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Two-way selection for lines of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) susceptible and resistant to infestation by tracheal mites (Acarapis woodi Rennie) was conducted for two generations. Individuals of the susceptible line were 1.4 and 2.4 times more likely to become infested by female mites after the first and second generations, respectively. These results demonstrate that genotypic variability exsts within North American populations and that selection for resistance is feasible. The mechanisms of resistance are unknown.  相似文献   

The results of bioassay and colony evaluation demonstrated that British and Texas Buckfast honey bee stocks had one-third to one-half the mean prevalence and abundance of tracheal mites as Canadian standard stock, indicating that Buckfast stocks are less susceptible to tracheal mites than Canadian standard stock. Hybrid Canadian and Buckfast stocks exhibited resistance characteristics similar to only one of their parental stocks, suggesting the colony has an unknown effect on the expression of a bee's resistance to mites. A high correlation (r s=0.66) between abundance values from the bioassay and colony evaluations indicates that the bioassay can be used to screen bees for mite resistance.  相似文献   

Tracheal mites have been associated with the condition in honey bees that devastated colonies in Britain and Ireland in the early 1900s. The first outbreak of this condition, that became known as the ‘Isle of Wight’ disease, coincided with the period when brood-cell size was increased from about 5.0 mm to about 5.5 mm in width. We undertook an inoculation experiment over a 7-day period to establish if the act of increasing the brood-cell size could have triggered the onset of tracheal mites in honey bees. The standard-sized cells used had a cell width of 5.44 mm and the small-sized cells a width of 5.07 mm. Using callow (newly emerged) bees, from three colonies that had mixed cell sizes, we compared the susceptibility of bees reared in standard-sized cells with that of those raised in small-sized cells. The results indicated similar levels of female mite abundance (0.49 vs. 0.52 mites per bee) and mean fecundity (4.33 vs. 4.22 offspring per female mite), and produced no evidence of any difference in the overall susceptibility between the bees raised in the standard-sized cells versus small-sized brood cells.  相似文献   

Detection of simple sequence length polymorphisms by silver staining   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Worker honey bees from genetic strains selected for being resistant (R) or susceptible (S) to tracheal mites typically show large differences in infestation in field colonies and in bioassays that involve controlled exposure to infested bees. We used bioassays exposing newly emerged individuals to infested workers to compare the propensity for tracheal mites to infest queens, drones and workers from R and S colonies. In tests with queens, newly emerged R and S queens were either simultaneously confined in infested colonies (n = 95 and 87 respectively), or individually caged with groups of 5–20 infested workers (n = 119 and 115 respectively). Mite prevalence (percentage of individuals infested) and abundance (foundress mites per individual) after 4–6 days did not differ between R and S queens. In another test, five newly emerged drones and workers from both an R and an S colony, and a queen of one of the two strains, were caged in each of 38 cages with 20 g of workers infested at 60–96% prevalence. Infestations of the R queens (n = 17) and S queens (n = 19) did not differ significantly, but R workers had half the mite abundance of S workers, while R drones received about a third more migrating mites than S drones. In tests to evaluate possible mechanisms, removal of one mesothoracic leg from R and S workers resulted in 2- to 10-fold increase in mite abundance on the treated side, but excising legs did not affect infestation of the corresponding tracheae in drones. This suggests that differences in infestation between R and S workers, but not drones, are largely determined by their ability to remove mites through autogrooming. If autogrooming is the primary mechanism of colony resistance to tracheal mites, selection for resistance to tracheal mites using infestation of hemizygous drones may be inefficient. *The U.S. Government’s right ot retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

This study revealed the presence of various rickettsial agents in mites from wild rodents collected in Southern Jeolla Province, Korea, by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequence analysis of a partial citrate synthase and rickettsia outer membrane protein B genes. Rickettsial agents closely related to the Rickettsia species TwKM02, R. australis, and the Rickettsia species Cf15 were successfully identified in this study, for the first time in Korea, and R. japonica, R. akari, R. conorii, R. felis, and R. typhi were also detected, as previously described. The data presented in this paper extend knowledge on the geographic distribution of SFG rickettsiae in eastern Asia and it may necessary to consider the role of mites in rickettsial transmission.  相似文献   

