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During mitosis, the vertebrate cell nucleus undergoes profound changes in architecture. At the onset of mitosis, the nuclear envelope breaks down, the nuclear lamina is depolymerized, and interphase chromatin is condensed to chromosomes. Concomitantly, cytoplasmic microtubules are reorganized into a mitotic spindle apparatus, a highly dynamic structure required for the segregation of sister chromatids. Many of the above events are controlled by reversible phosphorylation. Hence, our laboratory is interested in characterizing the kinases involved in promoting progression through mitosis and in identifying their relevant substrates. Prominent among the kinases responsible for regulating entry into mitosis is the Cdc2 kinase, the first member of the cyclin dependent kinase (Cdk) family. Recently, we found that Cdc2 phosphorylates HsEg5, a human kinesin-related motor protein associated with centrosomes and the spindle apparatus. Our results indicate that phosphorylation regulates the association of HsEg5 with the mitotic spindle and that the function of this plus-end directed motor is essential for centrosome separation and bipolar spindle formation. Another kinase implicated in regulating progression through mitosis is Plk1 (polo-like kinase 1), the human homologue of theDrosophilagene product “polo.” By antibody microinjection we have found that Plk1 is required for the functional maturation of centrosomes and hence for entry into mitosis. Furthermore, we found that microinjected anti-Plk1 antibodies caused a more severe block to cell cycle progression in diploid fibroblasts than in immortalized tumor cells. This observation hints at the existence of a checkpoint linking Cdc2 activation to the presence of functional centrosomes.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(11):1988-2000.e3
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One of the key differences between mitosis and meiosis is the necessity for exchange between homologous chromosomes. Crossing-over between homologous chromosomes is essential for proper meiotic chromosome segregation in most organisms, serving the purpose of linking chromosomes to their homologous partners until they segregate from one another at anaphase I. In several organisms it has been shown that occasional pairs of chromosomes that have failed to experience exchange segregate with reduced fidelity compared to exchange chromosomes, but do not segregate randomly. Such observations support the notion that there are mechanisms, beyond exchange, that contribute to meiotic segregation fidelity. Recent findings indicate that active centromere pairing is important for proper kinetochore orientation and consequently, segregation of non-exchange chromosomes. Here we discuss the implications of these findings for the behavior of meiotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that attachment and mindfulness are related, though the nature of this association is unclear. Here we present two studies examining whether there is a causal relationship between state attachment and state mindfulness. Study 1 investigated the effects of experimentally increasing state mindfulness on state attachment security. State mindfulness was successfully enhanced, but this led to no change in state attachment security. Study 2 investigated the effects of experimentally enhancing state attachment security on state mindfulness. State attachment security was successfully enhanced, but this did not lead to any change in state mindfulness. These findings suggest that there is not a direct, immediate causal relationship between state attachment and state mindfulness as a result of brief experimental manipulations. Future research should examine these associations in longer term interventions.  相似文献   

MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2), a direct substrate of p38 MAPK, plays key roles in multiple physiological functions in mitosis. Here, we show for the first time the unique distribution pattern of MK2 in meiosis. Phospho-MK2 was localized on bipolar spindle minus ends and along the interstitial axes of homologous chromosomes extending over centromere regions and arm regions at metaphase of first meiosis (MI stage) in mouse oocytes. At metaphase of second meiosis (MII stage), p-MK2 was localized on the bipolar spindle minus ends and at the inner centromere region of sister chromatids as dots. Knockdown or inhibition of MK2 resulted in spindle defects. Spindles were surrounded by irregular nondisjunction chromosomes, which were arranged in an amphitelic or syntelic/monotelic manner, or chromosomes detached from the spindles. Kinetochore–microtubule attachments were impaired in MK2-deficient oocytes because spindle microtubules became unstable in response to cold treatment. In addition, homologous chromosome segregation and meiosis progression were inhibited in these oocytes. Our data suggest that MK2 may be essential for functional meiotic bipolar spindle formation, chromosome segregation and proper kinetochore–microtubule attachments.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus causes a broad spectrum of tumors as the result of the action of its early proteins. This work compares signaling from middle T antigen (MT), the major transforming protein, to that from small T antigen (ST). The abilities of MT mutants to promote cell cycle progression in serum-starved NIH 3T3 cells were compared. Transformation-defective mutants lacking association with SHC or with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) retained the ability to induce DNA synthesis as measured by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation. Only when both interactions were lost in the Y250F/Y315F double mutant was MT inactive. ST promoted cell cycle progression in a manner dependent on its binding of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Since the Y250F/Y315F MT mutant was wild type for PP2A binding yet unable to promote cell cycle progression, while ST was capable of promoting cell cycle progression, these experiments revealed a functional difference in MT and ST signaling via PP2A. Assays testing the abilities of MT and ST to induce the c-fos promoter and to activate c-jun kinase led to the same conclusion. ST, but not Y250F/Y315F MT, was able to activate the c-fos promoter through its interaction with PP2A. In contrast, MT, but not ST, was able to activate c-jun kinase by virtue of its interaction with PP2A.  相似文献   

