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Aplysamine-1 (1), a marine natural product, was synthesized and screened for in vitro activity at the human and rat histamine H3 receptors. Aplysamine-1 (1) was found to possess a high binding affinity for the human H3 receptor (Ki = 30+/-4 nM). Synthetic analogs of 1, including des-bromoaplysamine-1 (10) and dimethyl-{2-[4-(3-piperidin-1-yl-propoxy)-phenyl]-ethyl}-amine (13), were potent H3 antagonists.  相似文献   

The binding free energies of four inhibitors to bovine beta-trypsin are calculated. The inhibitors use either ornithine, lysine, or arginine to bind to the S1 specificity site. The electrostatic contribution to binding free energy is calculated by solving the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the contribution of nonpolar interactions is calculated using a free energy-surface area relationship and the loss of conformational entropy is estimated both for trypsin and ligand side chains. Binding free energy values are of a reasonable magnitude and the relative affinity of the four inhibitors for trypsin is correctly predicted. Electrostatic interactions are found to oppose binding in all cases. However, in the case of ornithine- and lysine-based inhibitors, the salt bridge formed between their charged group and the partially buried carboxylate of Asp189 is found to stabilize the complex. Our analysis reveals how the molecular architecture of the trypsin binding site results in highly specific recognition of substrates and inhibitors. Specifically, partially burying Asp189 in the inhibitor-free enzyme decreases the penalty for desolvation of this group upon complexation. Water molecules trapped in the binding interface further stabilize the buried ion pair, resulting in a favorable electrostatic contribution of the ion pair formed with ornithine and lysine side chains. Moreover, all side chains that form the trypsin specificity site are partially buried, and hence, relatively immobile in the inhibitor-free state, thus reducing the entropic cost of complexation. The implications of the results for the general problem of recognition and binding are considered. A novel finding in this regard is that like charged molecules can have electrostatic contributions to binding that are more favorable than oppositely charged molecules due to enhanced interactions with the solvent in the highly charged complex that is formed.  相似文献   

Pre-clinical investigation of some aryl-piperidinyl ether histamine H3 receptor antagonists revealed a strong hERG binding. To overcome this issue, we have developed a QSAR model specially dedicated to H3 receptor ligands. This model was designed to be directly applicable in medicinal chemistry with no need of molecular modeling. The resulting recursive partitioning trees are robust (80-85% accuracy), but also simple and comprehensible. A novel promising lead emerged from our work and the structure-activity relationships are presented.  相似文献   

Human ether-á-go-go-related gene (hERG) potassium channels are critical for cardiac action potential repolarization. Cardiac hERG channels comprise two primary isoforms: hERG1a, which has a regulatory N-terminal Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain, and hERG1b, which does not. Isolated, PAS-containing hERG1a N-terminal regions (NTRs) directly regulate NTR-deleted hERG1a channels; however, it is unclear whether hERG1b isoforms contain sufficient machinery to support regulation by hERG1a NTRs. To test this, we constructed a series of PAS domain-containing hERG1a NTRs (encoding amino acids 1-181, 1-228, 1-319, and 1-365). The NTRs were also predicted to form from truncation mutations that were linked to type 2 long QT syndrome (LQTS), a cardiac arrhythmia disorder associated with mutations in the hERG gene. All of the hERG1a NTRs markedly regulated heteromeric hERG1a/hERG1b channels and homomeric hERG1b channels by decreasing the magnitude of the current-voltage relationship and slowing the kinetics of channel closing (deactivation). In contrast, NTRs did not measurably regulate hERG1a channels. A short NTR (encoding amino acids 1-135) composed primarily of the PAS domain was sufficient to regulate hERG1b. These results suggest that isolated hERG1a NTRs directly interact with hERG1b subunits. Our results demonstrate that deactivation is faster in hERG1a/hERG1b channels compared to hERG1a channels because of fewer PAS domains, not because of an inhibitory effect of the unique hERG1b NTR. A decrease in outward current density of hERG1a/hERG1b channels by hERG1a NTRs may be a mechanism for LQTS.  相似文献   

