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We examined fine-scale genetic variation among breeding aggregations of the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) to quantify dispersal, interpopulation connectivity and population genetic structure. Spotted salamanders rely on temporary ponds or wetlands for aggregate breeding. Adequate breeding sites are relatively isolated from one another and field studies suggest considerable adult site fidelity; therefore, we expected to find population structure and differentiation at small spatial scales. We used microsatellites to estimate population structure and dispersal among 29 breeding aggregations in Tompkins County, New York, USA, an area encompassing 1272 km(2). Bayesian and frequency-based analyses revealed fine-scale genetic structure with two genetically defined demes: the North deme included seven breeding ponds, and the South deme included 13 ponds. Nine ponds showed evidence of admixture between these two genetic pools. Bayesian assignment tests for detection of interpopulation dispersal indicate that immigration among ponds is common within demes, and that certain populations serve as sources of immigrants to neighbouring ponds. Likewise, spatial genetic correlation analyses showed that populations < or = 4.8 km distant from each other show significant genetic correlation that is not evident at higher scales. Within-population levels of relatedness are consistently larger than expected if mating were completely random across ponds, and in the case of a few ponds, within-population processes such as inbreeding or reproductive skew contribute significantly to differentiation from neighbouring ponds. Our data underscore the importance of these within-population processes as a source of genetic diversity across the landscape, despite considerable population connectivity. Our data further suggest that spotted salamander breeding groups behave as metapopulations, with population clusters as functional units, but sufficient migration among demes to allow for potential rescue and recolonization. Amphibian habitats are becoming increasingly fragmented and a clear understanding of dispersal and patterns of population connectivity for taxa with different ecologies and life histories is crucial for their conservation.  相似文献   

1. Maternal provisioning can reduce offspring vulnerability to predators by promoting offspring growth and eliciting of antipredator behaviours. Mothers perceiving predation risk may improve offspring survival if producing larger, higher‐quality offspring. However, empirical evidence suggests that offspring quality is often reduced, probably reflecting predator‐induced physiological costs, or a selfish maternal strategy aimed at producing more offspring by sacrificing their quality. While perception and impact of predators can vary across the prey's life stage, a majority of studies have focused on understanding how reproductive allocation decisions are influenced by the risk of predation during adulthood. 2. In this study, Leptinotarsa decemlineata beetles were used to examine if the risk of predation during the larval stage: (i) impacts the mother's physiological condition, including body mass and metabolic rate; and (ii) alters maternal allocation of reproductive resources to offspring quantity versus quality. 3. Results revealed that L. decemlineata mothers responded to perceived predation risk by producing clutches with fewer but larger eggs, thus increasing offspring provisioning. Surprisingly, while females that had faced predation risk as larva emerged with a similar body mass to control females, they exhibited lower metabolic rates. 4. Although predation risk in L. decemlineata larvae is known to impair their ability to acquire and maintain energy resources, adult females appeared to ameliorate such costs by improving their metabolic efficiency and by allocating more of their limited reproductive resources to produce fewer but better‐quality offspring.  相似文献   

1. Predation and competition play a central role in ecological communities, and it is increasingly recognised that animals use early warning cues to reduce the impact of these antagonistic interactions. 2. Strategies to avoid risk can occur during embryo development through plasticity in egg hatching time. This strategy, and its associated costs and carryover effects on adults are little understood in insects. In this study, these are explored in two distantly related freshwater insects: the damselfly Ischnura elegans and the mosquito Aedes albopictus. 3. As predicted, damselfly eggs hatched earlier in response to larval predators cues, a treatment that also affected adult size. Risk cues did not affect mosquito egg hatching time, but they did affect larval development time in a sex‐dependent manner. 4. The results suggest that responses aimed at avoiding risks can be triggered during the egg stage, and although they can vary dramatically among species, they are likely to be widespread in insects. Early warning responses can be particularly important to understand the ecology of aquatic insects, some of them global vectors of human diseases.  相似文献   

