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Chen  Ke  Wang  Yuanyuan  Zheng  Hongmei  Wu  Rui  Yu  Xiaopeng 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2017,12(5):1581-1587
Plasmonics - A crystalline silicon thin film solar cell consisting of one-dimensional bi-layer silver back gratings was proposed in this paper. Compared with monolayer silver grating thin film...  相似文献   

Photovoltaic thin film solar cells based on kesterite Cu2ZnSn(Sx,Se1–x)4 compounds (CZTSSe) have reached >12% sunlight‐to‐electricity conversion efficiency. This is still far from the >20% record devices known in Cu(In1–y,Gay)Se2 and CdTe parent technologies. A selection of >9% CZTSSe devices reported in the literature is examined to review the progress achieved over the past few years. These devices suffer from a low open‐circuit voltage (Voc) never better than 60% of the Voc max, which is expected from the Shockley‐Queisser radiative limit (S‐Q limit). The possible role of anionic (S/Se) distribution and of cationic (Cu/Zn) disorder on the Voc deficit and on the ultimate photovoltaic performance of kesterite devices, are clarified here. While the S/Se anionic distribution is expected to be homogeneous for any ratio x, some grain‐to‐grain and other non‐uniformity over larger area can be found, as quantified on our CZTSSe films. Nevertheless, these anionic distributions can be considered to have a negligible impact on the Voc deficit. On the Cu/Zn order side, even though significant bandgap changes (>10%) can be observed, a similar conclusion is brought from experimental devices and from calculations, still within the radiative S‐Q limit. The implications and future ways for improvement are discussed.  相似文献   


The speed of sequencing of microbial genomes and metagenomes is providing an ever increasing resource for the identification of new robust biocatalysts with industrial applications for many different aspects of industrial biotechnology. Using ‘natures catalysts’ provides a sustainable approach to chemical synthesis of fine chemicals, general chemicals such as surfactants and new consumer-based materials such as biodegradable plastics. This provides a sustainable and ‘green chemistry’ route to chemical synthesis which generates no toxic waste and is environmentally friendly. In addition, enzymes can play important roles in other applications such as carbon dioxide capture, breakdown of food and other waste streams to provide a route to the concept of a ‘circular economy’ where nothing is wasted. The use of improved bioinformatic approaches and the development of new rapid enzyme activity screening methodology can provide an endless resource for new robust industrial biocatalysts.This mini-review will discuss several recent case studies where industrial enzymes of ‘high priority’ have been identified and characterised. It will highlight specific hydrolase enzymes and recent case studies which have been carried out within our group in Exeter.


Oxalic acid has been shown as a virulence factor for some phytopathogenic fungi, removing calcium from pectin and favoring plant cell wall degradation. Recently, it was published that calcium oxalate accumulates in infected cacao tissues during the progression of Witches’ Broom disease (WBD). In the present work we report that the hemibiotrophic basidiomycete Moniliophthora perniciosa, the causal agent of WBD, produces calcium oxalate crystals. These crystals were initially observed by polarized light microscopy of hyphae growing on a glass slide, apparently being secreted from the cells. The analysis was refined by Scanning electron microscopy and the compositon of the crystals was confirmed by energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry. The production of oxalate by M. perniciosa was reinforced by the identification of a putative gene coding for oxaloacetate acetylhydrolase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of oxaloacetate to oxalate and acetate. This gene was shown to be expressed in the biotrophic-like mycelia, which in planta occupy the intercellular middle-lamella space, a region filled with pectin. Taken together, our results suggest that oxalate production by M. perniciosa may play a role in the WBD pathogenesis mechanism.  相似文献   


