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蓝光和蔗糖对拟南芥花色素苷积累和CHS基因表达的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以在20μmol m^-2s^-1白光下生长13d的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana,Landsbcrg生态型)幼苗为材料,采用测定叶片花色素苷含量和Northern blot方法,研究蓝光与蔗糖在诱导植物花色素苷积累及相关基因表达中的作用。结果表明:蓝光处理后,叶片花色素苷积累随光强和照光时间的延长而增加,突变体hy4叶片的花色素苷含量明显低于野生型(WT),说明隐花色素1(cry1)是蓝光诱导花色素苷积累的主要光受体:WT中苯基苯乙烯酮合酶基因(CHS)的表达受蓝光诱导,处理4h即有表达,8h达到最高,之后逐渐下降;蓝光不能诱导突变体hy4中CHS基因的表达,说明cry1介导蓝光诱导CHS基因的表达。培养基中不含蔗糖,削弱了蓝光诱导的拟南芥叶片花色素苷的积累,CHS基因表达也受到抑制。蔗糖不仅作为碳源参与蓝光诱导的花色素苷积累,还可能作为信号分子参与蓝光诱导的CHS表达。  相似文献   

以拟南芥为材料,在红光和蓝光下对PRRs(pseudo-response regulators)突变体prr5p、rr7、prr9和toc1及其野生型的下胚轴表型进行比较观察,并采用实时定量PCR方法对突变体中光信号通路相关基因ZTL(zeitlupe)和CO(constans)的节律表达进行分析.结果表明:在红光下,prr5和toc1的下胚轴长度比野生型显著增长,在蓝光下,prr7p、rr9和toc1较野生型短,表明突变体降低了拟南芥对红光的敏感性,却增强了对蓝光的敏感性.红光和蓝光下,PRRs突变体中ZTL和CO的mRNA节律表达与野生型明显不同,其中红光下prr5和prr7、蓝光下prr5和toc1中的ZTLmRNA的表达显著下降且节律消失;红光下prr7和prr9以及蓝光下prr5突变体中的COmRNA表现基本无节律.因此推测,PRRs与ZTL的相互作用很可能在红光和蓝光信号转导途径中发挥作用,且PRRs基因极有可能参与了红光和蓝光对CO的调控.  相似文献   

INGOLD  C. T.; NAWAZ  M. 《Annals of botany》1967,31(3):469-477
Experiments are described which indicate that, although lightof short wavelength (400–500 mµ) is necessary forover-all sporophore development, during the last days of theprocess light of longer wavelength (640–720 mµ)accelerates development more than blue light (400–500mµ) does. It is shown that at 20° C this effect ofthe longer rays of light begins to be exerted 8 to 10 days aftersporophore initiation and only a very few days before maturity.  相似文献   

An expressed sequence tag-based microarray was used to profile genome expression underlying light control of Arabidopsis development. Qualitatively similar gene expression profiles were observed among seedlings grown in different light qualities, including far-red, red, and blue light, which are mediated primarily by phytochrome A, phytochrome B, and the cryptochromes, respectively. Furthermore, light/dark transitions also triggered similar differential genome expression profiles. Most light treatments also resulted in distinct expression profiles in small fractions of the expressed sequence tags examined. The similarly regulated genes in all light conditions were estimated to account for approximately one-third of the genome, with three-fifths upregulated and two-fifths downregulated by light. Analysis of those light-regulated genes revealed more than 26 cellular pathways that are regulated coordinately by light. Thus, light controls Arabidopsis development through coordinately regulating metabolic and regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

GA2ox8基因过量表达诱导蓝光下拟南芥光形态建成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检测不同光照强度蓝光下,过量表达GA2ox8基因的转基因植株光形态建成表型的结果表明,突变体比各自的母本的下胚轴短,茎尖角度和子叶张开度较大,花青素和叶绿素的含量较高,并且其差异与GA2ox8基因的表达量呈正相关.RT-PCR检测光调节基因表达水平的结果显示,暗培养条件下其突变体幼苗中的水平比各自的母本高,蓝光下35S::GFP-GA2ox8-1.35S::GFP-GA2ox8-8与母本co1-4之间差异不明显,但scc7-D中的水平比母本crylcry2高.这似乎说明,GA2ox8基因过量表达可诱导蓝光下拟南芥幼苗光形态建成.  相似文献   

