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Cold hardiness in the black rice bug, Scotinophara lurida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  The mechanisms and strategies for winter survival of the black rice bug Scotinophara lurida are investigated along with the relationship between cold hardiness and diapause. The ability of S. lurida to survive subzero temperatures varies depending on developmental stage, temperature and exposure duration. Mean supercooling point (SCP) varies from –7.6 to –10.7 °C with developmental stage, but is not significantly different between stages examined. The SCP also varies with season, being lowest in January and increasing rapidly in February and remaining almost at the same level (–7.3 to 9.6 °C) until April The osmolality of haemolymph of field-collected S. lurida adults rises dramatically from 53.9 mOsm kg−1 in August to 75.3 mOsm kg−1 in December, and then declines linearly to 57.0 mOsm kg−1 in May. Field-collected S. lurida adults show a peak glucose content in October, glycerol content in November and trehalose content in December. Only trehalose content decreases after the application of the juvenile hormone analogue, fenoxycarb, suggesting that trehalose is a cryoprotectant during diapause. These various physiological and biochemical traits related to cold tolerance in S. lurida may be, at least in part, under the control of juvenile hormone through the reproductive diapause programme.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness and overwintering of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
  • 1 Cold hardiness as measured by supercooling ability in the active stages of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) decreased progressively with maturation.
  • 2 Aphids showed no acclimation response when maintained at low temperatures.
  • 3 Starvation did not improve supercooling ability.
  • 4 In a single exposure, surface moisture caused inoculation above the inherent supercooling point in a small proportion of a population.
  • 5 Field populations show a seasonal change in supercooling ability, which is at a maximum in summer and a minimum in late winter.
  • 6 It is concluded that the act of feeding on healthy plant tissue may confer extensive supercooling ability.

【目的】探讨取食不同浓度外源海藻糖对室内饲养的花绒寄甲 Dastarcus helophoroides 成虫存活和耐寒性的影响。【方法】在室内分别用含3%, 6%和9%海藻糖的半人工饲料饲养花绒寄甲成虫,以取食不含海藻糖的半人工饲料的花绒寄甲成虫为对照组,统计饲养10周后的存活率,测定未经低温处理和10℃低温处理3 d的成虫过冷却点和含水量。【结果】取食含6%海藻糖的半人工饲料的花绒寄甲成虫存活率最高,为86.67%。不管是否经低温处理,取食含9%海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫与取食含3%和6%海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫以及不含海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫(对照)相比,其过冷却点均最低,其中未经低温处理的成虫过冷却点为-19.30℃,而经低温处理的成虫过冷却点为-21.60℃。低温处理对取食不含海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫的含水量有显著影响,而对取食含海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫含水量无显著影响。【结论】外源海藻糖对花绒寄甲成虫的存活和过冷却点有显著影响,可以利用外源海藻糖提高室内饲养花绒寄甲成虫的存活率和耐寒性。  相似文献   

Abstract Cold hardiness was investigated in overwintering field nests of the black carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus (De Geer) in the Commonwealth of Virginia. No active nest thermoregulation was observed: temperatures of galleries, worker bodies, worker clusters, and larval clusters were within 3°C of ambient temperature. Nest temperatures generally fluctuated less rapidly and severely than did ambient temperature; thus, the nest afforded protection from potentially fatal sudden temperature drops. Glycerol, the only polyol cryoprotectant detected, was found in all castes and larvae. Supercooling points were low and ranged from ? 17°C in major workers to ?22°C in larvae. A second heat release peak, occurring around ? 8°C, was seen in all adults, but it was not observed in larvae. This higher temperature peak in adults probably represents the freezing of the gut contents, as adults were found to overwinter with the crop full or partially full. Larvae did not overwinter with liquid food in the gut.  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾抗寒与越冬能力研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
江幸福  罗礼智  李克斌  赵廷昌  胡毅 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1575-1582
研究了甜菜夜蛾不同虫态的过冷却点、耐低温能力、可能的越冬虫态及其越冬能力,并结合气象资料的分析,初步确定了我国甜菜夜蛾的越冬北界.甜菜夜蛾3~5龄幼虫的过冷却点较高,分别为-11.17℃、-11.96℃和-10.50℃(平均-11.21℃),预蛹期次之,为-12.47℃,蛹期最低,平均为-17.16℃.在5℃、0℃、-10℃和-5℃条件下,甜菜夜蛾各种虫态的LT50、LT90和LT99.9均随温度的降低而缩短,尽管不同虫态的耐低温能力有很大的差别.其耐低温能力由弱至强的排列顺序依次为卵<成虫<幼虫<蛹.这些结果表明,蛹是甜菜夜蛾的四个虫态中耐低温能力最强的,因而是最可能的越冬虫态.但由于蛹在0℃条件下的LT99.9为38.06d,表明甜菜夜蛾在冬季0℃以下的温度超过38d的地区不能越冬.另外,连续两年冬春的田间试验结果表明,蛹在北京西郊越冬死亡率均为100%,说明甜菜夜蛾在北京地区不能越冬.根据这些结果并结合我国气温的变化规律,初步将我国甜菜夜蛾的越冬北界定于北纬38°左右,即1月份-4℃等温线左右.  相似文献   

