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Tsialtas  J.T.  Pritsa  T.S.  Veresoglou  D.S. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):371-376
We related leaf physiological traits of four grassland species (Poa pratensis, Lolium perenne, Festuca valida, and Taraxacum officinale), dominant in a Mediterranean grassland, to their origin and success at community level. From early May to mid-June 1999, four leaf samplings were done. Species originating from poor environments (P. pratensis, F. valida) had low carbon isotope discrimination (), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf water and mineral contents, and net photosynthetic rate on mass basis (P mass) but high chlorophyll content. The reverse traits were evident for the fast-growing species (L. perenne, T. officinale). Under the resource-limiting conditions (soil nitrogen and water) of the Mediterranean grassland, the physiological traits of P. pratensis and F. valida showed to be more adapted to these conditions leading to high species abundance and dominance.  相似文献   

Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are critical to leaf photosynthesis, yet it is debated whether these two sets of traits vary in a fully coordinated manner or there is room for independent variation. Here, we tested the relationship between leaf economics traits, including leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf dry mass per area, and leaf hydraulic traits including stomatal density and vein density in five tropical‐subtropical forests. Surprisingly, these two suites of traits were statistically decoupled. This decoupling suggests that independent trait dimensions exist within a leaf, with leaf economics dimension corresponding to light capture and tissue longevity, and the hydraulic dimension to water‐use and leaf temperature maintenance. Clearly, leaf economics and hydraulic traits can vary independently, thus allowing for more possible plant trait combinations. Compared with a single trait dimension, multiple trait dimensions may better enable species adaptations to multifarious niche dimensions, promote diverse plant strategies and facilitate species coexistence.  相似文献   

Large spatial and temporal gradients in rainfall and temperature occur across Australia. This heterogeneity drives ecological differentiation in vegetation structure and ecophysiology. We examined multiple leaf‐scale traits, including foliar 13C isotope discrimination (Δ13C), rates of photosynthesis and foliar N concentration and their relationships with multiple climate variables. Fifty‐five species across 27 families were examined across eight sites spanning contrasting biomes. Key questions addressed include: (i) Does Δ13C and intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi) vary with climate at a continental scale? (ii) What are the seasonal and spatial patterns in Δ13C/WUEi across biomes and species? (iii) To what extent does Δ13C reflect variation in leaf structural, functional and nutrient traits across climate gradients? and (iv) Does the relative importance of assimilation and stomatal conductance in driving variation in Δ13C differ across seasons? We found that MAP, temperature seasonality, isothermality and annual temperature range exerted independent effects on foliar Δ13C/WUEi. Temperature‐related variables exerted larger effects than rainfall‐related variables. The relative importance of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance (gs) in determining Δ13C differed across seasons: Δ13C was more strongly regulated by gs during the dry‐season and by photosynthetic capacity during the wet‐season. Δ13C was most strongly correlated, inversely, with leaf mass area ratio among all leaf attributes considered. Leaf Nmass was significantly and positively correlated with MAP during dry‐ and wet‐seasons and with moisture index (MI) during the wet‐season but was not correlated with Δ13C. Leaf Pmass showed significant positive relationship with MAP and Δ13C only during the dry‐season. For all leaf nutrient‐related traits, the relationships obtained for Δ13C with MAP or MI indicated that Δ13C at the species level reliably reflects the water status at the site level. Temperature and water availability, not foliar nutrient content, are the principal factors influencing Δ13C across Australia.  相似文献   