Summary We have raised antiserum against part of the Deformed (Dfd) protein of the honeybee and describe here the expression pattern of the Dfd protein during honeybee embryogenesis. Dfd protein is first stained in the prospective gnathal region of the cellular blastoderm. This circumferential band corresponds to the distribution of Dfd mRNA described earlier, and to the blastodermal Dfd expression pattern in Drosophila. Using an antibody against the engrailed (en) protein of Drosophila, we found that at the beginning of gastrulation Dfd expression in the honeybee, as in Drosophila, is restricted to the future intercalary, mandibular and maxillary segments. During gastrulation, the mesodermal nuclei loose the Dfd label gradually from anterior to posterior, and in the ectoderm the most posterior ventral cells loose Dfd while retaining en staining; thus, in contrast to what has been described for Drosophila, the posterior Dfd expression border seems to move forward ventrally to the parasegmental boundary within the maxillary segment. In the late germ band, the lateral tips of the Dfd-expressing band are connected across the dorsal side by a row of amnion cells with strongly staining large nuclei. After dorsal closure, a narrow stripe of Dfd-staining dorsal cells behind the neck region may indicate that the maxillary segment contributes to the dorsal body wall posterior to the head capsule. Thus, apart from some minor deviations, the Dfd expression pattern in the honeybee strongly resembles that in Drosophila prior to head involution. This is compatible with the assumption that head involution (which is a special adaption in higher dipterans) ensues after a rather conserved course of early head development in which Dfd appears to play a basic role. Offprint requests to: R. Fleig  相似文献   

The behaviour of the endoparasitic tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi (Rennie) on honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) is a challenge to observe because of its small size. Through a microscope, we videotaped this mite's movement on young bees, dead bees and bees exposed to vegetable oil. Previous studies have shown that solid vegetable oil decreases mite infestations in a bee colony. We hypothesized that the oil alters mite behaviour to the detriment of the parasite, thus helping to safeguard the host. Habitat-seeking behaviour, identified as necessary for mites to locate a new host environment, was disrupted on both dead and oil-treated bees. Questing behaviour, which is associated with transfer between hosts, increased significantly on the dead and oily bees. The behaviours of mites were significantly different between all three treatments (x 2=494.96, p<0.001 on dead bees and x 2=851.11, p<0.001 on oily bees). Both questing and seeking behaviours were significantly different on each of the thoracic treatments (F 2,66=7.88, p<0.001 and F 2,66=21.28, p<0.001) and mite questing behaviour was not altered between males and females on live or oily bees (F 1,22=0.25, p<0.62), but habitat seeking was (F 1,22=7.42, p<0.012). The male questing and habitat-seeking behaviours were observed. We conclude that oil-treated bees gained protection from habitat-seeking mites because the normal behaviour of the mites seeking an oviposition site is interrupted.  相似文献   

This study examined the migration of tracheal mites (Acarapis woodi) into honey bees (Apis mellifera) from different colonies and the relative attraction of mites to hexane extracts from the external body surfaces of young bees. Relative resistance of bees from different colonies initially was assessed with a field bioassay that involved tagging newly emerged bees, pooling them in heavily mite-infested colonies, retrieving them 7 days later, and examining them for tracheal mite prevalence and abundance. For those colonies identified as most resistant and least resistant, cuticular chemicals were extracted in hexane from frozen, newly emerged worker bees. These extracts were presented to individual tracheal mites in pairwise fashion in a laboratory bioassay. The results demonstrated that mites prefer extracts of bees from some colonies more than others, however, no consistent differences were demonstrated. Our inability to predict mite responses to extracts based on our initial assessment of relative resistance indicates that other mechanisms of resistance influence mite success in colonizing new host bees.  相似文献   