Abstract A proportion of Helicoverpa armigera collected from fields in Okayama Prefecture (Western Japan; 34.6°N, 134.1°E) does not enter diapause when reared under a short days at 20 °C during the larval stages. However, diapause in such photo‐insensitive individuals can be induced when they are reared at moderately low temperatures, such as 15 °C, regardless of photoperiod. To determine whether such photo‐insensitive individuals can survive overwintering in fields, the present study compares the cold hardiness and sugar content between nondiapausing and diapausing pupae of photo‐insensitive individuals selected over several generations at 20 °C under a short day photoperiod (LD 10 : 14 h). Diapausing and nondiapausing pupae are obtained under the short days by rearing at 15 and 20 °C, respectively, during larval and pupal stages. These pupae are stepwise acclimated at a reduction of 5 °C every 5 days to 0 °C. Maximum survival periods of nondiapausing and diapausing pupae at 0 °C are approximately 30 and 90 days, respectively. Trehalose content in diapausing pupae increases, reaches a maximum level (1.95 mg 100 mg?1 in males and 2.1 mg 100 mg?1 in females) 28 days after exposure to 0 °C and then decreases. On the other hand, glucose content in diapausing pupae increases (maximum level: 0.32 mg 100 mg?1 in males and 0.21 mg 100 mg?1 in females) with decreasing trehalose content 42 days after exposure to 0°C. The decrease in trehalose content and the increase in glucose content may be linked to termination of diapause in H. armigera. These results suggest that, in Japan, the photo‐insensitive individuals can only survive in the mild winters of southern regions, and not in the severe winters of northern regions.  相似文献   

稻水象甲越冬成虫的耐寒力测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了浙江乐清 (北纬 2 8 1 4°,东经 1 2 0 94°)稻水象甲LissorhoptrusoryzophilusKuschel越冬成虫的耐寒力 ,从 1 1月下旬至 3月下旬平均过冷却点温度为 -1 5 3~ -2 1 2℃ ,结冰点温度为 -1 4 0~ -1 8 6℃。结合发生地气温条件 ,讨论了该地冬春季低温对该虫越冬群存活的影响。  相似文献   

昆虫是变温动物,种群的繁衍面临如何安全度过漫长而寒冷的冬季的挑战.为了安全越冬,昆虫必须适应冬季的低温,增强耐寒能力是昆虫的一种重要的季节适应机制.近年来,关于昆虫耐寒性的研究不断开展,研究内容涉及影响耐寒性的因素、耐寒性的机制等方面.影响昆虫耐寒性的因素包括环境因素,如气候的季节变化、纬度或海拔的差异等,以及昆虫自身的发育阶段、滞育发生等.  相似文献   

