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Strigolactones released from plant roots induce hyphal branching of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and germination of root parasitic weeds, Striga and Orobanche spp. We already demonstrated that, in red clover plants (Trifolium pratense L.), a host for both AM fungi and the root holoparasitic plant Orobanche minor Sm., reduced supply of phosphorus (P) but not of other elements examined (N, K, Ca, Mg) in the culture medium significantly promoted the secretion of a strigolactone, orobanchol, by the roots of this plant. Here we show that in the case of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], a host of both the root hemiparasitic plant Striga hermonthica and AM fungi, N deficiency as well as P deficiency markedly enhanced the secretion of a strigolactone, 5-deoxystrigol. The 5-deoxystrigol content in sorghum root tissues also increased under both N deficiency and P deficiency, comparable to the increase in the root exudates. These results suggest that strigolactones may be rapidly released after their production in the roots. Unlike the situation in the roots, neither N nor P deficiency affected the low content of 5-deoxystrigol in sorghum shoot tissues.  相似文献   

Nitrogen affects the phosphorus response of VA mycorrhiza   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  

Nitrogen fertilization reduces Sphagnum production in bog communities   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The effects of increased nitrogen influx on Sphagnum growth and on interspecific competition between Sphagnum species were studied in a 3-yr experiment in mires situated in two areas with different rates of airborne N deposition. Sphagnum growth was recorded after various supplementary N influxes (0, 1, 3, 5 and 10 g m −2 yr−1) in hummocks and lawn communities. Sphagnum biomass production decreased with increasing N influx in both areas. After the first season at the low-deposition site, Sphagnum showed an increased growth in length with the intermediate N treatment, but in the second and third seasons the control treatment had the highest growth in length. Capitulum dry mass increased with increasing N influx. Sphagnum N concentration and N/P quotient were higher at the high- than at the low-deposition site. The low quotient at the low-deposition site, together with the initial growth increase with intermediate N supplements, indicates that growth was N-limited at this site, but our lowest N supplement was sufficient to reduce growth. The N treatments had no effect on interspecific competition between the Sphagnum species. This indicates that the species have similar responses to N. The species studied all occur naturally on ombrotrophic, N-poor sites and show low tolerances to increased N influx. Reduced Sphagnum production may affect the carbon balance, changing the mires from C sinks to sources.  相似文献   

Populations of common submerged vascular plants were established in a series of 18 experimental ponds in 1967 and subjected to a replicated inorganic N-P fertilization program. The 18 ponds were fertilized as follows in 1968: 6 unfertilized controls, 6 low fertility (.75 mg. P/1) and 6 high fertility (75 mg. N/1., 7·5 mg. P/1.). The high fertility levels tended to eliminate the benthic plant populations and increase the phytoplankton standing crops. Elodea canadensis grew in the highest nutrient levels but Myriophyllum spicatum var. exalbescens and Ceratophyllum demersum appeared to be eliminated. Potamogeton crispus produced an abundance of winter buds under conditions of high fertility. There were no obvious differences in the benthic plant and phytoplankton populations among the control and low fertility ponds.Supported by funds from OWRR Title II Matching Grant and the College of Agriculture at Cornell University.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Variation in fire intensity within an ecosystem is likely to moderate fire effects on plant and soil properties. We tested the effect of fire intensity on grassland biomass, soil microbial biomass, and soil nutrients. Additional tests determined plant-microbe, plant-nutrient, and microbe-nutrient associations.


A replicated field experiment produced a fire intensity gradient. We measured plant and soil microbial biomasses at peak plant productivity the first growing season after fire. We concurrently measured flux in 11 soil nutrients and soil moisture.


Fire intensity positively affected soil nitrogen, phosphorus (P), and zinc but did not appreciably affect plant biomass, microbial biomass, and other soil nutrients. Plant biomass was seemingly (co-)limited by boron, manganese, and P. Microbial biomass was (co-)limited mainly by P and also iron.