In Central European forestry the establishment of broad-leaved mixed forests is attaining increasing importance, but little information exists about gas exchange characteristics of some of the tree species involved, which are less abundant today. In an old-growth forest in Central Germany (Hainich, Thuringia), (i) I compared morphological and chemical leaf traits that are indicative of leaf gas exchange characteristics among eight co-existing species, and (ii) analysed photosynthetic parameters of saplings and adult trees (lower and upper canopy level) in four of these species (Acer pseudoplatanus L., Carpinus betulus L., Fraxinus excelsior L. and Tilia platyphyllos Scop.).Leaves from the upper canopy in the eight species studied varied significantly in their specific leaf area (12.9–19.4 m2 kg−1), stomatal density (125–313 stomata mm−2), leaf nitrogen concentration (95–157 mmol N m−2) and δ13C content (–27.81 to –25.85‰). F. excelsior and C. betulus were largely contrasting species, which suggests that the species, which were studied in more detail, include the widest difference in leaf gas exchange among the co-existing species. The saplings of the four selected species exhibited shade acclimated leaves with net photosynthesis rates at saturating irradiance (Amax) between 5.0 and 6.4 μmol m−2 s−1. In adult trees Amax of fully sunlit leaves was more variable and ranged from 10.5 (C. betulus) to 16.3 μmol m−2 s−1 (F. excelsior). However, less negative δ13C values in F. excelsior sun leaves point to a strong limitation in gas exchange. In the lower canopy of adult trees Amax of F. excelsior (12.0 μmol m−2 s−1) was also greater than that of A. pseudoplatanus, C. betulus and T. platyphyllos (5.0–5.6 μmol m−2 s−1). This can be explained by the small leaf area and the absence of shade leaves in mature F. excelsior trees. Thus, a considerable variation in leaf traits and gas exchange was found among the co-existing tree species. The results suggest that species-specific characteristics increase the spatial heterogeneity of canopy gas exchange and should be taken into account in the interpretation and prediction of gas flux from mixed stands.In der Forstwirtschaft Mitteleuropas gewinnt die Begründung von Laubmischwäldern zunehmend an Bedeutung, aber über Eigenschaften im Gasaustausch einiger beteiligter Baumarten, die heute nicht so häufig sind, ist wenig bekannt. In einem Altbestand in Mitteldeutschland (Hainich, Thüringen) habe ich (i) morphologische und chemische Eigenschaften von Sonnenblättern, die Hinweise auf Charakteristika im Blattgaswechsel geben, an acht koexistierenden Baumarten untersucht, und (ii) Photosyntheseparameter von juvenilen und adulten Bäumen (unteres und oberes Kronenniveau) von vier dieser Arten (Acer pseudoplatanus L., Carpinus betulus L., Fraxinus excelsior L. and Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) erhoben.Blätter aus dem oberen Kronenraum der acht untersuchten Arten variierten signifikant in der spezifischen Blattfläche (12.9–19.4 m2 kg−1), der Stomatadichte (125–313 Stomata mm−2), dem Blattstickstoffgehalt (95–157 mmol N m−2) und den δ13C-Werten (–27.81 bis –25.85‰). In diesem Kollektiv zeigten F. excelsior und C. betulus groβe Unterschiede, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Arten, die genauer untersucht wurden, die Spannweite an Gaswechseleigenschaften unter den koexistierenden Baumarten umfassen. Die Jungpflanzen der vier ausgewählten Arten besaßen Schattenblätter, deren Netto-Photosyntheserate bei hoher Lichtintensität (Amax) zwischen 5.0 and 6.4 μmol m−2 s−1 variierte. An Sonnenblättern von Altbäumen war Amax variabler und lag zwischen 10.5 (C. betulus) und 16.3 μmol m−2 s−1 (F. excelsior). Allerdings weisen hohe δ13C-Werte in Sonnenblättern von F. excelsior auf eine starke Limitierung des Gasaustauschs hin. Auch in der unteren Krone der Altbäume war Amax von F. excelsior (12.0 μmol m−2 s−1) höher als Amax von A. pseudoplatanus, C. betulus und T. platyphyllos (5.0–5.6 μmol m−2 s−1). Dies kann durch die geringe Blattfläche und die Abwesenheit von Schattenblättern in der Krone adulter Bäume von F. excelsior erklärt werden. Zwischen den koexistierenden Baumarten wurde somit in Bezug auf Blatteigenschaften und Photosyntheseparameter eine erhebliche Variation festgestellt. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass artspezifische Eigenschaften die räumliche Heterogenität des Gaswechsels im Kronenraum erhöhen und bei der Interpretation und Vorhersage von Gasflüssen über Mischbeständen berücksichtigt werden sollten.  相似文献   

