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Genomic approaches permit direct estimation of inbreeding and its effect on fitness. We used genomic‐based estimates of inbreeding to investigate their relationship with eight adult traits in a captive‐reared Pacific salmonid that is released into the wild. Estimates were also used to determine whether alternative broodstock management approaches reduced risks of inbreeding. Specifically, 1,100 unlinked restriction‐site associated (RAD) loci were used to compare pairwise relatedness, derived from a relationship matrix, and individual inbreeding, estimated by comparing observed and expected homozygosity, across four generations in two hatchery lines of Chinook salmon that were derived from the same source. The lines are managed as “integrated” with the founding wild stock, with ongoing gene flow, and as “segregated” with no gene flow. While relatedness and inbreeding increased in the first generation of both lines, possibly due to population subdivision caused by hatchery initiation, the integrated line had significantly lower levels in some subsequent generations (relatedness: F2–F4; inbreeding F2). Generally, inbreeding was similar between the lines despite large differences in effective numbers of breeders. Inbreeding did not affect fecundity, reproductive effort, return timing, fork length, weight, condition factor, and daily growth coefficient. However, it delayed spawn timing by 1.75 days per one standard deviation increase in F (~0.16). The results indicate that integrated management may reduce inbreeding but also suggest that it is relatively low in a small, segregated hatchery population that maximized number of breeders. Our findings demonstrate the utility of genomics to monitor inbreeding under alternative management strategies in captive breeding programs.  相似文献   

The first North American RAD Sequencing and Genomics Symposium, sponsored by Floragenex (http://www.floragenex.com/radmeeting/), took place in Portland, Oregon (USA) on 19 April 2011. This symposium was convened to promote and discuss the use of restriction-site-associated DNA (RAD) sequencing technologies. RAD sequencing is one of several strategies recently developed to increase the power of data generated via short-read sequencing technologies by reducing their complexity (Baird et al. 2008; Huang et al. 2009; Andolfatto et al. 2011; Elshire et al. 2011). RAD sequencing, as a form of genotyping by sequencing, has been effectively applied in genetic mapping and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses in a range of organisms including nonmodel, genetically highly heterogeneous organisms (Table 1; Baird et al. 2008; Baxter et al. 2011; Chutimanitsakun et al. 2011; Pfender et al. 2011). RAD sequencing has recently found applications in phylogeography (Emerson et al. 2010) and population genomics (Hohenlohe et al. 2010). Considering the diversity of talks presented during this meeting, more developments are to be expected in the very near future.  相似文献   

Range expansion and contraction has occurred in the history of most species and can seriously impact patterns of genetic diversity. Historical data about range change are rare and generally appropriate for studies at large scales, whereas the individual pollen and seed dispersal events that form the basis of geneflow and colonization generally occur at a local scale. In this study, we investigated range change in Fagus sylvatica on Mont Ventoux, France, using historical data from 1838 to the present and approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) analyses of genetic data. From the historical data, we identified a population minimum in 1845 and located remnant populations at least 200 years old. The ABC analysis selected a demographic scenario with three populations, corresponding to two remnant populations and one area of recent expansion. It also identified expansion from a smaller ancestral population but did not find that this expansion followed a population bottleneck, as suggested by the historical data. Despite a strong support to the selected scenario for our data set, the ABC approach showed a low power to discriminate among scenarios on average and a low ability to accurately estimate effective population sizes and divergence dates, probably due to the temporal scale of the study. This study provides an unusual opportunity to test ABC analysis in a system with a well-documented demographic history and identify discrepancies between the results of historical, classical population genetic and ABC analyses. The results also provide valuable insights into genetic processes at work at a fine spatial and temporal scale in range change and colonization.  相似文献   

