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Three components involved in catabolite repression (CR) of gene expression in Bacillus have been identified. The cis-acting catabolite responsive element (CRE), which is present in many genes encoding carbon catabolic enzymes in various species of the Gram-positive bacteria, mediates CR of several genes in Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, and Staphylococcus xylosus. CR of most genes regulated via CRE is also affected by the trans-acting factors CcpA and HPr. Similarities between CcpA and Lac and Gal repressors suggest binding of CcpA to CRE. HPr, a component of the phosphoenol pyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system, undergoes regulatory phosphorylation at a serine residue by a fcuctose-1,6-diphosphate-activated kinase. A mutant of HPr, which is not phosphorylatable at this position because of an exchange of serine to alanine, lacks CR of several catabolic activities. This mutant phenotype is similar to the one exhibited by a ccpA mutant. Direct protein-protein interaction between CcpA and HPr(Ser-P) was recently demonstrated and constitutes a link between metabolic activity and CR.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacteria play a major role in organic matter cycling in the ocean. Although the high abundances and relatively fast growth rates of coastal surface bacterioplankton make them suitable sentinels of global change, past analyses have largely overlooked this functional group. Here, time series analysis of a decade of monthly observations in temperate Atlantic coastal waters revealed strong seasonal patterns in the abundance, size and biomass of the ubiquitous flow-cytometric groups of low (LNA) and high nucleic acid (HNA) content bacteria. Over this relatively short period, we also found that bacterioplankton cells were significantly smaller, a trend that is consistent with the hypothesized temperature-driven decrease in body size. Although decadal cell shrinking was observed for both groups, it was only LNA cells that were strongly coherent, with ecological theories linking temperature, abundance and individual size on both the seasonal and interannual scale. We explain this finding because, relative to their HNA counterparts, marine LNA bacteria are less diverse, dominated by members of the SAR11 clade. Temperature manipulation experiments in 2012 confirmed a direct effect of warming on bacterial size. Concurrent with rising temperatures in spring, significant decadal trends of increasing standing stocks (3% per year) accompanied by decreasing mean cell size (−1% per year) suggest a major shift in community structure, with a larger contribution of LNA bacteria to total biomass. The increasing prevalence of these typically oligotrophic taxa may severely impact marine food webs and carbon fluxes by an overall decrease in the efficiency of the biological pump.  相似文献   

Calcium in bacteria: a solution to which problem?   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Calcium and calcium-binding proteins including those resembling calmodulin are implicated in numerous diverse processes in bacteria. These processes include chemotaxis, sporulation, virulence, the transport of sugars and proteins, phosphorylation, heat shock, the initiation of DNAS replication, septation, nucleoid structure, nuclease activity and recombination, the stability of the envelope, and phospholipids synthesis and configuration. That such varied processes should have a common factor, calcium, suggests major underlying principles of calcium metabolism metabolism which have yet to be discovered.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance is a serious threat to public health that dramatically undermines our ability to treat bacterial infections. Microorganisms exhibit resistance to different drug classes by acquiring resistance determinants through multiple mechanisms including horizontal gene transfer. The presence of drug resistance genotypes is mostly associated with corresponding phenotypic resistance against the particular antibiotic. However, bacterial communities harbouring silent antimicrobial resistance genes—genes whose presence is not associated with a corresponding resistant phenotype do exist. Under suitable conditions, the expression pattern of such genes often revert and regain resistance and could potentially lead to therapeutic failure. We often miss the presence of silent genes, since the current experimental paradigms are focused on resistant strains. Therefore, the knowledge on the prevalence, importance and mechanism of silent antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial pathogens are very limited. Silent genes, therefore, provide an additional level of complexity in the war against drug-resistant bacteria, reminding us that not only phenotypically resistant strains but also susceptible strains should be carefully investigated. In this review, we discuss the presence of silent antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria, their relevance and their importance in public health.  相似文献   

Truncated hemoglobins (trHbs) host the heme in a “two-over-two’ α-helical sandwich which results from extensive editing of the classical ‘three-over-three’ globin fold. The three-dimensional structure of trHbs is based on four main α-helices, arranged in a sort of α-helical bundle composed of two antiparallel helix pairs (B/E and G/H). Most notably, trHbs deviate from the conventional globin fold in that they display an extended loop substituting for the heme proximal F-helix observed in globins. Moreover, since efficient adaptation of a 110–130 amino acid trHb chain to host the porphyrin ring firstly requires specific chain flexibility, trHbs contain three invariant Gly-based motifs. Inspection of the trHb three-dimensional trHb structures shows that an apparent protein cavity or tunnel would connect the protein surface to an inner region very close to the heme distal site. Such a structural feature, never observed before in (non) vertebrate globins, may have substantial implications for ligand diffusion and binding properties in trHbs.  相似文献   

The deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients is a deeply cultural as well as political task. It entails the sharing of responsibility for human distress with family and community. Consequently, the locus of social control has also shifted from psychiatric and medical expertise to community and legal institutions. Diagnosis and treatment models must be more compatible with lay explanatory models. This paper explores the various meanings of going mental and being mental in the white, working class, ethnic neighborhood of South Boston. The data are extracted from a study of the impact of deinstitutionalization on a cohort of middle-aged, psychiatric patients discharged from Boston State Hospital in the attempt to return them to community living. Individual, family, and community responses to, and interpretations of, the symptoms of mental distress are discussed. The study indicates that even seriously disturbed individuals are sensitive to cultural meanings and social cues regarding the perception, expression, and content of psychiatric episodes. While madness invariably disenfranchises, it does not necessarily deculturate the individual.  相似文献   

The ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of the A1. subunit of cholera toxin is specifically inhibited by the dye cibacron blue 3GA. The presence of a ‘dinucleotide fold’ in the A1 subunit is thus established for the first time. This specific inhibition observed in vitro is successfully exploited in vivo for the inhibition of the diarrheal response brought out by the pure toxin in the rabbit ileal-loop test.  相似文献   

Pluralism is popular among philosophers of biology. This essay argues that negative judgments about universal biology, while understandable, are very premature. Familiar life on Earth represents a single example of life and, most importantly, there are empirical as well as theoretical reasons for suspecting that it may be unrepresentative. Scientifically compelling generalizations about the unity of life (or lack thereof) must await the discovery of forms of life descended from an alternative origin, the most promising candidate being the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Nonetheless, in the absence of additional examples of life, we are best off exploring the microbial world for promising explanatory concepts, principles, and mechanisms rather than prematurely giving up on universal biology. Unicellular microbes (especially prokaryotes) are by far the oldest, metabolically most diverse, and environmentally tolerant form of life on our planet. Yet somewhat ironically, much of our theorizing about life still implicitly privileges complex multicellular eukaryotes, which are now understood to be highly specialized, fragile latecomers to Earth. The problem with pursuing a pluralist approach to understanding life is that it is likely to blind us to the significance of just those entities and causal processes most likely to shed light on the underlying nature of life.  相似文献   

Biofeedback is a mind-body technique in which individuals learn how to modify their physiology for the purpose of improving physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Much like physical therapy, biofeedback training requires active participation on the part of patients and often regular practice between training sessions. Clinical biofeedback may be used to manage disease symptoms as well as to improve overall health and wellness through stress management training. Research has shown that biofeedback interventions are efficacious in treating a variety of medical conditions, and many Americans are turning to biofeedback and other less traditional therapies for their routine healthcare.Clinical biofeedback training is growing increasingly popular in the USA, as many people are seeking out relatively new approaches to healthcare. This article provides an overview of clinical biofeedback training, outlines two models of training, details research which has established how effective biofeedback is in patients with a given disease, and describes who should be referred for biofeedback training.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationship within prokaryotes is examined based on signature sequences (defined as conserved inserts or deletions shared by specific taxa) and phylogenies derived from different proteins. Archaebacteria are indicated as being monophyletic by a number of proteins related to the information transfer processes. In contrast, for several other highly conserved proteins, common signature sequences are present in archaebacteria and Gram-positive bacteria, whereas Gram-negative bacteria are indicated as being distinct. For these proteins, archaebacteria do not form a phylogenetically distinct clade but show polyphyletic branching within Gram-positive bacteria. A closer relationship of archaebacteria to Gram-positive bacteria in comparison with Gram-negative bacteria is generally seen for the majority of the available gene/protein sequences. To account for these results and the fact that both archaebacteria and Gram-positive bacteria are prokaryotes surrounded by a single cell membrane, I propose that the primary division within prokaryotes is between monoderm prokaryotes (surrounded by a single membrane) and diderm prokaryotes (i.e. all true Gram-negative bacteria containing both an inner cytoplasmic membrane and an outer membrane). This proposal is consistent with both cell morphology and signature sequences in different proteins. The monophyletic nature of archaebacteria for some genes, and their polyphyletic branching within Gram-positive bacteria as suggested by others, is critically examined, and several explanations, including derivation of archaebacteria from Gram-positive bacteria in response to antibiotic selection pressure, are proposed. Signature sequences in proteins also indicate that the low-G + C Gram-positive bacteria are phylogenetically distinct from the high-G + C Gram-positive group and that the diderm prokaryotes (i.e. Gram-negative bacteria) appear to have evolved from the latter group. Protein phylogenies and signature sequences also show that all eukaryotic cells have received significant gene contributions from both an archaebacterium and a Gram-negative eubacterium. Thus, the hypothesis that archaebacteria and eukaryotes shared a common ancestor exclusive of eubacteria is not supported. These observations provide evidence for an alternate view of the evolutionary relationship among living organisms that is different from the currently popular three-domain proposal.  相似文献   