Global warming, increasing CO2 concentration, and environmental disturbances affect grassland communities throughout the world. Here, we report on variations in the C3/C4 pattern of Inner Mongolian grassland derived from soil and vegetation. Soil samples from 149 sites covering an area of approximately 250 000 km2 within Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China were analyzed for the isotopic composition (δ13C) of soil organic carbon (SOC). The contrast in δ13C between C3 and C4 plants allowed for calculation of the C3/C4 ratio from δ13C of SOC with a two‐member mixing model, which accounted for influences of aridity and altitude on δ13C of the C3 end‐member and for changes in δ13C of atmospheric CO2. Maps were created geostatistically, and showed a substantially lower C4 abundance in soil than in recent vegetation (?10%). The difference between soil and vegetation varied regionally and was most pronounced within an E–W belt along 44°N and in a mountainous area, suggesting a spread of C4 plants toward northern latitudes (about 1°) and higher altitudes. The areas of high C4 abundance for present vegetation and SOC were well delineated by the isotherms of crossover temperature based on the climatic conditions of the respective time periods. Our study indicates that change in the patterns of C3/C4 composition in the Inner Mongolia grassland was mainly triggered by increasing temperature, which overrode the antagonistic effect of rising CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Here we tested whether some leaf traits could be used as predictors for productivity in a range of Populus deltoides x P. nigra clones. These traits were assessed in 3-yr-old rooted cuttings from 29 clones growing in an open field trial, in a five randomized complete block design, under optimal irrigation. Variables were assigned to four groups describing productivity (above-ground biomass, total leaf area), leaf growth (total number of leaves increment rate), leaf structure (area of the largest leaf, specific leaf area, carbon and nitrogen contents), and carbon isotope discrimination in the leaves (Delta). High-yielding clones displayed larger total leaf area and individual leaf area, while no correlation could be detected between productivity and either leaf structure or Delta. By contrast, Delta was negatively correlated with number of leaves increment rate and leaf N content. Our study shows that there is a potential to improve water-use efficiency in poplar without necessarily reducing the overall productivity.  相似文献   

Air temperatures in the arid western United States are predicted to increase over the next century. These increases will likely impact the distribution of plant species, particularly dioecious species that show a spatial segregation of the sexes across broad resource gradients. On the basis of spatial segregation patterns, we hypothesized that temperature increases will have a greater negative impact on female plants compared with co‐occurring male plants of dioecious species. This hypothesis was tested by examining the whole‐plant carbon and water relations of 10‐year‐old female (= 18) and male (= 13) Acer negundo Sarg. trees grown in a common garden in Salt Lake City, UT. The trees were established from cuttings collected where the growing season temperature averaged about 6.5 °C cooler than at the common garden. During May and June, stem sap flux (Js) was similar between genders, but averaged 25% higher in males during the warmer months of July and August. Daytime canopy stomatal conductance (gs) per unit leaf area was 12% higher in females in May : June, but was 11% higher in males in July : August. We combined measurements of sap flux–scaled transpiration with measurements of tree allometry and δ13C of leaf soluble sugars to estimate whole‐tree carbon assimilation (Atree) and water use efficiency (WUE) (Atree : Etree). Atree was similar between genders until late August when Atree was 32% higher in male trees. Atree : Etree was on average 7% higher in females than in males during the growing season. Patterns of Js, gs, Atree and Atree : Etree in the present study were in contrast to those previously reported for A. negundo genders under native growing season temperatures. Results suggest that the spatial segregation of the sexes could shift under global warming such that female plants lose their dominance in high‐resource habitats, and males increase their dominance in relatively lower‐resource habitats.  相似文献   

