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The complete mitochondrial genomes sequences of Asio flammeus and Asio otus and comparative analysis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
SUN Yi MA Fei XIAO Bing ZHENG Junjie YUAN Xiaodong TANG Minqian WANG Li YU Yefei & Li Qingwei . College of Life Sciences Liaoning Normal University Dalian China . TaKaRa Biotechnology 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2004,47(6):510-520
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), as a model sys-tem, has been extensively used for molecular phy-logenetic and evolutionary analysis[1]. With the ad-vances in DNA sequencing technology, more andmore researchers prefer to use complete mitochondrialgenome for phylogenetic analysis[2—4]. Since the com-plete sequencing of human mtDNA in 1981 (Andersonet al., 1981)[5], 342 vertebrate mitochondrial genomeshave so far been sequenced. Up to now the completesequences of 29 avian mitochondrial genomes h… 相似文献
南充高坪机场短耳鸮越冬期的食性分析和习性观察 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2006年3~5月,收集南充高坪机场草地和周围松林越冬期短耳鸮(Asio flammeus)的食团,进行食性分析。在805个完整食团和一些零碎的食团中,小型兽类是短耳食物组成的主要成分,占98.4%,其中四川短尾(Anourosorex squamipes)所占比例最高,为97.2%。通过调查短耳鸮的食团在南充高坪机场草地里的分布情况,分析短耳v在机场草地的栖息地选择,发现短耳鸮并没有选择草高和密集的区域作为栖息场所,而高20cm左右的白茅(Imperata cylindrical)丛是短耳最喜欢栖息的场所。 相似文献
Audrey Robillard Gilles Gauthier Jean‐François Therrien Joël Bêty 《Journal of avian biology》2018,49(5)
Migratory species can exploit many habitats over vast geographic areas and adopt various patterns of space and habitat use throughout their annual cycle. In nomadic species, determinants of habitat use during the non‐breeding season are poorly known due to the unpredictability of their movement patterns. Here, we analysed variability in wintering space and habitat use by a highly nomadic species, the snowy owl, in eastern North America. Using 21 females tracked by satellite telemetry between 2007 and 2016, we 1) assessed how space use patterns in winter varied according to the type of environment (marine vs terrestrial), latitudinal zone (Arctic vs temperate), local snow conditions and lemming densities and 2) investigated winter habitat and site fidelity. Our results confirmed a high inter‐individual variation in patterns of habitat use by wintering snowy owls. Highly‐used areas were concentrated in the Arctic and in the marine and coastal environments. Owls wintering in the marine environment travelled over longer distances during the winter, had larger home ranges and these were divided in more smaller zones than individuals in terrestrial environments. Wintering home range sizes decreased with high winter lemming densities, use of the marine environment increased following high summer lemming densities, and a thick snow cover in autumn led to later settlement on the wintering ground. Contrary to expectations, snowy owls tended to make greater use of the marine environment when snow cover was thin. Snowy owls were highly consistent in their use of a given wintering environment and a specific latitudinal zone between years, but demonstrated flexibility in their space use and a modest site fidelity. The snowy owls’ consistency in wintering habitat use may provide them with advantages in terms of experience but their mobility and flexibility may help them to cope with changing environmental conditions at fine spatial scale. 相似文献
We found a total of 987 prey in the 500 scats of feral catsFelis silvestris catus Linnaeus, 1758 analyzed in the present study. Introduced mammals (rabbits, rats and mice) constituted the most important
prey both in percentage and biomass. Reptiles were the second most important prey, being more frequent than birds and invertebrates.
