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It is shown that in coaxial cone semiconductor structures, the strong localization of surface plasmon polariton (SPP) is possible in terahertz wave regions. During the propagation through this structure, the SPP acquires the following peculiarities: its wavelength essentially decreases and the diffraction processes do not hinder its localization in very small regions; the wave fields noticeably increase. The dissipative processes are also essential, and, having a noticeable role in terahertz regions, do not hinder the strong localization of the SPP. On the basis of such structure, it is possible to create a scanning THz microscope with the resolution equal to a few microns.  相似文献   

The propagation of the coupled surface plasmon-polariton modes in the metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes are investigated, taking into account the retardation effects. A simple model based on the classical electrodynamics and the two-fluid hydrodynamic theory is proposed. The dispersion relation of the surface polariton modes is obtained in order to survey the effects of the two-fluid model and the insulating dielectric media.  相似文献   

Surface plasma oscillations in metallic particles as well as in thin metallic films have been studied extensively in the past decades. New features regarding surface plasma excitations are, however, constantly discovered, leading, for example, to surface-enhanced Raman scattering studies and enhanced optical transmission though metal films with nanohole arrays. In the present work, the role of a metallic substrate is examined in two cases, one involving an overcoat of dielectric nanoparticles and the other an overcoat of metallic nanoparticles. Theoretical results are obtained by modeling the nanoparticles as forming a two-dimensional, hexagonal lattice of spheres. The scattered electromagnetic field is then calculated using a variant of the Green function method. Comparison with experimental results is made for nanoparticles of tungsten oxide and tin oxide deposited on either gold or silver substrates, giving qualitative agreement on the extra absorption observed when the dielectric nanoparticles are added to the metallic surfaces. Such absorption would be attributed to the mirror image effects between the particles and the substrate. On the other hand, calculations of the optical properties of silver or gold nanoparticle arrays on a gold or a silver substrate demonstrate very interesting features in the spectral region from 400 to 1,000 nm. Interactions between the nanoparticle arrays surface plasmons and their images in the metallic substrate would be responsible for the red shift observed in the absorption resonance. Moreover, effects of particle size and ambient index of refraction are studied, showing a great potential for applications in biosensing with structures consisting of metallic nanoparticle arrays on metallic substrates.  相似文献   

The large voltage losses usually encountered in organic solar cells significantly limit the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of these devices, with the result that the current highest PCE values in single‐junction organic photovoltaic remain smaller than for other solar cell technologies, such as crystalline silicon or perovskite solar cells. In particular, the nonradiative recombinations to the electronic ground state from the lowest‐energy charge‐transfer (CT) states at the donor–acceptor interfaces in the active layer of organic devices, are responsible for a significant part of the voltage losses. Here, to better comprehend the nonradiative voltage loss mechanisms, a fully quantum‐mechanical rate formula is employed within the framework of time‐dependent perturbation theory, combined with density functional theory. The objective is to uncover the specific contributions of intramolecular vibrations to the CT‐state nonradiative recombinations in several model systems, which include small‐molecule and polymer donors as well as fullerene and nonfullerene acceptors.  相似文献   

Open‐circuit voltage (VOC) losses in organic photovoltaics (OPVs) inhibit devices from reaching VOC values comparable to the bandgap of the donor–acceptor blend. Specifically, nonradiative recombination losses (?Vnr) are much greater in OPVs than in silicon or perovskite solar cells, yet the origins of this are not fully understood. To understand what makes a system have high or low loss, an investigation of the nonradiative recombination losses in a total of nine blend systems is carried out. An apparent relationship is observed between the relative domain purity of six blends and the degree of nonradiative recombination loss, where films exhibiting relatively less pure domains show lower ?Vnr than films with higher domain purity. Additionally, it is shown that when paired with a fullerene acceptor, polymer donors which have bulky backbone units to inhibit close π–π stacking exhibit lower nonradiative recombination losses than in blends where the polymer can pack more closely. This work reports a strategy that ensures ?Vnr can be measured accurately and reports key observations on the relationship between ?Vnr and properties of the donor/acceptor interface.  相似文献   

