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The functional significance of frilled septa and complex sutures in ammonoids has generated ongoing debate. The 'classic' hypothesis envisages ammonoid shells and septa as designed for resisting ambient hydrostatic pressure, complex sutures being the evidence of strength in shells for colonization of deep habitats. Here we address the 'suture problem', focusing on the analysis and interpretation of variables in our database of Late Jurassic ammonites not included in previous studies, such as whorl height ( W h ), whorl shape ( S ), shell coiling ( WD ), taxonomic grouping and basic planispiral shell shape. The results indicate that sutural complexity, as measured by the fractal dimension ( D f ) value of the suture line, is positively correlated with W h , and that the sutures of oceanic shells tend to provide, for a given W h value, lower D f estimates than do those of neritic shells. No general trend of increase in sutural complexity was noted for specimens recovered from swell areas belonging to oceanic fringes with respect to those that inhabited epicontinental shelves. In fact, Perisphinctoidea, the clade best represented in the database analysed, shows a higher D f mean value in neritic species than in epioceanic ones. Significant differences in sutural complexity were detected for groups of ammonites classified according to shell shapes ( WD , S ). Oxycones and discocones, streamlined potential swimmers, show the highest D f mean values, while spherocones and cadicones, which were presumably vertical vagrants, present the lowest ones. This indicates that sutural complexity was more related to shell geometry than to bathymetry.  相似文献   

The widespread assumption that sutural complexity in ammonites is mainly proportional to water depth is revisited. Fractal analysis has been used for the precise morphometric evaluation of sutural complexity in 131 Upper Jurassic ammonites. Suture lines belonging to twelve families have been analyzed, account being taken of shell structure (coiling, shape of whorl section), sculpture and paleoenvironments. Fractal dimensions obtained in epicontinental and epioceanic ammonites show the unlikelihood of precise relationships between suture complexity and depth, and/or the absence of major differences in habitat depth if bathymetry played any significant role in the configuration of intricate septa. Suture complexity appears to be better related to shell structural types. □ Fractal analysis, ammonite sutures, Upper Jurassic.  相似文献   

The spatial scaling of 77 hemisutures from 65 species of Cretaceous heteromorphic ammonites was quantified with the fractal box‐counting method. Fractal dimensions within Baculites compressus did not significantly differ between adult hemisutures; however, the juvenile suture of this species did exhibit a significantly lower fractal dimension. This suggests that variation in sutural complexity between explicitly adult ontogenetic stages may not contribute to significant noise in comparisons between other species/morphotypes. High‐spired, three‐dimensionally coiled heteromorphs with a larger degree of septal asymmetry exhibit higher fractal dimensions in outer whorl hemisutures than inner whorl hemisutures due to their elongation and improved space occupation over a larger whorl surface. Three‐dimensionally coiled ammonites also have higher fractal dimensions on average (mean Db = 1.45) with respect to their 2‐D coiled counterparts (mean Db = 1.38). All ammonites in this study exhibit a positive trend between sutural complexity and shell size (proxied by whorl height). These relationships suggest that septal frilling is constrained by shell morphology and whorl section geometry during septal morphogenesis. This, in turn, influences the scaling, space‐filling properties and scaling limits of ammonitic suture patterns. Sutural/septal complexity is also found to positively influence the amount of liquid retained in marginal septal recesses. However, as these septa approach larger scales, less cameral liquid is retained per septal mass. This may further explain the positive relationship between sutural complexity and shell size.  相似文献   

How much ABA can be supplied by the roots is a key issue for modelling the ABA-mediated influence of drought on shoot physiology. We quantified accumulation rates of ABA ( S ABA) in maize roots that were detached from well-watered plants and dehydrated to various extents by air-drying. S ABA was estimated from changes in ABA content in root segments incubated at constant relative water content (RWC). Categories of root segments, differing in age and branching order, were compared (root branches, and nodal roots subdivided into root tips, subapical unbranched sections, and mature sections). All categories of roots accumulated ABA, including turgid and mature tissues containing no apex. S ABA measured in turgid roots changed with root age and among root categories. This variability was largely accounted for by differences in water content among different categories of turgid roots. The response of S ABA to changes in root water potential ( Ψ root) induced by dehydration was common to root tips, nodal roots and branches of several ages, while this was not the case if root dehydration was expressed in terms of RWC. Differences among root categories in the response of S ABA to RWC were due to different RWC values among categories at a given Ψ root, and not to differences in the response of S ABA to Ψ root.  相似文献   