Velvet ants are a group of parasitic wasps that are well known for a suite of defensive adaptations including bright coloration and a formidable sting. While these adaptations are presumed to function in antipredator defense, observations between potential predators and this group are lacking. We conducted a series of experiments to determine the risk of velvet ants to a host of potential predators including amphibians, reptiles, birds, and small mammals. Velvet ants from across the United States were tested with predator's representative of the velvet ants native range. All interactions between lizards, free‐ranging birds, and a mole resulted in the velvet ants survival, and ultimate avoidance by the predator. Two shrews did injure a velvet ant, but this occurred only after multiple failed attacks. The only predator to successfully consume a velvet ant was a single American toad (Anaxyrus americanus). These results indicate that the suite of defenses possessed by velvet ants, including aposematic coloration, stridulations, a chemical alarm signal, a hard exoskeleton, and powerful sting are effective defenses against potential predators. Female velvet ants appear to be nearly impervious to predation by many species whose diet is heavily derived of invertebrate prey.  相似文献   

Diving behavior and its frequency may differ among species of mosquito larvae because of differences in predation pressure. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between water depth and predation frequency on two mosquito species, Culex tritaeniorhynchus (wetland breeder) and Aedes albopictus (container breeder), by the diving beetle Eretes griseus. Culex tritaeniorhynchus spends more time at the surface than A. albopictus, which spends more time thrashing underwater. When intact mosquito larvae of both species were present, the diving beetles consumed almost all A. albopictus larvae (98.3%). After all the A. albopictus larvae had been consumed, the diving beetles began to prey on C. tritaeniorhynchus. In order to compare the effect of position on the predation preference of the diving beetles, equal numbers of both species were heat‐killed and allowed to settle on the bottom of the container. When all the dead mosquito larvae had sunk to the bottom of a plastic container, the diving beetles caught both mosquito species at random. These results indicate that mosquito larvae near the surface were eaten less frequently by diving beetles than those at the bottom. The low diving frequency of C. tritaeniorhynchus is regarded as a form of anti‐predatory behavior.  相似文献   

1. Although theory suggests that intraguild predation destabilises food webs and may result in exclusion of species, empirical observations of food webs reveal that it is a common interaction. It has been proposed that habitat structure reduces the interaction strength of intraguild predation, thus facilitating the coexistence of species. 2. This was tested using acarodomatia, tiny structures on plant leaves, and predatory mites, which usually reside in these domatia. Sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) were used, which possess domatia consisting of tufts of hair, and coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) with pit‐shaped domatia. 3. On sweet pepper, the predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris Oudemans and Iphiseius degenerans Berl. feed on each other's juveniles. Larvae of each of the species were therefore used as intraguild prey with adult females of the other species as intraguild predators. On coffee, a similar set‐up was used, with larvae and adult females of Amblyseius herbicolus Chant and Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma as intraguild prey and intraguild predators, respectively. 4. Domatia on detached, isolated sweet pepper and coffee leaves were either closed with glue or left open, after which larvae and adult predators were released. As a control, larvae were released on leaves with open or closed domatia without an adult predator. 5. Survival of larvae was high in the absence of the adult (intraguild) predator. In the presence of the intraguild predator, survival was significantly higher on leaves with open domatia than on leaves with closed domatia. 6. This shows that even such tiny structures as plant domatia may significantly affect the interaction strength of intraguild predation.  相似文献   

1. Behavioural adaptations to avoid and evade predators are common. Many studies have investigated population divergence in response to changes in predation regime within species, but studies exploring interspecific patterns are scant. Studies on interspecific divergence can infer common outcomes from evolutionary processes and highlight the role of environmental constraints in shaping species traits. 2. Species of the dragonfly genus Leucorrhinia underwent well‐studied shifts from habitats being dominated by predatory fish (fish lakes) to habitat being dominated by predatory invertebrates (dragonfly lakes). This change in top predators resulted in a set of adaptive trait modifications in response to the different hunting styles of both predator types: whereas predatory fish actively search and pursue prey, invertebrate predator follow a sit‐and‐wait strategy, not pursuing prey. 3. Here it is shown that the habitat shift‐related change in selection regime on larval Leucorrhinia caused species in dragonfly lakes to evolve increased larval foraging and activity, and results suggest that they lost the ability to recognise predatory fish. 4. The results of the present study highlight the impact of predators on behavioural trait diversification with habitat‐specific predation regimes selecting for distinct behavioural expression.  相似文献   

