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We have characterized the modulation of cell-cell adhesion and the structure of adherens junctions in the human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell line that differentiates into enterocytes after glucose substitution for galactose in the medium. We demonstrate that differentiated cells (HT-29 Gal) rapidly established E-cadherin-mediated interactions in aggregation assays. This effect is not due to an increase in E-cadherin expression during this early stage of cell differentiation, but rather results from the maturation of preexisting adherens junctions. These junctions are characterized by the redistribution of E-cadherin to the basolateral membrane and its co-localization with the actin cytoskeleton. Subcellular fractionation studies indicate that actin-associated E-cadherins bind beta-catenin and p120ctn. Furthermore, the p120ctn/E-cadherin association is upregulated. These data reveal a cooperative interaction between p120ctn and E-cadherin that corresponds to mature functional adherens junctions able to initiate tight cell-cell adhesion required for epithelium architecture and further affirm the gatekeeper role of p120ctn.  相似文献   

The human colon cancer cell line HT-29 remains totally undifferentiated when glucose is present in the culture medium (HT-29 Glc+), while the same cells may undergo typical enterocytic differentiation after reaching confluence when grown in glucose-deprived medium (HT-29 Glc-). Recently, we demonstrated a deficiency in the overall N-glycan processing in confluent undifferentiated cells, whereas differentiated cells follow a classical pattern of N-glycosylation. The main changes in N-glycosylation observed in confluent undifferentiated cells may be summarised as follows: 1) the conversion of high mannose into complex glycopeptides is greatly decreased; 2) this decreased conversion could be a consequence of an accumulation of Man9-8-GlcNAc2-Asn high mannose species. Whether these changes in N-glycan processing appear progressively during cell culture or are already present from the beginning of the culture was investigated in this study by comparing the actual status of N-glycan processing in exponentially growing HT-29 Glc- and HT-29 Glc+ cells. Under these conditions, HT-29 Glc- cells do not exhibit any characteristics of differentiation. The conversion of high mannose into complex glycoproteins is severely reduced in HT-29 Glc+ cells, regardless of the growth phase studied. In contrast, HT-29 Glc- cells display a normal pattern of N-glycan processing in both growth phases. We therefore conclude that N-glycan processing may be used as an early biochemical marker of the enterocytic differentiation process of HT-29 cells.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of sucrase-isomaltase was compared in enterocyte-like differentiated (i.e., grown in the absence of glucose) and undifferentiated (i.e., grown in the presence of glucose) HT-29 cells. Unlike differentiated cells, in which the enzyme is easily detectable and active, undifferentiated cells display almost no enzyme activity and the protein cannot be detected by means of cell surface immunofluorescence or immunodetection in membrane-enriched fractions or cell homogenates. Pulse experiments with L-[35S]-methionine show that the enzyme is, however, synthesized in these undifferentiated cells. As compared with the corresponding molecular forms in differentiated cells, the high-mannose form of the enzyme in undifferentiated cells is similarly synthesized and has the same apparent Mr. However, its complex form is less labeled and has a lower apparent Mr. Pulse-chase experiments with L-[35S]methionine show that, although the enzyme is synthesized to the same extent in both situations, the high-mannose and complex forms are rapidly degraded in undifferentiated cells, with an apparent half-life of 6 h, in contrast to differentiated cells in which the enzyme is stable for at least 48 h. A comparison of the processing of the enzyme in both situations shows that the conversion of the high-mannose to the complex form is markedly decreased in undifferentiated cells. These results indicate that the absence of sucrase-isomaltase expression in undifferentiated cells is not the consequence of an absence of biosynthesis but rather the result of both an impaired glycosylation and a rapid degradation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Previously we have demonstrated an impairment in the activity of alpha-L-fucosidase in colon tumours. In order to establish an in vitro model to study this enzyme in colon cancer, we have determined the activity and properties of the enzyme during the differentiation of HT-29 colon cancer cells. Cultures were committed to differentiate into enterocyte-like cells by placing them in a culture medium without glucose for 18-21 days. The state of differentiation was evaluated by assaying the activity of enterocytic marker enzymes, and the acquisition of enterocyte morphology was assessed by electron microscopy. The alpha-L-fucosidase activity was determined using a fluorometric method. Intracellular levels of alpha-L-fucosidase activity are lower in non-differentiated cells (3.0 +/- 1.01 U/mg) than in differentiated ones (9.2 +/- 4.09 U/mg) (P < 0.001). This variation is not due to a greater secretion of the enzyme to the culture medium, and properties such as pH optimum or the affinity towards substrate are not dependent on differentiation. The enzyme however, is more stable at acidic pH and at high temperatures, and V(max) is higher in differentiated cells. Moreover, in undifferentiated cells the enzyme is mainly in a monomeric form whereas multimeric forms of the enzyme appear only upon differentiation. Most of these changes are very similar to those previously observed between normal colon tissue and colon tumours. Thus, we suggest that differentiation of HT-29 colon cancer cells could be used as a model to study the alterations of the enzyme alpha-L-fucosidase during the progression of the tumoural process.  相似文献   