Mammals were the most frequently eaten group in all five main habitats of the island, being more frequent than the remainder
of prey in the laurel forest. Rabbits appeared more often in the temperate forest, rats in the laurel forest and mice in the
high mountain. Birds were more frequently captured in the three higher habitats (laurel and pine forest, and high mountain)
than in the two lower ones (xerophytic shrub and temperate forest). Reptiles were preyed on less in the laurel forest than
in the other main habitats. Morisita index indicates a high trophic overlap among the different habitats with the exception
of the laurel forest which shows important differences from the other habitats. Levin’s niche-breadth was broader in the xerophytic
shrub and narrower in the temperate forest, reaching intermediate levels in the other three main habitats. The results obtained
in the present study evidence a general pattern in the trophic ecology among similar habitats in the different subtropical
Canarian islands. However, some important differences exist that could be a function of the differential prey availability
and composition in each ecosystem. 相似文献
Habitat residency and movement patterns of Centropomus parallelus juveniles in a subtropical estuarine complex 下载免费PDF全文
Sixty Centropomus parallelus juveniles were collected in March 2013 in two locations (Tromomó and Guaraguaçu) inside the Paranaguá estuarine complex, southern Brazil. The habitat residency and movement patterns of the individuals were inferred from Sr:Ca ratios and age recorded in the otoliths. Data suggest that the species spawns preferentially in brackish areas mainly from October to January, and that growth rate during the early juvenile stage could be influenced by environmental salinity. Furthermore, the data also show that C. parallelus can occupy diverse salinity habitats and migrate among marine, brackish and freshwater areas within the Paranaguá estuarine complex, showing a high environmental plasticity and adaptation. 相似文献
Nest predation is an important determinant of owl breeding success. We studied Long-eared Owl Asio otus productivity and attributes of nest-sites at the microhabitat and landscape scales in a Mediterranean locality over an 8-year period. We examined the effect on nest location and productivity of protective cover in concealing the nest from aerial and terrestrial predators. A dense cover of ivy and tree-foliage at canopy level favoured nest location but not productivity. By contrast, high shrub cover beneath the nest was selected by Owls and was positively related to both the site reoccupancy rate and the overall number of young fledged. Pre-fledging Owls use the ground, where they are exposed to terrestrial predators, which are much more abundant in the study area than are aerial predators. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that Owls adapt nest-site choice to local sources of predation risk. As reported elsewhere, Long-eared Owls in our study area showed restricted territoriality and nested in clusters. As active nest-sites during the same breeding season were more than 1 km apart on average, and their productivity was never greater for clustered nests than for more isolated nests, nest aggregation could not be interpreted as a case of facultative colonial breeding, which has been reported for this species in other areas. Neither landscape variables indicative of the availability of foraging areas nor structural attributes that protect young from predators explained the remarkable scarcity of nests in half of the study area. Unmeasured factors such as human disturbance could explain the pattern of distribution of Long-eared Owl nests. 相似文献
Parental defence in Long-eared Owls Asio otus: effects of breeding stage, parent sex and human persecution 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The responses of male and female Long-eared Owls to a human approaching the nest were examined. Each nest was only tested once. Nest defence increased significantly throughout the breeding season because older chicks were defended more strongly than younger chicks and eggs. No correlations were however found between defence intensity and laying date, clutch- or brood-size. These results generally do not support either the renesting-potential hypothesis or the positive reinforcement hypothesis but are in accordance with both the age-investment hypothesis and the vulnerability hypothesis. Females defended nestlings more often and more vigorously than did males. Given division of labour between sexes and the related reversed sexual dimorphism in size, female Long-eared Owls may be more willing to engage in nest defence simply because they are always nearer eggs and chicks during all breeding stages and are larger/heavier than males; consequently they may allocate more time and energy to this activity. Finally, owls experiencing higher levels of human persecution took smaller risks when defending nests than owls breeding in an undisturbed area. 相似文献
Wintering site fidelity and movement patterns of Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri in the San Francisco Bay estuary 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri are the most numerous shorebird species in the San Francisco Bay estuary during winter. A sample of 106 Western Sandpipers was captured in mist nets and radio-marked with 1-g transmitters to examine their wintering site fidelity and movements. Differences in distances moved, home range extent and core area size were examined by age, sex, season, site, time of day and tide. All birds remained in the south San Francisco Bay region during winter and exhibited strong site fidelity, with a mean home range of 22.0 km2 or only 8% of the study area. First-year birds had larger home ranges (26.6 ± 3.6 km2 ) than adults (17.2 ± 2.5 km2 ) in winter, but home range sizes of males and females were not significantly different in any period. Home range sizes were similar between seasons, but core areas were smaller in spring (6.3 ± 1.2 km2 ) than in early (9.6 ± 4.0 km2 ) or late (11.6 ± 1.6 km2 ) winter. Movements and home range size were similar for radio-marked birds located during day and night. The high degree of regional and local site fidelity demonstrated that the mixture of natural mud fiats and artificial salt ponds in southern San Francisco Bay provided sufficient resources for large wintering populations of Western Sandpipers. 相似文献
