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Abstract.  To reveal circadian characteristics and entrainment mechanisms in the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica , the locomotor-activity rhythm of foragers is investigated under programmed light and temperature conditions. After entrainment to an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiodic regime, free-running rhythms are released in constant dark (DD) or light (LL) conditions with different free-running periods. Under the LD 12 : 12 h regime, activity offset occurs approximately 0.4 h after lights-off transition, assigned to circadian time (Ct) 12.4 h. The phase of activity onset, peak and offset, and activity duration depends on the photoperiodic regimes. The circadian rhythm can be entrained to a 24-h period by exposure to submultiple cycles of LD 6 : 6 h, as if the locomotive rhythm is entrained to LD 18 : 6 h. Phase shifts of delay and advance are observed when perturbing single light pulses are presented during free-running under DD conditions. Temperature compensation of the free-running period is demonstrated under DD and LL conditions. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm is achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10 °C amplitude, but a 5 °C amplitude fails to entrain.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of age, time of day and pheromone concentration on the responsiveness of the male brown-banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa (F.), to female volatile sex pheromone were examined. Male response increased with age and peaked 10 days after the imaginal moult. A diel periodicity of responsiveness was observed, with greater responses in the scotophase. The behavioural response was dose-dependent and its diel periodicity was most obvious when intermediate pheromone concentrations (e.g. 0.01 female equivalents) were used. Higher concentrations obscured the periodicity by eliciting greater responses in the photophase, while the lower concentrations did so by decreasing the response in the scotophase. Following entrainment to a LD 12:12 h cycle, the periodicity of response to 0.01 female equivalents of pheromone persisted for at least 54 h under continuous darkness, further demonstrating a true circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of demand-feeding and locomotor activity in rainbow trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Under free-running conditions, most rainbow trout displayed circadian feeding rhythms, although the expression of circadian rhythmicity depended on the experimental condition: 16·7% of fish under constant dim light (LL dim), 66·1% under a 45 :45 min light-dark cycle (LD pulses), and 83·8% under constant light (LL). Under LD pulses, the period length of the free-running rhythms for feeding was significantly shorter (21·9 ± 0·7 h, n =8) than under LL (26·2 ± 0·3 h, n =10). Period length for locomotor activity under LL was 25·8 ± 0·6 h ( n =4). Under LD conditions, the daily demand-feeding profile was always confined to the light phase and chiefly composed of two main episodes, directly after lights on (light elicited) and in anticipation to lights off (endogenous). Contrasting to feeding, the diel locomotor activity profile varied remarkably: a diurnal activity pattern at the bottom, while a clearly nocturnal pattern at the surface. These results contribute to a better understanding of feeding and locomotor rhythms of rainbow trout, providing evidence for the existence of a biological clock involved in their circadian control. This finding contrasts with the previously recorded lack of an endogenous oscillator in the pineal organ driving the rhythmic secretion of melatonin, which suggests different locations from the pineal for the circadian pacemakers in this species.  相似文献   

Conclusion The circadian rhythm of melatonin synthesis in the pineal glands of various species has been summarized. The night-time elevation of melatonin content is in most if not all cases regulated by the change of N-acetyltransferase activity. In mammals, the N-acetyltransferase rhythm is controlled by the central nervous system, presumably by suprachiasmatic nuclei in hypothalamus through the superior cervical ganglion. In birds, the circadian oscillator that regulates the N-acetyltransferase rhythm is located in the pineal glands. The avian pineal gland may play a biological clock function to control the circadian rhythms in physiological, endocrinological and biochemical processes via pineal hormone melatonin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The circadian locomotor (walking) rhythms of individual forager honeybees ( Apis mellifera ligustica L.) were measured under a variety of conditions. In constant dark the rhythms exhibited endogenous periodicities that were less than 24 h, whereas under constant light the periods tended to be greater than 24 h. Individual honeybees readily entrained to photoperiods, displaying a diurnal pattern of entrainment with most of the activity occurring in late photophase. Evidence is presented which suggests that foraging behaviour and general locomotor behaviour may be governed by two different circadian clock systems.  相似文献   

蓝藻是已知的具有昼夜节律生物钟调控机制的最简单生物,其生物钟的核心是一个由三个蛋白质(Kai A、Kai B、Kai C)组成的,不依赖于转录翻译水平调控的核心振荡器.研究表明这三个蛋白质仅在体外试管中反应就会表现出周期性磷酸化振荡现象.分子水平研究表明:Kai A加速Kai C的自磷酸化,而Kai B抑制Kai A使Kai C去磷酸化,从而Kai C的磷酸化/去磷酸化形成周期性反复.但是Kai B如何与Kai A,Kai C相互作用,目前还不清楚.本文重点介绍了最近几年来在Kai B-Kai C相互作用机制上的研究进展,并结合我们的一些初步研究,对Kai B-Kai C相互作用的关键问题进行展望,以期为该体系的深入研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Spontaneous locomotor activity of cod Gadus morhua maintained at 6° C tripled from February to May. In contrast, locomotor activity of cod held at 2° C was significantly lower than at 6° C (between 25 and 65% lower) and the seasonal increase was smaller. Plasma levels of both thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) did not differ between 2 and 6° C. T4 injection increased locomotor activity by 10% for both temperature regimes. These data indicate that low water temperature reduces locomotor activity associated with migration in cod and that thyroid hormones are not involved in this decrease. This study provides a possible mechanism through which cold waters may affects migration and distribution of cod via its Effects on locomotor activity and swimming speed.  相似文献   

