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A Flower and Pod Staging System for Soybean   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Flower and pod abscission limit soybean yield. A system forquantifying flower and pod development based on the morphologicalappearance of the flower prior to and following anthesis hasbeen developed to aid in studies of pod abscission. Changesin the appearance of the corolla, primarily the banner petal,are used to distinguish the different stages of the system.External pistil dimensions have been correlated with internalfeatures for each stage of development. From anthesis to podset, pistil length and weight increase almost two- and fivefold,respectively, and ovule development progresses from unfertilizedegg cells to embryos surrounded by cellular endosperm. Pod determinedare correlated with ovule length and width and embryo cell number.Flower and pod stages can be determined in situ, thus permittingnon-destructive observation and experimental manipulation offlowers or pods without necessarily impeding their development.Stages have been identified that indicate precisely when podset occurs and when young pods cease growing and ultimatelyabscise. This system of flower and pod staging is useful instudies designed to assess effects of abiotic or biotic stressand genetic factors on pod set and abortion. Abscission, anthesis, Glycine max (L.) Merr, embryo development, pod set  相似文献   

In this study, I analyzed time-course of embryo abortion, positional bias in seed maturation and maternal costs of seed packaging in Cercis canadensis. While basal embryos experience similar rates of abortion as those in other positions during the first week of development, abortion rates peak during the second week. Head start in resource sequestration by stigmatic embryos may explain high rates of basal embryo abortion. Similar seed packaging costs and seed mass for single and multi-seeded pods suggests that maternal parent regulates pod size in accordance with seed numbers per pod investing equally in the surviving offspring. Competition during early developmental period results in the abortion of less competitive embryos allowing for optimal resource investment.  相似文献   

Measurements were made using GC/MS SIM1 of the effects of temperatureon cis,trans-ABA levels in developing ovules and embryos oftwo pea genotypes contrasted in seed size. These effects werethen related to differences in the growth of the pods, seeds,embryos, and testae. In both genotypes high temperatures hastenedthe onset and rate of logarithmic and then linear growth, greatlyshortening the duration of pod and seed development but withoutgreatly altering seed size. Cis,trans-ABA was most concentratedxin the ovules immediately after fertilization. It also accumulatedin the embryo, more rapidly in the larger-seeded line, duringseed maturation. The stage when accumulation in the embryo beganwas the same irrespective of temperature. Accumulation ceasedwhen the pods started to desiccate. The effects of differentconstant temperatures on the maximum levels of embryo cis,trans-ABAwere relatively small and confounded in one genotype by variationin ovule abortion and in the other by differences in the stagewhen cis,trans-ABA accumulation ceased. However, when plantswere transferred from 13 °C to 29 °C at two differentstages during seed maturation, further seed growth was greatlyinhibited coincident with a substantial increase in embryo cis-trans-ABA.The results suggested a role for cis,trans-ABA in the controlof cotyledon enlargement during the linear phase of seed growth.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown a nonrandom pattern of ovule fate probabilities according to ovule position in legume pods. Here, we tested how ovule position within the pods of two Fabaceae affects its fate. We expected higher proportion of well‐formed seeds near the fruit tips and of unfertilized and aborted ovules near fruit bases. We collected pods of Poincianella pyramidalis and Anandenanthera colubrina in a seasonal dry forest in northeastern Brazil and recorded total pod length and ovule number, position, and fate (unfertilized, well formed, aborted, and predated). The proportion of well‐formed ovules at fruit tips was significantly higher than at fruit bases in P. pyramidalis. The opposite pattern was found for unfertilized and aborted ovules, thus corroborating our hypothesis. However, the probability of seed predation in A. colubrina was significantly higher in pod tips, thus providing moderate support for our hypotheses. Interspecific differences in the patterns of ovule fate are likely to be driven by species pollination systems.  相似文献   

Seed number per pod at maturity over the terminal raceme ofsingle plants of oilseed rape is closely correlated to the percentageof ovules with complete embryo sacs (ovule fertility) at floweropening. Approximately one-third of the ovules did not containan embryo sac and sterility, due to the absence of embryo sac,accounted for most of the difference between the numbers ofovules and seeds. Within the terminal raceme, both a decreasedproportion of fertile ovules and a lower number of ovules perovary in apical flowers contributed to the lower number of seedsper pod in the mature apical pods compared to the basal ones.A study of ovule development before flower opening showed thatdifferences in the differentiation of the embryo sacs arosebefore the buds were 40 mm long and probably involved the stagesof meiosis II and/or differentiation of the chalazal megaspore. Key words: Oilseed rape, ovule development, seed number per pod  相似文献   