The present study examines whether the nomadic social caterpillar Malacosoma disstria Hübner (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) can thermoregulate despite the lack of a tent, and evaluates the role of thermoregulation in directing the colony's behaviour. The presence of a radiant heat and light source (i.e. a lamp in the laboratory experiments and the sun in the field observations) enables caterpillar colonies to increase body temperature by basking (remaining still under a heat source) and this is only effective when caterpillars cluster in groups. Body temperatures achieved when basking in a group coincide with the temperatures at which the development rate is maximal for this species. Indeed, in the laboratory experiments, the presence of a lamp results in higher growth rates, confirming that thermoregulation is an advantage to group living. When a radiant heat/light source is provided at a distance from the food in the laboratory, caterpillars behave to maximize thermal gains: colonies move away from the food to bivouac (i.e. group together and remain still on a silk mat) under the lamp, spend more time on the bivouac and cluster in a more cohesive group. Thermal needs thus influence habitat selection and colony aggregation. Malacosoma disstria relies on developing rapidly, despite low seasonal temperatures, aiming to benefit from springtime high food quality and low predation rates; however, unlike others in its genus, it does not build a tent but instead exhibits collective nomadic foraging (i.e. the whole colony moves together between temporary resting and feeding sites). In this species, collective thermoregulatory behaviour is not only possible and advantageous, but also drives much of the colony's behaviour, in large part dictating the temporal and spatial patterns of movement. These findings suggest that thermoregulation may be an important selection pressure keeping colonies together. 相似文献
Almost all chiropteran species are nocturnal, but some species are occasionally active during the daytime. We conducted radio-tracking surveys and direct observations of the Ryukyu flying fox, Pteropus dasymallus, in two different habitats—urbanized and forested areas—on a subtropical island from April 2002 to January 2006. We recorded the departure time and return time from/to day roosts as well as behavioral time budgets during the night. The departure and return times shifted in correspondence with seasonal changes in sunset and sunrise times. The Ryukyu flying fox tended to depart earlier in summer when the night length was shorter, suggesting that it adjusts its active period by departing earlier. On the contrary, the amount of foraging performed by the bats in urbanized areas decreased in the summer when fruits of Ficus microcarpa were more abundant, suggesting that the bats adjust their behavioral time budgets in line with local food availability. Daytime activity was observed only in the forested area. In conclusion, the duration of Ryukyu flying fox activity was found to primarily depend on seasonal changes in the light–dark cycle, and this bat may adjust its behavioral time budget according to local food availability and the intensity of human activities. 相似文献
Abstract. The commercial development that threatens the biodiversity of coastal habitats is particularly severe along the sandy shores of subtropical Florida. The objective of our study was to test the applicability of the equilibrium theory of island biogeography to Cayo-Costa Island, the largest protected barrier island remaining in peninsular Florida. Our null hypothesis was that there would be no change in the number and composition of native vascular plant species on Cayo-Costa 15 years after the first inventory of the island's flora. Our reinventory documents a total of 230 native species in 1990–92 compared to 255 native species in 1975–77. Immigrants were represented by twenty-eight new species, while extinctions totalled fifty-three species. These results indicate a turnover rate of approximately 2.7 species yr-1 with an extinction rate of 3.5 species yr-1 and an immigration rate of 1.9 species yr-1 . The net loss of 1.6 species yr-1 suggests a non-equilibrium condition that is not readily explained by changes in habitat diversity associated with the documented patterns of shoreline erosion and deposition. Cayo-Costa's net loss of twenty-five native species (including one tree species and four shrub species) was localized mainly in those habitats where there had been a significant increase in the relative abundance of the naturalized weedy exotic species Schinus terebinthifolius and Casuarina equisetifolia . We conclude that the spread of naturalized weedy species limits the applicability of the equilibrium theory of island biogeography to species-rich subtropical barrier islands, even in cases where the islands are protected from human disturbance. 相似文献
热带与亚热带森林分子生态学研究 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
当前 ,植物学家会有更多的方法和手段来从事植物学的研究 ,如分子生物学方法、遗传学的方法、植物生理学的方法、分类学方法等。其中分子生物学方法直接研究植物遗传物质DNA ,从根本上揭示了生物体内涵 ,有着极其重要的作用[4 7] 。因此用分子生物学手段进行生态学的研究有着广泛应用前景和重要意义。分子生物学方法既节省时间和资金 ,又比传统方法解决了更多的问题[6 1] 。例如在动物学研究中 ,用少许的毛发就可以分析高山土拨鼠 (MarmotamarmotaSciuridae)的交配系统[30 ] ;粪便所带的肠道粘膜细胞DNA也可以… 相似文献