Significant differences (ANOVA) in three out of six meristic characters and in 16 out of 18 morphometric characters were found among Syngnathus abaster caught in the River Danube at sites 900 km upwards from the mouth of the Black Sea, the fresh waters of Ukraine, the Black Sea and the Azov Sea. The Danube populations showed significantly greater values for antedorsal (aD) and anteanal (aA) distances, but considerably smaller values for postdorsal (pD) distance and head length (LH) than other populations analysed (Tukey-Kramer's test). The relation of total length (LT) to standard length ( Ls ) for the Danube populations was Ls= 0–97. Lt , the length-mass relationship was M=4.122. L T3.63 and the mean ± S.D. of Fulton condition factor was 0.34 ± 0.08.  相似文献   

Taphonomic analysis of Lower and Middle Oxfordian ammonites from the Cracow Upland, southern Poland (localities at Pod???e, Zalas, M?ynka) revealed differences in ammonite preservation. The studied ammonites, usually termed as external and internal moulds, show a more complex state of preservation. In the Middle Oxfordian glauconitic marls, ammonites are preserved as internal moulds with neomorphic calcite shells showing relics of the original internal structure. In the Middle Oxfordian platy peloidal limestones, ammonites are preserved mostly as external moulds, without septal suture, however under microscope might show relics of internal whorls and septa and/or subtle differences in sediment filling phragmocone chambers. In sponge–microbial bioherms and biostromes, ammonite internal moulds have shells, which in contrast to ammonites from glauconitic marls are not strictly neomorphic ones, but originated by shell dissolution and subsequent filling of moldic porosity by calcite cement. In sponge–microbial nodular limestones, the ammonites are strongly deformed and the outer wall is usually removed by dissolution under pressure. Other important taphonomic differences include the rate of compaction (highest in platy limestones), sedimentary infillings, microborings, encrustations and preservation of siphuncular tubes. The majority of the ammonites appear to be phragmocones; aptychi in all facies are rare. Siphuncular tubes are fossilized exclusively in oppeliids, only in specimens from glauconitic marls and platy limestones, although their other taphonomic attributes are different. Tubes seem to have fossilized due to microbially mediated phosphatization that could be favoured by a set of parameters which operated rather at the scale of ammonoid carcasses: closed, poorly oxygenated conditions, and reduced pH. Taphonomic processes were controlled by the sedimentary environment (fragmentation, sedimentary filling, phosphatization of siphuncular tubes), as well as by early and late diagenesis (neomorphic transformation, dissolution, cementation, compaction) influenced by lithology.  相似文献   

