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Nonmuscle myosin II is among the most abundant forms of myosin in nerve growth cones. At least two isoforms of myosin II (A and B) that have overlapping but distinct distributions are found in growth cones. It appears that both myosin IIA and IIB may be necessary for normal nerve outgrowth and motility, but the molecular interactions responsible for their activity remain unclear. For instance, it is unknown if these myosin II isoforms produce bipolar "minifilaments" in growth cones similar to those observed in other nonmuscle cells. To determine if minifilaments are present in growth cones, we modified the electron microscopy preparative procedures used to detect minifilaments in other cell types. We found structures that appeared very similar to bipolar minifilaments found in noneuronal cells. They also labeled with antibodies to either myosin IIA or IIB. Thus, the activity of myosin II in growth cones is likely to be similar to that in other nonmuscle cells. Bipolar filaments interacting with oppositely oriented actin filaments will produce localized contractions or exert tension on actin networks. This activity will be responsible for the myosin II dependent motility in growth cones.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Motor proteins of the minus end-directed cytoplasmic dynein and plus end-directed kinesin families provide the principal means for microtubule-based transport in eukaryotic cells. Despite their opposing polarity, these two classes of motors may cooperate in vivo. In Drosophila circumstantial evidence suggests that dynein acts in the localization of determinants and signaling factors during oogenesis. However, the pleiotropic requirement for dynein throughout development has made it difficult to establish its specific role. RESULTS: We analyzed dynein function in the oocyte by disrupting motor activity through temporally restricted expression of the dynactin subunit, dynamitin. Our results indicate that dynein is required for several processes that impact patterning; such processes include localization of bicoid (bcd) and gurken (grk) mRNAs and anchoring of the oocyte nucleus to the cell cortex. Surprisingly, dynein function is sensitive to reduction in kinesin levels, and germ line clones lacking kinesin show defects in dorsal follicle cell fate, grk mRNA localization, and nuclear attachment that are similar to those resulting from the loss of dynein. Significantly, dynein and dynactin localization is perturbed in these animals. Conversely, kinesin localization also depends on dynein activity. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that dynein is required for nuclear anchoring and localization of cellular determinants during oogenesis. Strikingly, mutations in the kinesin motor also disrupt these processes and perturb dynein and dynactin localization. These results indicate that the activity of the two motors is interdependent and suggest a model in which kinesin affects patterning indirectly through its role in the localization and recycling of dynein.  相似文献   

Rapid freezing and freeze substitution were used in conjunction with immunofluorescence, whole mount EM, and immunoelectron microscopy to study the organization of myosin and actin in growth cones of cultured rat superior cervical ganglion neurons. The general cytoplasmic organization was determined by whole mount EM; tight microfilament bundles formed the core of filopodia while a dense meshwork formed the underlying structure of lamellipodia. Although the central microtubule and organelle-rich region of the growth cone had fewer microfilaments, dense foci and bundles of microfilaments were usually observed. Anti-actin immunofluorescence and rhodamine phalloidin staining of f-actin both showed intense staining of filopodia and lamellipodia. In addition, staining of bundles and foci were observed in central regions suggesting that the majority of the microfilaments seen by whole mount EM are actin filaments. Anti-myosin immunofluorescence was brightest in the central region and usually had a punctate pattern. Although less intense, anti-myosin staining was also seen in peripheral regions; it was most prominent at the border with the central region, in portions of lamellipodia undergoing ruffling, and in spots along the shaft and at the base of filopodia. Immunoelectron microscopy of myosin using postembedment labeling with colloidal gold showed a similar distribution to that seen by immunofluorescence. Label was scattered throughout the growth cone, but present as distinct aggregates in the peripheral region mainly along the border with the central region. Less frequently, aggregates were also seen centrally and along the shaft and at the base of filopodia. This distribution is consistent with myosins involvement in the production of tension and movements of growth cone filopodia and lamellipodia that occur during active neurite elongation.  相似文献   

