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We provide both experimental and theoretical investigation on extraordinary low transmission through one-dimensional nanoslit and two-dimensional nanohole arrays on ultra-thin metal films. Unambiguous proofs demonstrate that short-range surface plasmon polaritons play a key role leading to this novel phenomenon, which could be useful for creating new polarization filters and other integrated plasmonic components.  相似文献   

In this paper, we employ an antireflective coating which comprises inverted π-shaped metallic grooves to manipulate the behaviour of a transverse-magnetic (TM)-polarised plane wave transmitted through a periodic nanoslit array. At normal incidence, such scheme cannot only retain the optical curtain effect in the output region but also generate the extraordinary transmission of light through the nanoslits with the total transmission efficiency as high as 90 %. Besides, we show that the spatially invariant field distribution in the output region as well as the field distribution of resonant modes around the inverted π-shaped grooves can be reproduced immaculately when the system is excited by an array of point sources beneath the inverted π-shaped grooves. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of centre groove and side-corners of the inverted π-shaped grooves on suppressing the reflection of light, respectively. Based on our work, it shows promising potential in applications of enhancing the extraction efficiency as well as controlling the beaming pattern of light emitting diodes.  相似文献   

Intrinsic properties of surface plasmons (SPs) excited with Kretschmann configuration were analyzed as a function of wavelength, including the propagation length, the penetration depth, the Goos–Hänchen (GH) shift, and the field enhancement. The calculated results indicate that there exists a critical thickness (t cr) of the gold layer and that the maximum GH shift occurring exactly at the SP resonance wavelength (λ R) rapidly varies from positive to negative with changing of the gold layer thickness from t?<?t cr to t?>?t cr. The maximum field enhancement happens not at λ R but at a wavelength smaller than λ R due to the phase retardation between the transmitted and reflected light. Simulations also reveal that a broadband collimated near-infrared beam can simultaneously excite two SPs with different responses to a refractive index (RI) change: the shorter-wavelength SP able to make a small redshift and the longer-wavelength SP capable of yielding a large blueshift. Only the shorter-wavelength SP was experimentally observed and its RI sensitivity was measured to increase from 3,539 nm/RIU at λ R?=?707.6 nm to 57,143 nm/RIU at λ R?=?1,398 nm. The SP at λ R?=?1,013 nm moved to λ R?=?1,029 nm in response to the saturation adsorption of bovine serum albumin, and the corresponding surface coverage was determined to be Γ?=?1.565 ng/mm2 based on a quasilinear dependence of Γ on the resonance wavelength shift (?λ R) deduced theoretically. Butyrylcholinesterase adsorption from a dilute solution of 10 nM protein in phosphate buffer solution leads to a redshift of ?λ R?=?10 nm, corresponding to Γ?≈?0.97 ng/mm2.  相似文献   

We report a 3D plasmonic nanostructure having an extraordinary optical transmission due to localized surface plasmon (LSP) coupling between nanoholes and nanodisks. The nanostructure contains a free-standing gold nanohole array (NHA) film above a cavity and an array of nanodisks at the bottom of the cavity that is aligned with the NHA. For the device, the LSP-mediated resonance position was dependent on the hole and nanodisk diameter as well as the separation distance. Also, the effect of LSP coupling between each hole and corresponding nanodisk became negligible for cavities deeper than 200 nm as observed as a disappearance of the LSP resonance. The greatest LSP resonance transmission and the highest electric field intensity were observed for the structure with the shallowest cavity. In addition, the structure had high surface plasmon resonance sensitivity and may have potential for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and optical trapping applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, the supermodes, long-range surface plasmon polaritons (LRSPPs), have been theoretically studied to enhance the optical coupling of AlGaN/GaN quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) based on gold–Si3N4 hybrid architecture. The electromagnetic field, energy flow, and current density are analyzed by finite element method (FEM). In time domain, the electric field component E z and current density J z perpendicular to the multi-quantum wells (MQWs) are symmetric and asymmetric distributions over the gold grating, respectively, which precisely prove the existence of LRSPPs. The averaged |E z |2 across the whole quantum well region reaches 1.51?(V/m)2 when the electric field intensity (|E 0|2) of normal incidence is 1?(V/m)2 at 4.65 μm. Extraordinarily low loss of the LRSPPs results in a coupling efficiency enhancement ratio of 2.23 in AlGaN/GaN QWIP compared with that obtained via bare gold grating with different polarized sources, exhibiting great potential for application in the focal plane arrays.  相似文献   

We numerically study the extraordinary optical transmission of a plasmonic structure that combines a circular nanoantenna and a vertical annular nanoslit etched into a gold film under radially polarized illumination. The nanoantenna collects the incident field and localizes it in a horizontal Fabry-Pérot cavity over the gold film. The vertical nanoslit positioned at the maximal field in the horizontal cavity couples the localized field and facilitates its transmission to the free space. Due to the symmetry matching between the structure and the illumination polarization, surface plasmons can be excited effectively and enhance the transmission. Through optimizing the structure parameters, the transmission efficiency can be greatly enhanced by 225 times for a resonant annular nanoslit and 251 times for a non-resonant annular nanoslit. This axisymmetric extraordinary optical transmission setup may be fabricated on the facet of an optical fiber for optical sensing applications.  相似文献   