Genomic studies of invasive species can reveal both invasive pathways and functional differences underpinning patterns of colonization success. The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) was initially introduced to eastern North America nearly 200 years ago where it expanded northwards to eastern Nova Scotia. A subsequent invasion to Nova Scotia from a northern European source allowed further range expansion, providing a unique opportunity to study the invasion genomics of a species with multiple invasions. Here, we use restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing‐derived SNPs to explore fine‐scale genomewide differentiation between these two invasions. We identified 9137 loci from green crab sampled from 11 locations along eastern North America and compared spatial variation to mitochondrial COI sequence variation used previously to characterize these invasions. Overall spatial divergence among invasions was high (pairwise FST ~0.001 to 0.15) and spread across many loci, with a mean FST ~0.052 and 52% of loci examined characterized by FST values >0.05. The majority of the most divergent loci (i.e., outliers, ~1.2%) displayed latitudinal clines in allele frequency highlighting extensive genomic divergence among the invasions. Discriminant analysis of principal components (both neutral and outlier loci) clearly resolved the two invasions spatially and was highly correlated with mitochondrial divergence. Our results reveal extensive cryptic intraspecific genomic diversity associated with differing patterns of colonization success and demonstrates clear utility for genomic approaches to delineating the distribution and colonization success of aquatic invasive species.  相似文献   

We are writing in response to the population and phylogenomics meeting review by Andrews & Luikart ( 2014 ) entitled ‘Recent novel approaches for population genomics data analysis’. Restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing has become a powerful and useful approach in molecular ecology, with several different published methods now available to molecular ecologists, none of which can be considered the best option in all situations. A&L report that the original RAD protocol of Miller et al. ( 2007 ) and Baird et al. ( 2008 ) is superior to all other RAD variants because putative PCR duplicates can be identified (see Baxter et al. 2011 ), thereby reducing the impact of PCR artefacts on allele frequency estimates (Andrews & Luikart 2014 ). In response, we (i) challenge the assertion that the original RAD protocol minimizes the impact of PCR artefacts relative to that of other RAD protocols, (ii) present additional biases in RADseq that are at least as important as PCR artefacts in selecting a RAD protocol and (iii) highlight the strengths and weaknesses of four different approaches to RADseq which are a representative sample of all RAD variants: the original RAD protocol (mbRAD, Miller et al. 2007 ; Baird et al. 2008 ), double digest RAD (ddRAD, Peterson et al. 2012 ), ezRAD (Toonen et al. 2013 ) and 2bRAD (Wang et al. 2012 ). With an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different RAD protocols, researchers can make a more informed decision when selecting a RAD protocol.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the presence of sea ice is an important factor in facilitating migration and determining the degree of genetic isolation among contemporary arctic fox populations. Because the extent of sea ice is dependent upon global temperatures, periods of significant cooling would have had a major impact on fox population connectivity and genetic variation. We tested this hypothesis by extracting and sequencing mitochondrial control region sequences from 17 arctic foxes excavated from two late-ninth-century to twelfth-century AD archaeological sites in northeast Iceland, both of which predate the Little Ice Age (approx. sixteenth to nineteenth century). Despite the fact that five haplotypes have been observed in modern Icelandic foxes, a single haplotype was shared among all of the ancient individuals. Results from simulations within an approximate Bayesian computation framework suggest that the rapid increase in Icelandic arctic fox haplotype diversity can only be explained by sea-ice-mediated fox immigration facilitated by the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

For half a century population genetics studies have put type II restriction endonucleases to work. Now, coupled with massively‐parallel, short‐read sequencing, the family of RAD protocols that wields these enzymes has generated vast genetic knowledge from the natural world. Here, we describe the first software natively capable of using paired‐end sequencing to derive short contigs from de novo RAD data. Stacks version 2 employs a de Bruijn graph assembler to build and connect contigs from forward and reverse reads for each de novo RAD locus, which it then uses as a reference for read alignments. The new architecture allows all the individuals in a metapopulation to be considered at the same time as each RAD locus is processed. This enables a Bayesian genotype caller to provide precise SNPs, and a robust algorithm to phase those SNPs into long haplotypes, generating RAD loci that are 400–800 bp in length. To prove its recall and precision, we tested the software with simulated data and compared reference‐aligned and de novo analyses of three empirical data sets. Our study shows that the latest version of Stacks is highly accurate and outperforms other software in assembling and genotyping paired‐end de novo data sets.  相似文献   

