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《Bio Systems》2007,87(1-3):100-109
We investigate the retrieval dynamics in a feature-based semantic memory model, in which the features are coded by neurons of the Hindmarsh–Rose type in the chaotic regime. We consider the retrieval process as consisting of the synchronized firing activity of the neurons coding for the same memory pattern. The retrieval dynamics is investigated for multiple patterns, with particular attention to the case of overlapping memories. In this case, we hypothesize a dynamical nontransitive mechanism based on synchronization, that allows for a shared feature to participate in multiple memory representations. The problem of the choice of a cognitive plausible time-scale for the retrieval analysis is investigated by analyzing the information that can be inferred from finite-time analyses. Different types of indicators are proposed in order to evaluate the temporal dynamics of the neurons engaged in the retrieval process. We interpret the simulation results as suggestive of a role for chaotic dynamics in allowing for flexible composition of elementary meaningful units in memory representations.  相似文献   

Towards understanding of the cortical network underlying associative memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Declarative knowledge and experiences are represented in the association cortex and are recalled by reactivation of the neural representation. Electrophysiological experiments have revealed that associations between semantically linked visual objects are formed in neural representations in the temporal and limbic cortices. Memory traces are created by the reorganization of neural circuits. These regions are reactivated during retrieval and contribute to the contents of a memory. Two different types of retrieval signals are suggested as follows: automatic and active. One flows backward from the medial temporal lobe during the automatic retrieval process, whereas the other is conveyed as a top-down signal from the prefrontal cortex to the temporal cortex during the active retrieval process. By sending the top-down signal, the prefrontal cortex manipulates and organizes to-be-remembered information, devises strategies for retrieval and monitors the outcome. To further understand the neural mechanism of memory, the following two complementary views are needed: how the multiple cortical areas in the brain-wide network interact to orchestrate cognitive functions and how the properties of single neurons and their synaptic connections with neighbouring neurons combine to form local circuits and to exhibit the function of each cortical area. We will discuss some new methodological innovations that tackle these challenges.  相似文献   

Chaotic dynamics introduced in a recurrent neural network model is applied to controlling an object to track a moving target in two-dimensional space, which is set as an ill-posed problem. The motion increments of the object are determined by a group of motion functions calculated in real time with firing states of the neurons in the network. Several cyclic memory attractors that correspond to several simple motions of the object in two-dimensional space are embedded. Chaotic dynamics introduced in the network causes corresponding complex motions of the object in two-dimensional space. Adaptively real-time switching of control parameter results in constrained chaos (chaotic itinerancy) in the state space of the network and enables the object to track a moving target along a certain trajectory successfully. The performance of tracking is evaluated by calculating the success rate over 100 trials with respect to nine kinds of trajectories along which the target moves respectively. Computer experiments show that chaotic dynamics is useful to track a moving target. To understand the relations between these cases and chaotic dynamics, dynamical structure of chaotic dynamics is investigated from dynamical viewpoint.  相似文献   

We investigated the contribution of the inferior temporal (IT) cortical neurons to the active maintenance of internal representations. The activity of single neurons in the IT cortex was recorded while the monkeys performed a sequential-type associative memory task in which distractor stimuli interrupted the delay epoch between the cue and target (paired-associate) stimuli. For each neuron, information about each stimulus conveyed by the delay activity was estimated as a coefficient of multiple regression analysis. We found that target information derived from long-term memory (LTM) persisted despite the distractors. By contrast, cue information derived from the visual system was attenuated and frequently replaced by distractor information. These results suggest that LTM-derived information required for upcoming behavior is actively maintained in the IT neurons, whereas visually derived information tends to be updated irrespective of behavioral relevance.  相似文献   