A rapid regeneration protocol for proembryos of Phaseolus angustissimus as young as 1 day after pollination (DAP) involving pod culture for 1 week followed by embryo culture for 2 weeks and embryo germination for 1 or 2 weeks is provided. Optimization of the media was conducted with pods collected 3 DAP. The best pod culture medium was composed of basal medium [(Phillips and Collins 1979) salts with (Geerts et al. 2001) vitamins], 1000 mg l−1 glutamine, 1000 mg l−1 casein hydrolysate, 3% sucrose and 0.5% agar. Embryo culture medium consisted of basal medium with 500 mg l−1 glutamine, 250 mg l−1 casein hydrolysate, 1.9 μM ABA, 3% sucrose and 0.5% bacto-agar. Embryos developed into plantlets on germination medium containing basal medium with 0.25 μM BA, 3% sucrose and 0.7% bacto-agar. Fertile, normal plants were recovered from direct embryogenesis and from micrografted embryo-derived shoots. Embryos obtained from pods collected 3 DAP regenerated plantlets at a rate of 29.3%, while embryos from pods collected 2 DAP and 1 DAP regenerated at rates of 20.2 and 4%, respectively. A second accession of P. angustissimusregenerated at a rate of 26.2%. Using this 5-week protocol for P. vulgaris resulted in a plantlet regeneration rate of 12.5%.  相似文献   

Water, osmotic, and pressure potentials of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) embryos and related maternal tissues were measured during periods of seed growth and maturation to test the involvement of embryo water relations in seed maturation. Seeds were matured in situ or in an in vitro liquid culture medium in detached pods or as isolated seeds. Changes in water relations of embryo tissues were independent of maternal tissues. During seed maturation in situ, water and osmotic potentials in both embryo and maternal tissues declined sharply near the time of maximum dry weight. During in vitro seed culture with and without pods, water and osmotic potentials in axis and cotyledon tissues declined continuously during growth. Water and osmotic potentials of the seed coat, which was present only during in vitro seed culture with pods, changed little during the culture period. Positive turgor in the embryo was maintained beyond maximum dry weight and the loss of green color during in vitro culture but declined to zero at maturity in situ. The osmotic potential in embryo tissues declined from −1.1 megapascals at early pod fill to between −1.65 and −2.2 megapascals at maximum seed dry weight across all maturation environments. It is suggested that the decreasing osmotic potential in the growing soybean embryo reaches a threshold level that is associated with cessation of growth and onset of seed maturation.  相似文献   

Embryo rescue techniques in Arachis are potentially importantfor recovering interspecific hybrids which have the propensityto abort. Pegs are commonly produced in interspecific crosses,but either they fail to reach the soil because growth is arrested,or pods are produced but embryo development is never re-initiated.Peg tips, with the ovule and embryo, of A. hypogaea L. cv. ‘NC6’, were used to determine whether peg tips can be usedas nurse tissue for in vitro culture of embryos. Tissues werecollected 1, 2, 3 and 4 d after self-pollination, after whichpeg meristems were removed from half the pegs, and culturedon five media combinations. Continued reproductive developmentwas observed for embryos cultured at all four collection days;however, the highest frequency of growth was observed in 1-d-oldtissues. Evidence is presented that meristematic activity mayrestrict embryo growth in the 2- to 4-d-old embryos and, oncethe sequence of events is initiated to slow embryo growth, itis not easily reversed in vitro. Achievements of embryo growthto multicellular, globular stages (stages 1–1 or 1–2)encourage the development of methods to recover very young embryosthrough tissue-culture techniques. Embryo culture, morphology, interspecific hybridization, Arachis hypogaea, comparative light and scanning electron microscopy, peanuts, groundnuts  相似文献   