上海地区红棕象甲的耐寒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier)是我国危害棕榈科植物的重要入侵害虫, 为探明其越冬抗寒性, 利用过冷却点测定仪测定了红棕象甲上海种群不同虫态的过冷却点, 在低温箱内测定了该虫不同虫态的耐寒性, 然后结合田间越冬模拟试验、气象资料和寄主分布情况, 初步确定了红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界。结果表明: 红棕象甲过冷却点随虫态的发育程度的升高而下降, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫的平均过冷却点分别为-5.92, -6.42, -7.19, -7.43和-11.84℃, 过冷却点由高到低的顺序依次为: 卵>幼虫>成虫。在6, 24, 48和72 h 4个时间处理下, 各虫态在低温与存活率之间呈显著或极显著的logistic回归, 半致死温度(Ltemp50)均随处理时间的延长而上升, 不同虫态在处理72 h 后, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫之间的Ltemp50分别为1.61, -1.67, -2.39, -2.40和-0.40℃, 各虫态耐寒性由弱到强的顺序依次为: 卵<成虫<幼虫。红棕象甲不同发育阶段的过冷却点与其耐寒性并不完全相关, 幼虫和成虫均可能是该虫的越冬虫态。连续两年的田间模拟越冬试验表明, 在上海地区, 红棕象甲的幼虫和成虫的越冬存活率均在60%以上, 说明红棕象甲在上海地区是可以越冬的。根据这些结果, 结合寄主分布情况, 初步将红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界定于北纬35°附近, 即1月份0℃等温线左右。  相似文献   

寄主对桔小实蝇耐寒性的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
任璐  陆永跃  曾玲  庞淑婷 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):447-453
为了研究寄主营养对桔小实蝇耐寒性的作用,测定了以15种果蔬饲养的桔小实蝇1日龄蛹的过冷却点(supercooling points,SCP); 再选取南瓜、西红柿、柑桔、番石榴和杨桃等5种果蔬,测定了桔小实蝇3龄老熟幼虫、1日龄蛹、3日龄蛹、5日龄蛹、7日龄蛹和雌雄成虫的过冷却点,并观察了1日龄蛹的低温存活力。结果表明:(1)15种果蔬饲养所得的桔小实蝇1日龄蛹SCP均值在-11.03℃~-13.17℃,不同寄主发育的桔小实蝇SCP值存在显著性差异,其中以取食蒲桃的最高,为-11.03℃,取食苦瓜的最低,为-13.17℃。(2)5种果蔬饲养所得的桔小实蝇各虫态的SCP均值存在极显著差异(F(4,863)=35.6,P<0.01); 同一寄主上的桔小实蝇不同虫态之间SCP均值也达到极显著性差异(F(6,863)=392.9,P<0.01); 且寄主和发育龄期之间存在着极显著的交互作用(F(24,863)=9.4,P<0.01)。(3)桔小实蝇各发育阶段,SCP值表现一定变化: 老熟幼虫发育至1日龄蛹,SCP值变化不大; 蛹发育至3、5和7天过冷却能力明显增强,降至-20℃左右,但他们之间没有明显区别; 羽化后3~5天的成虫SCP值又升高至-10℃左右。老熟幼虫、1日龄蛹和2~3日龄成虫与3日龄、5日龄和7日龄蛹的SCP值之间有显著性差异。(4)将5种果蔬饲养所得的桔小实蝇1日龄蛹置于6℃和-3℃下进行较长时间(1~8天)和较短时间(1~8 h)的低温处理,发现番石榴、杨桃和南瓜发育的蛹经低温处理后的校正羽化率较西红柿和柑桔发育的蛹高; 同样在0℃、3℃、6℃和9℃处理(2天)的实验中,得出相似的结果。因此,本实验结果表明桔小实蝇幼虫由于生活寄主的不同使得其下一代蛹的耐寒性产生了差异,引起其差异的原因值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

重阳木锦斑蛾越冬幼虫的耐寒性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】重阳木锦斑蛾Histia rhodope是为害重阳木Bischofia polycarpa的重要害虫之一。本研究旨在了解重阳木锦斑蛾幼虫的抗寒能力,并为探讨抗寒机理提供理论基础。【方法】在越冬期的不同阶段(2017年11月7日、2017年12月7日、2018年1月5日、2018年2月4日和2018年3月5日)分别采集室外重阳木锦斑蛾越冬幼虫,对其体重、过冷却点、结冰点、含水量、脂肪、总糖和总蛋白质含量进行测定。【结果】重阳木锦斑蛾幼虫的过冷却点在越冬期不同月份有显著差异,与环境温度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),最低值出现在1月份,为-15.26℃,最高值出现在3月份,为-13.30℃;结冰点变化趋势与过冷却点一致;体重和脂肪含量在越冬期间逐渐下降,与过冷却点无相关性(P>0.05);过冷却能力随着虫体游离水含量的升高而降低,随其降低而升高,而结合水含量的变化趋势恰好相反;总糖含量在11月最高,为14.95 μg/mg,显著高于3月份的5.07 μg/mg;总蛋白质含量在越冬期间呈先升高后降低的趋势,在1月份含量最高,为23.66 μg/mg,显著高于11月份的含量(16.69 μg/mg)。【结论】重阳木锦斑蛾幼虫的耐寒性在越冬期间随气温的降低逐渐增强,随气温的回升又逐渐减弱;蛋白质可能是该虫重要的耐寒物质。  相似文献   

