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1. The timing of adult emergence in stream insects is tightly constrained by environmental cues. Emergence is therefore predicted to be delayed at higher elevations, although few studies have empirically demonstrated this phenomenon. 2. We analysed the collection records of New Zealand's entire endemic mayfly fauna (52 species, 20 genera, 8 families) to test for correlations between adult emergence timing and elevation. 3. Significant positive associations between emergence timing and elevation were detected in more than half (11/21) of the taxa included in detailed analyses, with emergence delays for individual taxa (mean 3.2 ± 2.6 days per 100 m) similar to those previously observed in other freshwater insect taxa. Interspecific analyses accounting for phylogenetic relatedness revealed a non-significant positive relationship (P = 0.14) between median elevation and median collection date. 4. While elevation often has significant effects on insect emergence, these results also emphasise the idiosyncratic responses of individual insect taxa to environmental conditions. More detailed temporal studies are crucial for assessing the ongoing impacts of climate-driven shifts on insect phenology.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(4):775-780
A Satoyama landscape is an important reservoir of biodiversity; however, in post-industrial era traditional Satoyama management became economically unfeasible.To maintain Satoyama, labor-saving management styles have begun to be implemented. In contrast to the traditional styles based on labor-intensive practices such as rotational tree clear-cutting, the labor-saving styles consist mainly in tree thinning and ground vegetation cutting within a small spatial range. The consequences of this new approach are unclear, and our study aimed at filling this gap in our knowledge by analyzing the effects of small scale management on ground beetle community in suburban Satoyama (Kashiwa city, central Japan). We applied labor-saving management at limited spatial range, and sampled and analyzed ground beetles both before and after management. Cluster analysis revealed three groups of beetle assemblages, corresponding to three habitats: forest, bamboo stand and grassland. Comparison of wing traits showed that, before management, brachypterous beetles dominated forest plots and macropterous beetles were more prominent in the grassland plot, while in the bamboo stand both types of wing morphology were evenly represented. This trend can be linked to habitat structural stability driven by vegetation regeneration cycles which reflect dominant plant longevity. After management, macroptery increased in all three habitats. Probably, habitat disturbance created by vegetation management gave advantage to macropterous beetles over brachypterous beetles. These results suggest that wing type can be linked to vegetation structural stability. In some species, decline in abundance was accompanied with decline in body size. Our study shows that small scale Satoyama management can have pronounced effects on beetle assemblages.  相似文献   

What selection pressures drive the evolution of offspring size? Answering this fundamental question for any species requires an understanding of the relationship between offspring size and offspring fitness. A major goal of evolutionary ecologists has been to estimate this critical relationship, but for organisms with complex lifecycles, logistical constraints restrict most studies to early life‐history stages only. Here, we examine the relationship between offspring size and offspring performance in the field across multiple life‐history stages and across generations in a marine invertebrate .We then use these data to parameterise a simple optimality model to generate predictions of optimal offspring size and determined whether these predictions depended on which estimate of offspring performance was used. We found that offspring size had consistently positive effects on performance (estimated as post‐metamorphic growth, fecundity and reproductive output). We also found that manipulating the experience of offspring during the larval phase changed the way in which offspring size affects performance: offspring size affected post‐metamorphic growth when larvae were allowed to settle immediately but offspring size affected survival when larvae were forced to swim prior to settlement. Despite finding consistently positive effects of offspring size, early measures of the effect of offspring size resulted in the systematic underestimation of optimal offspring size. Surprisingly, the amount of variation in offspring performance that offspring size explained decreased with increasing time in the field but the steepness of the relationship between offspring size and performance actually increased. Our results suggest caution should be exercised when empirically examining offspring size effects – it may not be appropriate to assume that early measures are a good reflection of the actual relationship between offspring size and fitness.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether a relationship exists between the levels of urate in vivo and lipid peroxidation during exercise. Seven healthy male subjects performed exhaustive cycling exercise under the following three conditions. The levels of urate, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and allantoin in plasma and urine were examined before exercise and during a 3h recovery period. (1) Benzbromarone administration experiment: benzbromarone (an uricosuric agent) was administered orally the day before exercise. (2) IMP administration experiment: inosine 5'-monophosphate disodium salt (a precursor of urate) was administered orally the day before exercise. (3) Control experiment: no test substance was administered. The main results obtained were as follows. Plasma urate levels and total peroxyl radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP) for deproteinized plasma in the resting period significantly decreased depending on the treatment, in the order of IMP> control > benzbromarone. A significant positive correlation was evident between plasma urate levels and TRAP values for deproteinized plasma. The increase in plasma levels of allantoin was observed only in the case of IMP treatment. A significant negative correlation between plasma levels of urate in the resting period and the amounts of urinary TBARS excreted during the recovery period was recognized. These results suggest that the urate level in vivo before exercise is a factor influencing lipid peroxidation during exhaustive exercise. Furthermore, these findings support the view that urate may serve as an important freeradical scavenger in vivo.  相似文献   