A new cue for visual discrimination by the honeybee has been demonstrated. Bees detected the position of the centre of symmetry of radial patterns of spokes, sectors, and circles relative to their point of choice in the learning process, irrespective of the pattern. When trained with one of these patterns versus a blank target, the bees discriminated a shift in the position of the centre of symmetry by as little as 5 degrees , in some cases with unfamiliar test patterns. A pattern of spokes or rings also stabilized the vision of the bees in the horizontal plane so that the position of a plain black area could then be discriminated. In other experiments, bees discriminated half of a pattern of radial spokes or concentric circles from the other half, cut either vertically or horizontally, and irrespective of scale. Therefore these patterns were not detected by preformed combinations of orientation detectors or global templates with a single output. Instead, the crucial cue for detecting edges as radial or circular was the coincidence of responses of numerous local edge detectors having the appropriate convergence to a hub. Edges that converged towards a hub were detected by the bees as radial, and edges at right angles to these were parts of circles, irrespective of the actual pattern. Breaking the patterns of spokes or circles into rows of squares spoiled the discrimination if the squares were separately resolved. Alternatively, breaking the pattern into short bars that were separately resolved spoiled the discrimination when the bars subtended less than 3 degrees . The local feature detectors for spokes and circles therefore resembled those of the orientation detectors in being short, independent, and unable to span gaps of more than 3 degrees . In conclusion, radial and circular patterns were identified by the regional coincidences and convergence of local detectors of edge orientation, and the positions of the centres of symmetry were remembered as landmarks that helped locate the reward, but the patterns themselves were not remembered.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the detection limit of diagnostic negative staining electron microscopy for the diagnosis of pathogens that could be used for bioterrorism. Methods and Results: Suspensions of vaccinia poxvirus and endospores of Bacillus subtilis were used at defined concentrations as a model for poxviruses and spores of anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), both of which are pathogens that could be used for bioterrorist attacks. Negative staining electron microscopy was performed directly or after sedimentation of these suspensions on to the sample supports using airfuge ultracentrifugation. For both virus and spores, the detection limit using direct adsorption of a 10‐μl sample volume onto the sample support was 106 particles per ml. Using airfuge ultracentrifugation with a sample volume of 80 μl, the detection limit could be reduced to 105 particles per ml for spores and to 5 × 104 particles per ml for poxviruses. The influence on particle detection of incubation time, washing and adsorption procedures was investigated. Conclusions: The reproducibility and sensitivity of the method were acceptable, particularly considering the small sample volume and low particle number applied onto the sample support. Significance and Impact of the Study: Diagnostic negative staining electron microscopy is used for the diagnosis of pathogens in emergency situations because it allows a rapid examination of all particulate matter down to the nanometre scale. This study provides precise detection limit for the method, an important factor for the validation and improvement of the technique.  相似文献   

A protein A-gold-silver (pAgs) staining was developed to detect dengue virus antigens in cultured cells. The method can be carried out in either newly-subcultured or monolayered cells. Dengue virus-inoculated C6/36 clone of Aedes albopictus cells and human endothelial cells appeared brown-yellowish color on the peripheral membrane of the infected cells. In many cases, the infected C6/36 cells appeared darker than that of the infected endothelial cells. The positive results from the inoculated C6/36 cells usually appeared as early as 2 days post-inoculation for types 1, 2, and 4 of dengue viruses and 3 days for the dengue 3 virus. The same batch of specimens detected by direct immunofluorescence antibody test (DFA) showed positive 4 days post-inoculation for the types 2, 3, and 4 of dengue viruses and 6 days for the dengue 1 virus. The result also showed that all pAgs-positive specimens were also DFA-positive, but not vice versa. It suggested that pAgs is not only sensitive but also specific for dengue virus detection from inoculated cultured cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bees can be trained to discriminate between a target with a 20° spot above a 10° spot of the same colour, and another target with the spots exchanged in position. Tests show that they do not remember the separate positions of spots of the same colour (including black) on the same target. The bees discriminate the difference in positions, in the vertical direction, of the common centres of the spots taken together, with or without green contrast.
Similar results are obtained in discriminations of a fixed T shape, each composed of two broad black bars subtending 8 by 24°, vs the same shape inverted. The trained bees fail to discriminate between the T shapes when the centroids are at the same level in the vertical direction. Moving the shapes in the horizontal direction in tests has less effect. Quite different results are obtained when the two bars of the T shape differ in colour. The bees discriminate the positions of the two colours separately, but they still fail to discriminate the shape of the T. The results can be explained by filters that detect the intensities within their fields, irrespective of shape, and weigh them according to their vertical angles from the horizontal midline. The normal function of these filters could be to detect the levels of objects relative to the horizon when the bee is in flight.  相似文献   

