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We address phylogenetic reconstruction when the data is generated from a mixture distribution. Such topics have gained considerable attention in the biological community with the clear evidence of heterogeneity of mutation rates. In our work we consider data coming from a mixture of trees which share a common topology, but differ in their edge weights (i.e., branch lengths). We first show the pitfalls of popular methods, including maximum likelihood and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. We then determine in which evolutionary models, reconstructing the tree topology, under a mixture distribution, is (im)possible. We prove that every model whose transition matrices can be parameterized by an open set of multilinear polynomials, either has non-identifiable mixture distributions, in which case reconstruction is impossible in general, or there exist linear tests which identify the topology. This duality theorem, relies on our notion of linear tests and uses ideas from convex programming duality. Linear tests are closely related to linear invariants, which were first introduced by Lake, and are natural from an algebraic geometry perspective.  相似文献   

For a model of molecular evolution to be useful for phylogenetic inference, the topology of evolutionary trees must be identifiable. That is, from a joint distribution the model predicts, it must be possible to recover the tree parameter. We establish tree identifiability for a number of phylogenetic models, including a covarion model and a variety of mixture models with a limited number of classes. The proof is based on the introduction of a more general model, allowing more states at internal nodes of the tree than at leaves, and the study of the algebraic variety formed by the joint distributions to which it gives rise. Tree identifiability is first established for this general model through the use of certain phylogenetic invariants.  相似文献   

The rates-across-sites assumption in phylogenetic inference posits that the rate matrix governing the Markovian evolution of a character on an edge of the putative phylogenetic tree is the product of a character-specific scale factor and a rate matrix that is particular to that edge. Thus, evolution follows basically the same process for all characters, except that it occurs faster for some characters than others. To allow estimation of tree topologies and edge lengths for such models, it is commonly assumed that the scale factors are not arbitrary unknown constants, but rather unobserved, independent, identically distributed draws from a member of some parametric family of distributions. A popular choice is the gamma family. We consider an example of a clock-like tree with three taxa, one unknown edge length, a known root state, and a parametric family of scale factor distributions that contains the gamma family. This model has the property that, for a generic choice of unknown edge length and scale factor distribution, there is another edge length and scale factor distribution which generates data with exactly the same distribution, so that even with infinitely many data it will be typically impossible to make correct inferences about the unknown edge length.  相似文献   

In phylogenetic inference, an evolutionary model describes the substitution processes along each edge of a phylogenetic tree. Misspecification of the model has important implications for the analysis of phylogenetic data. Conventionally, however, the selection of a suitable evolutionary model is based on heuristics or relies on the choice of an approximate input tree. We introduce a method for model Selection in Phylogenetics based on linear INvariants (SPIn), which uses recent insights on linear invariants to characterize a model of nucleotide evolution for phylogenetic mixtures on any number of components. Linear invariants are constraints among the joint probabilities of the bases in the operational taxonomic units that hold irrespective of the tree topologies appearing in the mixtures. SPIn therefore requires no input tree and is designed to deal with nonhomogeneous phylogenetic data consisting of multiple sequence alignments showing different patterns of evolution, for example, concatenated genes, exons, and/or introns. Here, we report on the results of the proposed method evaluated on multiple sequence alignments simulated under a variety of single-tree and mixture settings for both continuous- and discrete-time models. In the simulations, SPIn successfully recovers the underlying evolutionary model and is shown to perform better than existing approaches.  相似文献   

Yu Y  Degnan JH  Nakhleh L 《PLoS genetics》2012,8(4):e1002660
Gene tree topologies have proven a powerful data source for various tasks, including species tree inference and species delimitation. Consequently, methods for computing probabilities of gene trees within species trees have been developed and widely used in probabilistic inference frameworks. All these methods assume an underlying multispecies coalescent model. However, when reticulate evolutionary events such as hybridization occur, these methods are inadequate, as they do not account for such events. Methods that account for both hybridization and deep coalescence in computing the probability of a gene tree topology currently exist for very limited cases. However, no such methods exist for general cases, owing primarily to the fact that it is currently unknown how to compute the probability of a gene tree topology within the branches of a phylogenetic network. Here we present a novel method for computing the probability of gene tree topologies on phylogenetic networks and demonstrate its application to the inference of hybridization in the presence of incomplete lineage sorting. We reanalyze a Saccharomyces species data set for which multiple analyses had converged on a species tree candidate. Using our method, though, we show that an evolutionary hypothesis involving hybridization in this group has better support than one of strict divergence. A similar reanalysis on a group of three Drosophila species shows that the data is consistent with hybridization. Further, using extensive simulation studies, we demonstrate the power of gene tree topologies at obtaining accurate estimates of branch lengths and hybridization probabilities of a given phylogenetic network. Finally, we discuss identifiability issues with detecting hybridization, particularly in cases that involve extinction or incomplete sampling of taxa.  相似文献   