An improved purification method for cytoplasmic dynein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An improved method has been devised for the purification of cytoplasmic dynein from sea urchin eggs (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and S purpuratus). This protocol introduces three changes over a previously published procedure (Hisanaga and Sakai: J Biochem 93:87, 1983)--the substitution of diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose for hydroxylapatite chromatography, the elimination of sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and the use of phosphocellulose chromatography. These changes reduce the time and increase the efficiency of the purification procedure. The purified egg cytoplasmic dynein has enzymatic properties in common with axonemal dynein, including ionic specificity (Ca++ATPase/Mg++ ATPase = 0.8) and inhibition by sodium vanadate and erythro-9-2,3-hydroxynonyl adenine (EHNA). As assayed by silver staining of polyacrylamide gels, the cytoplasmic dynein is composed of two high molecular weight polypeptides (greater than 300 kilodaltons) that comigrate with flagellar dynein heavy chains, and lesser amounts of three lower molecular weight bands. None of these polypeptides appears to contain bound carbohydrate. The purification procedure can be modified slightly to allow the preparation of cytoplasmic dynein in only 2 days from as little as 3-5 ml of packed eggs, a 20-fold reduction over the previous method. This more rapid and efficient method will facilitate the investigation of cytoplasmic dynein in other systems where starting material is limited, including tissue culture cells and nerve axoplasm.  相似文献   

Because cytoplasmic dynein plays numerous critical roles in eukaryotic cells, determining the subunit composition and the organization and functions of the subunits within dynein are important goals. This has been difficult partly because of accessory polypeptide heterogeneity of dynein populations. The motor domain containing heavy chains of cytoplasmic dynein are associated with multiple intermediate, light intermediate, and light chain accessory polypeptides. We examined the organization of these subunits within cytoplasmic dynein by separating the molecule into two distinct subcomplexes. These subcomplexes were competent to reassemble into a molecule with dynein-like properties. One subcomplex was composed of the dynein heavy and light intermediate chains whereas the other subcomplex was composed of the intermediate and light chains. The intermediate and light chain subcomplex could be further separated into two pools, only one of which contained dynein light chains. The two pools had distinct intermediate chain compositions, suggesting that intermediate chain isoforms have different light chain-binding properties. When the two intermediate chain pools were characterized by analytical velocity sedimentation, at least four molecular components were seen: intermediate chain monomers, intermediate chain dimers, intermediate chain monomers with bound light chains, and a mixture of intermediate chain dimers with assorted bound light chains. These data provide new insights into the compositional heterogeneity and assembly of the cytoplasmic dynein complex and suggest that individual dynein molecules have distinct molecular compositions in vivo.  相似文献   

Nuclear migration: cortical anchors for cytoplasmic dynein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Bloom K 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(8):R326-R329
Nuclear migration in yeast provides a model system for studying how a cell polarizes the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons toward sites of cell growth. Recent findings indicate that cortical anchors are necessary for directing microtubule-based processes.  相似文献   

A high molecular weight microtubule binding protein has been isolated from homogenates of Dictyostelium. Because of its sedimentation velocity (20s), ATP-sensitive binding to microtubules, UV-vanadate-ATP mediated fragmentation, prominent CTPase activity, and its ability to produce limited microtubule movement in vitro, we consider this protein to be a form of cytoplasmic dynein. A polyclonal antibody monospecific to this protein was produced, and dynein's intracellular distribution in ameboid cells was examined by immunofluorescence. The antibody labels a punctate cytoplasmic pattern, localizes to a spherical region adjacent to the nucleus, and also appears to label the nuclei. The punctate staining pattern is consistent with cytoplasmic dynein's proposed function in organelle transport. The spherical juxtanuclear object stained is coincident with this cell's microtubule organizing center, an obvious termination point for minus-end directed microtubule motors. By immunofluorescence, there does not appear to be a substantial amount of dynein in the intranuclear mitotic spindles of Dictyostelium. These data provide evidence for localization of cytoplasmic dynein in cells, and suggest that Dictyostelium will be a useful system in which to study the molecular biology of microtubule-associated motor enzymes.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of cell migration, one needs to know how the parts of the motile machinery of the cell are assembled and how they move with respect to each other. Actin and myosin II are thought to be the major structural and force-generating components of this machinery (Mitchison and Cramer, 1996; Parent, 2004). The movement of myosin II along actin filaments is thought to generate contractile force contributing to cell translocation, but the relative motion of the two proteins has not been investigated. We use fluorescence speckle and conventional fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, and computer tracking techniques to generate comparative velocity and assembly maps of actin and myosin II over the entire cell in a simple model system of persistently migrating fish epidermal keratocytes. The results demonstrate contrasting polarized assembly patterns of the two components, indicate force generation at the lamellipodium-cell body transition zone, and suggest a mechanism of anisotropic network contraction via sliding of myosin II assemblies along divergent actin filaments.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain by myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) regulates the motor activity of smooth muscle and nonmuscle myosin II. We have designed reagents to detect this phosphorylation event in living cells. A new fluorescent protein biosensor of myosin II regulatory light chain phosphorylation (FRLC-Rmyosin II) is described here. The biosensor depends upon energy transfer from fluorescein-labeled regulatory light chains to rhodamine-labeled essential and/or heavy chains. The energy transfer ratio increases by up to 26% when the regulatory light chain is phosphorylated by MLCK. The majority of the change in energy transfer is from regulatory light chain phosphorylation by MLCK (versus phosphorylation by protein kinase C). Folding/unfolding, filament assembly, and actin binding do not have a large effect on the energy transfer ratio. FRLC-Rmyosin II has been microinjected into living cells, where it incorporates into stress fibers and transverse fibers. Treatment of fibroblasts containing FRLC-Rmyosin II with the kinase inhibitor staurosporine produced a lower ratio of rhodamine/fluorescein emission, which corresponds to a lower level of myosin II regulatory light chain phosphorylation. Locomoting fibroblasts containing FRLC-Rmyosin II showed a gradient of myosin II phosphorylation that was lowest near the leading edge and highest in the tail region of these cells, which correlates with previously observed gradients of free calcium and calmodulin activation. Maximal myosin II motor force in the tail may contribute to help cells maintain their polarized shape, retract the tail as the cell moves forward, and deliver disassembled subunits to the leading edge for incorporation into new fibers.  相似文献   