Optical transmission properties of periodic X-shaped plasmonic nanohole arrays in a silver film are investigated by performing the finite element method. Obvious peaks appear in the transmission spectra due to surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on the top surface of the silver film, to the Fabry–Ferot resonance effect of SPPs in the nanohole, and to the localized surface plasmon resonance of the nanohole. Besides the topologic shape parameters of the X-shaped nanohole, transmission properties strongly depend on incident polarization. The results of this study not only present a tunable plasmonic filter, but also aid in the understanding of the mechanisms of the extraordinary optical transmission phenomenon.  相似文献   

A near-field coupling method for studying propagation properties of surface plasmon polariton (SPP) in subwavelength dielectric-loaded SPP waveguides (DLSPPWs) is presented. In this method, a tapered fiber probe is employed to generate a nanometer optical spot. When this spot is near the entrance of the DLSPPW with its polarization parallel to the waveguide, a strong guiding wave is observed by a leakage radiation microscope. For DLSPPWs with a dielectric height of about 600 nm, we observed SPP waves with zigzag propagation patterns at 650 nm wavelength. Such zigzag propagation results in a great reduction of propagation loss. In addition, the zigzag wave has a strong optical confinement. The bending loss for an L-bend DLSPPW is only about 0.4 dB.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - Surface plasmon (SP) coupling behaviors of an InGaN/GaN quantum well (QW) with surface plasmon polariton (SPP) induced on a smooth Ag-film/GaN interface and localized surface plasmon...  相似文献   

The labeling strategy with gold nanoparticles for the conventional surface plasmon resonance (SPR) signal enhancement has been frequently used for the sensitive determination of small molecules binding to its interaction partners. However, the influence of gold nanoparticles with different size and shape on SPR signal is not known. In this paper, three kinds of gold nanoparticles, namely nanorods, nanospheres, and nanooctahedrons with different size, were prepared and used to investigate their effects on the conventional SPR signal at a fixed excitation wavelength 670 nm. It was found that the SPR signal (i.e., resonant angle shift) was varied with the shapes and sizes of gold nanoparticles in suspension at a fixed concentration due to their different plasmon absorbance bands. For gold nanorods with different longitudinal absorbance bands, three conventional SPR signal regions could be clearly observed when the gold nanorod suspensions were separately introduced onto the SPR sensor chip surface. One region was the longitudinal absorbance bands coinciding with or close to the SPR excitation wavelength that suppressed the SPR angle shift. The second region was the longitudinal absorbance bands at 624 to 639 and 728 to 763 nm that produced a moderate increase on the SPR resonant angle shift. The third region was found for the longitudinal absorbance bands from 700 to 726 nm that resulted in a remarkable increase in the SPR angle shift responses. This phenomenon can be explained on the basis of calculation of the correlation of SPR angle shift response with the gold nanorod longitudinal absorbance bands. For nanospheres and nanooctahedrons, the SPR angle shift responses were found to be particle shape and size dependent in a simple way with a sustaining increase when the sizes of the nanoparticles were increased. Consequently, a guideline for choosing gold nanoparticles as tags is suggested for the SPR determination of small molecules with binding to the immobilized interaction partners.  相似文献   

Wu  Jiawei  Guo  Shiliang  Li  Zhiquan  Li  Xin  Xue  Han  Wang  Zhiwei 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2020,15(6):1621-1627

In this paper, a novel graphene hybrid surface plasmon waveguide structure is designed. Based on the finite element method, the mode characteristics, the quality factor, and the gain threshold of the waveguide structure are analyzed. The results show that the optical field constraint of the designed waveguide can reach a better level of deep sub-wavelength under the optimal parameters of 1550-nm working wavelength. The structure is applied to a laser, and the high quality factor, the low energy loss, the low threshold limit, and the ultra-small effective mode field area are obtained by adjusting waveguide design parameters. Compared with the common waveguide structure, this structure has stronger optical field limiting ability and microcavity binding ability. It provides theoretical and technical support for the development of new high-efficiency nano-laser devices and is expected to be applied to fields such as on-chip interconnects, photonic integrated circuits, optical storage, and optical signal processing.


In this paper, a novel plasmonic bandgap cavity inducing the enhancement of extraordinary optical transmission is presented. Numerical simulations have been performed to model a free-standing structure made of a one-dimensional periodic arrangement of gold strips. Two different values of the lattice constant have been properly chosen to realize a double heterostructure-like cavity to accomplish extraordinary optical transmission assisted by the formation of a plasmonic bandgap in the adjacent regions. Numerical results prove the capability of this optical device to efficiently transmit input light beams with far-field transmission values close to 100% due to the excitation of surface plasmon polariton resonant modes.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - In this study, we achieved an enhancement of the transmission surface plasmon resonance (T-SPR) intensity by depositing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) onto a gold grating substrate. The...  相似文献   

