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We tested the hypothesis whether differences between plant populations in root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi could be caused by genetic differentiation between populations. In addition, we investigated whether the response to AM fungi differs between plants from different populations and if it is affected by the soil in which the plants are cultivated. We used Aster amellus, which occurs in fragmented dry grasslands, as a model species and we studied six different populations from two regions, which varied in soil nutrient concentration.We found significant differences in the degree of mycorrhizal colonization of plant roots between regions in the field. To test if these differences were due to phenotypic plasticity or had a genetic basis, we performed a greenhouse experiment. The results suggested that Aster amellus is an obligate mycotrophic plant species with a high dependency upon mycorrhiza. Plant biomass was affected only by soil, and not by population or the interaction between the population and the soil. Mycorrhizal colonization was significantly affected by all three factors (soil, population, interaction of soil and population). Plants from the population originating from the soil with lower nutrient availability developed more mycorrhiza even when grown in soil with higher nutrient availability. The correspondence between mycorrhizal colonization of plants in the field and in both soils in the pot experiment suggests that the observed differences in root colonization have a genetic basis.  相似文献   

The roles of intraspecific and interspecific competition in producing differentiation within populations of Veronica peregrina were studied in two populations under controlled, greenhouse conditions. In nature, each population spans an environmental gradient across the center and sides of a temporary, vernal pool in California. Individuals at the center are subjected to intense intraspecific competition produced by high densities (to 30 seedlings/cm2) generated by quasi-simultaneous germination (90% of seeds germinate in one week). Individuals at the periphery are subjected to interspecific competition with grasses, which shade out the Veronica 4–6 weeks after the onset of winter growth. I predicted that 1) when grown under immediate intraspecific competition in the greenhouse, offspring of plants from the central subpopulation (C) would perform better (i.e., grow larger and produce more seeds) than those from the periphery (P) and that 2) when grown under delayed interspecific competition provided by Agrostis tenuis and Lollium multiflorum, offspring of plants from the periphery would perform better than those from the center. Both predictions were confirmed. The center-periphery differences were pronounced and statistically significant in an undisturbed population (V-2), while in a population disturbed by yearly plowing (V-3), the differences tended to be consistent with those in V-2 but seldom significant. Distribution of variability tended to be positively skewed and/or leptokurtic in subpopulations grown under “foreign” competition (i.e., intraspecific for P plants and interspecific for C plants) but was normally distributed following exposure to “familiar” competition. Timing of competition affected many results. There were four additional significant differences between the central and peripheral subpopulations. 1) Germination rate: the faster rate in central plants can be advantageous under immediate intraspecific competition. The slower rate in peripheral plants can be advantageous under conditions of erratic and unpredictable soil moisture. 2) Response to nutrient competition: central plants were more sensitive to N-deficiency and peripheral plants were more sensitive to P-deficiency. 3) Allocation of biomass: central plants allocated a greater proportion of biomass to seeds, while peripheral plants allocated a greater proportion of biomass to leaves under all growing conditions. 4) Root elongation: at the seedling stage, central plants have longer roots, while at the adult stage, peripheral plants have longer roots (but not more root mass). Most components of this complex pattern of differentiation are interpretable in an adaptive context. Other results defy simple explanations and underline the importance of phenotypic plasticity, which was pronounced in the competition experiments.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is a common feature of plant invaders, but little is known about variation in plasticity among invading populations. Variation in plasticity of ecologically important traits could facilitate the evolution of greater plasticity and invasiveness. We examined plasticity among invasive populations of Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass), a widespread and often dominant grass of forests in the eastern U.S. with two separate experiments. First, we exposed seven Microstegium populations to a drought treatment in growth chambers and monitored growth and physiological responses. Then, we established a greenhouse experiment using a subset of the populations; two that exhibited the most divergent responses and one intermediate population. In the greenhouse, we manipulated drought and shade and evaluated biomass production and specific leaf area (SLA). Microstegium exhibited plasticity for biomass production and SLA in the greenhouse experiment, and populations significantly varied in the degree of plasticity under drought and shade treatments. Two populations significantly increased biomass production under favorable conditions, unlike the third population. The most productive populations also responded to shade stress via greater SLA, possibly allowing for greater utilization of available light, while the third population did not. These results show that Microstegium can exhibit plastic responses to environmental conditions. Moreover, variation for plasticity among populations provides the potential for further evolution of plasticity. Future studies should focus on the relative importance of plasticity for the success of Microstegium and other plant invaders and evaluate post-introduction evolution of plasticity.  相似文献   