Associative learning restructures the activity of numerous neurons distributed across cortical and subcortical regions. Individual neurons change the rate or timing of spiking patterns in response to environmental stimuli as they become associated with salient outcomes. Recent large–scale activity monitoring in rodents has uncovered that these learning-related changes occur concertedly across groups of neurons within and between brain regions. These changes yield neuronal representations of learned associations in three types of ensemble dynamics: ensemble firing rates, multineuron coactivity, and sequential activity. Here, I review some of the most robust demonstrations of these dynamics in the rodent neocortex and hippocampus and discuss their potential function in memory encoding, consolidation, and retrieval.  相似文献   

Drosophila mushroom bodies (MB) are bilaterally symmetric multilobed brain structures required for olfactory memory. Previous studies suggested that neurotransmission from MB neurons is only required for memory retrieval. Our unexpected observation that Dorsal Paired Medial (DPM) neurons, which project only to MB neurons, are required during memory storage but not during acquisition or retrieval, led us to revisit the role of MB neurons in memory processing. We show that neurotransmission from the alpha'beta' subset of MB neurons is required to acquire and stabilize aversive and appetitive odor memory, but is dispensable during memory retrieval. In contrast, neurotransmission from MB alphabeta neurons is only required for memory retrieval. These data suggest a dynamic requirement for the different subsets of MB neurons in memory and are consistent with the notion that recurrent activity in an MB alpha'beta' neuron-DPM neuron loop is required to stabilize memories formed in the MB alphabeta neurons.  相似文献   

Knowledge or experiences are voluntarily recalled from memory by reactivation of their neural representations in the association cortex. Mnemonic representations of visual objects, located in the ventral processing stream of visual perception, provide the best indication of how neuronal codes are created, organized and reactivated. Associative codes are created by neurons that have the ability to link the representations of temporally associated stimuli. Recent experiments suggest that not only bottom-up signals from the retina but also top-down signals from the prefrontal cortex can trigger the retrieval of associative codes, which may serve as a neural basis for conscious recall.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological studies focus on memory retrieval as a reproduction of what was experienced and have established that neural discharge is replayed to express memory. However, cognitive psychology has established that recollection is not a verbatim replay of stored information. Recollection is constructive, the product of memory retrieval cues, the information stored in memory, and the subject''s state of mind. We discovered key features of constructive recollection embedded in the rat CA1 ensemble discharge during an active avoidance task. Rats learned two task variants, one with the arena stable, the other with it rotating; each variant defined a distinct behavioral episode. During the rotating episode, the ensemble discharge of CA1 principal neurons was dynamically organized to concurrently represent space in two distinct codes. The code for spatial reference frame switched rapidly between representing the rat''s current location in either the stationary spatial frame of the room or the rotating frame of the arena. The code for task variant switched less frequently between a representation of the current rotating episode and the stable episode from the rat''s past. The characteristics and interplay of these two hippocampal codes revealed three key properties of constructive recollection. (1) Although the ensemble representations of the stable and rotating episodes were distinct, ensemble discharge during rotation occasionally resembled the stable condition, demonstrating cross-episode retrieval of the representation of the remote, stable episode. (2) This cross-episode retrieval at the level of the code for task variant was more likely when the rotating arena was about to match its orientation in the stable episode. (3) The likelihood of cross-episode retrieval was influenced by preretrieval information that was signaled at the level of the code for spatial reference frame. Thus key features of episodic recollection manifest in rat hippocampal representations of space.  相似文献   

Humans are able to form internal representations of the information they process—a capability which enables them to perform many different memory tasks. Therefore, the neural system has to learn somehow to represent aspects of the environmental situation; this process is assumed to be based on synaptic changes. The situations to be represented are various as for example different types of static patterns but also dynamic scenes. How are neural networks consisting of mutually connected neurons capable of performing such tasks? Here we propose a new neuronal structure for artificial neurons. This structure allows one to disentangle the dynamics of the recurrent connectivity from the dynamics induced by synaptic changes due to the learning processes. The error signal is computed locally within the individual neuron. Thus, online learning is possible without any additional structures. Recurrent neural networks equipped with these computational units cope with different memory tasks. Examples illustrate how information is extracted from environmental situations comprising fixed patterns to produce sustained activity and to deal with simple algebraic relations.  相似文献   