To assess the level and spatial pattern of genetic diversity in the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, we characterized hypervariable molecular markers by screening genomic libraries enriched for microsatellite motifs. We designed primers that reliably amplify twelve polymorphic loci and checked for variability in individuals from populations in the vicinity of Ithaca, New York. Loci show high variability in the number of alleles and heterozygosities, suggesting they will be useful for determining local population differentiation and mating systems in this pond‐breeding amphibian.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence on the determinants of prey vulnerability is scarce, especially for vertebrates in the field. Invasive species offer robust opportunities to explore prey vulnerability, because the intensity of predation on or by such animals has not been eroded by coevolution. Around waterbodies in tropical Australia, native meat ants (Iridomyrmex reburrus) consume many metamorph cane toads (Bufo marinus, an invasive anuran). We document the determinants of toad vulnerability, especially the roles of toad body size and ant density. Larger metamorphs were attacked sooner (because they attracted more ants), but escaped more often. Overall, smaller toads were more likely to be killed. Ant densities influenced toad responses, as well as attack rate and success. Data on the immediate outcomes of attacks underestimate mortality: more than 73% of apparent ‘escapees’ died within 24 h. Because mortality during this period was independent of toad size, predation was less size selective than suggested by immediate outcomes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 738–751.  相似文献   

Invasive species have a significant impact on amphibians, and most notably Chytrid fungi together with a few vertebrates. However, invasive terrestrial invertebrates are seldomly demonstrated to have a negative effect on their host environment, and few studies investigated the behavioural interactions between invasive and local species, limiting our knowledge of the adaptive response adopted by local organisms. These responses include whether parenting animals recognize predators as threats to their offspring and whether parental care is adequately corrected. Here, through manipulative experiments on a population of phytotelm‐breeder Kurixalus eiffingeri in central Taiwan, we demonstrated the positive effects of parental care against predation by the invasive slug Parmarion martensi, and against mould infection. Treatment groups, in the absence of caring males, displayed a higher rate of predation by slugs and mould infections. The presence of the caring males was linked to an increase in hatching success in control groups, suggesting hydration by the males, while skin peptides may be the factor limiting mould infection. We recommend further research on the impact of the invasive but widespread P. martensi on amphibian populations.  相似文献   

The history of the idea that predation rates are functions of the ratio of prey density to predator density, known as ratio dependence, is reviewed and updated. When the term was introduced in 1989, it was already known that higher predator abundance often reduced an individual predator's average intake rate of prey. However, the idea that this effect was a universally applicable inverse proportionality was new. That idea was widely criticized in many articles in the early 1990s, and many of these criticisms have never been addressed. Nevertheless, ratio dependence seems to be gaining in popularity and is the subject of a recent monograph by the originators. This article revisits the most important objections to this theory, and assesses to what extent they have been answered by the theory's proponents. In this process, several new objections are raised. The counterarguments begin with the lack of a plausible, generally applicable mechanism that could produce ratio dependence. They include the fact that ratio dependence is a special case of predator‐density effects, which, in turn, are only one of many non‐prey species effects that influence the consumption rate of a particular prey. The proclaimed simplicity advantage of ratio dependence is at best small and is outweighed by its disadvantages; it predicts biologically implausible phenomena, and cannot easily be extended to describe multi‐species systems, trait‐mediated interactions, coevolution, and a number of other important ecological phenomena. Any potential small simplicity advantage disappears with corrections to remove unrealistic low‐density dynamics caused by ratio dependence. The frequent occurrence of strong predator dependence does not make ratio dependence a better ‘default’ model of predation than prey dependence, and empirical studies of the full range of non‐prey species effects on the consumption rates of predators are needed.  相似文献   

1. To reduce the risk of being eaten by predators, prey alter their morphology or behaviour. This response can be tuned to the current danger if chemical or other cues associated with predators inform the prey about the risks involved. 2. It is well known that various prey species discriminate between chemical cues from predators that fed on conspecific prey and those that fed on heterospecific prey, and react stronger to the first. It is therefore expected that generalist predators are more successful in capturing a given prey species when they are contaminated with chemical cues from another prey species instead of cues from the same prey species. 3. Here, a generalist predatory mite was studied that feeds on thrips larvae as well as on whitefly eggs and crawlers. Mites were marked with cues (i.e. body fluids) of one of these two prey species and were subsequently offered thrips larva. 4. Predators marked with thrips cues killed significantly fewer thrips than predators marked with whitefly cues, even though the predator's tendency to attack was the same. In addition, more thrips larvae sought refuge in the presence of a predatory mite marked with thrips cues instead of whitefly cues. 5. This suggests that generalist predators may experience improved attack success when switching prey species.  相似文献   