Using a four-taxon example under a simple model of evolution, we show that the methods of maximum likelihood and maximum posterior probability (which is a Bayesian method of inference) may not arrive at the same optimal tree topology. Some patterns that are separately uninformative under the maximum likelihood method are separately informative under the Bayesian method. We also show that this difference has impact on the bootstrap frequencies and the posterior probabilities of topologies, which therefore are not necessarily approximately equal. Efron et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:13429-13434, 1996) stated that bootstrap frequencies can, under certain circumstances, be interpreted as posterior probabilities. This is true only if one includes a non-informative prior distribution of the possible data patterns, and most often the prior distributions are instead specified in terms of topology and branch lengths. [Bayesian inference; maximum likelihood method; Phylogeny; support.].  相似文献   

Although Bayesian methods are widely used in phylogenetic systematics today, the foundations of this methodology are still debated among both biologists and philosophers. The Bayesian approach to phylogenetic inference requires the assignment of prior probabilities to phylogenetic trees. As in other applications of Bayesian epistemology, the question of whether there is an objective way to assign these prior probabilities is a contested issue. This paper discusses the strategy of constraining the prior probabilities of phylogenetic trees by means of the Principal Principle. In particular, I discuss a proposal due to Velasco (Biol Philos 23:455–473, 2008) of assigning prior probabilities to tree topologies based on the Yule process. By invoking the Principal Principle I argue that prior probabilities of tree topologies should rather be assigned a weighted mixture of probability distributions based on Pinelis’ (P Roy Soc Lond B Bio 270:1425–1431, 2003) multi-rate branching process including both the Yule distribution and the uniform distribution. However, I argue that this solves the problem of the priors of phylogenetic trees only in a weak form.  相似文献   

Most phylogenetic tree estimation methods assume that there is a single set of hierarchical relationships among sequences in a data set for all sites along an alignment. Mosaic sequences produced by past recombination events will violate this assumption and may lead to misleading results from a phylogenetic analysis due to the imposition of a single tree along the entire alignment. Therefore, the detection of past recombination is an important first step in an analysis. A Bayesian model for the changes in topology caused by recombination events is described here. This model relaxes the assumption of one topology for all sites in an alignment and uses the theory of Hidden Markov models to facilitate calculations, the hidden states being the underlying topologies at each site in the data set. Changes in topology along the multiple sequence alignment are estimated by means of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate. The performance of the MAP estimate is assessed by application of the model to data sets of four sequences, both simulated and real.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that the rates of molecular evolution vary amongst sites in proteins. The usual model for rate heterogeneity assumes independent rate variation according to a rate distribution. In such models the rate at a site, although random, is assumed fixed throughout the evolutionary tree. Recent work by several groups has suggested that rates at sites often vary across subtrees of the larger tree as well as across sites. This phenomenon is not captured by most phylogenetic models but instead is more similar to the covarion model of Fitch and coworkers. In this article we present methods that can be useful in detecting whether different rates occur in two different subtrees of the larger tree and where these differences occur. Parametric bootstrapping and orthogonal regression methodologies are used to test for rate differences and to make statements about the general differences in the rates at sites. Confidence intervals based on the conditional distributions of rates at sites are then used to detect where the rate differences occur. Such methods will be helpful in studying the phylogenetic, structural, and functional bases of changes in evolutionary rates at sites, a phenomenon that has important consequences for deep phylogenetic inference.  相似文献   

