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番红花(CrocusSativus)为鸢尾科多年生草本植物。自古以来它为妇科、伤科的良药。主要研究了番红花组织内氨基酸成分及必需氨基酸,其蛋白质高达20%以上,而必需氨基酸占总氨基酸含量的50%以上,这对医学、营养科学有很高的研究价值。  相似文献   

From the rhizome of Panax japonicus C. A. Meyer var. angustifolius (Burk.) Cheng et Chu collected in Yunnan, 10 triterpenoid saponins were isolated with SiO2 chromatograph and reversed phase chromatograph. The saponins were identified as ginsenoside Ro (1), Rd (7), Rg1 (8), Rhl (9), notoginsenoside R1 (6), chikusetsusaponin Ⅳ(4), Ⅳa(2), zingibroside R1(3), oleanolic acid 28-β-D-glucoside (10) and oleanolic acid 3-β-D-glucuronoside (5) respectively, by means of 13C-NMR, MS of acetate, and chemical methods, as well as compared with authentic samples. Among the rest, (5), a prosaponin of ginsenoside Ro (1) was firstly isolation from species of genus Panax. The fact that saponin constituents of rhizome of var. angustifolius was similar to P. japonicus and var. major, further supported the view that three taxes belonged to a variational limit of one species.  相似文献   

PARRY  D. W.; KELSO  M. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(5):995-1001
The occurrence of silica in relation to meristematic zones andthe thickening of the endodermis in the roots of Molinia caerulea(L.) Moench. and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. has been investigatedby means of the electron-probe microanalyser and the scanningelectron microscope. In proximal regions of mature roots ofM. caerulea, the central strengthening tissue of the stele,the vessel walls, the endodermis and the sub-epidermal sclerenchymaare areas of heavy accumulation. The distal regions of suchroots are relatively free of silicon and show little thickeningof the inner tangential walls of the endodermis or of the cellsof the strengthening tissues. The thickening of these elementsis shown to be associated with their location and the age ofthe root. In the proximal regions of S. bicolor, silicon is detected andlargely confined to the inner tangential walls of the endodermiswhich display some thickening. In addition, discrete and evenly-distributeddeposits varying in size partly fill the lumen of this layer.Some cells exhibit a number of smaller protrusions. High magnificationsof these lumen deposits show a distinct granular structure incontrast to the very uniform pattern of the wall deposits. The results are compared with deposits in grass leaves and inflorescencebracts and in woody perennials. The presence of silicon in additionto suberin, lignin and polyphenols in the thickened endodermalwall is also discussed in relation to the recognized functionof the endodermis.  相似文献   

Centaurea tchihatcheffii is a steppic annual possessing some unique features absent in other Centaureas. The chromosome number is 2n = 20, differing from all other annual species of Centaurea sect. Cyanus. The type locality as published is erroneous and the correct provenance is provided.  相似文献   

Hypocotyls, cotyledons and true leaves of in vitro seedlings of 10 cucumber and melon genotypes resistant to downy and powdery mildew were cultured on several combinations of initiation and multiplication media to produce callus and subsequently cell suspensions as suitable sources for isolation and culture of protoplasts. Cotyledons of both species were shown to be the most responsive to variation in culture media. However, calli and cell suspensions derived from hypocotyls generally provided higher number of protoplasts by treatment with several enzymatic solutions. The protoplasts formed new cell walls after 12 h of culture in liquid culture medium and first cell division was observed 2 d later with more frequent divisions after one week of culture. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ATSMON  DAN; GALUN  ESRA 《Annals of botany》1962,26(2):137-146
One of the factors which control the sexual differentiationof the floral primordium in the cucumber plant may be the hormonalbalance in its vicinity; a balance in favour of growth substance,like IAA, may enhance the female tendency while low concentrationsof these substances or higher concentration of their antagonistsmay cause an increase in the proportion of male flowers. In the present work it is shown that whenever the female tendencyis strong, the floral buds develop next to younger leaves; thereverse is true for plants of a stronger male tendency. Thisrule was found to hold true where environmental conditions—like length of day and night-temperature—affected thesex tendency, as well as in the case of the main branch of thecucumber plant, where an increasing female tendency is found.No difference in leaf age-flowerbud relations was detected whendifferent levels of nitrogen were fed to the plants, and thedifferent N leveb had no effect on the sex tendency of the plants. It is pointed out that a similar situation was found in earlierwork where the difference in sex tendency was due to geneticfactors. It is suggested, therefore, that both environmentaland genetic factors, which are known to affect sex tendencyin the cucumber plant, work through changing the leafage-flowerbudrelationship. Presumably this is related to the hormonal balancein the vicinity of the developing floral primordium.  相似文献   