The allometry of greenhouse‐grown Salsola collina Pall. in response to variation in soil nutrient content, water supply and population density has been compared. The results showed that the biomass allocation was size‐dependent. Root, stem, leaf and reproductive allocation showed a ‘true’ plasticity in response to soil nutrient variation. At low soil nutrient content, plants tended to allocate more biomass to the development of reproductive organs than to stem and leaf, but root allocation was consistent due to a tradeoff between the effects of plant size and soil nutrient content. The plasticity of stem allocation and reproductive effort was ‘true’, while the plasticity of root allocation was ‘apparent’, but there was no plasticity for leaf allocation in response to soil water variation. At lower soil water content, plants tended to allocate more biomass to the stem than to development of reproductive organs. With the exception of ‘apparent’ plasticity of root allocation, no plasticity was detected in biomass allocation when population density was varied.  相似文献   

Plant populations may show differentiation in phenotypic plasticity, and theory predicts that greater levels of environmental heterogeneity should select for higher magnitudes of phenotypic plasticity. We evaluated phenotypic responses to reduced soil moisture in plants of Convolvulus chilensis grown in a greenhouse from seeds collected in three natural populations that differ in environmental heterogeneity (precipitation regime). Among several morphological and ecophysiological traits evaluated, only four traits showed differentiation among populations in plasticity to soil moisture: leaf area, leaf shape, leaf area ratio (LAR), and foliar trichome density. In all of these traits plasticity to drought was greatest in plants from the population with the highest interannual variation in precipitation. We further tested the adaptive nature of these plastic responses by evaluating the relationship between phenotypic traits and total biomass, as a proxy for plant fitness, in the low water environment. Foliar trichome density appears to be the only trait that shows adaptive patterns of plasticity to drought. Plants from populations showing plasticity had higher trichome density when growing in soils with reduced moisture, and foliar trichome density was positively associated with total biomass. Co-ordinating editor: F. Stuefer  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine if spatial nutrient heterogeneity affects mean plant size or size hierarchies in experimental populations of the weedy annual Abutilon theophrasti Medic. (Malvaceae). Heterogeneity was imposed by alternating 8 × 8 × 10 cm blocks of low and high nutrient soil in a checkerboard design, while a homogeneous soil treatment consisted of a spatially uniform mixture of the two soil types (mixed soil). Populations were planted at three densities. The effect of soil type on the growth of individuals was determined through a bioassay experiment using potted plants. The high nutrient, low nutrient, and mixed soil differed in their ability to support plant growth as indicated by differences in growth rates and final aboveground biomass. Concentrations of N, K, P, and Mg, measured at the end of the growing season in the experimental plots, also differed among all three soil types. Nevertheless, nutrient heterogeneity had little effect at the population level. Mean maximum leaf width measured at midseason was greater for populations on heterogeneous soil, but soil treatment did not affect midseason measurements of plant height, total number of leaves per plant, or canopy width. Population density affected all these parameters except plant height. When aboveground biomass was harvested at the end of the growing season, soil treatment was found to have no main effect on mean plant biomass, total population biomass, the coefficient of variation in plant biomass, or the combined biomass of the five largest plants in the population, but mean plant biomass was greater for populations on heterogeneous soils at the intermediate planting density. Mean plant biomass, total population biomass, and the coefficient of variation in plant biomass all varied with planting density. Mortality was low overall but significantly higher on homogeneous soil across all three densities. Soil heterogeneity had its strongest effect on individuals. In heterogeneous treatments plant size depended on the location of the plant stem with respect to high and low nutrient patches. Thus, soil nutrient heterogeneity influenced whether particular individuals were destined to be dominant or subordinate within the population but had little effect on overall population structure.  相似文献   