The actual evidence observed in studies of LEK (local environmental knowledge) is nearly always talk about the environment, or what we refer to as LET (local environmental talk), with the claim of studying LEK usually being built upon the implicit assumption that talk about the environment is the expression of knowledge about the environment. We suggest that it is critically important for researchers to question this assumption, especially when the distinction between LET and LEK is also emphasized by local people themselves. In the case we present here, residents of small fishing villages on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland are routinely skeptical about what other local residents say about the environment; that is, they engage in LES (local environmental skepticism). We suggest that paying explicit attention to LES can help distinguish LEK from LET.  相似文献   

Episodic memory is defined as the recollection of specific events in one's past, accompanied by the experience of having been there personally. This definition presents high hurdles to the investigation of episodic memory in nonhumans. Recent studies operationalize episodic memory as memory for when and where an event occurred, for the order in which events occurred, or for an animal's own behavior. None of these approaches has yet generalized across species, and each fails to capture features of human episodic memory. Nonetheless, the study of episodic memory in nonhumans seems less daunting than it did five years ago. To demonstrate a correspondence between human episodic memory and nonhuman memory, progress is needed in three areas. Putative episodic memories in nonhumans should be shown to be; first, represented in long-term memory, rather than short-term or working memory; second, explicit, or accessible to introspection; and third, distinct from semantic memory, or general knowledge about the world.  相似文献   

Current evolutionary theory conceptualizes fathers' childcare as highly facultative and likely contingent on a variety of local socioecological predictors. Much of the evolutionarily-motivated work on the predictors of paternal care has focused on smaller-scale societies, while similar, potentially complementary research in larger-scale societies has focused on theoretical frameworks from (e.g.) economics and developmental psychology. Due to the different emphases, relatively few studies have incorporated information on variables known to predict paternal care in one context with those known to predict it in the other. Here, we assess whether paternal care conforms to predictions derived from the facultative fathering hypothesis and life history theory in Cebu, the Philippines. We evaluated which of 6 variables—hours worked outside the home, age and number of children, number of other caregivers, family residence pattern, and fathers' educational attainment—predicted the number of hours fathers reported spending on 12 common caregiving tasks. Consistent with the basic premise of facultative fathering, men who worked more spent less time on childcare. Additionally, the time fathers spent on different types of caregiving reflected changes in demand as children age. However, alloparental care appears to be a complement to, rather than a substitute for, paternal care in this context, in contrast to the predictions of the facultative fathering hypothesis. We also found that men with more education reported spending more time on childcare, consistent with a caregiving strategy that emphasizes heavy investment in embodied capital across generations. Our data illustrate the context-specific nature of ‘facultative’ caregiving in humans, and highlight the importance of considering locally-relevant predictors when testing predictions derived from evolutionary theory.  相似文献   

gsiB, coding for glucose starvation-inducible protein B, is a characteristic member of the σ(Β) stress regulon of Bacillus subtilis and several other Gram-positive bacteria. Here we provide in silico evidence for the horizontal transfer of gsiB in lactic acid bacteria that are devoid of the σ(Β) factor.  相似文献   

Invasive species represent a select subset of organisms that have successfully transitioned through each stage of the introduction process (transportation, establishment, and spread). Although there is a growing realization that behavior plays a critical role in invasion success, few studies have focused on the initial stages of introduction. We examined whether differences in the grouping tendencies and exploratory behavior of two sympatric lizard species could contribute to their divergent invasion success. While the nondirected activity of the two species did not differ, the invasive delicate skink (Lampropholis delicata) was found to be more exploratory than the congeneric noninvasive garden skink (L. guichenoti), which enabled it to more effectively locate novel environments and basking site resources. The delicate skink also exhibited a greater tendency to hide, which may act to enhance its probability of ensnarement in freight and cargo and decrease its likelihood of detection during transit. The grouping tendencies of the two species did not differ. Together, our results suggest that while the two species have an equivalent "opportunity" for unintentional human-assisted transportation, several pre-existing behavioral traits may enhance the success of the delicate skink in negotiating the initial stages of the introduction process, and subsequent post-establishment spread.  相似文献   

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