Due to the fact that urban environments and population demands are evolving rapidly and species selection is inevitable, it is possible to gain substantial environmental benefit by implementing more effective urban tree planting programs, especially with the aim of increasing the upcoming provision of multiple ecosystem services (ES) through proper species selection. In this paper, we used a new approach to improve the potential of urban trees in optimizing more desirable environmental benefits. This was done by selecting the most appropriate tree species among a vast range of species based on their potential environmental function (both services and disservices) in Tabriz city, Iran. Also, three main planting scenarios (divided to six sub-scenarios) were developed so as to understand the long-term effectiveness of introducing the selected tree species in improving the environmental benefits (both urban forest structure and ES) in comparison with planting the existing tree species. The results indicate that regardless of the quantity of planting, the benefits of introducing the selected trees will be more than planting the existing species. Moreover, as the amount of the annual planting of the recommended species increases, so does the improvement in the projected tree characteristics and ES. This approach creates more opportunities which enable urban forest managers and policymakers to understand the importance of selecting the proper urban tree species when looking for a nature-based solution to promote the wellbeing of the urban population, to create more livable and ecologically sustainable cities and to mitigate urban environmental problems.


The progression of several human cancers correlates with the loss of cytoplasmic protein α-catenin from E-cadherin-rich intercellular junctions and loss of adhesion. However, the potential role of α-catenin in directly modulating the adhesive function of individual E-cadherin molecules in human cancer is unknown. Here we use single-molecule force spectroscopy to probe the tensile strength, unstressed bond lifetime, and interaction energy between E-cadherins expressed on the surface of live human parental breast cancer cells lacking α-catenin and these cells where α-catenin is re-expressed. We find that the tensile strength and the lifetime of single E-cadherin/E-cadherin bonds between parental cells are significantly lower over a wide range of loading rates. Statistical analysis of the force displacement spectra reveals that single cadherin bonds between cancer cells feature an exceedingly low energy barrier against tensile forces and low molecular stiffness. Disassembly of filamentous actin using latrunculin B has no significant effect on the strength of single intercellular E-cadherin bonds. The absence of α-catenin causes a dominant negative effect on both global cell-cell adhesion and single E-cadherin bond strength. These results suggest that the loss of α-catenin alone drastically reduces the adhesive force between individual cadherin pairs on adjoining cells, explain the global loss of cell adhesion in human breast cancer cells, and show that the forced expression of α-catenin in cancer cells can restore both higher intercellular avidity and intercellular E-cadherin bond strength.The reduction of intercellular adhesion in a solid tumor is a critical step in the progression of tumor cells to metastasis (1). How normal cells lose their ability to form strong adhesions within a tissue is not well understood (2, 3). The loss of adhesion between adjoining epithelial cells and the ensuing onset of metastasis occur through an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition that often correlates with the loss of cytoplasmic protein α-catenin and a poor prognosis in a wide range of cancers, including breast (4), esophageal (5), gastric (6, 7), cervical (8), and colorectal cancer (9). In normal epithelial tissues, α-catenin localizes to junctions that organize at the interface between adjacent epithelial cells through clustering of cell surface adhesion transmembrane molecule cadherin and its association to the cytoskeleton (10, 11). On the extracellular side, structural studies suggest that cadherin molecules form molecular pairs that interact with cadherin pairs on an adjacent cell through their distal Ca2+-binding domains (12). On the intracellular side, cadherin pairs are connected to the cytoskeleton network through specific linker proteins. Until recently it was believed that one critical linker protein between the cytoplasmic domain of cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton was α-catenin, because it can both bind filamentous actin (F-actin) and E-cadherin through β-catenin (13, 14). However, a recent study indicates that α-catenin can either bind the E-cadherin-β-catenin complex as monomer or cross-link actin filaments as homodimer but cannot bind both E-cadherin-β-catenin and F-actin simultaneously (15). Therefore, whether the loss of α-catenin plays a direct role in the loss of adhesion in human cancer cells is unclear.Our recent data using engineered Chinese hamster ovarian cells suggest that α-catenin mediates the rapid strengthening of individual intercellular E-cadherin/E-cadherin bonds following initial molecular recognition between cells bearing E-cadherin molecules (16). Furthermore, α-catenin mediates the formation of additional E-cadherin/E-cadherin bonds once a first bond is formed between adjoining cells to form a nascent intercellular junction (16). Here we hypothesize that the loss of cytoplasmic protein α-catenin in human cancer cells greatly affects the ability of E-cadherin molecules on the surface of these cells to form firm adhesion by reducing the strength of individual intercellular E-cadherin/E-cadherin bonds.Our strategy is to compare parental breast cancer cells that lack α-catenin (MDA-MB-468 cells; denoted here MDA468) with these cells when α-catenin is introduced and exploit high resolution live cell single-molecule force spectroscopy (17) to probe the strength of individual E-cadherin/E-cadherin bonds between adjacent cells (18). The cells are juxtaposed for a controlled time of contact, the probability of successful interactions is subsequently measured, and the mechanical properties (tensile strength, molecular stiffness, and reactive compliance) and biochemical properties (interaction energy, dissociation rate, and bond lifetime) of single intercellular E-cadherin/E-cadherin bonds are analyzed.Our main hypothesis cannot be readily tested using purified proteins. Our ability to measure molecular interactions between live cells (17) rather than recombinant proteins ensures that the proper orientation of cadherin on the cell surfaces and its post-translational modifications are physiological. Moreover, using living cells ensures that the cytoplasmic domain of transmembrane receptors (here human E-cadherin) can interact with cytoplasmic proteins (in particular β-catenin and α-catenin), thereby allowing cell signaling pathways that can influence cell adhesion to function normally.  相似文献   