Perry R. N. and Wharton D. A. 1985. Cold tolerance of hatched and unhatched second stage juveniles of the potato cyst-nematode, Globodera rostochiensis. International Journal for Parasitology15: 441–445. Hatched second-stage juveniles of Globodera rostochiensis can survive sub-zero temperatures by supercooling when not in contact with water. When frozen in water free juveniles cannot survive ice seeding across the cuticle and concomitant freezing of their body contents. Unhatched juveniles can survive in water, probably because the egg-shell protects the juvenile from ice seeding across from the medium; in this state juveniles survive by supercooling.  相似文献   

Abstract The apple leaf miner Phyllonorycter ringoniella (Matsumura) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) overwinters as a diapausing pupa. The diapause rate reaches 100% in early October. Diapause intensity decreases gradually from early October and diapause terminates in early February. The fresh body weight of diapausing pupae is 1.6 times that of non-diapausing pupae. The main cryoprotectant in P. ringoniella pupae is trehalose. Three stages are distinguishable as indicated by the correlations between diapause intensity, levels of cold hardiness and the trehalose content: diapause induction occurred in October, diapause development from November to December, and post-diapause quiescence from January to April. During diapause induction, the pupae accumulate low levels of trehalose and do not survive exposure to −15 °C. During diapause development, the pupae gradually accumulate more trehalose and show some ability to survive exposure to −15 °C, but not to −20 °C. During post-diapause quiescence, the pupae accumulate relatively more trehalose and cold hardiness fully develops, but decreases quickly in April. The trehalose content in pupae sampled in December is unaffected by acclimation temperatures in the range 0–30 °C, but decreases in pupae sampled in March after acclimation at temperatures from 5 to 15 °C. These results suggest that overwintering pupae of P. ringoniella have the ability to accumulate trehalose and develop a high level of cold hardiness during diapause development.  相似文献   

寄主植物对棉铃虫越冬蛹抗寒能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对滞育蛹过冷却点的测定 ,初步明确寄主对棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera的越冬抗寒性有影响 ,幼虫取食棉花时产生的滞育蛹的过冷却点低于取食玉米的滞育蛹的过冷却点 ,即前者的抗寒能力高于后者 ;但用Bt棉喂养后的棉铃虫滞育蛹抗寒能力下降  相似文献   

The Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus , is an important pine forest pest and vector transmitting the pine wilt nematode that causes pine wilt disease. Low temperatures in autumn, winter and spring often differentially affect mortality of M. alternatus larvae. In this paper, we mainly compared the differences of mortality and cold hardening of larvae from different seasons, based on supercooling point (SCP) and cumulative probability of individuals freezing (CPIF). The cold hardening of the larvae from autumn, winter and spring seasons were largely different. Correlations between mortality and CPIF of autumn and spring larvae were highest on day 1/4, and gradually decreased with prolonged exposure duration. This beetle's death mainly resulted from freezing in short exposure duration. However, the correlation between mortality and CPIF of winter larvae increased gradually with the prolonged exposure duration. Death did not mainly result from freezing in long exposure duration. Autumn larvae are more susceptible and adaptable than winter and spring larvae. Winter larvae have a slight freeze-tolerance trend. Our research showed that M. alternatus came into complex cold-hardening strategies under natural selection. Freeze avoidance is the primary strategy; with prolonged exposure duration to above SCP or < 0 °C, chill tolerance is more important; this is followed by freeze tolerance during harsh winters.  相似文献   