Although many reports have been published regarding the pharmacological effects of ginseng, little is known about the biochemical pathways operant in ginsenoside biosynthesis, or the genes involved therein. Proteomics analysis is an approach to elucidate the physiological characteristics and biosynthetic pathways of ginsenosides, main components of ginseng. In this review, we introduced the recent progress in proteomics studies of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). We briefly reference the genomic analyses of P. ginseng, without which proteomics approaches would have been impossible. Functional genomics studies regarding secondary metabolism in P. ginseng are also introduced here, in order to introduce possible future prospects for further study.  相似文献   

Iron distribution was studied in pig placentae between 21 day till the end of pregnancy (113) with the use of histochemical and cytochemical methods and X-ray microanalysis. Iron content was measured in fetal and maternal part of the placenta with chemical methods. Iron presence was confirmed in maternal and fetal erythrocytes, cells and secretion of uterine glands and trace amount in trophoblast lining regular areolae. No significant differences were found in iron content in fetal and maternal part of the placenta throughout the entire studied period. With the applied histochemical method of iron determination according to Perls, potassium ferrocyanide also adsorbs in sites where mucopolysaccharides are present, in which iron presence has not been detected with the use of X-ray microanalysis.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific variation of two ginseng species Panax ginseng and P. quinquefolius was estimated by studying 159 RAPD and 39 allozyme loci. Parameters of polymorphism and genetic diversity were determined and a tree was constructed to characterize the differences between individual plants, samples, and species. Genetic variation in P. ginseng proved to be lower than in P. quinquefolius. Gene diversity in the total P. ginseng sample was comparable with the mean expected heterozygosity of herbaceous plants. This suggests that wild P. ginseng plants in various areas of the currently fragmented natural habitat and cultivated plants of different origin have retained a significant proportion of their gene pool. The mean heterozygosity calculated per polymorphic locus for the RAPD phenotypes is similar to that of the allozyme loci and may be helpful in estimating gene diversity in populations of rare and endangered plant species.  相似文献   

依据最新广义大丁草属的概念对中国产这一属群的植物进行了订正,亦即中国有大丁草属Leibnitzia Cass,火石花属Gerbera Cass.和兔耳一支箭属Piloselloides(Less.)C.Jeffrey ex Cufod。并对一些名称进行了认真的查考和相应的分类学处理,讨论了相应的地理替代与地质历史的关系。经整理,中国大丁草属含4种,火石花属可能含6种,兔耳一支箭属含1种。以横断山为核心的中国西南部也许是该属群的一个多样化中心和分化中心。  相似文献   

Moon JK  Han BK  Kim TD  Jo DH 《BMB reports》2010,43(11):726-731
We report the tissue-specific distribution of chitinolytic activity in Korean ginseng root and characterize two 31-kDa chitinolytic enzymes. These two enzymes (SBF1 and SBF2) were purified 70- and 81-fold with yields of 0.75 and 1.25%, respectively, and exhibited optimal pH and temperature ranges of 5.0-5.5 and 40-50(o)C. With [(3)H]-chitin as a substrate, K(m) and V(max) values of SBF1 were 4.6 mM and 220 mmol/mg-protein/h, respectively, while those of SBF2 were 7.14 mM and 287 mmol/mg-protein/h. The purified enzymes showed markedly less activity with p-nitrophenyl-N-acetylglucosaminide and fluorescent 4-methylumbelliferyl glycosides of D-N-acetylglucosamine oligomers than with [(3)H]-chitin. End-product inhibition of both enzymes demonstrated that both are endochitinases with different N-acetylglucosaminidase activity. Furthermore, the NH(2)-terminal sequence of SBF1 showed a high degree of homology with other plant chitinases whereas the NH(2)-terminal amino acid of SBF2 was blocked. [BMB reports 2010; 43(11):726-731].  相似文献   

