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The sumoylation pathway is a post-translational modification of nuclear proteins widespread among several organisms. SMT3C is the main protein involved in this process and it is covalently conjugated to a diverse assortment of nuclear protein targets. To date, 3 SUMO paralogues (SMT3C, A/B) have been characterized in mammals and plants. In this work we characterized two SUMO related genes, named SMT3B and SMT3C throughout Schistosoma mansoni life cycle. The SmSMTB/C encodes for proteins sharing significant amino acid homology with SMT3. Phylogenetical analyses revealed that both SmSMT3B/C are distinct proteins. Additionally, SmSMT3B and C are expressed in cercariae, adult worms, eggs and schistosomula however SmSMT3C gene showed an expression level 7 to 9 fold higher than SmSMT3B in eggs, schistosomula and adult worms. The comparison between the SmSMT3C genomic and cDNA sequences established that the encoding sequence is interrupted by 3 introns of 70, 37 and 36 bp. Western Blot has shown SMT3 conjugates are present in nuclear and total protein fractions of adults and cercariae. Therefore our results suggest a functional sumoylation pathway, and the presence of two paralogues also suggests the specificity of substrates for SMT3 in S. mansoni.  相似文献   

We have deployed the alpha-helical hairpin peptide (alpha-helix/turn/alpha-helix) and used it as a model system to explore how glycosylation and phosphorylation might affect the conformational properties of the peptide. The native conformations of the modified peptides in buffer solution have been compared with that of the wild-type peptide by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to probe the effects of an O-linked beta-GlcNAc and a phosphate group on the overall folding stability of the peptide. Finally, the rate of fibrillogenesis was used to infer the effects of these chemical modifications on the alpha-to-beta transition as well as the rate of nucleation of amyloidogenesis.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen whose infectious capacity depends on surface proteins, which enable bacteria to colonize and invade host tissues and cells. We analyzed “trypsin-shaved” surface proteins of S. aureus cultures by high resolution LC-MS/MS at different growth stages and culture conditions. Some modified peptides were identified, with a mass shift corresponding to the addition of a CH2O group (+ 30.0106 u). We present evidence that this shift corresponds to a hyxdroxymethylation of asparagine and glutamine residues. This known but poorly documented post-translational modification was only found in a few proteins of S. aureus grown under specific conditions. This specificity seemed to exclude the hypothesis of an artifact due to sample preparation. Altogether hydroxymethylation was observed in 35 peptides from 15 proteins in our dataset, which corresponded to 41 modified sites, 35 of them being univocally localized. While no function can currently be assigned to this post-translational modification, we hypothesize that it could be linked to modulation of virulence factors, since it was mostly found on some surface proteins of S. aureus.  相似文献   

In this minireview, we will highlight work in the last 30 years that has clearly demonstrated that the O-GlcNAc modification is nutrient-responsive and plays multiple roles in metabolic regulation of signaling and gene expression. Further, we will examine recent studies that have investigated the impact of O-GlcNAc in a variety of glucose- and insulin-responsive tissues and the roles attributed to O-GlcNAc in the induction of insulin resistance and glucose toxicity, the hallmarks of type II diabetes mellitus. We will also summarize potential causal roles for the O-GlcNAc modification in complications associated with diabetes.  相似文献   

Among the various expression systems employed for the over-production of proteins, bacteria still remains the favorite choice of a Protein Biochemist. However, even today, due to the lack of post-translational modification machinery in bacteria, recombinant eukaryotic protein production poses an immense challenge, which invariably leads to the production of biologically in-active protein in this host. A number of techniques are cited in the literature, which describe the conversion of inactive protein, expressed as an insoluble fraction, into a soluble and active form. Overall, we have divided these methods into three major groups: Group-I, where the factors influencing the formation of insoluble fraction are modified through a stringent control of the cellular milieu, thereby leading to the expression of recombinant protein as soluble moiety; Group-II, where protein is refolded from the inclusion bodies and thereby target protein modification is avoided; Group-III, where the target protein is engineered to achieve soluble expression through fusion protein technology. Even within the same family of proteins (e.g., tyrosine kinases), optimization of standard operating protocol (SOP) may still be required for each protein’s over-production at a pilot-scale in Escherichia coli. However, once standardized, this procedure can be made amenable to the industrial production for that particular protein with minimum alterations.  相似文献   