Blattella bisignata (Brunner) and B. germanica (L.) are oviparous cockroaches with cyclic reproductive behaviour, but in B. germanica only males show circadian rhythmicity of locomotion at 28°C and DD (constant darkness). In B. bisignata, males and virgin females cockroaches entrained by light–dark cycles show free‐running rhythmicity in DD, and most activities occur during the subjective night. Daily locomotor activities of virgin females show cyclic changes that coincided with ovarian development. Virgin females also exhibit calling behaviour during the subjective night, and this shows a free‐running rhythm. Male mate‐finding locomotion and female calling behaviour are under circadian control, so the timing for both behaviours is synchronized. However, most mated females do not show a locomotor free‐running rhythm under DD conditions. Our results indicate that only mated females could not express a circadian locomotor rhythm. Pregnancy reduces a female’s locomotory intensity and masks the expression of a circadian locomotor rhythm. We attribute the differences in circadian locomotory rhythms between these two species to their living environments and mate‐finding strategies.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in honeybees: entrainment by feeding cycles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT. Colonies of the South African honeybee race Apis mellifera capensis (Escholtz) were maintained under constant conditions of illumination (200 lux), temperature (25±lC) and relative humidity (65±3%). Activity was measured at the hive entrance. After ad libitum feeding for at least 5 days, food was presented for only 2 h/day either for 1 week (series 1) or for 2 weeks (series 2). In the last part of each experiment, food was again available all the time. Colonies which showed free-running circadian activity rhythms (with periods ranging from 22.6 to 24.8 h) during ad libitum feeding were submitted to feeding cycles with inter-feeding intervals (T) of 22, 23, 24 and 25 h. In most of these experiments the rhythms were synchronized by the feeding schedule, resulting in a stable phase-angle difference between onset of activity and onset of food availability. The duration of this anticipatory activity was positively correlated with T. When ad libitum feeding was resumed, the period of the rhythm induced by the feeding schedule persisted for a few days. Thereafter, the rhythm was free-running again with a period close to that observed in the first part of the experiment. The conclusion is drawn that, under the influence of periodic feeding, the activity of honeybee colonies has the characteristics of an entrained circadian system.  相似文献   

Drosophila is by far the most advanced model to understand the complex biochemical interactions upon which circadian clocks rely. Most of the genes that have been characterized so far were isolated through genetic screens using the locomotor activity rhythms of the adults as a circadian output. In addition, new techniques are available to deregulate gene expression in specific cells, allowing to analyze the growing number of developmental genes that also play a role as clock genes. However, one of the major challenges in circadian biology remains to properly interpret complex behavioral data and use them to fuel molecular models. This review tries to describe the problems that clockwatchers have to face when using Drosophila activity rhythms to understand the multiple facets of circadian function.  相似文献   

Summary We have tested the hypothesis that the circadian oscillators in the eyes ofAplysia are coequal driver oscillators for the circadian locomotor rhythm. Three predictions based on this hypothesis were tested. Prediction 1: at a time when the phase difference between the eye rhythms is small, the amplitude of the locomotor rhythm in two eyed animals will be as great or greater than the amplitude in one eyed animals. Prediction 2: the amplitude of the locomotor rhythm of two eyed animals will decline under conditions in which the two eye rhythms become out of phase with each other. Prediction 3: the form of the locomotor rhythm will broaden or become biphasic in two eyed animals when the two eye rhythms become out of phase with each other.None of the predictions was confirmed. One eyedAplysia had higher amplitude locomotor rhythms than two eyedAplysia, even under conditions in which the two eye rhythms were probably not far out of phase with each other. There was no tendency for the amplitude of the locomotor rhythm of two eyed animals to decline under circumstances in which the phase difference between the two eye rhythms changes from less than 4 h to as much as 11.5 h. There was no tendency in two eyed animals for the locomotor rhythm to broaden or become biphasic as the eye rhythms became more out of phase with each other.The results led us to reject the hypothesis that the eyes are co-equal drivers for the locomotor rhythm. The ocular influence on locomotion is more likely to be mediated via mechanisms in the central nervous system that do not faithfully conserve the phase of the eye rhythms. One possibility is that the driver is a third circadian oscillator that interacts with the two eye oscillators.Abbreviations CAP compound action potentials - CC constant conditions - CT circadian time - DO driver oscillator - EO eye oscillator - RSD relative standard deviations (see Methods)  相似文献   

