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We investigated the potential of plant functional responses to speed up restoration in a postfire ecosystem. The patterns of change in plant nutrient uptake and water potential after compost amendment were monitored for 2 years in a 7‐year‐old postfire shrubland in southeastern France. We studied four different stress‐tolerant species with contrasting life traits: three shrub species and a perennial herb. Three treatments were applied: control, 50 and 100 Mg/ha of fresh cocomposted sewage sludge and green waste. In both compost treatments, concentrations of all the macronutrients increased. The amendment improved N and cation nutrition, but the positive effect of compost on plant nutrient status was most apparent on leaf P concentrations, indicating that P was a limiting nutrient in this shrubland. Compost had no significant short‐term effect on trace metal concentrations in plants. The plant nutrition response of different species to the compost varied; the nutritional status of Brachypodium retusum and Cistus albidus improved the most, whereas that of Quercus coccifera and Ulex parviflorus improved the least. Woody species exhibited no increase in N stocks. Phosphorus accumulation was also about three times higher in plots amended at 50 Mg/ha than in control plots for B. retusum and C. albidus. The severe summer drought of 2003 altered the compost effect. Contrary to our expectations, plants on amended plots did not exhibit a better water status in summer: the effect of the summer drought had a greater effect on water status than did the compost treatment.  相似文献   

Conservation agencies are increasingly advocating that the survival of many tropical forest species may depend on disturbed forests and are directing scarce conservation resources to managing logged forests. This requires critical evaluation. In this 10-year study, we quantify tree community dynamics in three selectively logged areas harvested at different intensities and compare their recovery to two unlogged areas in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Over the 10 years, 527 of the original 4840 tagged trees (10cm DBH) died; while the mortality rate was highest in the heavily logged area, it was only significantly greater than one of the unlogged sites. The density of new trees varied significantly among areas being highest in the lightly logged area, but the density of new recruits in the heavily logged area did not differ from the unlogged areas. Overall, the more heavily logged areas had higher growth rates than the unlogged or lightly logged areas. However, there was no difference among areas in the magnitude of the change in basal area; and in both 1990 (20+ years post-harvest) and 2000 the basal area in the heavily logged area was significantly less than the unlogged areas. In general, findings from the heavily logged area suggest that the expectation that in logged areas a number of processes of forest regeneration will be accelerated relative to unlogged forest was not met. Thus, 30+ years after logging evidence suggests that forest recovery will be slower than expected. We also present evidence to suggest that the climate in the region is changing, which may account for changes in the population dynamics of certain species in the unlogged forests.  相似文献   