A number of memory models have been proposed. These all have the basic structure that excitatory neurons are reciprocally connected by recurrent connections together with the connections with inhibitory neurons, which yields associative memory (i.e., pattern completion) and successive retrieval of memory. In most of the models, a simple mathematical model for a neuron in the form of a discrete map is adopted. It has not, however, been clarified whether behaviors like associative memory and successive retrieval of memory appear when a biologically plausible neuron model is used. In this paper, we propose a network model for associative memory and successive retrieval of memory based on Pinsky-Rinzel neurons. The state of pattern completion in associative memory can be observed with an appropriate balance of excitatory and inhibitory connection strengths. Increasing of the connection strength of inhibitory interneurons changes the state of memory retrieval from associative memory to successive retrieval of memory. We investigate this transition.  相似文献   

A model of columnar networks of neocortical association areas is studied. The neuronal network is composed of many Hebbian autoassociators, or modules, each of which interacts with a relatively small number of the others, randomly chosen. Any module encodes and stores a number of elementary percepts, or features. Memory items, or patterns, are peculiar combinations of features sparsely distributed over the multi-modular network. Any feature stored in any module can be involved in several of the stored patterns; feature-sharing is in fact source of local ambiguities and, consequently, a potential cause of erroneous memory retrieval spreading through the model network in pattern completion tasks.The memory retrieval dynamics of the large modular autoassociator is investigated by combining mathematical analysis and numerical simulations. An oscillatory retrieval process is proposed that is very efficient in overcoming feature-sharing drawbacks; it requires a mechanism that modulates the robustness of local attractors to noise, and neuronal activity sparseness such that quiescent and active modules are about equally noisy to any post-synaptic module.Moreover, it is shown that statistical correlation between 'kinds' of features across the set of memory patterns can be exploited to obtain a more efficient achievement of memory retrieval capabilities.It is also shown that some spots of the network cannot be reached by retrieval activity spread if they are not directly cued by the stimulus. The locations of these activity isles depend on the pattern to retrieve, while their extension only depends (in large networks) on statistics of inter-modular connections and stored patterns. The existence of activity isles determines an upper-bound to retrieval quality that does not depend on the specific retrieval dynamics adopted, nor on whether feature-sharing is permitted. The oscillatory retrieval process nearly saturates this bound.  相似文献   

Little is known about the timing of activating memory for objects and their associated perceptual properties, such as colour, and yet this is important for theories of human cognition. We investigated the time course associated with early cognitive processes related to the activation of object shape and object shape+colour representations respectively, during memory retrieval as assessed by repetition priming in an event-related potential (ERP) study. The main findings were as follows: (1) we identified a unique early modulation of mean ERP amplitude during the N1 that was associated with the activation of object shape independently of colour; (2) we also found a subsequent early P2 modulation of mean amplitude over the same electrode clusters associated with the activation of object shape+colour representations; (3) these findings were apparent across both familiar (i.e., correctly coloured – yellow banana) and novel (i.e., incorrectly coloured - blue strawberry) objects; and (4) neither of the modulations of mean ERP amplitude were evident during the P3. Together the findings delineate the timing of object shape and colour memory systems and support the notion that perceptual representations of object shape mediate the retrieval of temporary shape+colour representations for familiar and novel objects.  相似文献   

Synchronization of the oscillatory discharge of cortical neurons could be a part of the mechanism that is involved in cortical information processing. On the assumption that the basic functional unit is the column composed of local excitatory and inhibitory cells and generating oscillatory neural activity, a network model that attains associative memory function is proposed. The synchronization of oscillation in the model is studied analytically using a sublattice analysis. In particular, the retrieval of a single memory pattern can be studied in the system, which can be derived from the original network model of interacting columns and is formally equivalent to a system of an isolated column. The network model simulated numerically shows a remarkable performance in which retrieval is achieved simultaneously for more than one memory pattern. The manifestations of this simultaneous retrieval in the network dynamics are successive transitions of the network state from a synchronized oscillation for a memory pattern to that for another memory pattern.  相似文献   