A model for the unidirectional movement of dynein is presented based on the structuralobservations and biochemical experimental results available.In this model,the binding affinity of dynein formicrotubule (MT) is independent of its nucleotide state and the change between strong and weak MT-bindingis determined naturally by the variation of relative orientation between the stalk and MT,as the stalk rotatesfollowing nucleotide-state transition.Thus the enigmatic communication from the adenosine triphosphate(ATP)-binding site in the globular domain to the far MT-binding site in the tip of the stalk,which is aprerequisite in conventional models,is not required.Using the present model,the previous experimentalresults such as the effect of ATP and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) bindings on dissociation of dynein fromMT,the movement of single-headed axonemal dyneins at saturating ATP concentration,the load dependenceof step-size for the movement of two-headed cytoplasmic dyneins and the dependence of stall force on ATPconcentration can be well explained.  相似文献   

Nonmuscle myosin II isoforms A and B (hereafter, IIA and IIB) perform unique roles in cell migration, even though both isoforms share the same basic molecular functions. That IIA and IIB assume distinct subcellular distribution in migrating cells suggests that discrete spatiotemporal regulation of each isoform's activity may provide a basis for its unique migratory functions. Here, we make the surprising finding that swapping a small C-terminal portion of the tail between IIA and IIB inverts the distinct distribution of these isoforms in migrating cells. Moreover, swapping this region between isoforms also inverts their specific turnover properties, as assessed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and Triton solubility. These data, acquired through the use of chimeras of IIA and IIB, suggest that the C-terminal region of the myosin heavy chain supersedes the distinct motor properties of the two isoforms as the predominant factor directing isoform-specific distribution. Furthermore, our results reveal a correlation between isoform solubility and distribution, leading to the proposal that the C-terminal region regulates isoform distribution by tightly controlling the amount of each isoform that is soluble and therefore available for redistribution into new protrusions.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons from 8- to 11-day chick embryos were cultured on polyornithine-treated coverslips, fixed with glutaraldehyde, and stained for immunofluorescent localization of actin. Actin was distributed in a fibrous form in the growth cones, extending into filopodia and lamellipodial expansions of the growth cone margin. Often, these actin fibers were located at sites of linear adhesions to the glass substratum, as viewed by interference reflection optics. Our antisera to myosin did not recognize myosin in glutaraldehyde-fixed cells, and paraformaldehyde, which preserves the antigenicity of myosin, did not fix embryonic neurons well. Thus, myosin was localized in NGF-stimulated PC12 cells, whose morphology is better preserved by paraformaldehyde. Within the growth cones of PC12 neurites, actin and myosin are distributed into fibrous arrays which resemble the actin fibers seen in the growth cones of sensory neurons. Thus, actomyosin-like contractile forces may be exerted in neurite growth cones. These forces may act in concert with cell-substratum adhesive bonds to move the growth cone across the substratum or move organelles within the growth cone.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein play an important role in transporting various intracellular cargos by coupling their ATP hydrolysis cycle with their conformational changes. Recent experimental results showed that the cytoplasmic dynein had a highly variable stepping pattern including “hand-over-hand”, “inchworm” and “nonalternating-inchworm”. Here, we developed a model to describe the coordinated stepping patterns of cytoplasmic dynein, based on its working cycle, construction and the interaction between its leading head and tailing head. The kinetic model showed how change in the distance between the two heads influences the rate of cytoplasmic dynein under different stepping patterns. Numerical simulations of the distribution of step size and striding rate are in good quantitative agreement with experimental observations. Hence, our coordinated stepping model for cytoplasmic dynein successfully explained its diverse stepping patterns as a molecular motor. The cooperative mechanism carried out by the two heads of cytoplasmic dynein shed light on the strategies adopted by the cytoplasmic dynein in executing various functions.  相似文献   