Biogeography of the marine birds of a confined sea, the Mediterranean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim The Mediterranean sea is a winter productive oligotrophic basin where Atlantic water replaces water lost through evaporation, this influx being a major source of productivity and fertility. The long coastlines and the large number of islands cause high oceanographic heterogeneity. Moreover, during its geological history, it has dried out several times. So we describe the consequences of these particular features on species richness, distribution, and breeding ecology of marine birds. Location The Mediterranean sea (including the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov) communicates with the Atlantic Ocean only through a 14 km wide channel (Straits of Gibraltar), and since 1869, with the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. Methods The Mediterranean was subdivided into different areas, according to physical oceanographic entities and productivity, linked to numbers and distribution of both breeding and wintering marine birds (defined as species strongly dependent on marine resources, breeding only on islands and/or the coastline). Results The total marine bird biomass, and species diversity, are lower in the Mediterranean than in the near Atlantic. The eastern Mediterranean, with lowest primary productivity, contains fewer marine bird taxa than the more productive western part. Taxa which mainly occur in the western and southern parts of the Mediterranean migrate through the Straits of Gibraltar to winter in the southern Atlantic, while those inhabiting the northern and eastern parts are sedentary, as a result of differences in species composition. Northern coastal basin communities (i.e. the Tyrrhenian and the Balearic Seas), are composed of less pelagic, and earlier breeding species, that rear chicks during the productive season. These latter taxa are actually the most typical Mediterranean taxa, in terms of endemism. Main conclusions The Mediterranean marine bird community is not tropical, but rather, shows the highest affinity with the Atlantic temperate community. Its level of endemism is however high and comparable to other confined basins such as the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Secondary forests in Central Africa are increasing in importance for biodiversity conservation as old growth forests outside the few protected areas are disappearing rapidly. We examined vegetation recovery in a lowland rain forest area in Cameroon based on a detailed botanical survey of old growth forest and different-aged logging gaps (5–27 years) and shifting cultivation fields (10–60 years). Our analysis focuses on the long-term recovery of botanical conservation values by analysing trends in vegetation structure, species composition, species diversity and levels of endemism and rarity. In the total survey (4.25 ha), we recorded 834 species of which 23% were endemic to the Lower Guinea forest region. The proportion of endemic species was high in shrubs and low in herbs. Geographic range and (local) rarity were not significantly associated. The proportion of rare species (relative frequency <10%) was high in woody climbers and low in trees. In logging gaps, recovery of all vegetation characteristics was relatively quick (5–14 years). Recovery in shifting cultivation sites took longer (30–60 years). Endemic species were found to be highly sensitive to shifting cultivation practices and even after 50–60 years the level of endemism was still significantly lower compared to old growth forest. The proportion of rare species was not significantly different between disturbed sites and old growth forest. We conclude that secondary forests can contribute to biodiversity conservation, e.g. as buffer zones around protected areas. However, this contribution should be assessed differently between land use types and widespread versus endemic species.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to understand lacewing diversity patterns and the role of environmental factors in determining lacewing diversity in four habitat types: agricultural area (crops and orchards), pine forest (Pinus nigra Arnold and, Pinus brutia Ten), natural forest (cedar and willow‐oak), and mixed forest (beech and oak). Several diversity patterns were evaluated, including evenness and dominance, in the East Mediterranean area of Turkey by analyzing the abundance and species composition of lacewing assemblages using the Simpson and Shannon Diversity Indices. It was questioned whether these communities are structured according to environmental conditions such as altitude, temperature, rainfall, wind and humidity. This question was explored using generalized linear models (GLMs) and principal component analysis (PCA) to detect the effect of ecological parameters on the species composition of the lacewing assemblages. The data suggest that the species abundance, composition, and diversity of lacewings are affected by different forest and agricultural habitat types. Based on the results of the present study, it is recommended that the area of farmland under cultivation is decreased and the area of sustainably managed forest and agricultural land is increased in order to better protect lacewing diversity in the East Mediterranean area of Turkey.  相似文献   

Tropical forest degradation affects host-parasite interactions, determining the probability of animals acquiring an infection. The activation of an immune response to fight off infections requires energy and other resources such as antioxidants which may be redirected from growth and reproduction. A key question is how selective logging—the most common form of tropical forest degradation—impacts the prevalence of avian haemosporidian infection and its correlated physiological responses (nutritional and oxidative status markers). We investigated the prevalence of Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, and Leucocytozoon parasites in 14 understorey bird species in lowland, logged and unlogged, old-growth forests of Borneo. Prevalences of infections were similar between selectively logged and unlogged forests. To explore nutritional and oxidative status effects of haemosporidian infections, we examined associations between infections and plasma proteins, plasma triglycerides, and multiple blood-based markers of oxidative status, testing for an impact of selective logging on those markers. Birds infected with Plasmodium showed higher levels of plasma proteins and non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity, and lower levels of plasma triglycerides and glutathione, compared with haemosporidian-free individuals. Conversely, birds infected with Haemoproteus showed no changes in nutritional or physiological markers compared with uninfected individuals. These results indicate higher metabolic and physiological costs of controlling Plasmodium infection, compared with Haemoproteus, possibly due to higher pathogenicity of Plasmodium. Selectively logged forests had no effect on the responses of birds to infection, suggesting that the environmental conditions of degraded forests do not appear to induce any appreciable physiological demands in parasitised birds.  相似文献   

The compensatory response of plants to defoliation is likely to have important effects on plant–ungulate equilibria in forested ecosystems. We investigated the responses of six species of Mediterranean bushes to defoliation by wild ungulates, comparing an index of browsing impact with the productivity of plants in both open and exclusion plots. The data revealed a great diversity of plant responses to herbivory: Rubus ulmifolius was able to over-compensate and replace the lost tissues. Phillyrea latifolia exhibited a similar, albeit less evident, pattern, while Cistus salvifolius was severely damaged by browsing. Other species, such as Quercus ilex, Juncus acutus and Erica arborea, were not attacked to a large extent and suffered little or no harm. The results strongly suggest that Mediterranean ecosystems may tolerate large stocking rates of ungulates. However, the reduction of plant biomass due to browsing was very different in the six studied species, suggesting that when herbivory becomes severe the structure of the ecosystem will change with the more tolerant plants becoming more abundant. We can apply these results to improve management and conservation of relict coastal forests in the Mediterranean basin which are usually of small size and where decision-makers have to compromise between the conservation of plants and that of large mammals.  相似文献   