Gene trees are evolutionary trees representing the ancestry of genes sampled from multiple populations. Species trees represent populations of individuals—each with many genes—splitting into new populations or species. The coalescent process, which models ancestry of gene copies within populations, is often used to model the probability distribution of gene trees given a fixed species tree. This multispecies coalescent model provides a framework for phylogeneticists to infer species trees from gene trees using maximum likelihood or Bayesian approaches. Because the coalescent models a branching process over time, all trees are typically assumed to be rooted in this setting. Often, however, gene trees inferred by traditional phylogenetic methods are unrooted. We investigate probabilities of unrooted gene trees under the multispecies coalescent model. We show that when there are four species with one gene sampled per species, the distribution of unrooted gene tree topologies identifies the unrooted species tree topology and some, but not all, information in the species tree edges (branch lengths). The location of the root on the species tree is not identifiable in this situation. However, for 5 or more species with one gene sampled per species, we show that the distribution of unrooted gene tree topologies identifies the rooted species tree topology and all its internal branch lengths. The length of any pendant branch leading to a leaf of the species tree is also identifiable for any species from which more than one gene is sampled.  相似文献   

The rate at which a given site in a gene sequence alignment evolves over time may vary. This phenomenon--known as heterotachy--can bias or distort phylogenetic trees inferred from models of sequence evolution that assume rates of evolution are constant. Here, we describe a phylogenetic mixture model designed to accommodate heterotachy. The method sums the likelihood of the data at each site over more than one set of branch lengths on the same tree topology. A branch-length set that is best for one site may differ from the branch-length set that is best for some other site, thereby allowing different sites to have different rates of change throughout the tree. Because rate variation may not be present in all branches, we use a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to identify those branches in which reliable amounts of heterotachy occur. We implement the method in combination with our 'pattern-heterogeneity' mixture model, applying it to simulated data and five published datasets. We find that complex evolutionary signals of heterotachy are routinely present over and above variation in the rate or pattern of evolution across sites, that the reversible-jump method requires far fewer parameters than conventional mixture models to describe it, and serves to identify the regions of the tree in which heterotachy is most pronounced. The reversible-jump procedure also removes the need for a posteriori tests of 'significance' such as the Akaike or Bayesian information criterion tests, or Bayes factors. Heterotachy has important consequences for the correct reconstruction of phylogenies as well as for tests of hypotheses that rely on accurate branch-length information. These include molecular clocks, analyses of tempo and mode of evolution, comparative studies and ancestral state reconstruction. The model is available from the authors' website, and can be used for the analysis of both nucleotide and morphological data.  相似文献   


Gobioidei is a suborder of perciform fishes with about 2000 species distributed worldwide. Despite the evolutionary and ecological importance of gobioids, their phylogenetic inter- and intrarelationships are still poorly understood. Only a few studies (either morphological or molecular) have tackled the phylogeny of Gobioidei as a whole. Of these, only six studies thus far have addressed gobioid intrarelationships based on molecular data (each using different taxon sampling, genes, outgroups and method of phylogenetic inference), yielding contrasting results regarding the phylogenetic relationships among major lineages. In this study, we have reanalysed data from four of these molecular phylogenetic studies of Gobioidei under standardization criteria (same outgroup and methods of phylogenetic inference) in order to assess the robustness of their results, as well as to identify which parts of the gobioid tree are least resolved. Results from all datasets reanalysed in this study are generally similar to those of the respective original studies, and suggest broad patterns of phylogenetic relationships among gobioid lineages. However, there are numerous topological discrepancies among the four studies, support is low for many phylogenetic relationships and topology tests are unable to reject the vast majority of alternative topologies tested. The concatenation of datasets yields a relatively robust phylogeny of major lineages of Gobioidei, but there are some issues of overlap and missing data, which are ameliorated with the inclusion of additional homologous sequences from GenBank that increase dataset completeness. Because both monophyly of major gobioid groups and phylogenetic relationships among them cannot be fully resolved, it is clear that further phylogenetic research is needed, and this should be accompanied by a major taxonomic revision of the Gobioidei. Nevertheless, even with the relatively unstable nature of the available molecular phylogenies, there are some monophyletic units that can be identified, and a basic structure of the gobioid tree appears evident.  相似文献   