Under the increase in atmospheric CO2 during the last century, variable increases in the intrinsic water‐use efficiency (Wi), i.e., the ratio between carbon assimilation rate (A) and stomatal conductance (gs), of C3 vegetation have been observed. Here, we ask if long‐term nutrient status and especially nitrogen supply have an effect on the CO2 response of Wi in a temperate seminatural C3 grassland. This analysis draws on the long‐term trends (1915–2009) in Wi, derived from carbon isotope analysis, of archived hay and herbage from the Park Grass Experiment at Rothamsted (South‐East England). Plant samples came from five fertilizer treatments, each with different annual nitrogen (N; 0, 48 or 96 kg ha?1), phosphorus (P; 0 or 35 kg ha?1) and potassium (K; 0 or 225 kg ha?1) applications, with lime as required to maintain soil pH near 7. Carbon isotope discrimination (13Δ) increased significantly (P < 0.001) on the Control (0.9‰ per 100 ppm CO2 increase). This trend differed significantly (P < 0.01) from those observed on the fertilized treatments (PK only: 0.4‰ per 100 ppm CO2 increase, P < 0.001; Low N only, Low N+PK, High N+PK: no significant increase). The 13Δ trends on fertilized treatments did not differ significantly from each other. However, N status, assessed as N fertilizer supply plus an estimate of biologically fixed N, was negatively related (r2 = 0.88; P < 0.02) to the trend for 13Δ against CO2. Other indices of N status exhibited similar relationships. Accordingly, the increase in Wi at High N+PK was twice that of the Control (+28% resp. +13% relative to 1915). In addition, the CO2 responsiveness of 13Δ was related to the grass content of the plant community. This may have been due to the greater CO2 responsiveness of gs in grasses relative to forbs. Thus, the greater CO2 response of grass‐rich fertilized swards may be related to effects of nutrient supply on botanical composition.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) in charred grains from archaeological sites provides reliable information about water availability of ancient crops. However, as cereals are cultivated plants, they may reflect not only climatic fluctuations, but also the effect on water status of certain agronomic practices, such as sowing in naturally wet soils or irrigation. In this work, we propose a methodological approach to combine Δ13C data from different plant species, in order to discriminate between climate-derived and anthropogenic effects on ancient crops. We updated previous models for estimating water inputs from Δ13C of cereal grains of Hordeum vulgare and Triticum aestivum/durum, and we applied them to published data from several archaeological sites, including samples from the Neolithic to the present day in northeast and southeast Spain, as well as from the Neolithic site of Tell Halula (northwest Syria). We found an important decrease in water availability from the Neolithic to the present time in the three areas of study, especially clear for the two driest areas (southeast Spain and northwest Syria). Potential differences in water management practices between wheat and barley, as well as between cereal and legume crops (Vicia faba and Lens culinaris), are also discussed on the basis of the comparison of Δ13C values across several archaeological sites.  相似文献   

Northern terrestrial ecosystems have shown global warming‐induced advances in start, delays in end, and thus increased lengths of growing season and gross photosynthesis in recent decades. The tradeoffs between seasonal dynamics of two opposing fluxes, CO2 uptake through photosynthesis and release through respiration, determine the influence of the terrestrial ecosystem on the atmospheric CO2 and 13C/12C seasonality. Here, we use four CO2 observation stations in the Northern Hemisphere, namely Alert, La Jolla, Point Barrow, and Mauna Loa Observatory, to determine how changes in vegetation productivity and phenology, respiration, and air temperature affect both the atmospheric CO2 and 13C/12C seasonality. Since the 1960s, the only significant long‐term trend of CO2 and 13C/12C seasonality was observed at the northern most station, Alert, where the spring CO2 drawdown dates advanced by 0.65 ± 0.55 days yr?1, contributing to a nonsignificant increase in length of the CO2 uptake period (0.74 ± 0.67 days yr?1). For Point Barrow station, vegetation phenology changes in well‐watered ecosystems such as the Canadian and western Siberian wetlands contributed the most to 13C/12C seasonality while the CO2 seasonality was primarily linked to nontree vegetation. Our results indicate significant increase in the Northern Hemisphere soil respiration. This means, increased respiration of 13C depleted plant materials cancels out the 12C gain from enhanced vegetation activities during the start and end of growing season. These findings suggest therefore that parallel warming‐induced increases both in photosynthesis and respiration contribute to the long‐term stability of CO2 and 13C/12C seasonality under changing climate and vegetation activity. The summer photosynthesis and the soil respiration in the dormant seasons have become more vigorous which lead to increased peak‐to‐through CO2 amplitude. As the relative magnitude of the increased photosynthesis in summer months is more than the increased respiration in dormant months, we have the increased overall carbon uptake rates in the northern ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims With a close association with plant water availability, foliar δ 13 C had been investigated extensively in alpine regions; however, foliar δ 15 N has rarely been concurrently used as an indicator of plant nitrogen availability. Due to the positive correlations between leaf nitrogen content and foliar δ 13 C and δ 15 N found in previous studies, we expected that they should show consistent patterns along an altitudinal gradient.Methods To test our hypothesis, we measured foliar δ 13 C and δ 15 N in conjunction with multiple key leaf functional traits of Quercus aquifolioides, a dominant species of alpine forest on the eastern slopes of the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau from 2500 to 3800 m.Important findings (i) Contrary to our hypothesis, foliar δ 13 C exhibited a significant positive linear relationship with altitude; in contrast, foliar δ 15 N initially increased and subsequently decreased with altitude, the change in trend occurring around 3300 m. (ii) Our analyses indicated that leaf internal resistance and stomatal conductance, rather than photosynthetic capacity indicated by leaf N concentration, apparently explained the altitudinal variation in foliar δ 13 C, while differences in foliar δ 15 N were likely the result of soil N availability. (iii) Principal component analysis revealed a clear association between δ 13 C and a tradeoff between water loss and carbon gain, indicated by traits related to gas exchange such as leaf thickness, density, stomatal properties. In contrast, the second axis was associated with δ 15 N and nitrogen acquisition strategy in Q. aquifolioides across its altitudinal distribution, represented by traits related to nitrogen concentration and stomata per gram of leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   