Land use and cover changes have been identified as a major factor contributing to shape landscape structure and biodiversity patterns, particulary in areas with a long history of human occupation and habitat fragmentation, such as the Mediterranean landscapes. However, the existing studies on landscape change indicators for Mediterranean areas have mostly focused in Europe, while for other Mediterranean zones, and especially for South America, there is a serious lack of knowledge concerning the impact of landscape dynamics on ecological processes. Further research on this topic is urgently needed, given the high biodiversity levels and the rapidly increasing rates of human modification in the Mediterranean landscapes of South America. For this purpose, we investigated the dynamics of a landscape in the semiarid region of the Mediterranean zone of Chile, and measured the effect of those dynamics on functional connectivity, during a period of about four decades (1975–2011). Landscape connectivity indicators were extracted from a series of Landsat images. The Equivalent Connnected Area index (ECA) was used as indicator of connectivity trends, and was evaluated for three representative distances of seed dispersal in the study area (150 m, 500 m and 1000 m). In addition, the patches that most contribute to maintain the present connectivity, and their roles as connectivity providers, were identified through a set of commensurable indicators: betweenness centrality and the fractions (intra, flux connector) of the Integral Index of Connectivity. We found that these indicators were useful to detect and summarize a number of previously unreported trends in these Mediterranean landscapes. First, population growth and economic development were compatible with an increase in functional connectivity for forest habitats, mainly because the abandonment of marginal agricultural lands and their subsequent conversion to espinals (Acacia caven) triggered vegetation succession towards secondary forests. Second, increased forest connectivity was not associated to a decrease in the characteristic heterogeneity of Mediterranean landscapes. Third, many patches of espinal, despite being commonly regarded as of poor conservation value, were crucial to promote connectivity by acting as stepping stones among other patches with higher habitat quality. The approach here presented provides a combined assessment of landscape structure, function and change that should be valuable and applicable to deliver operational indicators in dynamic landscapes in South America and other Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential impact of logging on nocturnal primates, densities ofGalago demidovii, G. inustus, andPerodictus potto were determined in two areas of the Kibale Forest Reserve, Uganda. One of these areas had been logged at a moderate level in the late 1960's, while the second area was relatively undisturbed. The density of the nocturnal primates was lower in the logged area than in the neighboring unlogged area. For the most frequently sighted nocturnal primate,G. demidovii, sightings were spatially clustered both within a year and between years, suggesting that clumped resources and/or social factors were influencing space use.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Estimating habitat availability at large spatial scales is critical for identifying conservation and management priorities for birds. Given the effects of patch size on habitat selection and productivity of many bird species, large‐scale approaches often focus on identifying and enumerating patches large enough to support sustainable populations. Declines in the availability of bottomland hardwood forests have made this approach imperative for species that depend on these forests. However, most remaining bottomland forests are relatively low‐elevation sites that were difficult to convert to agriculture. For species that require densely vegetated understories or well‐developed litter layers, such as Swainson's Warblers (Limnothlypis swainsonii), these relatively flood‐prone forests may not provide suitable habitat and, consequently, current prioritization methods may overestimate habitat availability. We examined the effect of elevation on estimates of habitat availability for Swainson's Warblers in a 65,000‐ha bottomland hardwood forest (White River National Wildlife Refuge) in eastern Arkansas. We detected Swainson's Warblers at 88 of 2222 sampled points, and Swainson's Warblers only used relatively high elevations in the refuge. Based on our estimates, about 25% of the refuge is at a suitable elevation for Swainson's Warblers. Without considering elevation, this refuge would support an estimated 7000 to 7600 pairs, but, when elevation is considered, the estimated number of pairs drops to 1500–2000 pairs. In reality, because of a lack of suitable seral stages at high elevations in the refuge, this area likely supports only 75–100 pairs. For Swainson's Warblers and other understory‐dependent bottomland species, elevation should be incorporated into conservation planning to obtain accurate estimates of habitat availability. In addition, management should be focused on these high‐elevation areas to maximize habitat availability for these species of concern.  相似文献   

