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本文的研究目的是探索稀土离子Nd^3+对金黄色葡萄球菌细胞壁结构的影响作用。采用透射电镜、氨基酸自动分析仪和红外光普法等检测手段,提出了Nd^3+可使金黄色葡萄球菌细胞壁的形态和结构发生改变;低于抑菌浓度的NdCl3对金黄色葡萄球菌细胞壁的古成具有促进作用:高浓度(指杀菌浓度和抑菌浓度)Nd^3+可断裂细胞壁中肽聚糖的大部分肽键和氢键,致使细胞壁中肽聚糖的交联网状结构被破坏。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨柯萨奇B3病毒 (coxsackievirusB3,CVB3)对大鼠心肌细胞离子通道的影响 ,以了解病毒感染导致细胞电生理活动异常的机理。方法 :酶消化法获得单个心肌细胞后利用膜片钳全细胞电流记录技术观察CVB3对L型钙通道电流、钠通道电流、外向钾电流和内向整流性钾电流的影响。结果 :CVB3感染使L型钙通道电流、外向钾电流增加 ,内向整流性钾电流减小 ,对钠通道电流无明显影响。结论 :CVB3对L型钙通道电流、外向钾电流和内向整流性钾电流的影响可能是病毒感染后细胞损伤和产生异常电活动的原因。  相似文献   

—(1) Fluxes of sodium, potassium, chloride and glutamate ions were studied in brain slices by aid of radio-isotopes. Desaturation curves showed the efflux to occur from at least two compartments with widely different kinetics. (2) The slowly exchanging component comprises from about 10 (sodium, potassium, chloride) to about 30 (glutamate) per cent of the radioactivity in the tissue. An energy-requiring uptake of potassium and extrusion of sodium seems to occur in this compartment, which probably includes the nerve cells. (3) A rather slow efflux of especially potassium ions from the rapidly exchanging fraction indicates that this component may not be purely extracellular, but also seems to include cells, which possibly are neuroglial. The hypothesis of a cellular origin is supported by the demonstration of an increase in the rate constant of the potassium efflux evoked in the presence of oxygen by high concentrations of potassium. (4) Evidence is presented that the increase in the rate constant of the potassium efflux is due to a potassium-induced stimulation of active transport. No coupling seems to occur between the stimulated potassium transport and movements of sodium, but potassium ions may be accompanied by glutamate ions.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscope studies were conducted on the nature of the degenerative changes in amputated nerve fibers of cultured rat sensory ganglia and on the effects of media with differing calcium concentrations upon these changes. With glucose-enriched Eagle's media (MEM) containing 1.6 mM calcium, the amputated myelinated and unmyelinated axons undergo a progressive granular disintegration of their axoplasm with collapse and fragmentation of myelin sheaths between 6 and 24 h after transection. With MEM containing only 25–50 µM calcium, the granular axoplasmic degeneration does not occur in transected fibers and they retain their longitudinal continuity and segmental myelin ensheathment for at least 48 h. Addition of 6 mM EGTA to MEM (reducing the estimated Ca++ below 0.3 µM) results in the structural preservation of both microtubules and neurofilaments within transected axons. A transient focal swelling of amputated axons occurs, however, in cultures with normal and reduced calcium. These observations suggest that an alteration in the permeability of the axolemma is a crucial initiating event leading to axonal degenerative changes distal to nerve transection. The loss of microtubules and neurofilaments and the associated granular alterations of the axoplasm in transected fibers appears to result from the influx of calcium into the axoplasm.  相似文献   

拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)氮、碳离子注入诱变效应分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用N +、C +离子注入拟南芥 (Arabidopsisthaliana)种子 ,统计了种子的发芽指数 (发芽率和发芽势 ) ;用改良的RAPD技术对N+离子注入种子植株的DNA进行11个引物的随机片段多态性扩增。结果表明 ,合适剂量的N+、C+离子注入可使种子发芽率提高 ,两种离子注入种子的发芽率峰值 (分别为92.3 %和74.4 % )都在5×1014ions/cm2;分析N +离子注入材料发现 ,在1×1013 -1×1016ions/cm2剂量范围内 ,基因组DNA的变异率与发芽指数的变化趋势基本一致 ,变异率峰值 (9.0 % )在1×1015 ions/cm2。结果提示 ,分析低能N+离子诱变效应的最佳注入剂量在1×1014-5×1015 ions/cm2。对N+、C+离子注入的比较发现 ,一定范围内同等剂量C+离子注入的诱变率高于N +离子注入  相似文献   