Melaleuca quinquenervia is a wetland tree species indigenous to eastern Australia. It was separately introduced to east and west Florida as an ornamental, but has since become invasive, dominating several habitat types. We tested the predictions that (1) Australian populations would exhibit more genetic variation than Florida populations, due to founder effect, and (2) high phenotypic plasticity would be found in all populations, due to the wide range of habitats occupied. We compared the phenotypic plasticity and familial variation among three Australian populations, two east Florida, and two west Florida populations in a greenhouse experiment. We grew seedlings collected from different maternal trees in each population under two water levels and three pH levels, reflecting the natural range of water levels and soil pH in Florida and Australian Melaleuca stands. We measured leaf size and shape, growth rate and above-ground biomass of seedlings and determined the components of phenotypic variance (familial, environmental, and their interaction) using univariate and multivariate analysis of variance. All traits showed significant among-population and among-family variation, as well as significant phenotypic plasticity, in response to both water level and pH level changes. Sensitivity to pH was particularly high, presumably because plants were grown under pHs ranging from 4.7 to 7.4, and because pH can influence nutrient availability. Familial variation contains genetic variation, but it may also be confounded with maternal environmental effects. Comparing Australian to Floridian Melaleuca, amounts of familial variation and phenotypic plasticity varied by trait. Overall, Australian Melaleuca had more among-population variation than Floridian Melaleuca, presumably reflecting the wider latitudinal range and longer time for evolutionary change in Australia, but had similar amounts of among-family variation, within any one population. If maternal effects are strong, among-population differences may merely reflect greater environmental differences among Australian sites than Florida sites. Australian Melaleuca had less phenotypic plasticity, possibly due to founder effects in Florida or to subsequent adaptive evolution of phenotypic plasticity in Floridian populations. Floridian Melaleuca shows little loss of familial variation, compared to indigenous Australian populations, and that, in combination with its high phenotypic plasticity, should allow it to continue to colonize new areas successfully.  相似文献   

Thermal and nutritional stress are commonly experienced by animals. This will become increasingly so with climate change. Whether populations can plastically respond to such changes will determine their survival. Plasticity can vary among populations depending on the extent of environmental heterogeneity. However, theory conflicts as to whether environmental heterogeneity should increase or decrease plasticity. Using three locally adapted populations of Drosophila melanogaster sampled from a latitudinal gradient, we investigated whether plastic responses to combinations of nutrition and temperature increase or decrease with latitude for four traits: egg-adult viability, egg-adult development time, and two body size traits. Employing nutritional geometry, we reared larvae on 25 diets varying in protein and carbohydrate content at two temperatures: 18 and 25°C. Plasticity varied among traits and across the three populations. Viability was highly canalized in all three populations. The tropical population showed the least plasticity for development time, the sub-tropical showed the highest plasticity for wing area, and the temperate population showed the highest plasticity for femur length. We found no evidence of latitudinal plasticity gradients in either direction. Our data highlight that differences in thermal variation and resource predictability experienced by populations along a latitudinal cline are not sufficient to predict their plasticity.  相似文献   