Fast growth and early development in barley are used in breeding programmes to improve the water use efficiency and transpiration efficiency of this crop in Mediterranean conditions. Here, we examine the use of several simple traits based on the structure and stable isotope composition of seedling leaves to assess differences in early vigour, phenology and grain yield, and also the interaction with low temperatures in barley. A set of 260 F8 lines of two-row barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) derived from the cross of Tadmor and WI 2291 were cultivated in two locations in northwest Syria. Total chlorophyll content on an area basis (SPAD) and specific leaf dry weight (SLDW) were measured in recently fully expanded intact leaves of seedlings. Total leaf area and total dry weight per seedling were evaluated in the same seedlings. The stable isotope compositions of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N, respectively) were analyzed in the same leaves on a subset of 75 genotypes. Number of days from planting to heading and grain yield were recorded at both sites. The grain yield measured at both locations was positively correlated with the SPAD value of seedlings, but showed no relationship with SLDW. Days to heading was negatively correlated with SPAD values. Regarding early vigour, a negative relationship between the SLDW and the total leaf area of seedlings was observed. However, no relationship between the δ13C of seedlings and early vigour was observed, except when only the genotypes most resistant to low temperatures (i.e. showing the highest SPAD values) were considered. This subset of genotypes showed negative relationships between δ13C and either total leaf area or total dry weight. In addition, δ15N was negatively correlated with SPAD only within the high-SPAD genotypes. This suggests that within the genotypes resistant to low temperatures, those with higher chlorophyll content assimilate more nitrogen from nitrate.  相似文献   

土层厚度对刺槐旱季水分状况和生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
该研究测定了旱季和雨季刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)林不同土层厚度的土壤含水量, 刺槐的树高、胸径、小枝凌晨水势、叶片碳稳定同位素组成(δ13C)、叶面积、比叶重和气体交换指标; 分析了刺槐旱季和雨季的水分状况和土层厚度之间的关系; 通过刺槐对季节性干旱胁迫的反应, 估计华北石质山区不同土层厚度土壤水分对刺槐的承载能力; 并求证近年来该地区刺槐衰败和水分因素的关系。结果显示: 随着土层厚度减小, 旱季土壤含水量下降、凌晨小枝水势降低; 气孔导度和最大光合速率都减小, 而瞬时水分利用效率增加, 雨季上述指标无显著性差异, 旱季土壤含水量只有雨季的60%左右。随着土层变薄, 刺槐叶片δ13C增高, 叶面积减小, 比叶重增加; 刺槐树高和胸径减小。以上结果表明: 刺槐在不同季节下的水分状况综合反映土壤的供水能力, 土层浅薄导致土壤水分承载力不足, 致使刺槐在旱季受到较严重的水分胁迫, 这可能是刺槐出现衰败的重要原因。  相似文献   



The insertion/deletion polymorphism in the gene encoding the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE I/D) was associated with arterial hypertension and obesity in adults, but the data in children are scarce and yielded contrasting results. We assessed the impact of the ACE I/D on blood pressure and obesity related traits in a Brazilian cohort of obese children and adolescents.

