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Aim In this study, we investigate phylogeographic structure in two different species groups of lowland toads. First, we further investigate strict parapatry of the Pliocene‐vicariant Bufo valliceps/B. nebulifer species pair. Secondly, we test for similar phylogeographic structure in the distantly related toad B. marinus, a species we hypothesize will show a Pleistocene dispersal across the same area. Location The eastern extension of the Trans‐Mexican Neovolcanic Belt (TMNB) contacts the Atlantic Coast in central Veracruz, Mexico. Although it is not a massive structure at this eastern terminus, the TMNB has nonetheless effected vicariance and subsequent speciation in several groups of animals. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec unites the North American continent with Nuclear Central America and is also known to be a biogeographic barrier for many taxa. Methods We use sequence data from two mitochondrial DNA genes (c. 550 base‐pairs (bp) of 16S and c. 420 bp of cyt b) from 58 individuals of the B. valliceps/nebulifer complex, collected from 24 localities. We also present homologous sequence data from 23 individuals of B. marinus, collected from 12 localities. We conduct maximum‐parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian analyses to investigate phylogeographic structure. We then use parsimony‐ and likelihood‐based topology tests to assess alternative phylogenetic hypotheses and use a previously calibrated molecular rate of evolution to estimate dates of divergence. Results Our results further define the parapatric contact zone across the TMNB between the Pliocene‐vicariant sister species B. valliceps and B. nebulifer. In contrast, phylogenetic structure among populations of B. marinus across the TMNB is much shallower, suggesting a more recent Pleistocene dispersal in this species. In addition, we found phylogeographic structure associated with the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in both species groups. Main conclusions The existence of a Pliocene–Pleistocene seaway across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec has been controversial. Our data depict clades on either side of the isthmus within two distinct species (B. valliceps and B. marinus), although none of the clades associated with the isthmus, for either species, are reciprocally monophyletic. In the B. valliceps/B. nebulifer complex, the TMNB separation appears to predate the isthmian break, whereas in B. marinus dispersal across the TMNB has occurred subsequent to the presence of a barrier at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.  相似文献   

A new species of Veturius (Veturius) Kaup, of Brazil, Central Amazonas, lower basin of Urucu, Tefé and Coari, is described and illustrated. V. urucuensis n. sp. belongs to the “cephalotes” species group, and has an external autapomorphy for the family Passalidae: a large tuft of setae on the medioposterior area of the metasternum. The species is closely allied to V. jolyi Boucher, 2006, from the Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana border. The peculiar endemism of the new species suggests an intra-continental island vicariance into the Amazon Basin. No similar process was known in the large genus Veturius. A complete inventory of the 22 Veturius species in Brazil is given, with their distribution, and following the previously established monophyletic species groups. From Brazil, two species are newly reported, V. (Ouayana) guyanensis Boucher, 2006 (Pará) and V. (O.) dominicae Boucher, 2006 (Roraima), and one species is confirmed, V. (O.) unicornis Gravely, 1918 (Amazonas). New details are given on some other Brazilian Veturius.  相似文献   

The Paranoplocephla arctica complex (Cyclophyllidea, Anoplocephalidae), host-specific cestodes of collared lemmings Dicrostonyx, include two morphospecies P. arctica and P. alternata, whose taxonomical status now must be considered ambiguous. The genetic population structure and phylogeography of the P. arctica complex was studied from 83 individuals sampled throughout the Holarctic distribution range using 600 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI). The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny divides the species complex into one main Nearctic and one main Palaearctic phylogroup, corresponding to the main phylogenetic division of the hosts. In the Palearctic phylogroup, the parasite clades correspond to the host clades although the parasites from Wrangel Island form an exception as the host on this island, D. groenlandicus, belongs to the Nearctic phylogroup. In the Nearctic, northern refugia beyond the ice limit of the Pleistocene glaciations are proposed for the hosts. All reconstructions of parasite phylogeny show a genetically differentiated population structure that in the Canadian Arctic lacks strict congruence between phylogeny and geography. The parasite phylogeny does not show complete congruence with host relationships, suggesting a history of colonization and secondary patterns of dispersal from Beringia into the Canadian Arctic, an event not proposed by the host phylogenies alone.  相似文献   