王沫竹  董必成  李红丽  于飞海 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8091-8101
自然界中光照和养分因子常存在时空变化,对植物造成选择压力。克隆植物可通过克隆生长和生物量分配的可塑性来适应环境变化。尽管一些研究关注了克隆植物对光照和养分因子的生长响应,但尚未深入全面了解克隆植物对光照和养分资源投资的分配策略。以根茎型草本克隆植物扁秆荆三棱(Bolboschoenus planiculmis)为研究对象,在温室实验中,将其独立分株种植于由2种光照强度(光照和遮阴)和4种养分水平(对照、低养分、中养分和高养分)交叉组成的8种处理组合中,研究了光照和养分对其生长繁殖及资源贮存策略的影响。结果表明,扁秆荆三棱的生长、无性繁殖及资源贮存性状均受到光照强度的显著影响,在遮阴条件下各生长繁殖性状指标被抑制。且构件的数目、长度等特征对养分差异的可塑性响应先于其生物量积累特征。在光照条件下,高养分处理的总生物量、叶片数、总根茎分株数、长根茎分株数、总根茎长、芽长度、芽数量等指标大于其他养分处理,而在遮阴条件下,其在不同养分处理间无显著差异,表明光照条件可影响养分对扁秆荆三棱可塑性的作用,且高营养水平不能补偿由于光照不足而导致的生长能力下降。光照强度显著影响了总根茎、总球茎及大、中、小球茎的生物量分配,遮阴条件下,总生物量减少了对地下部分根茎和球茎的分配,并将有限的生物量优先分配给小球茎。总根茎的生物量分配未对养分发生可塑性反应,而随着养分增加,总球茎分配下降,说明在养分受限的环境中球茎的贮存功能可缓冲资源缺乏对植物生长的影响。在相同条件下,根茎生物量对长根茎的分配显著大于短根茎,以保持较高的繁殖能力;而总球茎对有分株球茎的生物量分配小于无分株球茎,表明扁秆荆三棱总球茎对贮存功能的分配优先于繁殖功能。研究为进一步理解根茎型克隆植物对光强及基质养分环境变化的生态适应提供了依据。  相似文献   

Identifying the mechanism underlying plant invasiveness is a fast-moving research topic in current ecology. Phenotypic plasticity has been pointed out as a trait that can contribute to plant invasiveness. This experiment examines the presence of rapid adaptive evolution favoring plastic biomass partitioning during the invasion process. With that aim, we tested differences in patterns of biomass allocation between populations of Carpobrotus edulis from South Africa (native area) and the Iberian Peninsula (invaded area) growing under different nutrient, water and light availabilities in a common garden experiment. Here we demonstrate that biomass partitioning in response to nutrient availability in C. edulis differs between populations from native and invaded ranges, indicating that this trait could be under selection during the invasion process. Thus, nutrient shortage significantly increased the proportional production of roots in populations from the invaded range, but not in populations from the native area. This plastic root-foraging response may contribute to the optimization of nutrient uptake by plants, and therefore could be considered as an adaptive strategy. Understanding the ecological implications of rapid evolution for plastic biomass partitioning is important in determining processes of plant adaptation to new environments, and contributes to disentangling the mechanisms underlying plant invasiveness.  相似文献   

Inter-populational differentiation and adaptation in California Fragaria vesca L. were examined using plants collected from 13 natural sites, grown in a common greenhouse and analyzed for 25 quantitative traits and 2 enzyme systems. Inter-populational variation was estimated by analysis of variance and genetic identity techniques, and micro- and macro-environmental measurements were made at each site. Stepwise multiple regressions were completed on the morphological-environmental variations and the allozyme frequency-environmental variations. Clonal propagules were compared under three controlled environmental conditions. F. vesca likely has undergone considerable ecological differentiation since significant inter-populational variation was observed in many polygenic and monogenic traits. Numerous significant correlations between environmental and character variations were found, and in many, only a few environmental variables “explained” much of that variation. Inter-populational differences in the abilities of plants to accumulate biomass and survive under salt, nutrient and shade stresses were also found. Although many of the ecotypes of F. vesca showed some phenotypic plasticity, the species is a “specialist.” Variations in root/shoot ratios occurred in biotypes grown under different conditions. Plants generally allocated more energy to aboveground biomass under shade stress and to root biomass under nutrient stress.  相似文献   

Plants compete for photosynthesis light and induce a shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) that confers an important advantage in asymmetric competition for light at high canopy densities. Shade plasticity was studied in a greenhouse experiment cultivating Arabidopsis thaliana plants from 15 populations spread across an altitudinal gradient in the northeast area of Spain that contain a high genetic variation into a reduced geographical range. Plants were exposed to sunlight or simulated shade to identify the range of shade plasticity. Fourteen vegetative, flowering and reproductive traits were measured throughout the life cycle. Shade plasticity in flowering time and dry mass was significantly associated with the altitude of population origin. Plants from coastal populations showed higher shade plasticity indexes than those from mountains. The altitudinal variation in flowering leaf plasticity adjusted negatively with average and minimum temperatures, whereas dry mass plasticity was better explained by negative regressions with the average, maximum and minimum temperatures, and by a positive regression with average precipitation of the population origin. The lack of an altitudinal gradient for the widest number of traits suggests that shade light could be a driver explaining the distribution pattern of individuals in smaller geographical scales than those explored here.  相似文献   