Capsule Relatively large populations, feeding predominantly upon voles, were present at higher elevations. Aims To determine the density, productivity and diet composition of Long-eared Owls breeding at higher elevations. Methods Population census and breeding biology were investigated, and dietary analysis performed for 32 Long-eared Owl territories that were occupied over a six-year period (2000–05), in a 155 km2 study area located in the Noce Valley of the central-eastern Italian Alps. Results Territories were mainly situated at the edge of large pine forests, near large patches of grassland and/or open-structured apple orchards, at elevations ranging between 540 and 1210 m. Density varied between 10 and 15 pairs/100 km2. Mean intraspecific nest spacing averaged 1727 m and territories were either solitary or clumped in loose aggregations of one to five pairs. Mean laying date was 27 March and the mean number of fledged young was 0.95 and 2.13 per territorial and successful pair, respectively. Adults and nestlings were preyed upon by Eagle Owls Bubo bubo and Common Buzzards Buteo buteo, both of them abundant in the study area. Diet was dominated by Common Voles Microtus arvalis, complemented by Apodemus mice and thrushes. Annual variations in owl density, productivity and diet breadth varied in parallel with the occurrence of Common Voles in the diet, suggesting that the owls responded numerically to the availability of their main prey. This confirms earlier analyses on other European populations, but without the marked three- to four-year cycles observed in such areas. Conclusion The conservation status of the species in these Alpine habitats seemed currently satisfactory. However, the unregulated use of rodenticides in apple orchards and the loss of open habitats associated with land abandonment may represent long-term threats for the species in these habitats. 相似文献
Plant ecology of tropical and subtropical karst ecosystems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Substantial areas of tropical forests, including those within nine tropical biodiversity hotspots, contain karst landscapes that have developed on soluble carbonate rocks. Here, we review how the ecology of karst forest trees is influenced by hydrological, edaphic, and topographic factors that exhibit fine spatial heterogeneity. Comparative analysis of drought tolerance traits including wood density contributes to the assessment of whether karst tree species are more drought‐tolerant compared to non‐karst trees. Although karst ecosystems are generally considered to have low phosphorus availability, foliar nitrogen‐to‐phosphorus ratios exhibit wide variation across karst regions without a clear difference from non‐karst ecosystems. According to the analyses of leaf phenology, stem water storage, and isotopic signatures from xylem sap, water use strategies of karst trees can be classified into five types: (a) soil water dependent, (b) epikarst water dependent (mainly use water stored in fine pores and gaps within the epikarst rock during the dry season), (c) groundwater dependent, (d) fog water dependent, and (e) drought‐deciduous (shed leaves during the dry season). Overall, published data suggest that only a subset of karst tree species are exclusively distributed within karst hilltops where water availability is limited. The diverse resource acquisition and utilization strategies of karst plants across edaphic habitats must be considered when developing effective strategies to conserve and restore biodiversity in karst landscapes, which are under increasing anthropogenic pressure. 相似文献
Barn Owls have only recently colonized Peninsular Malaysia, nesting in the roof spaces of houses in oil palm estates and feeding on the rats which inhabit these plantations. Pellet analysis showed that the prey spectrum was confined almost entirely to three species of the genus Rattus which are the major pests of oil palm. There was no annual variation in diet. Breeding showed a broad seasonality but occurred in all months of the year. Mean clutch and brood sizes of 6.6 and 4.6 respectively were recorded, most pairs producing two broods a year although on two occasions three were raised. Overall hatching success was 69.0% with first clutches more successful (79.9%) than second (57.3%). First broods fledged 86.1% and second broods 69.1% of young fledged. Comparison of growth rates of different sized broods suggested that there is a physiological maximum at which all broods proceed irrespective of brood size. The behaviour al changes needed in hunting techniques when colonizing dense plantations rather than the more usual open habitat of Barn Owls is discussed. The breeding strategy seems to be one of producing large clutches and broods, and frequent breeding attempts in a habitat with a high potential carrying capacity. 相似文献
For a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of animal signals, it is necessary to understand how the performance of visual displays is maximized to get the most possible attention from receivers. We assessed whether the white plumage of Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus functioned as a social signal and, if so, how coloration and behavioural adaptations enhance signal efficacy. Signalling theory predicts that: (1) the colour properties of plumage should vary across the body, with the brightest parts being those involved in visual display performance; (2) specific displays calling attention to or enhancing detection or conspicuousness to conspecifics should be evident; and (3) location of the signallers should be such that signal efficacy is optimized. All three predictions were supported. The brightest areas of the plumage (particularly the face, throat and upper breast) were always unspotted, and white is particularly effective in open habitats characteristic of this species. The birds displayed a specific posture and orientated toward the sun preferentially on sunny days, and Owls with the whitest (least spotted) plumage displayed more and signalled more frequently from perches on the ground, where albedo from the snow may enhance the visual display. Snowy Owls integrate coloration, behaviour and environment through habitat selection to maximize the efficacy of their visual displays. 相似文献