The RADseq technology allows researchers to efficiently develop thousands of polymorphic loci across multiple individuals with little or no prior information on the genome. However, many questions remain about the biases inherent to this technology. Notably, sequence misalignments arising from paralogy may affect the development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and the estimation of genetic diversity. We evaluated the impact of putative paralog loci on genetic diversity estimation during the development of SNPs from a RADseq dataset for the nonmodel tree species Robinia pseudoacacia L. We sequenced nine genotypes and analyzed the frequency of putative paralogous RAD loci as a function of both the depth of coverage and the mismatch threshold allowed between loci. Putative paralogy was detected in a very variable number of loci, from 1% to more than 20%, with the depth of coverage having a major influence on the result. Putative paralogy artificially increased the observed degree of polymorphism and resulting estimates of diversity. The choice of the depth of coverage also affected diversity estimation and SNP validation: A low threshold decreased the chances of detecting minor alleles while a high threshold increased allelic dropout. SNP validation was better for the low threshold (4×) than for the high threshold (18×) we tested. Using the strategy developed here, we were able to validate more than 80% of the SNPs tested by means of individual genotyping, resulting in a readily usable set of 330 SNPs, suitable for use in population genetics applications.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs), which can be lethal in marine species and cause illness in humans, are increasing worldwide. In the Gulf of Mexico, HABs of Karenia brevis produce neurotoxic brevetoxins that cause large‐scale marine mortality events. The long history of such blooms, combined with the potentially severe effects of exposure, may have produced a strong selective pressure for evolved resistance. Advances in next‐generation sequencing, in particular genotyping‐by‐sequencing, greatly enable the genomic study of such adaptation in natural populations. We used restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing to investigate brevetoxicosis resistance in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). To improve our understanding of the epidemiology and aetiology of brevetoxicosis and the potential for evolved resistance in an upper trophic level predator, we sequenced pools of genomic DNA from dolphins sampled from both coastal and estuarine populations in Florida and during multiple HAB‐associated mortality events. We sequenced 129 594 RAD loci and analysed 7431 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The allele frequencies of many of these polymorphic loci differed significantly between live and dead dolphins. Some loci associated with survival showed patterns suggesting a common genetic‐based mechanism of resistance to brevetoxins in bottlenose dolphins along the Gulf coast of Florida, but others suggested regionally specific mechanisms of resistance or reflected differences among HABs. We identified candidate genes that may be the evolutionary target for brevetoxin resistance by searching the dolphin genome for genes adjacent to survival‐associated SNPs.  相似文献   

How does range expansion affect genetic diversity in species with different ecologies, and do different types of genetic markers lead to different conclusions? We addressed these questions by assessing the genetic consequences of postglacial range expansion using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing in two congeneric and codistributed rodents with different ecological characteristics: the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti), a sand specialist, and the Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami), a substrate generalist. For each species, we compared genetic variation between populations that retained stable distributions throughout glacial periods and those inferred to have expanded since the last glacial maximum. Our results suggest that expanded populations of both species experienced a loss of private mtDNA haplotypes and differentiation among populations, as well as a loss of nuclear single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) private alleles and polymorphic loci. However, only D. deserti experienced a loss of nucleotide diversity (both mtDNA and nuclear) and nuclear heterozygosity. For all indices of diversity and differentiation that showed reduced values in the expanded areas, D. deserti populations experienced a greater degree of loss than did D. merriami populations. Additionally, patterns of loss in genetic diversity in expanded populations were substantially less extreme (by two orders of magnitude in some cases) for nuclear SNPs in both species compared to that observed for mitochondrial data. Our results demonstrate that ecological characteristics may play a role in determining genetic variation associated with range expansions, yet mtDNA diversity loss is not necessarily accompanied by a matched magnitude of loss in nuclear diversity.  相似文献   