Reducing energy loss (Eloss) is of critical importance to improving the photovoltaic performance of organic solar cells (OSCs). Although nonradiative recombination ( E loss nonrad ) is investigated in quite a few works, the method for modulating E loss nonrad is seldom reported. Here, a new method of depressing Eloss is reported for nonfullerene OSCs. In addition to ternary‐blend bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells, it is proved that a small molecular material (NRM‐1) can be selectively dispersed into the acceptor phase in the PBDB‐T:IT‐4F‐based OSC, resulting in lower E loss rad and E loss nonrad , and hence a significant improvement in the open‐circuit voltage (VOC); under an optimal feed ratio of NRM‐1, an enhanced power conversion efficiency can also be gained. Moreover, the role of NRM‐1 in the method is illustrated and its applicability for several other representative OSCs is validated. This work paves a new pathway to reduce the Eloss for nonfullerene OSCs.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on yield, maintenance rate, growth rate, and conversion of calories to biomass was studied with Pseudomonas fluorescens grown in a chemostat. Maintenance and growth rate are influenced linearly with temperature. Both rates increased with increasing temperature and gave linear Arrhenius plots over a limited range. Cells harvested during the steady-state at each temperature were burned in a microcalorimeter. The number of kilocalories per gram (dry weight) of organism was not influenced significantly by the temperature during growth, indicating that the conversion of substrate calories into biomass is apparently regulated in the range of temperature studied.  相似文献   

This work reports the substrate temperature-influenced change in the structural, morphological, optical, and glucose sensing properties of silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) deposited on p-type Si (100) wafers. AgNP films grown at temperatures ranging from RT to 600 °C clearly show a dependence of orientation texture and surface morphology on substrate temperature (T s). As T s increases from RT towards 600 °C, the preferred orientation of AgNP film changes from (111) to (200). The AgNPs size, that is T s-dependent, reaches the maximum value at T s = 300 °C. This result is attributed to restructuring of AgNPs texture. Moreover, the AgNP shape also changes from ellipsoid to sphere as T s increases from RT to 600 °C. Surface plasmon enhancement in photoluminescence intensity is observed with increase in T s. It is found also that the AgNP film deposited at 300 °C has considerable reflectance reduction relative to the silicon substrate, in wavelength range of 300–800 nm and a progressive red shift of localized surface plasmon resonances caused by the adding of increasing quantities of glucose has been observed. As a proof of concept, we also demonstrate the capability of grown AgNP substrates for glucose detection based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy in physiological concentration range with short integration time 10 s, varying with T s.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen like protein 1(Fgl1) is a secreted protein with mitogenic activity on primary hepatocytes. Fgl1 is expressed in the liver and its expression is enhanced following acute liver injury. In animals with acute liver failure, administration of recombinant Fgl1 results in decreased mortality supporting the notion that Fgl1 stimulates hepatocyte proliferation and/or protects hepatocytes from injury. However, because Fgl1 is secreted and detected in the plasma, it is possible that the role of Fgl1 extends far beyond its effect on hepatocytes. In this study, we show that Fgl1 is additionally expressed in brown adipose tissue. We find that signals elaborated following liver injury also enhance the expression of Fgl1 in brown adipose tissue suggesting that there is a cross talk between the injured liver and adipose tissues. To identify extra hepatic effects, we generated Fgl1 deficient mice. These mice exhibit a phenotype suggestive of a global metabolic defect: Fgl1 null mice are heavier than wild type mates, have abnormal plasma lipid profiles, fasting hyperglycemia with enhanced gluconeogenesis and exhibit differences in white and brown adipose tissue morphology when compared to wild types. Because Fgl1 shares structural similarity to Angiopoietin like factors 2, 3, 4 and 6 which regulate lipid metabolism and energy utilization, we postulate that Fgl1 is a member of an emerging group of proteins with key roles in metabolism and liver regeneration.  相似文献   


This paper reports the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and associated plasmonic band gap (PBG) while using TM plane wave interacting with 1D metallic grating on higher refractive index GaP substrate. A simple method is introduced to estimate the PBG which is crucial for many plasmonic devices. The PBG is estimated by measuring the transmission spectra obtained through the plasmonic grating structures when slit width is varied while periodicity and the thickness of the gold (Au) film remained fixed. The PBG is observed for the grating devices whose slit width is less than one third of the periodicity which is caused by the presence of a higher plasmonic mode. The PBG is absent for the grating device whose slit width is slightly less than half and greater than one third of the periodicity. Such grating devices support only a fundamental plasmonic mode because the profile/shape of the slit in the grating device is more like a sinusoidal nature. Furthermore, such grating offers intermediate scattering to the incident light and the SPP as well which in turn couple more incident energy to the SPPs. Far-field modelling results also support the results obtained through experiment.


Metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) photo‐electrocatalysts offer a pathway to stable and efficient solar water splitting. Initially motivated as a strategy to protect the underlying semiconductor photoabsorber from harsh operating conditions, the thickness of the insulator layer in MIS systems has recently been shown to be a critical design parameter which can be tuned to optimize the photovoltage. This study analyzes the underlying mechanism by which the thickness of the insulator layer impacts the performance of MIS photo‐electrocatalysts. A concrete example of an Ir/HfO2/n‐Si MIS system is investigated for the oxygen evolution reaction. The results of combined experiments and modeling suggest that the insulator thickness affects the photovoltage i) favorably by controlling the flux of charge carriers from the semiconductor to the metal electrocatalyst and ii) adversely by introducing nonidealities such as surface defect states which limit the generated photovoltage. It is important to quantify these different mechanisms and suggest avenues for addressing these nonidealities to enable the rational design of MIS systems that can approach the fundamental photovoltage limits. The analysis described in this contribution as well as the strategy toward optimizing the photovoltage are generalizable to other MIS systems.  相似文献   

Although all brain cells bear in principle a comparable potential in terms of energetics, in reality they exhibit different metabolic profiles. The specific biochemical characteristics explaining such disparities and their relative importance are largely unknown. Using a modeling approach, we show that modifying the kinetic parameters of pyruvate dehydrogenase and mitochondrial NADH shuttling within a realistic interval can yield a striking switch in lactate flux direction. In this context, cells having essentially an oxidative profile exhibit pronounced extracellular lactate uptake and consumption. However, they can be turned into cells with prominent aerobic glycolysis by selectively reducing the aforementioned parameters. In the case of primarily oxidative cells, we also examined the role of glycolysis and lactate transport in providing pyruvate to mitochondria in order to sustain oxidative phosphorylation. The results show that changes in lactate transport capacity and extracellular lactate concentration within the range described experimentally can sustain enhanced oxidative metabolism upon activation. Such a demonstration provides key elements to understand why certain brain cell types constitutively adopt a particular metabolic profile and how specific features can be altered under different physiological and pathological conditions in order to face evolving energy demands.  相似文献   

The maintenance coefficient of glucose-limited Aspergillus nidulans chemostat cultures at 30 C was 0.018 g per g (dry weight) per hr for glucose and 0.55 mmoles per g (dry weight) per hr for oxygen. These values can only be approximate because melanin was produced by the mold at low growth rates and because it is unlikely that this polymer contributed to the maintenance energy requirement although it contributed to the dry weight. Biomass (defined here as dry weight minus melanin) was used to calculate a more meaningful maintenance coefficient for glucose (0.029 g of glucose per g of biomass per hr). At the highest growth rates examined, a nonlinear relationship between growth rate and glucose utilization rate was obtained, suggesting a qualitative change in the metabolic activities of the mold at high growth rates. The oxidative capacity of the mold was highest at the highest growth rates. This observation indicates that the increased substrate utilization rate observed at the higher growth rates is a reflection of enhanced enzyme synthesis. This hypothesis was verified by assaying the specific activities of several enzymes at different growth rates. However, in contrast to all the other enzymes assayed, the activities of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate: (acceptor) oxido-reductases were highest at the lowest growth rates.  相似文献   