When the human colon cancer cells HT-29 undergo enterocytic differentiation, they correctly process their N-glycans, whereas their undifferentiated counterpart are unable to process Man9-8-GlcNAc2 species, the natural substrate of alpha-mannosidase I. As this enzyme is fully active in both HT-29 cell populations, we hypothesize that N-glycoproteins are unable to reach the cis Golgi, the site where alpha-mannosidase I has been localized. We have demonstrated this point by using 1-deoxymannojirimycin, leupeptin, and monensin. In the presence of 1-deoxymannojirimycin, a specific inhibitor of alpha-mannosidase I, differentiated HT-29 cells, as expected, accumulate Man9-8-GlcNAc2 species, whereas in undifferentiated HT-29 cells these compounds continue to be rapidly degraded. In contrast, the use of leupeptin, a specific inhibitor of thiol and serine proteases, leads to the accumulation of these oligosaccharides in undifferentiated HT-29 cells. Monensin, a carboxylic ionophore that perturbs distal Golgi functions, is unable to stabilize these compounds. Therefore, we conclude that N-linked glycoproteins in undifferentiated HT-29 cells rapidly egress from the exocytic pathway to a leupeptin-sensitive degradative compartment without entering a monensin-sensitive compartment. These results favor the hypothesis that a direct pathway should exist between the rough endoplasmic reticulum and a leupeptin-sensitive degradative compartment in undifferentiated HT-29 cells. The emergence of this new pathway could explain why protein stability and N-glycan processing may vary as a function of the state of cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Glutathione plays an important role in various cellular functions including cell growth and differentiation. In the present study, cell differentiation was induced by butyrate in human colon cell line HT-29 and cellular thiol status was assessed. It was observed that butyrate-induced differentiation was associated with decrease in cellular GSH level and this was prominent at early stages of differentiation. Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), a specific cellular GSH depleting agent, did not induce differentiation in cells but potentiated the differentiation induced by butyrate. Both BSO and butyrate individually and together inhibited cell growth. These studies suggest that cellular GSH level is modulated in butyrate-induced differentiation and decrease of GSH at the initial stage might facilitate cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the energy source used by HT-29 cells and their state of differentiation was determined. Short chain fatty acids and acetoacetate were applied to the cells for 9 d, after which the medium was replaced with conventional culture medium for a further 9 d so that the permanence of the changes could be assessed (18 d). Glucose utilization and lactic acid, acetoacetate, and β-hydroxybutyrate production by the cells were determined. Differentiation was assessed by the presence of the enzymes sucrase-isomaltase and carbonic anhydrase 1, as well as morphological changes of the cells. By tracing carbon from acetate, propionate, and butyrate through the cells, it was found that the carbon from the short-chain fatty acids was fluxed into acetoacetate. Significant amounts of acetoacetate were released by the propionate-treated culture after 9 d and the acetate-, propionate-, valerate-, and caproate-treated cultures after 18 d. A significant positive correlation was found between acetoacetate synthesis and differentiation. Acetoacetate applied to HT-29 cells also induced their differentiation. The acetate-, butyrate-, valerate-, isovalerate-, and caproate-treated cells underwent terminal differentiation, while the propionate- and isocaproate-treated cultures underwent programming events. We, therefore, conclude that HT-29 cells utilize short chain fatty acids in preference to glucose, metabolize these to ketones, thereby raising the energy state and effecting the observed morphological and functional changes in the cells.  相似文献   