The large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea, is a commercially important drum fish (Family: Sciaenidae) native to the East and South China Sea. Habitat deterioration and overfishing have led to significant population decline and the collapse of its fishery over the past decades. Today, the market supply of L. crocea depends solely on stocks produced in hatcheries and farms. Common issues that occur in the culture of L. crocea include germplasm degradation, precocious puberty, elevated disease susceptibility and growth retardation. In this study, we employed SLAF‐seq (specific‐locus amplified fragment sequencing) technology to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci across the L. crocea genome. Sixty samples were selected for SLAF analysis out of 1000 progeny in the same cohort of a cultured stock. Our analysis obtained a total of 151 253 SLAFs, of which 65.88% (99 652) were identified to be polymorphic, scoring a total of 710 567 putative SNPs. Further filtration resulted in a final panel of 1782 SNP loci. The data derived from this work could be beneficial for understanding the genetics of complex phenotypic traits as well as for developing marker‐selection‐assisted breeding programs in L. crocea.  相似文献   

The advent of high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) has made genomic‐level analyses feasible for nonmodel organisms. A critical step of many HTS pipelines involves aligning reads to a reference genome to identify variants. Despite recent initiatives, only a fraction of species has publically available reference genomes. Therefore, a common practice is to align reads to the genome of an organism related to the target species; however, this could affect read alignment and bias genotyping. In this study, I conducted an experiment using empirical RADseq datasets generated for two species of salmonids (Actinopterygii; Teleostei; Salmonidae) to address these questions. There are currently reference genomes for six salmonids of varying phylogenetic distance. I aligned the RADseq data to all six genomes and identified variants with several different genotypers, which were then fed into population genetic analyses. Increasing phylogenetic distance between target species and reference genome reduced the proportion of reads that successfully aligned and mapping quality. Reference genome also influenced the number of SNPs that were generated and depth at those SNPs, although the affect varied by genotyper. Inferences of population structure were mixed: increasing reference genome divergence reduced estimates of differentiation but similar patterns of population relationships were found across scenarios. These findings reveal how the choice of reference genome can influence the output of bioinformatic pipelines. It also emphasizes the need to identify best practices and guidelines for the burgeoning field of biodiversity genomics.  相似文献   

基于限制位点相关的DNA(restriction site associated DNA, RAD)标记的测序方法是一种新型的测序技术.其优点是不仅节省传统测序的试验成本,而且能快速准确的定位出数以千计的基因标记,从而更加适合分子辅助育种的应用.该方法可应用于寻找DNA多态性,鉴别SNP,构建未知基因组序列生物的遗传图谱,定位目的性状基因等.本文主要综述了RAD标记和RAD测序的研究进展及其在分子育种中的应用.  相似文献   

Improving biomass yield is a major goal of Miscanthus breeding. We conducted a study on one interspecific Miscanthus sinensis × Miscanthus sacchariflorus F1 population and two intraspecific M. sinensis F1 populations, each of which shared a common parent. A field trial was established at Urbana, IL during spring 2011, and phenotypic data were collected in 2012 and 2013 for fourteen yield traits. Six high‐density parental genetic maps, as well as a consensus genetic map integrating M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus, were developed via the pseudotestcross strategy for noninbred parents with ≥1214 single‐nucleotide polymorphism markers generated from restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing. We confirmed for the first time a whole‐genome duplication in M. sacchariflorus relative to Sorghum bicolor, similar to that observed previously for M. sinensis. Four quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis methods for detecting marker‐trait associations were compared: (1) individual parental map composite interval mapping analysis, (2) individual parental map stepwise analysis, (3) consensus map single‐population stepwise analysis and (4) consensus map joint‐population stepwise analysis. These four methods detected 288, 264, 133 and 109 total QTLs, which resolved into 157, 136, 106 and 86 meta‐QTLs based on QTL congruency, respectively, including a set of 59 meta‐QTLs common to all four analysis methods. Composite interval mapping and stepwise analysis co‐identified 118 meta‐QTLs across six parental maps, suggesting high reliability of stepwise regression in QTL detection. Joint‐population stepwise analysis yielded the highest resolution of QTLs compared to the other three methods across all meta‐QTLs. Strong, frequently advantageous transgressive segregation in the three populations indicated a promising future for breeding new higher‐yielding cultivars of Miscanthus.  相似文献   