白光处理后拟南芥白化苗中的微管蛋白基因mRNA都有不同程度降低。白化苗中TUBI的mRNA量很高,连续用白光处理由化苗2-6h,TUB1mRNA降低。分析拟南芥幼苗根、下胚轴中的RNA发现根中TUBI基因转录水平不受白光影响。具子叶的下胚轴中TUB1基因转录水平受白光抑制。白先对TUB1基因表达的负调节具有组织特异性。  相似文献   

Zhang H  Wang J  Goodman HM 《Plant physiology》1994,106(4):1261-1267
Reduced expression of a nuclear gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, Akr, results in the formation of chlorotic plants due to a block in the proplastid-to-chloroplast development pathway (H. Zhang, D.C. Scheirer, W. Fowle, H.M. Goodman [1992] Plant Cell 4: 1575-1588). In an effort to discern the function of the Akr gene product in chloroplast development, transgenic plants containing an Akr::[beta]-glucuronidase gene fusion were constructed to monitor the spatial and temporal patterns of Akr expression. Akr is expressed only in chloroplast-containing tissues and maximal expression occurs during the seedling stage, coincident with chloroplast development. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that Akr is required at an early stage of chloroplast development. The effects of an AKR deficiency on the expression of nuclear and plastid genes required for photosynthetic activity were also examined. Within chloroplast-deficient leaves of plants in which Akr expression is limited by the presence of Akr antisense transgenes or truncated Akr sense transgenes, mRNAs for the nuclear genes Cab2, Cab4, RbcS, and GapA are present at wild-type levels; similarly, levels of mRNAs for the plastid genes rbcL and psbA are not affected by the AKR deficiency. Thus, although expression of these photosynthetic genes is tightly coordinated with the development and maintenance of chloroplasts in wild-type plants, their expression is unaffected in AKR-deficient chlorotic leaves. Therefore, we propose that Akr functions in a pathway different from the one controlling the expression and regulation of the photosynthetic genes during chloroplast development, and at a specific developmental stage after the putative plastid factor is made.  相似文献   

Sporangiophores of the zygomycete fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus are sensitive to near UV and blue light. The quantum effectiveness of yellow and red light is more than 6 orders of magnitude below that of near UV or blue light. Phototropism mutants with a defect in the gene madC are about 106 times less sensitive to blue light than the wild type. These mutants respond, however, to yellow and red light when the long wavelength light is given simultaneously with actinic blue light. In the presence of yellow or red light the photogravitropic threshold of madC mutants is lowered about 100-fold though the yellow and the red light alone are phototropically ineffective. A step-up of the fluence rate of broad-band red light (> 600 nm) from 6 × 10?3 to 6W m?2 elicits, in mutant C 148 madC, a transient deceleration of the growth rate. The growth rate of the wild type is not affected by the same treatment. The results are interpreted in terms of a red light absorbing intermediate of the blue light photoreceptor of Phycomyces. The intermediate should be short-lived in the wild type and should accumulate in madC mutants.  相似文献   