Abstract. Along a stable temperature gradient and under a LD 12:12 h cycle, nurse workers of the ant Camponotus mus Roger 1863 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) select for the brood two different temperatures daily: 30.8°C at the middle of the light period (circadian phase = 90°), and 27.5°C 8 h later, during the dark period (circadian phase = 210°), this rhythm being of endogenous nature.When a 24 h temperature cycle was superimposed along the thermal gradient, so that the immobile brood experienced a temperature transition as they receive when translocated by nurses (8 h at 30.8°C and 16 h at 27.5°C), no brood translocations occurred.The thermal cycle masked the rhythm of brood translocation when temperature fitted the daily pattern expected by nurses.When the same temperature cycle was presented with a phase-advance, nurses did not tolerate the early thermal increase and removed the brood as temperature rose.However, when workers experienced this new phase relationship between light and temperature cycles for more than 10 days, brood translocations were suppressed.Records under constant conditions of light and temperature indicated that the overt rhythm was locked-on to the expected early increase in temperature, so that the temperature cycle dominated over the LD cycle in resetting brood-carrying activity.  相似文献   


The effect of Li+, Rb+ and tetraethylammoniumchloride (TEA) on the locomotor activity rhythm of Musca domestica was studied. Li+ as well as TEA lengthen the free run period t. This effect was more pronounced in animals with shorter period lengths. The effect of Rb? depends on the previous period length. In flies which had a short period, Rb+ lengthened, and in those with a long period Rb+ shortened t. Replacing the Li+ solution with water reverted the period lengthening partly. In the case of Rb? and TEA the rhythm became obscured after replacing the solutions with water. The involvement of K+ ions and transport ATPases in the expression of circadian rhythms is discussed.  相似文献   

Light and temperature entrainment of a locomotor rhythm in honeybees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The circadian locomotor (walking) rhythms of forager honeybees (Apis mellifera ligustica L.) were entrained to eight different 24 h light-dark cycles. The phases of activity onset, peak activity, and offset were correlated with the lights-off transition, suggesting lights-off as the primary zeitgeber for the rhythm. Further support for this hypothesis was provided by LD 1:23 experiments, in which entrainment occurred when the light pulse was situated at the end, but not at the beginning, of the subjective photophase. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm was achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10oC amplitude under constant dark: most of the activity occurred within the early thermophase. Smaller amplitude temperature cycles yielded relative coordination of the rhythm. Interactions of temperature and light-dark cycles resulted in entrainment patterns different from those elicited in response to either cycle alone or those formed by a simple combination of the two separate responses. Furthermore, temperature cycles having amplitudes insufficient for entrainment of the rhythm nevertheless modified the pattern of entrainment to light - dark cycles, suggesting a synergism of light and temperature effects on the underlying circadian clock system.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Circadian changes in heat production (M), heat loss (H), core temperature (Tc) and feeding activity (FA) of ad-lib fed rats were observed by direct and indirect calorimetry.

2. 2.|M, H and Tc showed a clear nocturnal increase associated with several discrete increases.

3. 3.|Whereas the slope of M vs Tc relation did not change appreciably within a day, the slope of H vs Tc or thermal conductance vs Tc relation tended to decrease at night, implying that the correlation between heat loss and body temperature is also a function of time of day in rats.

Author Keywords: Heat loss vs core temperature; thermal conductance; circadian rhythm; direct and indirect calorimetry  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(24):5040-5048.e5
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Studies under real life conditions become more and more relevant in chronobiological and chronomedical research. The present study aims to analyze one of the most prominent biological rhythms: the core body temperature (CBT) rhythm in the real world outside the laboratory. CBT was recorded continuously in 37 healthy women (age between 21 and 44 years, median 29 years) with a newly developed intravaginal temperature sensor for up to 102 days. Sleep logs were available from 23 participants. To quantify the daily dynamics of each individual CBT-curve, novel measurement parameters are introduced which permit the quantification of the phase and shape of the CBT rhythms as well as their relation to the sleep–wake cycle. In addition to the classical phase markers (i.e. nadir and peak), the daily curves were segmented into quartiles by introducing the t25/t50/t75-values which can be used as phase and shape markers. At variance to previous studies, a conspicuous day-to-day variation was shown not only for the time point of the peak, but also for the time point of the nadir. However, the t-values, particularly the t75-value were relatively closely locked to external time and thus represent more reliable phase markers than the nadir. The (variable) time point of the nadir determined the period length, phase and shape of the subsequent CBT cycle. If a nadir occurred close to the wake-up time, the following cycle was considerably shorter than 24 hours, while a nadir distant from the wake-up time was followed by a longer cycle. Thus, the period lengths of the daily CBT cycles of each individual were characterized by an “expand/contract” rhythm. The analyses of the novel phase markers (t25/t50/t75) of the CBT curves allowed to identify “early” and “late” participants who may differ in their phase-response curves with regard to the entraining effect of light. In addition, the novel phase markers mirrored the different social entrainment conditions on weekends and workdays.  相似文献   

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