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Etty Indriati 《HOMO》2010,61(4):225-243
We describe in detail Sangiran 38 (S38), an adult partial calvaria recovered in 1980 from the Bapang (Kabuh) Formation of the Sangiran Dome near the hamlet of Sendangbusik, Java. Several other hominins (Bukuran, Hanoman 1, and Bs 9706) recovered in the vicinity come from either the upper-most Sangiran (Pucangan) or lower-most Bapang formations. S38 is from the lower Bapang Formation, which 40Ar/39Ar age estimates suggest spans between 1.47 and 1.58 Ma. Anatomical and metric comparisons with a worldwide set of ‘early non-erectus’ Homo, and Homo erectus (sensu lato) fossils indicate S38 is best considered a member of H. erectus. Although smaller in size, S38 is similar in overall morphology to the Bukuran specimen of similar age and provenance. The S38 calvaria exhibits several depressed lesions of the vault consistent with a scalp or systemic infection or soft tissue cyst.  相似文献   

The walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus ) is in some current systematic schemes divided into three subspecies: O. r. rosmarus in the North Atlantic, O.   r. divergens in the North Pacific and O.   r. laptevi in the Laptev Sea. These three subspecies have been described as differing in body size, but the taxonomic status of O.   r. laptevi is disputed. The current study applies molecular and morphometric methods to assess the taxonomic status of O.   r. laptevi and to analyse the systematic and phylogeographic relationships between the three purported walrus subspecies. Tusk length and tusk circumference were measured from the few skulls available of O.   r. laptevi , and the obtained values were within the ranges reported for Pacific walruses. Thus, morphologically, subspecies status for O.   r. laptevi is not supported according to the Amadon–Mayr '75% rule'. Phylogenetic analyses and haplotype networks based on mitochondrial nucleotide sequence data of NADH dehydrogenase 1, 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase I and the d -loop of the control region of the historic O.   r. laptevi bone material and contemporary O.   r. rosmarus and O.   r. divergens showed that the Laptev Sea walrus groups with individuals from the North Pacific. Thus, the mitochondrial sequence data do not support the recognition of three walrus subspecies as reciprocally monophyletic evolutionary units with independent evolutionary histories. Only O.   r. rosmarus and O.   r. divergens meet this criterion with the present sampling. Accordingly, we recommend that Odobenus r. laptevi be abandoned and the Laptev walrus instead be recognized as the westernmost population of the Pacific walrus, Odobenus r. divergens. However, further research is recommended to assess whether the Laptev walrus could be considered as a significant unit in terms of conservation and management, since it is unique in several ecological parameters.  相似文献   

This Editor's Corner may sound like the title of a mystery novel, but it actually reflects a question I have about the puncta articles that appear in Autophagy (or rather, the ones that do not appear). In particular, I am surprised by the number of solicitations sent out for puncta that are either ignored, or, less frequently, declined. It is not that I expect the principal investigator (PI) to find the invitation to write a punctum undeniably attractive. Rather, it is the unilateral decision that it is not worthwhile for graduate students or postdocs who performed the work—and likely wrote at least the first draft of the paper—to write the punctum. In fact, time spent drafting a punctum yields considerable benefits: puncta provide more exposure for the lab, offer opportunities for young scientists to gain additional writing experience, and make a nice (albeit small) addition to a curriculum vitae. It is for the latter reason that I find it particularly disappointing that PIs decide to dismiss the opportunity to write a punctum. I fully understand that for many PIs, adding a punctum will not have a significant impact on a curriculum vitae. Yet for a student or a postdoc who might have a relatively small number of publications at this stage of their career, a punctum (even though it is not a full-fledged research article) can have a more meaningful impact on their C.V.  相似文献   

After more than 70 years of intermittent debate over the true relationship between the 'pathogenic' and 'non-pathogenic' forms of Entamoeba histolytica, the application of molecular biology has finally yielded an unambiguous answer: these are not interconvertible phenotypes of the same parasite, a kind of unicellular Jekyll and Hyde, but two quite distinct genetic entities that just happen to look the same. But given the overwhelming evidence now available from gene sequences, pointing to an evolutionary divergence some tens of millions of years ago, why is it that certain eminent workers in the field are still claiming that, at least in vitro, conversion between the two phenotypes can take place? In this article Bill Spice and John Ackers review recent developments in the molecular biology of E. histolytica and assess the continuing controversy over the status of this enigmatic parasite.  相似文献   