In the Northern Great Plains, plant and soil microbial biomasses were limited mainly by P and some micronutrients. Fire intensity affected soil nutrients, however, pulsed P (due to fire) did not result in appreciable fire intensity effects on plant and microbial biomasses. Variable responses in plant productivity to fire are common and indicate the complexity of factors that regulate plant production after fire.

A solution culture experiment was carried out to study the effects of interactions between aluminium (Al) and phosphorus (P) on Al-toxicity under conditions of suboptimal P supply. The experiment was conducted in a growth chamber with seedlings of the Al-sensitive sorghum genotype TAM428 (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Phosphorus deficiency differed from Al toxicity in its effect on shoot/root ratio and root morphological charateristics. Results indicated that there were positive effects of Al on the uptake and assimilation of P. Therefore, it was unlikely that an Al-induced P deficiency could account for the observed reduction in plant biomass. Plants suffered more from Al toxicity at very low P supply. Moreover, decreasing P supply resulted in increased root H-ion efflux density. In the soil, where a rhizosphere can be formed, this would make the plant even more susceptible to Al. Dry matter yield of the plants was affected more severely by Al at the first harvest (14 days) than at the second (35 days), but the opposite was true for P. Aluminium-inhibited root development and reduced uptake of N, K and Mg (but not Ca) may be partly responsible for the growth depression. Increasing the P supply exerted certain roles in eliminating Al phytotoxicity, possibly through improved root development and nutrient uptake. The detrimental influence of Al on biomass could be overcome by doubling the P supply.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorus in plankton   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary The total nitrogen and phosphorus content in the plankton of Porto Novo water has been investigated. The total nitrogen content varied from 0.28% to 11.70% depending upon the organisms studied. In the same organism or same group of organisms the peak values were noted during the peak season of that plankton. The phosphorus content in the different planktonic organisms varied from 0.0620% to 0.8025% dry weight. Here also the peak values coincided with a peak population of the organism. During a rich diatom period, the phosphorus content in both water (as phosphate) and the diatoms showed a significant rise. However, with a peak zooplankton season, the phosphate in the water did not show any increase.
Sommario La quantita di nitrogene e di fosforo contenuta nel Plankton delle acque di Poroto Nuovo è stata studiata.La quantità di nitrogeno varia dal 0.28% al 11.70% a seconda degli organismi studiati. Nello stesso organismo di uno stesso gruppo — i valori massimi furono notati durante la stagione alta di quel Plankton.Il fosforo contenuto nei differenti organismi del plankton varia dal 0.0620% el 0.8025% a secco. Anche qui i massimi valori coincidono colla massima concentrazione degli organismi.Durante un periodo ottimale di diatome, il fosforo contenuto sia nell, acque (come fosfato) e nei diatome, mostrava un significativo aumento. Viceversa con la punta massima del zooplankton, il fosfato nell'acqua non rivelava nessum aumento.


Azotobacter vinelandii is a soil bacterium that produces the polysaccharide alginate. In this work, we identified a miniTn5 mutant, named GG9, which showed increased alginate production of higher molecular mass, and increased expression of the alginate biosynthetic genes algD and alg8 when compared to its parental strain. The miniTn5 was inserted within ORF Avin07920 encoding a hypothetical protein. Avin07910, located immediately downstream and predicted to form an operon with Avin07920, encodes an inner membrane multi-domain signaling protein here named mucG. Insertional inactivation of mucG resulted in a phenotype of increased alginate production of higher molecular mass similar to that of mutant GG9. The MucG protein contains a periplasmic and putative HAMP and PAS domains, which are linked to GGDEF and EAL domains. The last two domains are potentially involved in the synthesis and degradation, respectively, of bis-(3′-5′)-cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP), a secondary messenger that has been reported to be essential for alginate production. Therefore, we hypothesized that the negative effect of MucG on the production of this polymer could be explained by the putative phosphodiesterase activity of the EAL domain. Indeed, we found that alanine replacement mutagenesis of the MucG EAL motif or deletion of the entire EAL domain resulted in increased alginate production of higher molecular mass similar to the GG9 and mucG mutants. To our knowledge, this is the first reported protein that simultaneous affects the production of alginate and its molecular mass.