Although antiviral nucleoside analog therapy successfully delays progression of HIV infection to AIDS, these drugs cause unwelcome side-effects by inducing mitochondrial toxicity. We and others have demonstrated that the mitochondrial polymerase, DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma), participates in mitochondrial toxicity by incorporating these chain-terminating antiviral nucleotide analogs into DNA. Here, we explore the role of three highly conserved amino acid residues in the active site of human pol gamma that modulate selection of nucleotide analogs as substrates for incorporation. Sequence alignments, crystal structures and mutagenesis studies of family A DNA polymerases led us to change Tyr951 and Tyr955 in polymerase motif B to Phe and Ala, and Glu895 in polymerase motif A was changed to Ala. The mutant polymerases were tested for their ability to incorporate natural nucleotides and the five antiviral nucleoside analogs currently approved for antiviral therapy: AZT, ddC, D4T, 3TC and carbovir. Steady-state kinetic analysis of the pol gamma derivatives with the normal and antiviral nucleotides demonstrated that Tyr951 is largely responsible for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate dideoxynucleotides and D4T-MP. Mutation of Tyr951 to Phe renders the enzyme resistant to dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP without compromising the activity of the polymerase. Alteration of Glu895 and Tyr955 to Ala had the largest effect on overall polymerase activity with normal nucleotides, producing dramatic increases in K(m(dNTP)) and large decreases in k(cat). Mutation of Tyr955 in pol gamma causes the degenerative disease progressive external ophthalmoplegia in humans, and we show that this residue partially accounts for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate D4T-MP and carbovir. Alteration of Glu895 to Ala slightly increased discrimination against dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP. The mechanisms by which pol gamma selects certain nucleotide analogs are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the structural determinants of phomactin analogs to assess their efficacy as antagonist of PAF. Six analogs of phomactin were synthesized to determine their inhibitory effects on adhesion, superoxide release, leukotriene C4 (LTC4) synthesis and [3H]PAF binding in human eosinophils. Phomactin analogs inhibited both PAF- and IL-5-induced eosinophil adhesion. Analog A, which bears an alkene moiety between C-1 and C-14, a ketone at the C-2 position, and an alkyne moiety between C-3 and C-4, had the greatest anti-adhesive effect. Change of the alkene between C-1 and C-14 to an alkane (analog I) decreased the anti-adhesive effect by 2.5-4 fold, while substitution of ketone by hydroxyl (analog G) at the C-2 position caused an 11-fold decrease in the anti-adhesive effect. Substitution of the alkyne moiety between C-3 and C-4 by an alkene (B and E) or alkane (D) blocked completely the anti-adhesive effect. Analogs A and I completely blocked superoxide release from eosinophils caused by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate or PAF and LTC4-release caused by fMLP plus cytochalasin B. Change of the alkyne moiety between C-3 and C-4 to an alkene (B and E) or alkane (D) blocked completely these inhibitory effects of phomactin. Analog A decreased the maximal binding of [3H]PAF binding to eosinophils without change of the apparent dissociation constant. We conclude that phomactin analogs are specific non-competitive PAF antagonists and have exceptional efficacy in inhibiting adhesion, metabolic activity and leukotriene secretion in human eosinophils. We further define the structural alterations in the phomactin molecule that regulate its inhibitory functions.  相似文献   

Structural features of the substituted 4-piperidinyl urea analogs 1, responsible for the H3 antagonist activity, have been identified. Structure–activity relationship of the H3 receptor affinity, hERG ion channel inhibitory activity and their separation is described. Preliminary pharmacokinetic evaluation of the compounds of the series is addressed.  相似文献   