不同化合形态镉、锌及其复合污染对小麦生理的影响   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  

以药用植物宁夏枸杞愈伤组织为材料,离体培养诱导体细胞胚发生。采用多重示踪剂和γ射线能谱分析法研究不同浓度AgNO_3处理的枸杞体细胞胚发生过程中对多种痕量金属元素离子的吸收。结果表明:(1)当AgNO_3的浓度小于50mg/L时,随着AgNO_3浓度的增加,多种痕量金属离子的吸收率也随之增加,而超过此浓度后,对多种痕量金属离子的吸收影响不同。Ag~ 对痕量金属离子的吸收有协同,拮抗或竞争的作用。(2)适当浓度的AgNO_3对细胞分化及体细胞胚发生有促进作用。当AgNO_3的浓度小于50mg/L时,随着AgNO_3浓度的增加,体细胞胚的发生频率随之增加。Ag~ 对枸杞体细胞胚发生表现促进作用,当AgNO_3的浓度为50mg/L时,可大大提高愈伤组织中体细胞胚发生,是对照(不加AgNO_3)组的3倍左右。而超过此浓度后,Ag~ 对枸杞体细胞胚发生表现毒害作用,体细胞胚的发生受到明显抑制。  相似文献   

紫胶虫最佳生长地的植被条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对紫胶产区进行调查的基础上,分析了云南紫胶虫最佳生长地的植被条件、对其中的四种群落类型从植物种类成分、群落结构和群落生态等方面进行分析。根据丰富的寄主资源和有利于紫胶虫越冬的气候条件指出“暖热性稀树灌草丛”及“河谷季雨林次生林和灌丛”是云南紫胶虫及其主要寄主植物的适生类型。本文在总结紫胶产区的经验基础上,提出了开发利用的意见和改造的措施。  相似文献   

本文从几方面探讨了产物L-天冬氨酸和L-天冬酰胺酶之间的相互作用。产物与珀琥酸对酶荧光影响的比较研究以及产物存在下对碘离子淬灭酶荧光性质的观察表明产物和酶之间存在直接的相互作用。产物保护天冬酰胺酶抗胰蛋白酶水解及抗热失活作用暗示它结合在酶的活性部位附近。  相似文献   

从家鸽视差表层总共记录了101个视网膜神经节单元,并定量分析研究ECMA损伤对其反应特性的影响,在对照组中,神经节单元都没有自发放电,而需要视觉刺激才能引起反应,对闪光刺激的反应,分别为ON—OFF,ON,OFF三种,其反应均是瞬变的,而且也都对在感受野内运动的小条纹起反应。42个单元中有14个是方向选择性单元。其它的则为运动敏感单元。方向选择性单元的无效方向不是均等分布的,其中有8个单元的无效是从前向后的,但没有发现其无效方向是从后向前的单元。与对照组相比,经ECMA损伤后的实验组中只记录到ON-OFF反应和ON反应单元,未能找到单独的OFF反应单元。神经节单元的ON反应部分为持续成分。所有的单元对运动条纹刺激都失掉了方向选择性,这些现象的机理可能是由于ECMA去除了胆碱能无足细胞所致。  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of inorganic salts, gallamine triethiodide and (+)-tubocurarine chloride on mammalian acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were examined. The results were obtained mainly from soluble erythrocyte AChE; particle-bound and detergent-solubilized rat brain enzymes were also used. Three aspects of AChE were examined, namely direct effects on activity, the recovery of activity of the diethylphosphorylated enzyme and thirdly the aggregation of the enzyme at low ionic strength as shown by chromatography on columns of Sepharose 6B. The action of gallamine on AChE was controlled by the substrate concentration and the ionic strength of the medium. Both inhibition and activation by gallamine could be observed, depending on the particular conditions used. All effects of gallamine disappeared when the ionic strength was raised to 015. The action of gallamine closely resembled the result of increasing ionic strength by adding NaCl, for in both cases the apparent affinity of AChE for substrate decreased and concomitantly the maximum velocity of hydrolysis increased. The phosphorylated enzyme recovered activity more rapidly when gallamine or tubocurarine were present, or when the ionic strength was increased. Aggregation of all enzyme forms was observed at low ionic strength; an increase to I = 015 dissociated AChE to the single molecular form. It was concluded that the mammalian enzymes closely resembled electric eel AChE. The possible methods by which regulation of AChE activity could occur are discussed in relation to these results.  相似文献   

应用^13C-CP/MAS和DSC方法研究蟾毒灵与磷脂膜相互作用的执致相变特性及动力学特性。DSC曲线表明蟾毒灵使磷脂膜相变温度降低,吸热峰变宽。^13C-CP/MAS谱表明磷脂膜的NMR信号峰化学位移随温度稍有变化,提示磷脂膜在液晶态脂肪烃链有不同程序的反-旁式异构化。含蟾毒灵的EPC脂双层NMR谱,随温度升高有蟾毒灵信号峰出现,EPC脂双层分子内各部分的信号峰强度和峰形变化明显,说明脂双层分子  相似文献   

天花粉蛋白(TCS)在≥2.22μmol/L时能引起大豆磷脂脂质体内含物释放,Ca^2+对这种释放有一定的促进作用,低PH值也能促进TCS与脂质体的作用;将TCS与细细胞一起保温;当TCS终浓度达14.7μmol/L时能损伤红细胞膜,产生溶血作用;TCS还能作用于红细胞血影膜,改变其脂双层的不对称性。  相似文献   

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