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Race of parents and infant birthweight in the United States.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detailed 1977 national natality data are used to investigate social, demographic, and genetic effects on birthweight differentials. Analysis of birthweight differences among infants with white, black, and mixed black-white parents indicates that a portion of the observed weight differentials appear to be due to biologic factors. Infants with a black mother and father have the lowest mean birthweights, while infants with two white parents have the highest weights. Newborns with mixed-race parents have intermediate birthweight distributions. Multivariate analysis suggests that the effects of parental race on birthweight are not the result of maternal/obstetric differences among parents of the same or mixed race.  相似文献   

Biomarkers of selenium are necessary for assessing selenium status in humans, since soil variation hinders estimation of selenium intake from foods. In this study, we measured the concentration of plasma selenium, selenoprotein P (SEPP1), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX3) activity and their interindividual differences in 383 low-income blacks and whites selected from a stratified random sample of adults aged 40–79 years, who were participating in a long-term cohort study in the southeastern United States (US). We assessed the utility of these biomarkers to determine differences in selenium status and their association with demographic, socio-economic, dietary, and other indicators. Dietary selenium intake was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire designed for the cohort, matched with region-specific food selenium content, and compared with the US Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) set at 55 µg/day. We found that SEPP1, a sensitive biomarker of selenium nutritional status, was significantly lower among blacks than whites (mean 4.4±1.1 vs. 4.7±1.0 mg/L, p = 0.006), with blacks less than half as likely to have highest vs. lowest quartile SEPP1 concentration (Odds Ratio (OR) 0.4, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.2–0.8). The trend in a similar direction was observed for plasma selenium among blacks and whites, (mean 115±15.1 vs. 118±17.7 µg/L, p = 0.08), while GPX3 activity did not differ between blacks and whites (136±33.3 vs. 132±33.5 U/L, p = 0.320). Levels of the three biomarkers were not correlated with estimated dietary selenium intake, except for SEPP1 among 10% of participants with the lowest selenium intake (≤57 µg/day). The findings suggest that SEPP1 may be an effective biomarker of selenium status and disease risk in adults and that low selenium status may disproportionately affect black and white cohort participants.  相似文献   

We study whether the relationship between the state unemployment rate at the time of conception and infant health, infant mortality and maternal characteristics in the United States has changed over the years 1980-2004. We use microdata on births and deaths for years 1980-2004 and find that the relationship between the state unemployment rate at the time of conception and infant mortality and birthweight changes over time and is stronger for blacks than whites. For years 1980-1989 increases in the state unemployment rate are associated with a decline in infant mortality among blacks, an effect driven by mortality from gestational development and birth weight, and complications of placenta while in utero. In contrast, state economic conditions are unrelated to black infant mortality in years 1990-2004 and white infant mortality in any period, although effects vary by cause of death. We explore potential mechanisms for our findings and, including mothers younger than 18 in the analysis, uncover evidence of age-related maternal selection in response to the business cycle. In particular, in years 1980-1989 an increase in the unemployment rate at the time of conception is associated with fewer babies born to young mothers. The magnitude and direction of the relationship between business cycles and infant mortality differs by race and period. Age-related selection into motherhood in response to the business cycle is a possible explanation for this changing relationship.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(2):118-123
Introduction: This paper presents race-specific breast cancer mortality rates and the corresponding rate ratios for the 50 largest U.S. cities for each of the 5-year intervals between 1990 and 2009. Methods: The 50 largest cities in the U.S. were the units of analysis. Numerator data were abstracted from national death files where the cause was malignant neoplasm of the breast (ICD-9 = 174 and ICD-10 = C50) for women. Population-based denominators were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau for 1990, 2000, and 2010. To measure the racial disparity, we calculated non-Hispanic Black:non-Hispanic White rate ratios (RRs) and confidence intervals for each 5-year period. Results: At the final time point (2005–2009), two RRs were less than 1, but neither significantly so, while 39 RRs were >1, 23 of them significantly so. Of the 41 cities included in the analysis, 35 saw an increase in the Black:White RR between 1990–1994 and 2005–2009. In many of the cities, the increase in the disparity occurred because White rates improved substantially over the 20-year study period, while Black rates did not. There were 1710 excess Black deaths annually due to this disparity in breast cancer mortality, for an average of about 5 each day. Conclusion: This analysis revealed large and growing disparities in Black:White breast cancer mortality in the U.S. and many of its largest cities during the period 1990–2009. Much work remains to achieve equality in breast cancer mortality outcomes.  相似文献   

