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The gibberellin (GA)-biosynthesis mutations, lh i , ls and Ie 5839 have been used to investigate the role(s) of the GAs in seed development of the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). Seeds homozygous for lh i possess reduced GA levels, are more likely to abort during development, and weigh less at harvest, compared with wild-type seeds due to expression of the lh i mutation in the embryo and/ or endosperm. Compared with wild-type seeds, the lh i mutation reduces endogenous GA1 and gibberellic acid (GA3) levels in the embryo/endosperm a few days after anthesis and fertilizing lh i plants with wild-type pollen dramatically increases GA1 and GA3 levels in the embryo/ endosperm and restores normal seed development. By contrast, the ls and le 5839 mutations do not appear to reduce GA levels in the embryo/endosperm of seeds a few days after anthesis, and do not affect embryo or endosperm development. However, both the ls and lh i mutations substantially reduce endogenous GA levels in embryos at contact point (the first day the liquid endosperm disappears). Levels of GAs in seeds from crosses involving the ls and lh i mutations suggest that GAs are synthesised in both the embryo/endosperm and testa and that the expression of ls depends on the tissue and developmental stage examined. These results suggest that GAs (possibly GA1 and/or GA3) play an important role early in pea seed development by regulating the development of the embryo and/or endosperm. By contrast, the high GA levels found in wild-type seeds at contact point (and beyond) do not appear to have a physiological role in seed development.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - DAA days after anthesis - WT wild-type We thank Noel Davies, Katherine McPherson and Peter Bobbi for technical assistance, Professor L. Mander (ANU, Canberra) for dideuterated GA standards, and the Australian Research Council and Frontier Research Program, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN, Japan), for financial support.  相似文献   

The levels of gibberellin A1 (GA1), GA20, GA19, GA8, GA29 and GA81 (2-epiGA29) were measured in tall (L-) and dwarf (ll) sweet-pea plants grown in darkness and in light. In both environments the apical portions of dwarf plants contained less GA1; GA8 and GA19, but more GA20, GA29, and GA81 than did those of tall plants. It is concluded that the partial block in 3β-hydroxylation of GA20 to GA1 is imposed by allele l in darkness as well as in the light. Furthermore, darkness does not appear to enhance elongation in sweet pea by increasing GA1 levels. The reduction of the pool size of GA19 in dwarf plants supports recent theories on the regulation of GA biosynthesis, formulated on the basis of observations in monocotyledonous species. Darkness results in decreased GA20, GA29, and GA81 levels in the apical portions of tall and dwarf plants and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

The photomorphogenic mutation lv in the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.), which appears to reduce the response to light-stable phytochrome, has been isolated on a tall, late photoperiodic genetic background and its effects further characterised. Plants possessing lv have a reduced flowering response to photoperiod relative to wild-type plants, indicating that light-stable phytochrome may have a flower-inhibitory role in the flowering response of long-day plants to photoperiod. In general, lv plants are longer and have reduced leaf development relative to Lv plants. These differences are maximised under continuous light from fluorescent lamps (containing negligible far-red (FR) light), and decrease with addition of FR to the incident light. Enrichment of white light from fluorescent lamps with FR promotes stem elongation in the wild type but causes a reduction in elongation in the lv mutant. This “negative” shade-avoidance response appears to be the consequence of a strong inhibitory effect of light rich in FR, revealed in lv plants in the absence of a normal response to red (R) light. These results indicate that the wild-type response to the R: FR ratio may be comprised of two distinct photoresponses, one in which FR supplementation promotes elongation by reducing the inhibitory effect of R, and the other in which light rich in FR actively inhibits elongation. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to functional differentiation of phytochrome types in the light-grown plant. Gene lw has been reported previously to reduce internode length and the response to gibberellin A1, and to delay flowering. The present study shows that the lw mutation confers an increased response to photoperiod. In all these responses the lw phenotype is superficially “opposite” to the lv phenotype. The possibility that the mutation might primarily affect light perception was therefore considered. The degree of dwarfing of lw plants was found to depend upon light quality and quantity. Dwarfing is more extreme in plants grown under continuous R light than in those grown in continuous FR or blue light or in darkness. Studies of the fluence-rate response show that the lw mutation imparts a lower fluence requirement for inhibition of elongation by white light from fluorescent lamps. Dark-grown lw plants are more strongly inhibited by a R pulse than are wild-type plants but, as in the wild type, this inhibition remains reversible by FR. Light-grown lw plants show an exaggerated elongation response to end-of-day FR light. Taken together, these findings indicate that the lw mutant may be hypersensitive to phytochrome action.  相似文献   