Circadian Rhythms in Stomatal Responsiveness to Red and Blue Light   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Stomata of many plants have circadian rhythms in responsiveness to environmental cues as well as circadian rhythms in aperture. Stomatal responses to red light and blue light are mediated by photosynthetic photoreceptors; responses to blue light are additionally controlled by a specific blue-light photoreceptor. This paper describes circadian rhythmic aspects of stomatal responsiveness to red and blue light in Vicia faba. Plants were exposed to a repeated light:dark regime of 1.5:2.5 h for a total of 48 h, and because the plants could not entrain to this short light:dark cycle, circadian rhythms were able to "free run" as if in continuous light. The rhythm in the stomatal conductance established during the 1.5-h light periods was caused both by a rhythm in sensitivity to light and by a rhythm in the stomatal conductance established during the preceding 2.5-h dark periods. Both rhythms peaked during the middle of the subjective day. Although the stomatal response to blue light is greater than the response to red light at all times of day, there was no discernible difference in period, phase, or amplitude of the rhythm in sensitivity to the two light qualities. We observed no circadian rhythmicity in net carbon assimilation with the 1.5:2.5 h light regime for either red or blue light. In continuous white light, small rhythmic changes in photosynthetic assimilation were observed, but at relatively high light levels, and these appeared to be attributable largely to changes in internal CO2 availability governed by stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

蔗糖是高等植物中碳水化合物最主要的转运形式,对于植物的生长发育至关重要.植物体内蔗糖的转运主要依赖蔗糖转运蛋白,因此对于蔗糖转运蛋白基因的研究具有重要意义.拟南芥蔗糖转运蛋白AtSUC2在蔗糖装载中起主要作用,通过半定量RT-PCR测定拟南芥叶片不同发育时期和不同光强下AtSUC2基因的表达量,研究拟南芥特定发育阶段和光诱导作用下AtSUC2基因表达的影响.结果表明,在野生型拟南芥叶片中,AtSUC2基因在16 d幼叶、30 d营养期叶片、生殖期叶片中均表达,在16 d幼叶和生殖期叶片中表达强度较弱,在营养生长旺盛时(30 d叶龄)表达较高.同时,植株在暗处理12 h时,AtSUC2基因表达量降低,在强光处理12 h时,AtSUC2基因表达量与对照差异不显著,可能AtSUC2基因的表达受光诱导但与光强无关.  相似文献   

It has been reported that pigmentation In plants Is stimulated by light and cytoklnln (CTK); however, the signaling pathways and the relationship between light and CTK Involved In the regulation of anthocyanln accumulation remain to be elucidated. We Investigated (i) the role of blue light (BL) and CTK In anthocyanln accumulation ; and (ii) the relationship between BL and CTK In wild type (WT) and by4 mutants of Arabidopsis thaiiana. Two-d-old seedlings grown on medium with or without klnetln (KT) or zeatln (ZT) In darkness were Irradiated using BL at different fluence rates for 3 d before the anthocyanln content was determined using a spectrophotometrlc method. Anthocyanln accumulation was strongly Induced by BL In WT seedlings but not In hy4 seedlings, which demonstrated that CRY1 Is the main photoreceptor for BL. Both KT and ZT enhanced the response of the WT seedlings to BL In a dose-dependent manner, whereas they were not sufficient to promote anthocyanln eccumulatlon In darkness. In addition, data from experiments using the hy4 mutant showed that the CTK effect of BL was also CRYl-dependent. The results from experiments with three different treatment programs showed that the relationship between BL and KT In anthocyanln accumulation of Arabidopsis seedlings seems neither muItlpllcatlve nor additive coactlon, but rather Interaction. BL Is necessary for anthocyanln accumulation, and KT might be Involved In the BL signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Barley leaf unfolding is stimulated by mixed red and blue light. However, the stimulation from mixed light is attenuated when compared with the stimulation from red light alone, particularly for low intensities of the mixed light and for short irradiation times. For higher light intensity mixtures of red and blue light and for longer irradiation times, the blue light enhances the stimulation from red light and vice versa. This supports the assumption that the blue light effect in this case is also mediated by the phytochrome system. Furthermore the present findings point to the possibility of competitive reactions caused by red and blue light in the excitation of phytochrome.  相似文献   

