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Mutations in cdk5rap2 are linked to autosomal recessive primary microcephaly, and attention has been paid to its function at centrosomes. In this report, we demonstrate that CDK5RAP2 localizes to microtubules and concentrates at the distal tips in addition to centrosomal localization. CDK5RAP2 interacts directly with EB1, a prototypic member of microtubule plus-end tracking proteins, and contains the basic and Ser-rich motif responsible for EB1 binding. The EB1-binding motif is conserved in the CDK5RAP2 sequences of chimpanzee, bovine, and dog but not in those of rat and mouse, suggesting a function gained during the evolution of mammals. The mutation of the Ile/Leu-Pro dipeptide within the motif abolishes EB1 interaction and plus-end attachment. In agreement with the mutational analysis, suppression of EB1 expression inhibits microtubule tip-tracking of CDK5RAP2. We have also found that the CDK5RAP2–EB1 complex regulates microtubule dynamics and stability. CDK5RAP2 depletion by RNA interference impacts the dynamic behaviors of microtubules. The CDK5RAP2–EB1 complex induces microtubule bundling and acetylation when expressed in cell cultures and stimulates microtubule assembly and bundle formation in vitro. Collectively, these results show that CDK5RAP2 targets growing microtubule tips in association with EB1 to regulate microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   

The recruitment of leukocytes to sites of inflammation is crucial for a functional immune response. In the present work, we explored the role of mitochondria in lymphocyte adhesion, polarity, and migration. We show that during adhesion to the activated endothelium under physiological flow conditions, lymphocyte mitochondria redistribute to the adhesion zone together with the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) in an integrin-dependent manner. Mitochondrial redistribution and efficient lymphocyte adhesion to the endothelium require the function of Miro-1, an adaptor molecule that couples mitochondria to microtubules. Our data demonstrate that Miro-1 associates with the dynein complex. Moreover, mitochondria accumulate around the MTOC in response to the chemokine CXCL12/SDF-1α; this redistribution is regulated by Miro-1. CXCL12-dependent cell polarization and migration are reduced in Miro-1-silenced cells, due to impaired myosin II activation at the cell uropod and diminished actin polymerization. These data point to a key role of Miro-1 in the control of lymphocyte adhesion and migration through the regulation of mitochondrial redistribution.  相似文献   

Localization of dynein–green fluorescent protein (GFP) to cytoplasmic microtubules allowed us to obtain one of the first views of the dynamic properties of astral microtubules in live budding yeast. Several novel aspects of microtubule function were revealed by time-lapse, three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy. Astral microtubules, about four to six in number for each pole, exhibited asynchronous dynamic instability throughout the cell cycle, growing at 0.3–1.5 μm/min toward the cell surface then switching to shortening at similar velocities back to the spindle pole body (SPB). During interphase, a conical array of microtubules trailed the SPB as the nucleus traversed the cytoplasm. Microtubule disassembly by nocodozole inhibited these movements, indicating that the nucleus was pushed around the interior of the cell via dynamic astral microtubules. These forays were evident in unbudded G1 cells, as well as in late telophase cells after spindle disassembly. Nuclear movement and orientation to the bud neck in S/G2 or G2/M was dependent on dynamic astral microtubules growing into the bud. The SPB and nucleus were then pulled toward the bud neck, and further microtubule growth from that SPB was mainly oriented toward the bud. After SPB separation and central spindle formation, a temporal delay in the acquisition of cytoplasmic dynein at one of the spindle poles was evident. Stable microtubule interactions with the cell cortex were rarely observed during anaphase, and did not appear to contribute significantly to spindle alignment or elongation into the bud. Alterations of microtubule dynamics, as observed in cells overexpressing dynein-GFP, resulted in eventual spindle misalignment. These studies provide the first mechanistic basis for understanding how spindle orientation and nuclear positioning are established and are indicative of a microtubule-based searching mechanism that requires dynamic microtubules for nuclear migration into the bud.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial morphology is regulated by the balance between two counteracting mitochondrial processes of fusion and fission. There is significant evidence suggesting a stringent association between morphology and bioenergetics of mitochondria. Morphological alterations in mitochondria are linked to several pathological disorders, including cardiovascular diseases. The consequences of stress-induced acetylation of mitochondrial proteins on the organelle morphology remain largely unexplored. Here we report that OPA1, a mitochondrial fusion protein, was hyperacetylated in hearts under pathological stress and this posttranslational modification reduced the GTPase activity of the protein. The mitochondrial deacetylase SIRT3 was capable of deacetylating OPA1 and elevating its GTPase activity. Mass spectrometry and mutagenesis analyses indicated that in SIRT3-deficient cells OPA1 was acetylated at lysine 926 and 931 residues. Overexpression of a deacetylation-mimetic version of OPA1 recovered the mitochondrial functions of OPA1-null cells, thus demonstrating the functional significance of K926/931 acetylation in regulating OPA1 activity. Moreover, SIRT3-dependent activation of OPA1 contributed to the preservation of mitochondrial networking and protection of cardiomyocytes from doxorubicin-mediated cell death. In summary, these data indicated that SIRT3 promotes mitochondrial function not only by regulating activity of metabolic enzymes, as previously reported, but also by regulating mitochondrial dynamics by targeting OPA1.  相似文献   