BackgroundEvidence about the association between structural racism and mortality in the United States is limited. We examined the association between ongoing structural racism, measured as inequalities in adulthood income between White and Black children with similar parental household income (economic mobility gap) in a recent birth cohort, and Black-White disparities in death rates (mortality gap) overall and for major causes.MethodsSex-, race/ethnicity-, and county-specific data were used to examine sex-specific associations between economic mobility and mortality gaps for all causes combined, heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), injury/violence, all malignant cancers, and 14 cancer types. Economic mobility data for 1978–1983 birth cohorts and death rates during 2011–2018 were obtained from the Opportunity Atlas and National Center for Health Statistics, respectively. Data from 471 counties were included in analyses of all-cause mortality at ages 30−39 years during 2011–2018 (corresponding to partially overlapping 1978–1983 birth cohorts); and from 1,572 and 1,248 counties in analyses of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in all ages combined, respectively.ResultsIn ages 30−39 years, a one percentile increase in the economic mobility gap was associated with a 6.8 % (95 % confidence interval 1.8 %–11.8 %) increase in the Black-White mortality gap among males and a 13.5 % (8.9 %–18.1 %) increase among females, based on data from 471 counties. In all ages combined, the corresponding percentages based on data from 1,572 counties were 10.2 % (7.2 %–13.2 %) among males and 14.8 % (11.4 %–18.2 %) among females, equivalent to an increase of 18.4 and 14.0 deaths per 100,000 in the mortality gap, respectively. Similarly, strong associations between economic mobility gap and mortality gap in all ages were found for major causes of death, notably for potentially preventable conditions, including COPD, injury/violence, and cancers of the lung, liver, and cervix.ConclusionsEconomic mobility gap conditional on parental income in a recent birth cohort as a marker of ongoing structural racism is strongly associated with Black-White disparities in all-cause mortality and mortality from several causes.  相似文献   

《American anthropologist》2009,111(4):517-518
ABSTRACT   This museum review places the American Anthropological Association's recent exhibition entitled "Race: Are We So Different?" into historical context by comparing it to other major exhibitions on race in the 20th century. I argue that although exhibitions on race in the 19th-century United States are frequently examined in the historical and anthropological literature, later exhibitions from the 20th century are frequently forgotten. In particular, I compare the AAA's recent exhibition to displays originally crafted for the 1915 and 1933 World's Fairs.  相似文献   

Eric J. Sundquist (ed.), FREDERICK DOUGLASS: NEW LITERARY AND HISTORICAL ESSAYS, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, 295 pp., £30.00.

Judith Stein THE WORLD OF MARCUS GARVEY: RACE AND CLASS IN MODERN SOCIETY, Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1986, 294 pp., £27.50.

Clayborne Carson, Ralph E. Luker, Penny A. Russell, (eds), THE PAPERS OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., VOLUME I: CALLED TO SERVE, JANUARY 1929‐JUNE 1951, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1992, 484 pp., $35.00.  相似文献   