Large-scale daily commuting data were combined with detailed geographical information system (GIS) data to analyze the loss of transport efficiency caused by drivers’ uncoordinated routing in urban road networks. We used Price of Anarchy (POA) to quantify the loss of transport efficiency and found that both volume and distribution of human mobility demand determine the POA. In order to reduce POA, a small number of highways require considerable decreases in traffic, and their neighboring arterial roads need to attract more traffic. The magnitude of the adjustment in traffic flow can be estimated using the fundamental measure traffic flow only, which is widely available and easy to collect. Surprisingly, the most congested roads or the roads with largest traffic flow were not those requiring the most reduction of traffic. This study can offer guidance for the optimal control of urban traffic and facilitate improvements in the efficiency of transport networks.  相似文献   

Trapping by adsorption on hydrophobic porous polymers was used to selectively remove -decalactone from the complex bioconversion medium. Several sorbents were tested : activated carbon, and three porous polystyrene-type polymers (Porapak Q, Chromosorb 105, and Resin SM4). The sorption isotherms were determined in water and in a model bioconversion medium without microorganisms. In the last part of the study, the application to the production of -decalactone by Sporidiobolus salmonicolor was carried out. Hydrophobic porous adsorbents are compatible with the bioconversion and protect the yeast from the toxic effect of -decalactone.  相似文献   

Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal - Emergency departments (EDs) are continuously exploring opportunities to improve their efficiency. A new opportunity lies in revising the...  相似文献   



Although being a simple and effective index that has been widely used to evaluate academic output of scientists, the h-index suffers from drawbacks. One critical disadvantage is that only h-squared citations can be inferred from the h-index, which completely ignores excess and h-tail citations, leading to unfair and inaccurate evaluations in many cases.

Methodology /Principal Findings

To solve this problem, I propose the h’-index, in which h-squared, excess and h-tail citations are all considered. Based on the citation data of the 100 most prolific economists, comparing to h-index, the h’-index shows better correlation with indices of total-citation number and citations per publication, which, although relatively reliable and widely used, do not carry the information of the citation distribution. In contrast, the h’-index possesses the ability to discriminate the shapes of citation distributions, thus leading to more accurate evaluation.

