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Preparation and flow cytometric analysis of metaphase chromosomes of tomato   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary A procedure for the preparation of tomato chromosome suspensions suitable for flow cytometric analysis is described. Rapidly growing cell suspension cultures of Lycopersicon esculentum cv VFNT cherry and L. pennellii LA716 were treated with colchicine to enrich for metaphase chromosomes. Metaphase indices between 20 and 35% were routinely obtained when cultures were exposed to 0.1% colchicine for 15–18 h after 2 days of subculture. Mitotic cells were isolated by brief treatment with cell wall digesting enzymes in a medium with low osmolarity (325 mOsm/kg of H52O). The low osmolarity medium was needed to avoid the chromosome clumping and decondensation seen in standard media. Suspensions of intact chromosomes were prepared by lysing swollen protoplasts in various buffers (MgSO4, polyamines, hexylene glycol, or KCl-propidium iodide) similar in contents to the buffers used to isolate mammalian chromosomes. For univariate flow cytometric analysis, chromosome suspensions were stained with a fluorescent DNA-binding stain (propidium iodide, Hoechst 33258, mithramycin, or chromomycin A3) and analyzed using an EPICS flow cytometer (Profile Analyzer or 753). Peaks for the chromosomes, chromatids, clumps of chromosomes, nuclei, and fluorescent debris were seen on a histogram of log of fluorescence intensity, and were confirmed by microscopic examination of the objects collected by flow-sorting. Chromosome suspensions prepared in MgSO4 buffer have the highest frequency of intact chromosomes and the least fluorescent cellular debris. Peaks similar to theoretical univariate flow karyotypes of tomato chromosomes were seen on the observed univariate flow karyotypes, but were not as well resolved. Bivariate flow analysis of tomato chromosome suspension using double-stain combination, Hoechst 33258 and chromomycin A3, and two laser beams showed better resolution of some chromosomes.  相似文献   

A dual laser FACS IV cell sorter has been used to obtain bivariate flow histograms of human metaphase chromosomes stained with the DNA-specific dyes, 33258 Hoechst and chromomycin A3. Approximately twenty distinct chromosomal fluorescence populations can be resolved using this double staining technique and the flow cytometer which has been modified only by the substitution of a specially designed air-spaced achromat for the standard focusing lens. Metaphase chromosomes from two different cell lines bearing inverted duplicated #15 autosomes have been subjected to bivariate chromosome analysis. In both cases, the inverted duplicated #15 chromosomes have been identified in the bivariate flow histogram. This identification was supported by experiments in which doubly stained chromosomes were counterstained with either netropsin or distamycin A, resulting in a relative increase in the 33258 Hoechst fluorescence intensity of the structurally abnormal #15 chromosomes, compared with the other chromosomes, as predicted by cytological studies. The possibility of identifying and separating small abnormal autosomes using commercially available instrumentation should facilitate the use of recombinant DNA techniques for the construction of libraries which are highly enriched for DNA sequences from limited autosomal subregions important in the study of chromosomal abnormalities such as deletions, translocations and inversion duplications.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes from cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells were labelled in suspension with a monoclonal antibody to histone 2B, counterstained with propidium iodide (PI) and analysed by flow cytometry. Contour plots of antibody binding (FITC fluorescence) against DNA content (PI fluorescence) revealed two discrete forms of each individual chromosome, showing high and low levels of antibody binding respectively. The two types of chromosome were easily distinguishable by immunofluorescence microscopy. The distribution of individual chromosomes between the two populations was related to chromosome size, with larger chromosomes predominating in the low-labelling population and vice versa. Variations in ionic strength, pH, divalent cation concentration or preparation procedure influenced the absolute level of antibody binding but did not eliminate the two populations. In contrast, preincubation with intercalating dyes, such as ethidium and propidium, inhibited antibody binding and generated a single, low-labelling population. Preliminary evidence suggests that in vivo changes in chromosome structure can affect the distribution of chromosomes between the two populations. Prolonged exposure of cells to Colcemid prior to chromosome isolation, a procedure known to increase chromosome condensation, resulted in a progressive shift into the low-labelling population. Our results suggest that chromosomes undergo a relatively rapid transition from the high-labelling to the low-labelling form during the prometaphase-metaphase stage of mitosis. The timing of this transition appears to be size dependent, with the larger chromosomes preceding the smaller. The transition may represent a change in chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomes from rat kangaroo (PTK) and chinese hamster (CHV 79) cells have been prepared for quantitative flow-cytometric analysis. The preparation time was optimized down to 30 (PTK) and 40 min (CHV 79). DAPI was used as a AT-sensitive fluorescent dye to stain for monoparameter DNA measurements. Simultaneous two-parameter DNA-protein analysis was carried out with DAPI and SR 101 (as a general protein fluorochrome) in combination. The karyotype of the PTK cells with 13 (14) chromosomes was separated into 10 DNA peaks. The X-chromosome bearing the nucleolus organizer region generates a distinct peak. The karyotype of the CHV 79 cells with 22 chromosomes was separated into 15 peaks. The DNA profile obtained indicates a geometric grading of the chromosomal amount of AT components in the karyotype of this particular cell line. The simultaneous DNA-protein analysis performed show enough sensitivity of the instrument utilizing high power UV excitation illumination to discriminate the two color emission consisting of blue (DAPI) and red (SR 101) fluorescence. Color overlapping could be completely avoided. Additionally, the quality (number, location, and resolution of peaks) of the DNA distribution was not influenced by the simultaneous application of a second fluorescent stain. Fluorescence activated electronic sorting applied on chromosomal fluorescence distributions providing purified fractions of chromosomes for subsequent biochemical and biological determinations is discussed.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric study of DNA and protein contents was performed on cell suspensions obtained from 73 adult patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Bivariate analysis identified a second subpopulation, not revealed by DNA determination, in 25% of the tumors. Protein heterogeneity was more frequently observed in diffuse than in nodular histology according the Rappaport classification and in high-grade than in low-grade malignancy tumors by the Kiel classification and the Working Formulation, but it was not related to ploidy or cell proliferative rate. The presence of an additional subpopulation, detected by protein analysis, defined as monoclonal by DNA analysis, could adversely affect clinical outcome in terms of response to treatment and overall survival.  相似文献   