Upon sensing predators in their vicinity, many prey species perform antipredator displays that are thought to provide information to the predator that deters it from attacking (predator‐deterrent signals). These displays can be complex, incorporating a variety of signaling elements as well as direct physical harassment of the predator. Although the display behaviors in these communication systems are often well characterized, evidence of the efficacy of these displays in deterring predators is limited due to the challenges associated with studying free‐ranging predators. Here, we examine how the anti‐snake signals of the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti) influence the ambush hunting behaviors of sidewinder rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerastes). We found that, although desert kangaroo rats incorporate a number of signal elements into their antipredator display, only sand kicking behavior was a significant factor in motivating sidewinder rattlesnakes to cease hunting: high rates of sand kicking led to early abandonment of ambush coils. These results indicate that anti‐snake displays of small mammals may be especially effective at mitigating the threat posed by rattlesnakes when those displays incorporate physical harassment as well as signaling.  相似文献   

Analysis of predator–prey interactions is a core concept of animal ecology, explaining structure and dynamics of animal food webs. Measuring the functional response, i.e. the intake rate of a consumer as a function of prey density, is a powerful method to predict the strength of trophic links and assess motives of prey choice, particularly in arthropod communities. However, due to their reductionist set‐up, functional responses, which are based on laboratory feeding experiments, may not display field conditions, possibly leading to skewed results. Here, we tested the validity of functional responses of centipede predators and their prey by comparing them with empirical gut content data from field‐collected predators. Our predator–prey system included lithobiid and geophilomorph centipedes, abundant and widespread predators of forest soils and their soil‐dwelling prey. First, we calculated the body size‐dependent functional responses of centipedes using a published functional response model in which we included natural prey abundances and animal body masses. This allowed us to calculate relative proportions of specific prey taxa in the centipede diet. In a second step, we screened field‐collected centipedes for DNA of eight abundant soil‐living prey taxa and estimated their body size‐dependent proportion of feeding events. We subsequently compared empirical data for each of the eight prey taxa, on proportional feeding events with functional response‐derived data on prey proportions expected in the gut, showing that both approaches significantly correlate in five out of eight predator–prey links for lithobiid centipedes but only in one case for geophilomorph centipedes. Our findings suggest that purely allometric functional response models, which are based on predator–prey body size ratios are too simple to explain predator–prey interactions in a complex system such as soil. We therefore stress that specific prey traits, such as defence mechanisms, must be considered for accurate predictions.  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of landscape-level processes on the population biology of amphibians is critical, especially for species inhabiting anthropogenically modified landscapes. Many pond-breeding amphibians are presumed to exist as metapopulations, but few studies demonstrate the extent and consequences of this metapopulation structure. Gene flow measures may facilitate the construction of more realistic models of population structure than direct measures of migration. This is especially true for species that are cryptic, such as many amphibians. We used eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to determine the genetic population structure of spotted salamanders ( Ambystoma maculatum ) breeding at 17 ponds in northeastern Ohio, a landscape fragmented by roads, agriculture, urban areas and the Cuyahoga River. Using a variety of analyses (Bayesian clustering, F -statistics, AMOVA) we generated a model of salamander population genetic structure. Our data revealed patterns of genetic connectivity that were not predicted by geographical distances between ponds (no isolation by distance). We also tested for a relationship between population structure and several indices of landscape resistance, but found no effect of potential barriers to dispersal on genetic connectivity. Strong overall connectivity among ponds, despite the hostile habitat matrix, may be facilitated by a network of riparian corridors associated with the Cuyahoga River; however, high gene flow in this system may indicate a general ability to disperse and colonize beyond particular corridors.  相似文献   