Recently, complex O-glycosylation of the cytoplasmic/nuclear protein Skp1 has been characterized in the eukaryotic microorganism Dictyostelium. Skp1's glycosylation is mediated by the sequential action of a prolyl hydroxylase and five conventional sugar nucleotide-dependent glycosyltransferase activities that reside in the cytoplasm rather than the secretory compartment. The Skp1-HyPro GlcNAcTransferase, which adds the first sugar, appears to be related to a lineage of enzymes that originated in the prokaryotic cytoplasm and initiates mucin-type O-linked glycosylation in the lumen of the eukaryotic Golgi apparatus. GlcNAc is extended by a bifunctional glycosyltransferase that mediates the ordered addition of beta1,3-linked Gal and alpha1,2-linked Fuc. The architecture of this enzyme resembles that of certain two-domain prokaryotic glycosyltransferases. The catalytic domains are related to those of a large family of prokaryotic and eukaryotic, cytoplasmic, membrane-bound, inverting glycosyltransferases that modify glycolipids and polysaccharides prior to their translocation across membranes toward the secretory pathway or the cell exterior. The existence of these enzymes in the eukaryotic cytoplasm away from membranes and their ability to modify protein acceptors expose a new set of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins to potential prolyl hydroxylation and complex O-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

重组蛋白正确折叠与修饰的提高策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着分子生物学的研究和不断发展,基因表达技术有了很大的进步。到目前为止,人们已经研究出多种表达系统用以生产重组蛋白,但没有一种表达系统能够完全满足当前需要,各种活性肽和蛋白质类药物的需求逐年攀升,不仅对表达量有要求,更需要正确的翻译后折叠、修饰,使表达蛋白和天然构象更加接近,具有更高的活性和稳定性。结合目前的研究工作从表达系统与宿主、分泌表达、共表达、融合表达和培养条件等方面综述了其对重组蛋白正确折叠以及翻译后修饰的影响,并提出可能改进的策略。  相似文献   

The Wnt family of proteins is a group of extracellular signalling molecules that regulate cell-fate decisions in developing and adult tissues. It is presumed that all 19 mammalian Wnt family members contain two types of post-translational modification: the covalent attachment of fatty acids at two distinct positions, and the N-glycosylation of multiple asparagines. We examined how these modifications contribute to the secretion, extracellular movement and signalling activity of mouse Wnt1 and Wnt3a ligands. We revealed that O-linked acylation of serine is required for the subsequent S-palmitoylation of cysteine. As such, mutant proteins that lack the crucial serine residue are not lipidated. Interestingly, although double-acylation of Wnt1 was indispensable for signalling in mammalian cells, in Xenopus embryos the S-palmitoyl-deficient form retained the signalling activity. In the case of Wnt3a, the functional duality of the attached acyls was less prominent, since the ligand lacking S-linked palmitate was still capable of signalling in various cellular contexts. Finally, we show that the signalling competency of both Wnt1 and Wnt3a is related to their ability to associate with the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

In the protist Euglena gracilis, the cytosolic small subunit (SSU) rRNA is a single, covalently continuous species typical of most eukaryotes; in contrast, the large subunit (LSU) rRNA is naturally fragmented, comprising 14 separate RNA molecules instead of the bipartite (28S + 5.8S) eukaryotic LSU rRNA typically seen. We present extensively revised secondary structure models of the E. gracilis SSU and LSU rRNAs and have mapped the positions of all of the modified nucleosides in these rRNAs (88 in SSU rRNA and 262 in LSU rRNA, with only 3 LSU rRNA modifications incompletely characterized). The relative proportions of ribose-methylated nucleosides and pseudouridine (∼ 60% and ∼ 35%, respectively) are closely similar in the two rRNAs; however, whereas the Euglena SSU rRNA has about the same absolute number of modifications as its human counterpart, the Euglena LSU rRNA has twice as many modifications as the corresponding human LSU rRNA. The increased levels of rRNA fragmentation and modification in E. gracilis LSU rRNA are correlated with a 3-fold increase in the level of mispairing in helical regions compared to the human LSU rRNA. In contrast, no comparable increase in mispairing is seen in helical regions of the SSU rRNA compared to its homologs in other eukaryotes. In view of the reported effects of both ribose-methylated nucleoside and pseudouridine residues on RNA structure, these correlations lead us to suggest that increased modification in the LSU rRNA may play a role in stabilizing a ‘looser’ structure promoted by elevated helical mispairing and a high degree of fragmentation.  相似文献   