Contrary to conventional wisdom, NHANES data indicate that the poor have never had a statistically significant higher prevalence of overweight status at any time in the last 35 years. Despite this empirical evidence, the view that the poor are less healthy in terms of excess accumulation of fat persists. This paper provides evidence that conventional wisdom is reflecting important differences in the relationship between income and the body mass index. The first finding is based on distribution-sensitive measures of overweight which indicates that the severity of overweight has been higher for the poor than the nonpoor throughout the last 35 years. The second finding is from a newly introduced estimator, unconditional quantile regression (UQR), which provides a measure of the income-gradient in BMI at different points on the unconditional BMI distribution. The UQR estimator indicates that the strongest relationship between income and BMI is observed at the tails of the distribution. There is a statistically significant negative income gradient in BMI at the obesity threshold and some evidence of a positive gradient at the underweight threshold. Both of these UQR estimates imply that for those at the tails of the BMI distribution, increases in income are correlated with healthier BMI values.  相似文献   

The effects that epiphytes have on their hosts have been poorly explored in an experimentally. Correlational evidence suggests that epiphytes may be either mutualists or structural parasites, as has been proposed for Tillandsia recurvata on Parkinsonia praecox. To test the effect of T. recurvata upon P. praecox, the epiphyte load on branches of P. praecox was measured and two 1‐year experiments were performed to detect the effect of transplantation/removal of epiphytes and shade (0%, 35%. 50% and 80%) on shoot dynamics. If T. recurvata represents a selective pressure for P. praecox, then the frequency of branches carrying large epiphyte loads will be high, and host shoot survival will decrease in the presence of T. recurvata and with increased shade. A weak inverse relationship between epiphyte load and percentage of dead shoots in the host was detected. Shoot survival was independent of epiphyte presence. Shade decreased shoot survival by 35–72%. Results suggest that at the study site, T. recurvata is a commensalist of P. praecox. An alternative hypothesis to explain the correlation between high epiphyte load and branch/tree decay is that older branches carry more epiphytes, receive more shade from neighbouring branches and could be undergoing a natural decline process.  相似文献   

The geographic range of a species is influenced by past phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns. However, other historical interactions, including the interplay between life history and geography, are also likely involved. Therefore, the range size of a species can be explained on the basis of niche‐breadth or dispersal related hypotheses, and previous work on European butterflies suggests that both, under the respective guise of ecological specialisation and colonising ability may apply. In the present study, data from 205 species of butterflies from the Iberian peninsula were processed through multiple regression analyses to test for correlations between geographic range size, life history traits and geographic features of the species distribution types. In addition, the percentage of variance explained by the subsets of variables analyzed in the study, with and without control for phylogenetic effects was tested. Despite a complex pattern of bivariate correlations, we found that larval polyphagy was the single best correlate of range size, followed by dispersal. Models that combined both life history traits and geographic characteristics performed better than models generated independently. The combined variables explained at least 39% of the variance. Bivariate correlations between range size and body size, migratory habits or egg size primarily reflected taxonomic patterning and reciprocal correlations with larval diet breadth and adult phenology. Therefore, aspects of niche breadth i.e. potential larval diet breadth emerged as the most influential determinants of range size. However, the relationships between these types of ecological traits and biogeographic history must still be considered when associations between life history and range size are of interest.  相似文献   

Studies of the relationships between insectivorous birds and insects have focused on woodland habitats, where insects have usually been regarded as tree pests. But some insects are of the utmost importance to the human economy, especially hymenopterans, which pollinate plants such as fruit trees in orchards. Here we report on a 5-year study of the influence of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio, a territorial insectivorous bird, on the numbers of hymenopterans in the extensively farmed landscape of eastern Poland. The relevant relationships were based on an analysis of the shrike’s diet and the numbers of hymenopterans in and beyond nesting locations. There was a weak but statistically significant relationship between the proportion of hymenopterans in the red-backed shrike’s diet and the place and time of prey capture, but this was dependent solely on the location of the shrike’s territory. No relationship was found between the numbers of hymenopterans and the presence of the red-backed shrike, agricultural site type or season effect. In conclusion, territorial bird species that occur in low densities probably have only a marginal influence on hymenopterans, including pollinators.  相似文献   