Agrostemma githago is a long-day rosette plant in which transfer from short days (SD) to long days (LD) results in rapid stem elongation, following a lag phase of 7–8 d. Application of gibberellin A20 (GA20) stimulated stem elongation in plants under SD, while 2-isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperidine-carboxylate methyl chloride (AMO-1618, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis) inhibited stem elongation in plants exposed to LD. This inhibition of stem elongation by AMO-1618 was overcome by simultaneous application of GA20, indicating that GAs play a role in the photoperiodic control of stem elongation in this species. Endogenous GA-like substances were analyzed using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and the d-5 corn (Zea mays L.) assay. Three zones with GA-like activity were detected and designated, in order of decreasing polarity, as A, B, and C. A transient, 10-fold increase in the activity of zone B occurred after 8–10 LD, coincident with the transition from lag phase to the phase of rapid stem elongation. After 16 LD the activity in this zone had returned to a level similar to that under SD, even though the plants were elongating rapidly by this time. However, when AMO-1618 was applied to plants after 11 LD, there was a rapid reduction in the rate of stem elongation, indicating that continued GA biosynthesis was necessary following the transient increase in activity of zone B, if stem elongation was to continue under LD. It was concluded that control of stem elongation in A. githago involves more than a simple qualitative or quantitative change in the levels of endogenous GAs, and that photoperiodic induction alters both the sensitivity to GAs and the rate of turnover of endogenous GAs.Abbreviations AMO-1618 2-isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperidine-carboxylate methyl chloride - GA(s) gibberellin(s) - LD long day(s) - LDP long-day plant(s) - SD short day(s)  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) A17, A19, A20, A29, A44, 2OH-GA44 (tentative) and GA29-catabolite were identified in 21-day-old seeds of Pisum sativum cv. Alaska (tall). These GAs are qualitatively similar to those in the dwarf cultivar Progress No. 9 with the exception of GA19 which does not accumulate in Progress seeds. There was no evidence for the presence of 3-hydroxylated GAs in 21 day-old Alaska seeds. Dark-grown shoots of the cultivar Alaska contein GA1, GA8, GA20, GA29, GA8-catabolite and GA29-catabolite. Dark-grown shoots of the cultivar Progress No.9 contain GA8, GA20, GA29 and GA29-catabolite, and the presence of GA1 was strongly indicated. Quantitation using GAs labelled with stable isotope showed the level of GA1 in dark-grown shoots of the two cultivars to be almost identical, whilst the levels of GA20, GA29 and GA29-catabolite were significantly lower in Alaska than in Progress No. 9. The levels of these GAs in dark-grown shoots were 102- to 103-fold less than the levels in developing seeds. The 2-epimer of GA29 is present in dark-grown-shoot extracts of both cultivars and is not thought to be an artefact.Abbreviations cv cultivar - GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatographymass spectrometry - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography - KRI Kovats retention index - MeTMSi methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether  相似文献   