Amphicarpy is a form of diversified bet-hedging expressed mostly in annual plants, where two types of offspring are produced with two distinct ecological roles: long-range aerial dispersers and highly competitive subterranean, sedentary fruit. Emex spinosa is a semi-arid, amphicarpic annual, inhabiting habitats with different levels of environmental variation. We tested the hypothesis that, in E. spinosa, bet-hedging may be “fine-tuned” by plasticity in the phenotype ratio (aerial/subterranean fruit mass) as a function of environmental conditions. We conducted a greenhouse experiment, manipulating nutrient availability and intraspecific density, to determine the pattern of ratio shifts. In order to determine whether the integrated strategy is an adaptation to variable habitats, a similar common garden experiment was conducted, comparing two natural populations differing in environmental variability. The offspring ratio shifted in response to both nutrient availability and plant density. In pots containing single plants the ratio increased steeply with nutrient availability, while in pots containing eight plants a more moderate increase occurred. These shifts were the result of plasticity in allocation to both achene types, as well as ontogenetic effects on aerial achene production. The degree of response increased with the heterogeneity of the habitat of origin. We found evidence for an adaptive integrated strategy, with bet-hedging “fine-tuned” by phenotypic plasticity. Strenuous conditions tended to shift the offspring ratio towards securing subterranean reproductive success, while favorable conditions resulted in a shift towards dispersible achenes. The authors Asaf Sadeh and Hagai Guterman contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment to evaluate the plastic phenotypic responses of individuals, growing under intra-specific competition, and populations of three co-occurring grassland species (Lolium perenne, Plantago lanceolata, and Holcus lanatus) to joint variations in atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (P CO2; 37.5 vs. 70 Pa), nutrient availability (NA; 40 vs. 120 mg N added as organic material), and the spatial pattern of nutrient supply (SH; homogeneous vs. heterogeneous nutrient supply). At both the population and individual levels, the aboveground biomass of the three species significantly increased when the nutrients were heterogeneously supplied. Significant two- (SH × NA) and three-term (P CO2 × NA × SH) interactions determined the response of traits measured on populations (aboveground biomass and below: aboveground biomass ratio, BAR) and individuals (aboveground biomass and specific leaf area). The combination of a high SH and NA elicited the highest plasticity of aboveground biomass in populations and individuals of the three species evaluated, and of BAR in Holcus. Soil heterogeneity and elevated P CO2 elicited the highest plasticity in the SLA of Plantago and Lolium individuals. Our results show that populations, and not only individuals, respond to soil heterogeneity in a plastic way, and that plastic responses to elevated P CO2 are complex since they vary across traits and species, and are influenced by the availability of nutrients and by their spatial distribution. They also emphasize the importance of soil heterogeneity as a modulator of plant responses to global change drivers. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Responsible Editor: Angela Hodge  相似文献   