Nitrogen fertilization in citrus orchards   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S. Dasberg 《Plant and Soil》1987,100(1-3):1-9
Summary The purpose of this review was to evaluate critically the results obtained in citrus nitrogen fertilization experiments in Israel and in other parts of the world, in order to increase our understanding of the processes involved and to improve the recommendations to growers. Mature citrus trees contain 1–2 kg N/tree, 30–60% of which is in the annual parts (leaves and fruits). 30g N is deposited annually in the tree skeleton. Based on these results and on a review of long-term fertilization experiments with citrus from various parts of the world, it was concluded that 200 kg N/ha applied annually is sufficient to sustain good citrus yields and tree development, about half of which is incorporated in the fruits and one-tenth deposited in the tree, the balance being made up by leaching and gaseous losses. Experiments with15N labeled fertilizer applications showed that the highest N-uptake rate occurred during fruit set and that in winter the uptake was very low. N reserves in the older tissues played an important part in the development of new leaves and flowers in the spring, when the uptake from the soil was still low. It was concluded that the nitrogen contained in the soil organic matter (2 Mg/ha) and in the mature trees (1 Mg/ha) plays an important part in the regulation of N supply to the growing parts of the tree. More N is derived from these parts with low N fertilization than with an abundant supply. The purpose of fertilization is to ensure proper development of the tree, not the current fruit yield. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 1770-E. 1986 series.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis has previously been shown toalter the response of sorghum leaves to probable non-hydraulicsignals of soil drying. Our objectives here were to determine:(1) how changes in phosphorus nutrition affect this root-to-shootsignalling in sorghum, (2) if mycorrhizal symbiosis can affectthe signalling process independently of effects on host P nutrition,and (3) how two Glomus species compare in their influence onsignalling. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench ‘G1990A’ plants weregrown with root systems split between two pots. The 332 experimentaldesign included three levels of mycorrhizae (Glomus intraradicesSchenck & Smith, Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd., non-mycorrhizal),three levels of phosphorus fertilization and two levels of water(fully watered, half-dried). Declines in leaf elongation with soil drying were more consistentin non-mycorrhizal than mycorrhizal plants. Relative growthrate (RGR) of both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants initiallydeclined when water was withheld from about half of the rootsystem. With further soil drying, RGR of mycorrhizal plantseventually returned to control levels, while RGR of non-mycorrhizalplants remained depressed throughout the drying episode. Bythe end of the drying episode, mycorrhizal symbiosis had eliminateddrying-induced declines in total plant leaf length. Shoot androot dry weight declines of half-dried plants were not affectedby mycorrhizae. Declines in stomatal conductance with soil dryingwere larger and more frequent in non-mycorrhizal than mycorrhizalplants. Leaf osmotic potential and relative water content remainedsimilar in control and half-dried plants during drying, suggestingthat altered leaf behaviour of half-dried plants was due tosome non-hydraulic factor. The two fungi did not differ substantiallyin their influence on leaf behaviour. The applied phosphorustreatments did not affect either growth or stomatal responseof halfdried plants to the root-to-shoot signal, but lengthdeclines were related to actual leaf phosphorus concentrations.Rate of soil drying did not appear to influence ultimate growthreductions. We conclude that mycorrhizal fungi can modify leaf growth responseto the root-to-shoot signal of soil drying, and that this mycorrhizaleffect can occur independently of mycorrhizal effects on plantsize or phosphorus nutrition. However, plant size and nutrition,which are commonly affected by mycorrhizal symbiosis, can alsomodify the signalling process. Key words: Drought, nutrition, root signal, Sorghum bicolor, vesicular-arbuscular  相似文献   



Zinc (Zn) and phosphorus (P) deficiency often occurs at the same time and limits crop production in many soils. It has been suggested that citrate root exudation is a response of plants to both deficiencies. We used white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) as a model plant to clarify if citrate exuded by roots could increase the bioavailability of Zn and P in calcareous soils.