Currently available methods for model selection used in phylogenetic analysis are based on an initial fixed-tree topology. Once a model is picked based on this topology, a rigorous search of the tree space is run under that model to find the maximum-likelihood estimate of the tree (topology and branch lengths) and the maximum-likelihood estimates of the model parameters. In this paper, we propose two extensions to the decision-theoretic (DT) approach that relax the fixed-topology restriction. We also relax the fixed-topology restriction for the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) methods. We compare the performance of the different methods (the relaxed, restricted, and the likelihood-ratio test [LRT]) using simulated data. This comparison is done by evaluating the relative complexity of the models resulting from each method and by comparing the performance of the chosen models in estimating the true tree. We also compare the methods relative to one another by measuring the closeness of the estimated trees corresponding to the different chosen models under these methods. We show that varying the topology does not have a major impact on model choice. We also show that the outcome of the two proposed extensions is identical and is comparable to that of the BIC, Extended-BIC, and DT. Hence, using the simpler methods in choosing a model for analyzing the data is more computationally feasible, with results comparable to the more computationally intensive methods. Another outcome of this study is that earlier conclusions about the DT approach are reinforced. That is, LRT, Extended-AIC, and AIC result in more complicated models that do not contribute to the performance of the phylogenetic inference, yet cause a significant increase in the time required for data analysis.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of phylogenetic mixture models in reducing a well-known and pervasive artifact of phylogenetic inference known as the node-density effect, comparing them to partitioned analyses of the same data. The node-density effect refers to the tendency for the amount of evolutionary change in longer branches of phylogenies to be underestimated compared to that in regions of the tree where there are more nodes and thus branches are typically shorter. Mixture models allow more than one model of sequence evolution to describe the sites in an alignment without prior knowledge of the evolutionary processes that characterize the data or how they correspond to different sites. If multiple evolutionary patterns are common in sequence evolution, mixture models may be capable of reducing node-density effects by characterizing the evolutionary processes more accurately. In gene-sequence alignments simulated to have heterogeneous patterns of evolution, we find that mixture models can reduce node-density effects to negligible levels or remove them altogether, performing as well as partitioned analyses based on the known simulated patterns. The mixture models achieve this without knowledge of the patterns that generated the data and even in some cases without specifying the full or true model of sequence evolution known to underlie the data. The latter result is especially important in real applications, as the true model of evolution is seldom known. We find the same patterns of results for two real data sets with evidence of complex patterns of sequence evolution: mixture models substantially reduced node-density effects and returned better likelihoods compared to partitioning models specifically fitted to these data. We suggest that the presence of more than one pattern of evolution in the data is a common source of error in phylogenetic inference and that mixture models can often detect these patterns even without prior knowledge of their presence in the data. Routine use of mixture models alongside other approaches to phylogenetic inference may often reveal hidden or unexpected patterns of sequence evolution and can improve phylogenetic inference.  相似文献   

In recent years, the emphasis of theoretical work on phylogenetic inference has shifted from the development of new tree inference methods to the development of methods to measure the statistical support for the topologies. This paper reviews 3 approaches to assign support values to branches in trees obtained in the analysis of molecular sequences: the bootstrap, the Bayesian posterior probabilities for clades, and the interior branch tests. In some circumstances, these methods give different answers. It should not be surprising: their assumptions are different. Thus the interior branch tests assume that a given topology is true and only consider if a particular branch length is longer than zero. If a tree is incorrect, a wrong branch (a low bootstrap or Bayesian support may be an indication) may have a non-zero length. If the substitution model is oversimplified, the length of a branch may be overestimated, and the Bayesian support for the branch may be inflated. The bootstrap, on the other hand, approximates the variance of the data under the real model of sequence evolution, because it involves direct resampling from this data. Thus the discrepancy between the Bayesian support and the bootstrap support may signal model inaccuracy. In practical application, use of all 3 methods is recommended, and if discrepancies are observed, then a careful analysis of their potential origins should be made.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of likelihood surface characteristics on phylogenetic inference. Amino acid data sets simulated from topologies with branch length features chosen to represent varying degrees of difficulty for likelihood maximization are analyzed. We present situations where the tree found to achieve the global maximum in likelihood is often not equal to the true tree. We use the program covSEARCH to demonstrate how the use of adaptively sized pools of candidate trees that are updated using confidence tests results in solution sets that are highly likely to contain the true tree. This approach requires more computation than traditional maximum likelihood methods, hence covSEARCH is best suited to small to medium-sized alignments or large alignments with some constrained nodes. The majority rule consensus tree computed from the confidence sets also proves to be different from the generating topology. Although low phylogenetic signal in the input alignment can result in large confidence sets of trees, some biological information can still be obtained based on nodes that exhibit high support within the confidence set. Two real data examples are analyzed: mammal mitochondrial proteins and a small tubulin alignment. We conclude that the technique of confidence set optimization can significantly improve the robustness of phylogenetic inference at a reasonable computational cost. Additionally, when either very short internal branches or very long terminal branches are present, confident resolution of specific bipartitions or subtrees, rather than whole-tree phylogenies, may be the most realistic goal for phylogenetic methods. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Nicolas Galtier]  相似文献   