We made a comparative study of the structures of the oligosaccharides on the glycoproteins from Caco-2 human colonic adenocarcinoma cells, before and after differentiation. Enterocytic differentiated Caco-2 cells highly express H type 1 blood group antigen on the cell surface as well as activities of brush border membrane hydrolases, such as dipeptidyl peptidase IV and alkaline phosphatase. A strong correlation was observed between the amounts of H type 1 blood group antigen and the degrees of differentiation. Structural analysis with use of lectin affinity high performance liquid chromatography revealed that typical mucin-type sugar chains of the glycoproteins from undifferentiated cells have H type 2 group, linear polylactosamines, and core 1 structure. On the other hand, differentiated cells newly contain H type 1 and Le(b) groups and core 2 structure. Mucins with H type 1 group make contact with brush border membrane enzymes on differentiated cells. Furthermore benzyl 2-acetamide-2-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranoside inhibited both expression of H type 1 group on the cell surface and enhancement of brush border membrane enzyme activities even in the presence of a differentiating inducer. These results suggest that the mucin-type sugar chains with H type 1 group have important functions regarding differentiation of Caco-2 cells.  相似文献   

Postconfluent cultures of HT-29 cells form a heterogeneous multilayer of which greater than 95% of the cells are undifferentiated. In contrast, when stably adapted to normally lethal concentrations of methotrexate (10(-6)-10(-5) M), they form a monolayer of gobletlike cells (Lesuffleur et al., 1990) which secrete large quantities of mucins and display a discrete brush border with the presence of villin, dipeptidylpeptidase-IV, and carcinoembryonic antigen. When adapted to even higher concentrations of methotrexate (10(-4) and 10(-3) M) there is a shift in the pattern of differentiation from gobletlike to dome-forming absorptive-like cells. These cells still display an apical brush border which expresses villin and dipeptidylpeptidase-IV, but no longer express significant levels of mucins and carcinoembryonic antigen. This shift of differentiation coincides with a sudden amplification of the gene coding for dihydrofolate reductase and an increased activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

After treatment with swainsonine, an inhibitor of both lysosomal alpha-mannosidase and Golgi alpha-mannosidase-II activities, analysis of [3H]mannose-labeled glycans showed that HT-29 cells, derived from a human colonic adenocarcinoma, displayed distinct patterns of N-glycan expression, depending upon their state of enterocytic differentiation. In differentiated HT-29 cells hybrid-type chains were detected, whereas undifferentiated HT-29 cells accumulated high-mannose-type oligosaccharide, despite our demonstration of Golgi alpha-mannosidase-II activity in both cell populations. Pulse/chase experiments carried out in the presence of swainsonine revealed that the persistence of high-mannose-type chains in undifferentiated HT-29 cells was the result of the stabilization of glycoproteins substituted with these glycans. These data suggest that in undifferentiated HT-29 cells, glycoproteins with high-mannose-type oligosaccharides are delivered to a degradative compartment containing swainsonine-sensitive alpha-mannosidase(s), whereas in differentiated HT-29 cells glycoproteins enter a compartment in which alpha-mannosidase II (Golgi apparatus) is present. Thus, this apparent dual effect of swainsonine on N-glycan trimming may reflect differences in the intracellular traffic of glycoproteins as a function of the state of enterocytic differentiation of HT-29 cells.  相似文献   

Summary A new low shear stress microcarrier culture system has been developed at NASA’s Johnson Space Center that permits three-dimensional tissue culture. Two established human colon adenocarcinoma cell lines, HT-29, an undifferentiated, and HT-29KM, a stable, moderately differentiated subline of HT-29, were grown in new tissue culture bioreactors called Rotating-Wall Vessels (RWVs). RWVs are used in conjunction with multicellular cocultivation to develop a unique in vitro tissue modeling system. Cells were cultivated on Cytodex-3 microcarrier beads, with and without mixed normal human colonic fibroblasts, which served as the mesenchymal layer. Culture of the tumor lines in the absence of fibroblasts produced spheroidlike growth and minimal differentiation. In contrast, when tumor lines were co-cultivated with normal colonic fibroblasts, initial growth was confined to the fibroblast population until the microcarriers were covered. The tumor cells then commenced proliferation at an accelerated rate, organizing themselves into three-dimensional tissue masses that achieved 1.0- to 1.5-cm diameters. The masses displayed glandular structures, apical and internal glandular microvilli, tight intercellular junctions, desmosomes, cellular polarity, sinusoid development, internalized mucin, and structural organization akin to normal colon crypt development. Differentiated samples were subjected to transmission and scanning electron microscopy and histologic analysis, revealing embryoniclike mesenchymal cells lining the areas around the growth matrices. Necrosis was minimal throughout the tissue masses. These data suggest that the RWV affords a new model for investigation and isolation of growth, regulatory, and structural processes within neoplastic and normal tissue.  相似文献   