In order to provide a basis for quantitative studies of murine spermatogenesis, we performed a DNA flow cytometric analysis on the mouse seminiferous tubules isolated at defined stages of the epithelial cycle by transillumination-assisted microdissection. Accurate stage identification was performed by examining spermatids in the adjacent tubule segments by phase-contrast microscopy. For flow cytometry, suspension of nuclei of spermatogenic cells was obtained by detergent treatment of isolated seminiferous tubules, and fresh samples were stained with propidium iodide. DNA histograms of the 12 stages of the mouse seminiferous epithelial cycle varied in a stage-specific manner. DNA histograms of stages I-VIII of the cycle were characterized by a hypofluorescent haploid peak, the location of which changed with the decreasing DNA dye (propidium iodide)-binding capacity of elongated spermatids. The absence of the hypohaploid peak and the high ratio of the cells with 4C amount of DNA to the cells with 1C amount of DNA characterized stages IX-XI of the cycle. Stage XII showed a high 2C peak, owing to a large population of secondary spermatocytes arisen from the first meiotic division. By using fluorescent beads as an internal volume standard cell numbers in defined stages were determined. These data provide a basis for quantitative studies of mouse spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Preparation of tissues for DNA flow cytometric analysis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A method for measuring DNA in tissue cells by flow cytometry utilizing a one step combination nuclear isolation-DNA fluorochrome staining procedure is described. A variety of cells and tissues, both in vivo and in vitro, was used to illustrate the universal nature of this technique. These included murine bone marrow, liver testicle, sarcoma brain tumor, rat pancreatic islets, human peripheral blood, colon mucosa, colon cancer, sarcoma and brain tumor tissues. A special nuclear isolation medium, which contained either of the DNA fluorochromes, 4',6-diamidino-2 phenylindole-2 HCl or propidium iodide, was utilized successfully to isolate single suspensions of DNA fluorochrome stained nuclei in a rapid (5-10 min), consistent manner from a variety of tissues and cells. Multiple sampling of the same tissue or comparison between whole tissues and their single cell isolates showed that a representative sample was being obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Transfection of a mouse dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) cDNA contained in a plasmid expression vector into DHFR deficient Chinese hamster cells, followed by progressive selection of cells in increasing concentrations of methotrexate (MTX), leads to marked amplification of the exogenous DHFR sequences in the recipient hamster cells. The gene amplification is evident at the cytological level, in the form of homogeneously staining chromosomal regions (HRSs), at a gene expression level, in the form of fluorescein-methotrexate binding, and at the DNA level. Flow sorting, based on variable fluorescein-MTX binding, or direct cellular cloning, followed by chromosome analysis, revealed intercellular heterogeneity of HSRs in size and distribution.This suggested that there was a rapid evolution of HSRs an MTX-resistant transfectants. Chromosomal analysis of HSR evolution in situ, by examining individual colonies presumably derived from one or a few cells, underscored this impression of chromosome structural fluidity. Rates of HSR change in excess of 0.01 per cell division, increased by low doses of the recombinogen, mitomycin C were detected. The Chinese hamster DHFR transfectants described should be amenable to detailed, coordinate cytological and molecular characterization. Such an analysis should contribute to an understanding of processes such as homologous recombination in mediating HSR evolution in mammalian chromosomes.  相似文献   