Cicadas have been shown to be useful organisms for examining the effects of distribution, plant association and geographical barriers on gene flow between populations. The cicadas of the Platypleura stridula species complex are restricted to the biologically diverse Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa. They are thus an excellent study group for elucidating the mechanisms by which hemipteran diversity is generated and maintained in the CFR. Phylogeographical analysis of this species complex using mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) and ribosomal 16S sequence data, coupled with preliminary morphological and acoustic data, resolves six clades, each of which has specific host-plant associations and distinct geographical ranges. The phylogeographical structure implies simultaneous or near-simultaneous radiation events, coupled with shifts in host-plant associations. When calibrated using published COI and 16S substitution rates typical for related insects, these lineages date back to the late Pliocene - early Pleistocene, coincident with vegetation change, altered drainage patterns and accelerated erosion in response to neotectonic crustal uplift and cyclic Pleistocene climate change, and glaciation-associated changes in climate and sea level.  相似文献   

The cloud forests of Mesoamerica are highly endangered habitats and the existence of narrowly distributed cryptic endemics will increase the number of taxa at potential risk of extinction. Here, we investigate genetic divergence between populations of the azure‐crowned hummingbird (Amazilia cyanocephala), a species complex of endemic hummingbirds to the montane forests of Mesoamerica, by analysing DNA sequences of four mitochondrial markers, morphological data and ecological niche modelling. Our results revealed the presence of two mtDNA lineages corresponding to subspecies A. c. cyanocephala distributed from Tamaulipas to Chiapas in Mexico and Amazilia c. guatemalensis distributed from southern Chiapas to Guatemala. The lineage split can be explained as a consequence of relative isolation of the populations in the different mountain ranges separated by the Motagua‐Polochic‐Jocotán fault system and corresponds to differences in morphology and to the lack of overlap in environmental space between subspecies. The divergence time estimates do not support the proposed model of a highly constrained temporal window at the end of the Pliocene as divergence at this barrier between cyanocephala and guatemalensis and splits of other bird taxa occurred during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The hydrozoan family Aglaopheniidae (Cnidaria) is widespread worldwide and contains some of the most easily recognizable hydroids because of their large colony size and characteristic microscopic structure. The systematics of the group has, however, been controversial and dedicated molecular analyses are lacking. We therefore analysed existing and new 16S rRNA sequences of Aglaopheniidae, in a total of 98 16S sequences corresponding to 25 putative species (25 nominal and three undescribed) from seven genera. The monophyly of the subfamilies Gymnangiinae and Aglaopheniinae, and tribes Aglaopheniini and Cladocarpini were not verified with 16S sequence data. The genera Gymnangium and Aglaophenia can only be considered valid if both Gymnangium gracicaule and Aglaophenia latecarinata are removed from their respective genera. The phenotypically similar Cladocarpus and Streptocaulus are probably monophyletic and clearly distinct genetically. The genus Lytocarpia may be polyphyletic. The nominal species Aglaophenia pluma, Aglaophenia tubiformis, and Aglaophenia octodonta are probably conspecific, as are also the species Aglaophenia acacia and Aglaophenia elongata. The 16S data revealed the existence of two potentially unnamed species of Aglaophenia respectively from the Azores and Madeira. The phylogeographical structure of the taxa with the greatest representation of haplotypes from the north‐east Atlantic and Mediterranean, revealed the influence of Mediterranean waters in Madeira and the Azores, and gene flow between deep waters of the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The last glaciations in Europe may have caused genetic bottlenecks but also high intraspecific haplotype diversity. Finally, Macrorhynchia philippina was detected in samples from Madeira and possibly represents an invasive species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 717–727.  相似文献   

Based on data from sixteen museum collections we listed the endemic tenebrionids that inhabit the Patagonian steppe. Then, according to the geographical location of the species, we identified areas of micro‐endemism and hotspots within this biogeographic province. Results showed 115 endemic tenebrionid species from the Patagonian steppe, 25 areas of micro‐endemism and five hotspots. We used these outcomes to identify areas of importance for conservation. Based on the comparison with other biogeographic provinces, we suggest that the Patagonian steppe constitutes a center of high endemism for tenebrionids. We hypothesize that the isolation of the Patagonian steppe from other arid areas would cause the high occurrence of endemism. In addition, we suggest processes that could be responsible for the origin of the areas of micro‐endemism and hotspots identified in this work.  相似文献   