Valerie A. Smith 《Planta》1993,191(2):158-165
The physiological and biochemical consequences of treating Le (tall) and le (dwarf) pea seedlings with varying quantities of the gibberellins [3H]GA20 and GA1 have been investigated. Although the percentage uptake of these compounds from the site of application on the 3 stipules was low and most of the applied GA remained unmetabolised in situ, the quantitative relationship between GA translocation and GA dosage was found to be linear for GA1 but saturating for GA20. The movement of the GAs and their subsequently produced metabolites was mainly acropetal. They accumulated in greatest quantity in the apical extremities of the shoot. Overall, the extent to which GA20 was metabolished in le seedlings was considerably less than in Le pea seedlings. Although all le tissues contained significantly less [3H]GA1 than their Le counterparts, phenotypic effects of the le mutation were apparent only on internode and tendril development. Increased tissue growth, consequent upon GA treatment, was also apparent only in the internodes and tendrils of le plants. For internodes, GA1 content determined the mid-logarithmic-phase growth rate and, consequently, final length. For tendrils, GA20 rather than GA1 may be the primary stimulatory agent.Abbreviations GA gibberellin - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - 1–6 consecutive developmental numbering system for plant tissues/organs as shown in Fig. 1 The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from Imperial Chemical Industries, Plant Protection, Jealott's Hill, Bracknell, Berks., UK and the Science and Engineering Research Council.  相似文献   

V. Gaba  M. Black 《Planta》1985,164(2):264-271
The control by phytochrome of hypocotyl elongation of light-grown Cucumis sativus L. after a white-light period was examined. The farred-absorbing form of phytochrome inhibits hypocotyl elongation. The response to phytochrome photostationary state () is not linear; all values of from 0.004 to 0.13 promote growth maximally, in the range of values of from 0.13 to 0.22 there is a linear growth response, between values of of 0.22 and 0.35 there is again no differential effect, and for values above 0.35 there is a strong (near linear) effect of on elongation. A kinetic examination of events following the white-light period shows that the major recovery from the photoperiod requires 8.5 h of darkness. End-of-day far-red treatment produces a very different response pattern, with a minor growth stimulation within 28 min of treatment followed by a major effect after 80 to 90 min. Three hours after far-red treatment there is a transient decline in growth rate which persists for about 2 h. Over the whole time course there is a great stimulation of growth rate compared with the controls. A similar growth-rate pattern also occurs if the end-of-day is 0.48, although the magnitude of the growth stimulation is less. Two components are affected by end-of-day , namely the time at which growth recovers and the subsequent growth rate. In the long term, the latter accounts for most of the differences in elongation growth. The dark recovery when only the hypocotyl is irradiated requires 4 h, but end-of-day far-red treatment reduces this to about 1.5 h. The persistence of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome for many hours in darkness in these light-grown plants is also demonstrated.Abbreviations and symbols D darkness - FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light - WL white light (from fluorescent lamps) - photostationary state of phytochrome - c calculated   相似文献   

In gibberellic-acid(GA3)-treated epicotyls of dwarf peas (Pisum sativum L.) grown in the light, DNA (per cell and per epicotyl) is followed. Histofluorometric DNA determinations show that GA3-promoted cell elongation is not accompanied by increased endomitosis, but chemical estimations show an increased DNA content per epicotyl. This difference must therefore be the result of increased mitotic activity in the GA3-treated tissue. Epicotyls of seedlings grown with or without cotyledons under continuous light with GA3 are tetraploid, as are those of ecotylized embryos grown in darkness. These epicotyls reach no more than half the length of octaploid epicotyls of seedlings grown in darkness. This result provides evidence for a relationship between polyploidy and final possible cell length.  相似文献   