Chromosomes and interphase cells were harvested from cultures of the Chinese hamster line B14 F28 grown in medium containing BrdU up to four cell cycles and stained with the fluorescent dye 33342 Hoechst for flow cytometry. The newly synthetized BrdU-DNA is not stainable by the Hoechst dye which is highly specific for thymidine. The temporal development of the DNA fluorescence after addition of BrdU to the growth medium has been investigated. The chromosomal fluorescence intensity is reduced one step per generation. The extent of the intensity decrease by BrdU incorporation is proportional to the amount of new DNA and it is realized by repeated measurement following an UV-exposure. This UV-illumination stops the quenching by BrdU of the Hoechst stain induced DNA fluorescence. Therefore, the entire DNA content of these chromosomes now becomes measurable. The obtained intensity gain serves as a measure of the extent of the previous BrdU caused intensity shift. In this way we could establish 3 successive mitoses. Principally, this method is suitable also for measurement of whole cells in order to obtain both the number of generations in the experimental period and the phase distribution of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

A method to obtain a high metaphase index and thereafter a plant chromosome suspension is described for Petunia hybrida (2n = 14). Mesophyll protoplast cultures have been used, giving easily disrupted cell walls and a high percentage of dividing cells after 42 h. On 2.5 mM colchicine-treated cells, metaphase indexes reaching 10% were routinely obtained. The lysis medium in which the protoplast-derived cells were disrupted was a simplified culture medium. After chromosome release, samples were stained with Hoechst 33342 dye and analysed by flow cytofluorometry. The histogram of fluorescence intensities included three peaks of metaphase chromosomes and a duplication of this flow karyotype provoked by "monochromatid chromosome." This interpretation was established after flow sorting; micronuclei could also be observed and sorted. Of the 7 chromosomes, only the largest formed a distinct peak while the others were incompletely resolved, due to the similar DNA content of various chromosomes. Model distributions of Petunia hybrida chromosomes have been computed according to the relative chromosome length. The theoretical histograms indicated that low variability is indispensable for resolving distinctive chromosome peaks. The experimental flow karyotype was consistent with one of the models having CV of 2.5%.  相似文献   

Summary The sensory innervation of 46 poles of long chain intrafusal muscle fibers was studied histochemically by staining for NADH-TR in periodic, 8 m thick transverse sections of cat muscle spindles. Each long chain fiber carried terminals of the primary sensory axon, and 23 of the fiber poles also displayed secondary sensory endings. With the NADH-TR reaction there was no apparent difference in the cross-sectional appearance of sensory endings on the long chain and on other nuclear chain fibers. However, the contact area between the secondary endings and the muscle fiber tended to be shorter on the long chain than on the neighboring chain fibers of shorter polar length. This was also the case for one long chain fiber in which the sensory innervation was examined in serial, 1 m thick sections stained with toluidine blue. Discharges of the secondary sensory axons in cat spindles may be affected more by contraction of the shorter nuclear chain fibers than by activation of the long chain fibers.  相似文献   