Distributions, endemism and diversity among East African linyphiids are analysed and discussed in relation to other forest organisms and the environmental history of eastern African. A total of 231 species are reported from eastern Africa, of which 14 are confined to the Afroalpine region and 114 species to moist forests. Only 12 of the latter are widely distributed. The rest are only known from one or two localities. Information on habitats and distributions of all species is tabulated. Few species are shared between East African mountains and there are no detectable gradients of species diversity between mountains. There is, however, a gradient of decreasing species diversity from high latitudes to the Equator. Vicariance patterns are demonstrated for Elgonia, Ophrynia and Callitrichia in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania—areas that also hold the highest degree of endemism (> 80% on individual mountains) among linyphiids. The many endemic species on nearby mountains suggest that intermontane dispersal (ballooning) is rare or non-existent. There is no evidence for a distinction between highland and lowland linyphiid faunas, but altitudinal segregation of single species is demonstrated. The question of the reality of highland and lowland faunas cannot be solved by studying the altitudinal distribution of single species. Phylogenetic relationships must be taken into consideration to determine where sister-groups/species are located (lowland or highland).  相似文献   

Surprisingly, little is known about the extent of genetic structure within widely distributed and polytypic African species that are not restricted to a particular habitat type. The few studies that have been conducted suggested that speciation among African vertebrates may be intrinsically tied to habitat and the dynamic nature of biome boundaries. In the present study, we assessed the geographic structure of genetic variation across two sister‐species of drongos, the Square‐tailed Drongo (Dicrurus ludwigii) and the Shining Drongo (D. atripennis), that are distributed across multiple sub‐Saharan biogeographic regions and habitat types. Our results indicate that D. ludwigii consists of two strongly divergent lineages, corresponding to an eastern–southern lineage and a central‐western lineage. Furthermore, the central‐western lineage may be more closely related to D. atripennis, a species restricted to the Guineo‐Congolian forest block, and it should therefore be ranked as a separate species from the eastern–southern lineage. Genetic structure is also recovered within the three primary lineages of the D. atripennisD. ludwigii complex, suggesting that the true species diversity still remains underestimated. Additional sampling and data are required to resolve the taxonomic status of several further populations. Overall, our results suggest the occurrence of complex diversification patterns across habitat types and biogeographic regions in sub‐Saharan Africa birds.  相似文献   

Aim Cloud forests of northern Mesoamerica represent the northern and southern limit of the contact zone between species otherwise characteristic of North or South America. Several phylogeographic studies featuring temperate conifer species have improved our understanding of species responses to environmental changes. In contrast, conifer species that presumably colonized northern Mesoamerica from South America are far less studied. A phylogeographic study of Podocarpus matudae (Podocarpaceae) was conducted to identify any major evolutionary divergences or disjunctions across its range and to determine if its current distribution is associated with pre‐Quaternary climatic and/or long‐distance dispersal events. Location Northern Mesoamerica (Mexico and Guatemala). Methods Sixteen populations (157 individuals) of P. matudae were screened for variation at two plastid DNA markers. The intra‐specific phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes were reconstructed using Bayesian inference. Population genetic analyses were undertaken to gain insight into the evolutionary history of these populations. To test whether genetic divergence among populations occurred at different time‐scales plastid DNA sequence data and fossil‐ and coalescent‐based calibrations were integrated. Results The combination of plastid markers yielded 11 haplotypes. Differentiation among populations based on DNA variation (GST) (0.707, SE 0.0807) indicated a clear population structure in P. matudae. Differentiation for ordered alleles (NST) (0.811, SE 0.0732) was higher than that for GST, indicating phylogeographical structure in P. matudae. Most of the total variation (81.3%, P < 0.0001) was explained by differences among populations. The estimated divergence time between the unique haplotypes from a Guatemalan population and the two most common haplotypes from the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico was between 10 and 20 Ma, and further haplotype divergence in the poorly resolved clade of the Sierra Madre Oriental occurred between 3 and 0.5 Ma. Main conclusions Divergence estimations support the hypothesis that extant Podocarpus matudae populations are pre‐Quaternary relicts. This finding is consistent with fossil and pollen data that support a Miocene age for temperate floristic elements in Mesoamerican cloud forests, whereas further haplotype divergence within the Sierra Madre Oriental, Chiapas and Guatemala occurred more recently, coinciding with Pleistocene cloud forest refugia.  相似文献   

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