“As the 21st century quickly approaches with an expansive geriatric population growth, are we adequately preparing health professionals to address patient needs? Will there be a shortage of competent clinicians and proficient faculty? Is there a proposed agenda to improve educational outcomes, clinical expertise, and oral health status of older adults? These and related concerns have prompted a focused geriatric education project within the United States. The Bureau of Health Professions (BHPr) of the Health Resources and Services Administration has provided the impetus and leadership through the Geriatric Education Futures Project. Dentistry is one of eleven disciplines invited to participate in this important effort which also includes medicine, nursing, social work, public health, allied and associated health, managed care, long-term care, case management, interdisciplinary education, and ethnogeriatrics. The first two phases of this project were: 1) writing White Papers which give “a critical review of the state of the art of geriatric education, project a future response to societal need and provide policy recommendations to achieve the preferred future;” and 2) sponsoring an invitational National Forum on Geriatric Education and Training in the spring of 1995 to present, discuss, and accept the White Paper findings, as well as enlisting broader participation and support from appropriate educational institutions, professional organizations (including the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association), government agencies, foundations, consumer organisations, etc. The third phase is ongoing and includes the development of national innovative educational collaboratives, dissemination of the White Papers and related documents, and continued “catalytic activities directed toward the implementation of a national agenda for action in geriatric education.” The complete text of all discipline-specific White Papers can be found in A National Agenda for Geriatric Education, Volume 1: White Papers1. In an effort to more extensively disseminate the findings from the Dentistry White Paper, Gerodontology is reprinting the first two-thirds of the Dentistry White Paper which includes the state of the art in geriatric dental education and future vision needed to meet the needs of older adults, as well as summary identification of the 19 dental policy recommendations (See Table 3). Special Care in Dentistry2 has recently published the complete text of these specific recommendations including the rationale, action required, responsible agents, and expected outcomes. Although some information contained in this White Paper may be specific only to the United States, it is also apparent that much of its content has relevance to gerodontology efforts in industrialised countries throughout the world.”–Bernice A. Parlak and Susan M. Klein (see endnote)  相似文献   

A prevalent theme in the public forum on the recent wave of black church arson in the United States is that the events are part of an overarching conspiracy on the part of hate groups to start a race war. In attempting to discount this theme, critics have concluded that events of black church arson are not racially motivated, and instead are random acts of insurance fraud and delinquency. We argue that competition theory sheds light on these recent events by moving us away from both sides of this debate. We argue that, in the absence of good data on connections between various hate groups, it is useful to consider this wave of ethnic violence as a result of ethnic competition for economic and political resources. Using yearly event counts and time-series cross sectional data, we test hypotheses derived from competition theory. We conclude that competition for both economic and political resources increases the yearly counts of black church arson.  相似文献   

Abstract The southern extent of the range of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) extends into the contiguous United States in locations from Washington State in the West to northern Maine in the East. Lynx persist in various habitats across this range from high-elevation wilderness to intensively managed industrial forests. Lynx habitat use at the species' southern range boundary was poorly understood before the species was listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 2000, because most research had been conducted in boreal forest. The papers in this special section outline a variety of questions regarding lynx populations at the southern extent of their range, address topics on lynx space use and denning habitat, and provide generally consistent results in terms of features important to lynx habitat use despite the wide variation in specific habitats among the study areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Conservation of the wolverine (Gulo gulo) at the southern extent of its North American range requires reliable understandings of past and present distribution patterns and broad-scale habitat relations. We compiled 820 verifiable and documented records of wolverine occurrence (specimens, DNA detections, photos, and accounts of wolverines being killed or captured) in the contiguous United States from museums, the literature, and institutional archives. We spatially referenced 729 records with areal precision ≤1 township (93.2 km2) and temporal precision ≤10 years. Historical records (1827–1960) were located primarily in the western mountains and Great Lakes region. However, our data suggest that the historical distribution of wolverines in the Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada was disjunct, contradicting previous interpretations. Our results indicate that wolverine range in the contiguous United States had contracted substantially by the mid-1900s. Current records (1995–2005) are limited to north-central Washington, northern and central Idaho, western Montana, and northwestern Wyoming. We investigated potential relations between wolverines and alpine vegetation, cold temperatures, and spring snow cover by comparing the distribution of historical wolverine records with Kuchler's potential natural vegetation types, Holdridge's climatic life zones, and EASE snow-cover maps during the latter portion of the wolverine denning period (15 Apr-14 May). In the western mountains, historical wolverine records generally occurred in or near alpine vegetation and climatic conditions, especially at the limits of their distribution in the Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, and southern Rocky Mountains. However, the only habitat layer that fully accounted for historical distribution patterns was spring snow cover. Causal factors for the extirpation of wolverines from the southern portions of their range in the contiguous United States are unknown, but are likely related to high levels of human-caused mortality and low to nonexistent immigration rates.  相似文献   

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