A study of ovule and megagametophyte development in field- and greenhouse-grown plants of Glycine max (L.) Merrill and Phaseolus aureus Roxb. reveals several consistent features for both species. These features include: a multiple archesporium, enlargement of a primary sporogenous cell directly into a megasporocyte, production of unequal dyad cells, a functional chalazal megaspore, Polygonum-type development, and a hypostase. A filiform apparatus was not observed in either species. Several marked differences in development also occur. Phaseolus usually produces one sporogenous cell per ovule; Glycine produces 2–3 sporogenous cells per ovule. Meiosis II is synchronous in Phaseolus but nonsynchronous in Glycine. Linear tetrads are produced in Phaseolus, whereas linear and T-shaped tetrads are found in Glycine. Starch grains accumulate in the mature megagametophyte of Glycine but are absent at that stage in Phaseolus. The usefulness of the modified clearing fluid, benzyl benzoate-4½, for the study of ovule and megagametophyte development in Glycine max and Phaseolus aureus is here demonstrated. In addition, the study indicates for both species that megagametophyte development in plants grown under field conditions is markedly similar to development in plants grown in the more uniform conditions of the greenhouse. Accordingly, these findings suggest generally that embryological data collected from plants grown under greenhouse conditions will reflect those from plants found in nature.  相似文献   

Patterns of seed and fruit production ofBauhinia ungulata, a small tree legume indigenous in tropical America, were studied in Costa Rica. Only about 8% of flowers produced fruits. The average pod had 19 ovules and about two thirds of these began seed development, with mature pods containing an average of 9.7 mature undamaged seeds. About half of the mature pods were damaged by herbivores and within these, 27% of ovules or seeds had been eaten. Among trees there was no significant variation in pod production, but the number of ovules per pod and seed production per pod varied significantly. Within infructescences most pods were retained at middle positions. Within pods, the probability of an ovule developing into a seed increased toward the distal end. The pattern of seed and fruit production in this species agrees well in general with that reported for other neotropical legumes. The abortion of seeds and fruits can be regarded as a way of controlling maternal investment, and as a response to herbivory.  相似文献   

We have systematically investigated the nutritional requirements for in vitro culture of zygotic proembryos of Brassica juncea. Normal embryo development in vitro was achieved in a new embryo culture medium (ECM) which contains mineral salts, sugars, amino acids, organic acids and coconut water. The culture system is comprised of two agar layers, with the top layer containing a higher osmolality than the bottom layer. Proembryos were embedded in the top layer in which the osmotic pressure decreased gradually during culture because of the diffusion of osmotically active compounds into the bottom layer. Using such a double-layer culture system and the ECM, proembryos as small as 35 μm (8–36 cells) could be cultured and developed into normal, mature embryos with an efficiency of at least 75%. In contrast to previous findings, we found that the removal of the suspensor had only a small effect on the development of embryos 55 μm or smaller, but no effect on larger proembryos. We expect this system to be very useful for investigations of the mechanism of plant embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Seminole pods removed from the plant continued their development when incubated in suitable conditions. Seeds continued to grow and develop and pods and seeds passed through an apparently normal developmental sequence to dryness. Seed growth was at the expense of pod dry weight (DW) reserves. Losses of pod DW paralleled DW gains by seeds in detached pods and in pod cylinders containing a seed. The transfer activity was apparent only within the period 10 to 30 days after anthesis (DAA) with maximal activity between 15 to 20 DAA. This period corresponds to maximum pod growth and the attainment of maximal DW. Seeds are in only the early phase of seed growth at this time. No DW transfer was observed at developmental stages beyond 30 to 35 DAA when normal senescence DW losses in pods became evident and seeds were in the later phase of seed fill. Pods or pod cylinders remained green and succulent over the transfer period, later passing through yellowing and drying phases characteristic of normal development. DW transfer was dependent on funicle integrity and was readily detectable in pod cylinders after 7 days incubation. The DW transfer activity may contribute to continuing nutrition of seeds under conditions where the normal assimilate supply to seeds becomes limiting. Defoliation and water stress treatments applied to Phaseolus plants reduced seed yields but allowed persistence of seed maturation processes such that all seeds developing to dryness were capable of germination.  相似文献   

Using a combination of observations of fate of ovules in matured fruits and of fluorescence techniques to study pollen tube growth and fertilization of ovules, we examined patterns of seed formation within pods in natural populations of two species of Lathyrus, L. sylvestris and L. latifolius. We also examined variation in these patterns within and among populations and between two consecutive years. In both species, only a portion of the ovules were fertilized. Fertilization occurs over a period of several days and ovules at the stigmatic end of the fruit are the first to be fertilized. Fertilized ovules farthest from the stigma are closest to the maternal nutrition. The pattern of embryo abortion is interpreted as a balance between the early start and genetic quality of embryos near the stigma, on the one hand, and the nutritional advantage of proximity to maternal nutrients, on the other. Differences between the two species in patterns of seed maturation are postulated to be related to differences in breeding system. In L. sylvestris, a higher frequency of selling leads to less genetic diversity of pollen deposited on the stigma, lower competition among potential sires, and a more nearly random pattern of ovule fertilization and maturation within the pod.  相似文献   