During normal metaphase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, chromosomes are captured at the kinetochores by microtubules emanating from the spindle pole bodies at opposite poles of the dividing cell. The balance of forces between the cohesins holding the replicated chromosomes together and the pulling force from the microtubules at the kinetochores result in the biorientation of the sister chromatids before chromosome segregation. The absence of kinetochore–microtubule interactions or loss of cohesion between the sister chromatids triggers the spindle checkpoint which arrests cells in metaphase. We report here that an MEN mutant, cdc15-2, though competent in activating the spindle assembly checkpoint when exposed to Noc, mis-segregated chromosomes during recovery from spindle checkpoint activation. cdc15-2 cells arrested in Noc, although their Pds1p levels did not accumulate as well as in wild-type cells. Genetic analysis indicated that Pds1p levels are lower in a mad2Δ cdc15-2 and bub2Δ cdc15-2 double mutants compared with the single mutants. Chromosome mis-segregation in the mutant was due to premature spindle elongation in the presence of unattached chromosomes, likely through loss of proper control on spindle midzone protein Slk19p and kinesin protein, Cin8p. Our data indicate that a slower rate of transition through the cell division cycle can result in an inadequate level of Pds1p accumulation that can compromise recovery from spindle assembly checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

种子休眠与萌发是截然不同而又紧密联系的两个生理过程,也是植物生命周期中的关键阶段,对自然状态下的植物物种繁殖与地理分布以及农业生产均具有重要意义,且两个过程受不同内源激素和环境信号之间的精确互作调控。大量研究表明,蛋白质磷酸化修饰作为一种重要的翻译后修饰方式,参与调控种子休眠与萌发以及植物逆境胁迫响应等过程并发挥重要作...  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a gram-negative soil bacterium which undergoes fruiting body formation during starvation. The frz signal transduction system has been found to play an important role in this process. FrzCD, a methyl-accepting taxis protein homologue, shows modulated methylation during cellular aggregation, which is thought to be part of an adaptation response to an aggregation signal. In this study, we assayed FrzCD methylation in many known and newly isolated mutants defective in fruiting body formation to determine a possible relationship between the methylation response and fruiting morphology. The results of our analysis indicated that the developmental mutants could be divided into two groups based on their ability to show normal FrzCD methylation during development. Many mutants blocked early in development, i.e., nonaggregating or abnormally aggregating mutants, showed poor FrzCD methylation. The well-characterized asg, bsg, csg, and esg mutants were found to be of this type. The defects in FrzCD methylation of these signaling mutants could be partially rescued by extracellular complementation with wild-type cells or addition of chemicals which restore their fruiting body formation. Mutants blocked in late development, i.e., translucent mounds, showed normal FrzCD methylation. Surprisingly, some mutants blocked in early development also exhibited a normal level of FrzCD methylation. The characterized mutants in this group were found to be defective in social motility. This indicates that FrzCD methylation defines a discrete step in the development of M. xanthus and that social motility mutants are not blocked in these early developmental steps.  相似文献   

DURING meiosis in the females of many species, spindle assembly occurs in the absence of the microtubule-organizing centers called centrosomes. In the absence of centrosomes, the nature of the chromosome-based signal that recruits microtubules to promote spindle assembly as well as how spindle bipolarity is established and the chromosomes orient correctly toward the poles is not known. To address these questions, we focused on the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC). We have found that the CPC localizes in a ring around the meiotic chromosomes that is aligned with the axis of the spindle at all stages. Using new methods that dramatically increase the effectiveness of RNA interference in the germline, we show that the CPC interacts with Drosophila oocyte chromosomes and is required for the assembly of spindle microtubules. Furthermore, chromosome biorientation and the localization of the central spindle kinesin-6 protein Subito, which is required for spindle bipolarity, depend on the CPC components Aurora B and Incenp. Based on these data we propose that the ring of CPC around the chromosomes regulates multiple aspects of meiotic cell division including spindle assembly, the establishment of bipolarity, the recruitment of important spindle organization factors, and the biorientation of homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to characterize the effects of RhoA at different stages of nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neuronal differentiation in the PC12 model. This comparative analysis was prompted by previous studies that reported apparently opposite effects for Rho in different models of neuronal differentiation and regeneration. PC12 cells were transfected with activated V14RhoA or dominant negative N19RhoA under the control of either a constitutive or a steroid-regulated promoter. Upon exposure to NGF, V14RhoA cells continued to proliferate and did not extend neurites; however, they remained responsive to NGF, as indicated by the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases. This inability to differentiate was reversed by C3 toxin and activation of cyclic AMP signaling, which inactivate RhoA. N19RhoA expression led to an increase in neurite initiation and branching. In contrast, when the RhoA mutants were expressed after NGF priming, only the rate of neurite extension was altered; V14RhoA clones had neurites approximately twice as long, whereas neurites of N19RhoA cells were approximately 50% shorter than those of appropriate controls. The effects of Rho in neurite regeneration mimicked those observed during the initial stages of morphogenesis; activation inhibited, whereas inactivation promoted, neurite outgrowth. Our results indicate that RhoA function changes at different stages of NGF-induced neuronal differentiation and neurite regeneration.  相似文献   

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