甘薯天蛾过冷却点变化与生化成分的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定长沙地区甘薯天蛾Agrius convolvuli L.在发育过程中不同时期的过冷却点、虫体水分和粗脂肪含量,并对其动态变化和相互之间的相关性进行分析。结果表明:不同世代甘薯天蛾过冷却点均随发育进程显著升高,在蛹期明显下降;2龄幼虫的过冷却点均为-11℃左右,蛹的过冷却点在越冬代过冷却点为-7·38℃,比其他世代蛹低2~3℃。甘薯天蛾虫体含水量随发育进程不断降低,粗脂肪含量则不断升高,其越冬代蛹粗脂肪含量占其干重高达30·23%。甘薯天蛾过冷却点与虫体水分含量呈正相关;而与虫体粗脂肪含量呈负相关,且在第2、3代和越冬代均呈显著负相关。甘薯天蛾在发育过程中通过调节水分和粗脂肪含量可能是其抵抗低温的生理机制之一。  相似文献   

Abstract. To understand overwintering of the cotton boll worm Helicoverpa armigera, cold hardiness and sugar content are compared between diapausing and nondiapausing pupae. Diapausing and nondiapausing pupae reared at 20 °C under short and long photoperiods are acclimatized with a reduction of 5 °C per 5 days to 0 °C. When the acclimation temperature reaches 0 °C, the survival of diapausing pupae is assessed. The survival gradually decreases as the period of treatment progresses and approximately half survive for 112 days. However, nondiapausing pupae survive only 14 days after exposure to 0 °C. The surpercooling points of nondiapausing, diapausing and acclimatized pupae are approximately −17 °C. The major sugars contained in pupae are trehalose and glucose. Even though trehalose contents in diapausing pupae (initial level: 0.6 mg 100 mg−1 fresh weight) increase significantly during cold acclimation and continue increasing until 58 days after exposure to 0 °C (maximum level: 1.8 mg 100 mg−1), glucose is maintained at low levels (0.02 mg 100 mg−1) for 56 days at 0 °C. However, glucose contents increase (maximum level: 0.8 mg 100 mg−1) with decreasing contents of trehalose 84 days after exposure to 0 °C. Glycogen content gradually decreases during cold acclimation. When nondiapausing pupae are acclimatized with a reduction of 5 °C per 5 days to 5 °C from the beginning of pupation until the eyespots move, trehalose content increases (maximum level: 1.0 mg 100 mg−1). Glucose contents in nondiapausing pupae increase before eclosion (0.09 mg 100 mg−1). From these results, diapausing pupae of H. armigera can overwinter in regions where average winter temperatures are higher than 0 °C, but nondiapausing pupae cannot.  相似文献   

Abstract. The potential for medium-time, low-temperature storage was compared in diapausing larvae of two populations of Aphidoletes aphidimyza , a predatory midge used to control aphids in greenhouses . During 4 months of storage, no statistical decrease of survival rate ( c . 75%) was observed in the population Palamos (field collected). However, a significant decrease (below 50%) was recorded in the population Biobest (commercial, selected for the best performance in greenhouses). Measuring physiological parameters related to the rate of diapause development revealed that the larvae of the population Palamos (in contrast to Biobest ) showed a significant metabolic suppression even at the relatively high temperature of 17°C, a slower rate of glycogen depletion during storage at 3°C and a longer duration of diapause development (a higher intensity of diapause, collectively). A higher capacity for survival at subzero temperatures (cold hardiness), in either the supercooled or frozen state, was also found in the Palamos population. It is suggested that the higher survival at low-temperature storage might be linked directly to the higher diapause intensity. It remains unclear, however, whether and how the performance during low-temperature storage is linked to the capacity for cold hardiness.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The present study investigates the influence of environmental moisture on cold hardiness of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria . The water content of locust eggs kept in soil at 30 °C varies according to the moisture content of the substrate. In turn, it can significantly affect the supercooling point of locust eggs (range from −26 to −14.8 °C) and the mortality when exposed to subzero temperatures. Environmental moisture influences the supercooling capacity of eggs and their survival at low temperature. When locust eggs of the same water content are exposed to subzero temperatures under different soil moistures, their mortality varies between short-time exposure and long-time exposure at subzero temperatures. Given a short-time exposure, mortality in wet soil is lower than in dry soil due to the buffering effect of soil water against temperature change. The pattern of egg mortality is reversed after long-time exposure at low temperature, suggesting that inoculative freezing may be an important mortality factor. It is suggested that interactions between soil moisture and low temperature can influence the cold hardiness of locust eggs, and partial dehydration is beneficial to over-wintering eggs of the migratory locust.  相似文献   

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