Centrosomes are critical sites for orchestrating microtubule dynamics, and exhibit dynamic changes in size during the cell cycle. As cells progress to mitosis, centrosomes recruit more microtubules (MT) to form mitotic bipolar spindles that ensure proper chromosome segregation. We report a new role for ATX-2, a C. elegans ortholog of Human Ataxin-2, in regulating centrosome size and MT dynamics. ATX-2, an RNA-binding protein, forms a complex with SZY-20 in an RNA-independent fashion. Depleting ATX-2 results in embryonic lethality and cytokinesis failure, and restores centrosome duplication to zyg-1 mutants. In this pathway, SZY-20 promotes ATX-2 abundance, which inversely correlates with centrosome size. Centrosomes depleted of ATX-2 exhibit elevated levels of centrosome factors (ZYG-1, SPD-5, γ-Tubulin), increasing MT nucleating activity but impeding MT growth. We show that ATX-2 influences MT behavior through γ-Tubulin at the centrosome. Our data suggest that RNA-binding proteins play an active role in controlling MT dynamics and provide insight into the control of proper centrosome size and MT dynamics.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(1):269-283.e6
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PAR (partitioning-defective) proteins, which were first identified in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, are essential for asymmetric cell division and polarized growth, whereas Cdc42 mediates establishment of cell polarity. Here we describe an unexpected link between these two systems. We have identified a family of mammalian Par6 proteins that are similar to the C. elegans PDZ-domain protein PAR-6. Par6 forms a complex with Cdc42-GTP, with a human homologue of the multi-PDZ protein PAR-3 and with the regulatory domains of atypical protein kinase C (PKC) proteins. This assembly is implicated in the formation of normal tight junctions at epithelial cell-cell contacts. Thus, Par6 is a key adaptor that links Cdc42 and atypical PKCs to Par3.  相似文献   

Cell migration is orchestrated by dynamic interaction of microtubules with the plasma membrane cortex. However, the regulatory mechanisms underlying the cortical actin cytoskeleton and microtubule dynamics are less characterized. Our earlier study showed that small GTPase-activating proteins, IQGAPs, regulate polarized secretion in epithelial cells (1). Here, we show that IQGAP1 links dynamic microtubules to steer cell migration via interacting with the plus-end tracking protein, SKAP. Biochemical characterizations revealed that IQGAP1 and SKAP form a cognate complex and that their binding interfaces map to the WWIQ motif and the C-terminal of SKAP, respectively. The WWIQ peptide disrupts the biochemical interaction between IQGAP1 and SKAP in vitro, and perturbation of the IQGAP1-SKAP interaction in vivo using a membrane-permeable TAT-WWIQ peptide results in inhibition of directional cell migration elicited by EGF. Mechanistically, the N-terminal of SKAP binds to EB1, and its C terminus binds to IQGAP1 in migrating cells. Thus, we reason that a novel IQGAP1 complex orchestrates directional cell migration via coupling dynamic microtubule plus-ends to the cell cortex.  相似文献   

The mammalian MAGI proteins play important roles in the maintenance of adherens and tight junctions. The MAGI family of proteins contains modular domains such as WW and PDZ domains necessary for scaffolding of membrane receptors and intracellular signaling components. Loss of MAGI leads to reduced junction stability while overexpression of MAGI can lead to increased adhesion and stabilization of epithelial morphology. However, how Magi regulates junction assembly in epithelia is largely unknown. We investigated the single Drosophila homologue of Magi to study the in vivo role of Magi in epithelial development. Magi is localized at the adherens junction and forms a complex with the polarity proteins, Par3/Bazooka and aPKC. We generated a Magi null mutant and found that Magi null mutants were viable with no detectable morphological defects even though the Magi protein is highly conserved with vertebrate Magi homologues. However, overexpression of Magi resulted in the displacement of Baz/Par3 and aPKC and lead to an increase in the level of PIP3. Interestingly, we found that Magi and Baz functioned in an antagonistic manner to regulate the localization of the apical polarity complex. Maintaining the balance between the level of Magi and Baz is an important determinant of the levels and localization of apical polarity complex.  相似文献   

Cells actively position their nucleus within the cytoplasm. One striking example is observed during skeletal myogenesis. Differentiated myoblasts fuse to form a multinucleated myotube with nuclei positioned in the centre of the syncytium by an unknown mechanism. Here, we describe that the nucleus of a myoblast moves rapidly after fusion towards the central myotube nuclei. This movement is driven by microtubules and dynein/dynactin complex, and requires Cdc42, Par6 and Par3. We found that Par6β and dynactin accumulate at the nuclear envelope of differentiated myoblasts and myotubes, and this accumulation is dependent on Par6 and Par3 proteins but not on microtubules. These results suggest a mechanism where nuclear movement after fusion is driven by microtubules that emanate from one nucleus that are pulled by dynein/dynactin complex anchored to the nuclear envelope of another nucleus.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK‐3) has been linked to regulation of kinesin‐dependent axonal transport in squid and flies, and to indirect regulation of cytoplasmic dynein. We have now found evidence for direct regulation of dynein by mammalian GSK‐3β in both neurons and non‐neuronal cells. GSK‐3β coprecipitates with and phosphorylates mammalian dynein. Phosphorylation of dynein intermediate chain (IC) reduces its interaction with Ndel1, a protein that contributes to dynein force generation. Two conserved residues, S87/T88 in IC‐1B and S88/T89 in IC‐2C, have been identified as GSK‐3 targets by both mass spectrometry and site‐directed mutagenesis. These sites are within an Ndel1‐binding domain, and mutation of both sites alters the interaction of IC's with Ndel1. Dynein motility is stimulated by (i) pharmacological and genetic inhibition of GSK‐3β, (ii) an insulin‐sensitizing agent (rosiglitazone) and (iii) manipulating an insulin response pathway that leads to GSK‐3β inactivation. Thus, our study connects a well‐characterized insulin‐signaling pathway directly to dynein stimulation via GSK‐3 inhibition.   相似文献   

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