The Taurus Mountain range separates the central Anatolian steppe and the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The Amanos Mountains lie to the east, playing a significant role in forming this region which is strongly influenced by the Mediterranean Sea. Between the Taurus Mountains and the sea, there is a diversity of terrestrial, limnic and marine ecosystems. These contain a number of differing biotopes such as grassland above the timberline, evergreen and deciduous forests, scrubland, river beds, lagoons, coastal saltmarshes, coastal woodlands and sand dunes. Due to intensive land use, the ecological diversity is threatened, and so governmental and scientific bodies have combined resources to implement conservation measures. This paper emphasizes the importance of these conservation activities and discusses realistic proposals for conservation in the region.  相似文献   

Aim To test whether fire contributed to the expansion and compositional change of evergreen forests in the Mediterranean region during the Holocene. Location The peri‐Adriatic region, encompassing the Italian peninsula, Sicily and the western and southern Balkans between latitudes 46° and 37° N. Methods New high‐resolution pollen and microscopic charcoal data from Lago dell’Accesa (Tuscany, Italy) were used to estimate the response of the evergreen oak, Quercus ilex L., to fire during its expansion phase at 8500 cal. yr bp . The data were compared with the pollen and charcoal series from other Mediterranean sites (Lago di Massaciuccoli in Tuscany, Malo Jezero in Croatia, Biviere di Gela in Sicily) and analysed using numerical techniques (redundancy analysis, detrended canonical correspondence analysis) to identify long‐term fire–vegetation linkages and the degree of compositional change. Results Microscopic charcoal and pollen of evergreen oaks were negatively correlated during the period of quasi‐natural fire regime (Mesolithic, 10,000–8000 cal. yr bp ). In addition, there was no such positive correlation during periods when the fire regime was potentially more influenced by people (Neolithic–Bronze Age, 8000–3000 cal. yr bp ). Compared with inland sites, coastal sites that are currently located at a distinct ecotone showed more compositional change. Main conclusions The analyses suggest that climatic change, without an additional effect of fire regimes, favoured the expansion and compositional change of evergreen forests across the peri‐Adriatic region. Strikingly different patterns occurred along a north–south gradient. In the north (Tuscany and Croatia, meso‐Mediterranean belt), Q. ilex replaced deciduous forests when conditions became drier; in the south (Sicily, thermo‐Mediterranean belt) the species replaced maquis or steppe vegetation when climatic conditions became moister. We conclude that the projected increase in fire activity may lead to the loss of most of the remaining relict forests of Q. ilex in southern Europe.  相似文献   

The composition and structure of bird communities, and the damage to forest structure were surveyed in northern French Guiana (northeastern Amazonia) one year and ten years after selective logging and compared with the situation in a similar undisturbed primary forest. A point-count method was used in which 937 0.25ha sample plots were censused for 20 minutes each, and their vegetation structure was measured. On average, 38% of the forest undergrowth was destroyed, then invaded by dense regrowth, and up to 63% of the canopy was substantially opened as a result of selective logging. Hunting pressure also increased due to access roads opened for logging. Among the 256 species recorded, overall bird species richness and abundance were depressed by 27–34% in the logged areas compared to primary forest. The most vulnerable guilds, which decreased by 37–98% in abundance, were mature forest understorey species, especially terrestrial ones and mixed flocks of insectivores. Hummingbirds, small gaps, vine tangles and canopy species did not decrease, nor increase significantly after logging. Only species naturally associated with dense second growth, forest edges and large gaps actually increased. Habitat specialization was the major determinant of vulnerability to logging, and, to a lesser degree, size (large) and diet (insectivorous), but foraging behaviour and rarity had little effect. Bird sensitivity to changes in logged forest structure may involve physiological intolerance, reduced food categories, increased exposure to predators, too dense understorey for their specific foraging behaviour and/or avoidance of gaps. Suggested improvements of current forest management and logging techniques for the maintenance of a higher proportion of the original biodiversity include minimizing logging damages, long rotations (>50 years) between cuts, and keeping unlogged forest patches within logging concessions.  相似文献   