Summary Nearly 30 years ago the conditions for culturing immature cotton ovules were established to serve as a working research tool for investigating the physiology and biochemistry of fiber development. Not only has this tissue culture method been employed to characterize the biochemistry of plant cell expansion and secondary cell wall synthesis, but ovule cultures have contributed to numerous other aspects of plant cell physiology and development as well. In addition to basic studies on fiber development, cotton ovule cultures have been used to examine plant-fungal interactions, to model low temperature stress responses, to elucidate the pathways responsible for pigment formation in naturally pigmented fiber and to probe how cytoskeletal elements regulate cell wall organization. Success in rescuing Gossypium interspecific hybrids was dependent on ovule culture media formulations that could support early embryo development in ovulo. As tissues produced in culture are analyzed by increasingly more sophisticated techniques, there appear to be some differences between ovule growth in planta and ovule growth in vitro. Discerning how ovule culture fiber development is different from fiber development in field-grown plants can contribute valuable information for crop improvement. Cotton ovule cultures are an especially attractive model system for studying the effects of gravity on cell elongation, cellulose biosynthesis and embryo development and are excellent targets for examining transient expression of introduced gene constructs. With only minor modification, the procedure originally described by C. A. Beasley and I. P. Ting for growing cotton ovules in vitro will continue to be useful research tool for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Summary Dalbergia sissoo, a wind-dispersed tropical tree, shows a positively skewed distribution of seeds per pod. This is attributed to the enhanced dispersal advantage of few-seeded pods due to their reduced wing loading (ratio of weight to pod surface area) and low settling velocity. The proximate mechanisms causing the positively skewed distribution were investigated. The distribution could not be attributed to the distribution pattern of ovule number per ovary, pollen grain limitation, lack of ovule fertilization, or post-fertilization elimination of many-seeded pods. Rather, it was caused by the post-fertilization abortion of seeds within a pod 2 weeks after fertilization. This intra-pod seed abortion (IPSA) is due to a dominance hierarchy of fertilized ovules from the distal (near stigma) to the basal end, generated by the temporal differences in fertilization. The dominant developing seeds at the distal end cause the abortion of others through the production and diffusion of an aborting agent. When the dominance hierarchy of the siblings is not intense, pods are formed with more than one seed. We argue that the positively skewed distribution of seeds per pod is not due to maternal regulation but is a result of sibling rivalry. We propose that this sibling rivalry is generated by genetic differences in pollen grain fitness and disucss the results in the context of parent-offspring conflict.  相似文献   

The ability of Cucumis melo embryos of different ages to form plants in vitro was studied in order to rescue hybrid embryos between C. melo and Cucumis metuliferus. Plants were grown in a glasshouse at temperatures ranging from 15°CN-28°CD. Best results were obtained with ovule embryos excised 17 days after pollination. At this age, kinetin of 0.5 mg l–1 was found optimal for culturing embryo development. Similar results were obtained with ovule embryos excised 14 days after pollination which cultured on 0.5 mg l–1 kinetin with 0.5 mg l–1 GA3.  相似文献   