We investigate the ability of a parallel scan spectral surface plasmon resonance imaging system in analyzing hybridization of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) on microarray. The ssDNA probes are modified by a thiol group and thereby can be immobilized onto the gold film. Hybridization experiments are carried out by using both complementary and noncomplementary sequence to confirm the specificity of interaction. We also demonstrate that the data analysis is very important in reducing the noise and improving the resolution by comparing polynomial fitting method with the combination of polynomial fitting and centroid method. Finally, the results demonstrate that the parallel scan spectral surface plasmon resonance imaging system can be used for high-throughput analysis of the hybridization of the ssDNA.  相似文献   

For the first time, we report remote excitation polarization-dependent surface photochemical reaction by plasmonic waveguide. Remote excitation polarization-dependent surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra indicate a surface photochemical reaction that p-aminothiophenol is converted to p,p′-dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB) induced by the plasmonic waveguide. Surface plasmon polaritons generated at the end of a silver nanowire can propagate efficiently along the nanowire, and be coupled by nanoparticles near the nanowire as a nanoantenna. Massive electromagnetic enhancement is generated in the nanogap between the nanowire and the nanoparticles. The remote excitation polarization-dependent SERS spectra can be obtained experimentally in the nanogaps; furthermore, the remote excitation polarization-dependent SERS spectra of DMAB reveal the occurrence of this surface catalytic reaction. Theoretical simulations using finite-difference time-domain methods strongly support our experimental results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a peculiar metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) nanosandwich grating structure that can achieve extraordinary optical transmission performances at normal incidence in the ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) regions. The proposed structure shows three obvious spectrum characteristics: it can obtain high transmittance up to 80 % in NUV region and efficiently blocking visible wavelengths for transverse-magnetic (TM) polarized incidence; a broadband NIR polarizer can be inspired in the wavelength range from 950 to 1400 nm; more surprisingly, these performances do not deteriorated until 30° tilting angle. Compared to other grating structures with single metal overlayer, it shows wider band-stop characteristics and higher broadband transmission transmittance and extinction ratio (ER) in the investigated wavebands. We analyze the underlying physical mechanism by using numerical simulation, which is primarily attributed to metal ultraviolet transparency, surface plasmon polariton (SPP) at metal/dielectric interface, Fabry–Perot (FP)-like cavity mode within this dielectric grating, and optical magnetic resonance especially in the dielectric interlayer of the MDM sandwiched structure. This structure is very important for developing high-performance subwavelength multifunctional integrated optical devices.  相似文献   

Strong electromagnetic field enhancement that occurs under conditions of the surface plasmon excitation in metallic nanoparticles deposited on a semiconductor surface is a very efficient and promising tool for increasing the optical absorption within semiconductor solar cells and, hence, their photocurrent response. The enhancement of the optical absorption in thin-film silicon solar cells via the excitation of localized surface plasmons in spherical silver nanoparticles is investigated. Using the effective medium model, the effect of the nanoparticle size and the surface coverage on that enhancement is analyzed. The optimum configuration and the nanoparticle parameters leading to the maximum enhancement in the optical absorption and the photocurrent response in a single p-n junction silicon cell are obtained. The effect of coupling between the silicon layer and the surface plasmon fields on the efficiency of the above enhancement is quantified as well.  相似文献   

The properties of the terahertz resonant surface plasmons wave on the carbon nanotube film and dielectric interface have been investigated. As a first step towards engineering terahertz SPPs-like surface modes, we present a computer experiment to demonstrate that the carbon nanotube film surface can also be employed to concentrate and guide the terahertz SPPs wave. The carbon nanotube film is modeled in an experimentally realizable geometry. It is shown that a unique electromagnetic surface mode in terahertz region can be supported along the carbon nanotube film/dielectric interface when the free-space broadband terahertz pulse is incident on the carbon nanotube film with subwavelength gratings. Comparing with noble metals, plasmonic nano-structure materials based on carbon nanotube film offer a potentially more versatile approach to engineering tightly confined surface modes in the THz regime.  相似文献   

We propose a feasible multipath switch based on the optical bistability with surface plasmon. The switch is controlled by comparing the intensities of TE and TM modes scattering light from the cross-shaped silver structure involving Kerr material in the center. The working wavelength of the switch has a blue shift by reducing the length of a pair of nanorods in the cross-shaped structure due to the scattering of the structure changed. Our structure is easy to implement in practice and has potential applications in all-optical network in the future.  相似文献   


The excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) through one-dimentional (1D) metallic (Au) grating on higher refractive index -GaP substrate is investigated. Such grating devices find potential applications in real world, only if the coupling efficiency (η) of a free-space transverse-magnetic plane-wave into a SPPs mode is maximum. A simple and robust technique is used to estimate the η, by simply measuring the transmission through the grating while varying slit width (a) but period (Λ) and the thickness (t) remain fixed. When the wave vector (k 0 ) of the incident light is matched to that of SPP, highest η is achieved. It is found that Λ/3 < a < Λ/2 yields a maximum η where the intermediate scattering couples more incident energy to SPPs. These gratings are designed in such a way that they support only the fundamental plasmonic mode yielding higher η. Scanning near-field optical measurements also confirm and corroborate the observations of far-field and near-field modeling (COMSOL multiphysics) results.


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