From the rhizome of Panax japonicus C. A. Meyer var major (Burk.) Wu et Feng, collected in Qinling Mountain (Shaanxi), seven saponins were isolated. By means of 13C NMR, FAB-MS and comparison with authentic samples, six of them were identified with chikusetsusaponin Ⅴ (=ginsenoside Ro), Ⅳa, oleanolic acid 28-O-β-D-glucoside, ginsenoside Re, Rg2 and notoginsenoside R2. Another saponin was proved to be chikusetsusaponin Ⅳa methylester, and its structure was elucidated to be oleanolic acid (3-O-β-D-glucorunopyranosyl-methylate)-28-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. A comparison of sapoinin constituents of this variety collected in Qinling Mountain (Shaanxi) and Hengduan Mountains (Yunnan) was provided. As a common characteristic of both rhizome, it has been proved that the saponins of oleanane type were main constituents and the saponins of dammarane type were minor constituents. But some differences also has been found in both materials (Tab. 1). From the relationship between the biosynthesis pathway of triterpenoids and plant phytogenetics, this is a phenomenon of chemical polymorphism in a variety, which followed in the train of geographical distribution, ledto appearance of a che- mical evolution in the process of evolution and of spread of this variety.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific variation of two ginseng species Panax ginseng and P. quinquefolius was estimated by studying 159 RAPD and 39 allozyme loci. Parameters of polymorphism and genetic diversity were determined and a tree was constructed to characterize the differences between individual plants, samples, and species. Genetic variation in P. ginseng proved to be lower than in P. quinquefolius. Gene diversity in the total P. ginseng sample was comparable with the mean expected heterozygosity of herbaceous plants. This suggests that wild P. ginseng plants in various areas of the currently fragmented natural habitat and cultivated plants of different origin have retained a significant proportion of their gene pool. The mean heterozygosity calculated per polymorphic locus for the RAPD phenotypes is similar to that of the allozyme loci and may be helpful in estimating gene diversity in populations of rare and endangered plant species.  相似文献   

Soil and water contamination with chromium is an issue of recent concern in Thailand due to increases in industrial activity. Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC., a chromium tolerance plant, could be employed to address this problem via phytoremediation. To understand the tolerance mechanism, this study investigated the speciation and distribution of chromium accumulated in G. pseudochina (L.) DC. using AAS, XAFS, μ-XANES, μ-XRF imaging and EPR. The plants were separately treated with K2Cr2O7 and Cr2(SO4)3 in a hydroponic system. μ-XRF imaging clarified the distributions of Cr, Fe, Zn, Ca, Cl, K and S within the samples. In G. pseudochina (L.) DC. treated with Cr(VI) solution, the Cr was mainly distributed in the vascular bundle and periderm of the tuber, the stem xylem, the vein and the epidermis, including the trichome of the leaf tissues. This Cr distribution corresponded to those of Cu, Fe and Zn. In G. pseudochina (L.) DC. treated with Cr(III) solution, the Cr was distributed in the periderm of the tuber, the stem cortex, and the epidermis and parenchyma of the leaf tissues. μ-XANES and XAFS indicated that highly toxic Cr(VI) was reduced to the intermediate Cr(V) and accumulated as less toxic Cr(III), and EXAFS spectra showed that the reduced Cr(III) was bound to oxygen ligands. The coordination number (N) and the interatomic distance (R) to the first shell were approximately 3–4 (N) and 2 Å (R), respectively. EPR spectra of the plant samples treated with Cr(VI) revealed the presence of Cr(V) and Cr(III). Thus, Cr(III) and Cr(VI) were taken up into the vascular system and transported from the roots to the leaves. Cr(III) was distributed via the symplast system to the ground tissue and accumulated mainly in the stem cortex. Cr(VI) was transported to the xylem via the apoplast system, and the adsorption of Cr(VI) and its reduction to Cr(V) and Cr(III) occurred on oxygen ligands in the lignocellulosic structure of the xylem and vein.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):535-541

The distribution and variation in size of male gametophores associated with fertile, female cushions of Leucobryum glaucum and L. juniperoideum in two Welsh localities are described. Both dwarf and larger males were present in fruiting cushions of both species; no independent male plants were found. It is suggested that the scarcity of functional males might be a factor limiting sporophyte production in these species.  相似文献   

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