To quantify the extent to which biomass and phosphorus in particular is removed from an aquatic system via sedimentation as well as to identify factors that influence sedimentation of nutrient elements, various characterizations of suspended and settling particulate matter were made in Trout Lake, Wisconsin, USA. The proportion of water column phosphorus reaching sediment traps showed a seasonal component with a minimum during late summer. Biogenic silicon analysis indicated that relatively high rates of phosphorus removal were associated with the sedimentation of siliceous algae (diatoms) from the water column. Estimates of the impact of nutrient removal through diatom sedimentation indicate that this process can reduce primary production by decreasing the amount of nutrient remineralization in the water column during the stratified period.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-activated calmodulin (CaM) regulates many target enzymes by docking to an amphiphilic target helix of variable sequence. This study compares the equilibrium Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ dissociation kinetics of CaM complexed to target peptides derived from five different CaM-regulated proteins: phosphorylase kinase. CaM-dependent protein kinase II, skeletal and smooth myosin light chain kinases, and the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase. The results reveal that different target peptides can tune the Ca2+ binding affinities and kinetics of the two CaM domains over a wide range of Ca2+ concentrations and time scales. The five peptides increase the Ca2+ affinity of the N-terminal regulatory domain from 14- to 350-fold and slow its Ca2+ dissociation kinetics from 60- to 140-fold. Smaller effects are observed for the C-terminal domain, where peptides increase the apparent Ca2+ affinity 8- to 100-fold and slow dissociation kinetics 13- to 132-fold. In full-length skeletal myosin light chain kinase the inter-molecular tuning provided by the isolated target peptide is further modulated by other tuning interactions, resulting in a CaM-protein complex that has a 10-fold lower Ca2+ affinity than the analogous CaM-peptide complex. Unlike the CaM-peptide complexes, Ca2+ dissociation from the protein complex follows monoexponential kinetics in which all four Ca2+ ions dissociate at a rate comparable to the slow rate observed in the peptide complex. The two Ca2+ ions bound to the CaM N-terminal domain are substantially occluded in the CaM-protein complex. Overall, the results indicate that the cellular activation of myosin light chain kinase is likely to be triggered by the binding of free Ca2(2+)-CaM or Ca4(2+)-CaM after a Ca2+ signal has begun and that inactivation of the complex is initiated by a single rate-limiting event, which is proposed to be either the direct dissociation of Ca2+ ions from the bound C-terminal domain or the dissociation of Ca2+ loaded C-terminal domain from skMLCK. The observed target-induced variations in Ca2+ affinities and dissociation rates could serve to tune CaM activation and inactivation for different cellular pathways, and also must counterbalance the variable energetic costs of driving the activating conformational change in different target enzymes.  相似文献   

The soil microbial carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pools were quantified in the organic horizon of soils from an arctic/alpine low-altitude heath and a high-altitude fellfield by the fumigation-extraction method before and after factorial addition of sugar, NPK fertilizer and benomyl, a fungicide. In unamended soil, microbial C, N and P made up 3.3–3.6%, 6.1–7.3% and 34.7% of the total soil C, N and P content, respectively. The inorganic extractable N pool was below 0.1% and the inorganic extractable P content slightly less than 1% of the total soil pool sizes. Benomyl addition in spring and summer did not affect microbial C or nutrient content analysed in the autumn. Sugar amendments increased microbial C by 15 and 37% in the two soils, respectively, but did not affect the microbial nutrient content, whereas inorganic N and P either declined significantly or tended to decline. The increased microbial C indicates that the microbial biomass also increased but without a proportional enhancement of N and P uptake. NPK addition did not affect the amount of microbial C but almost doubled the microbial N pool and more than doubled the P pool. A separate study has shown that CO2 evolution increased by more than 50% after sugar amendment and by about 30% after NPK and NK additions to one of the soils. Hence, the microbial biomass did not increase in response to NPK addition, but the microbes immobilized large amounts of the added nutrients and, judging by the increased CO2 evolution, their activity increased. We conclude: (1) that microbial biomass production in these soils is stimulated by labile carbon and that the microbial activity is stimulated by both labile C and by nutrients (N); (2) that the microbial biomass is a strong sink for nutrients and that the microbial community probably can withdraw substantial amounts of nutrients from the inorganic, plant-available pool, at least periodically; (3) that temporary declines in microbial populations are likely to release a flush of inorganic nutrients to the soil, particularly P of which the microbial biomass contained more than one third of the total soil pool; and (4) that the mobilization-immobilization cycles of nutrients coupled to the population dynamics of soil organisms can be a significant regulating factor for the nutrient supply to the primary producers, which are usually strongly nutrient-limited in arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Syntheses and biological evaluation of novel SRT1720 derivatives are described in search for new candidates of SIRT1 activator. Several parts of the SRT1720 structure, including piperazine moiety, quinoxaline ring on the amide group, and position of the amide function, were modified, and the assay results indicated that transfer of the ortho amide-substituent regarding to the imidazo[1,2-b]thiazole core onto the meta position resulted in improvement of SIRT1 activation ability. Modeling analyses of SRT1720 and the most potent derivative bound to model complex of SIRT1 with peptide substrate were also performed.  相似文献   

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