The timing of origin of modern North American bird species in relation to Pleistocene glaciations has long been the topic of significant discussion and disagreement. Recently, Klicka and Zink (1997) and Avise and Walker (1998) enlivened this debate by using calibrated molecular distance values to estimate timing of speciations. Here we use new molecular studies to test their conclusions. Molecular distance values for 39 pairs of proven sister species, 27 of which are based on new data, alter the currently perceived pattern that avian species splits occurred mainly in the Pliocene and early-mid-Pleistocene. Mitochondrial DNA divergence values for this set of taxa showed a skewed distribution pointing toward relatively young speciation times, in contrast to the pattern presented by Klicka and Zink (1997) for 35 sister plus non-sister species pairs. Our pattern was not significantly different from that of Avise and Walker (1998) for "intraspecific phylogroups," some of which are species. We conclude that the entire Pleistocene, including the last two glacial cycles (<250,000 years ago), was important in speciations of modern North American birds. A substantial number of speciations were both initiated and completed in the last 250,000 years. Simultaneously, many taxa began to diverge in the Pleistocene but their speciations are not yet complete (per Avise and Walker 1998). The suggestion that durations of speciations average two million years is probably a substantial overestimate.  相似文献   

Aim We analyse modern patterns of richness, presence and extinction of birds of prey (Accipitriforms and Falconiforms) in the Mediterranean and Macaronesian islands, using an integrated approach involving both biogeographical and human‐induced factors. Location Forty‐three islands grouped into nine Mediterranean and Macaronesian archipelagos. Methods Information about 25 species breeding during the past century and their fate (permanence or extinction) was compiled from the literature and regional reports. Jaccard's similarity index and cluster analyses were applied to define island assemblages. In order to detect the factors driving richness, presence and extinction, generalized linear models (GLM) were applied to 32 explanatory variables, evaluating location, physiography, isolation of island, taxonomic affinities and life‐history patterns of the raptor species. Results Islands belonging to the same archipelago clustered when raptor assemblages were compared, revealing a marked biogeographical signal. Species richness was influenced by island area and accessibility from the continent (explained deviance of 51% in the GLM). Models of the probability of presence (explained deviance of 32%) revealed positive influences of migratory patterns (maximum for partial migrants), size of distribution areas and proximity to main migration routes. The model for probability of extinction explained only 8% of the deviance. It revealed that populations living on islands with a high density of human population were more prone to disappear. Also, raptors depending on human resources had more risk of extinction. Main conclusions Basic predictions of island biogeography can explain current patterns of raptor richness in the study area despite millennia of intense humanization processes. Colonization success appears to depend on life‐history traits linked to migratory and dispersal strategies, whereas body‐size constraints are not influential. Additionally, our results reveal the importance of species‐based analyses in studies of island biogeography.  相似文献   

Pinsapo fir (Abies pinsapo Boiss.) is an endangered Mediterranean conifer that has raised strong conservation interest as a paradigmatic example of species characterized by small and fragmented populations. We studied an old reforestation stand composed of A. pinsapo, Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris established in the 1910s in central-eastern Spain (about 500 km north of the species native distribution range), with the aim of evaluating the stand’s suitability as an ex situ conservation unit for the fir. To this end, we investigated the long-term performance of the stand and assessed genetic diversity of A. pinsapo. Tree-ring width (TRW) and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) were used to characterise growth dynamics and intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi), respectively. Furthermore, 42 pinsapo firs were genotyped at five microsatellite loci to compare their genetic variation with published data on natural populations. A. pinsapo showed ca. two-fold higher radial growth than pines in the last 80 years; however, a growth decrease was observed for all species from the 1990s onwards. Indexed TRW was positively associated with Δ13C at the species level, denoting inter-annual growth dependence on water availability. Overall, Δ13C was higher for A. pinsapo compared to pines, indicating lower WUEi, but Δ13C significantly decreased over the last 50 years for all species, likely as the result of tighter stomatal regulation of water loss, resulting in WUEi increases of about 25 %. Recently, however, A. pinsapo showed reduced WUEi increase in concord with growth slowdown, suggesting a threshold response for stomatal regulation. Although genetic diversity of A. pinsapo was about half of natural populations, the old-planted stand could be important for the conservation of this endemic species considering its good long-term growth and physiology. The latest decrease in performance of A. pinsapo, however, asks for urgent management measures aimed at reducing the competition for water and promoting growth and natural regeneration. This study illustrates the potential of combining tree-ring-based long-term physiological information with genetic data to ascertain the prospects of artificial stands for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

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