In the current study, we investigated the influences of theobroxide on stem elongation in spinach (Spinacia oleracea). Our results showed that stem elongation and flower formation were inhibited by spraying spinach plants with theobroxide under inductive, long day conditions (16 h light/8 h dark), while application of exogenous applied GA3 prevented the effect of theobroxide. Quantitative analysis showed that theobroxide suppressed GA1 biosynthesis, whereas the endogenous content of jasmonic acid was unchanged. However, under short day conditions (10 h light/14 h dark), there were no differences in stem length between treated and untreated plants. These results suggest that the inhibition of stem elongation by theobroxide is probably due to the suppression of gibberellin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Jager CE  Symons GM  Ross JJ  Smith JJ  Reid JB 《Planta》2005,221(1):141-148
The objective of this study was to increase our understanding of the relationship between brassinosteroids (BRs) and gibberellins (GAs) by examining the effects of BR deficiency on the GA biosynthesis pathway in several tissue types of pea (Pisum sativum L.). It was suggested recently that, in Arabidopsis, BRs act as positive regulators of GA 20-oxidation, a key step in GA biosynthesis [Bouquin et al. (2001) Plant Physiol 127:450–458]. However, this may not be the case in pea as GA20 levels were consistently higher in all shoot tissues of BR-deficient (lk and lkb) and BR-response (lka) mutants. The application of brassinolide (BL) to lkb plants reduced GA20 levels, and metabolism studies revealed a reduced conversion of GA19 to GA20 in epi-BL-treated lkb plants. These results indicate that BRs actually negatively regulate GA20 levels in pea. Although GA20 levels are affected by BR levels, this does not result in consistent changes in the level of the bioactive GA, GA1. Therefore, even though a clear interaction exists between endogenous BR levels and the level of GA20, this interaction may not be biologically significant. In addition to the effect of BRs on GA levels, the effect of altered GA1 levels on endogenous BR levels was examined. There was no significant difference in BR levels between the GA mutants and the wild type (wt), indicating that altered GA1 levels have no effect on BR levels in pea. It appears that the BR growth response is not mediated by changes in bioactive GA levels, thus providing further evidence that BRs are important regulators of stem elongation.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that gibberellins A4 and A7, previously identified (Sinska, I., Lewak, St., Gaskin, P., MacMillan, J., Planta 114, 359–364, 1973) in extracts of mature apple (Pyrus malus L.) seeds, were present primarily as contaminants. The facts supporting this conclusion are: a) the ratio of GA4 to GA7 was similar to that of a standard mixture; b) the concentrations were extremely high; and c) the ratio of GA4 to GA7 did not change during stratification, as had been reported when extracts were bioassayed (Sinska, I., and Lewak, St., Physiol. Vég. 8, 661–667, 1970).Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 9036  相似文献   

Spray  Clive  Phinney  Bernard O.  Gaskin  Paul  Gilmour  Sarah J.  MacMillan  Jake 《Planta》1984,160(5):464-468
[13C, 3H]Gibberellin A20 (GA20) has been fed to seedlings of normal (tall) and dwarf-5 and dwarf-1 mutants of maize (Zea mays L.). The metabolites from these feeds were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. [13C, 3H]Gibberellin A20 was metabolized to [13C, 3H]GA29-catabolite and [13C, 3H]GA1 by the normal, and to [13C, 3H]GA29 and [13C, 3H]GA1 by the dwarf-5 mutant. In the dwarf-1 mutant, [13C, 3H]GA20 was metabolized to [13C, 3H]GA29 and [13C, 3H]GA29-catabolite; no evidence was found for the metabolism of [13C, 3H]GA20 to [13C, 3H]GA1. [13C, 3H]Gibberellin A8 was not found in any of the feeds. In all feeds no dilution of 13C in recovered [13C, 3H]GA20 was observed. Also in the dwarf-5 mutant, the [13C]label in the metabolites was apparently undiluted by endogenous [13C]GAs. However, dilution of the [13C]label in metabolites from [13C, 3H]GA20 was observed in normal and dwarf-1 seedlings. The results from the feeding studies provide evidence that the dwarf-1 mutation of maize blocks the conversion of GA20 to GA1.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - RP reverse phase  相似文献   