Transfection of a mouse dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) cDNA contained in a plasmid "expression vector" into DHFR deficient Chinese hamster cells, followed by progressive selection of cells in increasing concentrations of methotrexate (MTX), leads to marked amplification of the exogenous DHFR sequences in the recipient hamster cells. This gene amplification is evident at the cytological level, in the form of homogeneously staining chromosomal regions (HSRs), at a gene expression level, in the form of fluorescein-methotrexate binding, and at the DNA level. Flow sorting, based on variable fluorescein-MTX binding, or direct cellular cloning, followed by chromosome analysis, revealed intercellular heterogeneity of HSRs in size and distribution. This suggested that there was a rapid evolution of HSRs in MTX-resistant transfectants. Chromosomal analysis of HSR evolution in situ, by examining individual colonies presumably derived from one or a few cells, underscored this impression of chromosome structural fluidity. Rates of HSR change in excess of 0.01 per cell division, increased by low doses of the recombinogen, mitomycin C, were detected. The Chinese hamster DHFR transfectants described should be amenable to detailed, coordinate cytological and molecular characterization. Such an analysis should contribute to an understanding of processes such as homologous recombination in mediating HSR evolution in mammalian chromosomes.  相似文献   

A solution containing citric acid buffered saline (CABS) and 99% ethanol (E) 1:1 was used for preserving cells for flow cytometric DNA analysis. DNA histograms obtained from fine needle biopsy aspirates and preserved in CABS+E had a similar mean coefficient of variation (CV) as was obtained from aspirates taken in CABS (3.3 vs. 3.4%) and a clearly smaller mean CV than was obtained from aspirates preserved in 50% ethanol (mean 4.8%, P less than .0001). Aspirates taken in CABS more often contained a small (less than 3,000) number of cells as compared with aspirates preserved either in CABS+E or ethanol (P less than .0001). Since preservation of cells in CABS+E allows long-term storage of samples and results in a decreased number of insufficient samples as compared with buffered saline and in an enhanced resolution as compared with 50% ethanol, CABS+E is recommended for preservation of cytological samples to be analyzed for DNA content with flow cytometry.  相似文献   

A procedure to stain the centromeric region of chromosomes for dual beam flow cytometric analysis is described. Serum from a CREST (Scleroderma syndrome) patient presenting a high titer of anticentromeric antibodies was chosen on the basis of specificity of labeling of cells on slides. The high affinity of the antibodies to centromeres and low binding to chromosomal arms allowed the development of an indirect immunofluorescent labeling procedure using isolated and unfixed chromosomes stabilized by Mg++ ions. Discontinuous Ficoll gradients were used to separate chromosomes from unbound antibodies. With this procedure, chromosome clumping and degradation were minimal. The chromosomes were then stained with the DNA dyes Hoechst 33258 and chromomycin A3, before dual beam flow cytometric analysis. Flow karyotypes, with good chromosome peak resolution, were obtained for both human and hamster chromosomes subjected to the immunolabeling procedure. For quantification of FITC fluorescence due to bound antibody, chromosomes were counterstained with Hoechst only. The FITC intensity of antibody-labeled human and hamster chromosomes were 4-10 and 20 times greater than control chromosomes, respectively. These results suggest that the staining procedure may be suitable for immunolabeling of chromosomes with antibodies recognizing other nuclear proteins and their subsequent quantification by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

DNA mapping of gastric cancers using flow cytometric analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although numerous studies of gastric cancers on DNA ploidy have been reported, differences in the degree of aneuploidy (DNA index, DI) during progression have not been identified. We attempted to chart the differences in DIs during progression to clarify the role of aneuploidy in gastric cancers. We classified the gastric cancers examined into intestinal (n = 88) and diffuse (n = 48) types, and then analyzed 136 gastric cancers (intramucosal cancer, 42; submucosal cancer, 39; advanced cancer, 55) by flow cytometry using multiple sampling. In addition, we examined the DNA ploidy pattern of mucosal and submucosal lesions using the same submucosal cancers to study the tumor progression in individual cancers. Intratumoral DNA differences in DNA ploidy were observed in both types of gastric cancers. In intestinal-type cancers, multiple subclones indicated by a different DI occurred during the early stage of gastric cancers, whereas in diffuse-type cancers, multiple subclones were found primarily in advanced cancers. Although the DI varied widely in early intestinal-type cancers between 1.0 and 2.0, in early diffuse-type cancers, the DI tended to be less than 1.2. However, in advanced stage gastric cancers, the DI distribution was similar for both histological types. In intestinal-type cancers, high DI (>1.3) aneuploidy was frequently found in mucosal lesions. In contrast, only low DI (<1.2) aneuploid clones were observed in mucosal lesions of diffuse-type cancers. The present results suggest that high DI aneuploid tumor clones in intramucosal cancers acquire invasive ability when they progress to submucosal cancers, whereas DNA aneuploidy itself plays an important role in submucosal invasion of diffuse-type cancers.  相似文献   