Conclusions /Significance

The h’-index improves the h-index, as well as indices of total-citation number and citations per publication, by possessing the ability to discriminate shapes of citation distribution, thus making the h’-index a better single-number index for evaluating scientific output in a way that is fairer and more reasonable.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - The effect of Fenton’s reagent combined with dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (DDBAC) on sludge dewaterability was studied. The capillary...  相似文献   

Curdlan gel shrinks even in water caused syneresis. This syneresis is repressed almost completely by the addition of starch to curdlan before heating, but not repressed by the addition of different sugar compounds even of 10% concentration. The role of starch in repressing syneresis is discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundInteractions between diet, physical activity and genetic predisposition contribute to variable body mass changes observed in response to weight loss interventions. Circulating microRNAs (c-miRNAs) may act as ‘biomarkers’ that are associated with the rate of change in weight loss, and/or play a role in regulating the biological variation, in response to energy restriction.ObjectiveTo quantify targeted c-miRNAs with putative roles in energy metabolism and exercise adaptations following a 16 wk diet and exercise intervention in individuals with large (high responders; HiRes) versus small (low responders; LoRes) losses in body mass.MethodsFrom 89 male and female overweight/obese participants who completed the intervention (energy restriction from diet, 250 kcal/d, and exercise, 250 kcal/d), subgroups of HiRes (>10% body mass loss, n = 22) and LoRes (<5% body mass loss, n = 18) were identified. From resting plasma samples collected after an overnight fast pre and post intervention, RNA was extracted, quantified and reverse transcribed. Thirteen c-miRNA selected a priori were analysed using a customised 96-well miScript miRNA PCR Array.ResultsLoss of body mass (-11.0 ± 2.3 kg vs. -3.0 ± 1.3 kg; P<0.01) and fat mass (-11.1 ± 2.6 kg vs. -3.9 ± 1.6 kg; P<0.01) was greater for HiRes than LoRes (P<0.001). Expression of c-miR-935 was higher in LoRes compared to HiRes pre- (~47%; P = 0.025) and post- (~100%; P<0.01) intervention and was the only c-miRNA differentially expressed at baseline between groups. The abundance of c-miR-221-3p and -223-3p increased pre- to post-intervention in both groups (~57–69% and ~25–90%, P<0.05). There was a post-intervention increase in c-miR-140 only in LoRes compared to HiRes (~23%, P = 0.016).ConclusionThe differential expression and responses of selected c-miRNAs in overweight/obese individuals to an exercise and diet intervention suggests a putative role for these ‘biomarkers’ in the prediction or detection of individual variability to weight loss interventions.  相似文献   



Male rats were ‘pretreated’ with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; i.p.) or LPS (1 mg/kg; i.p.) 24 h prior to HS. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was maintained at 30 ± 2 mmHg for 90 min or until 25% of the shed blood had to be re-injected to sustain MAP. This was followed by resuscitation with the remaining shed blood. Four hours after resuscitation, parameters of organ dysfunction and systemic inflammation were assessed.


HS resulted in renal dysfunction, and liver and muscular injury. At a first glance, LPS preconditioning attenuated organ dysfunction. However, we discovered that HS-rats that had been preconditioned with LPS (a) were not able to sustain a MAP at 30 mmHg for more than 50 min and (b) the volume of blood withdrawn in these animals was significantly less than in the PBS-control group. This effect was associated with an enhanced formation of the nitric oxide (NO) derived from inducible NO synthase (iNOS). Thus, a further control group in which all animals were resuscitated after 50 min of hemorrhage was performed. Then, LPS preconditioning aggravated both circulatory failure and organ dysfunction. Most notably, HS-rats pretreated with LPS exhibited a dramatic increase in NF-κB activation and pro-inflammatory cytokines.


In conclusion, LPS preconditioning predisposed animals to an earlier vascular decompensation, which may be mediated by an excess of NO production secondary to induction of iNOS and activation of NF-κB. Moreover, LPS preconditioning increased the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which is likely to have contributed to the observed aggravation of organ injury/dysfunction caused by HS.  相似文献   