Histamine was converted to a selective histamine H3-receptor antagonist by capping the primary amine with 2-naphthalenesulfonyl chloride. Higher receptor affinity and lower variability in the data from the various bioassays were achieved with the 2-naphthalensulfonamides of histamine homologues.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that clobenpropit (N-(4-chlorobenzyl)-S-[3-(4(5)-imidazolyl)propyl]isothiourea) binds to both the human histamine H3 receptor (H3R) and H4 receptor (H4R). In this paper, we describe the synthesis and pharmacological characterization of a series of clobenpropit analogs, which vary in the functional group adjacent to the isothiourea moiety in order to study structural requirements for H3R and H4R ligands. The compounds show moderate to high affinity for both the human H3R and H4R. Furthermore, the changes in the functional group attached to the isothiourea moiety modulate the intrinsic activity of the ligands at the H4R, ranging from neutral antagonism to full agonism. QSAR models have been generated in order to explain the H3R and H4R affinities.  相似文献   

GoLoco motif proteins bind to the inhibitory G(i) subclass of G-protein α subunits and slow the release of bound GDP; this interaction is considered critical to asymmetric cell division and neuro-epithelium and epithelial progenitor differentiation. To provide protein tools for interrogating the precise cellular role(s) of GoLoco motif/Gα(i) complexes, we have employed structure-based protein design strategies to predict gain-of-function mutations that increase GoLoco motif binding affinity. Here, we describe fluorescence polarization and isothermal titration calorimetry measurements showing three predicted Gα(i1) point mutations, E116L, Q147L, and E245L; each increases affinity for multiple GoLoco motifs. A component of this affinity enhancement results from a decreased rate of dissociation between the Gα mutants and GoLoco motifs. For Gα(i1)(Q147L), affinity enhancement was seen to be driven by favorable changes in binding enthalpy, despite reduced contributions from binding entropy. The crystal structure of Gα(i1)(Q147L) bound to the RGS14 GoLoco motif revealed disorder among three peptide residues surrounding a well defined Leu-147 side chain. Monte Carlo simulations of the peptide in this region showed a sampling of multiple backbone conformations in contrast to the wild-type complex. We conclude that mutation of Glu-147 to leucine creates a hydrophobic surface favorably buried upon GoLoco peptide binding, yet the hydrophobic Leu-147 also promotes flexibility among residues 511-513 of the RGS14 GoLoco peptide.  相似文献   

Linear and cyclic analogues of angiotensin were studied to clarify the structural properties of peptides possessing a histamine-releasing action. It was shown that an increase in the angiotensin basicity or its cyclization leads to the appearance of the histamine-releasing activity which is not characteristic of the natural hormone. This increase in the basicity of the angiotensin cyclic analogs results in highly active compounds with the EC50 exceeding by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude that of polymyxin B or substance 48/80. The data obtained confirm the hypothesis postulating a high degree of amphiphilicity for histamine-releasing peptides. As a result of cyclization of angiotensin analogues, a block of positively charged amino acids with an oppositely located hydrophobic region is formed. This finding can be of importance for the effective interaction of peptides with cellular structures as well as for the stimulation of secretory processes.  相似文献   

The identification and hit-to-lead exploration of a novel, potent and selective series of histamine H4 receptor inverse agonists is described. The initial hit, 3A (IC50 19 nM) was identified by means of a ligand-based virtual screening approach. Subsequent medicinal chemistry exploration yielded 18I which possessed increased potency (R-enantiomer IC50 1 nM) as well as enhanced microsomal stability.  相似文献   

A common feature of tumor cells is the aberrant expression of ion channels on their plasma membrane. The molecular mechanisms regulating ion channel expression in cancer cells are still poorly known. K(+) channels that belong to the human ether-a-go-go-related gene 1 (herg1) family are frequently misexpressed in cancer cells compared to their healthy counterparts. We describe here a posttranslational mechanism for the regulation of hERG1 channel surface expression in cancer cells. This mechanism is based on the activity of hERG1 isoforms containing the USO exon. These isoforms (i) are frequently overexpressed in human cancers, (ii) are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, and (iii) form heterotetramers with different proteins of the hERG family. (iv) The USO-containing heterotetramers are retained intracellularly and undergo ubiquitin-dependent degradation. This process results in decreased hERG1 current (I(hERG1)) density. We detailed such a mechanism in heterologous systems and confirmed its functioning in tumor cells that endogenously express hERG1 proteins. The silencing of USO-containing hERG1 isoforms induces a higher I(hERG1) density in tumors, an effect that apparently regulates neurite outgrowth in neuroblastoma cells and apoptosis in leukemia cells.  相似文献   