蓝光、紫外光的受体及其对CHS表达诱导的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
王曼  王小菁 《植物学通报》2002,19(3):265-271
植物在进化过程中形成了对环境信号反应的能力,光是植物生长发育中的一个重要的环境信号,综述了蓝光,紫外光的受体及蓝光,紫外光对编码植物类黄酮合成中的一个重要的限速酶-苯基苯乙烯酮合酶基因CHS的诱导作用,并介绍该反应信号转导的可能组分。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of blue light (BL) on the levels of endogenous phytohormones (IAA, ABA, gibberellins, and cytokinins) and morphogenesis of the 7-day-old Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh seedlings of wild type (Ler) and its hy4mutant with a disturbed synthesis of cryptochrome 1 (CRY1), which is a receptor for BL. In darkness, the mutant contained considerably less free IAA and zeatin, but much more ABA as compared to the wild-type seedlings. BL retarded the hypocotyl growth in the wild-type seedlings but stimulated it in the mutant. Elongation of mutant hypocotyls was accompanied by accumulation of free IAA and a decrease in the content of free ABA; the level of cytokinins did not change. We believe that the response of the hy4hypocotyls to BL is mediated by a BL receptor distinct from cryptochrome 1. The conclusion is that light and hormonal signals interact in the control of the hypocotyl growth in A. thalianaseedlings.  相似文献   

王曼  王小菁 《植物学报》2002,19(3):265-271
植物在进化过程中形成了对环境信号反应的能力,光是植物生长发育中的一个重要的环境信号。综述了蓝光、紫外光的受体及蓝光、紫外光对编码植物类黄酮合成中的一个重要的限速酶——苯基苯乙烯酮合酶基因CHS的诱导作用,并介绍该反应信号转导的可能组分。  相似文献   

以模式植物拟南芥为材料,通过PCR和RT-PCR在DNA和RNA水平上筛选鉴定了DTX31基因对应的T-DNA插入突变体,对其表型变化进行了观察.通过半定量RT-PCR分析检测了DTX31基因在拟南芥不同器官及环境胁迫响应中的表达情况,结果发现:DTX31基因在根中表达最高,而在茎、叶、叶柄、花中的表达则较弱;盐和赤霉素使DTX31基因的表达迅速升高,盐胁迫2 h后的表达量达到最高峰,GA处理1 h时就达到最高峰,热激使DTX31基因的表达变化不明显.因此,推测该基因可能是盐和GA信号传导通路中的一个重要调控因子.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase (PK) activity was demonstrated in the cytosolas well as in the plastids of pea leaves. Etioplasts and chloroplastscontained about 12% of the total activity. The presence of PKactivity in different cellular compartments and the pronounceddifferences in kinetic and regulatory properties indicate thatthese activities are due to isoenzymes. When etiolated pea leaves were illuminated with weak blue light,the plastidic PK activity increased immediately, reaching amaximum (about 21% of the total activity) after 24 h of illumination.Under red light, there was a lag period of about 4 h beforethe increase in isoenzyme activity. After 24 h of illumination,however, it reached the maximum found with blue light. In contrast,light quality had no appreciable effect on cytoplasmic PK andphosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. Increases in NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenaseactivity and in the soluble protein in the plastids were somewhathigher, whereas the increase in chlorophyll content was slightlylower under blue light than under red light. Blue light specificallyincreased the chlorophyll alb-ratio. These different responsesto the light quality during chloroplast development indicatethat more than one photoreceptor is involved in these processes. The results obtained for pea PK also are discussed in comparisonwith similar findings for the chlorophyll-free Chlorella mutantno. 20. (Received January 19, 1982; Accepted April 21, 1983)  相似文献   

真菌发育过程中的蓝光诱导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对多种真菌在发育过程中受蓝光诱导的现象进行了综述。蓝光可以诱导多种真菌的形态发生和发育,包括孢子的产生和菌丝的延伸等。此外,蓝光还可引起真菌的生理和生化改变,如细胞膜对离子的通透性的变化、类胡萝卜素的合成等。真菌也存在一个蓝光信号系统,通过蓝光受体接受蓝光信号,导致了真菌的一系列形态发生和生理生化的变化。  相似文献   

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