Recent work shows that at any one place bees detect a limited variety of simple cues in parallel. At each choice point, they recognize a few cues in the range of positions where the cues occurred during the learning process. There is no need to postulate that they re-assemble the surrounding panorama in memory; only that they retain memories of the coincidences of cues in the expected retinotopic directions. The cues could be stimuli that excite groups of peripheral visual neurons. All the experimentally known cues are described, including modulation of the receptors, the locations of areas of black or colour, the nearness, size, averaged edge orientation, and radial and tangential edges. Cues of each type are separately summed within large fields, the size of which varies with the cue. Local orientation cues from edges at right angles cancel each other within each field, which also suggests that the discrimination of shape and texture is limited. Resolution depends on lateral interactions and the number of ommatidia required for each cue. To identify a new place, a few sparse cues, together with their directions, are learned in orientation flights. When the bee returns, the cues in the panorama are progressively matched as they coincide with the cues in memory. The limited number of cues, though economical for memory, may restrict the foraging behaviour and lead to flower constancy. This kind of a visual system is a candidate model for other animals or machines with economical processing systems.  相似文献   

The tracheal mite has been associated with colony deaths worldwide since the mite was first discovered in 1919. Yet controversy about its role in honey bee colony mortality has existed since that time. Other pathogens such as bacteria and viruses have been suggested as the cause of colony deaths as well as degenerative changes in individual honey bees. Using data from published work we developed a qualitative mortality model to explain colony mortality due to tracheal mite infestation in the field. Our model suggests that colonies of tracheal-mite infested honey bees, with no other pathogens present, can die out in the late winter/early spring period due to their inability to thermoregulate. An accumulation of factors conspire to cause colony death including reduced brood/bee population, loose winter clusters, reduced flight muscle function and increasing mite infestation. In essence a cascade effect results in the colony losing its cohesion and leading to its ultimate collapse.  相似文献   

Visual discrimination of black bars by honeybees was studied in a Y-choice apparatus with fixed vertical patterns at constant range. The problem is to discover how bees remember different degrees of complexity of the orientation cue. Previous conclusions with parallel gratings and single bars disagree. With broad bars versus orthogonal bars, the bees learn the orientation cue if the bars are centred at the same place, but they learn the position cue in the vertical direction when the bars are at different places on the two targets. With several bars on each target, the bees learn their orientation and positions. As fixed patterns increase in complexity, the bees follow a simple rule, to look only at the range of places where the cues were displayed. The frame of reference is disrupted when a black spot is added to the training pattern. There is abundant evidence that the bees do not re-assemble the pattern or learn shapes. The filters that detect the position and orientation cues are coarsely tuned, so that they respond in a graded way, but the memory of the range of directions of the cue, as seen from the point of choice, is more exact.  相似文献   

We report that in Okinawa Island (southern Japan) the pupae of the invasive ant Pheidole megacephala were parasitized by an undescribed Uropodidae mite species. Our observations suggest that by sucking the hemolymph of the ant pupae during its own development, mites induce some conspicuous morphological changes and the death of parasitized P. megacephala pupae. Of the 75 collected nests, 69 (92%) were infested by the mite species. The prevalence of parasitism varied strongly among the worker and sexual castes, with the soldier and male pupae being the most attacked, followed by the minor and queen pupae. Our data represent the first case of such high parasitism in an invasive ant population. Received 2 August 2005; revised 29 September 2005; accepted 7 November 2005.  相似文献   

We studied possible host finding and resistance mechanisms ofhost colonies in the context of social parasitism by Cape honeybee(Apis mellifera capensis) workers. Workers often join neighboringcolonies by drifting, but long-range drifting (dispersal) tocolonies far away from the maternal nests also rarely occurs.We tested the impact of queenstate and taxon of mother andhost colonies on drifting and dispersing of workers and on the hosting of these workers in A. m. capensis, A. m. scutellata,and their natural hybrids. Workers were paint-marked accordingto colony and reintroduced into their queenright or queenlessmother colonies. After 10 days, 579 out of 12,034 labeled workerswere recaptured in foreign colonies. We found that driftingand dispersing represent different behaviors, which were differentlyaffected by taxon and queenstate of both mother and host colonies.Hybrid workers drifted more often than A. m. capensis and A.m. scutellata. However, A. m. capensis workers dispersed moreoften than A. m. scutellata and the hybrids combined, and A. m. scutellata workers also dispersed more frequently than thehybrids. Dispersers from queenright A. m. capensis colonieswere more often found in queenless host colonies and vice versa,indicating active host searching and/or a queenstate-discriminatingguarding mechanism. Our data show that A. m. capensis workersdisperse significantly more often than other races of A. mellifera,suggesting that dispersing represents a host finding mechanism.The lack of dispersal in hybrids and different hosting mechanismsof foreign workers by hybrid colonies may also be responsiblefor the stability of the natural hybrid zone between A. m.capensis and A. m. scutellata.  相似文献   

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