This study examines interrelationships between eight leaf attributes (specific leaf mass, area, dry mass, lamina thickness, mesophyll cell number per cm2, mesophyll cell volume, chloroplast volume, and number of chloroplasts per mesophyll cell) in field-grown plants of 94 species from the Eastern Pamir Mountains, at elevations between 3800 and 4750 m. Unlike most other mountain areas, the Eastern Pamirs, Karakorum system, Tadjikistan provide localities where low temperatures and radiation combine with moisture stress at high altitudes. For all the attributes measured, significant differences were found between plants with different mesophyll types. Leaves with dorsiventral palisade structure (dorsal palisade, ventral spongy mesophyll cells) had thicker leaves with larger but fewer mesophyll cells, containing more and larger chloroplasts. These differences in mesophyll type are reflected in differences in the total surface of mesophyll cells per unit leaf area ( A mes/ A ) or volume ( A mes/ V ). Plants with isopalisade leaf structure (palisade cells under both dorsal and ventral surfaces) are more commonly xerophytes and their increased values of A mes/ A and A mes/ V decrease CO2 mesophyll resistance, which is an important adaptation to drought. Path analysis shows the critical importance of mesophyll cell volume in leading to the covariance between the different leaf attributes and hence to specific leaf mass (SLM), even though mesophyll cell volume is not itself strongly correlated with SLM. This is because mesophyll cell volume increases SLM through its effects on leaf thickness and chloroplast number per cell, but decreases SLM through its negative effect on mesophyll cell density.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the energy density of fishes in the North Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The energy density ( E D, kJ g-1 wet mass) of saithe Pollachius virens , haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus , whiting Merlangius merlangus , Norway pout Trisopterus esmarki , herring Clupea harengus , sprat Sprattus sprattus , sandeel Ammodytes marinus and pearlsides Maurolicus Muelleri , from the North Sea, increased with total length, L T. However, there was not always a significant ( P> 0·05) linear relationship between L T and E D. Seasonal differences in E D were obvious in mature fish, while geographical differences were insignificant. For all species there was a highly significant correlation ( P< 0·0001) between the percent dry mass of the fish ( D S) and E D. A general relationship was established for gadoids and sandeel E D=–3·1492+0·3459 D S and herring E D=–4·6395+0·4170 D S. Thus seasonal and size-specific data on E D needed for bioenergetics and gastric evacuation models can be determined simply from D S, which is considerably less costly and time consuming than calorimetry or proximate analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract— The unidirectional transport of metabolic substrates from blood to brain may be defined in terms of Michaelis-Menten saturable ( K m, V max) and non-saturable ( K d) components of influx. Various computation procedures have been previously reported to estimate the kinetic parameters when an intracarotid injection technique is used. Transformations of the influx data which allow linear plots to obtain estimates were compared with estimates obtained directly from a best fit on a least means squares criterion for both experimental and simulated data. Large discrepancies were apparent between the various estimates of the kinetic parameters when an equal weight was given to transformed data. For pyruvate (21-day-old rats), K m, values varied between 1.02 and 6.25 mM and V max varied between 0.68 and 2.30 μmol g−1 min−1. The estimates were almost equivalent when pyruvate data was re-analysed using a weighting scheme based on the finding that the absolute value of the S.D. of influx increased in proportion to influx. It is recommended that estimates of kinetic parameters be obtained by an iterative, non-linear least squares method to fit appropriately weighted data directly.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption of carp acclimated at 10 and 20° C has been measured under routine conditions. Some complications and precautions necessary in continuous flow respirometry are discussed. Routine V o2 at different levels of hypoxia have been determined. Individual variation leads to scatter in the data and different methods of plotting the relationship between V o2 and P o2 are proposed; attention is drawn to differences between inlet (or ambient) P o2 and inspired P o2. Using certain criteria a 'critical' oxygen tension of about 95 mm Hg was found at 20° C; Q 10 values are about 2 at normoxia and some suggestions of an increase near to the critical oxygen tension were found. Blood samples from the dorsal aorta showed rising Pa,o2 of 16 mm Hg which increased to 70–80 mm Hg when P insp was 90 and they then fall as the inspired oxygen is lowered. During periods of deep hypoxia (25 mm Hg) blood lactate concentration increases steadily and indicates an increasing dependence on anaerobic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in sexual dimorphism of tooth size was assessed for the red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) across the whole northern range of the species. Twenty-one measurements of tooth size and skull length were taken from 2849 specimens (1577 males and 1272 females) originating from 12 Nearctic and 25 Palearctic localities. The index of sexual dimorphism was calculated as a quotient of the mean measure of certain characters in males by the respective mean in females ( M m/ M f). In the whole range, the males were larger than females and mean dimorphism index of tooth size ranged from 1.01 to 1.06. On average, the tooth measurements in males were 3.6% larger than in females. The highest dimorphism was observed in the canines. Dimorphism of tooth size was higher in the Palearctic than Nearctic. Statistically significant differences between regions were found for lengths of C1, C1 and M1. In the Palearctic, higher values of the dimorphism indices were observed particularly in the southern parts of the Eurasian range of the red fox and in Great Britain. For a few metrical traits, sexual dimorphism indices presented significant relations to some geo-climatic variables. The geographic pattern of size dimorphism in the red fox seems to be shaped by sexual selection, intraspecific and interspecific competition and population density.  相似文献   