Retrograde actin flow works in concert with cell adhesion to generate traction forces that are involved in axon guidance in neuronal growth cones. Myosins have been implicated in retrograde flow, but identification of the specific myosin subtype(s) involved has been controversial. Using fluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM) to assess actin dynamics, we report that inhibition of myosin II alone decreases retrograde flow by 51% and the remaining flow can be almost fully accounted for by the 'push' of plus-end actin assembly at the leading edge of the growth cone. Interestingly, actin bundles that are associated with filopodium roots elongated by approximately 83% after inhibition of myosin II. This unexpected result was due to decreased rates of actin-bundle severing near their proximal (minus or pointed) ends which are located in the transition zone of the growth cone. Our study reveals a mechanism for the regulation of actin-bundle length by myosin II that is dependent on actin-bundle severing, and demonstrate that retrograde flow is a steady state that depends on both myosin II contractility and actin-network treadmilling.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein has been implicated in numerous aspects of intracellular movement. We recently found dynein inhibitors to interfere with the reorientation of the microtubule cytoskeleton during healing of wounded NIH3T3 cell monolayers. We now find that dynein and its regulators dynactin and LIS1 localize to the leading cell cortex during this process. In the presence of serum, bright diffuse staining was observed in regions of active ruffling. This pattern was abolished by cytochalasin D, and was not observed in cells treated with lysophosphatidic acid, conditions which allow microtubule reorientation but not forward cell movement. Under the same conditions, using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, clear punctate dynein/dynactin containing structures were observed along the sides and at the tips of microtubules at the leading edge. Overexpression of dominant negative dynactin and LIS1 cDNAs or injection of antidynein antibody interfered with the rate of cell migration. Together, these results implicate a leading edge cortical pool of dynein in both early and persistent steps in directed cell movement.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein transports short microtubules down the axon in part by pushing against the actin cytoskeleton. Recent studies have suggested that comparable dynein-driven forces may impinge upon the longer microtubules within the axon. Here, we examined a potential role for these forces on axonal retraction and growth cone turning in neurons partially depleted of dynein heavy chain (DHC) by small interfering RNA. While DHC-depleted axons grew at normal rates, they retracted far more robustly in response to donors of nitric oxide than control axons, and their growth cones failed to efficiently turn in response to substrate borders. Live cell imaging of dynamic microtubule tips showed that microtubules in DHC-depleted growth cones were largely confined to the central zone, with very few extending into filopodia. Even under conditions of suppressed microtubule dynamics, DHC depletion impaired the capacity of microtubules to advance into the peripheral zone of the growth cone, indicating a direct role for dynein-driven forces on the distribution of the microtubules. These effects were all reversed by inhibition of myosin-II forces, which are known to underlie the retrograde flow of actin in the growth cone and the contractility of the cortical actin during axonal retraction. Our results are consistent with a model whereby dynein-driven forces enable microtubules to overcome myosin-II-driven forces, both in the axonal shaft and within the growth cone. These dynein-driven forces oppose the tendency of the axon to retract and permit microtubules to advance into the peripheral zone of the growth cone so that they can invade filopodia.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of dynein forms a globular motor domain that tightly couples the ATP-cleavage region and the microtubule-binding site to transform chemical energy into motion along the cytoskeleton. Here we show that, in the fungus Ustilago maydis, two genes, dyn1 and dyn2, encode the dynein heavy chain. The putative ATPase region is provided by dyn1, while dyn2 includes the predicted microtubule-binding site. Both genes are located on different chromosomes, are transcribed into independent mRNAs and are translated into separate polypeptides. Both Dyn1 and Dyn2 co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized within growing cells, and Dyn1-Dyn2 fusion proteins partially rescued mutant phenotypes, suggesting that both polypeptides interact to form a complex. In cell extracts the Dyn1-Dyn2 complex dissociated, and microtubule affinity purification indicated that Dyn1 or associated polypeptides bind microtubules independently of Dyn2. Both Dyn1 and Dyn2 were essential for cell survival, and conditional mutants revealed a common role in nuclear migration, cell morphogenesis and microtubule organization, indicating that the Dyn1-Dyn2 complex serves multiple cellular functions.  相似文献   

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