We propose a novel explanation for bistable perception, namely, the collective dynamics of multiple neural populations that are individually meta-stable. Distributed representations of sensory input and of perceptual state build gradually through noise-driven transitions in these populations, until the competition between alternative representations is resolved by a threshold mechanism. The perpetual repetition of this collective race to threshold renders perception bistable. This collective dynamics – which is largely uncoupled from the time-scales that govern individual populations or neurons – explains many hitherto puzzling observations about bistable perception: the wide range of mean alternation rates exhibited by bistable phenomena, the consistent variability of successive dominance periods, and the stabilizing effect of past perceptual states. It also predicts a number of previously unsuspected relationships between observable quantities characterizing bistable perception. We conclude that bistable perception reflects the collective nature of neural decision making rather than properties of individual populations or neurons.  相似文献   

Motor learning has been extensively studied using dynamic (force-field) perturbations. These induce movement errors that result in adaptive changes to the motor commands. Several state-space models have been developed to explain how trial-by-trial errors drive the progressive adaptation observed in such studies. These models have been applied to adaptation involving novel dynamics, which typically occurs over tens to hundreds of trials, and which appears to be mediated by a dual-rate adaptation process. In contrast, when manipulating objects with familiar dynamics, subjects adapt rapidly within a few trials. Here, we apply state-space models to familiar dynamics, asking whether adaptation is mediated by a single-rate or dual-rate process. Previously, we reported a task in which subjects rotate an object with known dynamics. By presenting the object at different visual orientations, adaptation was shown to be context-specific, with limited generalization to novel orientations. Here we show that a multiple-context state-space model, with a generalization function tuned to visual object orientation, can reproduce the time-course of adaptation and de-adaptation as well as the observed context-dependent behavior. In contrast to the dual-rate process associated with novel dynamics, we show that a single-rate process mediates adaptation to familiar object dynamics. The model predicts that during exposure to the object across multiple orientations, there will be a degree of independence for adaptation and de-adaptation within each context, and that the states associated with all contexts will slowly de-adapt during exposure in one particular context. We confirm these predictions in two new experiments. Results of the current study thus highlight similarities and differences in the processes engaged during exposure to novel versus familiar dynamics. In both cases, adaptation is mediated by multiple context-specific representations. In the case of familiar object dynamics, however, the representations can be engaged based on visual context, and are updated by a single-rate process.  相似文献   

We discuss very recent experiments with rodents addressing the idea that long-term memories initially depending on the hippocampus, over a prolonged period, become independent of it. No unambiguous recent evidence exists to substantiate that this occurs. Most experiments find that recent and remote memories are equally affected by hippocampus damage. Nearly all experiments that report spared remote memories suffer from two problems: retrieval could be based upon substantial regions of spared hippocampus and recent memory is tested at intervals that are of the same order of magnitude as cellular consolidation. Accordingly, we point the way beyond systems consolidation theories, both the Standard Model of Consolidation and the Multiple Trace Theory, and propose a simpler multiple storage site hypothesis. On this view, with event reiterations, different memory representations are independently established in multiple networks. Many detailed memories always depend on the hippocampus; the others may be established and maintained independently.  相似文献   