A Monte-Carlo method including long-range interactions is used to oligopeptide chains in random-coil state. The chains are composed of 4, 9, or 14 repeating units and are labeled with the luminopheres tyrosine or tryptophan. Interactions with a solvent (water) are taken into account in the calculations through modifications of the semiempirical potential-energy functions. The chains represent oligopeptides composed of hydrophobic or hydrophilic amino acid residues. Various properties relavent to the interpretaiton of nonradiative enrgy-transfer experiments, such as the average value of the orientation factor for dipole-dipole interaction of the luminophores, 〈k2〉, the distribution function of the distances between the luminophores f(rl), the efficiences of energy transfer in the static and dyamic averaging regimes, 〈Ts amnd 〈Td, as well as the fluorescence decay I(t) of the donor luminophore in various averaging conditions, are computed. It is shown that, for all chains considered, 〈k2〉 is not vary far form 0.67 and that 〈Ts and 〈Td have completely different values. Due to the small extent of correlation between the distances rl and the mutual orientations of the lumninophores, the decay kinetics 〈I(t)s corresponding to a static averaging regime can be expressed in terms of distribution functions f(rl). These results are in agrrement with those obtained previously for the unperturbed chain model.  相似文献   

Ko  Myong-Chol  Kim  Nam-Chol  Choe  Hyok  Ri  Su-Ryon  Ryom  Ju-Song  Ri  Chol-Won  Kim  Un-Ha 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2020,15(1):271-277
Plasmonics - We proposed an experimentally feasible scheme of nano-plasmonic switch and quantum router via the single self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs semiconductor quantum dot (SQD) with a V-type...  相似文献   

Zhong  Ying  Sun  Fuping  Liu  Haitao 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2019,14(6):1393-1403
Plasmonics - The nanoparticle-on-mirror system as a surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate is sufficient for single molecule detection and possesses advantages of high reproducibility and ease...  相似文献   

Nickel oxide based p‐type dye‐sensitized solar cells (DSCs) are limited in their efficiencies by poor fill factors (FFs). This work explores the origins of this limitation. Transient absorption spectroscopy identifies fast recombination between the injected hole and the dye anion under applied load as one of the predominant reasons for the poor FF of NiO‐based DSCs. A reduced hole injection efficiency, ηINJ, under applied load is found to play an equally important role. Both, the dye regeneration yield, ΦREG, and ηINJ decrease by approximately 40%–50% when moving from short‐ to open‐circuit conditions. Spectroelectrochemical measurements reveal that the electrochromic properties of NiO are a further limiting factor for the device performance leading to variable light‐harvesting efficiencies, ηLH, under applied load. The peak light‐harvesting efficiency decreases from 63% at short circuit to 57% at 600 mV reducing the FF of NiO DSCs by 5%. This effect is expected to be more pronounced for future devices with higher operating voltages. Incident, photon‐to‐electron conversion efficiency front–back analysis at applied bias is utilized to characterize the interfacial charge recombination. It is found that the recombination between the injected hole and the redox mediator has a surprisingly small effect on the FF.  相似文献   

While it has been proposed that Shc family of adaptor proteins may influence aging by regulating insulin signaling and energy metabolism, the overall impact of Shc proteins on whole body energy metabolism has yet to be elucidated. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the influence of Shc proteins and aging on whole body energy metabolism in a mouse model under ambient conditions (22°C) and acute cold exposure (12°C for 24 hours). Using indirect respiration calorimetry, we investigated the impact of Shc proteins and aging on EE and substrate utilization (RQ) in p66 Shc−/− (ShcKO) and wild-type (WT) mice. Calorimetry measurements were completed in 3, 15, and 27 mo mice at 22°C and 12°C. At both temperatures and when analyzed across all age groups, ShcKO mice demonstrated lower 24 h total EE values than that of WT mice when EE data was expressed as either kJ per mouse, or adjusted by body weight or crude organ mass (ORGAN) (P≤0.01 for all). The ShcKO mice also had higher (P<0.05) fed state RQ values than WT animals at 22°C, consistent with an increase in glucose utilization. However, Shc proteins did not influence age-related changes in energy expenditure or RQ. Age had a significant impact on EE at 22°C, regardless of how EE data was expressed (P<0.05), demonstrating a pattern of increase in EE from age 3 to 15 mo, followed by a decrease in EE at 27 mo. These results indicate a decline in whole body EE with advanced age in mice, independent of changes in body weight (BW) or fat free mass (FFM). The results of this study indicate that both Shc proteins and aging should be considered as factors that influence energy expenditure in mice.  相似文献   

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