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We propose a modulating plasmonic structure device which is composed of a single layer graphene above the silicon Bragg grating with the silica spacer layer. This graphene-based plasmonic modulation provides a broad stop-band with high tunability in the mid-infrared region of the transmission spectra achieved by altering the geometrical parameters of the silicon grating and the gate voltage. By engineering, a phase discontinuity into the graphene-based Bragg grating, we can selectively open a transmission window in the previous stop-band spectra. These proposed graphene-based structures are easy to fabricate and operate, which have potential applications as ultra-compact high-sensitivity sensors.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - In this study, we present and establish a gold surface plasmon polariton (SPP) GaAs photodetector that achieves high internal quantum efficiency (IQE). At a wavelength of...  相似文献   

We theoretically investigate the plasmonic Fano resonance in a triangular nanoprism dimer. By adjusting the geometry parameters, we have observed a Fano line shape in the scattering spectra, which is induced by the competence of bonding and antibonding modes in the triangular nanoprism dimer. The Fano line shape can be well described by a theoretical model of two harmonic oscillators. A figure of merit value as high as 16.1 is achieved in the triangular nanoprism dimer, which is caused by the Fano resonance. The electric field at the corner of the triangular prisms is the highest among the circular cylinder dimer and square rod dimmers, which shows that the triangular prism dimer is more suitable for the detection of biomolecules. The triangular prism dimer may also used in plasmonic circuits.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - An investigation of the plasmonic micro-antenna characteristics using an optical modified add–drop multiplexer embedded gold grating is proposed. A device consisting of a main...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - A polarization-independent gas sensor based on crescent plasmonic dipole antenna loaded with graphene monolayer is introduced in this paper for environment...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - Long-range surface plasmon resonance (LRSPR)-based sensors exhibit high sensitivity as compared to the conventional SPR sensors due to low losses. A high refractive index prism and low...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - The present work investigates the effect of geometrical parameters of 1D nanograting on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and plasmonic bandgap (PBG). The use of plasmonic grating device...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - Abstract The narrowband emission at microscale regime is a crucial technology need in view of nanophotonic networks and lab-on-a-chip applications. Considering the significance of...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - Metal–Insulator-Metal (MIM) structures possess a number of shortcomings which include optical loss, tenability, nanofabrication challenges, chemical instability, incompatible...  相似文献   

The extraordinary transmission of the subwavelength gold grating has been investigated by the rigorous coupled-wave analysis and verified by the metal–insulator–metal plasmonic waveguide method. The physical mechanisms of the extraordinary transmission are characterized as the excitation of the surface plasmon polariton modes. The subwavelength grating integrated with the distributed Bragg reflector is proposed to modulate the phase to realize spatial mode selection, which is prospected to be applied for transverse mode selection in the vertical cavity surface-emitting laser.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - We propose and numerically investigate a near-infrared surface plasmon resonance-based refractive index sensor having in unison an extremely high sensitivity (1719 nm/RIU) and...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - We present a hybrid Tamm system targeting the tunable multichannel absorber. The proposed optical absorber is analyzed and investigated by using the transfer matrix method (TMM). The...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - In this article, a single solid core flat fiber (SSCFF) refractive index sensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is proposed and analyzed numerically using the finite element...  相似文献   


Dividing a metal nanoparticle into smaller components and the occurrence of the plasmonic phenomenon in the gap between these components can improve the sensitivity of the detector to variation of the refraction coefficient of liquid. In this paper, in a constant volume of metal, a golden disk is divided into two rings and one smaller disk. With a proper arrangement of these components, the surface plasmon resonance phenomenon takes place at the wavelength of 945.7 nm. The occurrence of this phenomenon increases the field in the distance between nanoparticles surrounded by liquid. The sensitivity of the detector that designed using nanodisks is 300 nm/RIU while it increases to 500 nm/RIU for the new structure. The increase of LSPR displacement, for a variation of 0.01 in the liquid refraction coefficient, from 3 nm for a disk to 5 nm for a proposed structure verifies a 67% improvement in the sensitivity of the sensor.


Plasmonics - This paper investigates the behavior of the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on dielectric-metal interface using Ag thin film on glass substrate. The Kretschman configuration, which...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - In this research work, a novel highly sensitive refractive index sensor using Au and Ag elliptic-shaped nanoparticles are proposed. The main idea of this work is using an original...  相似文献   

Plasmonics - A nanophotonic dual ring Cu-SiO2-Si-Cu-SiO2 plasmonic switch with subwavelength metal grating as switching element is designed and simulated in this paper. The 2D finite element method...  相似文献   

This work proposes and investigates theoretically a biosensor that is an integrated plasmonic Mach–Zehnder interferometer. The biosensor consists of three sections. The first and third sections are input and output dielectric waveguides whose core is a silicon film. The second section is a combination of a surface plasmon polariton waveguide and a metal-insulator-silicon waveguide, which are separated by a thick gold film. The former and the latter function as sensing and reference arms, respectively. The latter supports a mode whose fields are highly enhanced in a thin insulator, silicon nitride film, and it has relatively small propagation loss. It is shown that the biosensor has insertion loss lower than 2 dB, and that it is very compact since the length of its second section for sensing is shorter than 6 μm. In addition, it is discussed that it can be easily implemented by using simple fabrication processes. Analyzed are the characteristics of sensing a refractive index change of liquid covering the biosensor. Despite its compactness, they are similar to those of previous surface plasmon interferometers. Also, its characteristics as a DNA sensor are analyzed. The analysis demonstrates that the biosensor can detect sensitively target single-stranded DNAs whose total weight is smaller than 10 fg.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - All-optical logic gates OR, XOR, AND, and NOT based on two-dimensional (2D) plasmonic metal-insulator-metal (MIM) coupled with an elliptical ring resonator (ERR) are presented,...  相似文献   

Unlike the case in magnification mode, it is found that hyperlens employed in demagnification and lithography manner encounters great degradation of imaging quality especially for high-resolution image features. This problem mainly arises from the transversal magnetic polarization feature of light which delivers reduced contrast of electronic components intensity profile at the imaging region. Hyperlens with plasmonic reflector layer is designed for subwavelength demagnification imaging and photolithography. Analytical equations and numerical simulations show amplification of reflected evanescent waves in photoresist sandwiched by hyperlens and plasmonic reflectors in cylindrical geometry. The image quality features including resolution, contrast, and intensity can be improved significantly. Also presented are the dependence and influence of geometry parameters on imaging quality. Numerical demonstrations are given with about 15 nm half-pitch resolution imaging at illuminating wavelength of 365 nm.  相似文献   

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