Group size is related to parasite infections in primates. This relationship probably reflects the fact that group size is associated with body contact between group members and with contact with contaminated items in the environment. The latter is highly associated with range use. In the present study we hypothesized that if infection by directly transmitted parasites (DTP) is mainly determined by the exposure of individuals to parasites that accumulate in the environment, and group size correlates negatively with the intensity of home range use, then smaller groups should be more infected by DTP. Additionally, groups that share a higher proportion of their home range with other groups should be more infected. To test our hypothesis we observed and collected fecal samples of two groups of Alouatta palliata (large group size) and two groups of A. pigra (small group size) that live sympatrically in a forest fragment located in Macuspana (Mexico). Group size was positively correlated with range area size and negatively correlated with the intensity of home range use. Range use variables were not related to either DTP prevalence or load. However, there were significant differences in DTP loads between groups, which were positively correlated with group size. Our results suggest that the intensity of home range use is a poor predictor of DTP infection parameters in groups with marked differences in size. Therefore, it is possible that the individual or combined effects of other ecological (e.g., microclimate), social (e.g., contact rate), or physiological (e.g., immune function) factors are more important in the dynamics of DTP in free-ranging primates.  相似文献   

Vertically transmitted bacterial symbionts are common in arthropods. However, estimates of their incidence and diversity are based on studies that test for a single bacterial genus and often only include small samples of each host species. Focussing on ladybird beetles, we collected large samples from 21 species and tested them for four different bacterial symbionts. Over half the species were infected, and there were often multiple symbionts in the same population. In most cases, more females than males were infected, suggesting that the symbionts may be sex ratio distorters. Many of these infections would have been missed in previous studies as they only infect a small proportion of the population. Furthermore, 11 out of the 17 symbionts discovered by us were either in the genus Rickettsia or Spiroplasma, which are rarely sampled. Our results suggest that the true incidence and diversity of bacterial symbionts in insects may be far greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ecological literature is ambiguous as to whether the initial diversity of a plant community facilitates or deters the diversity of colonizing species. We experimentally planted annual crop species in monoculture and polyculture, and examined the resulting weed communities. The species composition of weeds was similar among treatments, but the species richness of weeds was significantly higher in the polycultures than in the monocultures. This supports the ‘diversity begets diversity’ hypothesis. Environmental microheterogeneity, diversity promoters, and ecological equivalency do not seem able to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Our long range interracial hybridization experiments between a pair of cross fertile races, Drosophila nasuta (2n = 8) and D.albomicans (2n = 6) have resulted in the evolution of two new karyotypic strains under laboratory conditions, which are named as Cytorace 1 and Cytorace 2. These Cytoraces harbor chromosomes from both parents. Here, we compare the body size of the parental races and newly evolved Cytoraces and the relationship between the body size and fitness. Analysis reveals that the parental races have reduced fertility and are larger in body size than newly evolved Cytoraces. Thus, the newly evolved Cytoraces show reduced body size and better fitness in the course of their evolution. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study presents a multivariate behavioural genetic analysis of the relationship between education, intelligence and age of first birth. Analyses investigated the mediational role of education in explaining the relationship between intelligence and age of first birth at both the phenotypic and behavioural genetic level. The data come from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), a nationally representative survey that included genetically informative full- and half-sibling pairs (n = 1423 pairs). Respondents were aged 14 to 22 when contacted in 1979. Heritability estimates were 0.32, 0.50 and 0.06 for IQ, education and age of first birth, respectively. Shared environment estimates were 0.35, 0.23 and 0.20 respectively. Common genetic and shared environmental factors were substantial in explaining the relationship between intelligence and education, and also education and age of first birth. Education partially mediated the relationship between intelligence and age of first birth only in the phenotypic analyses. After considering the genetic and shared environmental factors that influence all three variables, evidence for mediation was less convincing. This pattern of results suggests that the apparent mediational role of education at the phenotypic level is in fact the result of underlying genetic and shared environmental influences that affect education, IQ and age of first birth in common.  相似文献   