Developing seeds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) acquire the ability to germinate during the latter stages of development, the maturation drying phase. Isolated embryos placed on Murashige and Skoog medium germinate well during early and late development, but poorly during mid-development; however, when placed on water they germinate well only during the latter stage of development. Germination of isolated embryos is very slow and poor when they are incubated in the presence of surrounding seed structures (the endosperm or seed coat) taken from the mid-development stages. This inhibitory effect is also achieved by incubating embryos in 10?5 M abscisic acid (ABA). Endogenous ABA attains a high level during mid-development, especially in the endosperm. Seeds developing in pods treated with fluridone (1-methyl-3-phenyl-5[3-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]-4(1H)-pyridinone) contain low levels of ABA during mid-development, and the endosperm and seed coat only weakly inhibit the germination of isolated embryos. However, intact seeds from fluridone-treated pods do not germinate viviparously, which is indicative that ABA alone is not responsible for maintaining seeds in a developing state. Application of osmoticum (e.g. 0.35 M sucrose) to isolated developing embryos prevents their germination. Also, in the developing seed in situ the osmotic potential is high. Thus internal levels of osmoticum may play a role in preventing germination of the embryo and maintaining development. Abscisic acid and osmoticum impart distinctly different metabolic responses on developing embryos, as demonstrated by their protein-synthetic capacity. Only in the presence of osmoticum do embryos synthesize proteins which are distinctly recognizable as those synthesized by developing embryos in situ, i.e. when inside the pod. Abscisic acid induces the synthesis of a few unique proteins, but these arise even in mature embryos treated with ABA. Thus while both osmoticum and ABA prevent precocious germination, their effects on the synthetic capacity of the developing embryo are quite distinct. Since seeds with low endogenous ABA do not germinate, osmotic regulation may be the more important of these two factors in controlling seed development.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of PPMTM on somatic embryogenesis in melon, adventitious shoot organogenesis in petunia, and androgenesis in tobacco was studied by culturing explants in regeneration media supplemented with 0, 2, 5 or 10 ml l−1 PPM for 8–12 wk. The percentage of melon cotyledon explants that produced callus and somatic embryos and the number of embryos per explant were reduced when incubated in embryo initiation and embryo development media containing more than 5 ml l−1 PPM. Less PPM was required to inhibit petunia shoot organogenesis. The number of shoots and number of buds per Petri dish were reduced 3–6.9-fold when leaf explants were incubated in shoot regeneration medium containing more than 2 ml l−1 PPM. In contrast, the addition of up to 10 ml l−1 PPM to tobacco anther culture medium had no effect on androgenesis. Our results suggest that the influence of PPM on plant regeneration depends on the plant species. We recommend that experimenters examine a range of PPM concentrations when using it for the first time on an untested plant species.  相似文献   

During monocot embryo development, the zygote goes through a proembryo stage characterized by a radial symmetry and later becomes a true embryo with a bilateral symmetry. In order to determine culture conditions for immature embryonic stages, proembryos and embryos were isolated from controlled pollinated maize plants and developed in vitro. Precise culture conditions were determined for each type of explant: a monolayer system for embryos using NBM medium enriched with maltose (0.25 M) but without hormones, and a bilayer system for proembryo stages using N6 medium supplemented with maltose (0.35 M) and zeatin (3 mM). Morphological, cytological, and in situ hybridization analysis have shown that the resulting embryos (stages 1-2), developed in vitro, were similar to those formed in vivo and subsequently gave rise to fertile plants. This work demonstrates that successful embryo differentiation is dependent on specific parameters including the genotype, the nature of the carbon source, the type and concentration of hormones used and orientation of the embryos on the medium. The potential use of these results for embryo rescue and mutant analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Only one ovule matures into a seed inMelilotus officinalis. Although eight ovules form within an ovary, only the basal ovule develops into a mature seed, whereas the other ovules degenerate. The investigation of ovule and seed structure at different developmental stages and a comparison of quantitative characters of differently fated ovules within an ovary were undertaken by light, phase contrast, and fluorescence microscopy. In this species, campylotropous ovules develop simultaneously on marginal placentae in an apocarpous unilocular gynoecium. Megasporo- and megagametogenesis proceed normally and are completed in bud. The maturation of the Polygonum type embryo sac takes place after the flower opens. Shortly before fertilization, synergids show signs of degeneration in all ovules. At this stage, neither the structure nor the sizes of ovules within one ovary differ significantly. In spite of this, only the basal ovule develops into a seed. Rarely, one of the upper-situated ovules or the basal and another ovule mature into seeds. Seed enlargement is insignificant until the stage when globular embryo and nuclear endosperm are formed. At the seed-filling stage, other ovules have collapsed and the seed gradually comes to occupy the total volume of the pod. The fruit-to-seed length ratio decreases considerably during seed ripening. At fertilization, ovary length is four times greater than ovule length. In the mature state, the fruit and seed lengths are approximately equal. Seed size and weight diminish with an increase in seed number within a pod, although pod size remains constant. It is assumed that nonrandom abortion of young seeds inM. officinalis is under maternal control and is not related to structural abnormalities in ovule development or with limitation in pollen. We suppose that evolution of this species may have proceeded in the direction of a decrease in seed number and an increase in its sizes, which may play an important role in seed dispersal and seedling establishment.  相似文献   

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