Although population cycles of rodents are geographically widespread and occur in a number of rodent species, higher‐order food web interactions mediated by predator–rodent dynamics have primarily been described from boreal and arctic biomes. During periods of low rodent abundance, predators may switch to alternative prey, which may affect other predators directly or indirectly. Using a long‐term dataset, we assessed the frequency of Pine Marten Martes martes predation on the nests of Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus during periods of fluctuating rodent abundance in Central Europe. The number of nests predated by Pine Martens was positively correlated with the annual number of nests available. The probability of predation by Pine Martens on Tengmalm's Owl nests decreased with increasing spring abundance index of Apodemus mice, but was not related to the abundance index of Myodes and Microtus voles, pooled rodent abundance or age of the nestbox. Additionally, we found no relationship between the breeding frequency (i.e. the number of nesting attempts per nestboxes available) and an abundance index of Microtus and Myodes voles, Apodemus mice or overall rodent abundance. Our results demonstrate, for the first time in a temperate area, that during periods of low Apodemus mouse abundance, the switching response of an opportunistic mammalian predator can lead to indirect food web interactions through an increase in nest predation on a sympatric avian predator.  相似文献   

Theory on condition‐dependent risk‐taking indicates that when prey are in poor condition, their anti‐predator responses should be weak. However, variation in responses resulting from differences in condition is generally considered an incidental by‐product of organisms living in a heterogeneous environment. Using Leptinotarsa decemlineata beetles and stinkbug (Podisus maculiventris) predators, we hypothesised that in response to predation risk, parents improve larval nutritional condition and expression of anti‐predator responses by promoting intraclutch cannibalism. We showed that mothers experiencing predation risk increase production of unviable trophic eggs, which assures provisioning of an egg meal to the newly hatched offspring. Next, we experimentally demonstrated that egg cannibalism reduces L. decemlineata vulnerability to predation by improving larval nutritional condition and expression of anti‐predator responses. Intraclutch cannibalism in herbivorous insects might be a ubiquitous strategy, aimed to overcome the dual challenge of feeding on protein‐limited diets while living under constant predation threat.  相似文献   

Predator density, refuge availability, and body size of prey can all affect the mortality rate of prey. We assume that more predators will lead to an increase in prey mortality rate, but behavioral interactions between predators and prey, and availability of refuge, may lead to nonlinear effects of increased number of predators on prey mortality rates. We tested for nonlinear effects in prey mortality rates in a mesocosm experiment with different size classes of western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) as the prey, different numbers of green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) as the predators, and different levels of refuge. Predator number and size class of prey, but not refuge availability, had significant effects on the mortality rate of prey. Change in mortality rate of prey was linear and equal across the range of predator numbers. Each new predator increased the mortality rate by about 10% overall, and mortality rates were higher for smaller size classes. Predator–prey interactions at the individual level may not scale up to create nonlinearity in prey mortality rates with increasing predator density at the population level.  相似文献   

The composition of local ecological communities is determined by the members of the regional community that are able to survive the abiotic and biotic conditions of a local ecosystem. Anthropogenic activities since the industrial revolution have increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations, which have in turn decreased ocean pH and altered carbonate ion concentrations: so called ocean acidification (OA). Single‐species experiments have shown how OA can dramatically affect zooplankton development, physiology and skeletal mineralization status, potentially reducing their defensive function and altering their predatory and antipredatory behaviors. This means that increased OA may indirectly alter the biotic conditions by modifying trophic interactions. We investigated how OA affects the impact of a cubozoan predator on their zooplankton prey, predominantly Copepoda, Pleocyemata, Dendrobranchiata, and Amphipoda. Experimental conditions were set at either current (pCO2 370 μatm) or end‐of‐the‐century OA (pCO2 1,100 μatm) scenarios, crossed in an orthogonal experimental design with the presence/absence of the cubozoan predator Carybdea rastoni. The combined effects of exposure to OA and predation by C. rastoni caused greater shifts in community structure, and greater reductions in the abundance of key taxa than would be predicted from combining the effect of each stressor in isolation. Specifically, we show that in the combined presence of OA and a cubozoan predator, populations of the most abundant member of the zooplankton community (calanoid copepods) were reduced 27% more than it would be predicted based on the effects of these stressors in isolation, suggesting that OA increases the susceptibility of plankton to predation. Our results indicate that the ecological consequences of OA may be greater than predicted from single‐species experiments, and highlight the need to understand future marine global change from a community perspective.  相似文献   

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