A rapidly growing, long-term suspension culture derived from Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) was synchronized using hydroxyurea and colchicine, and a chromosome suspension with chromosomes was made. After staining with the DNA-specific fluorochromes Hoechst 33258 and Chromomycin univariate and bivariate flow-cytometry histograms showed 15 clearly resolved peaks corresponding to individual chromosome types or groups of chromosomes with similar DNA contents. The flow karyotype was closely similar to a histogram of DNA content measurements of Feulgen-stained chromosomes made by microdensitometry. We were able to show the stability of the flow karyotype of the cell line over a year, while a parallel subculture had a slightly different, stable, karyotype following different growth conditions. The data indicate that flow cytometric analysis of plant karyotypes enables accurate, statistically precise chromosome classification and karyotyping of cereals. There was little overlap between individual flow-histogram peaks, so the method is useful for flow sorting and the construction of chromosome specific-recombinant DNA libraries. Using bivariate analysis, the AT:GC ratio of all the chromosomes was remarkably similar, in striking contrast to mammalian flow karyotypes. We speculate about a fundamental difference in organization and homogenization of DNA sequences between chromosomes within mammalian and plant genomes. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 24 May 1996  相似文献   

Several methods were tested that would improve the fluorescence signal from hybridized rumen bacterial cells. Disruption of cell envelopes by lysozyme, EDTA, proteinase K and/or SDS caused only a minor increase in fluorescence signal. Use of helper unlabeled oligonucleotide probes was successful only with the Puni[H672] probe which, however, when used with specific PBBl4-labeled probe, gave fluorescence signal drop. No substantial rise in fluorescence signal was also observed with cells subjected to growth-without-cell-division treatment. Further improvements are needed to make the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)-flow cytometry combination applicable to rumen bacteria.  相似文献   

The program described analyses DNA histograms obtained in flow cytometry using the Gaussians method. The program is written in BASIC to run on a low-cost microcomputer. It utilizes a simple strategy to obtain good estimates of the parameters required for reducing the problem to a task solvable with linear least-squares methods. Features of the program are flexibility, since it is possible to choose different options for parametrization and spacing of Gaussians, and the fact that the operator is not required to provide interactive inspection or inputting parameter values. The capability and velocity of the program, in all its options, are tested and compared on a series of different (not computer-simulated) histograms obtained in our flow cytometry laboratory. Our results suggest that a fresh approach to parametrization may be useful.  相似文献   

Analysis of environmental bacteria on the single cell level often requires fixation to store the cells and to keep them in a state as near life-like as possible. Fixation procedures should furthermore counteract the increase of autofluorescence, cell clogging, and distortion of surface characteristics. Additionally, they should meet the specific fixation demands of both aerobically and anaerobically grown bacteria. A fixation method was developed based on metal solutions in combination with sodium azide. The fixation efficiencies of aluminium, barium, bismuth, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, and tungsten salts were evaluated by flow cytometric measurement of the DNA contents as a bacterial population/community stability marker. Statistical equivalence testing was involved to permit highly reliable flow cytometric pattern evaluation. Investigations were carried out with pure cultures representing environmentally important metabolic and respiratory pathways as controls and with activated sludge as an example for highly diverse bacterial communities. A mixture of 5 mM barium chloride and nickel chloride, each and 10% sodium azide was found to be a suitable fixative for all tested bacteria. The described method provided good sample stability for at least 9 days.  相似文献   

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