Maximum stomatal conductance to water vapour and CO2 ( g wmax, g cmax, respectively), which are set at the time of leaf maturity, are determined predominantly by stomatal size ( S ) and density ( D ). In theory, many combinations of S and D yield the same g wmax and g cmax, so there is no inherent correlation between S and D , or between S , D and maximum stomatal conductance. However, using basic equations for gas diffusion through stomata of different sizes, we show that a negative correlation between S and D offers several advantages, including plasticity in g wmax and g cmax with minimal change in epidermal area allocation to stomata. Examination of the relationship between S and D in Eucalyptus globulus seedlings and coppice shoots growing in the field under high and low rainfall revealed a strong negative relationship between S and D , whereby S decreased with increasing D according to a negative power function. The results provide evidence that plasticity in maximum stomatal conductance may be constrained by a negative S versus D relationship, with higher maximum stomatal conductance characterized by smaller S and higher D , and a tendency to minimize change in epidermal space allocation to stomata as S and D vary.  相似文献   

The kinetics of active sodium uptake in dechorionated embryos, yolk-sac fry and start-feed fry of Atlantic salmon were compared in two groups reared either in low conductivity, untreated, river water (conductivity ∼ 46 μS cm−1, pH 5.75), or in 'improved' river water buffered with sea water (conductivity ∼2200 μS cm 1, pH 6.56), the latter treatment often being used in commercial hatcheries to avoid problems associated with periodic acidification.
Maximal transport rate ( V max) increased during development in both groups but was always significantly higher in embryos and fry maintained in untreated river water. Values for K m were not seen to vary during development up to 12 weeks after hatching and were not significantly different between groups, or from values reported for adult Atlantic salmon in fresh water.
The results are discussed with respect to the influence of Na+ concentrations in the perivitelline fluid of developing eggs and in the external medium surrounding fry on V max and K m. The ability of fry reared entirely in buffered river water to maintain sodium balance following transfer to untreated river water is also considered.  相似文献   

The Effect of Sugars and Polyols on the Heat Resistance of Salmonellae   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
S ummary . The heat resistance at 65° of 3 strains of salmonellae in solutions of sugars or polyols was enhanced as the concentration of the solutes increased. There was no linear relationship between heat resistance and water activity ( aw ), but for all solutes except glycerol there was a linear relationship between log D 65 and concentration (% w/w) of solute. Comparison of D 65 at a particular aw or percentage (w/w) solute concentration showed that the value decreased in the order: sucrose > glucose > sorbitol > fructose > glycerol. In glycerol, D 65 values were always very much lower than in any other solute. With sucrose–glycerol or sucrose–glucose mixtures, heat resistance depended both on the total concentration (% w/w) of solutes present and also on the aw of the solution.  相似文献   

Abstract— The kinetics of the uptake from blood to brain of pyruvate, lactate and glucose have been determined in rats of different ages. The carotid artery single injection technique was used in animals anaesthetized with pentobarbital. The rates of influx for each substrate were determined over a range of concentrations for the different age-groups. Data were analysed in terms of the Michaelis-Menten equation with a component to allow for non-saturable diffusion. Values are given for K m, V max and K d. In suckling rats (15-21 days) the V max values for both pyruvate and lactate were 2.0 μmol g−1 min−1. In 28-day-old rats the V max values had fallen to one-half and in adults they were less than one-tenth. K m, values were higher in the younger animals. The rate of glucose transport in suckling rats was half that of 28-day-old and adults although there was no difference with age in the K m values.
The results are discussed in relation to the net flux of these substrates in and out of brain during different stages of post-natal development.  相似文献   