Understanding whether and how ecological traits affect species’ geographic distributions is a fundamental issue that bridges ecology and biogeography. While climate is thought to be the major determinant of species’ distributions, there is considerable variation in the strength of species’ climate–distribution relationships. One potential explanation is that species with relatively low dispersal ability cannot reach all geographic areas where climatic conditions are suitable. We tested the hypothesis that species from different taxonomic groups varied in their climate–distribution relationships because of differences in life history strategies, in particular dispersal ability. We conducted a meta‐analysis by combining the discrimination ability (AUC values) from 4317 species distribution models (SDMs) using fit as an indication of the strength of the species’ climate–distribution relationship. We found significant differences in the strength of species’ climate–distribution relationships across taxonomic groups, however we did not find support for the dispersal hypothesis. Our results suggest that relevant ecological trait variation among broad taxonomic groups may be related to differences in species’ climate–distribution relationships, however which ecological traits are important remains unclear.  相似文献   

Short peptide surfactants (pepfactants) bearing the amphiphilic molecular architecture of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties are attractive for a wide range of biological and medical applications. Understanding of structural basis and molecular mechanism underlying the self-assembling behaviour of pepfactants is fundamentally important for rationally designing surfactant-like peptides to function as diverse biomaterials. To date, however, the relationship between the physicochemical properties and self-assembly of pepfactants still remains largely unexplored. In this study, we attempt to elucidate the role of structural flexibility and dynamics in peptide self-assembly. Two fast and reliable quantitative structure–property relationship predictors are carefully developed with the sophisticated genetic algorithm/partial least squares method; the predictors are then applied to estimate molecular flexibility and self-assembling ability for 10,000 randomly generated surfactant-like peptides. As a result, a significant negative correlation between the flexibility and self-assembly is observed, which can be fitted fairly well using an exponential curve. Furthermore, atomistic molecular dynamics simulations also reveal a noticeable difference of flexibility profile between strong and weak self-assembling peptides. All these come together to suggest that the self-assembling behaviour of pepfactants is highly dependent on their structural flexibility.  相似文献   

The relationship between mandibular third molar (M3) angulation and mandibular angle fragility is not well established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of M3 angulation on the mandibular angle fragility when submitted to a trauma to the mandibular body region. A three-dimensional (3D) mandibular model without M3 (Model 0) was obtained by means of finite-element analysis (FEA). Four models were generated from the initial model, representing distoangular (Model D), horizontal (Model H), mesioangular (Model M) and vertical (Model V) angulations. A blunt trauma with a magnitude of 2000 N was applied perpendicularly to the sagittal plane in the mandibular body. Maximum principal stress (Pmax) (tensile stress) values were calculated in the bone. The lowest Pmax stress values were noted in Model 0. When the M3 was present extra stress fields were found around marginal bone of second molar and M3. Comparative analysis of the models with M3 revealed that the highest level of stress was found in Model V, whereas Model D showed the lowest stress values. The angulation of M3 affects the stress levels in the mandibular angle and has an impact on mandibular fragility. The mandibular angle becomes more fragile in case of vertical impaction when submitted to a trauma to the mandibular body region.  相似文献   

Soil surface CO2 flux (RS) is overwhelmingly the product of respiration by roots (autotrophic respiration, RA) and soil organisms (heterotrophic respiration, RH). Many studies have attempted to partition RS into these two components, with highly variable results. This study analyzes published data encompassing 54 forest sites and shows that RA and RH are each strongly (R2>0.8) correlated to annual RS across a wide range of forest ecosystems. Monte Carlo simulation showed that these correlations were significantly stronger than any correlation introduced as an artefact of measurement method. Biome type, measurement method, mean annual temperature, soil drainage, and leaf habit were not significant. For sites with available data, there was a significant (R2=0.56) correlation between total detritus input and RH, while RA was unrelated to net primary production. We discuss why RA and RH might be related to each other on large scales, as both ultimately depend on forest carbon balance and photosynthate supply. Limited data suggest that these or similar relationships have broad applicability in other ecosystem types. Site‐specific measurements are always more desirable than the application of inferred broad relationships, but belowground measurements are difficult and expensive, while measuring RS is straightforward and commonly done. Thus the relationships presented here provide a useful method that can help constrain estimates of terrestrial carbon budgets.  相似文献   

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