Calcium signaling is a key regulator of processes important in differentiation. In colon cancer cells differentiation is associated with altered expression of specific isoforms of calcium pumps of the endoplasmic reticulum and the plasma membrane, suggesting that differentiation of colon cancer cells is associated with a major remodeling of calcium homeostasis. Purinergic and neurotensin receptor activation are known regulators of cytosolic free Ca2+ levels in colon cancer cells. This study aimed to assess changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ levels in response to ATP and neurotensin with differentiation induced by sodium butyrate or culturing post-confluence. Parameters assessed included peak cytosolic free Ca2+ level after activation; time to reach peak cytosolic free Ca2+ and the EC50 of dose response curves. Our results demonstrate that differentiation of HT-29 colon cancer cells is associated with a remodeling of both ATP and neurotensin mediated Ca2+ signaling. Neurotensin-mediated calcium signaling appeared more sensitive to differentiation than ATP-mediated Ca2+ signaling.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation events in cellular signaling cascades triggered by a variety of cellular stimuli modulate protein function, leading to diverse cellular outcomes including cell division, growth, death, and differentiation. Abnormal regulation of protein phosphorylation due to mutation or overexpression of signaling proteins often results in various disease states. We provide here a list of protein phosphorylation sites identified from HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cell line by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) combined with liquid chromatography (LC)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis. In this study, proteins extracted from HT-29 whole cell lysates were digested with trypsin and carboxylate groups on the resulting peptides were converted to methyl esters. Derivatized phosphorylated peptides were enriched using Fe(3+)-chelated metal affinity resin. Phosphopeptides retained by IMAC were separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and analyzed by electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time-of-flight (ESI-Q-TOF) mass spectrometry. We identified 238 phosphorylation sites, 213 of which could be conclusively localized to a single residue, from 116 proteins by searching MS/MS spectra against the human protein database using MASCOT. Peptide identification and phosphorylation site assignment were confirmed by manual inspection of the MS/MS spectra. Many of the phosphorylation sites identified in our results have not been described previously in the scientific literature. We attempted to ascribe functionality to the sites identified in this work by searching for potential kinase motifs with Scansite (http://scansite.mit.edu) and obtaining information on kinase substrate selectivity from Pattern Explorer (http://scansite.mit.edu/pe). The list of protein phosphorylation sites identified in the present experiment provides broad information on phosphorylated proteins under normal (asynchronous) cell culture conditions. Sites identified in this study may be utilized as surrogate bio-markers to assess the activity of selected kinases and signaling pathways from different cell states and exogenous stimuli.  相似文献   