Rapidly developing sequencing technologies and declining costs have made it possible to collect genome‐scale data from population‐level samples in nonmodel systems. Inferential tools for historical demography given these data sets are, at present, underdeveloped. In particular, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) has yet to be widely embraced by researchers generating these data. Here, we demonstrate the promise of ABC for analysis of the large data sets that are now attainable from nonmodel taxa through current genomic sequencing technologies. We develop and test an ABC framework for model selection and parameter estimation, given histories of three‐population divergence with admixture. We then explore different sampling regimes to illustrate how sampling more loci, longer loci or more individuals affects the quality of model selection and parameter estimation in this ABC framework. Our results show that inferences improved substantially with increases in the number and/or length of sequenced loci, while less benefit was gained by sampling large numbers of individuals. Optimal sampling strategies given our inferential models included at least 2000 loci, each approximately 2 kb in length, sampled from five diploid individuals per population, although specific strategies are model and question dependent. We tested our ABC approach through simulation‐based cross‐validations and illustrate its application using previously analysed data from the oak gall wasp, Biorhiza pallida.  相似文献   

Population genetics has been increasingly applied to study large sharks over the last decade. Whilst large shark species are often difficult to study with direct methods, improved knowledge is needed for both population management and conservation, especially for species vulnerable to anthropogenic and climatic impacts. The tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, is an apex predator known to play important direct and indirect roles in tropical and subtropical marine ecosystems. While the global and Indo‐West Pacific population genetic structure of this species has recently been investigated, questions remain over population structure and demographic history within the western Indian (WIO) and within the western Pacific Oceans (WPO). To address the knowledge gap in tiger shark regional population structures, the genetic diversity of 286 individuals sampled in seven localities was investigated using 27 microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes (CR, COI, and cytb). A weak genetic differentiation was observed between the WIO and the WPO, suggesting high genetic connectivity. This result agrees with previous studies and highlights the importance of the pelagic behavior of this species to ensure gene flow. Using approximate Bayesian computation to couple information from both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, evidence of a recent bottleneck in the Holocene (2,000–3,000 years ago) was found, which is the most probable cause for the low genetic diversity observed. A contemporary effective population size as low as 111 [43,369] was estimated during the bottleneck. Together, these results indicate low genetic diversity that may reflect a vulnerable population sensitive to regional pressures. Conservation measures are thus needed to protect a species that is classified as Near Threatened.  相似文献   

Information on genetic relationships among individuals is essential to many studies of the behaviour and ecology of wild organisms. Parentage and relatedness assays based on large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci hold substantial advantages over the microsatellite markers traditionally used for these purposes. We present a double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD‐seq) analysis pipeline that, as such, simultaneously achieves the SNP discovery and genotyping steps and which is optimized to return a statistically powerful set of SNP markers (typically 150–600 after stringent filtering) from large numbers of individuals (up to 240 per run). We explore the trade‐offs inherent in this approach through a set of experiments in a species with a complex social system, the variegated fairy‐wren (Malurus lamberti) and further validate it in a phylogenetically broad set of other bird species. Through direct comparisons with a parallel data set from a robust panel of highly variable microsatellite markers, we show that this ddRAD‐seq approach results in substantially improved power to discriminate among potential relatives and considerably more precise estimates of relatedness coefficients. The pipeline is designed to be universally applicable to all bird species (and with minor modifications to many other taxa), to be cost‐ and time‐efficient, and to be replicable across independent runs such that genotype data from different study periods can be combined and analysed as field samples are accumulated.  相似文献   