Three tallgrass prairie plant species, two common perennial forbs (Artemisia ludoviciana and Aster ericoides [Asteraceae]) and a dominant C(4) perennial grass (Sorghastrum nutans) were studied under field and greenhouse conditions to evaluate interspecific variation in grazing tolerance (compensatory growth capacity). Adaptation to ungulate grazing was also assessed by comparing defoliation responses of plants from populations with a 25-yr history of no grazing or moderate ungulate grazing. Under field conditions, all three species showed significant reductions in shoot relative growth rates (RGR), biomass, and reproduction with defoliation. In the two forbs, clipping resulted in negative shoot RGR and reductions in both number and length of shoot branches per ramet. Sorghastrum nutans maintained positive RGR under defoliation due to a compensatory increase in leaf production. Defoliation reduced rhizome production in A. ericoides and S. nutans, but not in A. ludoviciana. Clipping significantly reduced sexual reproductive allocation in all three species, although S. nutans showed a smaller reduction than the forbs. All three species showed similar responses to defoliation in burned and unburned sites. Under greenhouse conditions, a similar clipping regimen resulted in smaller reductions in growth and reproduction than those observed in the field. For all three species, the grazing tolerance indices calculated under natural field conditions were significantly lower than those estimated from greenhouse-grown plants, and the interspecific patterns of grazing tolerance were different. Aster ericoides exhibited the highest overall defoliation tolerance under greenhouse conditions, followed by S. nutans. Artemisia ludoviciana, the only study species that is typically not grazed by ungulates in the field, showed the lowest grazing tolerance. In the field experiment S. nutans showed the highest grazing tolerance and the two forbs had similar low tolerance indices. These patterns indicate that, despite high compensatory growth potential, limited resource availability and competition in the field significantly reduce the degree of compensation and alter interspecific differences in grazing tolerance among prairie plants. In all three species, defoliation suppressed sexual reproduction more than growth or vegetative reproduction. Significant interactions between plant responses to defoliation and site of origin (historically grazed or ungrazed sites) for some response variables (root/shoot ratios, rhizome bud initiation, and reproductive allocation) indicated some degree of population differentiation and genetic adaptation in response to a relatively short history of ungulate grazing pressure. The results of this study indicate that patterns of grazing tolerance in tallgrass prairie are both genetically based and also environmentally dependent.  相似文献   

为研究匍匐茎草本植物对基质养分供应水平的生物量分配格局的可塑性,在一盆栽实验中对绢毛匍匐委陵菜(Potentilla reptans var. sericophylla)进行了8种不同的养分处理。绢毛匍匐委陵菜植株生物量、匍匐茎数、分株数以及匍匐茎节间长在中等养分条件下最大。随土壤养分的降低,绢毛匍匐委陵菜对叶片和叶柄的生物量投资减小,而对根系的生物量投资增加。在中等养分条件下,绢毛匍匐委陵菜对匍匐茎的生物量投资倾向于最大,而在更高或更低的养分条件下倾向于减少。此生物量分配格局与de Kroon和Schieving的模型模拟结果相符合,结果表明在中等资源水平下增加对匍匐茎的生物量投资是克隆植物增加资源获取的对策之一。  相似文献   

Severe droughts are forecast to increase with global change. Approaches that enable the study of contemporary evolution, such as resurrection studies, are valuable for providing insights into the responses of populations to global change. In this study, we used a resurrection approach to study the evolution of the California native Leptosiphon bicolor (true babystars, Polemoniaceae) across populations differing in precipitation in response to the state's recent prolonged drought (2011–2017). In the Mediterranean climate region in which L. bicolor grows, this historic drought effectively shortened its growing season. We used seeds collected both before and after this drought from three populations found along a moisture availability gradient to assess contemporary evolution in a common garden greenhouse study. We coupled this with a drought experiment to examine plasticity. We found evolution toward earlier flowering after the historic drought in the wettest of the three populations, while plasticity to experimental drought was observed across all three. We also observed trade‐offs associated with earlier flowering. In the driest population, plants that flowered earlier had lower intrinsic water‐use efficiency than those flowering later, which was an expected pattern. Unexpectedly, earlier flowering plants had larger flowers. Two populations exhibited evolution and plasticity toward smaller flowers with drought. The third exhibited evolution toward larger flowers, but displayed no plasticity. Our results provide valuable insights into differences among native plant populations in response to drought.  相似文献   