The role and regulation of signal transduction pathways in proliferation and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cells are still poorly understood. However, growing evidences have been recently accumulated demostrating that mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) play a pivotal function in the normal development of intestine. We have investigated, in the intestinal cell line HT-29, the regulation (namely activity and phosphorylation degree) of MAP kinases ERK 1 (p44) and ERK 2 (p42) during differentiation. Addition of fetal calf serum to HT-29 undifferentiated resting cells caused a rapid phosphorylation of both ERKs and an increase of their specific kinase activity. Moreover, nuclear translocation of ERK 1 and ERK 2 occurred concurrently to their activation, leading to the conclusion that ERK 1 and ERK 2 are classically regulated when quiescent HT-29 cells are induced to proliferate. Butyrate addition to the intestinal cell line resulted in terminal differentiation and in a selective down-regulation of ERK 2 activity (and phosphorylation degree) without any effect on ERK 1. Conversely, when HT-29 cells were differentiated by repeated passages in a glucose-free medium, we observed a progressive dephosphorylation and inactivation of p42 and p44 kinases along with the failure of serum to activate both the enzymes. Our findings suggest that, during the differentiation of intestinal cells, remarkable changes occur in ERK 1 and ERK 2 control mechanisms leading to an unresponsivness of MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Studies on the regulation of the enterocytic differentiation of the human colon cancer cell line HT-29, which is differentiated in the absence (Glc-) but not in the presence of glucose (Glc+), have recently shown that the post-translational processing of sucrase-isomaltase and particularly its glycosylation vary as a function of cell differentiation (Trugnan G., Rousset, M., Chantret, I., Barbat, A., and Zweibaum, A. (1987) J. Cell Biol. 104, 1199-1205). Other studies indicate that in undifferentiated HT-29 Glc+ cells there is an accumulation of UDP-N-acetylhexosamine, which is involved in the glycosylation process (Wice, B. M., Trugnan, G., Pinto, M., Rousset, M., Chevalier, G., Dussaulx, E., Lacroix, B., and Zweibaum, A. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 139-146). The purpose of the present work is to investigate whether an overall alteration of protein glycosylation is associated with the inability of HT-29 cells to differentiate. At least three alterations are detected: (i) after a 10-min pulse, the incorporation of D-[2-3H]mannose in undifferentiated cells is severely reduced, compared to differentiated cells. (ii) After a 24-h period of labeling with D-[2-3H]mannose, undifferentiated cells accumulate more than 60% of the radioactivity in the high mannose glycopeptides, whereas differentiated HT-29 Glc- cells accumulate only 38%. (iii) The analysis of the high mannose oligosaccharides transferred "en bloc" from the lipid precursor shows that Man9,8-GlcNAc2 species accumulate in undifferentiated cells, whereas no such accumulation can be detected in differentiated cells. This glycosylation pattern is consistent with an impairment of the trimming of high mannose into complex glycans. It is concluded that N-glycan processing is correlated with the state of enterocytic differentiation of HT-29 cells.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to explore the potential role of proteasome pathway in NSAIDs-induced apoptosis. We employed sulindac as a NSAID, and chose the lactacystin for inhibition of proteasome activity. Assessment of apoptosis and proteasome activity assay were undertaken. We demonstrated that sulindac treatment resulted in a decrease of proteasome activity, and that the co-treatment of a proteasome inhibitor lactacystin potentiated the extent of sulindac-induced apoptosis in HT-29 cells by augmentation of the decrease in proteasome activity. Elucidation of the mechanism underlying the regression of colon cancers by combinations of sulindac and lactacystin seems to be an immediate challenge for the near future.  相似文献   

Wong HP  Ho JW  Koo MW  Yu L  Wu WK  Lam EK  Tai EK  Ko JK  Shin VY  Chu KM  Cho CH 《Life sciences》2011,88(25-26):1108-1112
AimsStress has been implicated in the development of cancers. Adrenaline levels are increased in response to stress. The effects of adrenaline on colon cancer are largely unknown. The aims of the study are to determine the effects of adrenaline in human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells and the possible underlying mechanisms involved.Main methodsThe effect of adrenaline on HT-29 cell proliferation was determined by [3H] thymidine incorporation assay. Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were detected by Western blot. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activity and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release were determined by zymography and enzyme immunoassay, respectively.Key findingsAdrenaline stimulated HT-29 cell proliferation. This was accompanied by the enhanced expression of COX-2 and VEGF in HT-29 cells. Adrenaline also upregulated MMP-9 activity and PGE2 release. Adrenaline stimulated HT-29 cell proliferation which was reversed by COX-2 inhibitor sc-236. COX-2 inhibitor also reverted the action of adrenaline on VEGF expression and MMP-9 activity. Further study was performed to determine the involvement of β-adrenoceptors. The stimulatory action of adrenaline on colon cancer growth was blocked by atenolol and ICI 118,551, a β1- and β2-selective antagonist, respectively. This signified the role of β-adrenoceptors in this process. In addition, both antagonists also abrogated the stimulating actions of adrenaline on COX-2, VEGF expression, MMP-9 activity and PGE2 release in HT-29 cells.SignificanceThese results suggest that adrenaline stimulates cell proliferation of HT-29 cells via both β1- and β2-adrenoceptors by a COX-2 dependent pathway.  相似文献   

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