Despite the advances in understanding molecular evolution, current phylogenetic methods barely take account of a fraction of the complexity of evolution. We are chiefly constrained by our incomplete knowledge of molecular evolutionary processes and the limits of computational power. These limitations lead to the establishment of either biologically simplistic models that rarely account for a fraction of the complexity involved or overfitting models that add little resolution to the problem. Such oversimplified models may lead us to assign high confidence to an incorrect tree (inconsistency). Rate-across-site (RAS) models are commonly used evolutionary models in phylogenetic studies. These account for heterogeneity in the evolutionary rates among sites but do not account for changing within-site rates across lineages (heterotachy). If heterotachy is common, using RAS models may lead to systematic errors in tree inference. In this work we show possible misleading effects in tree inference when the assumption of constant within-site rates across lineages is violated using maximum likelihood. Using a simulation study, we explore the ways in which gamma stationary models can lead to wrong topology or to deceptive bootstrap support values when the within-site rates change across lineages. More precisely, we show that different degrees of heterotachy mislead phylogenetic inference when the model assumed is stationary. Finally, we propose a geometry-based approach to visualize and to test for the possible existence of bias due to heterotachy.  相似文献   

We used Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of 5 kb of chloroplast DNA data from 68 Sapotaceae species to clarify phylogenetic relationships within Sapotoideae, one of the two major clades within Sapotaceae. Variation in substitution rates through time was shown to be a very important aspect of molecular evolution for this data set. Relative rates tests indicated that changes in overall rate have taken place in several lineages during the history of the group and Bayes factors strongly supported a covarion model, which allows the rate of a site to vary over time, over commonly used models that only allow rates to vary across sites. Rate variation over time was actually found to be a more important model component than rate variation across sites. The covarion model was originally developed for coding gene sequences and has so far only been tested for this type of data. The fact that it performed so well with the present data set, consisting mainly of data from noncoding spacer regions, suggests that it deserves a wider consideration in model based phylogenetic inference. Repeatability of phylogenetic results was very difficult to obtain with the more parameter rich models, and analyses with identical settings often supported different topologies. Overparameterization may be the reason why the MCMC did not sample from the posterior distribution in these cases. The problem could, however, be overcome by using less parameter rich evolutionary models, and adjusting the MCMC settings. The phylogenetic results showed that two taxa, previously thought to belong in Sapotoideae, are not part of this group. Eberhardtia aurata is the sister of the two major Sapotaceae clades, Chrysophylloideae and Sapotoideae, and Neohemsleya usambarensis belongs in Chrysophylloideae. Within Sapotoideae two clades, Sideroxyleae and Sapoteae, were strongly supported. Bayesian analysis of the character history of some floral morphological traits showed that the ancestral type of flower in Sapotoideae may have been characterized by floral parts (sepals, petals, stamens, and staminodes) in single whorls of five, entire corolla lobes, and seeds with an adaxial hilum.  相似文献   

Among the criteria to evaluate the performance of a phylogenetic method, robustness to model violation is of particular practical importance as complete a priori knowledge of evolutionary processes is typically unavailable. For studies of robustness in phylogenetic inference, a utility to add well-defined model violations to the simulated data would be helpful. We therefore introduce ImOSM, a tool to imbed intermittent evolution as model violation into an alignment. Intermittent evolution refers to extra substitutions occurring randomly on branches of a tree, thus changing alignment site patterns. This means that the extra substitutions are placed on the tree after the typical process of sequence evolution is completed. We then study the robustness of widely used phylogenetic methods: maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and a distance-based method (BIONJ) to various scenarios of model violation. Violation of rates across sites (RaS) heterogeneity and simultaneous violation of RaS and the transition/transversion ratio on two nonadjacent external branches hinder all the methods recovery of the true topology for a four-taxon tree. For an eight-taxon balanced tree, the violations cause each of the three methods to infer a different topology. Both ML and MP fail, whereas BIONJ, which calculates the distances based on the ML estimated parameters, reconstructs the true tree. Finally, we report that a test of model homogeneity and goodness of fit tests have enough power to detect such model violations. The outcome of the tests can help to actually gain confidence in the inferred trees. Therefore, we recommend using these tests in practical phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

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