Due to changes in land use, remnants ofunfertilised, nutrient-poor calcareousgrassland in the Swiss Jura are small in areaand are highly fragmented. We selected 89 seedfamilies from eleven populations of varioussizes of Scabiosa columbaria for a studyof molecular diversity, and used the samematerial in a greenhouse experiment to measurevariation in fitness-related traits and theability of populations to cope withcompetition. Using RAPD-PCR we detected 71RAPD-phenotypes among 87 genotypes. Moleculardiversity within populations was variable andrelatively high, with an expectedheterozygosity H e ranging from 0.09 to0.24. H e, the Shannon index (SI) and thepercentage of polymorphic bands were notcorrelated with population size, but thesmallest populations had the lowest moleculardiversity (H e, SI). Populationdifferentiation was moderate with 12% of themolecular diversity among populations. Measuresof fitness in the greenhouse differed amongseed families (P < 0.001), but not amongpopulations. Mean above-ground biomass waslargely reduced when plants had to compete withBromus. Mean fitness of populationsdecreased when molecular diversity (H e)was low, but only when plants had to competewith Bromus (P = 0.02). Accordingly, therelative competition ability of Scabiosaplants decreased when molecular diversity(H e) was low (P = 0.01). Our resultssuggest an increased risk of local extinctionof Scabiosa columbaria in the Swiss Juracaused by a decreased viability and reducedphenotypic plasticity due to genetic erosion insmall populations.  相似文献   

水淹和土壤养分是影响三峡库区消落带植物生长的主要环境因子。消落带不同高程的植物长期经历不同的淹水强度和土壤养分条件。该研究假设同一物种来自于消落带不同高程的植株可能产生性状分化, 从而对根部淹水和土壤养分变化具有不同的生长和繁殖响应策略。为了验证以上假设, 选取在三峡库区消落带高低高程均广泛分布的物种水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)为研究对象, 采集自然种群的种子。在温室同质园条件下, 研究了根部水淹和土壤养分提升对高低高程水蓼植株生长和繁殖特性的影响。研究结果表明根部水淹显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株功能叶的叶长、叶宽、总分枝数、叶生物量、花生物量和总生物量; 低养分处理显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株的总节数、总分枝数、根生物量、花生物量和总生物量, 表明根部水淹和低土壤养分对水蓼的生长和繁殖能力具有抑制作用。同时, 根部水淹和土壤养分的交互作用显著影响植株的根生物量, 表明根部水淹条件下高土壤养分更有利于植株根生物量的积累。高高程植株的根生物量和叶生物量显著或趋于显著高于低高程植株, 而低高程植株的始花时间早于高高程植株, 且繁殖分配也显著高于高高程植株, 表明高低高程水蓼植株对资源的分配策略不同。该研究结果表明水蓼的生长和繁殖特性受根部水淹和土壤养分共同限制, 但对根部水淹条件下高土壤养分生境具有较好的适应性; 同时, 低高程植株可以通过调整其生长和繁殖特性以提高对所处生境胁迫的适应性。  相似文献   

水淹和土壤养分是影响三峡库区消落带植物生长的主要环境因子。消落带不同高程的植物长期经历不同的淹水强度和土壤养分条件。该研究假设同一物种来自于消落带不同高程的植株可能产生性状分化, 从而对根部淹水和土壤养分变化具有不同的生长和繁殖响应策略。为了验证以上假设, 选取在三峡库区消落带高低高程均广泛分布的物种水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)为研究对象, 采集自然种群的种子。在温室同质园条件下, 研究了根部水淹和土壤养分提升对高低高程水蓼植株生长和繁殖特性的影响。研究结果表明根部水淹显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株功能叶的叶长、叶宽、总分枝数、叶生物量、花生物量和总生物量; 低养分处理显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株的总节数、总分枝数、根生物量、花生物量和总生物量, 表明根部水淹和低土壤养分对水蓼的生长和繁殖能力具有抑制作用。同时, 根部水淹和土壤养分的交互作用显著影响植株的根生物量, 表明根部水淹条件下高土壤养分更有利于植株根生物量的积累。高高程植株的根生物量和叶生物量显著或趋于显著高于低高程植株, 而低高程植株的始花时间早于高高程植株, 且繁殖分配也显著高于高高程植株, 表明高低高程水蓼植株对资源的分配策略不同。该研究结果表明水蓼的生长和繁殖特性受根部水淹和土壤养分共同限制, 但对根部水淹条件下高土壤养分生境具有较好的适应性; 同时, 低高程植株可以通过调整其生长和繁殖特性以提高对所处生境胁迫的适应性。  相似文献   

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