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The mitotic spindle is a self-organizing structure that is constructed primarily from microtubules. Among the most important spindle microtubules are those that bind to kinetochores and form the fibers along which chromosomes move. Chemotherapeutics such as taxol and the vinca alkaloids perturb kinetochore—microtubule attachment and disrupt chromosome segregation. This activates a checkpoint pathway that delays cell cycle progression and induces programmed cell death. Recent work has identified at least four mammalian spindle assembly checkpoint proteins.  相似文献   

The recent structure determination of RuvA has provided the first insights into the structural basis for its interaction with Holliday junction DNA. Multiple copies of a helix-hairpin-helix motif which line the four grooves between the monomers in the tetrameric structure are thought to be involved in the interaction of the protein with its DNA target. This suggests that the four arms of the junction are held by RuvA in a fourfold symmetric arrangement and has fuelled ideas on the way in which components of the Ruv complex combine to catalyse the process of homologous recombination  相似文献   

Metazoan phylogeny is in a state of ferment, stirred by the addition of new molecular trees as well as controversial interpretations of molecular ‘clocks’. Concerning the latter topic, the clocks recurrently point to divergence times substantially older than the known fossil record. Some attempt reconciliation by appealing to a conveniently cryptic interval prior to the first fossils. This effectively reduces the fossil record to an erratic search-light giving only glimpses into the true evolutionary history. Other options, however, remain open. Molecular clocks may themselves run erratically and what happens in molecular history may not coincide with the emergence of body plans.  相似文献   

Does the intron/exon structure of eukaryotic genes belie their ancient assembly by exon-shuffling or have introns been inserted into preformed genes during eukaryotic evolution? These are the central questions in the ongoing ‘introns-early’ versus ‘introns-late’ controversy. The phylogenetic distribution of spliceosomal introns continues to strongly favor the intronslate theory. The introns-early theory, however, has claimed support from intron phase and protein structure correlations.  相似文献   

In the past year, several new crystal structures have provided exciting insights into the conformational changes underlying the regulation of cyclin-dependent kinases. We now understand the structural basis of many of the mechanisms by which cyclin-dependent kinases are regulated, including activation by cycling binding and phosphorylation, inhibition by the inhibitor p27, and binding by the CKS proteins.  相似文献   

Central processing of inertial sensory information about head attitude and motion in space is crucial for motor control. Vestibular signals are coded relative to a non-inertial system, the head, that is virtually continuously in motion. Evidence for transformation of vestibular signals from head-fixed sensory coordinates to gravity-centered coordinates have been provided by studies of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. The underlying central processing depends on otolith afferent information that needs to be resolved in terms of head translation related inertial forces and head attitude dependent pull of gravity. Theoretical solutions have been suggested, but experimental evidence is still scarce. It appears, along these lines, that gaze control systems are intimately linked to motor control of head attitude and posture.  相似文献   

The rapidly changing developments in genomics and combinatorial chemistry, generating new drug targets and large numbers of compounds, have caused a revolution in high-throughput screening technologies. Key to this revolution has been the introduction of robotics and automation, together with new biological assay technologies (e.g., homogeneous time resolved fluorescence). With ever increasing workloads, together with economic and logistical constraints, miniaturisation is rapidly becoming essential for the future of high-throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry. This is evident from the introduction of high-density microtitre plates, small volume liquid handling robots and associated detection technology.  相似文献   

Many individual behavioral acts are produced by the combined activity of large populations of broadly tuned neurons, and the neuronal populations for different behaviors can overlap. Recent experiments monitoring and manipulating neuronal activity during behavioral decisions have begun to shed light on the mechanisms that enable overlapping populations of neurons to generate choices between categorically distinct behaviors.  相似文献   

In the past year, we have gained considerable insight into the process of cell morphogenesis and the establishment of positional information in fission yeast. The highlights include a better understanding of the role of the microtubule cytoskeleton in the control of cell shape, as well as the identification of novel genes essential for the establishment of cell polarity and for the positioning of the site of cell division.  相似文献   