Life history evolution spurred by post‐Pleistocene climatic change is hypothesized to be responsible for the present diversity in periodical cicadas (Magicicada), but the mechanism of life cycle change has been controversial. To understand the divergence process of 13‐year and 17‐year cicada life cycles, we studied genetic relationships between two synchronously emerging, parapatric 13‐year periodical cicada species in the Decim group, Magicicada tredecim and M. neotredecim. The latter was hypothesized to be of hybrid origin or to have switched from a 17‐year cycle via developmental plasticity. Phylogenetic analysis using restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequences for all Decim species and broods revealed that the 13‐year M. tredecim lineage is genomically distinct from 17‐year Magicicada septendecim but that 13‐year M. neotredecim is not. We detected no significant introgression between M. tredecim and M. neotredecim/M. septendecim thus refuting the hypothesis that M. neotredecim are products of hybridization between M. tredecim and M. septendecim. Further, we found that introgressive hybridization is very rare or absent in the contact zone between the two 13‐year species evidenced by segregation patterns in single nucleotide polymorphisms, mitochondrial lineage identity and head width and abdominal sternite colour phenotypes. Our study demonstrates that the two 13‐year Decim species are of independent origin and nearly completely reproductively isolated. Combining our data with increasing observations of occasional life cycle change in part of a cohort (e.g. 4‐year acceleration of emergence in 17‐year species), we suggest a pivotal role for developmental plasticity in Magicicada life cycle evolution.  相似文献   

There has been remarkably little attention to using the high resolution provided by genotyping‐by‐sequencing (i.e., RADseq and similar methods) for assessing relatedness in wildlife populations. A major hurdle is the genotyping error, especially allelic dropout, often found in this type of data that could lead to downward‐biased, yet precise, estimates of relatedness. Here, we assess the applicability of genotyping‐by‐sequencing for relatedness inferences given its relatively high genotyping error rate. Individuals of known relatedness were simulated under genotyping error, allelic dropout and missing data scenarios based on an empirical ddRAD data set, and their true relatedness was compared to that estimated by seven relatedness estimators. We found that an estimator chosen through such analyses can circumvent the influence of genotyping error, with the estimator of Ritland (Genetics Research, 67, 175) shown to be unaffected by allelic dropout and to be the most accurate when there is genotyping error. We also found that the choice of estimator should not rely solely on the strength of correlation between estimated and true relatedness as a strong correlation does not necessarily mean estimates are close to true relatedness. We also demonstrated how even a large SNP data set with genotyping error (allelic dropout or otherwise) or missing data still performs better than a perfectly genotyped microsatellite data set of tens of markers. The simulation‐based approach used here can be easily implemented by others on their own genotyping‐by‐sequencing data sets to confirm the most appropriate and powerful estimator for their data.  相似文献   

Population genetic data from multiple taxa can address comparative phylogeographic questions about community‐scale response to environmental shifts, and a useful strategy to this end is to employ hierarchical co‐demographic models that directly test multi‐taxa hypotheses within a single, unified analysis. This approach has been applied to classical phylogeographic data sets such as mitochondrial barcodes as well as reduced‐genome polymorphism data sets that can yield 10,000s of SNPs, produced by emergent technologies such as RAD‐seq and GBS. A strategy for the latter had been accomplished by adapting the site frequency spectrum to a novel summarization of population genomic data across multiple taxa called the aggregate site frequency spectrum (aSFS), which potentially can be deployed under various inferential frameworks including approximate Bayesian computation, random forest and composite likelihood optimization. Here, we introduce the r package multi‐dice , a wrapper program that exploits existing simulation software for flexible execution of hierarchical model‐based inference using the aSFS, which is derived from reduced genome data, as well as mitochondrial data. We validate several novel software features such as applying alternative inferential frameworks, enforcing a minimal threshold of time surrounding co‐demographic pulses and specifying flexible hyperprior distributions. In sum, multi‐dice provides comparative analysis within the familiar R environment while allowing a high degree of user customization, and will thus serve as a tool for comparative phylogeography and population genomics.  相似文献   

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