Methods and results

ACE I/D was genotyped in 320 obese children and adolescents (64% of girls) aged 7–16 years, referred for a weight-loss program. We observed an association of the D-allele with blood pressure and with pre-hypertension/hypertension in boys (odds ratio 2.44, 95% C.I. 1.34–4.68, p = 0.005 for a codominant model). The D-allele, insulin resistance and body fat mass had independent and additive effects and explained 14% of the variance of pre-hypertension/hypertension. The BMI, waist circumference, and body fat mass were significantly higher in DD/ID boys than in II boys (p < 0.005). Allelic associations with obesity related traits were independent of the association with blood pressure. No genotype associations were observed in girls.


The D-allele of the ACE I/D polymorphism was associated with arterial hypertension and with obesity related traits in boys, but not in girls, in a cohort of obese children and adolescents. These associations were independent of each other, as well as of the effects of other confounding traits such as insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Our results are in agreement with experimental evidences suggesting that the renin–angiotensin system plays a role in the regulation of visceral adipose tissue accumulation.  相似文献   

Nutrients such as phosphorus may exert a major control over plant response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2), which is projected to double by the end of the 21st century. Elevated CO2 may overcome the diffusional limitations to photosynthesis posed by stomata and mesophyll and alter the photo-biochemical limitations resulting from phosphorus deficiency. To evaluate these ideas, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was grown in controlled environment growth chambers with three levels of phosphate (Pi) supply (0.2, 0.05 and 0.01 mM) and two levels of CO2 concentration (ambient 400 and elevated 800 μmol mol−1) under optimum temperature and irrigation. Phosphate deficiency drastically inhibited photosynthetic characteristics and decreased cotton growth for both CO2 treatments. Under Pi stress, an apparent limitation to the photosynthetic potential was evident by CO2 diffusion through stomata and mesophyll, impairment of photosystem functioning and inhibition of biochemical process including the carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxyganase and the rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration. The diffusional limitation posed by mesophyll was up to 58% greater than the limitation due to stomatal conductance (gs) under Pi stress. As expected, elevated CO2 reduced these diffusional limitations to photosynthesis across Pi levels; however, it failed to reduce the photo-biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in phosphorus deficient plants. Acclimation/down regulation of photosynthetic capacity was evident under elevated CO2 across Pi treatments. Despite a decrease in phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations in leaf tissue and reduced stomatal conductance at elevated CO2, the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area when measured at the growth CO2 concentration tended to be higher for all except the lowest Pi treatment. Nevertheless, plant biomass increased at elevated CO2 across Pi nutrition with taller plants, increased leaf number and larger leaf area.  相似文献   

The influence of various combinations of glycerol and lactose feed on the biosynthesis of two polyketide metabolites, lovastatin and (+)-geodin, by Aspergillus terreus ATCC20542 in a discontinuous fed-batch culture was presented. In these experiments lactose and/or glycerol were also used as the initial carbon substrates in the cultivation media. The application of glycerol feed, when lactose is the initial substrate, leads to the appreciable lovastatin concentration in the broth (122.4 mg l−1), nevertheless the abundant (+)-geodin level is at the same time obtained (255.5 mg l−1). The cultures with glycerol as the initial substrate and fed with lactose produce less lovastatin and (+)-geodin. The application of the various combined glycerol and/or lactose feeds allows for improving lovastatin production up to 161.8 mg l−1 and decreases (+)-geodin concentration to 98.7 mg l−1. The analysis of product formation rates and yield coefficients indicates that lovastatin is more efficiently produced on lactose, especially in the initial stages of the cultivation. Glycerol efficiently sustains fungal activity to form these polyketides in the late idiophase but it mainly favours (+)-geodin formation, if solely used in the feed. The feeds performed both with lactose and glycerol occur to be the most desired to maximise lovastatin and minimise (+)-geodin formation.  相似文献   

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