V. M. Sponsel 《Planta》1986,168(1):119-129
The stem growth in darkness or in continuous red light of two pea cultivars, Alaska (Le Le, tall) and Progress No. 9 (le le, dwarf), was measured for 13 d. The lengths of the first three internodes in dark-grown seedlings of the two cultivars were similar, substantiating previous literature reports that Progress No. 9 has a tall phenotype in the dark. The biological activity of gibberellin A20 (GA20), which is normally inactive in le le geno-types, was compared in darkness and in red light. Alaska seedlings, regardless of growing conditions, responded to GA20. Dark-grown seedlings of Progress No. 9 also responded to GA20, although red-light-grown seedlings did not. Gibberellin A1 was active in both cultivars, in both darkness and red light. The metabolism of [13C3H]GA20 has also been studied. In dark-grown shoots of Alaska and Progress No. 9 [13C3H]GA20 is converted to [13C3H]GA1, [13C3H]GA8, [13C]GA29, its 2-epimer, and [13C3H]GA29-catabolite. [13C3H] Gibberellin A1 was a minor product which appeared to be rapidly turned over, so that in some feeds only its metabolite, [13C3H]GA8, was detected. However results do indicate that the tall growth habit of Progress No. 9 in the dark, and its ability to respond to GA20 in the dark may be related to its capacity to 3-hydroxylate GA20 to give GA1. In red light the overall metabolism of [13C3H]GA20 was reduced in both cultivars. There is some evidence that 3-hydroxylation of [13C3H]GA20 can occur in red light-grown Alaska seedlings, but no 3-hydroxylated metabolites of [13C3H]GA20 were observed in red light-grown Progress. Thus the dwarf habit of Progress No. 9 in red light and its inability to respond to GA20 may be related, as in other dwarf genotypes, to its inability to 3-hydroxylate GA20 to GA1. However identification and quantification of native GAs in both cultivars showed that red-light-grown Progress does contain native GA1. Thus the inability of red light-grown Progress No. 9 seedlings to respond to, and to 3-hydroxylate, applied GA20 may be due to an effect of red light on uptake and compartmentation of GAs.Abbreviations AMO-1618 2-isopropyl-4-(trimethylammonium chloride)-5-methylphenyl piperidine-1-carboxylate - cv. cultivar - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GA(n) gibberellin A(n) - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography  相似文献   

S. P. C. Groot  C. M. Karssen 《Planta》1987,171(4):525-531
The germination of seeds of tomato [Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill.] cv. Moneymaker has been compared with that of seeds of the gibberellin-deficient dwarf-mutant line ga-1, induced in the same genetic background. Germination of tomato seeds was absolutely dependent on the presence of either endogenous or exogenous gibberellins (GAs). Gibberellin A4+7 was 1000-fold more active than commercial gibberellic acid in inducing germination of the ga-1 seeds. Red light, a preincubation at 2°C, and ethylene did not stimulate germination of ga-1 seeds in the absence of GA4+7; however, fusicoccin did stimulate germination independently. Removal of the endosperm and testa layers opposite the radicle tip caused germination of ga-1 seeds in water. The seedlings and plants that develop from the detipped ga-1 seeds exhibited the extreme dwarfy phenotype that is normal to this genotype. Measurements of the mechanical resistance of the surrounding layers showed that the major action of GAs was directed to the weakening of the endosperm cells around the radicle tip. In wild-type seeds this weakening occurred in water before radicle protrusion. In ga-1 seeds a similar event was dependent on GA4+7, while fusicoccin also had some activity. Simultaneous incubation of de-embryonated endosperms and isolated axes showed that wild-type embryos contain and endosperm-weakening factor that is absent in ga-1 axes and is probably a GA. Thus, an endogenous GA facilitates germination in tomato seeds by weakening the mechanical restraint of the endosperm cells to permit radicle protrusion.Abbreviations GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Gibberellins A1, A8, A20 and A29 were identified by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the pods and seeds from 5-d-old pollinated ovaries of pea (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska). These gibberellins were also identified in 4-d-old non-developing, parthenocarpic and pollinated ovaries. The level of gibberellin A1 within these ovary types was correlated with pod size. Gibberellin A1, applied to emasculated ovaries cultured in vitro, was three to five times more active than gibberellin A20. Using pollinated ovary explants cultured in vitro, the effects of inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis on pod growth and seed development were examined. The inhibitors retarded pod growth during the first 7 d after anthesis, and this inhibition was reversed by simultaneous application of gibberellin A3. In contrast, the inhibitors, when supplied to 4-d-old pollinated ovaries for 16 d, had little effect on seed fresh weight although they reduced the levels of endogenous gibberellins A20 and A29 in the enlarging seeds to almost zero. Paclobutrazol, which was one of the inhibitors used, is xylem-mobile and it efficiently reduced the level of seed gibberellins without being taken up into the seed. In intact fruits the pod may therefore be a source of precursors for gibberellin biosynthesis in the seed. Overall, the results indicate that gibberellin A1, present in parthenocarpic and pollinated fruits early in development, regulates pod growth. In contrast the high levels of gibberellins A20 and A29, which accumulate during seed enlargement, appear to be unnecessary for normal seed development or for subsequent germination.Abbreviations GA(a) gibberellin An - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - PFK perfluorokerosene - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   