Over successive stages, the ventral visual system of the primate brain develops neurons that respond selectively to particular objects or faces with translation, size and view invariance. The powerful neural representations found in Inferotemporal cortex form a remarkably rapid and robust basis for object recognition which belies the difficulties faced by the system when learning in natural visual environments. A central issue in understanding the process of biological object recognition is how these neurons learn to form separate representations of objects from complex visual scenes composed of multiple objects. We show how a one-layer competitive network comprised of ‘spiking’ neurons is able to learn separate transformation-invariant representations (exemplified by one-dimensional translations) of visual objects that are always seen together moving in lock-step, but separated in space. This is achieved by combining ‘Mexican hat’ functional lateral connectivity with cell firing-rate adaptation to temporally segment input representations of competing stimuli through anti-phase oscillations (perceptual cycles). These spiking dynamics are quickly and reliably generated, enabling selective modification of the feed-forward connections to neurons in the next layer through Spike-Time-Dependent Plasticity (STDP), resulting in separate translation-invariant representations of each stimulus. Variations in key properties of the model are investigated with respect to the network’s ability to develop appropriate input representations and subsequently output representations through STDP. Contrary to earlier rate-coded models of this learning process, this work shows how spiking neural networks may learn about more than one stimulus together without suffering from the ‘superposition catastrophe’. We take these results to suggest that spiking dynamics are key to understanding biological visual object recognition.  相似文献   

Kumaran D  Maguire EA 《Neuron》2006,49(4):617-629
Sequence disambiguation, the process by which overlapping sequences are kept separate, has been proposed to underlie a wide range of memory capacities supported by the hippocampus, including episodic memory and spatial navigation. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the dynamic pattern of hippocampal activation during the encoding of sequences of faces. Activation in right posterior hippocampus, only during the encoding of overlapping sequences but not nonoverlapping sequences, was found to correlate robustly with a subject-specific behavioral index of sequence learning. Moreover, our data indicate that hippocampal activation in response to elements common to both sequences in the overlapping sequence pair, may be particularly important for accurate sequence encoding and retrieval. Together, these findings support the conclusion that the human hippocampus is involved in the earliest stage of sequence disambiguation, when memory representations are in the process of being created, and provide empirical support for contemporary computational models of hippocampal function.  相似文献   

Chaotic transitions likely emerge in a wide variety of cognitive phenomena and may be linked to specific changes during the development of mental disorders. They represent relatively short periods in the behavior of a system, which are extremely sensitive to very small changes. This increased sensitivity has been suggested to occur also during retrieval of stressful emotional experiences because of their fragmentary, temporally and spatially disorganized character. To test this hypothesis we recorded EEG during retrieval of fearful memories related to panic attack in 7 patients and retrieval of anxiety-related memories in 11 healthy controls. Nonlinear data analysis of EEG records showed a statistically significant increase in degree of chaotic dynamics after retrieval of stressful memories in majority of patients as well as in control subjects. This change correlated with subjective intensity of anxiety induced during the memory retrieval. The data suggest a role of nonlinear changes of neural dynamics in the processing of stressful anxiety-related memories, which may play an important role in the pathophysiology of panic disorder.  相似文献   

Memory for events and their spatial context: models and experiments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The computational role of the hippocampus in memory has been characterized as: (i) an index to disparate neocortical storage sites; (ii) a time-limited store supporting neocortical long-term memory; and (iii) a content-addressable associative memory. These ideas are reviewed and related to several general aspects of episodic memory, including the differences between episodic, recognition and semantic memory, and whether hippocampal lesions differentially affect recent or remote memories. Some outstanding questions remain, such as: what characterizes episodic retrieval as opposed to other forms of read-out from memory; what triggers the storage of an event memory; and what are the neural mechanisms involved? To address these questions a neural-level model of the medial temporal and parietal roles in retrieval of the spatial context of an event is presented. This model combines the idea that retrieval of the rich context of real-life events is a central characteristic of episodic memory, and the idea that medial temporal allocentric representations are used in long-term storage while parietal egocentric representations are used to imagine, manipulate and re-experience the products of retrieval. The model is consistent with the known neural representation of spatial information in the brain, and provides an explanation for the involvement of Papez''s circuit in both the representation of heading direction and in the recollection of episodic information. Two experiments relating to the model are briefly described. A functional neuroimaging study of memory for the spatial context of life-like events in virtual reality provides support for the model''s functional localization. A neuropsychological experiment suggests that the hippocampus does store an allocentric representation of spatial locations.  相似文献   

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