Mechanical significance of ammonoid septa with complex sutures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Pre- and post-19th century hypotheses relating hydrostatic pressure to the mechanical function of sutural complexity are compared. The old ideas gave rise to the 19th century 'Buckland hypothesis', which is in turn largely synonymous with the 'Westermann model'. Buckland (1836) postulated that fluted septa buttressed the weak flanks of the phragmocone wall. Two new parameters are introduced to define the covariation between the strength of cylindrical segments of the wall flank bounded by the distance between adjacent lobe and saddle-flutes in transverse sections. The product of the index of wall strength (IWS) and this inverse support angle (ISA) predicts the buckling pressure in a cylinder of infinite length, and it implies that coiled nautiloids were more likely to be imploded via their whorl flanks than the apparently weaker oxyconic ammonoids. The widely used index of sutural complexity (ISC) measures the marginal corrugation which obscures this trend and acts as an elastic bed for both strong and weak walls. However, the ISC is more proportional to habitat depth than the buckling pressure when all other factors are constant. The central thickness of each fluted septum was increased in direct proportion to the distance spanned by the septum and the hydrostatic pressure on it in the 'last septum' position. The marginal thickness was maintained at a more constant value, which permitted the suture to increasingly act like a spring or shock absorber, as the wall thickness was enlarged during ontogeny. Both the ratios, between the central and marginal thicknesses and the closely related ISC, therefore, increased with shell diameter and habitat depth.  相似文献   

Multilocus DNA fingerprinting is commonly used to assess genetic similarity within and between geographically disjunct populations. Typically, the proportion of DNA fingerprinting bands shared between two individuals ( S XY) is calculated for all possible pairwise comparisons and the resulting data analyzed parametrically to test differences in mean band-sharing among groups. The degree to which covariation among interdependent S XY values ( S ab - S bc) biases the analyses is often unknown. Here, we assess the extent of covariation in four DNA fingerprinting studies and evaluate the effectiveness of two corrective procedures, a permutation test and a subsampling routine using only independent pairwise comparisons drawn without replacement from the overall data. Covariation among interdependent S XY values was significantly greater than zero in every data set examined, including those from a bee, a rodent, and two passerine birds. Permutation tests did not correct for interdependence and yielded significance values nearly identical to those derived from uncorrected parametric procedures. In contrast, the subsampling procedure yielded corrected estimates of the standard error that were two to four times larger than those derived parametrically. As a result, comparisons that were significant using parametric tests were either non-significant or only marginally significant with the subsampling routine. We conclude that interdependence among S XY values poses a substantial obstacle to hypothesis testing that must be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

Uptake and turnover of acetate in hypersaline environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Acetate uptake and turnover rates were determined for the heterotrophic community in hypersaline environments (saltern crystallizer ponds, the Dead Sea) dominated by halpphilic Archaea. Acetate was formed from glycerol, which is potentially the major available carbon source for natural communities of halophilic Archaea. Values of [ K t+ S n] (the sum of the substrate affinity and the substrate concentration present in situ) for acetate measured in saltern crystallizer ponds were around 4.5–11.5 μM, while in the Dead Sea during a Dunaliella bloom values up to 12.8 μM were found. Maximal theoretical rates ( V max) of acetate uptake in saltern crystallizer ponds were 12–56 nmol l−1 h−1, with estimated turnover times for acetate ( T t) between 127–730 h at 35°C. V max values measured in the Dead Sea were between 0.8 and 12.8 nmol l−1 h−1, with turnover times in the range of 320–2190 h. V max values for acetate were much lower than those for glycerol. Comparisons with pure cultures of halophilic Archaea grown under different conditions showed that the natural communities were not adapted for preferential use of acetate. Both in natural brines and in pure cultures of halophilic Archaea, acetate incorporation rates rapidly decreased above the optimum pH value, probably since acetate enters the cell only in its unionized form. The low affinity for acetate, together with low potential utilization rates result in the long acetate turnover times, which explains the accumulation of acetate observed when low concentrations of glycerol are supplied as a nutrient to natural communities of halophilic Archaea.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Information on temperature (T°C) and time from fertilization to 50% hatch ( D days) for five species of salmonid fishes has been used to assess several mathematical models relating D and T . No single equation gave the best fit to all five data sets. The power law with temperature correction (α), log101 D = log10 a + b log10 ( T - α) and the quadratic, log10 D = log10 a + bT + b 1 T 2 (where a, b, b 1, and α are constants), each accounted for over 97 % of the variance of D and were good fits to the observed data points for all five species. There was little difference between the predictions obtained from these two equations within the range of observed temperatures. Therefore, the simpler power-law model is preferred. However, there were substantial within-species differences between values of D predicted from extrapolations of the two models from 2 or 3°C down to 0°C. When more data for low temperatures become available it will be possible to make a more objective choice of model.  相似文献   

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