Cadaverine (1,5-pentanediamine, diaminopentane), the desired raw material of bio-polyamides, is an important industrial chemical with a wide range of applications. Biosynthesis of cadaverine in Corynebacterium glutamicum has been a competitive way in place of petroleum-based chemical synthesis method. To date, the cadaverine exporter has not been found in C. glutamicum. In order to improve cadaverine secretion, the cadaverine–lysine antiporter CadB from Escherichia coli was studied in C. glutamicum. Fusion expression of cadB and green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene confirmed that CadB could express in the cell membrane of C. glutamicum. Co-expression of cadB and ldc from Hafnia alvei in C. glutamicum showed that the cadaverine secretion rate increased by 22 % and the yield of total cadaverine and extracellular cadaverine increased by 30 and 73 %, respectively. Moreover, the recombinant strain cultured at acid and neutral pH separately hardly had any difference in cadaverine concentrations. These results suggested that CadB could be expressed in the cell membrane of C. glutamicum and that recombinant CadB could improve cadaverine secretion and the yield of cadaverine. Moreover, the pH value did not affect the function of recombinant CadB. These results may be a promising metabolic engineering strategy for improving the yield of the desired product by enhancing its export out of the cell.  相似文献   

The present study compared the effects of resveratrol and its dimer ε-viniferin on vascular endothelial cells (VECs) functions, and on the blood pressure and cardiac mass of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). Treatment of VECs with these compounds enhanced cell proliferation via nitric oxide generation and protected the cells from oxidative stress by suppressing increases in intracellular oxygen species. ε-Viniferin was more potent than resveratrol in most of these effects. ε-Viniferin, but not resveratrol inhibited angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in vitro. Three weeks of ε-viniferin treatment (5 mg/kg) reduced the systolic blood pressure and improved the whole cardiac mass and left ventricle mass indexes in SHRs. In contrast, resveratrol administration (2.5 mg/kg) failed to lower the blood pressure and significantly improve these mass indexes. These data suggest that ε-viniferin as well as resveratrol may be involved in protecting the functions of VECs and the heart.  相似文献   

The clinical acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD)-therapy of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is not as satisfactory as expected. Secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) are the major niches serve to initiate immune responses or induce tolerance. Our previous study showed that CCR7 guide murine MSC line C3H10T1/2 migrating to SLOs. In this study, CCR7 gene was engineered into murine MSCs by lentivirus transfection system (MSCs/CCR7). The immunomodulatory mechanism of MSCs/CCR7 was further investigated. Provoked by inflammatory cytokines, MSCs/CCR7 increased the secretion of nitric oxide and calmed down the T cell immune response in vitro. Immunofluorescent staining results showed that transfused MSCs/CCR7 can migrate to and relocate at the appropriate T cell-rich zones within SLOs in vivo. MSCs/CCR7 displayed enhanced effect in prolonging the survival and alleviating the clinical scores of the GvHD mice than normal MSCs. Owing to the critical relocation sites, MSCs/CCR7 co-infusion potently made the T cells in SLOs more naïve like, thus control T cells trafficking from SLOs to the target organs. Through spoiling the fourth supplemental Billingham’s tenet, MSCs/CCR7 potently inhibited the development of GvHD. The study here provides a novel therapeutic strategy of MSCs/CCR7 infusion at a low dosage to give potent immunomodulatory effect for clinical immune disease therapy.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of co-crystallized protein-protein complexes provides an opportunity to use template-based modeling for protein-protein docking. Structure alignment techniques are useful in detection of remote target-template similarities. The size of the structure involved in the alignment is important for the success in modeling. This paper describes a systematic large-scale study to find the optimal definition/size of the interfaces for the structure alignment-based docking applications. The results showed that structural areas corresponding to the cutoff values <12 Å across the interface inadequately represent structural details of the interfaces. With the increase of the cutoff beyond 12 Å, the success rate for the benchmark set of 99 protein complexes, did not increase significantly for higher accuracy models, and decreased for lower-accuracy models. The 12 Å cutoff was optimal in our interface alignment-based docking, and a likely best choice for the large-scale (e.g., on the scale of the entire genome) applications to protein interaction networks. The results provide guidelines for the docking approaches, including high-throughput applications to modeled structures.  相似文献   

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