U. Kutschera 《Planta》1990,181(3):316-323
The relationship between growth and increase in cell-wall material (wall synthesis) was investigated in hypocotyls of sunflower seedlings (Helianthus annuus L.) that were either grown in the dark or irradiated with continuous white light (WL). The peripheral three to four cell layers comprised 30–50% of the entire wall material of the hypocotyl. The increase in wall material during growth in the dark and WL, respectively, was larger in the inner tissues than in the peripheral cell layers. The wall mass per length decreased continuously, indicating that wall thinning occurs during growth of the hypocotyl. When dark-grown seedlings were transfered to WL, a 70% inhibition of growth was observed, but the increase in wall mass was unaffected. Likewise, the composition of the cell walls (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectic substances) was not affected by WL irradiation. Upon transfer of dark-grown seedlings into WL a drastic increase in wall thickness and a concomitant decrease in cell-wall plasticity was measured. The results indicate that cell-wall synthesis and cell elongation are independent processes and that, as a result, WL irradiation of etiolated hypocotyls leads to a thickening and mechanical stiffening of the cell walls.  相似文献   

The cross-reactivity of diverse monoclonal antibodies against phytochrome from Zea and Avena was tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay (ELISA) and by immunoblotting. About 40 antibodies were selected by means of nondenatured phytochrome; all of them reacted with sodium dodecyl sulfate denatured homologous antigen on immunoblots. The epitopes for 14 antibodies (4 raised against Avena and 10 against Zea phytochrome) were localized in 6 regions of the phytochrome molecule by means of Western blot analysis of proteolytic fragments of known localization. Results of studies on the inhibition of antibody binding by other antibodies were largely compatible with these latter findings. Except in a few cases, inhibition occurred when antibodies were located on the same or a closely adjacent region. As demonstrated by 16 species, cross-reactivity with phytochromes from other Poaceae was high. Greater losses in cross-reactivity were observed only with antibodies recognizing an epitope in the vicinity of the carboxyl terminus of 118-kg · mol-1 phytochrome. Cross-reactivity with phytochrome from dicotyledons was restricted to a few antibodies. However, phytochrome(s) from plants illuminated for 24 h or more could be detected. One of the antibodies that recognized phytochrome from dicotyledons was also found to recognize phytochrome or a protein of 120–125 kg·mol-1 from several ferns, a liverwort and mosses. This antibody (Z-3B1), which was localized within a 23.5-kg·mol-1 section of Avena phytochrome (Grimm et al., 1986, Z. Naturforsch. 41c, 993), seems to be the first antibody raised against phytochrome from a monocotyledon with such a wide range of reactivity. Even though epitopes were recognized on different phytochromes, the strength of antibody binding indicated that these epitopes are not necessarily wholly identical.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - McAb monoclonal antibody - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - Pfr (Pr) far-red-absorbing (red-absorbing) form of phytochrome - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

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