and, to a lesser extent, of steady-state photosynthesis at high temperature.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which fully developed leaves of Hedera helix L. are capable of acclimating to new light conditions and how this ability is determined by the life phase of the plant. To this end juvenile and adult plants were transferred from a low (L) to a moderately high (H) light regime and vice versa and changes of photosynthetic gas exchange, RuBP carboxylase (EC activity and specific anatomy were monitored in leaves that were fully developed prior to the transfer.
Immediately after transfer from L to H there was a decrease in the rate of net photosynthesis (Fn). This photoinhibition was particularly pronounced in leaves of the adult life phase. Fn recovered after 10 to 20 days at H, and 40 to 65 days after transfer the rate exceeded that of control plants by about 20% in leaves of the adult life phase and by about 50% in leaves of the juvenile life phase. If H plants were transferred to L, Fn had declined only slightly after 30 to 40 days and regained its initial level within a few days, when the plants were returned to the original high light regime.
The increased rates of Fn per unit leaf area in leaves transferred from L to H were associated with higher light levels necessary to saturate Fn, higher carboxylation efficiencies, higher contents of soluble protein and higher activities of RuBP carboxylase, whereas the quantum yield did not change. Although fully differentiated before transfer, the leaves had formed a further cell layer in the palisade parenchyma. Related to leaf volume there was no increase in Fn.
Our results indicate that in the adult life phase of ivy phenotypie light acclimation occurs mainly during leaf development, whereas in juvenile plants fully expanded leaves still possess a rather wide modulativc acclimation plasticity.  相似文献   

Diurnal patterns of gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence parameters of photosystem 2 (PS2) as well as H2O2 content were analyzed in Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim., a perennial semi-shrub. The rate of photorespiration was estimated by combined measurement of gas exchange and Chl fluorescence. The rate of photorespiration increased with the increasing drought stress (DS). The ratio of carboxylation electron flow to oxygenation electron flow (Jc/Jo) and the maximal photochemical efficiency of PS2 (variable to maximum fluorescence ratio, Fv/Fm) decreased with the increasing DS. Fv/Fm in isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)-sprayed plants was lower than that in normal plants under moderate DS, but no significant difference was observed under severe DS. H2O2 content in INH-sprayed plants was significantly lower than that in normal plants under severe DS. Taken together, photorespiration in R. soongorica consumed excess electrons and protected photosynthetic apparatus under moderate DS, whereas it accelerated H2O2 accumulation markedly and induced the leaf abscission under severe DS.  相似文献   

Two species of eucalypt (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha and E. rossii) were grown under conditions of high temperatures (45 °C, maximum) and high light (1500 μmol m?2 s?1, maximum) at either ambient (350 μL L?1) or elevated (700 μL L?1) CO2 concentrations for 8 weeks. The growth enhancement, in terms of total dry weight, was 41% and 103% for E. macrorhyncha and E. rossii, respectively, when grown in elevated [CO2]. A reduction in specific leaf area and increased concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates were observed for leaves grown in elevated [CO2]. Plants grown in elevated [CO2] had an overall increase in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate of 27%; however, when measured at the same CO2 concentration a down-regulation of photosynthesis was evident especially for E. macrorhyncha. During the midday period when temperatures and irradiances were maximal, photosynthetic efficiency as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was lower in E. macrorhyncha than in E. rossii. Furthermore, Fv/Fm was lower in leaves of E. macrorhyncha grown under elevated than under ambient [CO2]. These reductions in Fv/Fm were accompanied by increases in both photochemical (qP) and nonphotochemical quenching (qN and NPQ), and by increases in the concentrations of xanthophyll cycle pigments with an increased proportion of the total xanthophyll cycle pool comprising of antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin. Thus, increased atmospheric [CO2] may enhance photoinhibition when environmental stresses such as high temperatures limit the capacity of a plant to respond with growth to elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

When plants of Zea mays L. cv. LG11 that have been grown at optimal temperatures are transferred to chilling temperatures (0–12°C) photoinhibition of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation can occur. This study examines how growth at sub-optimal temperatures alters both photosynthetic capacity and resistance to chilling-dependent photoinhibition. Plants of Z. mays cv. LG11 were grown in controlled environments at 14, 17, 20 and 25°C. As a measure of the capacity for photosynthesis under light limiting conditions, the maximum quantum yields of CO2 assimilation (φa.c) and O2 evolution (φa.o) were determined for the laminae of the second leaves at photon fluxes of 50–150 μmol m-2s-1. To determine photosynthetic capacity at photon fluxes approaching light saturation, rates of CO2 uptake (A1500) and O2 evolution (A1500) were determined in a photon flux of 1500 μmol m-2s-1. In leaves developed at 14°C, φ and φ were 26 and 43%, respectively, of the values for leaves grown at 25°C. Leaves grown at 17°C showed intermediate reductions in φ and φ, whilst leaves developed at 20°C showed no significant differences from those grown at 25°C. Similar patterns of decrease were observed for A1500 and A1500.0 with decreasing growth temperature. Leaves developed at 25°C showed higher rates of CO2 assimilation at all light levels and measurement temperatures in comparison to leaves developed at 17 and 14°C. A greater reduction in A1500 relative to A1500.0 with decreasing growth temperature was attributed to increased stomatal limitation. Exposure of leaves to 800–1000 μmol m-2 s-1 when plant temperature was depressed to ca 6.5°C produced a photoinhibition of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in all leaves. However, in leaves developed at 17°C the decrease in A1500 following this chilling treatment was only 25% compared to 90% in leaves developed at 25°C. Recovery following chilling was completed earlier in leaves developed at 17°C. The results suggest that growth at sub-optimal temperatures induces increased tolerance to exposure to high light at chilling temperatures. This is offset by the large loss in photosynthetic capacity imposed by leaf development at sub-optimal temperatures.  相似文献   

D. H. Greer  W. A. Laing 《Planta》1988,175(3):355-363
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis was induced in intact kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson) leaves grown at two photon flux densities (PFDs) of 700 and 1300 mol·m-2·s-1 in a controlled environment, by exposing the leaves to PFD between 1000 and 2000 mol·m-2·s-1 at temperatures between 10 and 25°C; recovery from photoinhibition was followed at the same range of temperatures and at a PFD between 0 and 500 mol·m-2·s-1. In either case the time-courses of photoinhibition and recovery were followed by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence at 692 nm and 77K and by measuring the photon yield of photosynthetic O2 evolution. The initial rate of photoinhibition was lower in the high-light-grown plants but the long-term extent of photoinhibition was not different from that in low-light-grown plants. The rate constants for recovery after photoinhibition for the plants grown at 700 and 1300 mol·m-2·s-1 or for those grown in shade were similar, indicating that differences between sun and shade leaves in their susceptibility to photoinhibition could not be accounted for by differences in capacity for recovery during photoinhibition. Recovery following photoinhibition was increasingly suppressed by an increasing PFD above 20 mol·m-2·s-1, indicating that recovery in photoinhibitory conditions would, in any case, be very slow. Differences in photosynthetic capacity and in the capacity for dissipation of non-radiative energy seemed more likely to contribute to differences in susceptibility to photoinhibition between sun and shade leaves of kiwifruit.Abbreviations and symbols F o , F m , F v instantaneous, maximum, variable fluorescence - F v /F m fluorescence ratio - F i =F v at t=0 - F F v at t= - K D rate constant for photochemistry - k(F p ) first-order rate constant for photoinhibition - k(F r ) first-order rate constant for recovery - PFD photon flux density - PSII photosystem II - i photon yield of O2 evolution (incident light)  相似文献   

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