White lupin was grown in nutrient solution and in two calcareous soils in a rhizobox. Rhizosphere soil solution was sampled to determine citrate, metals and P. Based on the measured citrate concentrations, a soil extraction experiment with citrate as extractant was done.


Absence of Zn triggered neither cluster root formation nor citrate exudation of white lupin grown in nutrient solution, whereas low P supply did. The maximum citrate concentration (~1.5?mM) found in the cluster rhizosphere soil solution of one soil mobilized P, but not Zn. In the other soil the highest citrate concentration (~0.5?mM) mobilized both elements.


White lupin does not respond to low Zn bioavailability by increasing citrate exudation. Such a response was observed at low P supply only. Whether Zn and P can be mobilized by citrate is soil-dependent and the possible controlling mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The strigolactones are internal and rhizosphere signalling molecules in plants that are biosynthesised through carotenoid cleavage. They are secreted by host roots into the rhizosphere where they signal host-presence to the symbiotic arbuscular mycrorrhizal (AM) fungi and the parasitic plants of the Orobanche, Phelipanche and Striga genera. The seeds of these parasitic plants germinate after perceiving these signalling molecules. After attachment to the host root, the parasite negatively affects the host plant by withdrawing water, nutrients and assimilates through a direct connection with the host xylem. In many areas of the world these parasites are a threat to agriculture but so far very limited success has been achieved to minimize losses due to these parasitic weeds. Considering the carotenoid origin of the strigolactones, in the present study we investigated the possibilities to reduce strigolactone production in the roots of plants by blocking carotenoid biosynthesis using carotenoid inhibitors. Hereto the carotenoid inhibitors fluridone, norflurazon, clomazone and amitrole were applied to rice either through irrigation or through foliar spray. Irrigation application of all carotenoid inhibitors and spray application of amitrole significantly decreased strigolactone production, Striga hermonthica germination and Striga infection, also in concentrations too low to affect growth and development of the host plant. Hence, we demonstrate that the application of carotenoid inhibitors to plants can affect S. hermonthica germination and attachment indirectly by reducing the strigolactone concentration in the rhizosphere. This finding is useful for further studies on the relevance of the strigolactones in rhizosphere signalling. Since these inhibitors are available and accessible, they may represent an efficient technology for farmers, including poor subsistence farmers in the African continent, to control these harmful parasitic weeds.  相似文献   

1. The chrysomelid beetle, Gastrophysa viridula and the rust fungus, Uromyces rumicis both occur on leaves of Rumex obtusifolius growing in a wide range of soil nutrient conditions. We investigated the effect of fertilizing plants with eight nitrate and four ammonium concentrations on the components of this tripartite interaction in a controlled environment.
2. Leaf weight, area and total plant weight increased as both nitrate and ammonium concentrations increased up to 15mmol l–1. Between 15 and 50mmol l–1 added nitrate, leaf and total plant weight decreased. Total plant weight was unaffected by increasing ammonium fertilization from 15 to 25mmol l–1.
3. The density and percentage of U. rumicis pustules sporulating 8 days after infection decreased with increasing nitrate but were unaffected by increasing the concentration of ammonium fertilization.
4. Leaf area consumed and number of eggs laid by G. viridula decreased as the concentration of nitrate fertilization increased. Increasing the concentration of ammonium decreased leaf area eaten.
5. First instar mortality of G. viridula was increased and gregariousness and adult fecundity was decreased additively by the combination of U. rumicis infection and decreasing the nitrate concentration fed to plants from 10 to 1mmol l–1.  相似文献   

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