Signaling from G protein-coupled receptors to phospholipase C-beta (PLC-beta) is regulated by coordinate interactions among multiple intracellular signaling molecules. Phosphatidic acid (PA), a signaling phospholipid, binds to and stimulates PLC-beta(1) through a mechanism that requires the PLC-beta(1) C-terminal domain. PA also modulates Galpha(q) stimulation of PLC-beta(1). These data suggest that PA may have a key role in the regulation of PLC-beta(1) signaling in cells. The present studies addressed the structural requirements and the mechanism for PA regulation of PLC-beta(1). We used a combination of enzymatic assays, PA-binding assays, and circular dichroism spectroscopy to evaluate the interaction of PA with wild-type and mutant PLC-beta(1) proteins and with fragments of the Galpha(q) binding domain. The results identify a region that includes the alphaA helix and flexible loop of the Galpha(q)-binding domain as necessary for PA regulation. A mutant PLC-beta(1) with multiple alanine/glycine replacements for residues (944)LIKEHTTKYNEIQN(957) was markedly impaired in PA regulation. The high affinity and low affinity component of PA stimulation was reduced 70% and PA binding was reduced 45% in this mutant. Relative PLC stimulation by PA increased with PLC-beta(1) concentration in a manner suggesting cooperative binding to PA. Similar concentration dependence was observed in the PLC-beta(1) mutant. These data are consistent with a model for PA regulation of PLC-beta(1) that involves cooperative interactions, probably PLC homodimerization, that require the flexible loop region, as is consistent with the dimeric structure of the Galpha(q)-binding domain. PA regulation of PLC-beta(1) requires unique residues that are not required for Galpha(q) stimulation or GTPase-activating protein activity.  相似文献   

A series of 4-azetidinyl-1-aryl-cyclohexanes as potent CCR2 antagonists with high selectivity over activity for the hERG potassium channel is discovered through divergent SARs of CCR2 and hERG.  相似文献   

A novel series of 1-(2-phenoxyphenyl)methanamines is disclosed, which possess selective dual 5-HT and NA reuptake pharmacology. Analogues with good human in vitro metabolic stability, hERG selectivity and passive membrane permeability were identified.  相似文献   

The determinants of the regio- and stereoselective oxidation of fatty acids by cytochrome P450 BM-3 were examined by mutagenesis of residues postulated to anchor the fatty acid or to determine its active site substrate-accessible volume. R47, Y51, and F87 were targeted separately and in combination in order to assess their contributions to arachidonic, palmitoleic, and lauric acid binding affinities, catalytic rates, and regio- and stereoselective oxidation. For all three fatty acids, mutation of the anchoring residues decreased substrate binding affinity and catalytic rates and, for lauric acid, caused a significant increase in the enzyme's NADPH oxidase activity. These changes in catalytic efficiency were accompanied by decreases in the regioselectivity of oxygen insertion, suggesting an increased freedom of substrate movement within the active site of the mutant proteins. The formation of significant amounts of 19-hydroxy AA by the Y51A mutant and of 11,12-EET by the R47A/Y51A/F87V triple mutant, suggest that wild-type BM-3 shields these carbon atoms from the heme bound reactive oxygen by restricting the freedom of AA displacement along the substrate channel, and active site accessibility. These results indicate that binding affinity and catalytic turnover are fatty acid carbon-chain length dependent, and that the catalytic efficiency and the regioselectivity of fatty acid metabolism by BM-3 are determined by active site binding coordinates that control acceptor carbon orientation and proximity to the heme iron.  相似文献   

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