Platelet factor 4: a chemokine enigma   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Platelet factor 4 (PF4) is a platelet alpha-granule protein sequenced over 25 years ago that is a founding member of the C-X-C chemokine family, yet its physiologic function has yet to be definitively established. Initial investigations focused on possible procoagulant roles for PF4 in platelet function and plasmatic coagulation. Subsequent in vitro studies have, however, described a puzzling array of other apparently unrelated biologic functions, including inhibition of angiogenesis and hematopoiesis, promotion of neutrophil adhesion, and activation, enhancement of oxy-LDL binding to the LDL receptor and stimulation of anti-coagulant activated protein C generation by the thrombomodulin/protein C system. Preliminary studies with a just-described PF4 knockout mouse line support a role for PF4 in platelet-dependent thrombosis in vivo.  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent selection is so fundamental to modern evolutionary thinking that everyone `knows' the concept. Yet the term is used to refer to different types of selection. The concept is well defined in the original context of population genetics theory, which focuses on short-term evolutionary change. The original concept becomes ambiguous, however, when used in the context of long-term evolution, where density dependence becomes essential. Weak and strong frequency dependence, as distinguished in this article, refer to two very different forms of selection.  相似文献   

Information may be coded in neuronal firing patterns in other ways than the instantaneous action-potential frequency; but proving that the brain uses a particular alternative code will not be easy.  相似文献   

The lingering enigma of the allelic exclusion mechanism   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mostoslavsky R  Alt FW  Rajewsky K 《Cell》2004,118(5):539-544
B lymphocytes produce diverse antibody specificities by "randomly" assembling antibody genes from germline segments. Yet, though each B lymphocyte has multiple allelic loci for the different antibody chains, each clonally derived mature B lymphocyte expresses a single species of antibody with a unique specificity via a process termed allelic exclusion. Despite some progress, the precise mechanism of allelic exclusion remains an enigma.  相似文献   

Information provided by the analysis of peripheral cold and warm receptors may be considered a useful guide for assessing the specificity of thermal information originating in deep-body tissues. A wealth of data concerning the location of deep-body thermosensors and their neuronal correlates and modes of transduction permits the following theses to be proposed. 1. Unlike the peripheral warm and cold receptors, deep-body thermosensors are only in part represented by afferent fibers, mostly warm sensitive ones that are not character- ized in detail, as the source of thermal information outside the central nervous system (CNS). The more important thermal information generated in the CNS originates mainly from warm-sensitive neurons but contributions of cold-sensitive neurons are not definitely excluded. 2. Unlike the peripheral thermoreceptors, monomodality with respect to natural physical stimuli does not seem to be an essential property of deep-body thermosensors. By contrast, multimodality may underlie at least some of the multitude of interactions between thermoregulatory and other homeostatic control systems. 3. Temperature transduction seems to utilize molecular mechanisms that are also found in neurons that lack any thermosensory functions, and so the transduction mechanisms identified in warm-sensitive CNS neurons do not seem to be specific per se. 4. The observation of a multitude of temperature/response characteristics for thermosensitive CNS neurons has been helpful for categorizing these neurons, but there is no clear information that any one might be particularly relevant. 5. Originating from the peripheral cold and warm receptors two separate but interacting cold- and warm-signal pathways ascend multisynaptically to the hypothalamus as the highest level of thermoregulatory control, and to some extent go further to the sensory cortex. The signal contributed by a deep-body thermosensitive neuron, irrespective of its location, attains specificity by being fed properly into one of the two ascending thermosensory pathways. Received: 25 January 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

Despite a wealth of information pertaining to functional and phenotypic attributes of memory CD4(+) cells, the mechanisms that underlie the generation and persistence of memory in this subset are largely unknown. Recent work suggests that the development of memory might be differently regulated in T-helper-1 and T-helper-2 cells, owing to differences in their susceptibility to cell death. These studies support a new paradigm, in which memory T cells are heterogeneous in terms of their stage of maturation and function as well as mechanisms of homeostatic control.  相似文献   

The 5'-end maturation of tRNAs is catalyzed by the ribonucleoprotein enzyme ribonuclease P (RNase P) in all organisms. Here we provide, for the first time, a comprehensive overview on the representation of individual RNase P protein homologs within the Eukarya and Archaea. Most eukaryotes have homologs for all four protein subunits (Pop4, Rpp1, Pop5 and Rpr2) present in the majority of Archaea. Pop4 is the only RNase P protein subunit identifiable in all Eukarya and Archaea with available genome sequences. Remarkably, there is no structural homology between bacterial and archaeal-eukaryotic RNase P proteins. The simplest interpretation is that RNase P has an 'RNA-alone' origin and progenitors of Bacteria and Archaea diverged very early in evolution and then pursued completely different strategies in the recruitment of protein subunits during the transition from the 'RNA-alone' to the 'RNA-protein' state of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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