The near simultaneous radiation of the major eukaryotic evolutionary assemblages — plants, animals, fungi, and at least three other complex protist assemblages worthy of ‘kingdom level’ status — was preceded by the divergence of many independent protist lineages. The earliest branches are represented by organisms that do not contain mitochondria or plastids, suggesting that the primitive eukaryotic state did not include these organelles. New information about nuclear-coded proteins that localize in the mitochondrion, however, suggests that the ancestral symbionts for mitochondria were present in the first eukaryotes. Phylogenetic support for this hypothesis is persuasive but it is not possible to account for the relative times of divergence for mitochondria and their ancestral symbionts relative to eukaryotic branching patterns inferred from nuclear genes.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is under active investigation in each of the dominant experimental model systems. During 1996 and 1997, several developments necessitated the reassessment of the prevailing model for cytokinesis. In addition, the inventory of proteins required for cytokinesis has grown considerably. However, a molecular understanding of cytokinesis still remains elusive.  相似文献   

Research efforts directed at the development of methodologies effective for solid-phase synthesis of oligosaccharides have resulted in a number of impressive achievements. In addition, closely related technologies, such as soluble polymer-supported synthesis and fluorous synthesis of the same class of molecules, have proved to be quite promising.  相似文献   

We describe here two mouse mutants, yellow submarine (Ysb) and light coat and circling (Lcc). Ysb arose as the result of insertions of a transgene, pAA2, into the genome. Lcc is an independent, radiation-induced mutation. Both mutants are characterized by recessive circling behavior and deafness, associated with a non-segregating, semi-dominant yellow coat color. Complementation tests showed that Ysb and Lcc are allelic. We attribute the yellow coat in Ysb and Lcc mice to the absence of black awl overhairs, increased agouti zigzag underhairs, and the presence of agouti awls with long subapical yellow pigment. Chromosomal mapping and genomic characterization showed the Ysb and Lcc mutations involve complex chromosomal rearrangements in overlapping regions of mouse chromosome 3, A2/A3-B/C and B-E1, respectively. Ysb and Lcc show for the first time, to our knowledge, the presence of genes in the B-C region of chromosome 3 important for balance and hearing and the pigmentation and specification of coat hair.  相似文献   

The use of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) continues to dominate studies of human genetic variation and evolution. Recent work has re-affirmed the strict maternal inheritance of mtDNA, yielded new insights into the extent and nature of intra-individual variation, supported a recent African origin of human mtDNA, and amply demonstrated the utility of mtDNA in tracing population history and in analyses of ancient remains.  相似文献   

RGSZ1 and Ret RGS, members of the regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) family, are GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) with high selectivity for G alpha(z). We show here that RGSZ1 and Ret RGSZ1 are products of two of several splice variants of one gene, RGS20. RGS20 spans approximately 107 kb and contains at least seven exons. Five exons account for RGSZ1, including a single exon distinct to RGSZ1 that encodes a newly identified amino-terminal region. The previously described open reading frame (ORF) and 3' untranslated region are encoded by four downstream exons that also encode about half of Ret RGS. The 5' end of the RGSZ1 ORF contains several in-frame ATG codons (3-5 depending on the species), and multiple translational start sites may help explain the molecular weight heterogeneity of purified bovine brain RGSZ. Ret RGS replaces the 24 N-terminal amino acid residues of RGSZ1 with a large, N-terminal region that initially distinguished the bovine Ret RGS from human and mouse RGSZ1. This N-terminal domain is encoded by two distinct 5' exons that are variably combined with the four downstream exons shared with RGSZ1 to produce at least six mRNAs. They encode proteins with N termini that vary in size, hydrophobicity, and the presence of a cysteine string. At least two mRNAs that include the exon that encodes the N-terminal region unique to RGSZ1 were found in brain and a few other tissues, but not retina. RGS20 thus can account for multiple G(z)-selective GAPs in different tissues.  相似文献   

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